Category Archives: UFC

UFC® SET za sponzoriranje 2015 SVETOVNO PRVENSTVO rokoborba

Colorado Springs - USA Wrestling danes napovedal UFC® kot uradni sponzor 2015 Svetovno Wrestling prvenstvo, ki bo potekal od Ponedeljek, September 7 skozi Sobota, September 12 ob Orleans Arena, mejijo na Orleans Hotel in Casino v Las Vegasu, Nevada.


Ureja United Svetovne Wrestling, to bo minilo prvič od 2003 da svetovnem Wrestling prvenstva, največja svetovna globalna elita wrestling konkurenca in prvi kvalifikacijski turnir v Riu 2016 Olimpijske igre, bodo predstavljeni v Združenih državah Amerike.


»Smo že imeli vse večjo partnerstvo z UFC in to je naravni podaljšek,"Je dejal USA Wrestling izvršni direktor Rich Bender. "Mi smo imeli številne športnike, ki so šli na naših nacionalnih in olimpijskih reprezentanc do velikega uspeha v UFC, vključno izveste športnike kot dveh časovnih Olimpijci Dan Henderson in Daniel Cormier in olimpijski prvak Henry Cejudo. Z UFC nahaja v Las Vegasu, je dala veliko smisla za obeh organizacij do partnerja o tem zgodovinskem dogodku. "


»Navdušeni smo, da sponzor 2015 Svet Wrestling prvenstvo in dobrodošli rokoborbo tekmovalci in ljubitelji iz 100 države v Las Vegasu,"UFC Podpredsednik Federacije razmerij in družbene odgovornosti Lou Lauria dejal. "Wrestling je ključni član borilni športi skupnosti in UFC bo še naprej podpirala razvoj moških in ženskih amaterskih športov v svetu."


Več kot 800 športniki se pričakuje, da tekmujejo v šestdnevni tekmovanja v treh olimpijskih disciplinah, Greco-Roman, freestyle žensk in moška freestyle. Obstaja 24 kompleti medalj izpodbijanih na svetovnem prvenstvu, osem moške freestyle, Greco-Roman in wrestling žensk.


Osemnajst olimpijskih razredih teža se pripoznajo, z zgornjim šest iz vsake razreda kvalificirani, da zastopa njihove narod in tekmujejo v Riu 2016 Olimpijske igre. The 12 konkurenca seja bo določila, kdo bo osvojila 108 Olimpijske privezov, ki so za zagrabi.


To bo šesti čas, Združene države Amerike je gostila Senior svetu rokoborba prvenstvo in prva v Las Vegasu. Prejšnji strani so Toledo, Ohio (1962, 1966), San Diego, California (1979), Atlanta, Georgia (1995) in New York, New York (2003).


Wrestling je bil izrazit šport na olimpijskih igrah, vrača v antičnih olimpijskih iger v Grčiji in se začne s prvimi modernih olimpijskih iger v Atenah, Grčija v 1896.


For more information please visit in sledite na Twitter @ VegasWorlds2015.

O ZDA rokoborba

USA Wrestling je državni upravni organ za šport rokoborba v Združenih državah Amerike in, kot tak, je njen predstavnik Olimpijskega komiteja ZDA in Združeno Svetovne Wrestling, Mednarodna wrestling zveza. Organizacija je sestavljena iz več kot 200,000 Člani sodelujejo na vseh ravneh, od mladosti do olimpijskih iger. Preprosto, USA Wrestling je osrednja organizacija, ki koordinira amaterske programe rokoborbe v narodu in dela ustvariti zanimanje in sodelovanje v teh programih. Njen predsednik je James Ravannack in njen izvršni direktor, je Rich Bender.



