Kategorija Archives: women’s boxing

Marie-Eve Dicaire determined underdog against Claressa Shields inSuperwomenPPV this Friday Night

MONTREAL (Kovas 1, 2021) – Unbeaten underdog Marie-Eve Dicaire, the reigning IBF female super welterweight World champion, has fully prepared physically and mentally for this Friday night’s undisputed showdown against undefeated WBC and WBO title holder and self-proclaimed GOAT Claressa Skydai(10-0, 2 Kos).

A tribute to International Women’s Day, “SUPERWOMEN: SHIELDS VS. DICAIRE will be broadcast live in USA on InDemand Pay Per View and streamed live on FITE.TV, and in Canada On Canal Indigo, "Bell televizija, Shaw TV and streamed live on FITE.TV and YOOP. pradedant 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT, from Dort Financial Center in Flint, Mičiganas. (To pre-order on FITE.TV eiti į www.fitetv/watch/shields-vs-decaire/2p8qn/).

Dicaire (17-0), a popular French-Canadian boxer, understands and fully appreciates the significance ofSUPERWOMEN”, and what an upset victory would do for her building brand, particularly outside her native Canada.

I allowed myself to be excited,” Dicaire explained. “I know it is a significant fight, but I made sure I’m focused on the task I need to accomplish and not the outcome of the fight. My strategy is based on my skills. Where she puts her focus is up to her. On my side, I did everything I had to get ready for this fight. And I am!

I’ve always said that boxing is a passion, and I am happy to make a living out of it,” she said. Bet, man, it is more than that. It is a way to inspire people, to change society’s mentality. I want to achieve greatness to inspire people to dream big and this is what this fight is all about to me.

Pernai, 2-time Olympic boxing gold medalist Shields, who will be fighting Dicaire at home in Flint, Mičiganas, signed a multi-year deal with mixed-martial-arts promoter PFL. Her transition to MMA will reportedly happen this year.

Dicaire, ironiškai, was a world amateur champion in karate before transitioning to boxing, in which she has defeated five world champions.

My karate background has always been a powerful tool for me in terms of mindset and work ethic,” Dicaire commented. “I was built in martial arts and I think it is what made me the strong athlete that I am now.

Šį penktadienį naktį Skydai vs. Dicarie will determine the No. 1 woman in the super welterweight division, if not in all of boxing.


Boston featherweight Troy Anderson, Jaunesnysis. Benefited from sparring with undisputed world lightweight champion Katie Taylor

BOSTON (Vasaris 17, 2021) – Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, Jaunesnysis.  hasn’t made his pro debut yet, but he did get the opportunity to recently spar with undisputed world lightweight championKate Taylor (17-0, 6 Kos), the 2012 Olympic gold medalist from Ireland, who was a 5-time AIBA world champion as an amateur.

The 28-year-old Anderson, who is managed by Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker, was supposed to make his pro debut earlier this year in Mexico. He showed up but his opponent tested positive for COVID-19 and their fight was canceled.

Taylor frequently travels from Ireland to Connecticut, where she prepares for fights with her trainerRoss Enamait.    

Anderson, a union Sheetmetal worker in local 17, was a decorated amateur who won a gold medal at the 2016 Rocky Marciano Tournament, as well as The New England’s Tournament twice in 2018-2019, and won Central Division of the New England Golden Gloves Tournament twice and runner-up twice during his four-year (2016-2019) run. He also competed in three national tournaments.

Anderson benefitted from being a southpaw when his trainerMarc Gargaro, was contacted by Enamait about needing a lefthanded sparring partner for Taylor. “I’ve only sparred with her once,” Anderson said, “but I believe I will be getting more work with Katie at her training camp in the near future. I’ve already been asked back for more sparring.

“In the ring, Katie is patient, sharp, and quick with her combinations. She also doesn’t waste any movements all all. She is very tough and aggressive. Outside the ring, she is very nice, always smiling when talking, and a generous, decent human being.”

There’s nothing better for a young boxer than to train and spar with a world-class athlete, even if it’s a female against a male, the experience in invaluable.

I believe getting experience with a world champion helped me build up my confidence. It definitely opened my mind and eyes to trying new things like different movements and combinations, as well as make sure my defense and foot work was on point. Learning to become better at changing the tempo of combinations I was throwing. Also, realizing the things Katie did during and after sparring, understanding her mentality, and letting me know and see what it takes to be the best in the world, will help me grow big-time as a boxer.

“It is a little different sparring a woman but, dorai, it helped me work on my craft in areas I’ve been trying to improve on. I am still available to give and get good, solid work and effort. It’s expanding my mind, I was still able to pick and choose when to dig hard shots to make sure I was still solidly sparring for her, unlike with guys’ majority of punches are thrown hard.

Ortiz’ managerRyan Roach komentavo: “This is a great opportunity for Troy. Anytime you share the ring with a world champion, even sparring, is a great way to elevate your level of confidence. As many know there are a lot of levels to this sport and these opportunities are crucial in building a fighter. I am really proud of Troy. His debut got pushed back, but he’s stayed in the gym and remains positive waiting for his shot. He has a great coach and team at Nonantum Boxing.”

Sparring Taylor may not have erased the disappointment of Anderson’s pro debut being canceled; tačiau, the experience will surely make him a better fighter.

“Sparring a world champion was unbelievable,” Anderson concluded. “Just having the opportunity to step foot in the ring with world champion Katie Taylor was amazing. Literally, leading up to the day of sparring, that’s all I could focus on and think about. I was extremely locked in, because I wanted to give Katie Taylor good work and show her that reaching out to my coach Marc was not a mistake, and his words about me were solid. Seeing how Katie is when moving, throwing combinations, and on defense picking and choosing when to be aggressive and not, is unexplainable. It was truly a blessing and I will forever be grateful and thankful for the experience and opportunity to be able to spar with a world champion, Katie Taylor”


WEBSITE:  fighterlocker.compunch4parkinsons.com 

FACEBOOK:  /fighterlocker

TWITTER:  @RoachRyan, @_troyandersonjr

INSTAGRAM: @RyanRoach82

ABOUT FIGHTER LOCKER: Įkurta 2019, Fighter Locker is a comprehensive sports agency that manages professional boxers. Fighter Locker also helps to brand boxers by finding their voice with a 100-percent customized service. Fighter Locker does not really believe in working models. It believes in partnership optimization models in motion.

Fighter Locker uses four creative steps because it believes in “the foundation is everything”: 1. wisely conceived, 2. creatively restrained, 3. Proudly judged, 4. sharply targeted.


Geriausios bokso sportininkės moterys neturi “namo”, nėra jokio tinklo, kuris pademonstruotų jų talentą

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti

NEW YORK — Moterims toliau žengiant lygybę visose pramonės šakose, boksas ir jo žiniasklaidos partneriai lieka praeityje, nesuteikdami moterims teisės atimti teisę į savo įgūdžius ir užsidirbti. Tais pačiais metais Amerika išrinko savo pirmąją moterį viceprezidentę, spalvota moteris, pasaulio reitingą užimančios elitinės moterys neturi įprastos televizijos platformos ar bokso serialų. Niekur nėra tokia nesąžininga konkurencinė padėtis, kaip JAV ir Šiaurės Amerikoje.

Didžioji dauguma geriausių bokso moterų nėra kovojusi 2020, ar nekovojo nuo sausio. Pandemija moteris bokse paveikė dar labiau nei vyrus. Paveikslėlis nebuvo rožinis prieš Covid-19 ir, be veiksmo, nėra pagrindo manyti, kad jis pagerės.

Tai daro įtaką visoms Amerikos bokso moterims, iš žvaigždžių Claressa Shields ir Amanda Serrano, valdantiems pasaulio čempionams, šešių raundų ir keturių raundų kovotojams. Išskyrus nedaugelį sportininkų, dauguma boksininkų moterų turi išlaikyti visą arba ne visą darbo laiką, kad galėtum susitvarkyti.

Amanda Serrano, Heather Hardy, Ava Knight ir kiti MMA pasinaudojo galimybėmis padidinti savo pajamas ir išvengti neveiklumo. Claressa Skydai, labiausiai pripažinta moteris Amerikos mėgėjų istorijoje, dviejų laiko olimpinio aukso medalio laimėtojas, ir patikrinta trauka, šiuo metu yra be platformos ir ką tik paskelbė daugiametę sutartį su Profesionalų kovotojų lyga.

Vieningas čempionas iš titnago, Mičiganas, pasakė „The Athletic“, “Tai (boksas) seksistinis sportas. Tai seksistinis su mums suteikiamomis galimybėmis. Tai seksistinis su televizijos laiku. Seksistinė tai, kiek mes mokame. Visi trys. Puikiai tinka moterų bokso žvaigždei išbandyti savo jėgas MMA. Jie neturėtų būti verčiami to daryti dėl galimybių stokos.”

“Šios moterys nuolat vykdo puikias kovas ir solidų žiūrovų skaičių,” sakė Lu DiBella, kuris reklamuoja daugiau moterų nei bet kuris kitas JAV reklaminis subjektas. “Jie pasodina žmones į sėdynes, o jų renginių žiūrimumas dažnai varžosi su vyrais. Tai nėra klubo lygio kovotojai. Jie yra elito pasaulio čempionai ir, be televizoriaus, be įprastos platformos, jie negali būti finansiškai saugūs ar sukurti bet kokio gerbėjų būrio. Puiku, kad moterų boksas didina talentų grupę ir didina savo ūgį, atsižvelgiant į negausius televizijos ir transliavimo lizdus, ​​skirtus kovotojoms moterims. Tai liudija bokso moterų sportininkų atsparumą ir atsidavimą, kurie nusipelno geresnio.”

Vietiniai rengėjai, kurie užsiima kovotojų auginimu ir vietų užpildymu, gali pasiūlyti taškų savo kortelėse ir regioninius rodiklius, tačiau piniginės yra labai ribotos be televizijos pajamų. Moterys kovotojos’ piniginės dažnai apsiriboja procentine jų parduodamų bilietų procentine dalimi.

