分類存檔: UFC

UFC®SET贊助 2015 世界摔跤錦標賽

科羅拉多​​斯普林斯 - 美國今天宣布,摔跤UFC® 作為官方贊助商 2015 世界摔跤錦標賽, 這將在從保持 星期一, 九月 7 通過 星期六, 九月 12 在新奧爾良球館, 毗鄰奧爾良酒店和賭場拉斯維加斯, 內華達.


由聯合國世界摔跤支配, 這將在第一時間慶祝,因為 2003 ,世界摔跤錦標賽, 世界上最大的全球精英摔跤比賽和裡約的第一個資格賽 2016 奧運會, 在美國將展出.


我們已經享受了與UFC的不斷增長的合作夥伴關係,這是一個自然延伸,“美國摔跤執行董事里奇德爾說. “我們已經已經從我們的國家和奧運代表隊取得了巨大成功的UFC,許多運動員, 包括開創性的運動員就像兩個時間的奧運選手丹·亨德森和丹尼爾·科米爾和奧運冠軍亨利Cejudo. 隨著UFC位於拉斯維加斯, 它使一個很大的意義這兩個組織的合作夥伴在這一歷史性事件“。


我們非常高興能夠贊助 2015 世界摔跤錦標賽和歡迎摔跤競爭對手和愛好者來自 100 國家拉斯維加斯,“聯邦關係和企業社會責任婁勞里亞的UFC副總裁. “摔跤是打擊體育界的重要成員,UFC將繼續支持全球男性和女性的業餘體育事業的發展。”


多於 800 運動員預計將在為期六天的比賽爭奪在三個學科奧林匹克, 希臘羅馬, 女子自由泳和男子自由泳. 有 24 套的佳績,在爭奪世界錦標賽, 在男子自由式8, 希臘羅馬和女子摔跤.


十八奧運重量等級確認, 與前六名從每類預選賽,代表他們的國家,並在競爭中力 2016 奧運會. 該 12 會議的競爭將決定誰將會佔領 108 奧運泊位是為爭奪.


這將是第六次,美國已在拉斯維加斯舉辦的世界高級摔跤錦標賽和第一. 以前的網站是托萊多, 俄亥俄 (1962, 1966), 聖地亞哥, 加利福尼亞州 (1979), 亞特蘭大, 格魯吉亞 (1995) 紐約, 紐約 (2003).


摔跤一直是奧運會的體育特色, 追溯到古代奧運會在希臘和開始的第一屆現代奧運會在雅典, 在希臘 1896.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 VegasWorlds2015.com 並按照在Twitter @ VegasWorlds2015.


美國摔跤是國家管理機構的角力在美國體育和, 因此, 它是代表美國奧委會和美國在世界摔跤, 國際摔跤聯合會. 該組織由超過 200,000 成員參加各級, 從青少年通過奧運. 簡單地, 美國摔跤是協調業餘摔跤項目在全國和作品創造的興趣和參與這些計劃的中央組織. 其總裁是詹姆斯Ravannack及其執行主任本德爾富.


大約 UFC®

UFC® is the premier mixed martial arts (MMA) 組織和最大的按次付費查看事件提供世界. 總部設在拉斯維加斯,在倫敦設有辦事處, 多倫多, 新加坡和聖保羅, UFC生產超過 40 現場活動每年一貫賣掉一些最負盛名的阿里納斯在全球各地. UFC programming is broadcast in 158 countries and territories to over 1 在全球十億電視家庭 21 不同的語言. 在UFC與FOX在美國多年的轉播協議, 其中,每年包括四個現場賽事轉播的FOX網絡, 以及 終極戰士® reality television show and thousands of hours of programming on FOX Sports 1 和FOX體育 2. 在 2014, UFC launched UFC FIGHT PASS®, a digital subscription service that is available throughout the world with exclusive live events, 成千上萬的戰鬥點播和原創內容. The UFC organization also licenses over 100 UFC GYM® locations, and owns UFC.TV® (按需提供世界各地的網上直播和視頻), UFC FIT® (在家庭健身和營養方案), UFC雜誌, and has a videogame franchise with EA SPORTS, UFC搏擊俱樂部®, UFC範博覽會®, UFC品牌服裝, DVDs and 藍光-射線和托普斯交易卡. 欲了解更多信息, 訪問 UFC.com and follow UFC at Facebook.com/UFC, 嘰嘰喳喳 ND Instagram的: @UFC.





