分類存檔: 女子MMA

UFC 185: 好戲開場了!

圖片來源: 喬Camporeale /今日美國體育

儘管經歷了今年迄今的終極格鬥錦標賽風暴, 從像喬恩·瓊斯恆星不合格的藥物測試, 安德森席爾瓦和尼克·迪亞茲, 到UFC的改組 184 受傷到中量級冠軍克里斯·魏德曼, 該公司已交付在八角今年迄今. 儘管魏德曼的傷害, UFC 184 仍然是一個了不起的成功歸功於婦女的最輕量級冠軍龍達·魯西另一個統治級表現.

現在UFC 185 在這裡, 與另一疊卡應該再次招待. 此卡是由兩個冠軍戰挂靠, 以回饋歌迷的時候了UFC會定期在報價的成交與FOX快速擴張層疊前戰鬥卡時間顯然是在過飽和的產品.


克里斯·“神風”Cariaso (17-6) VS. 亨利“信使”Cejudo (7-0) (飛錘 - 125 磅。)

Cariaso即將關閉提交損失輕量級冠軍狄米崔斯·約翰遜去年夏天. 但平心而論, 每個人都失去約翰遜這些天, 和他接近清理出輕量級師. Cejudo還沒有經歷失敗和享受去年年底一致決定勝利在他的UFC亮相.

Cariaso一直是UFC和世界極Cagefighting (WEC) 老將在過去的五年之前,他的損失約翰遜騎3拼連勝. Cejudo是一個年輕的小狗試圖讓自己的名字在UFC, 但Cariaso會用他的精明老將搭上過於心急戰鬥機的光潔度.

優勝者: Cariaso通過第二輪將軍澳

羅伊“大國”尼爾森 (21-10) VS. 阿利斯泰爾的“雷姆”Overeem (38-14-1) (重量級 - 225 磅。)

我承認了前面,我不是一個大的羅伊·尼爾森風扇. 他是一個有才華的戰士,誰提供了令人興奮的戰鬥,是一個有趣的個性. 但自從他首次亮相在UFC,贏得賽季 10 的“終極戰士,“他宴請像斯特凡·司徒盧威排名較低的權重股, 布倫丹紹布和馬特·米特廖. 但是,當與精英類似的重量級人物了Fabricio Werdum匹配了, 少年多斯桑托斯和丹尼爾·科米爾 (之前,他下降到輕重量級), 尼爾森經常處於劣勢,並毆打.

Overeem也辜負了隨附他跳轉到UFC的炒作. 之後,他拆毀布羅克Lesnar在 2011, 拍攝的標題是針對當時的冠軍少年多斯桑托斯作品. 但戰鬥從來沒有物化由於傷病和Overeem遭受背到後端淘汰賽損失安東尼奧·席爾瓦和特拉維斯·布朗.

自那時以來,已Overeem交替輸贏,但即將關閉司徒盧威的第一輪淘汰賽. 尼爾森被撞倒在他對馬克·亨特的最後一戰, 儘管這尼爾森的通常下巴鐵, 不感到震驚, 鑑於亨特的令人難以置信的沖壓能力.
Overeem可能沒有亨特的力量, 但我認為他會連擊尼爾森一個相當片面決定勝利. 在這個階段,在他的職業生涯, 尼爾森是一個看門人. 但是,“雷姆”並不需要證明自己對像納爾遜爭競.

優勝者: Overeem一致決定

和Johny“比格裡格”亨德里克斯 (16-3) VS. 馬特“不朽”布朗 (21-12) (次中量級 - 170 磅。)

說起打架鬥毆和毆打, 這場鬥爭有年度候選人撲滅所有素質. 亨德里克斯下降的次中量級冠軍羅比勞勒去年,他應該贏得這場戰鬥, 與勞勒複賽是幾乎確定 - 勞勒假設過去得到麥當勞羅裡今年晚些時候.

布朗也失去了勞勒在他的最後一戰,也是一場殘酷毆打的接收端. 亨德里克斯和布朗傾向於只決一雌雄,問後面的問題, 這將導致對於球迷一個有趣的戰鬥. 亨德里克斯似乎已經重申他的承諾,MMA後,他的損失勞勒,他似乎驅動讓他帶回去. 布朗的遊戲,因為他們來了, 但亨德里克斯將被證明是太.