Aukščiausiuose lygiuose, moterys praeina. Heather Hardy, „DiBella Entertainment“ kovotojas, pastebėjo abiejų lyčių boksininkų augimo skirtumą. “Spaudos konferencijose, Aš sėdžiu prie sėdynės pačiame gale, su likusiais muštynėmis po kortomis,” Sakė Hardy. “Stebiu, kaip berniukai eina nuo sėdėjimo šalia manęs stalo gale, pereiti prie pagrindinės kortelės, paskui pagrindinis, o paskui pagrindinis įvykis, bet mano vieta niekada nejudėjo. Nesvarbu, kiek gavau spaudos, kad ir kiek kovų laimėjau, Aš niekada nejudėjau. Sisteminis seksizmas neleido man judėti.”

“Nėra taip, kad esame atskira organizacija, tokia kaip WNBA. Mums suteikiamos tik simbolinės galimybės, kovojantys tomis pačiomis kortomis, dažnai daug konkurencingesnėse kovose nei vyrai, ir vis dar nėra teisingai traktuojami,” Sakė Hardy. “Mes neturime savo vietos ar profesionalių namų.”

“Tai nusileidžia boksininkėms moterims ir mėgėjų programoms,” DiBella tęsė. “Jaunos boksininkės turi matyti kitas moteris didžiojoje scenoje. Jie turi matyti panašias moteris per televiziją ir transliacijos platformas. Jie turi tai žinoti, jei siekia boksininko karjeros, bus pakankamai galimybių pamatyti savo talentus, už teisingą atlyginimą. Jei moterys sugeba pranešti apie bokso renginį, arba gali parduoti didelę procentinę dalį vartų, jiems nereikėtų mokėti nuo dešimties iki dvidešimties procentų nuo to, ką moka panašios padėties vyrai. Mes čia nesiunčiame tinkamo pranešimo, ir XXI amžiuje tam nėra rimtų priežasčių.”

Moterų, turinčių profesionalų gretas, fondas yra mažesnis, bet tai verčia geriausius mačus. Tai verčia moteris kovoti ne savo svorio kategorijose.

“Jessica McCaskill ką tik iškovojo vieningus pasaulio titulus, ir nori kovoti su manimi 147 m.” - pasakė Amanda Serrano, septynių divizionų pasaulio čempionas. “Ji mane išsikvietė 147! Tai kažkaip liūdna. Gerai mums, jei tai turi prasmę, bet tiesa yra, jie šaukia čempionus 126. Tai yra keturios skirtingos svorio kategorijos. Vyrai to neturi daryti! Moterys nuolat priverstos save kompromituoti, kad tik gautų galimybę.”

Talentų fondas nedidės, nebent televizijoje ir transliacijoje moterys įkvėps jaunesnes kartas – moterys, kurios taip pat gali kovoti, ir dažnai geriau nei, vyrų, kurie dabar yra televizijoje. Atėjo laikas nebeklausinėti gražiai. Metas boksininkėms reikalauti sąžiningumo ir stabilumo, ir tai priklauso nuo tinklo vadovų, žiniasklaida, ir tiems, kurie kontroliuoja prieigą prie žiniasklaidos platformų, nustoti gyventi praeitimi. Metas boksininkėms moterims kovoti už save ir už teisę užsidirbti pragyvenimui. Ir dabar laikas veikti.

Norėdami sekti judėjimą ir prisijungti prie pokalbio socialiniuose tinkluose, naudokite žymę #WeKeepFighting.

The late Johnny Tapia remains strong influence for Albuquerque amateur boxer Sharahya-Taina Moreu

The late Johnny Tapia remains strong influence for

Albuquerque amateur boxer Sharahya-Taina Moreu

2020 USA Boxing Nationals, Gruodis. 5-12, Shreveport, Luizianos

COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Lapkritis 23, 2020) – The late, great Hall of Fame boxer Džonis tapija played a significant role in the development of Albuquerque welterweight Sharahya-Taina Moreu, and the 3-division world champion remains a strong influence in her life.

During the COVID-19 pandemic she has been preparing to compete in the 2020 JAV Boksas Nacionalinis čempionatas, Gruodis 5-12, at Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Tapia (shown below with his tattooed back to Moreu) helped Sharahya-Taina overcome the life-changing tragedy of her mother’s automobile accident. She was only eight at the time, laying on her mother after the accident, and the first out of the car and onto the highway asking for help.

“At first,” she spoke about her relationship with Tapia, “I was regretful and angry, getting into fights and on a bad path. I got into boxing at 12, took anger management, and became motivated.”

Tapia, who was a 2-time National Golden Gloves champion as an amateur, had a tremendous impact on Moreu’s life, something that will never leave her heart and soul.

“We became like family,” the 21-year-old explained. “At first, jis (Vaikinas) didn’t like girls boxing, so he worked me really hard. I was a good basketball player and he kept telling me to go play basketball. But he became a big person in my life, Aš manau, because I had lost my mother at such a young age. He helped me in and out of the ring in so many ways. Johnny Tapia was the nicest, most humble man I’ve ever met. We became family until the gym fell apart. He only coached me for about eight months, but he taught me that boxing defines you as a person. I feel safe in the ring. I’m a better person because of Johnny and boxing.”