科羅拉多​​斯普林斯 - 美國摔跤, 國家管理機構摔跤在美國, 和UFC®聯合宣布,雙方已經續簽合作夥伴關係,以促進摔跤的興趣和混合武術 (MMA), 而在各種項目合作,支持各組織的活動.

“美國摔跤高興地恢復與UFC的合作夥伴關係, 度過了一個成功的第一年,合作. 我們的體育是緊密交織在一起, 而且有很多方法,我們可以幫助互相支持. 我們期待著找到創造性的有效途徑,甚至更多的價值添加到這個強有力的關係,“富德爾說, 美國摔跤執行董事.

“我們非常高興能夠延續我們與美國摔跤夥伴關係,並繼續建立在我們已經經歷了去年的成功,” 聯邦關係和企業社會責任婁勞里亞的UFC副總裁. UFC有著悠久而豐富的歷史支撐業餘運動員的發展,我們與USAWrestling關係可以追溯到UFC的開始。”


摔跤和MMA共享一個緊密的聯繫而積極的影響,這兩種運動. 摔跤是在MMA中取得成功所需的核心技術,而且被認為是這項運動中的基礎性學科. 眾多選手已經在實現MMA重大成功, 許諾他們的運動和職業生涯一個額外的機會自己摔跤天后完成後.

誰也與競爭美國摔跤運動員眾多已經在成為成功的UFC選手, 含: 奧運冠軍亨利Cejudo, 奧運銀牌得主薩拉杰倫麥曼和馬特林德蘭德, 兩屆奧運選手丹·亨德森, 兩屆奧運會和六次U.S. 打開全國冠軍丹尼爾·科米爾, 兩屆NCAA冠軍約翰尼·亨德里克斯, NCAA所有美國人克里斯·魏德曼和該隱貝拉斯克斯, 女子學院全美卡拉埃斯帕扎和許多其他.

合作, 美國摔跤和UFC將繼續支持和​​促進摔跤發展. 通過利用UFC的行業領先的專業知識和資源, 美國摔跤,其活動將在多個領域進行特色,如UFC的節目, 社會和數字媒體.

美國摔跤將提供其 250,000 獨家機會,社區成員通過一系列的平台,包括體驗UFC: UFC事件, UFC搏擊俱樂部®, UFCGYM®地點, UFC FIGHTPASS®, UFC獎勵和國際鬥爭週. 美國摔跤也將利用其眾多的媒體平台來分享UFC的信息和機會,其成員.


撲網介紹在線UFC搏擊之夜納什維爾預展 & 預選賽



多倫多 (八月. 7, 2015) — 戰網, 全球首屈一指 24/7 電視頻道,致力於完成覆蓋格鬥運動, 將播出豐富的直播節目進行 UFC搏擊之夜: 特謝拉VS. 聖Preux 這個星期六, 八月 8 普利司通競技場納什維爾, 田納西州.


撲網將空氣中的 直播預選賽 只在從加拿大 8 P.M. 到 10 P.M. AND. 主卡將在TSN2電視.


在預賽特色, 終極戰士 季節 17 決賽 烏利亞大廳 (11-5) 與碰撞新人不敗 Oluwale Bamgbose (5-0) 在中量級行動. 其他預賽包括之間的衝突中量級 克里斯康茂勝 (21-10) 和英格蘭的 湯姆 “港” 沃森 (17-8), 一個輕量級的傾斜點蝕 達斯汀·奧爾蒂斯 (14-4) 針對 威利·蓋茨 (12-5), 加之間的輕量級回合 弗蘭基·薩恩斯 (10-2) 和瑞典的出口 Sirwan Kakai (13-2).


直播前戰鬥覆蓋率將比分追成預賽 週六 月光寶盒網 UFC® 預展現場 7 P.M. AND, 具有預覽, 預測與分析.