優勝者: 亨德里克斯通過第二輪將軍澳

卡拉“餅乾怪獸”埃斯帕扎 (11-2) VS. 喬安娜Jedrzejczyk (8-0) (女子Strawweight標題 - 115 磅。)

埃斯帕扎贏得“終極戰士”的第一個賽季來提供所有女戰士做了她的首次亮​​相UFC伴隨著一聲巨響, 並在此過程中成為了UFC的第一個婦女strawweight冠軍. 她出軌有效玫瑰Namajunas炒作列車贏得了皮帶, 當一些人在strawweight師配音Namajunas下一龍達·魯西.

Jedrzejczyk出軌喜愛在她自己的權利, 通過密切的決定戰勝備受好評的克勞迪婭Gadelha去年,當許多人認為Gadelha會埃斯帕扎的第一個衛冕. Jedrzejczyk是誰粉碎機在近距離醜陋的鬥爭蓬勃發展. 埃斯帕扎用她的摔跤中和Namajunas“快速進攻驚人, 所以進入與Jedrzejczyk一個醜陋的鬥爭不應該擾埃斯帕扎一位. 埃斯帕扎將採取Jedrzejczyk下來儘早並經常騎她摔跤的決定勝利.

優勝者: 埃斯帕扎一致決定

安東尼的“Showtime”佩蒂斯 (18-2) VS. 拉斐爾Dos Anjos酒店 (23-7) (輕量級冠軍 - 155 磅。)

佩蒂斯一直佔絕對優勢為晚, 不僅贏得來自本森 - 亨德森快速和令人興奮的時尚輕量級冠軍首輪armbar但經常展示他驚人的運動天賦,並用它來快速舉槍自殺了最好的磅磅戰鬥機名單.

但Dos Anjos酒店是不能掉以輕心. 他也完成了亨德森在第一輪,並獲得了冠軍射門被拆解絕對內特·迪亞茲去年年底. 多斯安若斯是艱難的,並會知道佩蒂斯正在尋找一種快速完成. 他不會得到它, 但佩蒂斯'怪異的運動能力將使感覺到它的存在,並最終戰勝Dos Anjos酒店和鞏固佩蒂斯'的情況下,作為有史以來最好的輕量級戰鬥機之一.

優勝者: 佩蒂斯通過第二輪提交

克里斯Huntemann寫的混合武術在馬里蘭州的國家. 他還同意他的想法在UFC, Bellator, 和世界系列的戰鬥. 看看他 博客, 或者按照他的Twitter: @mmamaryland.

Bellator MMA continues to grow women’s featherweight roster with Roberta “破碎機” 派姆, 亞歷克西斯 “偷偷摸摸的斑馬” 杜佛尼和艾奧娜Razafiarison

SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亞州. (三月 12, 2015) – Bellator MMA仍然致力於開發頂級女子輕量級混合武術, and the latest additions to the company’s roster include 羅伯塔 “破碎機” 派姆 (4-0), 亞歷克西斯 “偷偷摸摸的斑馬” 杜佛尼 (5-2) 和 IONA Razafiarison (2-0).



派姆, 杜佛尼和Razafiarison加入 阿琳 “Angerfist” Blencowe (5-4), 朱莉婭 “在朱厄爾” 好處 (7-2),馬洛斯沙 “路米納” COENEN (22-6), 冬青 “熊律” 勞森 (0-1) 和 塔利塔 “第三” 核桃 (6-0) 在Bellator MMA女子輕量級名冊.

“我們很自豪能帶來這三個天賦的運動員來我國婦女的輕量級,” 說Bellator總裁斯科特·科克爾. “I see several potential matchups that would make for some great fights. We will continue to build and support the premiere women’s featherweight division in MMA.

里奧格蘭德土生土長do Sul的, 巴西, 5尺6寸派姆通過前四場比賽中她的職業生涯不敗. 而舒適,在提交遊戲, 強大的派姆公司採用了強大的引人注目的比賽結束戰鬥, 還有. 在她的祖國戰鬥專迄今, 派姆目前還沒有找到能夠持久過去首輪的對手單, 因為她帶回家的第一輪在完成她的每一個出場日期.