Training with her father/coachYoruba Moreu during the pandemic, although it was challenging to find good sparring, hasn’t been as much of a problem as for others because her gym is in the backyard. She hasn’t been in a fight since last December’s Olympic Trials.

“I’m excited to get back in the ring because I’ve gone too long without competition,” Moreu looked ahead to Shreveport. “It’s definitely going to be different, because there are a bunch of new faces coming for the number one spot, which makes it fun and worthy to fight.”

Proud to represent the United States in competition, Sharahya-Taina is proud of her Native American and Puerto Rican heritage, and she’s taken up the cause fighting for women.

“I love to embrace both sides of my culture,” she commented, “representing my Acoma side from my mother and Taino lineage from the Puerto Rican blood in me, and that’s why my name is Sharahya-Taina. Every day is a fight for women. I’m just making it known and clear that we are here to stay. I’m not just fighting for myself. I’m also fighting for my family, ancestors and the next generation of females who choose to pick up a pair of gloves. The goal is not to be just a champ in the ring, but on the outside, too.”

Moreu has been very successful in her development from youth to the elite division, laimėti 2017 Youth National Championships and Western Regional Open, o taip pat 2016 ir 2017 Youth Open. She’s also been runner-up at the 2018 Elite National Championships and Western Elite Qualifier, plus the 2015 National Junior Olympics.

Sharahya-Taina Moreu is a young woman on a mission. She hopes to compete in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, particularly with her younger brother if they both qualified to be, as she says, “an iconic brother/sister duo in Olympic boxing.”



"Twitter": @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

"Facebook": /USABoxing

APIE JAV BOKSĄ:  The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United States’ athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, išsiugdyti charakterį, remti bokso sportą, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Sa’Rai Brown-El : The future of women’s boxing – 2020 USA Boxing Nationals, Gruodis. 5-12, Shreveport, Luizianos

COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Lapkritis 9, 2020) – The future of women’s boxing, galbūt, is 15-year-oldSa’Rai Brown-El, who has already captured top honors in 11 national and regional tournaments.

Since she started boxing in 2015, Sa’Rai has collected gold medals at the 2019 Junior Open, 2019 Nacionalinė PAL, 2019 & 2017 National Junior Olympics, 2017 Western Regional Open, and Eastern Regional Open in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

“I stayed focused and hungry and, svarbiausia, humble,” she spoke about her success in the junior division. “No matter how much you’ve accomplished or the number of accolades you’ve gotten, always stay hungry and always strive for more.”

Boxing started for her when she was 10, training at Lugo Boxing and Fitness in Marietta, Georgia. Prior to that in her native Albany (NY), she went to her uncle’s gym and found a pair of boxing gloves.

“I fell in love with boxing when I found that first pair of gloves,” Brown-El explained. “I first started boxing because, anuomet, my dad didn’t agree with me. I saw a lot of people who didn’t agree with females competing in a male dominated sport, so I wanted to prove those people wrong. I just love boxing because my whole family boxes.”

The COVID-19 pandemic adversely effected most boxers, who were limited in terms of training and sparring, in addition to being shutout of tournaments. Brown-El, tačiau, made the best of a bad situation, running miles with her siblings, cardio mitt work with her father, and much more.

Brown-El has her sights firmly set on the 2020 JAV Boksas Nacionalinis čempionatas, Gruodis 5-12, at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Louisiana.

“I am super excited and super focused on the National Championships,” she added. “I am fighting to get on the USA High Performance Team for my second year. I really want this and I will be working hard every day. My goal for now is to be on Team USA for the second time. I want to fight internationally and be Number 1 in the world.”

Brown-El has definitive long-range goals in boxing, starting with the Olympics and finishing as the face of women’s boxing.

“If I win a gold medal at the 2024 Olimpinės žaidynės, maybe a second time in 2028, after that I think that will open up great opportunities for me,” the prodigy commented. “I think it’ll especially help me in the pro ranks. Winning a gold medal is my biggest goal right now.

“I want to be the greatest female boxer in the world. I want to be known and I want to make a statement for all females. I really want to shock the world. I eat, sleep, and breath boxing. This is not just a sport for me, this is a lifestyle.”

Sa’Rai Brown-El is on a golden path to stardom. She represents the future!



"Twitter": @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

"Facebook": /USABoxing

Boxing a family affair for Idaho amateur boxer Kendra Samargis

COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Spalis 26, 2020) – Idaho middleweight boxer Kendra (Reeves) Samargisdecision four years ago to lose weight has led her onto a path to compete in the 2020 JAV Boksas Nacionalinis čempionatas, Gruodis 5-12, at Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Luizianos.

Boxing for the 26-year-old Samargis, who lives in Twin Falls, is a real family affair. She’s trained by her husband, Jasonas, and their two sons, Skyler Bellus (11) and Riley Marovich (8), are in USA Boxing. Skyler, iš tikrųjų, has competed in several tournaments in which his mother also fought.