UFC® je premier Borilne veščine (MMA) organizacija in največji ponudnik Pay-Per-View dogodek na svetu. S sedežem v Las Vegasu s podružnicami v Londonu, Toronto, Singapur in Sao Paulo, UFC proizvede več kot 40 dogodkov v živo vsako leto, da dosledno prodati nekatere od najbolj prestižnih prizoriščih po vsem svetu. UFC programiranja predvajajo v 158 države in ozemlja, za več kot 1 Milijarde TV gospodinjstev po vsem svetu v 21 Različni jeziki. UFC ima večletno pogodbo za oddajanje Fox v ZDA, ki vsako leto vključuje štiri dogodke v živo predvajajo na mreži FOX, kot tudi Ultimate Fighter® realnost televizijska oddaja in tisoče ur programa na FOX Sports 1 in FOX Sports 2. V 2014, UFC začela UFC FIGHT PASS®, digitalno naročnino storitev, ki je na voljo po vsem svetu z ekskluzivnimi dogodkov v živo, tisoče bojev na zahtevo in izvirno vsebino. Organizacija UFC licence tudi preko 100 UFC GYM® lokacije, in ima v lasti UFC.TV® (ponujajo dogodek v živo oddaje in video na zahtevo po svetu), UFC FIT® (V domu za fitnes in Program prehrane), UFC Magazine, in ima videoigre franšize z EA SPORTS, UFC Fight Club®, UFC Fan Expo®, UFC blagovno znamko oblačil, DVD-ji in Blu-žarki in Topps Trading Cards. Za več informacij, Obisk in sledite UFC na, Twitter and Instagram: UFC.


USA Wrestling In UFC® Renew partnerstvo



Colorado Springs - USA Wrestling, nacionalni upravni organ za rokoborbo v Združenih državah Amerike, in UFC® sta skupaj objavila, da so obnovili partnerstvo za spodbujanje zanimanja za rokoborbo in mešanih borilnih veščin (MMA), medtem ko je sodelovala pri različnih projektih za podporo dejavnosti posamezne organizacije.

"USA Wrestling je zadovoljen, da obnovijo svoje partnerstvo z UFC, snele uspešno prvo leto sodelovanja. Naši športni tesno prepletata, in obstaja veliko načinov, kako lahko pomagajo medsebojno podpirajo. Veselimo se iskanju kreativnih in učinkovitih načinov za dodati še večjo vrednost na ta močna povezava,"Je dejal Rich Bender, USA Wrestling izvršni direktor.

“Zelo smo veseli, da obnoviti naše partnerstvo z ZDA, rokoborba in še naprej graditi na uspehu, ki smo jih doživeli v zadnjem letu,” UFC Podpredsednik Federacije razmerij in družbene odgovornosti Lou Lauria dejal. UFC ima dolgo in bogato zgodovino, ki podpira razvoj amaterske športnike in naš odnos z USAWrestling sega do samega začetka UFC.”

To je že drugo leto zapored organizacije, so se dogovorili, da bodo sodelovali in najti nove načine za vzpostavitev in širitev njihovih prizadevanj za sodelovanje.

Wrestling in MMA deliti tesno povezavo, ki pozitivno vplivala oba šport. Wrestling je set core spretnost potrebna za uspeh v MMA in se šteje za temeljno disciplino v športu. Številni rokoborcev so šli na doseganje velik uspeh v MMA, ki ponuja dodatno priložnost za svoje športne in poklicne kariere, ko so njihovi rokoborbo dni končan.

Številni športniki, ki so tekmovali z USA Wrestling so šli na postati uspešni UFC atleti, Vključno: Olimpijski prvak Henry Cejudo, Olimpijsko srebro medalists Sara McMann in Matt Lindland, Dvakratni olimpijec Dan Henderson, Dvakratni olimpijec in šest-time U.S. Odpri državni prvak Daniel Cormier, Dvakratni prvak NCAA Johny Hendricks, NCAA All-Američani Chris Weidman in Cain Velasquez, college ženski All-ameriški Carla Esparza in mnogi drugi.

Delati skupaj, USA Wrestling in UFC bo še naprej podpirala in spodbujala razvoj rokoborbe. Z izkoriščanjem UFC je industrija vodilno strokovno znanje in vire, USA Wrestling in njegove dejavnosti se pokaže po več področjih, kot so oddaje UFC je, socialnih in digitalnih medijev.

USA Wrestling bo podala svoje 250,000 član skupnosti z ekskluzivnimi priložnosti doživeti UFC prek številnih platform, vključno z: UFC dogodkov, UFC Fight Club®, UFC GYM® lokacije, UFC FIGHT PASS®, UFC Nagrade in Mednarodni teden Fight. USA Wrestling bo uporabila tudi svoje številne medijske platforme za izmenjavo informacij in možnosti o UFC svojim članom.

USA Wrestling je eden od peščico izbranih nacionalnih upravnih organov v olimpijskem skupnosti, da bo uradni partner z UFC.

