Nicholas Guivas videt Witherspoon occasionem portae modo maiora pugnat

Atlantic City, NJ (August 13, 2015)–Hoc Saturday night at The Playground inAtlantic urbem, Heavyweight CONCERTATOR Chazz Witherspoon respiciemus ut subiectos laedere insequendi a patrocinium opportunitatem uident et sumit Nicholas Guivas in circuitu illius voluntatis Vivamus scelerisque a X-XII card urbicum.

Promotus est per pugnam Silverspoon card Pugilatu Promotions urbem una cum atrio Fame Atlanticum.

Guivas Topeka, Kansas has myriadibus spirituum, animo habet de spebus suo certare palaestra in supremo et victoriam well regarded Witherspoon erit auxilium faciliorem illis major occasiones.

The 36 et vincere venit Guivas annos in patria moliebatur Topeka.

“Omnia recte agerentur sum satis praedurum et disciplina,” dixit Guivas, at qui est Coca-Cola technicos obsequium.

“Saturday officium facere adero. I have worked very hard and now it is time to take care at the task at hand.

Ille quid vellet cognoscat Witherspoon, Dixit Guivas, “Guy qui est fortis diu jab. From what I have seen, movet bene. I will have to get on the inside and stick to the gameplan.

Guivas has won IV-recta quae includit tres rectas primum circum knockouts et ita venientem off a circuitu sistendis super Justin Willms on June 6th 6. Because of the streak, Guivas fiducia repleti,.

“Ego difficultatem passa pugnat. The last fight was tougher than it should have been. I wasn’t ready mentally. I was ready physically so I was able to push hard and do what I had to do.

At qui Guivas started boxing 7 et ludibrio est iracundus circa annos vincere nescit nox sabbati mutare vitam duxit in locis pugnae.

“Hoc ingens certamen mihi. My goal is to handle business and when that happens I will shoot up in the rankings and will be in the mix for big fights.

Per ebrietatem in VI-:

Keenan Smith (7-0, 2 KO scriptor) ex Philadelphia, PA pugnabit Lavelle Hadley (2-0, 2 KO scriptor) of Youngstown, OH.

Young anthony (10-1, 5 KO scriptor) of Atlantic City, NJ accipiam Ionathan Garcia (4-14, 1 KO) in bout a Welterweight.

Wang Zhimin (3-0, 1 KO) Sinarum pugnabit Rashad bogar, (4-5-1, 2 KO scriptor) de novo, A NJ in Jr. IRCA Welterweight.

Zhang Zhilei (4-0, 2 KO scriptor) de Las Vegas, NV huic conferre Dennis Benson (2-6-1, 1 KO) Norfolciae, VA in bout a Pullover.

John Leuenax (13-2, 5 KO scriptor) of Carteret, NJ accipiet Dan Pasciolla (3-1) lateres, NJ in pugna a Pullover.

In IV-circuitu daret:

Scott Kelleher Philadelphiae ponam in debut against Xzavier pro Ford (0-1) Concordiae, NC in a Jr. IRCA Welterweight.

Hieronymus Conquest (2-1) Philadelphiae huic conferre pro David debuting ignavus Pittsburgh, PA Lightweight bout.

Parris Chisholm (2-0, 1 KO) De serpentium natura, DC pugnabit Ronnie Iordanem (1-5-1) of Cincinatti, In pugna Welterweight ohio.

Dustin Fleischer (3-0, 3 KO scriptor) of Monmouth County, NJ videbit actionem Welterweight bout contra David Ratsen (0-1) of North Carolina.

Mohamed kashif (0-1) of New York, NY erit pixidem Samuel Ellsworth (2-0, 2 KO scriptor) of Farmersville, LA in Middleweight bout.

Eric Kitt (5-1, 2 KO scriptor) de Pensacola, FL accipiet Gilbert Alex Sanchez (5-6-1, 2 KO scriptor) Camdenianae, Bout a NJ in Middleweight.

Novum situm est templum, complexus es hospitii status Pier ubi solebat esse in tabernis. Facilitas 500,000 quadratum feet.The Playground sita One Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Nullam vagarentur tanti caestu nocte $75, $100 atque $150 et potest empti

At ianuae 6:30 PM cum 1st bell at 8 PM

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