Crypto Boxers Announces Open Call for Contenders to #GetIntheGame

Majo 23, 2018 – Crypto Boxers, the first and only boxing game operating on blockchain technology, has announced an open call for all boxers to #GetInTheGame! Professional contenders, of all ranks, can now apply to have their own avatar created for game inclusion and thereby receive residual income after the game’s launch.Crypto Boxers is slated to launch this summer and will feature real life boxing professionals as collectible tokens for the virtual fighting action on Ethereum, an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality.




By playing Crypto Boxers, gamers engage in virtual matches with the boxer of their choice, creating an actual ‘gloves onin the ring experience! By offering gamers a unique opportunity to compete while exploring the new realm of digital currency via their wins and losses, Crypto Boxers will do for cryptocurrency what Madden did for the game industry. Moving beyond the PlayStation realm, the game allows the player the opportunity to not only just compete, but to also earn upon winning as the game’s virtual boxers reap digital rewards for their wins.




Boxing champion YahuRockBlackwell is spearheading the game after delaying his initial fight game release to expand the concept as a means to merge into the cryptocurrency space. Hall of Famer and legendary referee Joe “S-ro. Fair But FirmCortez is the first celebrity announcement with his own avatar calling all the fights on the game!




This all started as a boxing game then became an innovative cryptocurrency concept,” explains Andrew Gilliam, Blackwell’s manager and Crypto Boxer consultant. “We then sat down as a team to discuss how can we make the game a more inclusive experience for the entire boxing community. It just made sense to invite our industry’s pioneers, current contenders and newcomers toGet in the Gamewith us! By coming on board now, fighters have an opportunity to earn long term residual income by lending their personas as fight opponents for gamer selections. It becomes a win-win for all involved!”




Crypto Boxers has received an overwhelming positive response with numerous professional boxers already signed up. Perspective participants can log on at Http:// for sign up details and information.




Crypto Boxers is currently fielding offers from multiple silent investors and will make the game available for pre-orders in the upcoming months. To stay updated on launch details and to earn early game rewards, sign up at Http://




Follow Crypto Boxers on Pepi, Facebook, Kaj Instagram and #GetIntheGame now!

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