Boj mreže predstavlja živo UFC Fight Night Nashville Pre-show & Predtekmovanja

Za takojšnjo objavo


TORONTO (Avgust. 7, 2015) — Boj omrežje, svetovna premiera 24/7 televizijski program namenjen za dokončanje pokritosti borilne športe, bo zrak obsežno živo programiranje za UFC Fight Night: Teixeira vs. Saint Preux to soboto, Avgust 8 od Bridgestone Arena v Nashvillu, Tenn.


Boj Mreža bo zrak žive predtekmovanja izključno v Kanadi od 8 p.m. da 10 p.m. IN. Glavna kartica bo na televiziji na TSN2.


V izrazit prelim, Ultimate Fighter sezona 17 finalist Uriah Hall (11-5) trči z nepotolčen novinca Oluwale Bamgbose (5-0) v akciji srednji. Drugi predtekmovanja vključujejo srednji spopad med Chris Camozzi (21-10) in Anglija Tom “Kong” Watson (17-8), luknjičaste tilt optimizacijo učinkovitosti Dustin Ortiz (14-4) proti Willie Gates (12-5), plus bantamweight dvoboj med Frankie Saenz (10-2) in švedski izvoz Sirwan Kakai (13-2).


Živo pre-boj pokritost bo vodilo v prelims v soboto z družbo Boj omrežje je UFC® Pre-Show v živo pri 7 p.m. IN, ponaša predoglede, napovedi in analize.


Ampak najprej, Boj Omrežje bo predstavila živo na RFA 28: Sanchez vs. Doll v petek, Avgust 7 pri 10 p.m. IN, s kronanjem nove RFA prvak v srednji kategoriji, ko promocija naredi svoj prvi izlet v St poudarjeno. Louis, headlined z RFA fan favorita Andrew Sanchez proti Wisconsin domačin John Poppie.


Poleg vseh živih pre in post-boj pokritost, Boj Network je destinacija za UFC knjižnice vsebino, Posebej in series, Vključno UFC Unleashed, UFC Now, UFC Ultimate Insider in klasična UFC PPV Dogodki. Vse airings so navedene na


Polna karton UFC Fight Night: Teixeira vs. Saint Preux vključuje:


Glavni Card (Živeti na TSN2, 10 p.m. IN):
-Glover Teixeira (22-4) vs. Ovince Saint Preux (18-6)
-Michael Johnson (17-8) vs. Beneil Dariush (11-1)
-Derek Brunson (13-3) vs. Sam Alvey (25-6, 1NC)
-Jared Rosholt (12-2) vs. Timothy Johnson (9-1)
-Sara McMann (8-2) vs. Amanda Nunes (10-4)
-Ray Borg (8-1) vs. Geane Herrera (8-0)


Predhodni Card (V živo na Fight omrežju, 8 p.m. IN):
-Uriah Hall (11-5) vs. Oluwale Bamgbose (5-0)
-Chris Camozzi (21-10) vs. Tom Watson (17-8)
-Dustin Ortiz (14-4) vs. Willie Gates (12-5)
-Frankie Saenz (10-2) vs. Sirwan Kakai (13-2)

Predhodni Card (Živeti na UFC Fight Pass, 6:30 p.m. IN):
-Chris Dempsey (11-2) vs. Jonathan Wilson (6-0)
-Marlon Vera (6-2-1) vs. Roman Salazar (9-3, 1NC)
-Anthony CHRISTODOULOU (12-5) vs. Scott Holtzman (7-0)


Za celoten seznam boju mreže oddajnega urnik, obiščite, sledite nam na Twitterfightnet, Postani fan na Facebooku in nas obiščite na Instagramfightnet.

Dvakratni svetovni prvak, ženska boxer Amanda Serrano eksplozije Ronda Rousey na trenerja, in naredi izziv

