Kategoria Artxiboak: UFC

Borrokatu Network aurkezten M-1 Challenge 56 Live, RFA 25 Ostiral honetan, April 10

TORONTO | NEW YORK (April 7, 2015) — Fight Network, munduko ataria 24/7 telebista kate eskainitako borroka kirol estaldura osatzeko, presents a pair of exciting mixed martial arts events this Friday, April 10, hassiric 2:15 p.m. ETA batera M-1 Challenge 56 from Olympic Stadium in Moscow, Errusiak, followed by a one-hour tape delay broadcast of RFA 25: Lawrence vs. Toomer from Sioux Falls, South Dakota at 11 p.m. ETA.


In the M-1 Challenge 56 main event, a much anticipated rematch pits M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Vyacheslav Vasilevsky Challenger aurka Ramadan Emeev, plus M-1 Challenge featherweight champion John “Hau da,” Buchinger aurpegiak Aliyar Sarkerov.


Fight Network’s live broadcast of M-1 Challenge 56 egingo Cablevision en Optimum TV aire, Grande Komunikazioak, Shentel Kable eta Armstrong Kable AEBetan, Kanadan, nazio mailako, Ipar Amerikan zehar Roku gailu, eta orokorrean baino gehiagotan 30 Europa osoko herrialdeetan, Afrika eta Ekialde. (Oharra: RFA 25 will not be available on Fight Network’s U.S. feed)


Joan den irailean, beren lehen borroka batean, Vasilevsky captured the belt from Emeev by way of fourth-round stoppage from punches, while Buchinger captured the vacant title with a fourth-round stoppage of Tural Ragimov in the “Gauaren Fight” this past October. Buchinger ez du borroka bat galdu ia in 3 ½ urte, irabazi zazpi ilara batean, eta 10 Bere azken of 11.


The fight card for M-1 Challenge 56 includes:

-Vyacheslav Vasilevsky (26-2) vs. Ramadan Emeev (11-3) – M-1 middleweight title
-Ivan Buchinger (28-4) vs. Aliyar Sarkerov (13-4) – M-1 featherweight title
-Konstantin Gluhov (28-15) vs. Ante Delija (12-2)
-Valery Myasnikov (8-1) vs. Kristijan Perak (8-1)
-Javier Fuentes (2-1) vs. Nikolay Kaushansky (6-1)
-Rakhman Makhazhiev (2-1) vs. Alexey Makhno (8-3)


Airing at 11 p.m. ETA following Fight Network’s weekly Canadian premiere of IMPACT Wrestling, RFA 25: Lawrence vs. Toomer will feature a main event between RFA featherweight champion Justin “American Kidd The” Lawrence eta No. 1 contender “Super” Sam Toomer, nork bere boladan erregistro oso-osorik mantendu egingo bila. Co-nagusia gertatuz gero, Gabriel “Zangief” Checco meets fellow Brazilian Francisco “Kiko” Frantzian for the middleweight title.


The fight card for RFA 25: Lawrence vs. Toomer includes:

-Justin Lawrence (6-2) vs. Sam Toomer (9-0) – RFA featherweight title
-Gabriel Checco (8-1) vs. Francisco France (11-3-1) – RFA middleweight title
-TJ Hepburn (4-0) vs. LaRue Barley (5-0)
-Khalil Rountree (2-0) vs. Cameron Olson (2-0)
-Jordon Larson (5-1) vs. Jarrod ‘LHeureux (7-1)
-Josh Rave (21-11) vs. Geane Herrera (6-0)


On Larunbata, April 11, catch the UFC Fight Night: Gonzaga vs. Cro Cop 2 main card live on Fight Network in Canada at 3 p.m. ETA. Live pre-fight coverage will lead into the main card larunbateanafternoon with Fight Network’s UFC Pre-Show Live at 2 p.m. ETA, aurrebistak protagonista, predictions and analysis.


Fight Network difusio ordutegia zerrenda bat eskuratzeko, bisita tv.fightnetwork.com, jarrai gaitzazu Twitterfightnet on, fan bihurtu Facebook eta bisita gurekin Instagramfightnet on.

UFC 185: Da Showtime!

Argazkia Kreditu: Joe Camporeale / USA Today Kirolak

Ultimate Fighting aurten Txapelketan bizitako asaldura gorabehera, huts egin du droga Jon Jones bezalako ko probak, Anderson Silva eta Nick Diaz, UFC of reshuffling izateko 184 baita middleweight txapelduna Chris Weidman lesioak, enpresaren du aurten Octagon entregatu orain arte. Weidman en lesioa izan arren, UFC 184 zen oraindik apurtzeko arrakasta dominante beste antzezpen emakumeen bantamweight txapeldun Ronda Rousey esker.

