Our Next Amateur Boxing Show is this Friday Evening Dublin vs New York

Gleason’s Gym will
Itxi at 5:30 PM
Ostiral honetan.
We will be hosting an International amateur boxing show.
Lehenengo bout egingo egon 7:30 PM. Come support the gym.
Bat egin gurekin, Friday evening the 7th of September and enjoy the excitement of International amateur boxing at the grass roots level.
The pisatzen Ikuskizun honetan izango at hasiko 5:30PM eta lehen bout egingo hasiko at 7:30PM.
Gure bouts guztiak dira USABoxingMetro zigortuak.
Txartelaren prezioa da $20 Pertsona bakoitzeko. Haurrak 6 eta urtetik beherakoak ez dira kobratuko. Gimnasioa kide guztiak eta erregistratutako amateurrak bere eskua soldata liburuekin $15 Pertsona bakoitzeko.
P.S. Ezin baduzu egin, baina oraindik borrokak ikusi nahi badituzu, egingo dute streaming at
Gleason en Gimnasioa webgunean: www.gleasonsgym.net
If You Want To Box
Our Next Monthly Amateur Boxing Show is Saturday October 15th.
The show is open to any currently licensed amateur boxer. We are looking for Juniors, Seniors and Master boxers.
If you want to compete, text the matchmaker, Jieun at (917) 858-3955 or email her at matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net.
Please include your name, weight, adina, record and telephone number.
Produced by stoPD, a bi coastal non-profit for Parkinson’s disease.
Urria 9, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30 @ Gleason’s Gym, Dumbo, NY
Ateak irekita 7:15 PM
This production is a fundraising event for: The Michael J. Fox Foundation and stoPD.

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