24歲的杜方是一個團隊任務的戰鬥機和5次國際巴西柔術聯盟世界冠軍. 杜佛尼把注意力轉向混合武術 2012 並列舉了連續五場勝利,開始了她的職業生涯 – 所有五個結果即將在首輪和略低於平均 77 在長度秒. 最近, 杜佛尼下降了對惡戰的決定,同時使在運行 135 磅,但現在回到她更自然的重量級別 145 英鎊她Bellator MMA登場.

Razafiarison是法國出口了誰的勝利缺口在她的前兩個專業的較量. 這位30歲的Razafiarison, 一個擒拿專家誰已培訓在營地遍布世界各地, 一月轉戰最近, 當她贏得了決定勝利超過桑德拉Ameziane. 在她的專業首演, Razafiarison拿下了第一輪提交.


關於Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA是一家領先的混合武術組織擁有眾多最好的戰鬥機在世界. 在老將拼子斯科特·科克爾的方向, Bellator提供近 400 全球萬戶家庭超過 120 國家. 在美國, Bellator可以看出釘電視, 在MMA電視龍頭. Bellator MMA是由一個執行團隊,其中包括頂尖行業人士在電視節目製作, 現場活動編排, 戰鬥機研製/關係, 會場採購, 贊助創建/開發, 國際牌, 市場營銷, 廣告, 宣傳及佣金的關係. Bellator總部設在聖莫尼卡, 加利福尼亞州和娛樂巨頭維亞康姆所擁有, 家與觀眾通過電視對面引人注目的內容連接世界上首屈一指的娛樂品牌, 影, 在線和移動平台.



斯派克電視 在可 98.7 萬個家庭,是維亞康姆媒體網絡的一個部門. 維亞康姆的單位 (納斯達克: VIA, VIAB), 維亞康姆媒體網絡是全球領先的節目和內容的創造者在所有的媒體平台之一. 斯派克電視的互聯網地址 www.spike.com 和達到了分鐘和檔案新聞信息和照片, 參觀斯派克電視的新聞網站 HTTP://www.spike.com/press. 跟隨我們的Twitter spiketvpr 最新的新聞的更新, 背後的幕後信息和照片.

龍達·魯西- The Cleaner

圖片來源: Esther Lin/MMA Fighting

Given that it’s tax season, it’s a good time to remember that are there three guarantees in life: death, taxes and Ronda Rousey once again showing why she is the best female fighter on the planet with a first-round demolition of her opponent.

Rousey’s performance at UFC 184 last month was her finest to date. She submitted Cat Zingano, widely regarded as Rousey’s biggest challenge, 在 14 秒. While Rousey was aided by an absolutely horrible strategy by Zingano, her virtuoso performance led to another discussion of who has what it takes to dethrone Rousey. It also led to a ridiculous conversation of whether or not Rousey could compete against and defeat male fighters in the UFC’s bantamweight division. The less time spent on that absurd notion that accomplishes nothing but trying to discredit the great fighter Rousey is, the better.

當然, the first name that always comes up is Cris “Cyborg” Justino, the Invicta FC featherweight champion. She is expected to drop to 135 pounds for a fight with Invicta this summer before moving on to a fight with Rousey. 然而, Cyborg attempted a drop to bantamweight last year and abandoned those plans. So I wouldn’t hold my breath on the long-awaited grudge match between Rousey and Cyborg happening anytime soon.

Rousey recently expressed a desire to fight Bethe Correia, who battered two of Rousey’s “Four Horsewomen” teammates and has been calling Rousey out ever since. Jessica Eye has also staked her claim to a title shot, but neither of these women pose a real threat to Rousey. During UFC 184’s postfight coverage, Daniel Cormier floated the idea of his colleague Miesha Tate getting a third crack at Rousey.

Besides the fact I think trilogies should be reserved only when each fighter has a victory over the other, I see no reason why third time would be a charm for Tate. While she is the only woman to go further than the first round with Rousey, Tate has plateaued as a fighter while Rousey has gotten better. If the two were to fight a third time, I see no reason to believe the result would be any different.

So where does this leave Rousey? 在我看來, she has cleaned out the UFC women’s bantamweight division. There is no one who poses a credible threat to her. If Zingano adjusted her strategy and received another shot at Rousey, she might have a chance of winning. Beyond that, if Rousey decided to go out on top and build on her burgeoning film career, I don’t think anyone would hold it against her.

