Natu Visinia pikeun nyokot on Angga Dawejko dina Jumaah, Agustus 28 dina ShoBox

Nutley, NJ (Agustus 27, 2015) Heavyweight Sesepuh Visine bakal néangan meunangna padeukeut 2nd nya sabot dicokot Angga Dawejko dina 8-buleud bout nu bakal jadi bagian ti hiji ShoBox: The New Genration kartu enjing wengi di D Hotel jeung Kasino di Las Vegas. (11WIB et/PT dina Showtime)
Visinia ieu co-diwanohkeun ku GH3 promosi jeung Final Forum promosi.
Visinia datang off a buleud stoppage 4 leuwih Yosua Clark dina Mei 13 di Hollywood, California.
Jeung win nu, nu 30 taun heubeul ti Clinton, Illionis diangkat mark pikeun 11-1 jeung 9 knockouts.
Paling fans diwanohkeun ka Visinia sabot perang urut jawara dunya dua-time Steve “USS” Cunningham dina Oktober 18, 2014. That fight was Visnia’s only career blemish as he was stopped in seven rounds in a fight that in hindsight he should not have competed in.
“Aya loba jalan kira-kira tarung. It is well known that my trainer, Charles Bereal ujug-ujug diliwatan jauh ti serangan jantung kakara dalapan poé saméméh tarung,” Said Visnia.
Waktu ditanya lamun manéhna ka ngalakonan sagala leuwih deui, Visinia mungkin geus teu Isro ngaliwatan jeung tarung.
“Alim dina tinju yén éta téh pangalusna pikeun mindahkeun satengahing jalan. I am now fighting my 2nd top-25 guy. At the point of the Cunningham fight, Kuring teu boga usaha di tarung.” Nu keur ceuk, Atuh naon diajar pisan di fight nu. I saw that I missed a lot of shots and my hands were low. I also knew, Kuring kungsi neukteuk off ring leuwih alus. But I have had a lot of top notch sparring and I know I have corrected all that. I went int camps in Big Bear, California jeung Charles Martin jeung Andrey Fedosov.”
Ayeuna manéhna kasampak ka showdown jeung Dawejko, nu fight sejen anu teu hiji kaayaan ideal salaku manéhna geus jadi babaturan alus jeung lawan-Na.
“Kuring geus jadi babaturan alus jeung Angga. We met a couple years ago as we were both in a Wladimir Klitschko camp. We continue to communicate on social media but going into the fight it is normal business.
Ngalawan Dawejko, Visinia will have a size advantage and this is something he believes could be the difference in his favor.
I will definitely have a reach advantage and I plan to utilize it. My power and he is a tough little scrapper, sakuduna nyieun keur fun fight lalajo.”
“Kami bungah pikeun meunangkeun kasempetan nu sejen dina televisi nasional. People have been wondering what I have been up to as it is tough finding fights. I have been training for the last six months. There have been several big names that are ahead of me in the rankings that have turned down fights, jadi Kami bagja pikeun kasempetan ieu.”
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