I got into boxing just as a form of weight loss,” Kendra explained. “My husband had been a boxing coach for many years and he still had all of his equipment. We set it up in our garage and started training. Pirma, starting out was the worst thing I had ever done. The amount of stamina, endurance, and strength that I needed to have was unreal. Slowly over time I lost tremendous weight, 73-pounds to be exact, and I came to love the sport.

I’m always asked what it’s like to be trained by my husband. I always say I have a secret weapon, someone who is in my corner who wants me to succeed just as much as I do and supports me throughout. Taip pat, in times we’re at tournaments, I am never alone the night before a big fight and if I need a pep talk, he is right there. Dabar, my sons competing with me, gerai, that’s a different story. Being on the outside of the ring while my boys are competing is by far harder than any fight I have ever had. My mom-side definitely kicks in. Tuo dienos pabaigos, nors, I know how well trained they are, and I have to trust that. I don’t work their corners because that’s too close. I would throw in the towel every time. I have to be in the stands.

Kendra and both of her sons will be competing in Shreveport this year, despite having to train during the COVID-19 pandemic to prepare for the first national tournament of the year in the United States.

Training during the pandemic has been a blessing for me,” Kendra said. “We now own a gym in town. Taip, during the times we had to close our doors, Mano vyras, kids and I were able to keep up with our training regimen. I learned so much during this time. We were actually able to slow things down and work on so many things that get overlooked. We are also very lucky to live in a small town, we only had to keep our gym closed for two months and we’ve been up and running since. I could only image how hard it must be for so many people during these times. We were very blessed to have a gym to get us through.

Currently ranked No. 10 į 152 pounds and No. 5 į 165, Kendra’s highlights thus far are winning gold medals at the 2019 Eastern Elite Qualifier and 2018 Nacionalinės Aukso Pirštinės turnyras.

An aggressive boxer who throws punches in bunches, Samargis believes she’s made dramatic improvement in the past years. She admittedly changed many different parts of her game, focusing more on movement, foot and head placements.

Ilgainiui, she wants to capture top honors at multiple national tournaments, starting with this year’s Nationals Championship, and eventually turn pro to shoot for a world title. Nes dabar, nors, she’s all in for the Nationals.

I am my biggest competition for this year’s National Championships,” she concluded. “Every day I want to be the best version of myself and every day I wake up to the haunting possibility I could fall back into the person that I used to be. I have to go to war everyday with myself to keep this person at bay. All of the hours of training, nutrition and mental preparation helps me accomplish this. Every day I can continue to be the best version of myself, focusing only on getting better, then who I compete against won’t matter.

I am beyond ready and excited for the National Championships this year. With the world coming to a halt this will be my first tournament of the year. I am ready to get back in the ring. Medaling will give me another national title under my belt and sharpen my resume for when I turn pro.

"Twitter": @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
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WIBA World Champion Denise Castle is set to headline the historicLET BATTLE COMMENCETHE LIONESSES renginys, promoted by six time, five division World Champion Lee McAllister, that takes place on Saturday the 21st November 2020

Throughout her professional boxing career Bournemouth’s Castle has competed around the World, but curiously had never competed in a contest in her home country, but that will change come the 21st November, although as the event will be held behind closed doors, at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen, and there will be no British fans ringside to support her.

Castle, a former World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion, secured the Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) World Crown back in October 2019, following a fifth round stoppage over Sutthinee Bamrungpao in Bangkok, Tailandas.

On the 21st November Castle was originally set to defend her WIBA World Crown against Judit Hachbold, subject to Hachbold’s medical suspension issued by the Florida State Boxing Commission being resolved at least 30 days prior to the event, which has not occurred. A replacement opponent will be announced in due course.

To date theLET BATTLE COMMENCE serija, which are broadcast live onFITE TV and delayed broadcast in the UK onSporto kanalų tinklas (Freeview/Youview Channel 265), has featured female contests on all events.

The first took place on the 18th July 2020 and hosted the professional boxing debut of ten time Kick Boxing World Champion Caitlin Foran against PBC International Silver Champion Jaime Bates.

Tegul prasideda kovos pradžia II, which was broadcast live on Friday 4th September, featured three female contests, the first featured PBC International Silver Super Flyweight ChampionNicola Hopewell priešTasha Boyes, also featured on the card were Elite Amateur StarsHollie Towl irEllie Coulson who made their respective professional boxing debuts againstJaime Bates irBeccy Ferguson.

The interim card for the 21st NovemberLET BATTLE COMMENCETHE LIONESSES event sees WIBA Minimum-weight World ChampionDenise Castle defend her crown against a yet to be named replacement opponent.

The stacked card hosts the rematch betweenNicola Hopewell irTasha Boyes, following Boyes’ unfortunate retirement during their previous encounter due to an arm injury.

Former ten time Kick Boxing World ChampionCaitlin Foran will make her second appearance in the series and will face Shrewsbury’sBeccy Ferguson.

Former English National Amateur ChampionEllie Coulson will also be making her second appearance in the series, this time she facesEster Konecna from the Czech Republic.

