FITE TV announces television carriage deal for the WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships October 8-9 in Chile

Go to FITE TV interview with host Jim “J.R.” Ross and
WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu
NEW YORK, NY (August 26, 2016) — FITE TV, in conjunction with the World MMA Association (WMMAA), announced today that it will be broadcasting the inaugural WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships live on FITE TV starting with the preliminary matches Sâmbătă, Octombrie 8, and the final Sunday October 9, 2016.
FITE is a television network, via a downloadable app, that specializes in all things fighting, including boxing, wrestling, MMA and Martial Arts. FITE is a free app that is available for download at the Google Play or iTunes app stores.
Pe Octombrie. 8-9, the WMMAA is bringing the top amateur MMA competitors from around the world to Santiago, Chile for a two-day competition. Mai mult decât 12 countries will be represented in eight different weight classes (6 bărbați, 2 women classes). Michelle Bachelet, the President of Chile, is slated to participate in the opening ceremonies and preside over the closing of the event. In addition to the in-ring MMA competition, the weekend will feature a fitness expo and Ring Girl Latina 2016 pageant. As of today, 12 countries have committed to participating in the event, including the United States, Mexic, Cuba, Aruba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Columbia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil.
We are thrilled to be able to offer free viewing of one of the most anticipated MMA events in the Pan-American region each year on the innovative FITE TV app,” WMMAA Pan-American Division President Tomas Yu comentat. “Acum, if you are not able to be at the event to watch the action live, you can now see it anywhere in the world.
With the addition of such a prestigious event to FITE TV, we continue to increase the diversity of the combat fighting programming, now offered live and on a VOD basis on the app,” a spus Michael Weber, Senior Vice President of Marketing for FITE. “It is a honor to work with MMA professionals such as Tomas Yu and his team who continue to increase the visibility of their organization worldwide.
The television programming schedule and additional participating countries will be announced in the immediate future.
About FITE TV: FITE TV is a product of Flipps Media and is a free mobile app that is a one-stop shop for viewing all sports within the fighting discipline globally including MMA, wrestling profesionist, box, and traditional martial arts. With only access to a smartphone and a connected TV, with the FITE app, viewers can watch live events, on-demand programming, interviews and fighting sports related movies and documentaries on the big TV screen. More information can be found at
Despre Flipps Media: Flipps oferă divertisment la cerere către orice televizor conectat din apropiere de pe dispozitivul dvs. mobil, fără hardware suplimentar. The company has offices in San Mateo, New York and Sofia, Bulgaria și este susținut de Tim Draper, Earlybird Capital de risc, Aslanoba Capital and LAUNCHub. Flipps’ tehnologia brevetată funcționează imediat cu peste 350+ milioane de televizoare conectate și este compatibil cu peste 7,000 modele de producător care nu necesită configurare, fără dispozitive de asociere, fără cabluri, fără dongle și fără set top box. The Flipps mobile application is free and available on iTunes and Google Play. More information can be found at
About WMMAA: Scopul Asociației Mondiale de MMA este de a oferi o structură imparțială și de a asigura creșterea MMA ca organism oficial mondial de conducere pentru artele marțiale mixte.. O organizație non-profit fondată în 2012, WMMAA are misiunea de a dezvolta o organizație standardizată și reglementată, inclusiv concurenţa, antrenament, oficiind, testare și creștere atunci când este necesar. Mai mult decât 50 țările au primit calitatea de membru WMMAA.

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