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Olympian and UFC champion Daniel Cormier named Honorary Chairman of Wrestling World Cup in Los Angeles, Июн 11-12

Дониёл Cormier, a two-time Olympian in men’s freestyle wrestling and current UFC light heavyweight champion, will serve as the Honorary Chairman of the 2016 World Cup of Freestyle Wrestling, set for The Forum in Los Angeles, Июн 11-12.

Cormier will be supporting the promotional efforts for the World Cup (wrestlingworldcup.com) and encouraging the public to come out to see the action, which will feature the top eight men’s freestyle nations in action.

The U.S. World Cup team will include all six of the 2016 U.S. Olympic freestyle wrestlers. Many of the other nations will also include their 2016 Olympic athletes on their rosters.

"It is a great opportunity. You get to see guys in the final stages of their preparation. During off-Olympic years, you may get to see guys who are not peaked. This is in the phase of when they are peaking for the Olympic Games, two months before the competition. The foreign wrestlers will also be in peak condition. Not only will you get to see our guys at their best, but you get to see them competing against some of the best wrestlers in the world at their peak. It is very rare that we get that kind of opportunity here in the United States,” said Cormier.

This is the third straight year which the World Cup has been held in Los Angeles and hosted at The Forum. Cormier joins two other former wrestlers and major public figures who have served as Honorary Chairman of the World Cup.

Дар 2014, award-winning actor Billy Baldwin was the Honorary Chairman. Дар 2015, Stephen Neal, a World champion wrestler and three-time Super Bowl champion with the NFL New England Patriots, served as the Honorary Chairman.

Cormier had a successful career in international freestyle wrestling. Ӯ узви шуд 2004 U.S. Дастаи олимпии, which competed in Athens, Юнон, инчунин 2008 U.S. Дастаи олимпии, which competed in Beijing, Хитой. Cormier placed fourth at the 2004 Бозиҳои олимпӣ. Ӯ буд, 2007 World bronze medalist and placed fifth in the 2003 World Championships. He wrestled on six straight U.S. World or Olympic Teams, and won six straight U.S. Open national titles.

Cormier, who follows international wrestling closely in spite of his busy schedule as a UFC athlete and a television commentator, is excited about the U.S. team which will compete at the World Cup and at the Olympic Games.

"We have an amazing team this year. A chance to see them live is something you can’t get back after it’s gone. We have one of the better Olympic teams that we have had in a long time,” said Cormier.

A native of Lafayette, Аст., Cormier was a two-time NJCAA Junior College national champion for Colby CC in Kansas. He went on to Oklahoma State, where he placed second in the 2001 NCAA Div. I Championships, competing for two-time Olympic champion John Smith.

The 37-year-old Cormier trains at American Kickboxing Academy in San Jose alongside fellow UFC standouts such as Cain Velasquez and Luke Rockhold. Since moving to California, he has been impressed by the quality of the wrestling and the culture of the sport in the state.

"Wrestling in California is huge. The state championships draws massive numbers. I have a youth wrestling club, and every weekend, we wrestle in massive tournaments. The kids get to wrestle five, six times a weekend. In the LA area, this is a big deal, for people to be able to see wrestling at such a high level. The last time I was at the World Cup at the Forum, он аҷиб буд. You can feel the history of the building. The team went out and had a fantastic performance. It will be a big crowd. People should not miss this opportunity to see the best in the world,” said Cormier.

Cormier won a silver medal at the 2005 World Cup which was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

"It is the history of the event that make it special. It dates back as far as I can remember. Some of the greatest American wrestlers have won the World Cup. It is a very prestigious event. The World Cup is different than other international events. It brings you back to your days in high school wrestling and college wrestling when you wrestle in dual meets. Your result directly affects the team and its ability to win. I only wrestled in one World Cup, with six years on the World Team and eight years on the national team. Ин як таҷрибаи бузург буд,,” said Cormier.

He is excited that wrestling, his favorite sport, will be showcased once again in Los Angeles, Дар U.S. bid city for the 2024 Бозиҳои олимпӣ. Having been on two Olympic teams (2004 in Athens and 2008 дар Пекин), Cormier would to see the Olympics hosted in the United States once again.

"LA right now is a great sports city. The World Cup will show that Olympic sports can draw people. We have not had an Olympics in LA since 1984. If the Olympics go back to LA, it will be great. LA is a huge city, a sports city. The people in LA would love it. This is a chance to show that the city can host an Olympic-level competition and be successful. Los Angeles is so diverse. You have everybody in Los Angeles. You have a ton of different cultures in the LA area,” said Cormier.

Cormier has excelled in his Mixed Martial Arts career, тартиб додани як таъсирбахш 17-1 record while competing at heavyweight and light heavyweight.

Cormier will not be able to attend the World Cup this year due to training. Cormier is currently preparing for the UFC light heavyweight title fight against Jon “Bones” Jones at UFC 200, which will be held in Las Vegas, Nev. ба Июл 9. This is a huge fight, as both of these former wrestlers have held the UFC title belt during their careers. Jones beat Cormier in their only previous battle by decision, a title match during UFC 182 январ 3, 2015.

"Preparation is going great. I have had Ed Ruth in training camp to wrestle, Deron Winn in training camp to wrestle. I’ve got a kid from Iowa State coming in to wrestle also. I am wrestling with the best guys I can find to emulate Jon Jones. (Khadjimurad) Gatsalov of Russia was the best wrestler I ever wrestled, but he didn’t have the type of style and the funky ability of Jones. Ed Ruth is a wiry, tricky wrestler. I am bringing in guys who can give me that feel. I was outwrestled the last fight. He pushed me against the fence and took me down two or three times. That is not happening again,” said Cormier.

Cormier has helped with the World Cup in Los Angeles in the past, serving as the Honorary U.S. Team Captain in 2014, sitting with the team mat side and providing support to the athletes and coaches.

The World Cup is the annual international dual meet championships, as the eight best men’s freestyle teams will compete against each other. Дар 2016 World Cup, the United States will be joined by (alphabetically): Озарбойҷон, Гурҷистон, Ҳиндустон, Iran, Mongolia, Russia and Turkey. Lineups for the other seven teams in the World Cup will be announced shortly.

The United States is slated to face Iran, Azerbaijan and India in Group B competition. Russia headlines a tough Group A pool that also includes Georgia, Turkey and Mongolia.

Attendees can purchase tickets for the popular international competition through Ticketmaster.