Sheffield’s former five time National Amateur Champion and unbeaten as a professionalHollie Towl, faces Malta’sMelissa Harianto.

Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) Muay Thai World ChampionNatacha De Almeida from Switzerland, will be making her professional boxing debut against York’sCarly Mackenzie.

Former Elite Amateur, South Shields’Estelle Scott, is back in action against debutingKirsty Biswas from Middlesbrough.

Manchester’sSophie Varley makes her first appearance on the series and will face debutingIvette Garcia.

Shrewsbury’s PBC International Silver Bantamweight ChampionJaime Bates will go toe-to-toe with the highly experienced KenyanJane Kavulani.

In addition to being the first all female professional boxing eventLET BATTLE COMMENCETHE LIONESSES will also be the first ever event in the UK to be officiated by an all Female team licensed by the British & Airijos bokso tarnyba (BIBA), who are sanctioning the historic event.

Former Amateur A Class RefereeCarla Fox will the third person in the ringMichelle Pennington irErica Higgins will be the inspectors andEmma Truepenny will be the timekeeper and due to a broken toe preventing her competing on the historic event, MBC International Champion and BIBA’s Director of Female BoxingMarianne Marston, who is also a qualified Chief Inspector/Championship Supervisor, will now be the Chief Inspector and Championship Supervisor of the event.

LET BATTLE COMMENCETHE LIONESSESkartu suPAPA JOHN’S PIZZA irNEONO ENERGIJOS GĖRIMAS, will take place on the 21st November 2020 and will be broadcast exclusively live onFITE TV (PPV @ $12.99)



Five division World Champion and Promoter Lee Mcallister and the British & Airijos bokso tarnyba (BIBA) jointly announced an historic all female professional boxing event, that will take place in the United Kingdom on Saturday 21st November 2020 as part of theLET BATTLE COMMENCE serija, kartu suPAPA JOHN’S PIZZA irNEONO ENERGIJOS GĖRIMAS and broadcast exclusively live onFITE TV.

To date the LET BATTLE COMMENCE series, which are broadcast live on FITE TV and delayed broadcast in the UK on Sports Channel Network (Freeview/Youview Channel 265), has featured female contests on all events.

The first took place on the 18th July 2020 and hosted the professional boxing debut of ten time Kick Boxing World Champion Caitlin Foran against PBC International Silver Champion Jaime Bates.

Tegul prasideda kovos pradžia II, which was broadcast live on Friday 4th September, featured three female contests, the first featured PBC International Silver Super Flyweight Champion Nicola Hopewell versus Tasha Boyes, also featured on the card were Elite Amateur Stars Hollie Towl and Ellie Coulson who made their respective professional boxing debuts against Jaime Bates and Beccy Ferguson.

The upcoming LET BATTLE COMMENCE III, which takes place on the 3rd October features two female contests; Sophie Varley versus Tasha Boyes and Elite Amateur Estelle Scott makes her professional Boxing debut against Carly Mackenzie.

The interim card for the 21st NovemberLET BATTLE COMMENCETHE LIONESSES event sees WIBA Minimum-weight World ChampionDenise Castle and MBC International ChampionMarianne Marston co-headlining, against yet to be named opponents.

The stacked card hosts the rematch betweenNicola Hopewell irTasha Boyes, following Boyes’ unfortunate retirement during their previous encounter due to an arm injury.

Former ten time Kick Boxing World ChampionCaitlin Foran will make her second appearance in the series and will face Shrewsbury’sBeccy Ferguson.

Former English National Amateur ChampionEllie Coulson will also be making her second appearance in the series, this time she facesEster Konecna from the Czech Republic.

Ellie’s esteemed team mate at the Xbox Academy in WorksopHollie Towl, faces Italy’sAngela Cannizzaro.

Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC) Muay Thai World ChampionNatacha De Almeida from Switzerland, will be making her professional boxing debut against York’sCarly Mackenzie.

Former Elite Amateur, South Shields’Estelle Scott, is back in action against debutingKirsty Biswas from Middlesbrough.

Manchester’sSophie Varley, who now competes at Super Flyweight, will face debutingIvette Garcia.

Shrewsbury’s PBC International Silver Bantamweight ChampionJaime Bates will go toe-to-toe with the highly experienced KenyanJane Kavulani.

Further contests are planned, including a second World title fight between American Heavyweights Carlette Ewell and Gwendolyn O’Neil, subject to UK Government travel restrictions permitting.

Currently this event is being planned as a ‘Behind Closed Doors’ special event at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen, however it is expected that Spectators will be permitted to attend events by November, subject to government restrictions, and if they are then it is expected that the event will take place in London, subject to suitable size venue availability.

LET BATTLE COMMENCETHE LIONESSESkartu suPAPA JOHN’S PIZZA irNEONO ENERGIJOS GĖRIMAS, will take place on the 21st November 2020 and will be broadcast exclusively live onFITE TV (PPV @ $12.99)



Women’s boxing superstar Claressa Shields has added two more impressive distinctions to her already unparalleled boxing career laurels.

