MMA evento principal anunciado para NEF XX CARD

Lewiston, Maine (Setembro 14, 2015) - Fights Nova Inglaterra (NEF), Número un promoción loita rexional de América, realizará o seu próximo evento, “NEF XX: Unha Historia de Violencia” en Sábado, Novembro 21, 2015 no Colisée Androscoggin Bank en Lewiston, Maine. The event will feature a first for Maine – mixed-de artes marciais (MMA) bouts and professional boxing bouts on the same event with an MMA cage and a boxing ring set up side-by-side. As announced this past Sábado noite “NEF XIX,” the MMA portion of the card will be headlined by NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Champion Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (10-8) defender o seu título contra Jimmy “Jimbo Slice” Davidson (7-1).


Por segunda vez este ano, Boyington loitará xunto a súa esposa, Randi Beth Boyington (1-1), on an NEF card. Boyington has held the lightweight championship since September 2014 cando derrotou Jesse “O Viking” Erickson (6-4) for the then-vacant strap. A proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps (USMC), Boyington has electrified NEF audiences for nearly four years now with his brand of Taekwondo. He splits time training between Young’s MMA and his own gym, Taekwondo Academy de Boyington, ambos situados en Bangor, Maine. Always fueled by a competitive spirit, Boyington went to NEF executives immediately after his last victory and asked them to find him the toughest opponent possible. The promotion delivered with one of New England’s top lightweights in the form of Davidson.


“Estou moi feliz de volver na gaiola onde eu estou no meu máis feliz ea oportunidade de compartir esa experiencia unha vez coa miña muller é algo que amaremos para sempre,” Dixo Boyington. “Expuxen para o reto máis difícil dispoñible porque quero que haxa ningunha dúbida que eu son capaz de despois 21 de novembro is over. I’m sure there will still be some doubters, but I know there will be many more believers. Jimmy comes from one of the best camps and coaches around, entón eu sei que vai estar con fame e no seu mellor – just the way I want him. I have the utmost respect to all those guys, pero é o meu cinto e é a miña casa e é o meu tempo e non teño intención de deixar máis lonxe de min.”


Davidson fai, de feito, come from one of the most well-respected teams not only in the region but in the entire country. He is a product of Mark Dellagrotte’s Team Sityodtong. Davidson holds victories over some of New England’s most outstanding MMA competitors like Aniss Alhajjajy (7-4). All seven of Davidson’s professional victories have been finishes. His only loss to date was against a very tough Leon Davis (7-3).


“É unha honra loitar no primeiro Boxeo / MMA concerto de Maine,” dixo Davidson. “Houbo algunhas loitas épicas no Colisee e esta loita polo título contra Bruce non será diferente.”


Loitas de Nova Inglaterra’ seguinte evento, “NEF XX: Unha Historia de Violencia,” ocorre en Novembro 21, 2015 no Colisée Androscoggin Bank en Lewiston, Maine. The event will mark the first time in Maine history a mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event and a professional boxing event have taken place together on the same show. Os ingresos para “NEF XX” comezan en só $25 e xa están á venda ou chamando ao taquilla en Colisée 207.783.2009 X 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at Alén, you can watch NEF videos at, seguilos no Twitternefights e xuntarse ao grupo en Facebook oficial "New England Loitas".


Sobre Fights Nova Inglaterra


Loitas de Nova Inglaterra ("NEF") é unha loita promoción de eventos empresa. A misión da NEF é crear os eventos de alta calidade para loitadores e fans do Maine tanto. O equipo executiva da NEF ten unha ampla experiencia na xestión de deportes de combate, produción de eventos, relacións con a mídia, marketing, legal e publicidade.

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