Serrano with the WBO title
Dvakratni svetovni prvak, Amanda Serrano (24-1-1, 18 KO je) iz Portorika, in njen trener / manager, Jordan Maldonado menijo, da je zelo nespoštljivo za boksarski skupnosti, pripombe, ki jih je Edmond Tarverdyan, trener UFC svetovnega prvaka, Ronda Rousey v
“Vem, da lahko to storite,” Tarverdyan povedal MMA Boj, “Vem, da je mogoče zmagati boksarski naslov svetovnega prvaka. Ronda križi z boksarske svetovni prvaki, da punch način težje kot Cyborg,”, Tarverdyan dodal tudi, da, “Ronda še nikoli ni izgubil krog v telovadnici. Okrogla. Z boksarske svetovni prvaki”.
“Definitivno Rousey je trener nima nobenega znanja o športu boksa. Ona je zelo dober borec v osmerokotnika, in res ji čestitam za vse, kar je bilo narejeno. Njeni nasprotniki ne morejo polje in je preprosto videti super, vendar, ko se soočajo z visoko kakovostno boksar z prebijanje moči kot sebe, verjemi mi, Stvari se bo spremenilo. V boksu obroč, platno bo vaš comfort zone”.
O Rousey v boju prejšnjo soboto, kjer je premagala Bethe Correia v 34 sekund, Serrano je dejal, “Kot boks vidika, izgledala je kot novinec amaterski borec, metanje zelo širok udarcev brez cordination. Slišal sem, da je Cyborg ni pripravljen spustiti na lahke divizije za boj Ronda, vendar sem lahko šel do 135, in ne moremo rešiti boksarski dvoboj, tako da lahko dokaže, njen trener narobe. Nekoč sem šel do lahke divizije, in odpotoval v Argentino za naslov svetovnega boja. Na koncu, rezultati je bila, da sem postal prvi Portoričan ženski boxer zapisati na naslov svetovnega prvaka v dveh uteži razredov”.
Vodja in trener Serrano je, Jordan Maldonado je poudaril, da “ne izpodbija drugih stilov požarov. Predstavljamo boks in želimo, da bi dobili malo spoštovanja. Mi smo na voljo za vsako sparring jih morda želeli ali boks tekmo, tako da bomo lahko kažejo Edmond Tarverdyan kako narobe je o boksu”.
Avgusta 15, 2014, Serrano je odpotoval v Argentino soočiti WBO Lahka svetovnega prvaka Maria TILY’ Maderna, ki je v tistem času, imela tri uspešne Naslov obrambo, vendar ni mogel ravnati agresivnost Puerto Rica moči luknjanje, ki se je končal boj v šestem krogu preko Knockout.
S to zmago, Serrano je postal prvi Portoričan ženska boxer za zmago naslovov svetovnega prvaka v dveh divizijah (130-135).
Serrano je prvi naslov vladanje prišel v septembru 2011 ko je nokautiral Kimberly Connorja v prvem krogu postati IBF svetovni prvak v super peresno delitve.

UFC 190 Main Card Predogled in Napovedi

S: Rich Bergeron


Ronda Rousey (11-0) in Bethe Correia (9-0) volja naslov UFC 190 v bantamweight Naslov A žensk borbe, da je zagotovljeno, da poda ognjemet. Ti dve tekmeci bodo borili v izzivalec matični državi, vendar Rousey je po vsem svetu zvezda, ki je na epsko roll doslej v svoji MMA karieri. Correia je underdog v svoji lastni državi, ampak ona je tudi neporažen napadalec, ki bi lahko Rousey težave, če armbar ne pride v poštev.


Correia je naredil nekaj neobčutljive pripombe o Rousey samomoru, ki vodijo do tega boja. Samomor je boleče velja za šampion, ki je videl njen oče vzeti svoje življenje, ko je bil mlajši. Rousey je, ker je obljubil, da “kaznovanje” Bethe, ko se srečata v kletki nocoj.


Rousey je perfekcionist, enostavno in preprosto. Ravno, ko misliš, da ne more biti bolje, ona vas preseneti in ne samo, da. Correia je težka, govori in samozavestni borec, ampak ona je samo nikjer v bližini ravni Rousey je. Če ima ona kakšno možnost sploh, je v prvem krogu. Rousey ne išče hiter oddajo, če želimo, da verjamejo ji priznal namere boli Correia so pristni. Correia lahko uporabite svoj doseg in moč-izsekavanje sposobnost klopotec Rousey zgodaj in jo knock out, ampak to pomeni, bo do pete s prvakom, ki je pokazala veliko-boljši osupljiv tekom njenih zadnjih bojih.


Napoved: Poglej za Rousey, da se vrnete na njeno obljubo in končati ta boj zgodaj, saj bo njena čustva prevzame in jo ustaviti od preveč razmišljanja o pripravi to ena. Ona bo samo prebiti v, vrgel dol in odšel iz prvega kroga z drugo TKO dodati v vseh njenih oddajo zmag. Ona bo smash Correia je velik nos na stežaj odprta in judo kretnjo tekmeca mat, kjer bo ona zapreti razstavo z učinkovitim tleh in funt.


Co-glavni dogodek ima Mauricio Rua (22-10) vs Antonio Rogerio Nogueira (21-6) v revanš v boju, ki se je zgodil v okviru PRIDE banner v januarju 2005. Rua osvojila prvo boj s soglasno odločitvijo. Tokrat, tako borci so dolgo mimo njihove prime, in Rua vstopi v kletko z eno samo zmago v svojih zadnjih štirih Deluje. Nogueira ima tudi oviro, ker je on prihaja v več kot leto dni po njegovi zadnji boj, ki je bila enostranska izguba TKO Anthony Johnson, ki je trajal le 44 sekund.


Napoved: Rua ni tako težka izročil kot Johnson, in Nogueira morali dobiti njegovo maščevanje v tem boju, ki ga izločil Rua v drugem ali tretjem krogu. Nogueira bodo imeli boljše gibanje glave in obrambo v revanš, in Rua samo nima nedavne zmage pred vsemi velikimi imeni. On je v nad glavo v tem boju, in “Minotouro” se dogaja, da ga je poslal v upokojitev.


Antonio Nogueira Rodrgio (34-9-1) bori tudi na undercard proti “Nebotičnik” Stefan Struve (25-7). To bi moralo biti zanimivo bout, Mark Hunt je pokazala, da je Struve dovzetna za koscem. Lahko Nogueira izkoriščajo to šibkost, ali bo Struve kažejo, da je legenda morilec tokrat ven?


Napoved: Nogueira, ki prihajajo z vseh izkušenj v tem dvoboju, medtem ko ima Struve na telesnost. To je dejal, da so večji, težje padejo, vendar Struve je izjema. Moral bi imeti možnost, da izkoristijo svoje mladosti in njegov dolgo časa stran od kletke obravnava poškodbe in zdravstvene težave. On bo ven-stavke Nogueira in boj visok skozi prvih dveh krogih, končno dodelavo Nogueira začelo s začaranem combo zgodaj v tretji.


Drugi večji poudarki na tej kartici vključujejo ženski MMA showdown med Jessica Aguilar (19-4) in Claudia Gadelha (12-1) in težka spopad med SOA “Hulk” Palelei (20-4) Antonio “Bigfoot” Silva (18-7-1). Kliknite tukaj ( / UFC-190-Rousey-vs-Web-42221) odjaviti polno UFC 190 kartice.

Reebok Rebellion Could Revolutionize MMA as We Know It

S: Rich Bergeron

You know the Reebok battle is getting heated when people are trashing the terms of the deal both figuratively and LITERALLY:

UFC Lightweight Contender MylesFuryJury really threw his Reebok gear in the garbage recently to make a point in a Twitter post that had UFC Head Honcho DanaThe BaldfatherWhite crying foul.

What was more telling about the incident, čeprav, je bil “Uncle Dananot stepping in to punish the frustrated fighter for his blatant disrespect of a major UFC business partner. This was a watershed moment for theReebok Rebellion.

What could Dana do, po vsem? Myles was actually pulling a page right out of the UFC President’s own marketing handbook. Jury was being in-your-face offensive to sell his argument. Dana does that every day.

Higher-profile fighters are consistently rubbing Mr. White the wrong way these days when it comes to the Reebok deal, and though he gave Jury and Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone a pass for their recent criticism, he bit back against the likes of Brandon Schaub.

There may be a different kind of fireworks in July when this raw deal officially takes effect and all the fighters who don’t agree with Schaub and Jury start to realize their shortsightedness. Some of those UFC fighters might even regret not joining their peers on the unofficial public picket line when it might have actually mattered.

The worst part about this whole fiasco is the timing. The Federal Trade Commission is once again reportedly investigating the UFC in the wake of a series of high-profile Class-Action Anti-Trust complaints winding their way through the civil courts.

It’s hard not to question whether the world’s most powerful mixed martial arts promotion is overstepping its bounds in the way they are trying to control every aspect of a fighter’s career. It seems like a really bad deal to exchange a little bit of money and the right to fight under the UFC banner for the blood, sweat and tears it takes to stay at the top of the MMA game these days. Even to be at the middle of the pack in the UFC is a heck of a challenge. Fighters have to be starting to ask themselves when the accumulated bumps bruises, dislocations, torn ligaments, broken bones and concussions become so bad that the money doesn’t matter anymore.