25-year-old “T-Rex” Shields (10-0, 2 Kos), currently the unified WBC and WBO World Female Super Welterweight and WBC, WBA, IBF and WBO Middleweight Champion, has been named #1 in both The Ring and ESPN’s inaugural pound-for-pound women’s rankings of the best female fighters in the world.

During an exciting renaissance for the sport, Shields was able to best a strong lineup of female fighters including Irish unified lightweight champion Katie Taylor, seven-division champ Amanda Serrano, Norway’s long-time undisputed queen Cecilia Braekhus and her recent conqueror Jessica McCaskill.

Among her many accomplishments, Shields is a two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and the first American boxer – female or male – to win consecutive Olympic boxing gold medals. She became Unified Super Middleweight World Champion in her fourth professional fight, Unified Middleweight World Champion in her sixth professional fight and Unified Super Welterweight World Champion in her tenth. She also holds the record for becoming a two and three-weight world champion in the fewest professional fights and is one of only seven boxers in history, female or male, to hold all four major world titles in boxing—WBA, WBC, IBF and WBO—simultaneously.

“Claressa is the driving force for women’s boxing!” said her promoter, Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “I am happy to see that ESPN, the worldwide leader in sports, and the well-respected “Bible of Boxing” Ring Magazine unanimously and indisputably recognize Claressa’s incredible accomplishments as the best in the world.”

“I’m proud to see two more Herstoric achievements added to the unprecedented resume of Claressa Shields,” said her manager, Markas Taffetas, President of Mark Taffet Media. “She continues her march toward equality for female boxers using her broad shoulders from both an athletic and a social perspective. I look forward to the day when she appears on the top pound-for-pound list among the men with no gender labels.”

Dvi sensacingos moterų kovos „LET BATTLE COMMENCE II“ tiesiogiai per FITE TV. Rugpjūčio 15 d

Rengėjas Lee Mcallister anksčiau paskelbė, kad būsimame LET BATTLE COMMENCE II vyks dvi moterų varžybos., kartu su PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA ir NEON ENERGY Gėrimais, kuris vyksta „už uždarų durų“ OYO šiauriniame viešbutyje Aberdeene ir kurį tiesiogiai transliuoja FITE TV rugpjūčio 15 d., šeštadienį 2020.

Pirmasis iš visų moterų mūšių yra JK #1 ir Pasaulio #27 Užima reitingą „Super Flyweight Worksop“ Nicola Hopewell prieš Leedso Tasha Boyes.

Dar kovo 7 d, prieš pat JK pradėjus dirbti, Hopewellas ją apsaugojo #1 JK reitingasBoxRanking.Com per sensacingą antrojo turo pergalę prieš Ganos Anitą Addy Hoops krepšinio centre Barrow-on-Furness.

Kaip mėgėjų Hopewellas, buvęs Anglijos „Pathway“ būrio narys, žiedą pasidalino su daugeliu aukščiausios klasės kovotojų, tarp kurių buvo Sandraugos aukso medalininkė ir dabar nenugalėta profesionali boksininkė Lisa Whiteside bei GB boksininkė Tori Ellis Willetts, kuri eina olimpinių žaidynių keliu.. Per savo laiką „Team GB“ aikštelėje Šefilde Hopewell taip pat skynėsi tokias kaip dviguba olimpinė aukso medalininkė Nicola Adams, taip pat WBC tarptautinio čempionato varžovė Nina Bradley ir IBO bei WBC pasaulio čempionė Terri Harper..

Hopewello varžovas rugpjūčio 15 d 28 metų Tasha Boyes iš Jorko, kuris tik prieš porą metų užsiėmė boksu, išgirdusi apie dvi seseris, kurių tėvai mirė Mančesterio bombardavime, ir ji norėjo ką nors padaryti, kad jiems kaip nors padėtų, todėl ji nusprendė dalyvauti „Baltosios apykaklės“ bokso renginyje, kad surinktų pinigų našlaičiams seserims. Boyes toliau sėkmingai varžėsi nelicencijuotoje scenoje, varžydamasi kituose Labdaros renginiuose, norėdama surinkti lėšų tiems, kuriems labiau reikia pagalbos nei ji pati, iki šių metų pradžios. Rugpjūčio 15 d. Boyes profesionaliai debiutuos

Nicola Hopewell ir Tasha Boyes karjera galėjo būti labai skirtinga, bet ateis rugpjūčio 15 d., jų kelionės nuveš juos į tą patį žiedą.

Antroje iš šių gurmaniškų kovų dalyvauja du debiutantai, kovojantys vienas prieš kitą, kai sensacinga Šefildo penkių kartų nacionalinė mėgėjų čempionė žvaigždė Hollie Towl eina su pirštais į Pasaulio bokso tarybą (WBC) Muay Thai pasaulio čempionė Natacha De Almeida iš Šveicarijos.

Towl pradėjo boksuotis būdamas metų 11 metų ir per savo gerbiamą mėgėjų karjerą Towl sulaukė daugybės pagyrimų, įskaitant;

Rytų Midlando čempionas 2015 – 2020

Nacionalinis čempionas 2014-2020 trijose skirtingose ​​svorio kategorijose

Rytų Midlando bokso taurės čempionas 2018 ir 2019.

