Chazz Witherspoon headlines against former world title challenger Mike Marrone on August 6th at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, PA.

Emanuel Taylor battles Carlos Aguilera

Plus undefeated Mike Hilton, Elijah Vines, Jaron Ennis, LaShawn Rodriguez and Luis Perozo
Junior Welterweight Sam Teah also on the bill
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Bristol, PA (Iyul 29, 2016) – Chazz “Gentleman” Witherspoon sobiq dunyo nom Challenger bo'yicha o'tadi Mike Marrone Shanba kuni tunda, August 6thsifatida D & D Aktsiyalar va Silver Spoon Promotions taqdim etadi Rumble at the Rink II” da Grundy Arena ichida Bristol, Pensilvaniya.

Witherspoon (33-4, 26 KO) yaqin Paulsboro of, Nyu-Jersi Sit kabi uch amerikalik og'ir biri sifatida o'zini tashkil. Yusufning universiteti bitiruvchisi Maykl Iskandar sevadi ustidan g'alaba bilan o'zining birinchi yigirma uch og'rib qo'lga kiritdi (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), Jonathan Haggler (18-1) tortishuvlarga diskvalifikatsiyasi orqali kelajakda ikki karra jahon nom challenger Chris Arreola uning 1-mag'lubiyat chalingan oldin.

Witherspoon went on to win three fights in a row, which was highlighted by an entertaining 8th round stoppage over Adam “Swamp Donkey” Richards (21-1). Bu jang Ring jurnalining deb topildi 2008 Heavyweight Fight of the Year.Witherspoon then dropped a fight to future two-time world title challenger Tony Thompson.

Witherspoon Tyson Cobb ustidan halokatli 3-davra vayron kiritilgan 4-ketma-ket knockouts ball uchun ketdi (14-2).

Witherspoon keyin aprel kuni Mag'lubiyatsiz kelajak bo'lishi kerak Mitchell oldi 28, 2012 Mitchell uzoqda g'alabasi bilan keldi oldin Witherspoon Mitchell yomon bir necha marta zarar bir juftlik ichida.

Witherspoon has scored four consecutive knockouts which includes his last bout when he stopped Nick Guivas (11-2-2) uch turda Avgust 15 Atlantic Siti.

Marrone of Vero Beach, Florida bir rekord bor 21-5 bilan 15 knockouts.

The 30 yoshli professional qaytdi 2004 va uning birinchi kiritdi 18 bouts that was highlighted by a nationally televised win over Malachy Farrell (15-0).
Marrone suffered first defeat at the hands of future world title challenger Francisco Pianeta. Marrone also lost to world title challenger DaVarryl Williamson.
Marrone challenged for the WBA Cruiserweight title, but was defeated by Guillermo Jones. Marrone also came up short against former heavyweight champion Shannon Briggs.
Seeing action in the eight-round co-feature will be junior welterweight Emanuel “The Tranzforma” Taylor (19-4, 13 KO) kurash Carlos Aguilera (10-16, 4 KO) of Chiapas, Meksika.

Taylor of Edgewood, Maryland bir rekord bor 19-4 bilan 13 knockouts.

The 25 yoshda, won his first fourteen bouts has quality wins over Ayi Bruce (15-1); Jorj Sosa (6-0); Raymond Serrano (18-1)’ Victor Cayo (31-3) & Karim Mayfield (18-1-1).

Taylor also battled former world champions Adrien Broner and Chris Algieri to competitive decision defeats.

The TaylorAguilera bout is promoted in association with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing.

To'rt-davra johillik ichida:

Cruiserweight Mike Hilton (2-0, 2 KO) Trenton, NJ nomidagi kerak raqib haqida o'tadi.

Middleweight Elijah Vines (2-0, 2 KO) Filadelfiya jangi bo'ladi Julian Valerio(3-3, 2 KO) Atlanta, GA

Junior welterweight Sam SeAH (7-1-1, 2 KO) of Philadelphia will all see action against Samuel Amoako (21-12, 15 KO) of Silver Spring, MD.
LaShawn Rodriguez (3-0, 2 KO) of Shirley, NY kurashadi Jason Wahr (4-12-3, 1 KO) Virginia Beach, VA. a middleweight Butning ichida.
Jaron Ennis (4-0, 4 KO) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a junior welterweight bout.
Luis Perozo (1-1, 1 KO) of New York will battle Alberto Martinez (0-1) of Tifton, GA
Tickets for this night of boxing are $150 VIP with food and soft drinks; $100; $50; $25 (for children under 17) va kasb tomonidan sotib olish mumkin 856-842-7577 yoki

The Grundy Arena is located at 475 Beaver Street in Bristol, PA.

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