What will happen when a tidal wave of former UFC fighters find out that the glory of having fought their hearts out for the fans isn’t paying the bills and/or sending their kids to college? What happens when the cushy medical coverage expires and your legendary fighter status means nothing to the doctors and the hospital billing you outrageous and astronomical fees to keep you healthy enough to live to old age?

Ask Marc Coleman. It’s not pretty.

The more the UFC fight or flight equation turns toward having no freedom to be an entrepreneur and no ability to build your own brand, the more Scott Coker’s phone is going to continue to ring off the hook. At least in Bellator, fighters can still have their own personal sponsors on their shorts.

They don’t throw all their fighters out for losing a few fights in a row, bodisi. They don’t publicly berate their fighters at post-fight press conferences for not putting on a show. They pay what they can, and they do their best to just be considered a UFC competitor.

Phil Davis may be the first of many UFC defectors that could begin to trickle in if this Reebok deal eliminates as much income and opportunity as it sounds like it will.

I am actually disappointed that Viacom isn’t making a bigger push to acquire more UFC fighters with more lucrative contracts, but no business wants to lose money. It’s harder for Bellator to gain massive revenues in return for their investments in their fighters due to the overhead of doing their own production for free television. Še, hkrati, Coker and Bellator’s current management seems to actually care a little more about the people who do battle under their banner. They know better than anyone that your sponsors can really keep you alive.

Fighters who value their freedom and want a little more control over their careers might start to see the only UFC competition as a much greener pasture in the wake of this sneaker giant’s exclusive apparel contract. What is supposed to look like a major step forward for the UFC might actually represent three steps back for this organization that is already struggling with cancelled and postponed fights due primarily to an increasing amount of training injuries to top fighters.

Of course we can’t forget Former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones allegedly crashing a rented SUV into a pregnant woman’s car and breaking her arm before fleeing the scene on foot. This is yet another unfortunate example of the UFC not caring enough about their fighters. How could they not recognize this guy had a problem that needed to be addressed a long time before this tragic incident unfolded? How can the UFC justify not having their own random drug testing in place like other professional sports? How are illegal drugs OK for a fighter to do out of competition in the first place? Who made the rules with that gaping loophole in them?

Georges St. Pierre has been one of the UFC’s most vociferous critics on the PED-testing front. The former champion continues to sit on the sidelines after one of the most punishing fights of his career led him to announce his retirement with the door left open only a crack. Only a broad, comprehensive drug testing program can bring him back now, St. Pierre maintains.

Even fighters like Ronda Rousey are getting a little upset with the career control measures being wielded over them by their bigwig bosses. The UFC will not even let Ronda appear in a few scripted WWE events. Just because these skits last longer than some of her actual fights doesn’t mean they are much different than what she does in her movie career. Her UFC bosses are fine with her pursuing action movie roles, so why not a little fake wrestling? Maybe it’s the fact that WWE stole the Tapout brand and took it right out of the cage and into the wrestling ring. Maybe it’s jealousy that WWE has the kind of fan base that makes them a legitimate threat, and it’s the kind of fans the UFC desperately needs. Maybe it’s the fact that the UFC lost their chance at retaining Brock Lesnar’s services again and they are still getting over it.

Whatever the reason, the UFC is clamping down more and more on what fighters can and can’t do inside and outside the cage, and it goes far beyond fake wrestling. Contracts are becoming more and more restrictive in every way.

The UFC also used to foster a climate where no fighter would dare speak a foul word about management or any business deal management put in place. The punishment would be worse than a fine if Dana decided to give you the Brendan Schaub treatment in the press.

Complain, and you’d be called a coward or a bum. You’re not a team player, some ignorant fans will still say when you stick your neck out while under UFC contract. Še, this climate is not enough to stop this new little wave of protest that might grow to a frightening crescendo just before or after this Reebok deal officially becomes reality.

The mindless minions who criticize fighters for speaking out for their own best interests just eat right out of Dana White’s hand, even when he’s passing out rat poison. It is disgusting to hear and see so many people agreeing with a guy who never even fought an official amateur bout of any kind instead of listening to someone who actually put in the effort to compete in even one professional cage fight.

When it comes to matters of what it really meansto be a F#$%ing fighter,” Dana can give all the foul-mouthed speeches he wants, but it’s the actual fighters who bled for years under the UFC banner who gave that speech real meaning and resonance to the fans who now worship the ground Dana walks on. Večinoma, these fans only like White so much because he talks and cusses just like them. Vedno, one UFC fighter I interviewed years ago told me there is something wrong with the sport when the most recognizable figure in MMA is Dana White. I couldn’t agree more.

