NEF kontratatuko longtime Warrior EXECUTIVE BUSINESS Garapen Nazionaleko zuzendari gisa

Lewiston, Maine (March 30, 2015) - New England Borrokak (NEF), Amerikako zenbaki-ko erregional borrokan sustapena, gaur antzinako Warrior exekutiboa kontratazioa iragarri Sam Caplan as the company’s new Director of National Business Development. Caplan has signed a contract to work exclusively with the promotion in the New England states through his consulting company Combat Sports Media (CSM). The new position within the organization was created specifically for Caplan.


“Hirugarren exekutibo bat gehitzea nahasketa hau ezinbestekoa izan zen,” esan NEF sustatzailea Nick DiSalvo matchmaker borroka sustatzeko nor co-jabea Matt Peterson. “As we’ve grown and the TV deals have been offered and we get more and more calls from big name fighters looking to fight for us, it’s become a lot for the two of us to handle along with the regular day-to-day operation of this business. Sam has been at the national level for a long time. He’s probably one of the top-five most experienced people in this country working at the highest stage of MMA event promotion. He is a major asset to our company. We are extremely fortunate to have him with us.


Caplan presidenteordea Talent Harremanen Warrior for zen 2009 arte 2014. Prior to that time, Fedor Amelianenko ren M-1 sustapenerako Global zuen lan egin, Titan Fighting Championships, and also worked in television for CBS and Showtime developing the first broadcasts of EliteXC and Strikeforce. In 2013, bat izendatu zuen “Top 20 MMA Eragin Pertsonak gehienek” arabera USA Today eta bat “Power 20 MMA” arabera Fight aldizkaria. He currently hosts The MMA Insiders Podcast Jason Floyd batera.


“Combat Kirol Media New England bere bezero zerrendari Borrokak gehituz hunkituta,” esan Caplan. “NEF operazioetan ikusi dut barrutik kanpora eta am ondo harrituta. Creating a regional fight promotion that can sustain itself is no small fete in today’s MMA landscape. In a short time, Matt eta Nick lan amazing bat NEF gero puntu bat non koherentziaz 3.000-plus zale dioen eserleku bere ekitaldietarako egin. I also believe that NEF hasn’t even yet scratched the surface with regard to its growth and CSM looks forward to playing a role in the promotion’s evolution.


This will not be the first time Caplan has worked with NEF. Caplan worked on a co-promotion NEF undertook with Bellator in March 2013.


“Sam lan egitea beti da plazer bat,” stated Peterson. “Ezagutzen dut Sam hainbat urtez orain, since he created There is no one more respected at the national level in MMA. Sam’s presence is going to be a game changer for both the promotion and the athletes that compete for NEF.

NEF hurrengo MMA gertaera, “NEF XVII,” programatuta ospatukoApril 11, 2015 Androscoggin Bank Colisee Lewiston at, Maine. Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-7) NEF MMA zenbaki bat contender aurka arin Izenburua defendituko Jamie Harrison (5-1). Horrez gain, Jarod “Azken orduko” Lawton (4-1) cumple Dennis Olson (12-7) welterweight lehiaketa batean. Sarrerak “NEF XVII” besterik etan hasiko $25 eta salgai daude edo deituz The Colisee kutxa bulegoa arabera207.783.2009 x 525. Txartel ekitaldi eta borroka eguneratzerik buruzko informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu sustatzeko web gunean Horrez gain, NEF bideoak ikusi ahal izango duzu, horiek jarraitu Twitternefights on eta Facebook talde ofiziala batzeko "New England Borrokak."


Buruz New England Borrokak


New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.


About Combat Kirol Media


Eta jabetzapeko Warrior ohia MMA V.P arabera. Talent Harremanak eta egungo Matrix Borrokak sustatzailea, Sam Caplan, CSM azpikontratatzeko enpresa-to-enpresei irtenbide bat borroka kirol industria. Urtean sortu 2008, CSM esaterako enpresen garapena, zerbitzu array kontratuaren oinarri ematen du, negoziazioak, Euskalduna Jauregian kontratazio, telebista kontratuak, harreman publikoak, telebista ikerketa-ekoizpena, web diseinua eta kudeaketa, Internet bideo streaming, eta matchmaking aholkularitza. Its past and present client list includes M-1 Global, CBS,SHOWTIME, Titan Fighting Txapelketan, Matrix Borrokak, Cage blokeatuta, Munduko Aliantza Mixed Martial Arts,,, eta

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