Rousey is currently on a run akin to Anderson Silva’s run atop the UFC’s middleweight division. He dominated everyone in his path and except for his first fight with Chael Sonnen, made it look easy. Rousey’s hardest fight to date was against Liz Carmouche, when she had Rousey in a rear naked choke in the first round of their fight in 2013 before Rousey was able to escape and secure another armbar victory.

Silva’s reign atop the middleweight division came to an end when the previously unknown Chris Weidman came along and showed no fear and took the fight to Silva. Maybe that’s what needs to happen with Rousey. She needs to find an opponent who will get right in her face, give her no quarter and take the fight to her. Zingano attempted that at UFC 184, but her overzealousness ended up costing her dearly.

Until Rousey finds her own Chris Weidman, we can add another superlative to the many that are already attached to the women’s bantamweight champion: cleaner. Rousey is fresh out of worthy challengers to her crown, a task she accomplished by cleaning out her division.

克里斯Huntemann寫的混合武術在馬里蘭州的國家. 他還同意他的想法在UFC, Bellator, 和世界系列的戰鬥. 看看他 博客, 或者按照他的Twitter: @mmamaryland.

THE NEF MMA籠緬因州的第一對夫婦

Randi Beth Knowles and Bruce Boyington

路易斯頓, 緬因 (三月 5, 2015) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF), 美國的頭號地區拼促銷, 返回到安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因州 四月 11, 2015 與第十七混合武術 (MMA) 事件. The fight card will feature 布魯斯 “漂亮男孩” Boyington (10-7) 防禦頭號競爭者的NEF MMA輕量級冠軍 傑米·哈里森 (5-1) 在主要事件. 此外, Boyington的妻子, 蘭迪貝絲·諾爾斯 (0-0), 會讓她的業餘MMA首演反對 亞歷克斯·沃克 (0-0) in the female 115-pound strawweight division. It will be the first time a couple has competed together on an NEF fight card.


諾爾斯是根據她的丈夫目前訓練Boyington跆拳道學院和年輕的MMA在班戈, 緬因. A regular at bodybuilding and fitness competitions across the region, Knowles is no stranger to performing before large audiences. She has been cage-side for many of Boyington’s past bouts, 她歡迎挑戰,當她發現自己在籠牆的另一面,這將到來 四月 11.


“看著那麼多的布魯斯的戰鬥後,, 我不能更高興能夠得到什麼滋味在籠子裡面的味道,” 驚呼諾爾斯. “我一直很喜歡被測試的最嚴峻的挑戰可能. I thank NEF for bringing women’s MMA to Maine as well as big thank you to Portland Nutrition Corner, 雅培保溫加, 劉易斯二手車銷售, 是的 & 托比的所有支持。”


諾爾斯’ 對手, 亞歷克斯·沃克, is not to be taken lightly. Walker trains out of the Kaze Dojo in Lancaster, 新罕布什爾. Coming in from out-of-town for the fight, 沃克津津樂道於扮演失敗者的角色,希望也起到攪局的作用 四月 11.


“我來自一個小鎮 2,500 人,” 沃克說. “沒有人希望我做的很好. 沒有人希望我們的團隊能夠掛有較大的體育場館. 我喜歡它,當人們低估了我們, 它激勵著我。”

NEF的下一個MMA賽事, “第十七NEF,” 定於發生在四月 11, 2015 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 布魯斯 “漂亮男孩” Boyington (10-7) 將抵禦頭號競爭者的NEF MMA輕量級冠軍 傑米·哈里森 (5-1). 此外, 賈羅德 “最後一分鐘” 勞頓 (4-1) 會見 丹尼斯·奧爾森 (12-7) 在次中量級比賽. 門票 “第十七NEF” 開始只是 $25 而在銷售現在 www.TheColisee.com 或致電在該Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525. 有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”




新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.