但首先, 戰網將提供的現場直播 RFA 28: VS桑切斯. 娃娃 在週五, 八月 7 在 10 P.M. AND, 由新RFA中量級冠軍加冕時的推廣使得其第一次到聖突出. 聖路易斯, 通過RFA球迷喜愛的標題 安德魯·桑切斯 針對本地威斯康星 約翰·Poppie.


除了所有活前,後拼覆蓋, 打網絡作為目標UFC庫中的內容, 特色菜和系列, 含 UFC偷跑, 現在UFC, UFC終極內幕 和經典 UFC的PPV 事件. 所有airings列在 tv.fightnetwork.com.


全卡 UFC搏擊之夜: 特謝拉VS. 聖Preux 包括:


主卡 (住在TSN2, 10 P.M. AND):
-格洛弗·特謝拉 (22-4) VS. Ovince聖Preux (18-6)
-邁克爾·約翰遜 (17-8) VS. Beneil的Dariush (11-1)
-德里克·布倫森 (13-3) VS. 薩姆·阿爾維 (25-6, 1NC)
-賈里德羅肖爾特 (12-2) VS. 蒂莫西·約翰遜 (9-1)
-薩拉·麥曼 (8-2) VS. 阿曼達·努內斯 (10-4)
-博格雷 (8-1) VS. Geane埃雷拉 (8-0)


初步卡 (住撲滅網絡, 8 P.M. AND):
-烏利亞大廳 (11-5) VS. Oluwale Bamgbose (5-0)
-克里斯康茂勝 (21-10) VS. 湯姆 - 沃森 (17-8)
-達斯汀·奧爾蒂斯 (14-4) VS. 威利·蓋茨 (12-5)
-弗蘭基·薩恩斯 (10-2) VS. Sirwan Kakai (13-2)

初步卡 (住在UFC戰鬥通行證, 6:30 P.M. AND):
-克里斯·登普西 (11-2) VS. 喬納森 - 威爾遜 (6-0)
-馬龍維拉 (6-2-1) VS. 羅馬薩拉薩爾 (9-3, 1NC)
-安東尼·赫里斯托祖 (12-5) VS. 斯科特霍爾茨曼 (7-0)


對於戰網的廣播時間表的完整列表, 請訪問 tv.fightnetwork.com, 按照我們在Twitter上@fightnet, 成為粉絲在Facebook上,並參觀我們的Instagram @fightnet.

兩屆世界冠軍, 女拳手阿曼達·塞拉諾爆炸龍達·魯西的教練, 並使得挑戰

Serrano with the WBO title
兩屆世界冠軍, 阿曼達·塞拉諾 (24-1-1, 18 KO的) 來自波多黎各, 和她的教練/經理, 約旦馬爾多納多認為這是非常失禮的拳擊界, 由Edmond Tarverdyan提出的意見, UFC的世界冠軍練馬師, 龍達·魯西中 www.mmafighting.com.
“我知道她能行,” Tarverdyan告訴MMA格鬥, “我知道她能贏得世界拳擊冠軍. 隆達翼梁與那一拳比人造人的方式更難拳擊世界冠軍,”, Tarverdyan還補充說,, “隆達從來沒有失圓在健身房. A輪. 與拳擊世界冠軍”.
“絕對Rousey的教練並沒有關於拳擊運動一無所知. 她是在八角一個非常好的戰鬥機, 我真的恭喜她的一切,她已經做. 她的對手無法框和很容易看起來很棒,但用的時候出拳力量為自己面臨著一個高品質的拳擊手, 相信我, 事情是不會改變. 在拳擊, 畫布將是你的安樂窩”.
關於Rousey的戰鬥上週六, 在那裡,她在擊敗貝特·科雷亞 34 秒, 塞拉諾說,, “由於觀點拳擊點, 她看上去像一個菜鳥業餘戰鬥機, 投擲很寬的拳沒有cordination. 聽說機器俠不願意回落到輕量級分裂打隆達, 但我可以上去 135, 我們可以解決一場拳擊比賽,所以我可以證明她的教練錯了. 我有一次去到輕量級分裂, 並前往阿根廷為世界冠軍而戰. 最後, 結果是,我成為有史以來第一位波多黎各女拳擊手捕捉到的世界冠軍兩個體重級別”.
塞拉諾的經理和教練, 約旦馬爾多納多指出, “我們不挑戰其他的戰鬥風格. 我們代表拳擊,我們希望得到一些尊重. 我們供任何爭吵,他們可能希望或拳擊比賽, 所以我們可以展示他對拳擊愛德蒙Tarverdyan怎麼啦”.
八月 15, 2014, 塞拉諾前往阿根廷面對WBO輕量級世界冠軍瑪麗亞'Tily’ Maderna, 誰在那個時候, 有三個成功衛冕, 但無法處理波多黎各權力穿孔的侵略性, 誰淘汰賽的方式結束了第六輪的爭奪.
憑藉這場勝利, 塞拉諾成為第一波多黎各女拳擊手贏得世界冠軍的兩個師 (130-135).
塞拉諾的第一個冠軍王朝排在九月 2011 當她淘汰金佰利康納在第一輪成為國際羽聯世界冠軍的超羽量級劃分.

UFC 190 主卡預覽並預測

由: 豐富的伯杰龍


龍達·魯西 (11-0) 和貝特·科雷亞 (9-0) 將標題UFC 190 在女子最輕量級冠軍回合這是保證煙花交付. 這兩個對手將在挑戰者的祖國打, 但Rousey是一個世界性的明星誰是一個史詩般的輥迄今為止在她的職業生涯MMA. 科雷亞是在自己的國家一個失敗者, 但她也是一個不敗的前鋒誰可以給Rousey麻煩,如果armbar不發揮作用.


科雷亞在關於Rousey自殺領導到這場鬥爭中的一些風涼話. 自殺是一個痛苦的話題為冠軍, 誰看見她的父親拿自己的生命當她是年輕. Rousey的,因為承諾 “懲罰” 貝特當他們在今晚的見面籠.


Rousey是一個完美主義者, 簡單明了. 當你認為她不能得到任何好轉, 她驚喜你做到了這一點. 科雷亞是一個強硬的談話和自信的戰鬥機, 但她只是隔靴搔癢Rousey的水平. 如果她有任何機會可言, 它是在第一個圓. Rousey不是尋找一個快速提交,如果我們要相信她承認傷害了科雷亞的意圖是正品. 科雷亞可以用她的影響力和動力沖壓能力早嘎嘎Rousey敲她出去, 但這就意味著要到腳趾與冠軍誰的顯示大大改善顯著了她的最後幾個打架的過程中.


預測: 尋找Rousey回到她的諾言,完成年初這場戰鬥, 她的情緒會接管並阻止她想太多關於畫這一個. 她只是在涉水, 扔下走了第一輪與另一將軍澳添加到她所有提交勝. 她將粉碎科雷亞的大鼻子敞開和柔道折騰挑戰者在墊子上,她將關閉顯示有效地和英鎊.


合作的主要事件的特點毛魯阿 (22-10) 與安東尼奧·羅熱諾蓋拉 (21-6) 在,在一月的PRIDE旗幟下發生戰鬥的複賽 2005. 魯阿贏得了一致的決定爭第一. 這次, 兩個戰士都早已過了風華正茂, 而進入街只有一勝籠在他的最後四個回合. 諾蓋拉也有一個障礙,因為他是他的最後一戰到來後,在一年多的時間, 這是一種片面的將軍澳損失,安東尼 - 約翰遜,歷時僅僅 44 秒.


預測: 街不重遞給約翰遜, 和諾蓋拉應該得到他在這場鬥爭報復淘汰街在第二輪或第三輪. 諾蓋拉將有更好的頭部運動和防守在複賽, 和魯阿只是沒有對任何大牌任何最近勝. 他在他的頭是在這場鬥爭中, 和 “Minotouro” 打算送他到退休.


安東尼奧·諾蓋拉Rodrgio (34-9-1) 還打架關於對在undercard “摩天大樓” 斯特凡·司徒盧威 (25-7). 這應該是一個激動人心的較量, 和馬克·亨特表明,司徒盧威易受乾草機. 可以利用諾蓋拉說弱點, 或將司徒盧威顯示他是一個傳奇殺手這個時候出?