Orain UFC 185 hemen dago, pilatuta txartel batekin, berriro ere entretenigarri behar. Txartel hori bi titulu borroka ainguratuta, zale hartuta itzuli denean UFC moduan eskaintzen pilatuta litzateke borroka txartelak bere FOX akordio pean hedapen azkarra baino lehen denbora bat itxuraz oversaturated produktu bat sortu.

Hemen da nor uste dut azaleratzen talentua betetako-txartela honetako garaile.

Chris "Kamikaze" Cariaso (17-6) vs. Henry "Mezularia" Cejudo (7-0) (Flyweight - 125 kgs.)

Cariaso da off aurkezteko galera bat datozen Flyweight txapeldun Demetrious Johnson azken udan. Baina izango da azoka, denek Johnson galtzen ari da egun hauetan, eta flyweight zatiketa garbiketa itxi zuen. Cejudo du oraindik porrota esperimentatu eta berandu iaz aho batez bere UFC debut garaipen bat gozatu.

Cariaso UFC eta Munduko Extreme Cagefighting izan da (WEC) Azken bost urte beteranoa eta 3-borroka irabazi marra bat Rode bere Johnson galera aurreko. Cejudo da pup gazte bat izen bat egin beretzat UFC nahian, baina Cariaso bere savvy beteranoa erabiliko du overeager borrokalaria harrapatzeko akabera.

Irabazlea: Cariaso bigarren txandan TKO

Roy "Big Country" Nelson (21-10) vs. Alistair "Reem The" Overeem (38-14-1) (Heavyweight - 225 kgs.)

Onartzen dut aurrean sortu naiz ez dut Roy Nelson fan handi bat. Talentu borrokalaria batek borrokak zirraragarria entregatu eta nortasuna dibertigarri bat da He. Baina debutatu zuen geroztik UFC eta denboraldian irabazi 10 of "Ultimate Fighter,"Feasted Stefan Struve bezala heavyweights behe-postu on zuen, Brendan Schaub eta Matt Mitrione. Baina datorren sortu Fabricio Werdum bezala elite heavyweights, Junior Dos Santos eta Daniel Cormier (eroriz zuen aurretik argi heavyweight ra), Nelson routinely area barruan eta tratu zen.

Overeem ere huts egin du gora bizi moda, bere UFC salto zetorren. Brock Lesnar eraitsi zuen jaso 2011, izenburua atezainari gero-txapelduna Junior Dos Santos aurka obra izan zen. Baina borroka inoiz lesioak direla gauzatu eta Overeem back-to-back jasan knockout galerak Antonio Silva eta Travis Browne ra.

Overeem garaipen eta galera tartekatu da ordutik baina da lehen txandan Struveren Azken bat off datozen. Nelson izan zen postuan amaitu zuen bere Mark Hunt aurkako azken borroka batean, bertan Nelson normalean burdina kokotsa arren, Ez du shock gisa etorri, Emandako Hunt sinestezina puntzonatzeko power.
Overeem ezingo dute Hunt-en potentzia, baina uste dut Nelson irinetan izango zuen erabakia baizik lopsided garaipen bat. Bere ibilbideko etapa honetan, Nelson gatekeeper da. Baina "Reem The" ez du behar Nelson bezalako brawler baten kontra bere burua frogatzeko.

Irabazlea: Aho batez Overeem

Johny "Bigg Rigg" Hendricks (16-3) vs. Matt "hilezkorra" Brown (21-12) (Welterweight - 170 kgs.)

Brawling battering mintzatzean, Borroka honetan Urtea hautagaiak Fight makings guztiak ditu. Hendricks du welterweight izenburua iaz jaitsi Robbie Lawler eta borroka hau irabazi behar zuen, Lawler batera errebantxa da, baina guztiak ziurtaturik - Lawler suposatuz Rory McDonald iraganeko lortzen geroago aurten.

Halaber Brown Lawler galdu bere azken borroka eta gaurkoan ere lortuta taupadak brutal bukaeran. Hendricks eta Brown joera besterik bare ezazu eta galderak geroago, horrek behar zale borrokan dibertigarri bat eragin lezake. Hendricks bere MMA konpromisoa berritu dute bere Lawler galera jarraituz dirudi eta bere gerriko lortzeko itzuli dela dirudi zuen bultzatuta. Brown joko bezala etortzen dira, baina Hendricks gehiegi izan frogatu du.

Irabazlea: Bigarren txandan TKO Hendricks

Carla "Cookie Monster" Esparza (11-2) vs. Joanna Jedrzejczyk (8-0) (Emakumeen Strawweight Izenburua - 115 kgs.)

Esparza bere UFC debuta bang batekin "The Ultimate Fighter" lehen denboraldia irabazlearen emakumezkoak borrokalari guztiak agertu arabera, eta prozesuan UFC lehen emakumeen strawweight txapeldun bihurtu. Rose Namajunas hype tren gerriko irabazteko eraginkortasunez derailed She, denean batzuk izan ziren bikoizketa Namajunas hurrengo Ronda Rousey strawweight banaketa.