Шанбе, Июн 11

Session I – Round 1 & 2 of Pools (3 p.m.-7:30 Земле.)

Якшанбе, Июн 12

Session II – Round 3 of Pools, 5уми & 7th Place Matches (11 a.m.-2:30 Земле.)

Session III – 3rd Place Match, followed by 1st Place Match (5 p.m.-7:30 Земле.)

General admission for both the Шанбе ва Якшанбе sessions are just $60 total or $35 for individual days. Preferred seating options are available for $85 for both Шанбе ва Якшанбе, ё $55 individually.

The FNU Combat Sports Show: Is McGregor Retirement Threat Proof UFC Brass is Out of Touch With Their Most Popular Stars?

An Open FU to UFC President DanaEffingWhite!


Бо: Rich Bergeron

Those who know me personally would all say I am a mellow individual, until you seriously cross me, мисли, for instance, if you become the subject of an investigative report I’m working on, ё sue me for $25 миллион. Sometimes I may take things like that as a sign you might not want me to really find out who you are and what you do behind closed doors to screw hard working people over.

This week, a certain individual who won’t even let me follow him in Twitter (https://twitter.com/danawhite) pissed me off to the point where I could only think of one thing to do. Because I’m officially blacklisted in every possible way by the UFC brass, and have even had restraining orders placed against my directly contacting the Fertittas and ANY UFC fighter, my best option is to publish a drastic diatribe here I am just going to call myOPEN FUto DanaEffingWhite.

I’m sure Mr. White will not take my calls or subject himself to a one on one interview with me. Ҳамин тавр, I will have to settle for a written FUand a multi-tiered and multi-purpose FU.

FU, DanaEffingWhitefor many, many reasonstoo many for one small blog post to do justice, but let’s just say Most of all FU….

For what you THINK you know about Holly Holm

Ҳей, Dana, you wanna talk about youreffingreality showLooking For a Fight????” I was actually looking for a fight when I watched that old realityshit show when you were supposed to box Tito Ortiz, but HE magically backed out at the last minute.

Ҳозир, you, DANAEFFINGWHITE, are telling Holly Holm about a decision YOU think she didn’t think through enough??? And now you act like someone pissed in your Wheaties because you have two upset wins at UFC 196 to work around and figure out how to make sense of somehow.

Booeffinghoo, buddy.

Welcome to how things don’t go as planned sometimes in the fight business, you ungrateful prick.

Do you wanna be aneffing” Обунакунанда, DanaeffingWhite???

Holly Holm Was the Bantamweight Champion of the UFC when she allowed HER Manager (not DanaeffingWhite) to negotiate the Tate fight on her behalf, and she knew (and her long-time manager knew, аз ҳад зиёд) what she was doing and what she wanted. And guesseffingwhat, Dana? She wanted to fight.

Узр, DanaEffingWhite, but Holly didn’t want to sit on aneffingsideline waiting for Ronda Rousey to finish hereffingROADHOUSE REMAKE!

Holly wanted to go to workbut unfortunately she has to work for a boss who has no idea what it’s like to step into HER office and handle HER daily workload with such tenacity, синфи, dignity and grace.

And I think maybe she looks back a bit differently than you do, Dana, with noeffingregrets whatsoever for putting her absolute all into that fight and just plain getting caught in her one area of weakness in a battle where she likely would have won a three-round fight. Maybe if YOU were a fighter, Dana, you might get that whole concept. Maybe losing in this case only makes her better, боқувваттар, and more durable as a career mixed martial artist. Who gives a damn if it makes her less marketable in your eyes? What do you really know, anyway?

UNLIKE YOU, DanaEffingWhite, Holly actually respects Miesha Tate and thought it would be a challenge to fight her. Бале, she lost, but damn, she was absolutely correct about it being a challenge. I think the fight will go down as one of the greatest battles in female MMA history.

Ҳозир, why don’t you open youreffingeyes, Dana, watch the fight again, and quit bitching about what should have happened in that cage you never fought in yourself.

Be grateful you have a champion you just paid $92,000 in fight pay (before bonuses) to take your organization’s belt from the girl you WANTED TO WIN (and paid $500,000 just to be there). It may not be what you expected, but the anxiety you feel about it is what you DESERVE to feel for being such a douchebag to the fighters who built the UFC.

My biggest questions on this subject for Dana are: Why are you such a biased, crooked asshole who can’t bother to give Miesha the time of day FOR ALL HER HARD WORK? Why can’t you give credit where it is dueon both sides of that fight? Why can’t you shut theeffup about what you think Holly or her management should have or could have waited for?

It’s not your place to look back with 20/20 hindsight and act like Holly and her manager should have gone all Nostradamus on this fight when you obviously didn’t see this shit coming, ё, you dome-headed dimwit.

Ҷангиён “effing” мубориза, Dana. That’s what theyeffingdo, which you should know, since I am pretty sure you used to be aneffingmanager of MMA fighters yourself. Ҳа, that was many moons ago, but how could you forget?

Fighters don’t sit on their asses on corporate jets and stand at podiums in front of the press all day to earn theeffingpaltry paychecks your organization pays out to most of them. Most fighters simply cannot afford to wait around for shit to happen or for someoneworthyenough in your eyes to step up and fight them.

Some fighters need to feed their kids. All of them need to pay their bills and for everything else involved with training camps, daily living expenses, travel and whatever costs medical insurance doesn’t cover when they have to address nagging injuries. Your shitty Reebok deal made it virtually impossible to get any other outside sponsors to help pay for anything like that stuff for many fighters, Dana.

Welcome to selling out and forgetting where you came from, Dana. You used to care more about fighters. Now you act like fighting in a cage is just like doing any other 9-5 кор. It’s not. Он “effinghard work.

Ҳамин тавр, бале, Holly chose to fight instead of waiting for Rousey to be ready for the rematch. And you think she needs your opinion now that everything didn’t work out as planned for you both?

FU, Dana.

She hurts a lot worse than you, and I can guaran-effing-tee that.

Оҳ…ва…дар омади гап…fighters are way more responsible for the growth and success of the UFC/Zuffa organization than you ever have been. And that’s real talk, you rich bitch with a stick up your ass because you were never good enough in your life to ever have your own official fight.

Ҳамин тавр, get over the God complex and learn to respect ALL of your fighters, not just the ones you want to see win because you might think you can work with them better or you think they will move the organization in a better direction. Respect the effort, the sacrifice and the pain ALL your fighters go through each and every day to get where they get. That belt you put on Miesha’s waist was EARNED, and don’t you ever think it iseffingcool to call the fact that Holly Holm had the guts to face Miesha Tatea mistake.