歷史要作出APRIL 11 憑藉一流PRO WOMEN'S FIGHT緬因州

路易斯頓, 緬因 (二月 25, 2015) - 新英格蘭戰鬥 (NEF), 美國的頭號地區拼促銷, 返回到安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因州 四月 11, 2015 與第十七混合武術 (MMA) 事件. 今天早些時候,, the company announced the addition of a professional female strawweight bout to the fight card. Kaline “黑暗天使” 梅德羅斯 (3-4) 已簽約的臉 卡莉婭 “蜜獾” 卡特勒 (3-0) at a fight weight of 115-pounds. It will be the first professional women’s fight in Maine since the state legislature legalized the sport of MMA in 2009.


“這是很可悲的,它的花了這麼長時間,” 說NEF共同擁有者和推動者尼克DiSalvo. “We’re huge fans of women’s MMA in NEF. We’ve tried numerous times to put pro women’s fights together, but they’ve always fallen through. History will finally be made on 四月 11 和, 再次, NEF is at the forefront. We hope the fans will come out and support this fight, support women’s MMA. This is a very proud moment for everyone involved. It is a step in the right direction for MMA in Maine.


This will not be the first time Kaline Medeiros has made history in the cage. 在 2013, 梅德羅斯轉戰, 並榮獲, the first-ever women’s MMA bout to be contested in Rhode Island. Fighting out of Fall River, 馬薩諸塞州, Medeiros is a native of Brazil and has been training in MMA since 2008. Having faced top female competitors since arriving in the professional ranks, 如蟻FC老兵佩吉·摩根 (3-2) 和Stephanie Eggink (4-2), 誰她撞倒在剛剛七秒, 梅代羅斯肯定有豐富的經驗和譜系去一個新的水平,在運動.


“這是一個高興地邀請我所有的球迷對我即將到來的戰鬥四月 11,” said Medeiros. “NEF is bringing me to be the first ever professional female fighter stepping in the cage, 這是我的榮幸. 感謝NEF為表彰, 我迫不及待的把對球迷一個激動人心的戰鬥。”

Michigan’s Calie Cutler has raised a lot of eyebrows since making her MMA debut in 2012. Cutler amassed an impressive 7-1 record as an amateur prior to turning pro. She has finished all three of her opponents as a professional, 包括第二輪提交戰勝尼克 - 鄧肯 (0-1) last weekend on a fight card in Michigan. Cutler will look to continue her undefeated streak as a professional on her path towards the big leagues of the sport when she meets Kaline Medeiros on 四月 11 在路易斯頓.

NEF的下一個MMA賽事, “第十七NEF,” 定於發生在 四月 11, 2015 在安德羅斯科銀行Colisée酒店在路易斯頓, 緬因. 布魯斯 “漂亮男孩” Boyington (10-7) 將抵禦頭號競爭者的NEF MMA輕量級冠軍 傑米·哈里森 (5-1). 此外, 賈羅德 “最後一分鐘” 勞頓 (4-1) 會見 丹尼斯·奧爾森 (12-7) 在次中量級比賽. 門票 “第十七NEF” 開始只是 $25 而在銷售現在www.TheColisee.com 或致電在該Colisée酒店票房207.783.2009 X 525. 有關事件,並拼牌更新的詳細信息, 請訪問推廣的網站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在觀看視頻NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他們的Twitter @nefights並加入官方Facebook集團“新英格蘭戰鬥。”




新英格蘭戰鬥 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推廣公司. NEF的使命是創造緬因州的戰鬥機和球迷的一致好評最高的質量事件. NEF的執行團隊在作戰體育管理方面擁有豐富的經驗, 生產活動, 媒體關係, 市場營銷, 法律和廣告.

Dana White and the Women

圖片來源: Esther Lin/MMA Fighting

星期六, 二月. 28, is going to be a landmark day for the Ultimate Fighting Championship. All the fighters on the pay-per-view card that day will pass their pre-fight drug…….never mind. That’s too easy.

That day will be the first time a UFC card features women’s bouts in both its co-main event and main event. After middleweight champion Chris Weidman was forced to withdraw from his fight against Vitor Belfort due to injury, the new main event at UFC 184 is Ronda Rousey defending her women’s bantamweight belt against Cat Zingano. 在合作的主要事件, much-heralded prospect Holly Holm will make her UFC debut against Raquel Pennington in another women’s bantamweight fight.