預測: 諾蓋拉的到來,在這一回合的所有體驗,同時斯特魯維有肉體. 有人說,更大的他們是, 他們跌得越疼, 但司徒盧威是個例外. 他應該能夠把自己的青春和他的很長一段時間的好處是離籠子解決傷病和健康問題. 他會出罷工諾蓋拉和整個前兩輪打高大, 終於在第三諾蓋拉完成了與惡性組合早.


這張卡上的其他主要亮點包括婦女傑西卡·阿吉拉爾之間的對決MMA (19-4) 和Claudia Gadelha (12-1) 和SOA之間的重量級交鋒 “綠巨人” Palelei (20-4) 和安東尼奧 “大腳” 席爾瓦 (18-7-1). 點擊這裡 (HTTP://www.sherdog.com/事件/ UFC-190-Rousey-VS-網絡42221) 檢查出的全UFC 190 卡.

Reebok Rebellion Could Revolutionize MMA as We Know It

由: 豐富的伯杰龍

You know the Reebok battle is getting heated when people are trashing the terms of the deal both figuratively and LITERALLY:

UFC Lightweight Contender Myles “憤怒” Jury really threw his Reebok gear in the garbage recently to make a point in a Twitter post that had UFC Head Honcho DanaThe BaldfatherWhite crying foul.

What was more telling about the incident, 雖然, 是 “Uncle Dananot stepping in to punish the frustrated fighter for his blatant disrespect of a major UFC business partner. This was a watershed moment for theReebok Rebellion.

What could Dana do, 畢竟? Myles was actually pulling a page right out of the UFC President’s own marketing handbook. Jury was being in-your-face offensive to sell his argument. Dana does that every day.

Higher-profile fighters are consistently rubbing Mr. White the wrong way these days when it comes to the Reebok deal, and though he gave Jury and Donald “牧童” Cerrone a pass for their recent criticism, he bit back against the likes of Brandon Schaub.

There may be a different kind of fireworks in July when this raw deal officially takes effect and all the fighters who don’t agree with Schaub and Jury start to realize their shortsightedness. Some of those UFC fighters might even regret not joining their peers on the unofficial public picket line when it might have actually mattered.

The worst part about this whole fiasco is the timing. The Federal Trade Commission is once again reportedly investigating the UFC in the wake of a series of high-profile Class-Action Anti-Trust complaints winding their way through the civil courts.

It’s hard not to question whether the world’s most powerful mixed martial arts promotion is overstepping its bounds in the way they are trying to control every aspect of a fighter’s career. It seems like a really bad deal to exchange a little bit of money and the right to fight under the UFC banner for the blood, sweat and tears it takes to stay at the top of the MMA game these days. Even to be at the middle of the pack in the UFC is a heck of a challenge. Fighters have to be starting to ask themselves when the accumulated bumps bruises, dislocations, torn ligaments, broken bones and concussions become so bad that the money doesn’t matter anymore.

What will happen when a tidal wave of former UFC fighters find out that the glory of having fought their hearts out for the fans isn’t paying the bills and/or sending their kids to college? What happens when the cushy medical coverage expires and your legendary fighter status means nothing to the doctors and the hospital billing you outrageous and astronomical fees to keep you healthy enough to live to old age?

Ask Marc Coleman. It’s not pretty.

The more the UFC fight or flight equation turns toward having no freedom to be an entrepreneur and no ability to build your own brand, the more Scott Coker’s phone is going to continue to ring off the hook. At least in Bellator, fighters can still have their own personal sponsors on their shorts.

They don’t throw all their fighters out for losing a few fights in a row, 或. They don’t publicly berate their fighters at post-fight press conferences for not putting on a show. They pay what they can, and they do their best to just be considered a UFC competitor.

Phil Davis may be the first of many UFC defectors that could begin to trickle in if this Reebok deal eliminates as much income and opportunity as it sounds like it will.

I am actually disappointed that Viacom isn’t making a bigger push to acquire more UFC fighters with more lucrative contracts, but no business wants to lose money. It’s harder for Bellator to gain massive revenues in return for their investments in their fighters due to the overhead of doing their own production for free television. 但, 同時, Coker and Bellator’s current management seems to actually care a little more about the people who do battle under their banner. They know better than anyone that your sponsors can really keep you alive.

