Meet MMA Superstar FrankieThe AnswerEdgar at Autism Radio Casino Night Saturday, Meán Fómhair 24 in Totowa, NJ

(Meán Fómhair 5, 2016) — Autism Radio is hosting their 2nd annual Casino Night Fundraiser for Autism and welcome special meet-and-greet charity guest, Mixed Martial Arts Superstar, Frankie “The AnswerEdgar ar Dé Sathairn, Meán Fómhair 24, ó 7:00 pm – 11:00 p.m. AGUS at The Bethwood in Totowa, New Jersey. Less than 60 tickets remain, reserve yours today at:éid
Autism Radio is a non-profit organization that assists families whose children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Casino Night on September 24th will be a full night of entertainment, Meet-And-Greet with Franke Edgar, a cocktail hour, a complete dinner buffet, and an open premium bar all night long. An initial set of Autism Fundraiser Casino chips is also given to guests so they can start gambling to make more money to donate to our charity. The Mixed Martial Arts, Grappling and Jiu Jitsu community can help us by purchasing tickets, sponsoring our event, donating gift baskets or raffles and of course by buying tickets and coming with friends and family. For sponsorship and donation information, r-phost: or make a donation directly at:
Autism Radio Casino Night Frankie Edgar UFC Fighter

Autism Radio Casino Night Frankie Edgar UFC Fighter

Autism Radio, 501c3 is made up of a full volunteer staff and a Board of Directors. Every $.90 cents of $1.00 generated at this event is used towards programs that we support including many different family assistance, for-rochtana pobail, development and signature programs throughout New Jersey. features a half-hour syndicated radio show called, “Hope Saves the Daywhich is dedicated towards educating and assisting the Autistic community. We also offer additional programs to those that cannot get assistance through their school districts or insurance plans; Team Hope Swim Program partnered with the Special Olympics, Horses for Hope partnered with horse ranches nationwide and iPads and Tablets for Autism, which focus on assisting non-verbal children with autism the training and tools to assist in the communication development.
CN1i8aOIAutism Radio also offer discounts on tools for the ASD population by selling Snap-Laces and Autism Parenting Magazine at, plus offer volunteer based Life Coaching to families challenged with Autism every month plus our MY ID Medical Bracelets that are help changing the world and protecting our children and the Autism Community alike. Get more information on Autism at:

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