Jedrzejczyk gogokoena bat derailed bere eskubide, oso tira handiko Claudia Gadelha iaz garaituz itxi erabaki bat denean askok pentsatu Gadelha Esparza lehen izenburua defentsa izango litzateke. Jedrzejczyk nor laurden estuan borrokan itsusi thrives Grinder bat da. Esparza bere borroka erabiltzen Namajunas 'hauste quick-deigarri neutralizatzeko, beraz Jedrzejczyk borroka itsusi bat sartzeko behar ez faze Esparza pixka bat. Esparza Jedrzejczyk hartuko behera goiz eta sarritan, eta bere borroka ibiltzeko erabakia garaipena.

Irabazlea: Esparza aho batez

Anthony "Showtime" Pettis (18-2) vs. Rafael Dos Anjos (23-7) (Arina Izenburua - 155 kgs.)

Pettis du erabat menderatzaileak berandu bezala egon, ez bakarrik izenburua arin Benson Henderson moda azkarra eta zirraragarria irabazi lehen txandan armbar batekin baina moduan bere athleticism harrigarria erakusteak eta erabiliz azkar tiro berak sortu libra-libra borrokalaria zerrenda onenak.

Baina Dos Anjos ez da hartu behar sueztitu. Too amaitu zuen Henderson lehen txandan eta irabazi zuen titulu filmatu erabat Nate Diaz berandu iaz desegitea arabera. Dos Anjos gogorra da eta Pettis hori akabera azkar bat bilatzen jakingo. Ez du lortu, baina Pettis 'freakish athleticism bere presentzia sentitu azkenean egingo du, eta gainditzeko Dos Anjos eta solidoa Pettis' kasuan garai guztietako borrokalariak arin onenetako bat bezala.

Irabazlea: Pettis bigarren txandan aurkezteko arabera

Chris Huntemann mistoa arte martzialak buruz idazten Maryland estatuan. Halaber, bere UFC pentsamenduak partekatzen zuen, Warrior, eta World Series Fighting. Begiratu bere blog, edo jarraitu zion Twitter: mmamaryland.

Fight Network aurkezten ONE Txapelketan 25, Enfusion 25 & UFC 185 Pre-Show BIZI Asteburu honetan


TORONTO | NEW YORK (March 12, 2015) – Fight Network, munduko ataria 24/7 telebista kate eskainitako borroka kirol estaldura osatzeko, itzulera aurkezten ONE Txapelketan bizi ostiral honetan, March 13 at 8 a.m. ETA, bezala ONE Txapelketan: Age of Champions Putra Stadium Kuala Lumpurren dario, Malaysia.


Airing bizi esklusiboki Kanadan, gertaera nagusia ONE FC flyweight txapelketa borrokaldi bat dagokie txapeldun pitting ezaugarriek Adriano Moraes Japoniako defendatzailea aurka Bower “Riku Shibuya” Mikami.


Beste featured bouts, Malaysiako superizarrak Peter Davis eta Anna Osman hartu Rajinder Singh Meena on eta Walaa Abbas, hurrenez hurren. Gehiago Thanh Vu beherantz mugitzen flyweight to Malaysia hartu Gianni Subba, Hasiera Things gudu Cary Bullos eta Chan Rothana aurpegiak Ramon Gonzalez.


Zuzeneko ekintza honako jarraitzen Larunbata, March 14 at 4:30 p.m. ETA, bezala Enfusion Live 25 inbaditzen Turnhout, Belgikan zirraragarria profesionala kickboxing txartela, protagonista Hicham El Gaoui vs.Jacqueline Karapetyan egiteko -80 kg munduko titulua, gehiago Nordin Ben moh vs. William Diender, Harut Grigorian vs. Marco Pique eta Robbie Hageman vs. Kutuk No..


Fight Network zuzeneko Enfusion difusio at 4:30 p.m. ETA egingo Cablevision en Optimum TV aire, Grande Komunikazioak, Shentel Kable eta Armstrong Kable AEBetan, Kanadan, nazio mailako, Ipar Amerikan zehar Roku gailu, eta Turkian D-Smart on.


Ondoren at 7 p.m. ETA, Fight Network aurkeztuko ditu bere UFC 185 Pre-Show Live at7 p.m. ETA, aurrebistak protagonista, iragarpenak eta azterketa aurretik UFC 185: Pettis vs. Dos Anjos on pay-per-view. Berehala txartel nagusi hauek, Fight Network halaber televise egingo zuzeneko post-borroka prentsa Dallas Konferentzia, Texas.