It rings hollow, especially when I would consider that handing you a microphone to talk about MMA at all was THE greatest mistake the sport ever made, муддат! Anyone who would try to knock a former champion down a peg that way in his own organization does not deserve to be recognized as that organization’s president.

You have no clue what it’s really like to fight, and your criticism of Holly Holm tells me you can never possibly understand the mindset that led her to take the Tate fight and not wait an idle year for RondaeffingRousey to be ready to appear at one of your precious shows.

Ҳамин тавр, FU Dana White for treating your former champ like she’s an idiot who doesn’t know how to control her own career without you butting your stupid, bald head into it. Holly’s fine without your advice, and she trusts her manager, which might be something you’re not familiar with, but for other people it is actually a reality of doing business with legitimate people.


FU, Dana for being a piss-poor ambassador for the sport, disrespecting fighters who bleed (and sometimes suffer lifelong injuries) for you and the sport, and totally underestimating and failing to grasp what it really takes to actually be a professional fighter who actually competes against other fighters

Do you remember the days when you had to settle for being a lowly boxercise instructor because your boxing trainer Boston slapped you too hard in the ear once? You never had a single competitive fight in your life, DanaeffingWhite, and that’s a DOCUMENTED FACT!

Do you ever even look back at those days before the silver-spoon-fed Fertittas helped you claw your greedy, selfish, egotistical ass into the position of OFFICIAL UFC MOUTHPIECE?

Do you remember those hairy days when you blew through $40 million of Fertitta funds to perpetrate theZuffa Mythwhile claiming credit for the UFC brass singlehandedly legitimizing the sport and getting it regulated all by youreffingselves? As if not a single FIGHTER nor any other industry professional who pioneered MMA before you dipped your greedy little paws into it had anything to do with it?

Your Mom remembers thosecoulda been a contender” рӯз, Dana..when you thought you might be able to have an actual fight with another human being. Your own mother remembers even though you and one of your sleazy friends tried to silence her, BASH HER ONLINE, and even blacklist her BOOK, аз ҳад зиёд.

Do you remember the days when even Floyd Mayweather, Jr. thought you were cool, back when your daily driver was aneffingHonda, Dana? Floyd Remembers. He knew you long before you could afford to blow a normal person’s yearly pay on a single hand of poker.

You’re in a different place now, DanaeffingWhite, and it’s a delusional place. Like on the distant planet you live on, people actually believe YOU really, ростқавлона, trulyeffingknow what it’s ACTUALLY like to be aneffingfighter? Do you actually believe YOU somehow could ever REALLY know that feeling?


Ту медонӣ what A FIGHTER is, don’t you, Dana? A fighter is a man or woman who has the courage to willingly step into unarmed combat against another actual man or woman instead of just criticizing up and down the guys and girls who do have the guts to actually stand across from another human being while knowing and internalizing that the accepted goal is to physically destroy each other.

A fighter, in more simple terms, аст, “one who fights.And let’s be clear about oneeffingthing, DanaeffingWhite, I know fighters, ва YOU are no fighter.

You are nothing like a fighter, DanaeffingWhite, and you nevereffing” мешавад. You are too weak, both physically and mentally. Until we see you go through a six-week training camp and then get into the cage against someone and kick his ass, we shouldn’t have to listen to one damncoulda,” “shoulda,” ё “wouldaout of your cornfed mouth about what you think of any particular fighter’s performance or decision making process. Those people have the guts to do what you will NEVER do yourself, and you ought to respect that.

FU Dana WhiteFor not recognizing Real Fighters Like Miesha Tate and Nate Diaz who keep at it no matter what and NEVER seem to earn your ULTIMATE RESPECT….

Nate Diaz stepped up to fight Conor McGregor for a reason. He had nothing to lose, and he wasn’t intimidated one bit. He famoulsy went on television with Fox Sports 1 on a split screen with Conor before that welterweight fight and quipped that his nemesis had already been choked out before, “by two lames.Diaz also had the perfect instinct to add humourously that McGregor’s choke losses happened, “like a week ago.

Diaz beat Conor in the shit-talk game long before he ever slapped him down and slipped that choke around his neck in the cage. The media created by that freakshow fight might have stopped the unchecked rise of your big, bold, six-headed dragon champion, but it created a new monster at the same time. And he’s a Reebok-hating, scowling, swearing, Stockton-slapping Mother-F$#king BEAST who doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about what he does or says.

You might think Diaz and his attitude arebad for business,” but I think his victory was the best thing that could ever happen to all you smug punks running the UFC. It just proves once and for all that you do not control the MMA universe.

Nate Diaz went without respect and credit for being an MMA pioneer and a good UFC soldier for far too long. The bitterness brewed and boiled within him, and I loved every second of him letting it pour out in post-fight interviews after he choked the shit out of Conor until the Irish bloke tapped theeffout and left Dana White drooling in a stupor at the thought of having to congratulate a man who’s become more of a mortal enemy than a member of the bigteam.

More power to Nate and all the crazy, abrasive, in-your-face Diaz brother types out there in the UFC who will fight DanaeffingWhite’s flamboyant fire with even more bravado and brash talk of their own. They can always say, “I learned it by watching you, Baldfather!”

As for Miesha Tate, she deserves true respect and admiration for being champ now after picking herself off the mat twice in the face of grueling losses to Rousey. Kudos to Tate for continuing her career and relentlessly focusing on getting by that Rousey armbar once and for all.

Though Miesha never did solve that Rousey submission dilemma, trying at all costs to get another crack at the belt paid dividends at UFC 196. Her never quit attitude led her to an opportunity of a lifetime, and she capitalized on it. Ҳозир, Dana, you actually have to pay this young lady what most of her fans would say she was worth a long time ago.

And now you simply have to treat Tate with a bit of reverence and appreciation for once in your ungrateful life, DanaeffingWhite. I know it must pain you so much to give this young lady the credit she’s worked so incredibly hard for, because maybe she touched a nerve when she called you out in the past for being the true clueless and disrespectful prick you really are. She was right, and you were wrong about how great she really is at fighting. Then again, weren’t you also WRONG about women fighting in the cage, муддат?

Ҳамин тавр, you DON’T wanna be a fighter, Ҷаноб. White? Then step aside and let the people who DO wanna be fighters go to battle for you so you can ride around the world on your jet and act like you know what theeffyou’re talking about when you stand in front of a microphone to describe the sport’s true athletes and what they do to make a living in mixed martial arts.

