Lampu Heavyweight Knockout Artist Ahmed Albiali 8-0, 8 KOs Nuhun ngalegaan KO coret dina gelut ESPN Jumaah peuting

“KNOCKOUT artis”

Rajana, Florida (Pebruari 2, 2015) – Prospek Undefeated heavyweight cahya-, Ahmed Elbiali (8-0, 8 KOs) will square off against unbeaten Dustin Craig Echard (10-0, 7 KOs), ieu Jumaah Pébruari 6, 2015, di Beau Rivage Resort & Kasino dina Biloxi, Mississippi. The 6-round bout will open up the telecast on ESPN “Jumaah peuting gelut”.


Dina tarung panungtungan-Na, hiji bout nu ditémbongkeun dina ESPN “Jumaah peuting gelut”, Ahmed némbongkeun daya gede, muterna lawan-Na Lawrence Blakey tilu kali saméméh wasit dieureunkeun fight di 1:44 mark of round three. Dipikawanoh pikeun mibanda leungeun beurat, Elbiali nyaéta hiji artis knockout nu bakal béda pikeun manjangkeun dina tilas KO-Na.


“Kuring rek terus pikeun meunangkeun leuwih alus jeung unggal fight,” Ngadawuh Elbiali. “I’m always throwing hard punches and the knockouts are happening. I don’t want to rely on my power every time I step in the ring. I know if I start head hunting then I’ll be doing myself a disservice. I want to keep improving on my body punching and head movement. If I see my opponent is in trouble, mangka éta basa kuring bakal nyoba ngarengsekeun tarung.”


Disarankan ku Al HAYMON, Elbiali feels he has what it takes to become something special in the cruiserweight division. With a few more victories, Ahmed nilik dirina pajoang keur judul regional.


“Kuring teu apal jeung Al Haymon steering kuring tujuan nu moal méncog, Kuring bisa jadi ngaran rumah tangga teh di olahraga ieu,” Ahmed terus. “Lamun kuring bisa boga outing kuat dina 2015, I know there will be opportunities for me to capture the fans attention. I just want to keep fighting on a regular basis and make some noise in the light-heavyweight division.

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