NEF XX Cartón Loita para caracterizar ATAQUE DAS MULLERES emocionantes

Lewiston, Maine (Setembro 15, 2015) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF), Número un promoción loita rexional de América, realizará o seu próximo evento, “NEF XX: Unha Historia de Violencia” en Sábado, Novembro 21, 2015 no Colisée Androscoggin Bank en Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – mixed-de artes marciais (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. As announced this past Sábado noite “NEF XIX,” the MMA portion of the card is scheduled to feature an amateur strawweight women’s bout between Randi Beth Boyington (1-1) e Erin “Fun Size” Lamonte (3-0).


Boyington é a esposa de reinar NEF MMA Profesional leve campión Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-8) que tamén estará en acción no Novembro 21 tarxeta. Randi made her cage debut this past spring defeating Alex Walker (0-1) por decisión unánime en “XVII NEF.” The crowd in the Colisée was on fire as the bout went back and forth through three hard-fought rounds. Randi trains under her husband at Boyington’s Taekwondo Academy, así como no MMA de novo en Bangor, Maine.


“Estou animado para ser volvendo para a gaiola en novembro – é algo que eu estou ansioso para,” Beth dixo Randi Boyington cando contactado para comentar. “Estou esperando Erin ser un adversario difícil, and I’m training as such. I never underestimate someone’s ability. I know what I’m bringing to the cage as well and NEF fans will be impressed in November. Fighting on the same night as my husband is a bonus. We’re both hungry to have our hands raised at the end of our fights. I don’t think many others could understand or appreciate the emotions that a couple share until they go through a training camp to fight on the same card.


Erin Lamonte is not a stranger to the NEF cage. She appeared for the promotion in early 2013, derrota Angela Theriault (0-1) vía primeiro nocaute técnico rolda (QUEN). Lamonte was victorious twice more that year before taking time off from competing to have a baby with her husband Casey. Returning to the cage onNovembro 21, it will have been nearly two years since the undefeated Lamonte won her last bout on a fight card in West Virginia. She has been eager to return to action for some time.


“Estou moi animado para finalmente estar de volta na gaiola en 21 de novembro, loitando Randi Beth Boyington,” stated Lamonte. “Tras un longo tempo fóra debido ao nacemento do noso fillo, I am itching to get back to training and competing. Time to prove that the new and improved mama Fun Size can still kick ass. After all, a leoa nai é un dos máis feroz e temido no reino animal.”


Loitas de Nova Inglaterra’ seguinte evento, “NEF XX: Unha Historia de Violencia,” ocorre en Novembro 21, 2015 no Colisée Androscoggin Bank en Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Os ingresos para “NEF XX” comezan en só $25 e xa están á venda ou chamando ao taquilla en Colisée 207.783.2009 X 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at Alén, you can watch NEF videos at, seguilos no Twitternefights e xuntarse ao grupo en Facebook oficial "New England Loitas".

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