Grand Opening of Connecticut Boxing HOF new location Monday night, 六月 26, in Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun

安卡斯維爾, 康涅狄格州. (六月 13, 2017) – The Grand Opening of the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame’s (CBHOF) new location in the Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun will be held there 星期一, 六月 26, 開始 6 P.M. AND.
The media and public is welcome to attend the grand opening festivities. Dignitaries representing from Mohegan Sun and Mashantucket Pequot Tribes will be in attendance, as well as many CBHOF inductees, including Marlon Starling and “愛爾蘭的: 米奇沃德.
The original CBHOF location was in Mohegan Sun Arena but public availability for viewing was restricted to only during scheduled events held there. CBHOF inducteesplaques and video of major fights held in Connecticut were displayed.
The new CBHOF will be open to the public during Mohegan Sun Casino operating hours. In addition to the inducteesplaques and videos of famous fights held in the Nutmeg State, the new location will also include rotating displays of historically significant boxing memorabilia. There will also be interactive displays for public use.
We at the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame are extremely grateful to Mohegan Sun for hosting this great facility and for contributing generously to its construction,” CBHOF president John Laudati said. “We are very excited and anxious to have the ability to present the rich history of boxing in Connecticut while simultaneously honoring those who have contributed to that history.
去網上 關於名人堂的康涅狄格州拳擊館的更多信息.
關於CBHOF: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 榮譽和慶祝參與拳擊運動優秀個人的職業生涯. 其就職入會儀式 & 晚宴在蘇州舉行 2005. 康涅狄格州的豐富的拳擊歷史永遠無法蓬勃發展,如果不是因為那些供奉在名人堂的成就.
作為一個非盈利性組織, 名人堂康涅狄格州拳擊館堅定地致力於保持康涅狄格州的拼搏精神,通過各種慈善捐贈一枝獨秀.
