DARLEYS PEREZ ayankhula pa adziwitse udindo odziteteza

Photo by Team Perez
Colombia (November 12, 2015) – WBA opepuka dziko ngwazi, Darleys Perez (32-1-1, 20 Ko), yemwe Co-amachitira Gary Shaw munapanga ndipo Thompson nkhonya, akuyembekezera ake kwambiri tinkayembekeza rematch ndi Anthony Crolla (29-4-3, 11 Ko). Perez returns to hostile territory at the Manchester Arena in the United Kingdom on November 21, 2015, omwewo pamene woyamba nkhondo kunachitika.
Perezi, amene anapitiriza WBA korona motsutsana Crolla ndi ambiri okhudza July 18, 2015, akudziwa kuti ayenera kukhala pa akadakwanitsira bwino kukumbukira ake udindo, especially on foreign land. With an expected crowd of 12,000 mafani yolozera kutsutsana naye, Perezi akuona chikhulupiriro iye akhoza kukokera Kuchokera Nkhata ndi kumbuyo khoma.
“Ndine woona ngwazi amene konse uyo kuchokera mavuto,” Anati Darleys Perezi amene imalengeza ku Colombia. “Crolla is a very skilled fighter with a lot of heart and I know he’s coming for my title. He’ll have his entire country on behind him when we fight, but that doesn’t faze me. My goal is to end the fight early with a knockout, koma ngati tipita mtunda, Ndili ndi chikhulupiriro chonse kuti ndichira chilungamo pampando oweruza mu UK.
M'nthawi ya nkhondo Perezi anali deducted awiri mfundo otsika nkhonya, mu 11 khumi ndi zina mu 12 kuzungulira. This time Perez is well aware of the mistakes he made in their last outing and vows not to repeat those errors.
“N'zosakayikitsa kuti ine anapambana nkhondo ndi akamakambirana ngati ine sanawawerengere deducted anthu otsika nkhonya.” Perezi anapitiriza. “It was my fault and I won’t make the same mistakes in the rematch. I’m hungrier now then I’ve ever been and nothing is going to stop me from bringing back my title to my countrymen of Colombia.
“Ndi bwino kwa ine kuti Darleys Perez ndi maganizo kwa nkhondoyi.” anati Gary Shaw. “He knows what’s on the line and the many doors that will open up for him with a victory. I’ve had fighters come out victorious when they’ve traveled to other countries and fought for world titles. Perez already proved he can get a fair shake with a gritty performance. The judging now a days is fairer then it’s ever been. When Darleys meets Crolla, munthu mmodzi yekha adzatuluka wopambana, ndipo ine ndikukhulupirira izo zidzakhala Perezi.”
“Ichi zosaneneka nkhondo kuti likufanana awiri zapamwamba boxers mnzake,” anati Ken Thompson, pulezidenti wa Thompson nkhonya. “Kuti Perez ndi Crolla ndi maganizo mbiri zikungopangitsa nkhondoyi kwambiri zosangalatsa. Timakhulupilira Perez asamenyana kuti angathere ndi kubwera kutali ndi yamphamvu Nkhata ndi kusunga dziko lake Championship.”

Zimene Mumakonda