Former Irish National Team head coach Billy Walsh Now rebuilding Team USA boxing program

2018 USA vs. Ireland ჩრდილო კრივი ტური:
Sea. 12 Boston, Sea. 15 Springfield, Sea. 21 Manchester, NH

Billy Walsh (ცენტრი) is shown here receiving his Best of 2017 Elite World Championships Award

OLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (თებერვალი 22, 2018) – USA Boxing head coach Billy Walsh was the head coach of his native country’s amateur program in Ireland for 12 years and, ირონიულად, those two squads will compete in three friendly duals next month on the 2018 USA vs. Ireland Northeast Tour.
A 1988 Ireland Olympian, Walsh coached the Irish Team from 2003 to 2015, and he took over Team USA in 2015, capturing the AIBA’s World Coach of the Year the past two years.
The USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will commence მარტი 12 ბოსტონის Royale გასართობი კომპლექსი, followed by match-ups on მარტი 15 იმ MassMutual ცენტრი Springfield, მასობრივი., and Manchester, NH will close out tours onმარტი 21 მანჩესტერ Downtown სასტუმრო. კრივი საათზე დაიწყება 7:00 საათამდე. EST სამივე ქალაქში.

Tickets for any of these events may be purchased online at თითოეული ქალაქის აჩვენოს მდე 12 მთავრდება, each to be live-streamed, გადასახადისგან გათავისუფლებული, on USA კრივი ნახვა (

“ბოლოს დღეს,” the 54-year-old Walsh admitted, “it is an unusual situation for me. But I’ve been coaching here two years and Team USA is my team now. I didn’t come here for just a few years. When I eventually leave, Team USA will have developed continuity and a solid program.
I am a true Irishman who developed through a system that won multiple titles and I was the Irish Team captain for five years. I’m helping develop strong relations between USA and Ireland that can help both programs. Ireland has been among the best of the worldamazing considering the geographical size of Irelandwith its fightersgreat hearts along with their technique and skill. There’s a lot of talent and resources in the states, but amateur boxers have been taught to develop skills more for professional boxing. Here there is a variety of different ethnic groups: Mexicans, African-American and Caucasians, ძალიან. It’s truly a melting pot and each has a unique style of boxing. We are now providing coaching education for US programs to be sustainable long term.
Boston, რა თქმა უნდა,, is known for being Irish friendly, to say the least. The Mayor of Boston, for example, არის Marty Walsh. Coach Walsh has only been in Boston once, 10 years ago with his wife for a short holiday.
I didn’t do or get to see too much,” Walsh added. “but I know that there’s a lot of Irish history in Boston. Boston is a home away from home for the Irish. I have some friends and family there. I even joke that the mayor is my cousin. I understand that there are a lot of Irish in Springfield and Manchester, ასევე. I’m looking forward to going to all three cities on this tour.
Rosters for the USA and Irish teams will soon be announced.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Ireland ჩრდილო კრივი ტური დააწკაპუნეთ აქ.

USA vs. Ireland განრიგი

მარტი 12: Royale გასართობი კომპლექსი, Boston, Mass.
მარტი 15: MassMutual ცენტრი, Springfield, Mass.
მარტი 21: მანჩესტერ Downtown სასტუმრო, Manchester, N.H.
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