MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY Premieres Friday, Prosinec 4 na 9 PM ET / PT v SHOWTIME ®

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NEW YORK - listopad 24, 2020 - Minulí odpůrci legendární ikony boxu Hector „Macho“ Camacho, včetně „Cukru“ Raye Leonarda, Felix „Tito“ Trinidad a trenér Síně slávy Freddie Roach, podělte se o své zkušenosti z první ruky s bývalým mistrem světa a připomenout si jeho okouzlující styl před začátkem MACHO: PŘÍBĚH HECTOR CAMACHO dokumentární premiéra pátek, Prosinec 4 na 9 p.m. ET / PT na SHOWTIME.

MACHO: PŘÍBĚH HECTOR CAMACHO je neochvějný pohled na pozoruhodný život, legendární kariéra a nevyřešená vražda jednoho z největších showmenů boxu. Prostřednictvím vzácných a odhalujících rozhovorů s jeho matkou, Maria Matias, sestry, manželka Amy a syn Hector Jr., dokument se také ponoří do problémové mysli a ducha legendárního bojovníka, jeho boj se závislostí a vnitřní nepokoje, které nakonec vedly k jeho zániku - záhadné dvojnásobné zabití na silnici v listopadu 2012. Film je směrován dvojnásobnou Emmy® Vítěz ceny Eric Drath. Drath a Danielle Naassana, oba Live Star Entertainment, pracoval jako producent a šestnáctinásobný držitel ceny Emmy Aaron Cohen jako spisovatel a konzultant.

Kromě Leonarda, Trinidad a Roach, minulí mistři světa Ray Mancini, Greg Haugen, Vinny Pazienza a další vzpomínky na lezení do ringu proti honosnému a zručnému Hectorovi „Macho“ Camachovi:

CUKROVÁ RAY LEONARDOVÁ - březen 1, 1997; V závěrečném zápase kariéry Raye Leonarda, Camacho vyhrál TKO pátého kola: “Oba jsme byli přirozeně za námi, ale cítil jsem, že jsem větší muž. Byl jsem chytřejší, silnější, všechny ty věci, ale poprvé hodil úder, bylo to jako, Pow! A řekl jsem, 'Wow, to bolelo. “Snažil jsem se, jak jsem mohl, prostě jít dál. Když byl v nejlepším stavu, byl věcí krásy. “

FELIX "TITO" TRINIDAD - Leden 29, 1994; Název IBF Welterweight: "Poprvé jsem potkal Macho Camacho, když jsem byl." 12 let na akci v aréně v Portoriku. Byl už mistrem světa. Byl jsem v úžasu. Camacho mluvil se všemi a byl sám sebou. Jedl 12 empanadas najednou, jen abych byl zábavný.

"Když jsem s ním musel bojovat.", byla to moje třetí obhajoba titulu. Byl jsem 21 a on byl 10 roky starší než já. Měl tolik zkušeností a hrál tolik mozkových her. Na závěrečné tiskové konferenci, he sat at the very end of the table – sideways, kind of ignoring the press – and staring at me. When it was his time to talk, he just talked trash. He was such a showman. When we got in the ring in Las Vegas, like every fighter at a crossroads fight, I was a little nervous. He was such a great fighter. He was so experienced and technical. He was a little crazy but was such a good person. Pokořit.

“After the fight, he came over with his chin down and congratulated me. He was like a different person – he was so friendly and calm. ‘It was a good fight,’ he told me. ‘You are going to be a great champion. Keep on climbing.’ It was a great experience for me. After that fight, I felt something had changed in me as a fighter. I had shared a ring with Macho Camacho. You are never the same after that. He helped me be a better fighter. He was the first Puerto Rican I ever faced. The only fighter that cut me. I got my win against him the same night [Frankie] Randall handed Julio Cesar Chavez his first defeat. It was a historic night.”

