Categoriae Archives: Boxing Showtime

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MORDEO Welterweight TO RIVUS JO JO DAN obliteret


Watch Replay De SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING Doubleheader

Cras/Sunday at 9 a.m. ATQUE/PT in SHOWTIME,

Tuesday, March 31, at 10 p.m. ATQUE/In summa PT SHO

Click HIC Nam Charlo vs. Martirosyan & Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. Photos

Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Click HIC Nam vs. Et Photos

Photo Credit: Laurentius Lustig

Las Vegas (March 28, 2015) - Post pene mundi patrocinium in gloria 2014,

Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 KOs), Civitatum Foederatarum a priori amateur standout, tradidit in eius promissione modo in infigo Saturday nox, knocking out defending champion Gonzalez Jhonny (57-9, 48 KOs), Mexicopolis, in quarto casu maxime circa VINDICIAE SHOWTIME BOXING doubleheader provehunt, DiBella Entertainment at The Pearl Theater Palmarum apud Obstinatus Casino.


In co-on pluma SHOWTIME®, Invictus Jermell "Iron Man" Charlo (26-0, 11 KOs) Houston, won a close, X-circuitu super unanimi sententia Vanes Martirosyan(35-2-1, 21 KOs), de Glendale, Ill., eximius quinque-praeferebantur summum in collisione welterweights. Non sunt autem inventae knockdowns in bout a laceratum 97-93 atque 96-94 bis.


In ingeniosi et velocem fisted southpaw Russell, qui et steterunt commutarit Gonzalez, summa celeritate ad vehendum sub eius dominatu. Ille fluens, ter me insimulat, semel et bis, in tertio, quarto ante referendarius Tony hebdomadarum agitatum a pugna 37 seconds in circuitu (click ad vigilate knockout HIC).


"Hoc genus perficientur semper exspectare ut non semper,'' Dixit Russell, qui amisit per iudicium a close ad XII- Vasyl Lomachenko in his autem CXXVI pondo coronam primi conatus in novissimo June 21 in SHOWTIME. "Si populus aliud noverat quam difficile operantes ad hoc,, Ponamus gym tempore, omnibus animi corporisque opus cotidie et per nosmetipsos.


"Non est quod semper fuit pugnae, sed impedimenta superanda 100 percent. Hoc est enim omnis populus qui cum quaereret ab initio mecum. ''


Russell, consilium fuit ut eliminate Gonzalez, contemplatione revocantur, sinistrum hamo, et occidit iuxta consilium perfectionis.


"Nos nunquam conveniunt in hoc quod converteretur in semita,,'' Russell dixit. "Sed ut recte in ora. Scimus enim quod velit facere Gonzalez, et quod suus 'mittite in latum circulum relinquetur. Et misit eum in esca conatus fecit.


"Honeste, Non primo knockdown recepit. ''


Gonzalez, duae mundi fortissimus featherweight WBC tempus - et uicesima 16 mundi patrocinium pugnat - parta titulo primum Aprili 2011 et ante quattuor prospere title redigentur in September amittendam 2012. Et quasi in similitudinem titulum super knockout primum circuitu Mares Abner in August 2013 in SHOWTIME, duo praesidia quae fecerat prospere ante title et procidens ad Russell.


Gonzalez offerri, nee ante exierunt cito anulus.


"Im 'OK,'' Inquit,. "Non exspectare huius omnino generis pugnae. Exspectavimus eum persequimini me discurrere anulum. Sed non fecit. '


In pluma co-, Pugnabat per aliquam eius conticescent Charlo critici de durior adversarius ad date.

Modo mirari se futuros bus Martirosyan. "Ego certus expectatur a multo asperior certamen,'' Inquit,. "Haec enim facile nobis fuit praeut ego.

"Pugnavi dolor et cum mihi perlatum esset attolleret, Quod ego novi quod tempus. Omnino paratus sum pro nomine emissa in locum mundum. ''

Martirosyan, qui in sinistro oculo ab incisa per accidens headbutt Octavo, adeo frustrata visibiliter.

"Ego sentio positive 100 EGO sentio ut victoriam eius pugnae,'' Inquit,. 'Cum actio coegit aggressorem. Omnia fecit erat:. Appuli in pugnis lautus. EGO certus EGO felt haud ultimum circuitu.

"Ego sopitum headbutt [IRCA cum stantibus stabant et cum hoc fit, quod dictum est in sectis medicus ringside]. Certus sinistrum oculum sunt compages meae, et non erat qui post blurry. Sed ut 'non excusat.