The line from Dana that most stands out to me as comblete BS in this whole debacle is this one:

“He’s an old boxing guy who thinks he’s smart and he isn’t,” White said of Fresquez [Holm’s Manager]. “I feel bad for Holly because I don’t know if she really knows what she lost.”

I have only two moreeffingquestions for you DanaeffingWhite

1.) What makes you think you are really in anyeffingposition to EVER know or understand what Holly Holm lost the other night? Aside from a few bad poker hands and tons of respect, the only thing you ever lost is your mind.

2.) Doesn’t your backhanded quote about Holm’s manager describe your own shitty character a whole lot better than that of Mr. Fresquez?

ВА…just in case after reading all this anyone STILL needs yet another reason to have beef with the Baldfather:

Mixed Martial Arts Legend George St-Pierre To Attend Wizard World Philadelphia June 4-5




Hugely Popular UFC World Champion ‘GSP’ To Greet Fans, Sign Autographs, Pose For Photo Ops In First Wizard World Appearance At Pennsylvania Convention Center



Филаделфия, Март 8, 2016 – One of the most popular mixed martial arts fighters in the world, Georges St-Pierrewill attend Wizard World Philadelphia on Sunday, Июн 5, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, it was announced today by the Quebec native and Wizard World, Inc. (OTCBB: WIZD). The three-time former UFC Welterweight champion, known by many as the best “pound-for-pound” MMA athlete ever, will greet fans, sign autographs and pose for photo ops at his first Wizard World comic con appearance.


Already a 2nd dan Kyokushin karate black belt at 12, Georges dedicated himself to martial arts and training throughout his teen years. After seeing jiu-jitsu legend Royce Gracie fight in 1993 Дар Хабиб 1, “Rush” knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life and how he was going to reach those goals: he invested all his energy and all his time at becoming a better version of himself. When he wasn’t training or at school, Georges worked as a doorman in nightclubs, or hung off the back of a garbage truck, hauling in refuse. He discovered a simple truth: never stopping helps reach goals.


He grew as a person and as a fighter, adding fighting disciplines such as boxing, гӯштини, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to his karate background and competed in his first amateur bout at age 16. He won that match, and continued his steady improvement. Дар 2006 he became the UFC Welterweight Champion. He lost the title in 2007 but subsequently regained it in front of his hometown fans of Montreal in 2008 and hasn’t lost a single title defense since then.


Along his career, St-Pierre, 34, accomplished numerous firsts and awards including: the all-time most consecutive welterweight title defenses, three-time consecutive Canadian Athlete of the Year Awards (’08– ’10) by Rogers Sportsnet, Fighter of the Year Awards ('09) bySports Illustrated , World MMA Awards, MMAPayout, Inside MMA and MMAJunkie, the “Most Dangerous Man of the Year” by the Spike Guys Choice Awards (’10) and the MMA Fighter of the Year Award (’08) by Black Belt Magazine .

St-Pierre is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Way of the Fight. Released in 2013, the book shares the lessons he’s learned on the way to the top. Later that year, St-Pierre officially announced that he had decided to vacate the title and take some time off from MMA, taking a role in the 2014 blockbuster Captain America: Winter Soldier. He has not ruled out a return to the ring in the future. GSP is based in Montreal.


St-Pierre, who appeared in joins an amazing lineup of superstar entertainers scheduled to attend the pop culture extravaganza, including “Marvel” movie standouts Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, David Duchovny (“The X-Files”), the Back to the Futuretrio of Michael J. Рӯбоҳ, Christopher Lloyd and Lea Thompson andThe Walking Deadstandout Norman Reedus , with many other headliners.


Wizard World comic con and gaming events bring together thousands of fans of all ages to celebrate the best in pop-fi, pop culture, филмҳо, graphic novels, cosplay, comics, телевизион, sci-fi, toys, video gaming, gaming, original art, collectibles, contests and more. Philadelphia show hours are Панҷшанбе, Июн 2, 3-8 Земле.; Ҷумъа, Июн 3, noon-7 p.m.; Шанбе, Июн 4, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Якшанбе, Июн 5, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.


For more on the 2016 Wizard World Philadelphia, боздид HTTP://wizd.me/PhiladelphiaPR .


About Wizard World (OTCBB: WIZD)

Wizard World, Inc. (www.wizardworld.com ) produces comic cons and pop culture conventions across North America that celebrate the best in pop-fi, pop culture, филмҳо, телевизион, cosplay, comics, graphic novels, toys, video gaming, sci-fi, gaming, original art, collectibles, contests and more. A first-class lineup of topical programming takes place at each event, with celebrity Q&A’s, comics-themed sessions, costume contests, movie screenings, evening parties and more. Wizard World has also launched Wizard World Store ( www.shopwizardworld.com), CONtv, a digital media channel in partnership with leading independent content distributor Cinedigm™ (NASDAQ: CIDM), and ComicConBox™ (www.comicconbox.com), a premium subscription-based monthly box service. Fans can interact with Wizard World on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other social media services.


The Wizard World 2016 schedule is available at: HTTP://wizardworld.com/searchby/city/.


Bellator President Scott Coker and Wanderlei Silva (Қарзӣ: Bellator / Лукас Noonan)


Санта Моника (Март 2, 2016) –Bellator MMA is pleased to announce that one of the most popular, recognizable and beloved fighters in the sport of mixed martial arts, Wanderlei "The қотил Axe» Силва (35-12-1), has signed an exclusive multi-year, multi-fight contract with the promotion. The 39-year-old publicly fielded offers from companies all around the world, but the former Pride FC Middleweight Champion made the decision to take his explosive style to Bellator MMA.


“The Axe Murderer” has fought in some of the most memorable feuds and battles the sport has ever seen. His wars with Quinton "Rampage" Ҷексон, Тито Ортис, Mirko Cro Cop, Vitor Нурмагомедов, Dan Henderson, Kazushi Sakuraba, Chuck Liddell, and Michael Bisping are the stuff of legend – but Silva is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career.


In addition to his Pride FC Middleweight World Championship, Silva’s packed trophy case of accolades includes awards for Fight of the Year (2003, 2004, 2007), KO сол (2008), and multiple Fight of the Night awards including one for each of his last three fights, just to name a few. He now looks to continue to provide his award-winning, entertaining fights inside the Bellator cage.


