NEF ku hayaa qotoda dheer BELLATOR FULINTA agaasimaha NATIONAL Horumarinta Ganacsiga

Lewiston, Maine (March 30, 2015) - Dagaaladu New England (NEF), America ayaa tiro-mid dhiirrigelinta dagaalka gobolka, maanta ku dhawaaqay shaqaalaynta ee fulinta hore Bellator Sam Caplan as the company’s new Director of National Business Development. Caplan has signed a contract to work exclusively with the promotion in the New England states through his consulting company Combat Sports Media (CSM). The new position within the organization was created specifically for Caplan.


“Ku darista fulinta sadexaad oo isku jira Tani waxay muhiim u ahayd,” ayaa sheegay in NEF horumariyaha Nick DiSalvo oo wada leh horumarinta dagaalka kula laqabin Matt Peterson. “As we’ve grown and the TV deals have been offered and we get more and more calls from big name fighters looking to fight for us, it’s become a lot for the two of us to handle along with the regular day-to-day operation of this business. Sam has been at the national level for a long time. He’s probably one of the top-five most experienced people in this country working at the highest stage of MMA event promotion. He is a major asset to our company. We are extremely fortunate to have him with us.


Caplan ahaa Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka ee Talent Relations u Bellator ka 2009 ilaa 2014. Prior to that time, uu u sameeyey M-1 dhiirrigelinta Fedor Amelianenko ee Global, Championships Dagaal Titan, and also worked in television for CBS and Showtime developing the first broadcasts of EliteXC and Strikeforce. In 2013, waxa uu ahaa mid ka mid ah “Top 20 Inta badan Dadka saameynta leh ee MMA” by USA Today iyo mid ka mid ah “Power 20 ee MMA” by La dagaallama Magazine. He currently hosts Gudaha MMA The Podcast oo ay weheliyaan Jason Floyd.


“La dagaalanka Sports Media waa ku faraxsanahay ku daray New England oo gaaf wareegaya yiriin uu macmiilku ay,” ayaa sheegay in Caplan. “Waxaan arkay ku hawlgallada NEF dhinaca gudaha uga baxay oo waxaan ahay si fiican wacdaro. Creating a regional fight promotion that can sustain itself is no small fete in today’s MMA landscape. In a short time, Matt iyo Nick sameeyeen shaqo cajiib ah NEF koraya si heer ay adagtahay in si joogto ah dhigeysa taageerayaasha 3000-daray in kuraasta dhacdooyinka ay. I also believe that NEF hasn’t even yet scratched the surface with regard to its growth and CSM looks forward to playing a role in the promotion’s evolution.


This will not be the first time Caplan has worked with NEF. Caplan worked on a co-promotion NEF undertook with Bellator in March 2013.


“La shaqaynta Sam had iyo jeer waa raaxo ah,” stated Peterson. “Waxaan aqaanay Sam dhowr sano hadda, since he created There is no one more respected at the national level in MMA. Sam’s presence is going to be a game changer for both the promotion and the athletes that compete for NEF.

MMA dhacdo ee soo socota NEF ee, “NEF XVII,” waxaa cayimay inay qabsoonto onApril 11, 2015 at Colisee Androscoggin Bank ee Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Boy Pretty” Boyington (10-7) daafici doonaa NEF MMA Title ku cadaa ka dhanka ah tiro-mid iskala Jamie Harrison (5-1). Waxaa intaa dheer, Jarod “Daqiiqadii ugu dambeysay” Lawton (4-1) kulmay Dennis Olson (12-7) tartanka welterweight ah. Qiimaha tikidhada “NEF XVII” bilaaban doono oo kaliya $25 oo waa on sale hadda ama adigoo wacaya xafiiska sanduuqa Colisee ee207.783.2009 x 525. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah ee ku saabsan dhacdada iyo dagaalka kaarka updates, fadlan booqo website horumarinta ee Waxaa intaa dheer, waxaad daawan kartaa NEF videos at, oo iyaga raac onnefights Twitter iyo Facebook ku biiro kooxda rasmi ah "New England oo gaaf wareegaya."


About Dagaaladu New England


Dagaaladu New England ("NEF") waa dagaalka shirkadda dalacsiiyo ama dhacdooyinka. Howlgalka NEF ee waa in la abuuro dhacdooyinkii tayada ugu saraysa ee Maine ee dagaalyahanno iyo taageerayaasha si isku mid ah. Kooxda Fulinta NEF ee uu leeyahay waayo-aragnimo ballaaran u leeyahay arrimaha maamulka isboortiga dagaal, wax soo saarka dhacdooyinka, xiriirka warbaahinta, marketing, sharci iyo advertising.


About dagaalanka Sports Media


Leh oo ka shaqeeya hore Bellator MMA V.P. of Talent Relations jeeddaa Matrix hadda Promoter, Sam Caplan, CSM waa uu asagu xal ganacsi-ka-ganacsi ee shirkadaha warshadaha ee ciyaaraha dagaal. Aasaasay sannadkii 2008, CSM bixisaa diyaariyeen ah ee adeegyada ku salaysan heshiis sida horumarinta ganacsiga, wadahadal, iibsiga goobta, heshiisyada TV-, xiriirka dadweynaha, wax soo saarka cilmi television, website design iyo maaraynta, Video Internet Streaming, iyo la talinta matchmaking. Its past and present client list includes M-1 Global, CBS,SHOWTIME, ee Championship Titan Dagaalka, Dagaaladu waxa Matrix, Xirantay in qafis ku, Alliance Adduunka ee Mixed Martial Arts,,, iyo

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