Zuzeneko pre eta post-borroka estaldura guztiez gain, Fight Network UFC liburutegia eduki helmuga da, bereziak eta serie, Barne UFC ireki, UFC Orain eta UFC Ultimate Insider. Airings guztiak ageri dira tv.fightnetwork.com.


Post-borroka estaldura jarraitzen asteleheneko on edizioa 5 Bueltak Fight Network, zein Debuta 7 p.m. ETA eta matxura zabala dauka Larunbata en Ekitaldia.


Fight Network difusio ordutegia zerrenda bat eskuratzeko, mesedez bisitatu tv.fightnetwork.com eta Twitterfightnet on jarraitu, fan bihurtu Facebook eta bisita gurekin Instagramfightnet on.

Ronda Rousey- Garbitzailea

Argazkia Kreditu: Esther Lin / MMA Fighting

Emandako da zerga-denboraldia, sasoi ona da gogoratzen da zaren ez hiru bermeak bizitzan: heriotza, zergak eta Ronda Rousey berriro ere erakusten du zergatik planetako emakume borrokalari onena bere aurkari eraistea lehen txandan batekin zuen.

Rousey UFC emanaldi 184 azken hilabetean bere data onenetako zen. Orratz Cat bat aurkeztu zuen, zabalduena Rousey ren erronka handiena gisa hartzen, in 14 segundo. Rousey Erabat izugarria estrategia bat Zingano by lagunduta zen bitartean, bere birtuoso performance nork du eztabaida bestera ekarri zer Rousey dethrone hartzen du. Gainera, ala ez Rousey elkarrizketa barregarria bat ekarri zuen aurka eta porrota gizonezkoa borrokalari lehiatu ahal izan UFC en bantamweight Mailari. Denbora gutxiago aldrebesak hori gastatu dagoela ezer accomplishes borrokalari handia Rousey da aipua saiatzen baina, hobeto.

Jakina, beti ateratzen lehenengo izena Cris "Cyborg" Justino da, Invicta FC featherweight txapeldun. She erortzen espero da 135 Invicta borroka bat uda honetan libera mugitzea Rousey borroka bat aurretik. Hala ere, Cyborg tanta bat iaz bantamweight saiatu eta plan horiek abandonatuta. Beraz, ez nuke eduki nire arnasa luzeko espero Rousey eta Cyborg edonoiz laster gertatzen arteko grudge Partidu on.

Rousey berriki Bethe Correia borrokatzeko nahia adierazten, nor Rousey en "Lau amazonak" taldekideekin bi tratu eta izan da inoiz Rousey deituz geroztik. Jessica Eye, halaber, bere erreklamazioa staked izenburua jaurtiketa bati, baina emakume horiek ez benetako Rousey mehatxu bat sor. UFC 184 en postfight estaldura zehar, Daniel Cormier floated bere lankide Miesha Tate ideia Rousey hirugarren crack bat lortzeko.

Izan ere, gainera, uste dut trilogies erreserbatuta behar denean bakarrik borrokalari bakoitzak bestea garaitu ditu, Dago arrazoirik zergatik hirugarren aldiz Tate xarma bat izango litzateke ikusten dut. Urrunago joan Rousey dituzten lehen txanda baino emakume bakarra den bitartean,, Tate borrokalari gisa plateaued ditu Rousey hobea ahaztuak bitartean. Ziren bi hirugarren aldiz borrokatzea bada, Arrazoirik ez ikusten dut sinesten emaitza desberdinak edozein izango litzateke.

Beraz, non ez utzi Rousey? Nire iritziz, zuen garbitu egin ditu UFC Emakumeen bantamweight zatiketa. Ez dago inor sinesgarriak mehatxu planteatzen duten bere. Zingano bere estrategia egokitu da eta jaurtiketa bat jasotzen Rousey bada, berak irabazi aukera bat izan dezake. Haratago, Rousey irtengo gainean eta bere film karrera burgeoning gainean eraikitzeko erabaki bada, Ez dut uste inork eutsi litzateke aurka bere.

Rousey da gaur run batean Anderson Silva en exekuzio UFC middleweight zatiketa gainean Akin. Denek nagusi zuen bere bidea eta Chael Sonnen bere lehen borroka izan ezik, Made Erraza itxura. Rousey data borroka gogorrena Liz Carmouche aurka izan zen, denean Rousey izan zuen atzeko biluzik choke batean beraien borrokaren lehen txandan 2013 Rousey eta ihes armbar beste garaipen bat ziurtatzeko gai izan zen aurretik.

Silva agintaldian middleweight zatiketa gainean bukatu zen denean aldez aurretik ezezaguna Chris Weidman zen batera eta beldurrik gabe erakutsi eta borrokan hartu Silva. Agian hori da Rousey gertatuko behar. Aurkari bat bere aurpegia eskubidea nork lortuko aurkitu behar du, hiruhilekoan ez eman bere eta borrokan hartu zion. Orratz duten UFC saiatu 184, baina bere overzealousness azkenean bere balio duten dearly.

