Oscar "CHAPITO" Vasquez skor Big K.O. DINA DINTEN SAPTU

Aug 25th, Reno, — Flyweight Oscar "Marquee" Vasquez (9-1 2 KOs) earned meunangna kasalapan-Na ku stopping San Diego sacara Jose Toribio (6-2) Saptu peuting di Fallon, NV.


The scheduled eight-round contest was action packed from the opening bell with both fighters having their moments. Vasquez’s stuck to boxing while Toribio pushed the action. As the bout moved to the final rounds, Toribio began to land more punches than he had been able to in previous rounds. In the seventh round, wewengkon uncharted boh pejuang, Vasquez landed a hook kénca galak ka awak, which paralyzed Toribio. He was unable to recover.


This was the first scheduled eight-round contest for both. It was a tough and entertaining fight that got the Northern Nevada crowd on it’s feet. Although Fallon is practically Vasquez’s hometown, fans antusias ditembongkeun pangajén maranéhanana pikeun kaulinan Toribio afterward.


Jeung meunangna, Vasquez terus impressive win-tilas nya, sarta ogé terus tumuwuh propil di division flyweight.


Saptu sacara kartu fight diwakilan ku Top réngking Inc., Hayu urang Meunangkeun It On promosi, jeung The City of Fallon salaku bagian tina taunan "rural Rumble."


Kiridit Photo: Erik Killin

Photo 1. Vasquez ngajalankeun serangan ka Toribio.

Photo 2. Vasquez jeung tim promosi (kénca ka katuhu) Vasquez panaséhat, Jesse Carstairs. Vasquez sacara Promoter Tommy jeung Terry Lane of LGIO.




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