Nacionalinė berniukų ir mergaičių klubo čempionų asociacija 2019.

„Esker“ Airijos bokso taurės čempionas 2019.

„Esker“ airių dėžės taurės sidabro medalis 2018.

Anglijos bokso žiemos bokso taurės čempionas 2019.

Korpuso dėžės taurės čempionas 2019 ir 2020.

Nacionalinis pusvidutinio svorio čempionas diržo savininkas 2019.

„Xbox Academy“ čempionų diržų turėtojo čempionas dvejus metus iš eilės 2018-2020.

Towlas buvo pakviestas prisijungti prie Anglijos bokso nacionalinio kelio būrio ir yra užėmęs WBC pasaulio čempioną Terri Harper ir Sandraugos čempionę Niną Bradley.

Towlo varžovas rugpjūčio 15 d, 28 metų Natacha De Almeida, yra dabartinis WBC ir PFF Muay Thai pasaulio čempionas.

Kovo 2019 De Almeida keliavo į Bukomo bokso areną Akroje, Gana, kur ji susidūrė su bukerių mėgstama malaiziete Dolphina Waltertony, užsitikrinti geidžiamą Žaliąją WBC diržą.

De Almeida visada turėjo pasaulinės klasės stand-up įgūdžių, taigi „Muay Thai World Champ“ perėjimas prie profesionalaus bokso neturėtų būti per didelis.

Visa kortelė LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, kartu su PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA ir NEON ENERGY GĖRIMAIS, kuris vyksta rugpjūčio 15 d., šeštadienį 2020 ir bus tiesiogiai transliuojama tiesiogiai per FITE TV, yra:

1) Vidutinio svorio

Šešis kartas, Penkių divizionų pasaulio čempionas, ir serijos LET BATTLE COMMENCE rengėjas, Lee McAllisteris pirmą kartą pasirodo seriale ir antraštėje kovoja su Ispanijoje gyvenančiu Nikaragvos atstovu Edvinu Palaciosu.. Palaciosas pareiškė, kad jis įveikė iššūkį ir tikisi fejerverkų.

2) Nereikšmingas daiktas

Sensacinga paauglių buvusi žvaigždė mėgėjai Hollie Towl profesionaliai debiutuos prieš tiek pat sensacingą Pasaulio bokso tarybą (WBC) Muay Thai pasaulio čempionė Natacha De Almeida iš Šveicarijos, kuris taip pat debiutuos profesionaliame bokse.

3) Negu vidutinis svoris

Nepralenktas Jackas Jonesas (4-0-0) iš Leedso ketina priimti Nikaragvos kietąjį vyrą Michaelą Isaacą Carrero, po jo pirminio oponento Deano Porterio pasitraukimo.

4) Super muselė

Tikrai gurkšnojančiame konkurse PBC tarptautinė bronzos čempionė Nicola Hopewell eina iki kojų su jaudinančia Tasha Boyes iš Jorko, , kurie bus padaryti savo profesinę debiutavo.

5) Vidutinio svorio

Liverpulio „Scott Mcintyre“ (4-1-0) ketina pateikti svarbų pareiškimą, kai imasi rimtai griežto Nikaragvos Wilmero Gonzalezo (21-18-1), kaip tik kelios kovos atgal Gonzalezas KOd buvęs WBF Europos ir tarptautinis čempionas, tas pats čempionas, atsakingas už vienintelį pralaimėjimą Liverpudliano įraše.

6) Super lengvas

Denny's Kevinas Traynoras (2-0-0) jis turės būti geriausias, kai jis priims dabartinį tarptautinio meistrų čempioną Pablo Narvaezą iš Nikaragvos.

7) Sunkus

Paskutinė vakaro kova debiutantui prieš debiutantą, kai Craigas Dickas perims Michaelą Bassettą, abu didieji vaikinai pareiškė, kad jie norės padaryti didelį įspūdį rugpjūčio 15 d.

Lee Mcallister ir Edwin Palacios antraštės LET MATŲ PRADĖJIMAS II, kartu su „PAPA JOHN‘S PIZZA“ ir „NEON ENERGY DRINK“ vyks Aberdyno „Northern“ viešbutyje ir bus transliuojamas tik FITE TV tiesiogiai rugpjūčio 15 d., šeštadienį. 2020.

Tegul kovos prasideda II PPV ($4.99)  www.fite.tv

Prašome palaikyti LET BATTLE COMMENCE partnerius:

Papa Jono pica – Neoninis energijos gėrimas – OYO Šiaurės viešbutis, Aberdynas – „Empire Pro“ juostos – „RDX Sports“ – Eik sportuoti & Pramoga – Boksas & Mišri kovos meno kovotojų sąjunga (BMMAFU) – „Pro Boxing Records“ (anksčiau „Fight“ faksas) – Dėžutės reitingas – Greitas televizorius – Sporto kanalų tinklas (SCN) – Britų & Airijos bokso tarnyba (BIBA).