NEF contrata longa data bellator executivo como director de desenvolvemento de negocio NACIONAL

Lewiston, Maine (Marzo 30, 2015) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF), Número un promoción loita rexional de América, anunciou a contratación do ex executivo de bellator Sam Caplan as the company’s new Director of National Business Development. Caplan has signed a contract to work exclusively with the promotion in the New England states through his consulting company Combat Sports Media (CSM). The new position within the organization was created specifically for Caplan.


“Engadindo un terceiro executivo a esta mestura era esencial,” dixo NEF promotor Nick DiSalvo que co-propietaria da promoción loita con matchmaker Matt Peterson. “As we’ve grown and the TV deals have been offered and we get more and more calls from big name fighters looking to fight for us, it’s become a lot for the two of us to handle along with the regular day-to-day operation of this business. Sam has been at the national level for a long time. He’s probably one of the top-five most experienced people in this country working at the highest stage of MMA event promotion. He is a major asset to our company. We are extremely fortunate to have him with us.


Caplan foi o vicepresidente de Relacións con talento para bellator de 2009 ata 2014. Prior to that time, el traballara para M-1 Global da promoción Fedor Amelianenko, Campionato Titan de combate, and also worked in television for CBS and Showtime developing the first broadcasts of EliteXC and Strikeforce. En 2013, el foi nomeado un dos “Arriba 20 A maioría das persoas influentes no MMA” por Hoxe EUA e un dos “Poder 20 no MMA” por Loita Revista. He currently hosts O MMA Insiders Podcast xunto con Jason Floyd.


“Combate Sports Media está animado sobre a adición de New England Loitas á súa lista de clientes,” dixo Caplan. “Teño visto operacións da NEF de dentro para fóra, e estou completamente impresionado. Creating a regional fight promotion that can sustain itself is no small fete in today’s MMA landscape. In a short time, Matt e Nick fixeron un traballo incrible crecente NEF a un punto onde consistente pon fans 3.000 máis nos asentos para os seus eventos. I also believe that NEF hasn’t even yet scratched the surface with regard to its growth and CSM looks forward to playing a role in the promotion’s evolution.


This will not be the first time Caplan has worked with NEF. Caplan worked on a co-promotion NEF undertook with Bellator in March 2013.


“Traballar con Sam é sempre un pracer,” stated Peterson. “Coñezo Sam hai varios anos, since he created There is no one more respected at the national level in MMA. Sam’s presence is going to be a game changer for both the promotion and the athletes that compete for NEF.

Seguinte evento de MMA do NEF, “NEF XVII,” está programa para ocorrer enAbril 11, 2015 no Colisee Androscoggin Bank en Lewiston, Maine. Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-7) vai defender o título dos leves NEF MMA contra o número un contendor Jamie Harrison (5-1). Alén, Jarod “Último momento” Lawton (4-1) atenda Dennis Olson (12-7) nun concurso welterweight. Os ingresos para “NEF XVII” comezan en só $25 e xa están á venda ou chamando ao taquilla en Colisee207.783.2009 X 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at Alén, you can watch NEF videos at, seguilos no Twitternefights e xuntarse ao grupo en Facebook oficial "New England Loitas".


Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra


Loitas de Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é unha loita promoción de eventos empresa. A misión da NEF é crear os eventos de alta calidade para loitadores e fans do Maine tanto. O equipo executiva da NEF ten unha ampla experiencia na xestión de deportes de combate, produción de eventos, relacións con a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.


Sobre Combate Sports Media


Pertence e é operador polo ex bellator MMA V.P. de Relacións Talent e Fights matriz actual promoter, Sam Caplan, CSM é unha solución de terceirização business-to-business para empresas do sector de deportes de combate. Fundado en 2008, CSM ofrece unha variedade de servizos con base nun contrato, tales como desenvolvemento de empresas, negociacións, Procurement local, contratos de televisión, relacións públicas, produción de investigación televisión, deseño do sitio web e xestión, Internet streaming de video, e consultoría de matchmaking. Its past and present client list includes M-1 Global, CBS,ALTURA DE COMEZAR, Campionato Titan Combate, Fights Matrix, Pechado na gaiola, a Alianza Mundial de Mixed Martial Arts,,, e

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