
KEY WEST, 佛羅里達州 (九月 6, 2015) -拳擊經理 思之星, SHS拳擊管理公司總裁, 去世時的年齡 81 這個星期一,由於從心臟發作的並發症.
斯特恩託管三次, 二分蘭德爾 “脫模王” 貝利, 老牌重量級謝爾曼 “坦克” 威廉姆斯, 馬庫斯 “Arilli” Upshaw和古巴前奧運選手羅伯特·阿方索.
一個非常成功的商人, Williams explained that Stern also had a law degree and studied at one point to be a rabbi. Si recently returned from Romania, 在那裡,他支持威廉姆斯在他的鬥爭, 星期日, 八月. 30 and he suffered a heart attack the following day at home in Key West. He was air lifted to a hospital in Miami, 在那裡呆了一個星期,他屈服了前.
貝利和斯特恩的合作夥伴, 戴夫·約翰遜, 隨著斯特恩的兒子, 加里, 和女兒, 辛西婭, were bedside in the hospital with Si for several days until the end. “我跟思在週日晚上 (八月 30) 而接到電話的第二天,他說,他已被送往​​醫院,” 貝利解釋. “他遭受了巨大的心臟發作. 事情是上下全星期,直到最後一個週末.
蘭德爾·貝利 (L) 與矽斯特恩 (保持帶) 和他的兒子, 加里·斯特恩, 這裡顯示後,貝利淘汰邁克·瓊斯 2012 國際羽聯次中量級冠軍
Si was a great guy and a good friend. As a manager, he always fought for his boxers. If nobody else cared, 思照顧; 如果他們不能做到這一點, Si would do it. I was with him nearly 10 years and nobody was throwing money our way. It was hard for us. I only made enough money in a few fights, 就像當我贏得世界冠軍, where he took any money. If Si had your back, 他會開戰你.
“他會開車從基韋斯特到邁阿密來見我,但, 而不過夜, 他會開車回. 他會打電話給我叫我 10 times while he drove home. He was so happy to get me a promotional contract (AK促銷韓國) 並真的很期待我的戰鬥十月 4 in Korea. I’m dedicating that fight to Si and we’ll be doing something special.
L-R: 思之星 & 謝爾曼 “坦克” 這裡顯示的羅馬尼亞威廉姆斯
威廉姆斯是由斯特恩管理過去 11 years and they had a special relationship. They had dinner together in Romania and flew back to the U.S., 抵達週日, 八月 30.
“思比我的經理更,” Williams offered. “他是一個很好的朋友, 一個自信的我可以永遠依靠的意見, in and out of boxing. Si was an all-around good man. We had many deep discussion about politics and religion, 我是一個基督徒和Si猶太人, 尤其是花了這麼多天一起在羅馬尼亞.
We all lost a good man in Si Stern. I was proud to be represented by Si. He wasn’t in boxing for the money. He was an important part of my life. He was always there for me and all of his fighters. Si never took a short cut or spared money. Si Stern was the best manager I ever had.