Silva has several options for his first fight with Bellator. Although he has spent the majority of his career at 185-pounds, one of the things that his fans love most about him has been Wanderlei’s willingness to fight the best of the best – even if it was up two weight classes at heavyweight – as proven by his heavyweight wars against guys like Mark Hunt, Gilbert Yvel, Kazuyuki Fujita and Cro Cop; Or, his battles against light heavyweights like Ortiz, and his most recent opponent, Brian Stann, who he knocked out in the second frame.


Silva is the latest in a long line of recent free agent signings made by Scott Coker and Bellator MMA. The former Chute Box competitor joins: Ҷош Томсон, Фил Дэвис, Бенсон Henderson, Сергей Харитонов ва Anastasia Yankova on a roster with champions the likes of: Маркос Galvao, Дониёл Straus, Иродаи Брукс, Андрей Koreshkov, Рафаэл Carvalho, Лиам McGeary ваВиталий Minakov,



lick ИН ҶО To Watch A Video Preview Of This Segment: HTTP://s.sho.com/1KLdpqm


НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Feb. 25, 2016) – Noted mixed martial arts journalist Jon L. Wertheim takes an in-depth and personal look at how Holly Holm, a barely known underdog, was able to knock out women’s MMA queen Ronda Rousey. In the piece, Wertheim visits Jackson Wink MMA Academy in Albuquerque, N.M., the home of Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn. Wertheim investigates how the world-renowned trainers helped guide Holm to victory last November and have established their once-unheralded outpost in Albuquerque as a mecca for some of the best MMA fighters in the world.


Wertheim’s report appears on the next edition of 60 MINUTES SPORTS, premiering Сешанбе, Март 1 дар 9 Земле. ВА/PT дар Бадр. Nathalie Sommer is the producer.

Мубориза бо шабакаи Самт барои Live UFC аст, ҷанг Ҳафтаи Чорабиниҳои & Фарогирии, Аз ҷумла Хабиб мубориза Night: Namajunas против. Фурӯшанда корти асосӣ

Торонто (Декабр 9, 2015) — Мубориза Network, сарвазир ба ҷаҳон 24/7 канали телевизионӣ бахшида ба анҷом фарогирии варзиш мубориза, Ва бозгашти барои зинда UFC мубориза ҳафта пеш ва пас аз фарогирии мубориза аст, аз ҷумла корти асосӣ зинда барои UFC Night мубориза: Namajunas против. Паҳнкунандаи ва prelims зинда барои Оқибати неки муборизи надодааст: Дастаи McGregor против. Дастаи Faber, њам мављ танҳо дар Канада. Мубориза бо шабакаи аст, дар айни замон дар дастрас пешнамоиш озод дар аксари наылкунандагон дар саросари Канада барои моҳи декабр.
Ҳамаи он талқини пахши барномаҳо, Dec. 9 дар 4 Земле. ЕТ бо муаррифии зинда аз Хабиб 194: Aldo новое. McGregor пеш аз мубориза нишасти матбуотӣ аз Лас Вегас.
Рӯзи панҷшанбе, Dec. 10 дар 5 Земле. ВА, Ҷанг Network пешниҳод зиндагӣ тарозуи-надстройкаҳо барои Оқибати неки муборизи надодааст: Дастаи McGregor против. Дастаи Faber, чун headliners Фрэнки Эдгар ва Чад Mendes хоьад тарозу пеш аз showdown Featherweight муҳимми худ.
Баъдтар дар 9 Земле. ВА, Мубориза бо шабакаи пешниҳод зинда пеш аз нишон барои UFC Night мубориза: Namajunas против. Паҳнкунандаи, боиси ба корти асосӣ зинда дар 10 Земле. ВА танҳо дар Канада. Дар чорабинии асосии, Накунед. 3-contender strawweight занон ишғол кард Роза Namajunas (4-2) дар набардҳои вогузорем superstar ва Не. 7-ишғол Paige VanZant. (6-1). Дар ҳамкорӣ хусусияти, Накунед. 14-собиқадори қабул намояд ишғол Ҷим Миллер(25-6, 1NC) назар ба идома гузаргоҳи худ то ба рейтинги бар зидди Оқибати неки муборизи Live ҒолибиМихаил Калисои (12-2). Яклухткунии аз корт, наврас қабул намояд хеле touted Sage Northcutt(6-0) мекӯшад, ки ба нигоҳ доштани нависед комили ӯ солим бар зидди Коди Pfister (12-4-1), дар ҳоле ки дар Канада РоккиНиҳоии Созмони муборизи ғолиби Middleweight Ильёс Theodorou (11-0) toughest озмоиши худро ба санаи бар зидди Бразилия дучор Тиаго “Sledgehammer” Сантос (11-3). Мубориза бо шабакаи низ баъди мубориза зинда нишасти televise, ки дар оғоз чанде пас аз он ҳодиса хулоса.
Ба Ҷумъа, Dec. 11 дар 6 Земле. ВА, дар Хабиб 194: Aldo новое. McGregor тарозуи-надстройкаҳо мешавад зинда аз Лас Вегас бо Хосе Aldo ва Conor McGregor меравад рӯ-ба-рӯ як бор ниҳоӣ пеш аз телевизионШанбе кард бархӯрди blockbuster барои њануз қаҳрамонии Featherweight Хабиб.
Фавран пас аз зинда тарозуи-надстройкаҳо, Мубориза бо шабакаи пешниҳод зинда пеш аз нишон барои Оқибати неки муборизи надодааст: Дастаи McGregor против. Дастаи Faber дар 7 Земле. ВА, ки чун боиси-дар ба хизматprelims зинда дар 8 Земле. ВА танҳо дар Канада. Дар корти асосӣ хоҳад пахши 10 Земле. ВА ба TSN1 ва TSN5. Prelims кунунӣ дохил heavyweights Ҷабраил Gonzaga (16-10) против. Константин Erokhin (9-2), featherweights Tatsuya Kawajiri (34-8-2) против. Ҷейсон сагар (16-1) ва flyweights Joby Санчес(7-1) против. Geane Herrera (8-1). Мубориза бо шабакаи низ баъди мубориза зинда нишасти televise, ки дар оғоз чанде пас аз он ҳодиса хулоса.
Ба-амал бенуксон ҳафта мубориза меояд, ба авҷи оид ба Шанбе, Dec. 12. Дар 2 Земле. ВА, Мубориза бо шабакаи муаррифӣ encore аз Хабиб 189: Мендес против. McGregor аз моҳи июли соли 2015, ки тавсиф Conor McGregorШӯҳраташ иҷрои хотиравӣ бар зидди Чад Mendes ба гирифтани унвони муваққати Featherweight Хабиб, плюс номзад барои боло “Мубориза сол” миёни Робби Лоулер ва Рори МакДональд барои унвони Welterweight Хабиб. Чорабинии мазкур ба таври васеъ ҳамчун яке аз беҳтарин дар таърихи рекламавї баррасї.
Дар 7 Земле. ВА, Мубориза бо шабакаи пешниҳод зинда пеш аз нишон барои Хабиб 194: Aldo новое. McGregor, ки хусусиятҳои пешнамоиш, пешгӯиҳо ва таҳлил барои ин чорабинӣ, инчунин оид ба-ба-ҷойи ҳодиса ба гузоришҳо аз Лас Вегас. Фавран пас аз пахши музди-як-Бознигарии, Мубориза бо шабакаи пешниҳод Зиндагӣ баъд аз нишонтаќрибан 1 саҳарӣ. ВА, аз ҷумла фикрҳои муфид, аксуламал ва баъди зинда мубориза нишасти матбуотӣ аз Лас Вегас.
Ҳама пеш ва баъд аз мубориза ҷамъбаст дохил мусоҳибаҳои истисноии аз таҳлилгарон Мубориза бо шабакаи хоҳад кард ЮҳанноRamdeen ва Робин Сиёҳ Дар бораи-сайти дар Лас Вегас, плюс ҳисобот ва таҳлили аз студияҳои мубориза Шабакаи дар Торонто. Канада омехта пешрави санъати ҳарбӣ ва солҳои Хабиб собиқадори Подш гиёҳ барорад ва дар-студияи барои Хабиб зинда бошад, 194 пеш ва баъд аз мубориза ёфт.
Мављ дар тамоми ҳафта, сайд як соат Хабиб дарунсохташуда: Aldo новое. McGregor махсус, Бо тамоми-дастрасӣ, паси парда-ба-дар ҳаёт ва лагерҳои омӯзишӣ аз чор ҷангиёни элитаи назар мерасонад, ки ба Хабиб азими 194 Њангоми дар Лас Вегас. Ҳисоботи иловагӣ ва ҳаво хусусиятҳои рӯз дар Бой News Акнун. Ҳамаи airings доранд, дар рӯйхат www.fightnetwork.com.
Илова ба ҳамаи чорабиниҳои зинда, Бой Шабакаи саранҷомест барои маводи китобхона UFC аст, specials ва силсилаи, аз ҷумла: UFC хос, UFC Акнун, UFC ниҳоӣ Insider ва классикӣ UFC PPV чорабиниҳо.
Ин Якшанбе, Dec. 13 дар 9 Земле. ВА, сайд муаррифии encore пур аз Хабиб 126: Силва против. BelfortАз феврал 2011 дар Лас Вегас, ки тавсиф ба баланд пешбинӣ Middleweight унвони showdown миёни он-torchbearer Андерсон Силва ва Не. 1 contender Vitor Нурмагомедов, бештар Forrest Грифинпротив. Бой Франклин ва Jon Jones против. Райан Бадр.
Барои рӯйхати пурраи ҷадвали мубориза Шабака пахши, лутфан ташриф www.fightnetwork.com, дар Twitterfightnet пайравӣ мо, табдил мухлиси оид ба Facebook ва дарfightnet Instagram ташриф мо.

