Lewiston, Maine (September 3, 2015) - Kämpfe New England (Wiro sableng), Amérika kang nomer siji promosi perang regional, bakal terus mixed-tukang pencak seni kasongolas sawijining (MMA) acara, “NEF XIX,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 ing Androscoggin Bank Colisée ing Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature three members of First Class MMA in action that night. Hannah Sparrell (0-0), Rafael Velado (0-0) lan Nick Shea (1-0) saka Brunswick ing, Maine-based gym. Bubar, Kelas MMA ngedegaken lan pelatih kepala John “First Class” Ray gabungan NEF co-owner lan matchmaker Matt Peterson minangka tamu ing NEF Podcast.


Kepungkur Juni, 38-year-old Raio retired after competing in the NEF cage for some three-and-a-half years. Raio now concentrates on training the members of his First Class MMA gym, kalebu nyepakaké Sparrell, Velado lan Shea kanggo bouts mbesuk sing.


“Aku mesthi bisa nyelehake akèh sing wektu menyang pejuang sandi uga kulawarga,” Said Ray. “Pejuang, I can put a lot more time into them because it’s not all about me. When you’re fighting, nalika sampeyan lagi latihan kanggo perang, ora ketompo carane akeh sing nyoba kanggo fokus ing Nick Shea utawa Nick Gully utawa Hannah Sparrell utawa Rafael utawa kong kita, sampeyan ora bisa nemen sijine 100% effort into a fighter when you really focus on your own fight. It’s tough splitting between their fight and your fight and your job, kulawarga lan dicekel bocah.”


Wiwit lair saka NEF ing awal 2012, lan jeblugan sakteruse popularitas olahraga ing negara, akeh gyms anyar wis kabentuk ing taun anyar, including First Class MMA. Raio enjoys, luwih saka tindakan liya, ing nyenyet-reraket, kulawarga atmosfer-kaya sing wis dikembangaké ing fasilitas wiwit kabuka gedung olahraga.


“Wangsulan: Bab ingkang paling gedhe aku bab gym kita, Aku seneng arep lan kang bagean saka, iku ana klompok banget asor mahasiswa lan instruktur,” noted Raio. “Everyone who teaches in there is about the fighters. It’s about the students. They’re not about themselves. They’re more about trying to help people get better. Whether they’re a fighter or a teacher, we have a few teachers who go there and we have several women students and several children and adults. It’s a real good mix and very much a family atmosphere. We rarely lose a student.


Ing “First Class” moniker is not merely a nickname given to Raio because of his past job with the postal service. Early on in his MMA career, Raio entuk reputasi saka kae, gaya, profesional, individu likeable, hence the pun in his nickname. Those same qualities have carried over to the students of First Class MMA.


“Aku nyoba kanggo nambani everybody merata,” Said Ray. “I try to treat everyone respectfully. I think a lot of those guys (ing gedung olahraga), ing siji, treat each other respectfully. If I ever have an issue with a student, yen lagi ora tumindak kae kanggo instruktur utawa siswa liyane, I’ll pull them aside and if they have to leave then they have to leave. That’s part of life… Gym kita nengsemake, sakperangan alesan, wong sing wong mung becik.”


Kanthi luwih lan luwih mahasiswa anyar teka liwat lawang gym kang, Raio has definitely kept busy since his retirement from active competition. Like a proud father, Raio has a real passion for the success of his students. The ultimate reward for him is seeing his protégées do well in the cage.


“Sawise acara pungkasan (NEF XVIII), nalika aku weruh Nick (Gulliver, 1-0) wis lengen wungu lan Rob (Robinson, 1-0), Aku dadi seneng kanggo wong lanang,” recalled Raio. “I’m so happy to see these two guys win. As much as I didn’t come away with a win against Bruce (Boyington, 10-8), Aku ngandika 'yen kita menyang 2-1, I’d rather be the one that didn’t pull off the victory.I’ve never been as happy for my own win than I was for Nick and Rob that night.


Kanggo mangerteni sing luwih lengkap bab Kelas MMA, sampeyan bisa bukak first Facebook tim kang “Kelas Fitness & MMA.”


Sampeyan bisa ngrungokake NEF Podcast ing sawijining kabeh


Kämpfe New England’ acara sabanjuré, “NEF XIX,” njupuk Panggonan ing Setu, September 12, 2015 ing Androscoggin Bank Colisée ing Lewiston, Maine. Tiket “NEF XIX” miwiti ing mung $25 lan ing sale saiki ing utawa dening nelpon box office Colisee ing 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap ing acara lan perang nganyari kertu, please visit website promosi ing Saliyane, sampeyan bisa nonton video wiro sableng ing, tindakake ing Twitternefights lan gabung ing grup resmi Facebook "New England gelut."


About Kämpfe New England


Kämpfe New England ("Wiro sableng") iku perang perusahaan acara promosi. Misi wiro sableng iku kanggo nggawe acara kualitas kanggo pejuang Maine lan pembuangan Alike. Tim eksekutif wiro sableng kang wis ekstensif pengalaman manajemen olahraga pertempuran, produksi acara, hubungan media, marketing, Hukum lan iklan.

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