John Ruiz’ Quietman Sport Zalida 130 yilligi yillik USA boks New England chempionati Noyabr mezbonlik qilish. 7 & 14 Chelsi, Nov. 28 Plymouth

MEDF0RD, Massa. (Oktyabr 5, 2015) – Quietman Sport Zalida, owned and operated by two-time world heavyweight boxing champion John “Quietman” Ruiz, atvorda 130thikki Massachusetts joylarda yillik USA boks New England chempionati keyingi oy.
Chorak va yarim final bo'lib o'tadi, nisbatan,Noyabr 7 & 14, uchun rejalashtirilgan chempionati final bilan Chelsi Oliy maktabi Nov. 28 at Plymouth Memorial Hall. Winners in each weight class will advance to the USA National Championships
“Bu havaskor bokschilar uchun katta imkoniyatdir,” Ruiz dedi. “This tournament has great tradition and will feature great matches. It’s an honor and pleasure for Quietman Sports Gym to serve as host of this year’s event. We’re also proud to help raise funds for two great cause: Oila Aid Boston (uysiz oilalarni foyda) va Chelsi High School High School tahsil jamg'armasi.”
A Chelsi High School bitiruvchisi, Ruiz Latino meros faqat dunyo og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni bo'lgan.
O'tmishda davomida 50 yil, USA boks New England chempionlari dunyoni o'z ichiga oladi (uchun) bunday Brockton Chempionlar (MA) middleweight “Ajoyib” Marvin HAGLER (1973) va Providence (RI) ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Demetrious “Boo Boo” Andrade (2005-2006), shuningdek U.S sifatida. Olimpiyachilarimiz Andrade va Providence super og'ir vazn toifasida Jason “Big Six” Yo'l(2001-2002-2003), plus Providence middleweight / og'ir vazn toifasidaMatt “Too Smooth” Godfrey (2000 & 2004), Worcester (MA) middleweight Edwin Rodriguez (2008), va Framingham (MA) ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor.
Tantanalarni homiylik va dastur reklama imkoniyatlar tashrif buyurib, mavjud yoki qiziqish781.396.6700.
Telefon: 781.396.6700
Twitter & Instagram: QuietmanSportsGym

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