Андерсон Силва, Jon Jones, Эдди Alvarez, Expo MMA, њамасола ва се мусобиқаҳои Мубориза дигар сарлавҳа MMA Ҷаҳон, Шанбе, Dec. 12 дар шаҳри Ню-Йорк

Superstars MMA ба пешвози ва салом меҳмонони дар Эннextravaganza ual, нисбат баЭй мизбон, њамасола дар Muay Таиланд, гуштии сайд ва Бразилия Jiu-Jitsu,
инчунин фурӯшандагон ва семинарҳо

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, Декабр 9 - Дар шашум Expo MMA Ҷаҳон солона, премераи санъати ҳарбӣ омехта дар соҳили шарқии кард (MMA) ҷамъ бо Сити Ҷаҳон Форд муаррифӣ, ба Маркази Javits Яъқуб-Йорк бозгашт, Шимол Pavilion, рӯзи шанбе, Декабр 12. Чемпионати Ҷанг ниҳоӣ (Хабиб) superstars Jon "Бонс" Jones, Андерсон "The Spider" Силва ва Эдди Alvarez бар дасти барои ин чорабинӣ бошад,, ки ваъда медиҳад, бошад, калонтар аз ҳарвақта, бо чор, зинда мусобиқаҳои варзишӣ мубориза, аз љумла, њамасола MMA ҳаводор дар қафас, семинарњо ва фурӯшандагони.

Ҳамчунин доир ба дасти дар Expo хоҳад силсилаи ҷаҳонии мубориза бар қаҳрамони ҷаҳон ду-тақсимоти Дэвид Филиали, инчунин силсилаи ҷаҳонии роҳбарони Ҷанг Карлос Силва (Мудири Иҷрои) ва Падар Сардорони (Президент), ки иштирок хоҳад кард, дар як савол ҷавоб иҷлосияи бо ВАО ва мухлисони мегирад ва, ва дар бораи нақшаҳои Лигаи барои ошкор 2016.

Филиал, Дар ҳукмронӣ силсилаи ҷаҳонии Middleweight Ҷанг (185 мино) ва гаронвазн нур (205 мино) қаҳрамони, мизбони як махсус, семинар як соат барои дӯстӣ Expo.

«ЭКСПО Ҷаҳон MMA имконияти шигифтангез ба хизматрасонии аҳолӣ мухлисони хеле дилчасп MMA, ки ҳоло он нест тоortunity ба spectate касбАл, њамасола дар эй давлатӣF-Йорк,Гуфт, " Павлус Paone, муассис ва директори Expo MMA Ҷаҳон.

"Чорабинии имсола хоҳад шумораи бесобиқаи мубориза мусобиқаи варзишӣ аз мавзӯҳои барои қонеъ гардонидани ҳар мухлиси мубориза, аз ҷумла ҳаводор MMA, гуштии сайд, Muay Таиланд ва Бразилия JIU-Jitsдар. "

Дар як рӯз, «Super шанбе» чорабинӣ баргузор аз мегирад 10 саҳарӣ. то 9 Земле. ВА, мешавад ва барфпӯше хомӯш бва зиндагӣ њамасола худфаъолият MMA дар қафас, пешниҳод аз тарафи Биржа мубориза Ню-Йорк. Дар корти мубориза хоҳад кард, дар оғоз 6 Земле.