Arte Rousey aurkitzen bere Chris Weidman egin, beste superlative gehitu askok duten emakumeen bantamweight txapeldun dagoeneko erantsita ahal izango dugu: garbitzailea. Rousey merezi challengers kanpo fresko bere koroa da, Zeregin bat bere zatiketa garbiketa lortzen zuen.

Chris Huntemann mistoa arte martzialak buruz idazten Maryland estatuan. Halaber, bere UFC pentsamenduak partekatzen zuen, Warrior, eta World Series Fighting. Begiratu bere blog, edo jarraitu zion Twitter: mmamaryland.

UFC and PEDs: Where do we go from here?

Argazkia Kreditu: Esther Lin / MMA Fighting

Usually when I ask that question, it’s in the wake of a pay-per-view and I’m wondering aloud at what’s next for the fighters who competed on it. This time around, I’m talking about something that affects ALL mixed martial artists in the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

The UFC announced this week that it will implement far stricter, far more comprehensive drug testing in the wake of fighters like Anderson Silva eta Hector Lombard failing tests for performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), bitartean Jon Jones eta Nick Diaz failed tests for cocaine and marijuana, hurrenez hurren.

Increased drug testing and harsher penalties can only help the UFC, and mixed martial arts in general. But what brought on this increase in failed tests? PEDs have been a part of sports long before MMA fighters started taking them, and they have been a problem in MMA prior to the last month-and-a-half.

But more fighters seem to be getting caught. As in most sports, there is a tremendous amount of pressure to perform in MMA and in the UFC. If you don’t perform, you basically don’t get paid. The increased demand for UFC programming by virtue of its deal with FOX could also be a factor. They went from being on Spike TVwhere they only broadcast “The Ultimate Fighter” once a year and two or three live fight cards annuallyto practically having two live fight cards a month and airing “The Ultimate Fighter” twice a year on the FOX channels.

The increase in programming means a need of more bodies to fill that programming. It also means that more fighters are training for more fights, which can lead to more injuries. PEDs, in addition to giving you a competitive advantage over your opponent, allow you to recover from injuries more quickly. With the need for more fighters to fill more fight cards, I think it’s possible the apparent increase in failed drug tests can at least be partly attributed to that.

The UFC’s increased drug-testing measures take effect July 1. What can we expect once it does? Here are some of the guidelines the UFC presented.

Even UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta admitted during this week’s press conference that things “would get worse before they better” with the new testing. Gehiago, it remains to be seen how much of this will actually stick once July 1 rolls around. UFC previously considered expanding its drug-testing efforts before but pulled back, citing cost and a previously botched attempt at doing so.

Hala ere, with the rash of high-profile stars like Silva, Jones and Diaz failing tests, cost can’t be considered a hindrance and the UFC must be vigilant. Browsing my Twitter feed following the press conference, it was eerily quiet. Almost no fighters weighed in initially. It is likely that was just a byproduct of the press conference taking place on a Wednesday afternoon, when most people are working or presumably have other things to do besides post on Twitter. But it was still pretty telling. It seems like this has grabbed fighters’ attention, as it should.

What do I think will happen? There will be an increase in failed test once the new measures take effect July 1, I’m fairly confident. But given that the UFC is supporting harsh penalties for those who do failincluding a ban of up to four yearsI expect the dirty fighters to eventually cycle themselves out and the ones who compete clean (which is most of them, presumably) to take a more prominent role.

Increased drug testing is long overdue in the UFC. The sport of mixed martial arts itself is still in its infancy, especially compared to other sports like football, basketball and baseball. But just like baseball is still recovering from its own crisis with PEDs, these recent failed drug tests have shaken the foundation of the UFC and have harkened back to the days when it was referred to as “human cockfighting.”

UFC adopted the slogan “The Time Is Now” for 2015, and I couldn’t agree more. The time is now for them to take the lead in cleaning up the sport of mixed martial arts.

Chris Huntemann mistoa arte martzialak buruz idazten Maryland estatuan. Halaber, bere UFC pentsamenduak partekatzen zuen, Warrior, eta World Series Fighting. Begiratu bere blog, edo jarraitu zion Twitter: mmamaryland.

Dana White and the Women

Argazkia Kreditu: Esther Lin / MMA Fighting

Larunbata, Feb. 28, is going to be a landmark day for the Ultimate Fighting Championship. All the fighters on the pay-per-view card that day will pass their pre-fight drug…….never mind. That’s too easy.

