OSCAR "CHAPITO" Vasquez nilai amba K.O. On Saturday

Aug 25th, RENO, — Flyweight Oscar "salebetipun" Vasquez (9-1 2 KOs) entuk kamenangan sangang dening nolak San Diego Jose Toribio (6-2) Setu wengi ing Fallon, NV.


The scheduled eight-round contest was action packed from the opening bell with both fighters having their moments. Vasquez’s stuck to boxing while Toribio pushed the action. As the bout moved to the final rounds, Toribio began to land more punches than he had been able to in previous rounds. In the seventh round, wilayah uncharted kanggo loro pejuang, Vasquez ndharat ngiwa pancing ganas kanggo awak, which paralyzed Toribio. He was unable to recover.


This was the first scheduled eight-round contest for both. It was a tough and entertaining fight that got the Northern Nevada crowd on it’s feet. Although Fallon is practically Vasquez’s hometown, pembuangan enthusiastically ditulis penghargaan kanggo game Toribio bubar.


Kanthi kamenangan sing, Vasquez terus nyengsemaken menang-tilas kang, lan uga terus kanggo tuwuh profil ing divisi flyweight.


Ana kang kertu perang dipun aturaken dening Top Urutan Inc., Ayo It On Promosi, lan The City of Fallon minangka bagéan saka taunan "Rural Rame."


Kredit Photo: Erik Killin

Photo 1. Vasquez urip serangan kanggo Toribio.

Photo 2. Vasquez karo tim promosi (ngiwa kanggo tengen) Vasquez Advisor, Jesse Carstairs. Vasquez kang Promoter Tommy lan Terry Lane saka LGIO.




ABOUT ayo kang njaluk IT ON JULANG


Reno, Adhedhasar Nevada “Ayo It On Promosi "didegaké ing 2000 dening Hall Of Fame boxing wasit Mills Lane. Ing awal 2005 piyambakipun kaliyan anak Terry lan Tommy ing operasi saka perusahaan. Sine banjur, padha dipun boxing lan pipis acara tukang pencak seni negoro. Padha makarya kanthi sawetara prospek ndhuwur donya, lan wis dipandu pejuang kanggo kesempatan judhul donya.

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