Santa Monica, Message. (January 11, 2016) – The co-main event of Bellator MMA’s return to WinStar World Resort & Casino in Thackerville, OK on March 4 will feature undefeated striking sensation Michael Page "mariidka xun" (9-0) qaadashada on “The Menifee Maniac” Fernando Gonzalez (24-13) in tallaabo welterweight.

Qiimaha tikidhada "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” are on sale now and start at just $45. You can purchase tickets at the WinStar World Casino and Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. Albaabada u dhacdo furan 5:00 p.m. CT waqtiga maxalliga ah, with the first contest going down one hour later.

Munaasabadan ayaa waxaa ugu muhiimsan ee "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” features yet another undefeated Bellator MMA competitor, markii Darrion "Wolf ayaa" Caldwell(8-0) Wajiyada “The Baddest Man on the Planet” Joe Warren (13-4). The televised card airs live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. IYO/8 p.m. CT, halka roonaadaan hordhac ah qulquli doonaan live on Bellator.com iyo The Bellator Mobile App. Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.


Mixed martial arts fans and pundits alike would be hard-pressed to find a striker as dynamic as Page. Look no further than his last outing against Charlie Ontiveros, or his 65-second knockout of Rudy Bears. Now “Venom” looks to strike against Gonzalez, who is no stranger to being the underdog when he enters the Bellator MMA fray. A proud son of London, England, the 28-year-old Page has only reached the judges’ scorecards once in his nine professional outings and hopes that his first fight since "Bellator 144: Halsey vs. Carvalho” is no different.


Gonzalez took a brief hiatus from MMA to compete in the kickboxing portion of the groundbreaking "Bellator MMA: Miinada 1 " event in September, losing a tightly contest decision to world-renown kickboxer Paul "Semtex" Daley. Gonzalez now returns to his comfort zone of MMA, where he has strung together an impressive four-fight winning streak. A veteran of the Scott Coker-founded Strikeforce promotion, as well as World Extreme Cagefighting, Gonzalez has been competing professionally since 2003.


What type of shakeup will this pivotal matchup have to the warzone that is the 170-pound division, tune into the third Bellator MMA event in three consecutive weeks on Spike to find out!


Updated "Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: Joe Warren (13-4) vs. Darrion Caldwell (8-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Michael Page (9-0) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13)

About Bellator MMA:

Bellator MMA waa urur hoggaamineed Mixed Martial Arts oo xambaarsan badan oo ka mid ah dagaalyahanada ugu fiican adduunka. Under jihada of halyeeyga dagaalka horumariyaha Scott Coker, Bellator waa la heli karaa si ku dhow 500 million guryaha dunida oo dhan in ka badan 140 dalalka. Maraykanka, Bellator waxaa lagu arki karaa Spike, Hogaamiyaha MMA-ga. Bellator MMA ka kooban yahay koox-fulineed ka mid ah shaqaale warshadaha sare ee wax soo saarka television, dhacdo orchestration live, horumarinta dagaalka / xiriirka, iibsiga goobta, abuuridda taageeradu / horumarinta, liisan caalami ah, marketing, advertising, xiriirka sumcad iyo Komishanka. Bellator ku salaysan yahay in Santa Monica, California iyo iska leh Rafaa madadaalada Viacom, guriga si aad caanka madadaalo ugu horeeyey dunida ee isku xidha leh dhageystayaasha marayo content qasab ah guud ahaan television, sawir soconaya, online iyo mobile.


About Spike:

Spike waxaa laga heli karaa 98.7 milyan oo guryo iyo waa qayb ka mid ah Viacom Media Networks. Unit ka mid ah Viacom (Raxanreeb Online: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks waa mid ka mid ah kuwo abuura ee adduunka ee hormuudka ka ah barnaamijyada iyo content dhamaan warbaahinta. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com iyo dib-u-u-daqiiqo iyo macluumaad jaraa'id arkiifiyo iyo sawiro, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Raac na on Twitter spiketvpr ee ugu dambeeyay ee jabiyay updates news, ka danbeeya-the-Muuqaallo warbixin iyo sawiro.

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