MMA SEHLOOHO ketsahalo ile a phatlalatsa BAKENG SA NEF XX KARETE EA

Lewiston, Maine (September 14, 2015) - New England ho loana ka (NEF), Amerika oa nomoro ya-e mong o lebatowa ntoa ntshetsopele, tla ahlola hlahlamang ketsahalo, “NEF XX: A HISTORY pefo” ka Moqebelo, November 21, 2015 a le Androscoggin Bank Colisée a Lewiston, Maine. The Ketsahalo eo e tla Feature le pele bakeng sa Maine – e tsoakiloeng-sesole-bonono (MMA) linako le papali ea litebele linako ka ka ketsahalo e tsoanang nang le MMA gorole le Krrish emisa lehlakoreng-ka-lehlakoreng. As announced this past Moqebelo bosiu bo bong ha “NEF XIX,” the MMA portion of the card will be headlined by NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-8) ho sireletsa hae tlotla khahlanong le Jimmy “Jimbo selae” Davidson (7-1).


Ka lekhetlo la bobeli selemong sena, Boyington tla le loanela haufi le mosali oa hae, Randi Beth Boyington (1-1), on an NEF card. Boyington has held the lightweight championship since September 2014 ha a ba hlōla Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (6-4) for the then-vacant strap. A proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps (USMC), Boyington has electrified NEF audiences for nearly four years now with his brand of Taekwondo. He splits time training between Young’s MMA and his own gym, Boyington ea Taekwondo Academy, ka bobeli teng Bangor, Maine. Always fueled by a competitive spirit, Boyington went to NEF executives immediately after his last victory and asked them to find him the toughest opponent possible. The promotion delivered with one of New England’s top lightweights in the form of Davidson.


“Ke thaba haholo ha ho khutlela a gorole moo ke ka le thabileng ka ho fetisisa le monyetla oa ho kopanela phihlelo ena e a boela a le mosali oa ka ke ntho e ke tla ananela ka ho sa feleng,” re Boyington. “Ke beha ea tsoa bakeng sa toughest thata teng kaha ke batla ho na le ho ba ha ho pelaelo hore seo ke khona ho ka mor'a hore November bo21 is over. I’m sure there will still be some doubters, but I know there will be many more believers. Jimmy comes from one of the best camps and coaches around, e le Kea tseba hore o e tla ba lapile 'me ea hae molemo ka ho fetisisa – just the way I want him. I have the utmost respect to all those guys, empa ho ka lebanta 'me ho lapeng' me ho nako ea ka le ke a sa rera ka lumella hore hlola phonyohe hōle le 'na.”


Davidson etsang, ka 'nete, come from one of the most well-respected teams not only in the region but in the entire country. He is a product of Mark Dellagrotte’s Team Sityodtong. Davidson holds victories over some of New England’s most outstanding MMA competitors like Aniss Alhajjajy (7-4). All seven of Davidson’s professional victories have been finishes. His only loss to date was against a very tough Leon Davis (7-3).


“Ho e le tlotla ho loantša ka Maine oa pele oa leha e le neng Boxing / MMA bontša,” o ile a re Davidson. “Ho na le 'nile ba bang ba mahlo-mafubelu ho tlisa lintoa ka Colisee' me sena se tlotla ntoa e khahlanong le Bruce ke ke ha e e fapaneng.”


New England ho loana ka’ latelang ketsahalo, “NEF XX: A HISTORY pefo,” etsahala ka November 21, 2015 a le Androscoggin Bank Colisée a Lewiston, Maine. Ketsahalo ena e tla tšoaea ka lekhetlo la pele Maine histori le e tsoakiloeng-sesole-bonono (MMA) ketsahalo le papali ea litebele ketsahalo etsahetseng hammoho ka e tšoanang bontša. Ditekete tsa “NEF XX” qala ka feela $25 'me li ka Sale hona joale kapa ka bitsa ea Colisée lebokose le reng ofisi ea 207.783.2009 X 525. Bakeng sa boitsebiso bo eketsehileng ka ketsahalo le ho loana karete ya diapdeite, ka kōpo etela ntshetsopele oa setsheng sa inthanete sa Holim'a moo, o ka shebella NEF livideo ka, latela ba ba ka Twitternefights le ho ba setho ya semmuso ya Facebook sehlopha "New England loana."


Ka New England ho loana ka


New England ho loana ka ("NEF") ke ho loana moodle moodle moodle ho phahamiswa khampani. NEF thomo ea ke ho bopa phahameng ka ho fetisisa boleng moodle moodle moodle bakeng sa Maine oa bahlabani le Fans ka tsela e tsoanang. NEF oa phethahatso sehlopha o na le a pharaletseng a le phihlelo ea ho loantsa tsa tsamaiso ya dipapadi, moodle moodle moodle tlhahiso, metswedi ya dikgang, tsa mebaraka, molao le papatso.

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