Lewiston, Maine (Maret 30, 2015) - Kämpfe New England (Wiro sableng), Amérika kang nomer siji promosi perang regional, announced dina ing hiring mantan eksekutif Wikimedia Sam Caplan as the company’s new Director of National Business Development. Caplan has signed a contract to work exclusively with the promotion in the New England states through his consulting company Combat Sports Media (CSM). The new position within the organization was created specifically for Caplan.


“Nambahake eksekutif katelu kanggo campuran iki penting,” ngandika promosi wiro sableng Nick Kabath sing co-ndarbeni promosi perang karo matchmaker Matt Peterson. “As we’ve grown and the TV deals have been offered and we get more and more calls from big name fighters looking to fight for us, it’s become a lot for the two of us to handle along with the regular day-to-day operation of this business. Sam has been at the national level for a long time. He’s probably one of the top-five most experienced people in this country working at the highest stage of MMA event promotion. He is a major asset to our company. We are extremely fortunate to have him with us.


Caplan ana Wakil Presiden Relations Talent kanggo UFC saka 2009 nganti 2014. Prior to that time, kang wus makarya kanggo M-1 promosi koleksi Fedor Amelianenko kang, Championships Titan Fighting, and also worked in television for CBS and Showtime developing the first broadcasts of EliteXC and Strikeforce. Ing 2013, kang dinobataké minangka siji saka “Top 20 Paling Wong Kathir MMA” dening USA Dina lan salah siji saka “Power 20 ing MMA” dening Perang Magazine. He currently hosts Ing MMA Insiders Podcast bebarengan karo Jason Floyd.


“Pertempuran Sports Media punika bungah bab nambah New England gelut klien daptar tugas sawijining,” ngandika Caplan. “Aku wis katon operasi wiro sableng saka nang metu lan aku sak tenane kesengsem. Creating a regional fight promotion that can sustain itself is no small fete in today’s MMA landscape. In a short time, Matt lan Nick wis rampung lan sange proyek akeh wiro sableng kanggo titik ngendi iku terus-terusan nempatno pembuangan 3.000-plus ing kursi kanggo acara sawijining. I also believe that NEF hasn’t even yet scratched the surface with regard to its growth and CSM looks forward to playing a role in the promotion’s evolution.


This will not be the first time Caplan has worked with NEF. Caplan worked on a co-promotion NEF undertook with Bellator in March 2013.


“Nggarap Sam tansah penggalihipun dhumateng,” stated Peterson. “Aku wis dikenal Sam kanggo sawetara taun saiki, since he created 5OuncesofPain.com. There is no one more respected at the national level in MMA. Sam’s presence is going to be a game changer for both the promotion and the athletes that compete for NEF.

Acara MMA sabanjuré wiro sableng kang, “Wiro sableng XVII,” wis dijadwal kanggo njupuk Panggonan ingApril 11, 2015 ing Westprovinz Bank Colisee ing Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Cantik Boy” Boyington (10-7) bakal defend Title Lightweight wiro sableng MMA marang nomer siji contender Jamie Harrison (5-1). Saliyane, Jarod “Last Minute” Lawton (4-1) meets Dennis Olson (12-7) ing kontes flyweight. Tiket “Wiro sableng XVII” miwiti ing mung $25 lan ing sale saiki ingwww.TheColisee.com utawa dening nelpon The Colisee box office ing207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap ing acara lan perang nganyari kertu, please visit website promosi ing www.NewEnglandFights.com. Saliyane, sampeyan bisa nonton video wiro sableng ing www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, tindakake ing Twitternefights lan gabung ing grup resmi Facebook "New England gelut."


About Kämpfe New England


Kämpfe New England ("Wiro sableng") iku perang perusahaan acara promosi. Misi wiro sableng iku kanggo nggawe acara kualitas kanggo pejuang Maine lan pembuangan Alike. Tim eksekutif wiro sableng kang wis ekstensif pengalaman manajemen olahraga pertempuran, produksi acara, hubungan media, marketing, Hukum lan iklan.


About Pertempuran Sports Media


Diduweni lan dilakokno dening mantan UFC MMA V.P. Hubungan Talent lan Kämpfe Matrix saiki Promoter, Sam Caplan, CSM iku sawijining bqnglqdesh bisnis-kanggo-bisnis solusi kanggo perusahaan ing industri olahraga pertempuran. Founded in 2008, CSM Nyedhiyani Uploaded saka layanan basis kontrak kayata bisnis pembangunan, rembugan, mundhut barang utowo jasa tutupéng, kontrak televisi, public relations, produksi riset televisi, desain website lan Manajemen, Internet video streaming, lan Consulting Matchmaking. Its past and present client list includes M-1 Global, CBS,BANDILA, Championship Titan Fighting, Kämpfe Matrix, Dikunci ing Cage ing, World Alliance Campuran Martial Arts, ChokeOutPoker.net, NameDrop.com, lan FightMetric.com.

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