Lewiston, Maine (Apríl 28, 2015) - New England Berst (NEF), Ameríku tala-einn svæðisbundin berjast kynningu, mun halda sína átjándu blönduð Martial-list (MMA) atburður, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” á Laugardagur, Júní 13, 2015 á Androscoggin Bank Colisee í Lewiston, Maine. Fyrr í dag, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the fight card. That bout will feature Jason “Second Chance” Lachance (1-1) taking on the returning DangerousDomHands of StoneCofone (5-5) á slagsmálum þyngd 155 pund.


Jason Lachance of Brunswick, Maine made his MMA debut in May of 2014 á “NEF XIII.” He dropped a decision that night, but Lachance impressed many with his performance against the more-experienced Jarrod Tyler (3-1). He would return to the NEF cage this past February with a victory over Steve Bang, Jr. (3-3) með samhljóða ákvörðun. Lachance is a product of Ryan Cowette’s (2-2) MMA Athletix gym and Victory Church ministry, both located in Bath, Maine.


God has blessed me with another opportunity to step inside the NEF cage and do what I love to do,” sagði Lachance. “An opportunity I am truly grateful for. I am focused on the task at hand and on June 13th, I will be ready for whatever comes my way.


A true veteran of the NEF amateur ranks, Dom Cofone has produced many memorable moments in the promotion’s cage over the years. Cofone won a Class A State Championship in 2001 wrestling for Westbrook High School in Westbrook, Maine. He put together a stellar record of 117-28 during his high school wrestling career. Cofone has taken the last few months off from MMA competition to concentrate on coaching the Westbrook youth wrestling team. With his previous gym, Balanced Ground MMA, on hiatus, Cofone has recently begun training at Jay Jack (12-7) and Amanda Buckner’s (11-5) Academy of MMA in Portland, Maine.


I took some time off to help coach my son’s youth wrestling teamshout out to all the Westbrook Wolfpack kids,” said Cofone. “I also needed to heal up a bit from a very active two years in and out of the cage. I’m feeling rejuvenated. I just started training back at the Academy and am super excited to learn as much as I can from such a great team. I’ve met Jason beforehe seems like a really great guy. I was at both of his fights, so I know he’s going to be a tough-as-nails, game opponent. I was in the stands for the last NEF event and it just didn’t seem right without ‘Dominick The Donkeyringing out of the speakers. This is a great match-up for the fans and I hope to see the Androscoggin Bank Colisee packed. Thank you to everyone who comes out to support local MMA.

NEF er næsta MMA atburður, “NEF XVIII: Made in Americawill originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Miðar “NEF XVIII” byrja á bara $25 og eru á sölu núna á eða með því að hringja í Colisee kassi skrifstofu á207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, vinsamlegast farðu á vefsíðu kynningarinnar á Að auki, þú getur horft á NEF myndbönd á, fylgja þeim á Twitternefights og taka þátt í opinberu Facebook "New England berst."


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New England Berst ("NEF") er að berjast viðburðir kynningar fyrirtæki. Verkefni NEF er að skapa hágæða viðburði fyrir bardagamenn Maine og aðdáendur eins. Framkvæmdastjóri lið NEF hefur víðtæka reynslu í Bardagaíþróttir stjórnun, Viðburðir framleiðslu, fjölmiðla samskipti, markaðssetning, lagaleg og auglýsingar.

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