FREDDIE ROACH – December 18, 1985; Camacho won a super lightweight bout via unanimous decision to improve to 28-0: “Hector Camacho was the best boxer I ever fought. His speed was unbelievable. At one point during the fight, we were in a clinch and I bit his shoulder. He stepped back, smiled, and told me, ‘That’s not going to work.He was right. I had so much trouble handling his speed. You just couldn’t prepare for it – a měl jsem opravdu dobrý výcvikový tábor. Opravdu jsem byl na ten boj. Myslím, že jsem vyhrál jedno kolo, a to jen proto, že jsem mu šlápl na nohu a srazil mě. Po boji, narazili jsme do sebe v hotelové hale a vzal mě na večeři do hotelové restaurace. Během večeře jsme si povídali a smáli se. Byl to skvělý chlap. “

RAY MANCINI - březen 6, 1989; Camacho vyhrál rozhodnutí o rozdělení na uvolněný titul WBO Junior Welterweight: “Hector měl zvláštní schopnost vyhýbat se úderům. Měl vynikající rychlost ruky, pohyb a reflexy. Dostal se do ringu se všemi. A byl sakra legrační. Zaprvé, Nemohl jsem ho vystát. Ale jakmile jsme byli v důchodu, zakopali jsme sekeru a pokaždé, když jsme se viděli, bylo to objetí a smích. Rozesmál všechny. Byla to dobrá duše. I was heartbroken when I heard the news about his murder. In my book, when you talk about all-time greats, he is in the top five for Puerto Rican fighters and top 20 for Latino fighters.”                 

GREGHAUGEN - Únor 23, and May 18, 1991; Camacho’s first career loss and the rematch for WBO Jr. Welterweight World Championship“Camacho was looking for a tune-up fight for the big battle of the undefeateds with Julio Cesar Chavez so that’s how I got the fight. But I had studied his fights and I knew Hector only liked to fight a minute, minute and a half of each round. My plan going into the fight was to make him fight three minutes of each round. I was hitting him with body shots and he was wincing. And plus, I was talking to him the whole fight, so he was getting frustrated. So we get to the 12th round and he ends up sucker punching me before the start of the round because I refused to touch gloves, and they end up taking a point from him which won me the fight. (In the rematch) he was so sure he lost the fight, he actually left the ring after the fight. The promoter Dan Duva had to pull him out of his dressing room and basically talk him into getting back in the ring to hear the decision. He had to win that fight because that would line him up with Chavez. I thought I beat him more so in the second fight than the first fight.”

VINNY PAZIENZA – February 3, 1990; Camacho won a unanimous decision for the WBO Junior Welterweight titleI thought I was going to wreck him. I thought I was going to go right through him. But he was much stronger and much faster than I believed. And I was thinking, ‘Oh God, I’m in for a long night.’ He got ready for me like no other fight. He was so amped and so ready. He got off all the drugs. He wasn’t drinking. He got up so high and after he beat me, he was never the same again. Hector was such a character. He surpasses me in that capacity. He was a wild guy and he was wild his whole life.”

PJ GOOSSEN – June 18, 1999; Camacho won a unanimous decision at the age of 37 to improve his record to 68-4-1: “That was a bad night for me. I had three broken ribs, and no one really knew it. Tak, I could barely breathe, let alone fight, but that’s what you have to do in boxing sometimes. As we were getting ready for the fight, his dressing room was right next to mine and they had this door separating us. I could hear him before the fight yelling, ‘Macho time!’ ‘Macho time!’ And he hits the wall. And he keeps doing that, yelling louder and louder. Dobře, he hit the door so hard it busted through and he fell into my dressing room. Tak, he gets up and walks back in around through the other opening and says, ‘Sorry about that.’ It was actually pretty funny and me and my dad and brother were laughing. To come back in and apologize when he’s supposed to be getting hyped up to fight me. I would mark him down as one of the best lefthanders there ever was, especially when he was at featherweight and lightweight.”

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