Kategoria Artxiboak: Tony Penecale

FNU Combat Kirol Show: Fedor Solairuak Frank Mir, Tony's Ringside Philly Boxing Report eta Tom eta Rich-ek azken TUF denboraldia laburbiltzen dute

Aste honetako FNU Borroka Kirolen Erakustaldiak gai ugari biltzen ditu. Fedor Emelianenkok Frank Mir eraistearen inguruko eztabaidarekin hasiko gara, pisu astuneko txapelketaren azken zatian.. Joan den asteburuan FBI-k Fedorrek izan zuen borrokaren aurreko itzala eztabaidatuko dugu. Asteburu honetan datozen Cinco De Mayo boxeo partida handiak eztabaidatuko ditugu eta aurreko asteko borrokak berreskuratuko ditugu, Tonyk Philadelphia-n pertsonalki bertaratutakoak barne. Daniel Cormier-ek Stipe Miocic-en aurka entrenatzen duen TUF denboraldi berria ere harrapatzen dugu.


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FNU Combat Kirol Show: Lee vs. Barboza laburpena, Wilder Camp eskaintzak $50 Milioi Josueri Boxeo Superfightengatik, eta abar.

Aste honetan Tom, Tony eta Rich-ek aurreko asteko UFC Fight Night laburbiltzen dute, joan den larunbateko boxeo ekintza guztiak, eta asteko borroka kirol istorio handienak, besteak beste, Bruno Sanmartino Wrestling Legend-en hileta. halaber, aurreikusi dugu ekitaldirik, Tom eta Rich-ek Fedor vs.. Mir larunbat honetako Bellator ekitaldi nagusian.

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FNU Combat Kirol Show: McGregor Goes Berserk, UFC 223 Card Suffers, Event Recaps and Previews

This week’s show features Tom, Tony and Rich chatting about the circus atmosphere surrounding UFC 223, starting with Conor McGregor’s hand cart throwing incident. We also recap the past week’s boxing and MMA events, and we even briefly discuss Ronda Rousey’s Wrestlemania performance and the news that Brock Lesnar recently signed an extension to stay with the WWE. Listen to the broadcast below:

FNU Combat Kirol Show: Behind the Scenes of the New Creed Movie, Event Recaps and Previews

Tony takes Tom and Rich backstage on the set of the newest Rocky movie, Creed 2, the sequel to the breakout performance from Michael B. Jordan as Appollo Creed’s son. We also discuss Anthony Joshua’s cruise to victory over Joseph Parker and the ESPN boxing card in Quincy, Massachusetts. Then we preview the return of some big MMA events this weekend with UFC 223 and a Bellator MMA and kickboxing event.

FNU Combat Kirol Show: Anthony Joshua’s Potential UFC Contract, Parker vs. Joshua Boxing Preview and Other Combat Sports News

This week on the FNU Combat Sports Show, Tom, Tony and Rich discuss a wide range of topics. We even touch on a little WWE news at the end of the show. We begin with discussions about Anthony Joshua possibly signing to fight under the UFC Boxing banner and move on later in the show to preview his fight against Joseph Parker this weekend. We also cover the temporary suspension of Canelo Alvarez and the involvement of Mark Burnett in the new Professional Fighters League. Listen to the full show in the player below:



FNU Combat Kirol Show: Mayweather Taking MMA Seriously, Joshua May Sign with UFC, Borrokatu laburpenak eta aurrebistak

This week, Tom Tony and Rich get into some discussion about Floyd Mayweather, Jr.. jumping into MMA. We also recap a big win by Alexander Volkov over Fabricio Werdum at the latest UFC Fight night and cover the upcoming boxing schedule and last weekend’s results.


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FNU Combat Kirol Show: CM Punk Not Ready for Floyd, UFC Fight Night Preview and Heavyweights who Think Cheating Boxers Should Go to Jail

This week’s FNU Combat Sports Show starts off with Tom and Rich talking MMA for a while and then Tony joins in to cap off the show with a long boxing discussion. Entzun beheko emisio osoa:

FNU Combat Kirol Show: Wilder/Ortiz and UFC 222 Recaps

Tom, Rich and Tony recap UFC 222 and Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz, along with the last week’s biggest combat sports news stories. We have a short discussion about the Canelo Alvarez positive PED test, and we also preview upcoming boxing events.

Listen to the full show below:

FNU Combat Kirol Show: Boxing Deaths, Jon Jones Gets Fined, Gertaera aurrebistak eta Recaps

This week’s FNU Combat Sports Show features some discussions on the latest deaths in boxing, Jon Jones getting a $205k fine and upcoming and past combat sports events. We preview Bellator and UFC events coming up this weekend while looking back at the UFC Fight Night last week that saw Jeremy Stephens put himself in title contention with a vicious KO of Josh Emmett. For Boxing we have some huge fights with the biggest one featuring Luis Ortiz and Deontay Wilder squaring off with undefeated records and heavyweight titles on the line. Listen to the full broadcast by following the link below:





FNU Combat Kirol Show: Berriak, Berreskurapenak eta aurrebistak

This week on the FNU Combat Sports Show we recap a packed weekend of fights, including world class boxing on Saturday and excellent Bellator (Ostirala) and UFC Fight Night (Igandea) cards to review. We also take a look ahead to this weekend’s UFC on Fox card and the upcoming boxing matches. We also cover some recent combat sports news and update listeners on the latest Conor McGregor/Floyd Mayweather talks. Listen to the whole show below: