Oscar "CHAPITO" Vasquez izikolo BIG K.O. NGOMGQIBELO

Aug 25, Reno, — Flyweight Oscar "Itende" Vasquez (9-1 2 Kos) efanelwe ukunqoba kwakhe lesishiyagalolunye ngovimba San Diego sika Jose Toribio (6-2) Saturday ebusuku Fallon, NV.


The scheduled eight-round contest was action packed from the opening bell with both fighters having their moments. Vasquez’s stuck to boxing while Toribio pushed the action. As the bout moved to the final rounds, Toribio began to land more punches than he had been able to in previous rounds. In the seventh round, Insimu ngakuphi kokubili fighters, Vasquez lawela a hook ngonya kwesokunxele kuya umzimba, which paralyzed Toribio. He was unable to recover.


This was the first scheduled eight-round contest for both. It was a tough and entertaining fight that got the Northern Nevada crowd on it’s feet. Although Fallon is practically Vasquez’s hometown, abalandeli wazwakalisa ngomdlandla ukwazisa kwabo for the game Toribio kamuva.


With the ukunqoba, Vasquez uyaqhubeka umxhwele win-streak yakhe, futhi kuyaqhubeka kudlondlobala profile yakhe the division flyweight.


NgoMgqibelo fight ikhadi yethulwa ngo Top Rank Inc., Ake Get It On Promotions, futhi The City of Fallon njengengxenye wonyaka "Rural Rumble."


Photo credit: Erik Killin

Photo 1. Vasquez iqala ukuhlasela ukuba Toribio.

Photo 2. Vasquez nethimba asetshenzisiwe (kwesokunxele kuya kwesokudla) Vasquez umeluleki, Jesse Carstairs. Vasquez sika Umthuthukisi Tommy futhi Terry Lane of LGIO.






Reno, Nevada esekelwe “Ake Get It On Promotions "yasungulwa ngo 2000 by Hall Of Fame boxing umahluleli Mills Lane. Ekuqaleni kuka 2005 yena ngaba namadodana Terry futhi Tommy in the imisebenzi inkampani. Sine ke, baye bagqugquzela isibhakela kuxutshwe karate izenzakalo lonke. Baye eziningana namathemba zezwe phezulu, futhi waqondisa fighters emhlabeni amathuba isihloko.

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