Илова ба ин задухурдҳо MMA, он ҷо хоҳад буд рақобати зинда дар фанҳои чаҳор ҷангӣ, ки як қисми асосии MMA. Сар карда 10 саҳар, мусобиқаҳои пешниҳоди, танҳо grappling, ҳам GI ва нест-GI, баргузор бо Мубориза хуб, сурат мегирад.

Сар карда 4 шом, Ассотсиатсияи Мубориза сайди Амрико Шимолӣ бозиҳои гӯштини сайд мизбони, аз ҷумла бозии миёни ҳукмронӣ, ду-бор Шарқӣ Соҳили Подшоҳи Мубориза сайди, Томас Velasquez, ва рақиби, West Coast Подшоҳи Мубориза сайди, Травис Newaza, барои 2015 Амрикои Шимолӣ гаронвазн Подшоҳи қаҳрамонии сайди.

Тамоми сурати, «Омӯзиш дар курсҳои-бо-ба-оғо» семинарҳои дастрас ба ҳозирин мешавад. Омӯзгорон мегиранд Ajarn Фил ҳамшираи (Muay Thai), Хабиб толори дењќонДон «ҳайвони ваҳшӣ» Severn, Силва, Alvarez ва Newaza.

Дар Expo Ҷаҳон MMA идома хоҳад дод, то нақши худро дар ин мубориза барои қонунигардонии касбӣ MMA бо роҳи гузаронидани шашум қонунигардонии солона муҳокимаи гурӯҳи худ бозӣ, паҳнгардонии дархост, ва зиреҳи Намоиши ҳамаи варзишгарони, мураббиён, мухлисон ва фурӯшандагон, ки ба варзиш мусоидат. Семинар қонунигардонии ду-соат мешавад, рӯзноманигор варзишӣ мубориза баргузор Ҷим Genia, ва меҳмонони махсус дохил мешавад Severn ва дигар ходимони MMA назаррас.

Барои маълумоти бештар дар бораи сафари чорабинӣ HTTP://WWW.mmaworldexpo.com, «Мисли« мо дар Facebook, дар Twittermmaworldexpo пайравӣ мо, ё занг 212-956-4720.

Дар бораи Expo MMA Ҷаҳон:

Дар Expo Ҷаҳон MMA дар оғоз шуд 2009 ва ҳама чорабиниҳо дар Маркази Javits Яъқуб дар Ню-Йорк баргузор.

Гузашта гуруњї Expo Ҷаҳон MMA дохил кардаанд Мат Хюз, Фрэнки Эдгар, Ранди Couture, Jon Jones, Карлос Condit, Fabricio Werdum, Мат Serra, Ҷим ва Дэн Миллер, Jamie Varner, Nate Диаз, Wanderlei Силва, дар байни дигарон.

Омӯзиш, бо-ба-оғоён силсилаи устодони дохил кардаанд: Дэн Severn, Renzo Gracie, Марсело Гарсия, Фил ҳамшираи, Ховард Дэвис Jr., Coban Lookchaomaesaitong, Ли Kemp, Jimmy Pedro дар байни дигарон.

Фурӯшандагони гузашта дохил кардаанд Toyota, Xyience, Headrush, Мушакҳо Pharm, Варзиш мубориза, Everlast, Витамини Shoppe, Сирк тахтаҳо, Мулоқот-RX, Гузоред, ҳаюло ва қафас, Сарбози Амрико, Dymatize, Силсилаи ҷаҳон мубориза, Барои расидан Spartan, М-ман Entertainment, дар байни дигарон.

Мубориза бо шабакаи Тӯҳфаҳо UFC ҷанг Night Сеул Card асосӣ & Пеш аз Намоиши LIVE

Торонто (Ноябр 26, 2015) — Мубориза Network, сарвазир ба ҷаҳон 24/7 канали телевизионӣ бахшида ба анҷом фарогирии варзиш мубориза, муаррифӣ фарогирии васеи UFC Night мубориза: Henderson против. Masvidal ин Шанбе, Ноябр 28 аз олимпии варзиш Арсаи дар Сеул, Кореяи Ҷанубӣ.
Ҷанг Network хоҳад њаво зинда UFC Night мубориза: Henderson против. Masvidal корти асосӣ танҳо дар Канада дар 8 саҳарӣ. ВА. Encores дар primetime дар пахши хоҳад кард 9 Земле. ВА ва 10 Земле. PT барои тамошобинон дар соҳили West.
Дар чорабинии асосии, қаҳрамони қабул собиқ Хабиб Бенсон Henderson (22-5) мехоҳад дуюм бурди рост худ дар 170 фунт муқобил собиқадори ҷанг-озмоиш Хорхе Masvidal (29-9). Superstar Welterweight маҳаллӣ Донг Hyun Ким (20-3-1, 1NC) competes in the co-feature against late replacement Dominic об (9-3). Яклухткунии аз корти асосӣ, Йошихиро Akiyama (14-5, 2NC) бармегардад ба Кореяи Ҷанубӣ барои аввалин бор аз замони 2007 for a welterweight matchup with undefeated grappling ace Алберто минои (11-0), дар ҳоле ки тарканда рассоми нокаут Кореяи Ҷанубӣ Doo Ho Choi (12-1) looks to build on an impressive promotional debut last November when he faces off with fellow featherweight Подш Sicilia (15-5), ки амалигардонии ду-мубориза ғолиб streak ба Бут.
Рӯзи панҷшанбе, Nov. 26 дар 7 Земле. ВА, Мубориза бо шабакаи premieres як-як соат Хабиб® Мубориза Night Сеул пеш аз нишон, ки хусусиятҳои пешнамоиш, пешгӯиҳо ва таҳлил барои ин чорабинӣ, ва низ боиси-дар ба prelims зинда хизмат.
Илова ба ҳамаи чорабиниҳои зинда, Бой Шабакаи саранҷомест барои маводи китобхона UFC аст, specials ва силсилаи, аз ҷумла: UFC хос, UFC Акнун, UFC ниҳоӣ Insider ва классикӣ UFC PPV чорабиниҳо.
Ин Якшанбе, Nov. 29 дар 9 Земле. ВА, сайд муаррифии encore пур аз Хабиб 121: Lesnar новое. Velasquez аз октябри 2010 дар Anaheim, Calif., headlined by a showdown between champion Brock Lesnar ва рақиби Қобил Velasquez Дар мусобиқа гаронвазн Хабиб, бештар Jake дуқабата месозад debut Хабиб зидди Мартин Kampmann, Оқибати неки Fighter 1 Ғолиби Диего Санчес бархӯрад бо Пауло Тиаго, пионер Тито Ортис даргириҳои бо хонандаи собиқ Мат Хэмилл,ва Brendan Schaub ҷангӣ Ҷабраил Gonzaga дар амал гаронвазн.
Корт пурра барои UFC Night мубориза: Henderson против. Masvidal дар бар мегирад:
Card асосӣ (Зиндагӣ оид ба мубориза Network, 8 саҳарӣ. ВА):
-Бенсон Henderson (22-5) против. Хорхе Masvidal (29-9)
-Донг Hyun Ким (20-3-1, 1NC) против. Dominic об (9-3)
-Йошихиро Akiyama (14-5, 2NC) против. Алберто минои (11-0)
-Doo Ho Choi (12-1) против. Подш Sicilia (15-5)
Card пешакӣ (Зиндагӣ дар UFC мубориза Pass, 5 саҳарӣ. ВА):
-Dongi Янг (12-3) против. Jake Collier (9-2)
-Yui Максим тааҳҳуд (18-5-1) против. Майк De La Torre (13-5, 1NC)
-Tae Hyun Таркиши (17-9) против. Лев Kuntz (17-2-1)
-Seohee Ҳом (15-6) против. Cortney Casey (4-2)
-Yao Zhikui (2-3) против. Fredy Serrano (2-0)
-Ning Guangyou (6-2-1) против. Марко Белтран (6-4)
-Доминик Steele (13-6) против. Донг Hyun Ким (13-6)
Барои рӯйхати пурраи ҷадвали мубориза Шабака пахши, лутфан ташриф www.fightnetwork.com, дар Twitterfightnet пайравӣ мо, табдил мухлиси оид ба Facebook ва дарfightnet Instagram ташриф мо.