That day will be the first time a UFC card features women’s bouts in both its co-main event and main event. After middleweight champion Chris Weidman was forced to withdraw from his fight against Vitor Belfort due to injury, the new main event at UFC 184 is Ronda Rousey defending her women’s bantamweight belt against Cat Zingano. Co-nagusia gertatuz gero, much-heralded prospect Holly Holm will make her UFC debut against Raquel Pennington in another women’s bantamweight fight.

As I’ve mentioned before, UFC has come a long way from when Dana White told TMZ that women would “never” fight in his organization. Rousey will main event her third consecutive February PPV and Holm is widely believed to be the next in line for a shot at the title, should she defeat Pennington. Holm is still very raw in mixed martial arts, but trains with the world renowned coaches Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn.

Rousey is carrying the flag for women’s MMA and for women in the UFC. Other female fighters have followed her into the Octagon, including Miesha Tate, Liz Carmouche and Alexis Davis. What do those three have in common? They all also fell to Rousey – Tate twice in Strikeforce and the UFC, and Carmouche and Davis both in the first round at UFC PPVs in 2013 eta 2014, hurrenez hurren.

Rousey and Tate’s feud is well-chronicled. It led to the two being coaches on The Ultimate Fighter, which included female fighters for the very first time who greatly outshined their male counterparts on the show that season.

Given that season’s success, the most recent season of The Ultimate Fighter featured ALL female fighters and the debut of the UFC’s newest division, women’s strawweight. Carla Esparza, the former Invicta FC strawweight champion, won the inaugural UFC version of that belt after defeating Rose Namajunas.

So in the span of four years, UFC goes from having no female fighters and White emphatically stating that it never will, to being home to TWO female weight classes and undoubtedly the promotion’s biggest star right now in Rousey. Don’t believe me? Did you see the third Expendables movie? Or do you plan on seeing the film version of Entourage this summer? You might notice a familiar face.

So where does women’s MMA go from here? I am personally a big fan of female fights, as they tend to be among the more entertaining and action-packed fights on a UFC card. As I previously stated, female fighters are more than capable of outshining their male contemporaries. Why is that? Maybe female fighters feel they have more to prove inside the Octagon and always go for broke. Maybe they go into the Octagon with more of a “go for broke” mentality and actively seek a finish as opposed to “playing it safe.”

The fight between Rousey and Zingano on Feb. 28 will also go a long way toward determining the future of women’s MMA. Should Rousey defeat Zingano – which all signs indicate she will – she will have essentially cleaned out her division, with only unknown challengers like Holm and Bethe Correia left. If Zingano pulls the upset, then the division has a fresh batch of exciting matchups waiting.

But who knows what would have happened if Dana White kept his promise to TMZ?

Chris Huntemann mistoa arte martzialak buruz idazten Maryland estatuan. He also contributes his thoughts to our site on the UFC, Warrior, eta World Series Fighting. Begiratu bere blog, edo jarraitu zion Twitter: mmamaryland.

UFC 183: Who will show up?

Argazkia Kreditu: UFC

The Ultimate Fighting Championship has hit it out of the park so far in 2015, with its first two major cards of the year living up to the hype of their main events. Light heavyweight champion Jon Jones dominated Daniel Cormier to prove he is the pound-for-pound best fighter in the world at UFC 182, and at the UFC’s live card in Boston, Mass., urtarrilean, Conor McGregor secured a featherweight title shot against José Aldo and wasted no time getting in his next opponent’s face.

Which brings us to UFC 183 Gaur gauean, and a main event that is considered a dream matchup by many. Anderson Silva returns to the Octagon after suffering a gruesome leg injury in his last fight against UFC middleweight champion Chris Weidman in 2013. Nick Diaz also makes his return to the UFC after losing his last fight against former welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre in 2013.

Tonight’s card isn’t without its other storylines though. A pair of significant undercard fights are taking place under some controversy, as flyweight John Lineker came in overweight for his fight against Ian McCall, which is expected to determine the next no. 1 contender to the flyweight title. Co-nagusia gertatuz gero, Kelvin Gastelum came in 9 pounds overweight for his fight against Tyron Woodley, which means 30 percent of Gastelum’s fight purse actually goes to Woodley. Talk about insult to injury.

Jakina, there is always the wild card with Diaz too. He plays by his own rules, having no-showed the open workouts earlier this week. Will he actually show up to the cage for tonight’s main event? It remains to be seen, though most everyone thinks he will.

Beraz, having said all that, who do I think wins tonight?

Miesha “Cupcake” Tate (15-5) vs. Sara McMann (8-1) (Women’s bantamweight – 135 kgs.)

This is actually the main event of the preliminary card on Fox Sports 1. Tate requested to compete on this portion of the card instead of the pay-per-view card, taking a page from Urijah Faber’s playbook. Tate is also eager for a third fight with Ronda Rousey for the women’s bantamweight title. Both of these women suffered Rousey’s wrath, particularly McMann, who was demolished by Rousey in about a minute last year.

