Jimmy Slattery book author Rick Blake to be Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday night in New York

NEW YORK (Ebrill. 20, 2015) – Author Rich Blake Bydd yn yfory nos (Dydd Mawrth, Ebrill 21) special Ring 8 guest speaker at O’Neill’s Restaurant, lleoli yn 64-21 53ydd Drive yn Maspeth, Efrog Newydd.

Blake is a veteran New York City-based author who has written, Slats: The Legend & Life of Jimmy Slattery, to be released next month by publisher No Frills Buffalo. Blake is best known for covering the financial world for numerous publications, including Institutional Investor, ABCNews.com and Reuters HedgeWorld. He was a co-founder and executive editor of Trader Monthly magazine. The 46-year-old Buffalo native is the author of two non-fiction books, The Day Donny Herbert Woke Up ac Talking Proud: Rediscovering the Magical Season of the 1980 Biliau Buffalo. He also is co-author of a third work of non-fiction, Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager.

Slattery personified the Golden Era of sports during the boom/bust 1920s and ’30s.

The sleek, handsome, lightning-fast Slattery was a phantom in the ring, soaring across the national stage like a comet before crashing into oblivion. Discarded by the ages, Blake’s book is the incredible true story of the Irish boy-wonder who captivated the boxing world at its peak.


At Ring 8’s monthly meeting yfory gyda'r nos, Blake will recount his research into Slattery’s early burst to fame in the metropolitan area during the spring of 1924, sharing some highlights of what he uncovered like tying in Queens fight promoter SimonSiFlaherty, the Queensboro A.C. in Long Island City and the Queensboro Bowl, which was expanded in the spring of 1924 as part of efforts by Flaherty and Paddy Mullins to land a Jack Dempsey-Harry Wills fight that, yn anffodus, never came materialized. Blake will also speak about how the New York City fire department condemned the club’s stadium built at the base of the Queensboro Bridge and how Flaherty managed to get around that.

AM RING 8: Ring 8 Daeth yr wythfed is-gwmni o'r hyn wedyn yn cael ei adnabod fel Cymdeithas Boxers Hen Genedlaethol – felly, RING 8 – a heddiw arwyddair y mudiad yn dal i fod: Bocswyr Helpu Boxers.

RING 8 yn gwbl ymroddedig i gefnogi pobl llai ffodus yn y gymuned bocsio a all fod angen cymorth o ran talu rhent, treuliau meddygol, neu beth bynnag y gellir ei gyfiawnhau angen.

Ewch ar-lein i www.Ring8ny.com am fwy o wybodaeth am RING 8, y grŵp mwyaf o'i fath yn yr Unol Daleithiau gyda mwy na 350 Aelodau. Tollau aelodaeth flynyddol yn unig $30.00 ac mae pob aelod hawl i ginio bwffe am RING 8 cyfarfodydd misol, ac eithrio Gorffennaf ac Awst. Mae pob bocswyr gweithredol, amatur a phroffesiynol, gyda thrwydded bocsio cyfredol neu lyfr hawl i gael RING ganmoliaethus 8 aelodaeth blynyddol. Gwesteion o Ring 8 Mae croeso i aelodau ar gost o ddim ond $7.00 y pen.

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