As I’ve mentioned before, UFC has come a long way from when Dana White told TMZ that women would “never” fight in his organization. Rousey will main event her third consecutive February PPV and Holm is widely believed to be the next in line for a shot at the title, should she defeat Pennington. Holm is still very raw in mixed martial arts, but trains with the world renowned coaches Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn.

Rousey is carrying the flag for women’s MMA and for women in the UFC. Other female fighters have followed her into the Octagon, including Miesha Tate, Liz Carmouche and Alexis Davis. What do those three have in common? They all also fell to Rousey – Tate twice in Strikeforce and the UFC, and Carmouche and Davis both in the first round at UFC PPVs in 2013 和 2014, 分別.

Rousey and Tate’s feud is well-chronicled. It led to the two being coaches on The Ultimate Fighter, which included female fighters for the very first time who greatly outshined their male counterparts on the show that season.

Given that season’s success, the most recent season of The Ultimate Fighter featured ALL female fighters and the debut of the UFC’s newest division, women’s strawweight. Carla Esparza, the former Invicta FC strawweight champion, won the inaugural UFC version of that belt after defeating Rose Namajunas.

So in the span of four years, UFC goes from having no female fighters and White emphatically stating that it never will, to being home to TWO female weight classes and undoubtedly the promotion’s biggest star right now in Rousey. Don’t believe me? Did you see the third Expendables movie? Or do you plan on seeing the film version of Entourage this summer? You might notice a familiar face.

So where does women’s MMA go from here? I am personally a big fan of female fights, as they tend to be among the more entertaining and action-packed fights on a UFC card. As I previously stated, female fighters are more than capable of outshining their male contemporaries. Why is that? Maybe female fighters feel they have more to prove inside the Octagon and always go for broke. Maybe they go into the Octagon with more of a “go for broke” mentality and actively seek a finish as opposed to “playing it safe.”

The fight between Rousey and Zingano on Feb. 28 will also go a long way toward determining the future of women’s MMA. Should Rousey defeat Zingano – which all signs indicate she will – she will have essentially cleaned out her division, with only unknown challengers like Holm and Bethe Correia left. If Zingano pulls the upset, then the division has a fresh batch of exciting matchups waiting.

But who knows what would have happened if Dana White kept his promise to TMZ?

克里斯Huntemann寫的混合武術在馬里蘭州的國家. He also contributes his thoughts to our site on the UFC, Bellator, 和世界系列的戰鬥. 看看他 博客, 或者按照他的Twitter: @mmamaryland.

UFC 183: Who will show up?

圖片來源: UFC

The Ultimate Fighting Championship has hit it out of the park so far in 2015, with its first two major cards of the year living up to the hype of their main events. Light heavyweight champion Jon Jones dominated Daniel Cormier to prove he is the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world at UFC 182, and at the UFC’s live card in Boston, 質量。, 一月, Conor McGregor secured a featherweight title shot against José Aldo and wasted no time getting in his next opponent’s face.

Which brings us to UFC 183 今晚, and a main event that is considered a dream matchup by many. Anderson Silva returns to the Octagon after suffering a gruesome leg injury in his last fight against UFC middleweight champion Chris Weidman in 2013. Nick Diaz also makes his return to the UFC after losing his last fight against former welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre in 2013.

Tonight’s card isn’t without its other storylines though. A pair of significant undercard fights are taking place under some controversy, as flyweight John Lineker came in overweight for his fight against Ian McCall, which is expected to determine the next no. 1 contender to the flyweight title. 在合作的主要事件, Kelvin Gastelum came in 9 pounds overweight for his fight against Tyron Woodley, which means 30 percent of Gastelum’s fight purse actually goes to Woodley. Talk about insult to injury.

當然, there is always the wild card with Diaz too. He plays by his own rules, having no-showed the open workouts earlier this week. Will he actually show up to the cage for tonight’s main event? It remains to be seen, though most everyone thinks he will.

所以, having said all that, who do I think wins tonight?

Miesha “Cupcake” Tate (15-5) VS. 薩拉·麥曼 (8-1) (Women’s bantamweight – 135 磅。)

This is actually the main event of the preliminary card on Fox Sports 1. Tate requested to compete on this portion of the card instead of the pay-per-view card, taking a page from Urijah Faber’s playbook. Tate is also eager for a third fight with Ronda Rousey for the women’s bantamweight title. Both of these women suffered Rousey’s wrath, particularly McMann, who was demolished by Rousey in about a minute last year.

