HERNANDEZ ovozdan qaror bilan mag'lubiyati qolgan

Team Hernandez tomonidan Photo
FRESNO, KABI (Avgust 28, 2015) – Last night during the Fight Club OC card at the “Hangar” Kostaning Meshax, Kaliforniya, super-ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn kelajak, Markos “Madman” Hernandez (7-0, 2 KOS) mag'lubiyati qoldi, qarshi 6-tur ovozdan qaror qozongan Luis Alfredo Lugo (14-23-1, 5 KOS).
Ochilish turda, Hernandez kuchli chap hodisalar bilan Lugo ketdi, almost stopping the veteran of over thirty fights. Lugo, kurash eng qolgan, oltinchi yilda yana zarar edi, but managed to finish the fight. G'alaba bilan, Tomonidan boshqariladi Hernandez Al HAYMON, U iloji boricha tezroq qaytib halqa olish uchun tayyor his.
“Men o'tgan kecha yana bir g'alaba olish buyuk his,” Said Marcos Hernandez. “Everything is coming together with my career and I’m very thankful to Al Haymon and his team for all their efforts. My boxing skills are getting sharper with every round. With a few more fights, I’ll be ready to step up to eight round bouts. I’m going to wait patiently for my next fight as I’m eager to step back in the ring.”

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