McMann is a pure wrestler with very little else to her repertoire, whereas Tate built on her established wrestling skills to become an effective striker. I think she will stuff McMann’s attempts to take this fight to the mat and use her vastly superior striking skills to keep McMann befuddled en route to a dominant victory.

Irabazlea: Tate by unanimous decision

Jordan “Young Gun” Mein (29-9) vs. Thiago “Pitbull” Alves (25-9) (Welterweight - 170 kgs.)

Alves has alternated wins and losses in his last six fights, while Mein rides a two-fight win streak. Alves is always dangerous with his Muay Thai and striking, while Mein landed a first-round TKO victory in his last fight. This should be an exciting stand-up battle with neither guy willing to give an inch. I think Alves is the more dangerous fighter here, and will land one good shot to knock Mein silly.

Irabazlea: Alves by second round TKO

Thales Leites (24-4) vs. Tim “The Barbarian” Boetsch (18-7) (Middleweight – 185 kgs.)

Leites comes into this fight on a roll, having won his last seven fights, with the last two coming by way of TKO. Boetsch has alternated wins and losses in his last four fights, including a TKO victory in his last fight against Brad Tavares.

Boetsch is a slow, plodding bruiser best known for derailing the Hector Lombard hype train when he first made his UFC debut. Leites is a crafty, dangerous fighter who can finish you with his hands or by submission. I think Leites will avoid Boetsch’s power and wait for Boetsch to make a mistake, where Leits will capitalize.

Irabazlea: Leites by third round submission

Joe Lauzon (24-10) vs. Al “Raging” Iaquinta (10-3-1) (Lightweight – 155 kgs.)

You know what you’re getting with a Joe Lauzon fight. You’re going to see an exciting, action packed bout that will most likely end with him locking in a slick submission or, in the case of his fight against Jim Miller, suffering a gnarly cut that will guarantee a blood battle.

Iaquinta has been on a roll since his time on The Ultimate Fighter Live, having only lost once in his last six fights. A win against Lauzon would be a real feather in his cap and might propel him into title contendership discussion. But Lauzon is one of the best submission specialists in the UFC, and I think the crafty veteran has another submission up his sleeve.

Irabazlea: Lauzon by second round submission

Tyron “The Chosen One” Woodley (14-3) vs. Kelvin Gastelum (11-0) (Welterweight - 170 kgs.)

As mentioned above, Gastelum weighed in 9 pounds over for this fight and will forfeit 30 percent of his purse directly to Woodley. It was reported that Gastelum spent time in the hospital leading up to this fight, which contributed to him coming in overweight.

Woodley will be angry in this fight, and rightly so. It’s not fair that his opponent will have a weight advantage due to his own failure to do what he was supposed to do. Give Woodley credit for wanting to keep fighting when it would have been perfectly understandable to postpone it.

Woodley will channel his rage into a blitzkrieg of offense at Gastelum, and the lethargic and probably still-injured Gastelum will have no response.

Irabazlea: Woodley by second round TKO

Anderson "Armiarma" Silva (33-6) vs. Nick Diaz (27-9-1) (Middleweight – 185 kgs.)

This is one of the several main events that have fight fans buzzing in 2015. Many didn’t think Silva would ever walk again after his leg injury against Weidman, let alone come back to the UFC to fight. The matchup style of Diaz wanting to push the pace, get in his opponent’s face and sucker him into trading blows against Silva’s unrivaled elusiveness will be interesting to watch.

Diaz said he wouldn’t trash talk Silva during this fight out of respect. But if Silva keeps bobbing and weaving and dodging Diaz’s punches, we’ll see how long Diaz commits to that. I think we’ll see vintage Silva in this fight, making Diaz look silly in some spots while landing well-timed strikes that will confuse and frustrate Diaz, which will allow Silva to land even more.

Diaz is too tough to finish, but this fight will show that Silva still has it and is the vastly superior fighter.

Irabazlea: Silva by unanimous decision

Chris Huntemann mistoa arte martzialak buruz idazten Maryland estatuan. He also contributes his thoughts to our site on the UFC, Warrior, eta World Series Fighting. Begiratu bere blog, edo jarraitu zion Twitter: mmamaryland.

June Zuriak FNU Combat Kirol Show lotzen TONIGHT!

By: Rich Bergeron

Gure gonbidatu berezia aste honetan FNU Combat Kirol Show on June White dago. Denborei perfektua da beste egunean mezu hau jaso nuen Twitterren geroztik:

“Hauetariko bat blokeatuta daude eta ikusteko 'S Tweets.”