Fighters who value their freedom and want a little more control over their careers might start to see the only UFC competition as a much greener pasture in the wake of this sneaker giant’s exclusive apparel contract. What is supposed to look like a major step forward for the UFC might actually represent three steps back for this organization that is already struggling with cancelled and postponed fights due primarily to an increasing amount of training injuries to top fighters.

Of course we can’t forget Former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones allegedly crashing a rented SUV into a pregnant woman’s car and breaking her arm before fleeing the scene on foot. This is yet another unfortunate example of the UFC not caring enough about their fighters. How could they not recognize this guy had a problem that needed to be addressed a long time before this tragic incident unfolded? How can the UFC justify not having their own random drug testing in place like other professional sports? How are illegal drugs OK for a fighter to do out of competition in the first place? Who made the rules with that gaping loophole in them?

喬治街. Pierre has been one of the UFC’s most vociferous critics on the PED-testing front. The former champion continues to sit on the sidelines after one of the most punishing fights of his career led him to announce his retirement with the door left open only a crack. Only a broad, comprehensive drug testing program can bring him back now, 聖. Pierre maintains.

Even fighters like Ronda Rousey are getting a little upset with the career control measures being wielded over them by their bigwig bosses. The UFC will not even let Ronda appear in a few scripted WWE events. Just because these skits last longer than some of her actual fights doesn’t mean they are much different than what she does in her movie career. Her UFC bosses are fine with her pursuing action movie roles, so why not a little fake wrestling? Maybe it’s the fact that WWE stole the Tapout brand and took it right out of the cage and into the wrestling ring. Maybe it’s jealousy that WWE has the kind of fan base that makes them a legitimate threat, and it’s the kind of fans the UFC desperately needs. Maybe it’s the fact that the UFC lost their chance at retaining Brock Lesnar’s services again and they are still getting over it.

Whatever the reason, the UFC is clamping down more and more on what fighters can and can’t do inside and outside the cage, and it goes far beyond fake wrestling. Contracts are becoming more and more restrictive in every way.

The UFC also used to foster a climate where no fighter would dare speak a foul word about management or any business deal management put in place. The punishment would be worse than a fine if Dana decided to give you the Brendan Schaub treatment in the press.

Complain, and you’d be called a coward or a bum. You’re not a team player, some ignorant fans will still say when you stick your neck out while under UFC contract. 但, this climate is not enough to stop this new little wave of protest that might grow to a frightening crescendo just before or after this Reebok deal officially becomes reality.

The mindless minions who criticize fighters for speaking out for their own best interests just eat right out of Dana White’s hand, even when he’s passing out rat poison. It is disgusting to hear and see so many people agreeing with a guy who never even fought an official amateur bout of any kind instead of listening to someone who actually put in the effort to compete in even one professional cage fight.

When it comes to matters of what it really meansto be a F#$%ing fighter,” Dana can give all the foul-mouthed speeches he wants, but it’s the actual fighters who bled for years under the UFC banner who gave that speech real meaning and resonance to the fans who now worship the ground Dana walks on. 在大多數情況下, these fans only like White so much because he talks and cusses just like them. 還, one UFC fighter I interviewed years ago told me there is something wrong with the sport when the most recognizable figure in MMA is Dana White. I couldn’t agree more.

Freedom is not a word to be taken lightly, and free speech is not as free as it used to be. You sign on the dotted line to step in the UFC cage, and you have to play by their rules, even the ones you don’t like or don’t agree with. That was bad enough when that was the only problem fighters faced. 現在, it’s much worse because of the Reebok deal and the ramifications and ripple effects it will cause.

Some people forget this deal also alienates other long time sponsors of the UFC and its fighters. Think of all those apparel companies who will not be able to sell their products now in association with any official UFC event. 即將到來 UFC Fan Expo situation is a prime example of how the UFC just doesn’t seem to care about the businesses and backers that helped put them on the map in the first place.