Freedom is not a word to be taken lightly, and free speech is not as free as it used to be. You sign on the dotted line to step in the UFC cage, and you have to play by their rules, even the ones you don’t like or don’t agree with. That was bad enough when that was the only problem fighters faced. Zdaj, it’s much worse because of the Reebok deal and the ramifications and ripple effects it will cause.

Some people forget this deal also alienates other long time sponsors of the UFC and its fighters. Think of all those apparel companies who will not be able to sell their products now in association with any official UFC event. The upcoming UFC Fan Expo situation is a prime example of how the UFC just doesn’t seem to care about the businesses and backers that helped put them on the map in the first place.

The people behind this powerhouse MMA league will alienate anyone or any group of people to make a buck off the backs of better men than themselves. This Reebok deal is living proof of that. Even if all the money from the Reebok partnership does go to the fighters, all those businesses that end up locked out of fighter sponsorship deals will have to line up to sign exclusive contracts with the organization itself. Either that, or they will convert to Bellator supporters and follow burned UFC fighters to that organization.

Suddenly that second fiddle is sounding like it could steal the show, and my prediction that Bellator could fail looks premature and presumptuous now.

So you want to be a f$%^ing fighter?”

Let me give you Scott Coker’s number.

Boj omrežje predstavlja eno prvenstvo 26, Enfusion 28 & UFC 186 Coverage LIVE this Weekend

TORONTO | NEW YORK (April 22, 2015) — Boj omrežje, svetovna premiera 24/7 televizijski program namenjen za dokončanje pokritosti borilne športe, presents a blockbuster card from ONE prvenstvo live this Petek, April 24 pri 7:30 a.m. IN, as emanates from SM MOA Arena in Manila, Filipini, headlined by polarizing welterweight champion Ben Askren facing one of his toughest tests to date against 71-fight veteranLuis “Sapo” Santos.


Zračenje živijo izključno v Kanadi, ONE prvenstvo: Valor of Champions will also feature a co-main event bantamweight clash between Filipino standout Mark Striegl and undefeated American Casey Suire, plus Filipino flyweight prospect Eugene Toquero meets Indonesia’s Brianata Rosadhi. Zaokroževanje iz kartico, Canadian heavyweight powerhouse Paul Cheng battles Ukrainian Igor datoteka, Thai flyweight Anatpong Bunrad throws down with Filipino sensation Eustaquio gejë, bolj Jimmy Yabo pentlje z Edward Kelly in a clash of Filipino featherweight contenders.


The full fight card for ONE Championship: Valor of Champions includes:


-Ben Askren (14-0) vs. Luis Santos (61-9-1) – ONE welterweight title
-Mark Striegl (13-1) vs. Casey Suire (5-0)
-Eugene Toquero (5-1) vs. Brianata Rosadhi (1-1)
-Paul Cheng (5-1) vs. Igor datoteka (5-2)
-Anatpong Bunrad (4-1) vs. Eustaquio gejë (6-3)
-Jimmy Yabo (4-0) vs. Edward Kelly (5-2)
-Shannon Wiratchai (3-1) vs. Amir Khan (2-1)
-Tsu Notto (2-0) vs. Ya Wei Wang (1-1)


Igrani nadaljuje Sobota, April 25 pri 3 p.m. IN, kot Enfusion v živo 28 invades the Ice Hockey Stadium in Zilina, Slovaška, featuring Slovakia’s Tomas Senkyr against Morocco’s Ibrahim El Boustati for the -85kg world title, plus Slovakia’s Vladimir Moravcik meets Frenchman Yohan Lidon in a five-round Muay Thai affair. The card also features a one-night, single-elimination -70kg tournament showcasing Milan Pales vs. Brahim Benameur in Tigran Movsisyan vs.Mohammed žage in opening round matchups.


Boj živo Enfusion oddajo mreže na 3 p.m. IN bo na sporedu na Cablevisión je Optimum TV, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable in Armstrong Cable v ZDA, po vsej državi, v Kanadi, Roku naprave po vsej Severni Ameriki, in v Turčiji, na D-Smart.