June White (JuneWhiteMMA) Tom batu egingo, Tony eta Rich buruzko FNU Combat Kirol Show TONIGHT to discuss her unauthorized biography on the UFC President known for his brash language and a ruthless approach to building and expanding the UFC brand. Her book is an unflattering, begirada zintzo ohia boxercise irakaslea bizitza duten orain UFC gainetik burdinazko ukabila eta ahoan ozen sartu. Begiratu hau kontatzea YouTube Promo for "Dana White, MMA erregea:"

"PSÍQUICOS" Tom Padgett, "Rabble Rousin '" Rich Bergeron eta Tony "Tornado The" Penecale ere izan borroka kirol ekitaldiak tona bat eta albiste aste honetan eztabaidatzeko.

Zorte gure difusio Live 8-10PM EST gaur gauean entzun. Erabili link bera ikuskizunaren grabaketa sartzeko. Elkarrizketa June White hasten da 9:15 PM EST.

UFC Fight Night: The Swedish Are Coming!

Argazkia Kreditu: Esther Lin / MMA Fighting
Argazkia Kreditu: Esther Lin / MMA Fighting

In a land once popularized in a Tom Green (remember him?) song“Lonely Swedish (The Bum Bum Song)” – the Ultimate Fighting Championship brings a Fight Night card that will hopefully bring more attention than a song about a Canadian’s ass.

The first FOX card of the new year, UFC Fight Night: Suedian, brings the national stage of FOX overseas and gives America a glimpse into the UFC’s ongoing overseas expansion. But unlike previous UFC overseas cards, this one is not short on star power. Let’s see if a clear-cut no. 1 contender for Jon Jones’ light heavyweight title will emerge.

Akira Corassani (16-4-1) vs. Sam Sicilia (13-5) (Featherweight – 145 kgs.)

This is a matchup of The Ultimate Fighter alumni, with both guys coming off losses and Corassani coming off back-to-back losses to Max Holloway and Dustin Poirier. Corassani’s also been finished early in both fights, while Sicilia is coming off a submission loss. In a crowded featherweight division, a knockout or submission victory would go a long way toward boosting either of these gentlemen’s stock. I like Sicilia to finish Corassani and possibly give him his walking papers after three straight losses.

Irabazlea: Sicilia by second-round TKO

Phil “Mr. Wonderful” Davis (13-2) vs. Ryan “Darth” Bader (19-4) (Light Heavyweight – 205 kgs.)

Both of these guys are poised for another run at the top of the light heavyweight division. Both of these guys are coming off victories and actually faced each other in college when Davis wrestled for Penn State and Bader wrestled for Arizona State. Davis uses his wrestling to smother opponents and grind out unanimous decision victories, while Bader uses his wrestling when necessary but also has lethal knockout power.

I expect Davis to try and get this fight to the ground early, and if he succeeds I think he can use his reach advantage and athleticism to keep Bader down. Bader must keep this fight standing to have a chance, and I think he will avoid the temptation to avenge his college loss to Davis by engaging in another wrestling match. I like Bader to land more shots and score an upset victory.

Irabazlea: Bader by unanimous decision

Dan “Hendo” Henderson (30-12) vs. Gegard Mousasi (35-5-2) (Middleweight – 185 kgs.)

Henderson returns to middleweight after a mostly ill-fated run at light heavyweight, including being tossed around like a rag doll and submitted by Daniel Cormier in his last fight. Simply put, if Henderson can’t land his patented “H-Bomb” right hand for a knockout, he’s easily susceptible to defeat.

I think the wars of years past are finally catching up to Henderson. He will go down as one of the greatest fighters ever not to hold a UFC title, but he simply can’t keep up with the sport’s elite any more. He will leave himself open when wanting to drop the H-Bomb, and Mousasi will take advantage.

Irabazlea: Mousasi by third-round submission

Alexander “The Mauler” Gustafsson (16-2) vs. Anthony “Rumble” Johnson (18-4) (Light Heavyweight – 205 kgs.)

The winner of this fight will receive the next shot at light heavyweight champion Jon Jones, and it would represent a rematch for Gustafsson. He took Jones closer to defeat than anyone else has during their epic 2013 matchup. Depending on who ask, some people think the Swede actually won that fight.

Johnson is rapidly ascending the 205-pound ladder after knocking out Antonio Rogerio Nogueira and scoring an upset win over Phil Davis to begin his climb. Johnson also has devastating knockout power and if he lands one such shot on Gustafsson, the Swede’s road to redemption is derailed. But I think Gustafsson uses his reach advantage (which is nearly identical to Jones) to keep Johnson at bay and make Johnson go a full five rounds.

Gustafsson’s striking in the 205-pound division is second to none, and I like him to land enough of those to secure a rematch with Jones later this year.

Irabazlea: Gustafsson by unanimous decision

Chris Huntemann mistoa arte martzialak buruz idazten Maryland estatuan. He also contributes his thoughts to our site on the UFC, Warrior, eta World Series Fighting. Begiratu bere blog, edo jarraitu zion Twitter: mmamaryland.