The people behind this powerhouse MMA league will alienate anyone or any group of people to make a buck off the backs of better men than themselves. This Reebok deal is living proof of that. Even if all the money from the Reebok partnership does go to the fighters, all those businesses that end up locked out of fighter sponsorship deals will have to line up to sign exclusive contracts with the organization itself. Either that, or they will convert to Bellator supporters and follow burned UFC fighters to that organization.

Suddenly that second fiddle is sounding like it could steal the show, and my prediction that Bellator could fail looks premature and presumptuous now.

So you want to be a f$%^ing fighter?”

Let me give you Scott Coker’s number.

打網絡介紹ONE錦標賽 26, Enfusion 28 & UFC 186 Coverage LIVE this Weekend

多倫多 | 紐約 (四月 22, 2015) — 戰網, 全球首屈一指 24/7 電視頻道,致力於完成覆蓋格鬥運動, presents a blockbuster card from ONE錦標賽 live this 星期五, 四月 24 在 7:30 A.M. AND, as emanates from SM MOA Arena in Manila, 菲律賓, headlined by polarizing welterweight champion 本Askren facing one of his toughest tests to date against 71-fight veteran路易斯 “撒潑” 桑托斯.


在加拿大獨家播出住, ONE錦標賽: Valor of Champions will also feature a co-main event bantamweight clash between Filipino standout 馬克Striegl and undefeated American Casey Suire, plus Filipino flyweight prospect 尤金托克羅 meets Indonesia’s Brianata Rosadhi. 四捨五入出牌, Canadian heavyweight powerhouse Paul Cheng battles Ukrainian 伊戈爾文件, Thai flyweight Anatpong Bunrad throws down with Filipino sensation 的Eustaquio Geje, 更多 Jimmy Yabo 纏結帶 Edward Kelly in a clash of Filipino featherweight contenders.


The full fight card for ONE Championship: Valor of Champions includes:


-本Askren (14-0) VS. Luis Santos (61-9-1) – ONE welterweight title
-馬克Striegl (13-1) VS. Casey Suire (5-0)
-尤金托克羅 (5-1) VS. Brianata Rosadhi (1-1)
-Paul Cheng (5-1) VS. 伊戈爾文件 (5-2)
-Anatpong Bunrad (4-1) VS. 的Eustaquio Geje (6-3)
-Jimmy Yabo (4-0) VS. Edward Kelly (5-2)
-Shannon Wiratchai (3-1) VS. 阿米爾汗 (2-1)
-Tsu Notto (2-0) VS. Ya Wei Wang (1-1)


真人繼續上 星期六, 四月 25 在 3 P.M. AND, 如 Enfusion直播 28 invades the Ice Hockey Stadium in Zilina, 斯洛伐克, featuring Slovakia’s Tomas Senkyr against Morocco’s Ibrahim El Boustati for the -85kg world title, plus Slovakia’s Vladimir Moravcik meets Frenchman Yohan Lidon in a five-round Muay Thai affair. The card also features a one-night, single-elimination -70kg tournament showcasing Milan Pales VS. Brahim BenameurTigran Movsisyan VS.穆罕默德刀 in opening round matchups.


戰網的​​現場直播Enfusion在 3 P.M. AND 將空氣Cablevision公司的最佳電視, 格蘭德通訊, Shentel電纜及電纜阿姆斯特朗在美國, 在全國范圍內加拿大, 在北美的Roku設備, 在土耳其的D-智能.


星期六, 四月 25, 打網絡將展示其 UFC 186 預展現場 AT7 P.M. AND, 具有預覽, 預測和提前分析 UFC 186: 約翰遜VS. 在他的最後一回合中,他的家鄉觀眾激動不已,他在共同特色的回合中以分裂決定戰勝但丁席羅 在付費觀看. 緊接著主卡, 撲網呈現 UFC 186 Post-Show Live, which will include the live post-fight press conference from Montreal, 魁北克, 加拿大.


除了所有活前,後拼覆蓋, 打網絡作為目標UFC庫中的內容, 特色菜和系列, 含 UFC偷跑, 現在UFCUFC終極內幕. 所有airings列在 tv.fightnetwork.com.