Star-STUDDED Хабиб 191 Чорабинии мавзӯҳои ҳафт ALUMNI GFL шанбе, Сентябри. 5

Ҳабдаҳ задухурдҳо бойгонї фитьюринг
Jimi Manuwa, Paige VanZant,

Павлус Felder ва се Хабиб дигар 191 ситорахо
дастрас барои тамошои дар GFL.tv

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, NY (Ҳафт. 3, 2015) - Дар баҳои-пешбинӣ Хабиб 191 чемпионати ҷаҳон омехта санъати ҳарбӣ (MMA) ҳодиса, ки рӯзи шанбе сурат мегирад, Ҳафт. 5, ҳафт варзишгар, ки аввали касб задухурдҳо бо Go фаро гирифта шуданд мубориза Зиндагӣ аз мавзӯҳои (www.GFL.tv), ва барои тамошои пурра онҳо дастрас мебошанд, Видео оид ба талабот (VOD) формати оид ба сарвазир таъинот онлайн ҷаҳон барои варзиш мубориза зинда.

Се ситораҳо - Jimi «Эълон дар Бой" Manuwa, Янв Blachowicz ва Paige VanZant - Кард амал оид ба музди-як-назари telecast зинда аз Хабиб дид 191 корти мубориза асосӣ, дар ҳоле ки ду нафари дигар - Павлус «Дар Ирландия Dragon" Felder ва «Cassius" Гил Collard - Мубориза хоҳад оид ба варзиш Фокс кор 1 қисми телевизион аз корти Бут пешакӣ сурати кард ва ду боқимонда - Ҷо «Гӯшти" Riggsва Рон "The Чойр Бой" Stallings - Нисбат ба якдигар дар бораи Хабиб рӯ ба рӯ хоҳад хомӯш мубориза қисми тернет Pass-зинда намудани корти Бут пешакӣ.

"Ин Шанбе кард Хабиб 191 корти мубориза, аст, ки бо баъзе аз беҳтарин ҷангиён дар ҷаҳон чуќурї, васият дигар ба истеъдоди ақл, ки аз сафи шарикони рекламавї мо, ки дар бораи баъзе аз беҳтарин амал варзишӣ мубориза дида дилхоҳ гузошта эҳьё аст,Гуфт: "GFL Директор Довуд Klarman.

«Мо ҳаяҷон, ки чӣ тавр ба ин мансаб ҳафт ҷангиёни ихтиёр кардаанд хомӯш, ва мухлисони мусоидат ба тафтиш аз баъзе аз ин задухурдҳо, ки ба кӯмак шакл онҳоро ба онҳо, ки имрӯз ҳастанд ».

Дар ин Китобхонаи GFL дорои умумии 16 њамасола пурра, аз ҷумла: 8 (T)Русия KO ва 2 пешниҳод, фитьюринг 6 ба 7 хатмкардагон, ки дар Octagon дар Хабиб кард қадам хоҳад кард рӯзи шанбе.

GFL тақсим бар 350 live events annually across all genres of combat sports. Approximately 60 фоизи маводи Видео он амал MMA фитьюринг амал аз Ринг мубориза аст (Roc), Қафаси Ф Ҷанг қаҳрамонии (CFFC), BAMMA USA, Хашм дар қафас (Ritca) ва як қатор promoters дигар, ки дар якҷоягӣ садҳо варзишгарон ба Хабиб фиристод, Силсилаи ҷаҳонии Ҷанг ва Bellator, се бузургтарин MMA franchises варзишӣ дар ҷаҳон.

Дар бораи GFL:
GFL (www.gfl.tv) is a fast-growing media and sports entertainment company that utilizes a proprietary technology to deliver the most exciting LIVE combat sports events worldwide and an incredible viewing experience to a global audience. With a diverse mix of combat sports properties, GFL саранҷомест онлайн сарвазир барои ба бокс зинда аст, Санъат ҳарбӣ омехта (MMA), Muay Thai, kickboxing, Jiu-Jitsu ва бештар. Since its inception in 2007, GFL аз тернет дорад 2,500 чорабиниҳои зинда бо зиёда аз 10,000 hours of combat sports content. In addition to its web platform, GFL ба Roku дастрас аст,, Iphone, IPad, инчунин дастгоҳҳо тайёр дигар интернет, ва пахш як ҳафта, ду-соат, мубориза syndicated нишон телевизионӣ ба CSN, Аз милод ва SNY, инчунин зинда маоши-як-назари чорабиниҳои бевосита ба талабот дар.