On Sobota, April 25, Boj Mreža bo predstavila njeno UFC 186 Pre-Show v živo AT7 p.m. IN, ponaša predoglede, napovedi in analize pred UFC 186: Johnson vs. Horiguchi na pay-per-view. Takoj po glavni kartice, Boj Mreža je predstavljena UFC 186 Post-Show Live, which will include the live post-fight press conference from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Poleg vseh živih pre in post-boj pokritost, Boj Network je destinacija za UFC knjižnice vsebino, Posebej in series, Vključno UFC Unleashed, UFC Now in UFC Ultimate Insider. Vse airings so navedene na


Post-boj pokritost še o ponedeljkih izdaja 5 Rounds Boj na mreži, ki je prvi nastop na 7 p.m. IN in ponuja celovito razčlenitev Sobota Dogodek.


Za celoten seznam boju mreže oddajnega urnik, obiščite, sledite nam na Twitterfightnet, Postani fan na Facebooku in nas obiščite na Instagramfightnet.

Mendon Twin Drive-In to show UFC 186 to soboto zvečer

MENDON, Mass. (April 20, 2015) – The newly renovated Mendon Twin Drive-In will be a closed circuit site for this Saturday night’s UFC 186 from historic Bell Centre in Montreal. Mendon Twin Drive-In ( se nahaja na 35 Milford St. in Mendon, MA.


Tickets may be purchased at the Mendon Twin Drive-In gate the day of the event only (gates open at 6 p.m. IN), or in advance by going on line at Regular admission is $25.00 per car (maximum of six per vehicle) s $50.00 VIP ticket per car available that includes priority parking and a weekday drive-in pass. People may watch the UFC 186 action from their car or sit at Pop’s Beer Garden.



To the first 100 cars from the Blackstone Valley area (driver’s ID required)



I’m excited to show some of the best conditioned and skilled athletes in the world live on one of the biggest screens in New England,” Mendon Twin Drive-In co-owner Dave Andelman je dejal.


Preliminary bouts start at 6:30 p.m. IN with the main card fights commencing at10 p.m. IN. World Flyweight Champion Demetrius “Mighty Mouse” Johnson (21-2-1), Ne. 3 in the UFC pound-for-pound ratings, headlines the main card in a title defense against No. 8 bojevnik Kyoji Horiguchi (15-1-0).


Also fighting on the main card is middleweight Michael “The CountBisping(26-7-0) vs. CBThe DobermanDollaway (16-7-0), light težka Fabio Maldonado (22-7-0) vs. Steve Bosse (10-1-0), John “Bull” Makdessi(12-3-0) vs. Shane Campbell (11-2-0) at a 160-pound catch-weight, in bantamweight Yves “Tiger” Jabouin (20-9-0) vs. Thomas “Thominhas” Almeida (18-0-0).

Follow on Twitter @Mendondrivein.


Ne. 6 Light Heavyweight in the World Phil Davis joins Bellator MMA


Phil Davis Signing

SANTA MONICA, Kalifornija. (April 15, 2015) – Bellator MMA is pleased to announce the signing of the sixth* ranked Light Heavyweight in the world, Phil “Mr. Wonderful” Davis (13-3, 1 NC), na ekskluzivni, multi-boj ponudba.


“I can’t wait to be fighting in Bellator and wreck shop on everyone,"Je dejal Davis. “I am the absolute best and most dominant grappler to ever fight in MMA and I’m excited to get in there and compete at my new home.”

Born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Phil attended college close to home at Penn State University, where he became a four-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler for the Nittany Lions.


Davis had his first professional MMA fight in 2008 and accrued nine wins in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, including victories against the likes of Antônio Rogério Nogueira, Lyoto Machida, Alexander Gustafsson, Brian Stann and Glover Teixeira.

A member of Alliance MMA in San Diego, Kaliforniji., where he trains alongside Bellator stars like Michael Chandler and Joey Beltran, "Gospod. Wonderful” joins the promotions Light Heavyweight division, which is currently upheld by champion Liam McGeary.


“Phil is a world class Mixed Martial Artist and we are very happy to be adding him to OUR roster of some of the best Light Heavyweights in the world,"Je dejal predsednik promocijo na, Scott Coker. “Bellator remains fully committed to building its world-class roster by signing top free agents like Davis, as well as grooming up-and-coming stars. We’ve got some amazing matchups in mind for ‘Mr. Wonderful’ that we will be announcing in the weeks to come.”

Bellator’s Light Heavyweight division is one of the deepest in the promotion, with stars like McGeary, Tito Ortiz, "King Mo" Lawal, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, Emanuel Newton and Linton Vassell.


*Ranking according to