戰鬥後繼續覆蓋 在週一的5 發 戰網, 其中首次亮相 7 P.M. AND 並提供全面的故障 週六 事件.


對於戰網的廣播時間表的完整列表, 請訪問 tv.fightnetwork.com, 按照我們在Twitter上@fightnet, 成為粉絲在Facebook上,並參觀我們的Instagram @fightnet.

Mendon Twin Drive-In to show UFC 186 this Saturday night

MENDON, 質量. (四月 20, 2015) – The newly renovated Mendon Twin Drive-In will be a closed circuit site for this Saturday night’s UFC 186 from historic Bell Centre in Montreal. Mendon Twin Drive-In (www.mendondrivein.com) 位於 35 Milford St. in Mendon, 嘛.


Tickets may be purchased at the Mendon Twin Drive-In gate the day of the event only (gates open at 6 P.M. AND), or in advance by going on line at www.aceticket.com. Regular admission is $25.00 per car (maximum of six per vehicle) 有 $50.00 VIP ticket per car available that includes priority parking and a weekday drive-in pass. People may watch the UFC 186 action from their car or sit at Pop’s Beer Garden.



To the first 100 cars from the Blackstone Valley area (driver’s ID required)



I’m excited to show some of the best conditioned and skilled athletes in the world live on one of the biggest screens in New England,” Mendon Twin Drive-In co-owner Dave Andelman 說.


Preliminary bouts start at 6:30 P.M. AND with the main card fights commencing at10 P.M. AND. World Flyweight Champion 德米特里 “強大的鼠標” 約翰遜 (21-2-1), 別. 3 in the UFC pound-for-pound ratings, headlines the main card in a title defense against No. 8 競爭者 堀口恭司 (15-1-0).


Also fighting on the main card is middleweight 邁克爾· “The CountBisping(26-7-0) VS. CBThe DobermanDollaway (16-7-0), 輕重量級 Fabio Maldonado (22-7-0) VS. Steve Bosse (10-1-0), 約翰· “公牛” Makdessi(12-3-0) VS. Shane Campbell (11-2-0) at a 160-pound catch-weight, 和輕量級 Yves “虎” Jabouin (20-9-0) VS. 托馬斯 “Thominhas” 阿爾梅達 (18-0-0).

Follow on Twitter @Mendondrivein.


別. 6 Light Heavyweight in the World Phil Davis joins Bellator MMA


Phil Davis Signing

SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亞州. (四月 15, 2015) – Bellator MMA is pleased to announce the signing of the sixth* ranked Light Heavyweight in the world, Phil “Mr. Wonderful” Davis (13-3, 1 NC), 到異, 多鬥爭交易.


“I can’t wait to be fighting in Bellator and wreck shop on everyone,“戴維斯說. “I am the absolute best and most dominant grappler to ever fight in MMA and I’m excited to get in there and compete at my new home.”

Born and raised in Harrisburg, 賓夕法尼亞, Phil attended college close to home at Penn State University, where he became a four-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler for the Nittany Lions.


Davis had his first professional MMA fight in 2008 and accrued nine wins in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, including victories against the likes of Antônio Rogério Nogueira, 町田龍太, 亞歷山大·古斯塔夫松, Brian Stann and Glover Teixeira.

A member of Alliance MMA in San Diego, 加利福尼亞州。, where he trains alongside Bellator stars like Michael Chandler and Joey Beltran, “先生. Wonderful” joins the promotions Light Heavyweight division, which is currently upheld by champion Liam McGeary.


“Phil is a world class Mixed Martial Artist and we are very happy to be adding him to OUR roster of some of the best Light Heavyweights in the world,說:“推廣的總裁, 斯科特·科克爾. “Bellator remains fully committed to building its world-class roster by signing top free agents like Davis, as well as grooming up-and-coming stars. We’ve got some amazing matchups in mind for ‘Mr. Wonderful’ that we will be announcing in the weeks to come.”

Bellator’s Light Heavyweight division is one of the deepest in the promotion, with stars like McGeary, 蒂托·奧爾蒂斯, “國王莫”拉瓦爾, 昆頓“橫衝直撞”傑克遜, Emanuel Newton and Linton Vassell.


*Ranking according to www.sherdog.com