McMann is a pure wrestler with very little else to her repertoire, whereas Tate built on her established wrestling skills to become an effective striker. I think she will stuff McMann’s attempts to take this fight to the mat and use her vastly superior striking skills to keep McMann befuddled en route to a dominant victory.

優勝者: Tate by unanimous decision

Jordan “Young Gun” Mein (29-9) VS. Thiago “Pitbull” Alves (25-9) (次中量級 - 170 磅。)

Alves has alternated wins and losses in his last six fights, while Mein rides a two-fight win streak. Alves is always dangerous with his Muay Thai and striking, while Mein landed a first-round TKO victory in his last fight. This should be an exciting stand-up battle with neither guy willing to give an inch. I think Alves is the more dangerous fighter here, and will land one good shot to knock Mein silly.

優勝者: Alves by second round TKO

Thales Leites (24-4) VS. Tim “The Barbarian” Boetsch (18-7) (Middleweight – 185 磅。)

Leites comes into this fight on a roll, having won his last seven fights, with the last two coming by way of TKO. Boetsch has alternated wins and losses in his last four fights, including a TKO victory in his last fight against Brad Tavares.

Boetsch is a slow, plodding bruiser best known for derailing the Hector Lombard hype train when he first made his UFC debut. Leites is a crafty, dangerous fighter who can finish you with his hands or by submission. I think Leites will avoid Boetsch’s power and wait for Boetsch to make a mistake, where Leits will capitalize.

優勝者: Leites by third round submission

Joe Lauzon (24-10) VS. Al “Raging” Iaquinta (10-3-1) (Lightweight – 155 磅。)

You know what you’re getting with a Joe Lauzon fight. You’re going to see an exciting, action packed bout that will most likely end with him locking in a slick submission or, in the case of his fight against Jim Miller, suffering a gnarly cut that will guarantee a blood battle.

Iaquinta has been on a roll since his time on The Ultimate Fighter Live, having only lost once in his last six fights. A win against Lauzon would be a real feather in his cap and might propel him into title contendership discussion. But Lauzon is one of the best submission specialists in the UFC, and I think the crafty veteran has another submission up his sleeve.

優勝者: Lauzon by second round submission

Tyron “The Chosen One” Woodley (14-3) VS. Kelvin Gastelum (11-0) (次中量級 - 170 磅。)

As mentioned above, Gastelum weighed in 9 pounds over for this fight and will forfeit 30 percent of his purse directly to Woodley. It was reported that Gastelum spent time in the hospital leading up to this fight, which contributed to him coming in overweight.

Woodley will be angry in this fight, and rightly so. It’s not fair that his opponent will have a weight advantage due to his own failure to do what he was supposed to do. Give Woodley credit for wanting to keep fighting when it would have been perfectly understandable to postpone it.

Woodley will channel his rage into a blitzkrieg of offense at Gastelum, and the lethargic and probably still-injured Gastelum will have no response.

優勝者: Woodley by second round TKO

安德森的“蜘蛛”席爾瓦 (33-6) VS. Nick Diaz (27-9-1) (Middleweight – 185 磅。)

This is one of the several main events that have fight fans buzzing in 2015. Many didn’t think Silva would ever walk again after his leg injury against Weidman, let alone come back to the UFC to fight. The matchup style of Diaz wanting to push the pace, get in his opponent’s face and sucker him into trading blows against Silva’s unrivaled elusiveness will be interesting to watch.

Diaz said he wouldn’t trash talk Silva during this fight out of respect. But if Silva keeps bobbing and weaving and dodging Diaz’s punches, we’ll see how long Diaz commits to that. I think we’ll see vintage Silva in this fight, making Diaz look silly in some spots while landing well-timed strikes that will confuse and frustrate Diaz, which will allow Silva to land even more.

Diaz is too tough to finish, but this fight will show that Silva still has it and is the vastly superior fighter.

優勝者: Silva by unanimous decision

克里斯Huntemann寫的混合武術在馬里蘭州的國家. He also contributes his thoughts to our site on the UFC, Bellator, 和世界系列的戰鬥. 看看他 博客, 或者按照他的Twitter: @mmamaryland.