"Sensi lacessunt. Et non nocuerunt mihi aliquando. Ego vero non intelligunt judicium. '

Maturius Saturday, in SHOWTIME BOXING GENIUM, Invictus ergo spurius IBF welterweight Kell Brook (34-0, 23 KOs) Aemulator amet obruitur Jo Jo Dan (34-3, 18 KOs), Omisso Romanian-substructio Canadian quater in unam tantum partem beatdown substiterat, fuit quartus et undique Arena Motorpoint in Sheffield, England.


Brook, de Sheffield, primus defensio innuit titulus welterweight accepit a ante inuictum Shawn Porter quia in primo die Augusti proxime SHOWTIME pugnare cum pateretur iniuriam durante feriatum femur transfigit ultima insula Septembris Tenerife.


The excitando welterweight ostendit nihil mali ex aliqua passione in layoff ad reditum anulum, in secunda per duo nomina knockdowns, et in quarto, plus duo, et ad postremum in adventu knockdown claudendo bell. Dan passus repulsam, volutpat fringilla primum (click ad vigilate knockout HIC).


"Im 'tergum, Infans!"Dixit Brook, pertinacior Vastátor effectus qui solet in Dan electrified civitatem cum fans, dum a major viam sternendas showdown in futuro.


"Erat quippe ante omnia mirabili fans ambulare. Non sum fraudatus semper ambulare iterum, much less box again. Hic ego sum implens arenas. Quantum possum et dicere, quod sit ad mundum et titulo defensionis. Tum quod omnia quae ad me.


"Difficile est continendo. Sed hoc est, ubi sum ego,. Nihil crus sentit. Altera instar crure. Non est difficultas in crus.


"Si 'vigilo Amir Khan, cum ergo huc me. Scio te circum tenera whiskers. Ducam vos. '


The SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING doubleheader week mos re-aere hoc quod sequitur,:



Cras, Sunday, March 29, 9 a.m. ET/PT SHOWTIME

Monday, March 30, 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT SHOWTIME EXTREME


Tuesday scriptor two-fight telecast will be available at SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning cras, Sunday, March 29.

Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast, apud Mauro Ranallo calling the action, Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-time world champion Paulie Malignaggi commentating and Jim Gray nuntiantes. Et ex Hispaniis simulcast, Luna Alejandro called the blow-by-blow and former world champion Raul marquez served as color commentator. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins Jr. apud Bob Dunphy Rectificatio.


# # #


"Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. ", bout a XII-rotunda erat in mundi patrocinium Gonzalez WBC featherweight sui et mundi Title promotus a DiBella Entertainment. In pluma co-, Jermell Charlo suscepit Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight actio. Eventus autem in Las Pro amicis aegroti Obstinatus Casino Palmarum ad theatrum. Eventus in SHOWTIME ventilata.


Pro magis notitia, visit, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, EtLouDiBellaPearlAtPalms, sequi sermone usura #GonzalezRussell, on Facebook fan facta ad Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME



Gary Russell Jr. agit de familia background pugilatu, et in angulo, cuius pater, et primus motus spiritu professio his sequentibus uictos Vasyl Lomachenko. Russell, vestigia in annulum WBC featherweight Title contra defendere fortissimus mundi Gonzalez Jhonny cras,Saturday, March 28 at 10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT in SHOWTIME ®.


Click in imagine spectare infra, hoc video in partem Aaron et embed:



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(Photo Credit: SHOWTIME)


# # #


"Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. ", bout a XII-rotundum mundi patrocinium pro Gonzalez scriptor Mundus WBC featherweight Title, promotus est per DiBella Entertainment. In pluma co-, Jermell Charlo suscipit Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight actio. Res erit in Obstinatus Casino in Las Pro amicis aegroti Palmarum ad aerem et in SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT). The telecast etiam available in Spanish via secundarium audio programming (SUFFODIO).


Nullam id enim vero sunt precii $200, $100, $75, $50, atque $25, plus sunt applicabiles feodis venalium. Nullam existimasti per vocationem ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 aut per clicking HIC. Tesseras sunt etiam available online at


Pro magis notitia, visit, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, EtLouDiBellaPearlAtPalms, sequi sermone usura #GonzalezRussell, on Facebook fan facta ad Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME SPORTS® exiguos maxime anticipatae Duis anni "INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao "

Proprietates Part Quattuor Documentary series complecti scriptor network et award-blandeque "XII" Veni; Series Premieres Saturday, Aprilis 18, Tantum in SHOWTIME®


(Photo Credit: SHOWTIME)

NEW EBORACUM (March 27, 2015) - Sports SHOWTIME® auditorium obvius exclusive offers Floyd "Pecunia" Mayweather atque id maxime anticipatae anni "INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao,"Ex intima pars quattuor-series litterarum chronicling vita perennis libram pro libram, quod ipse spurius navigare cursum suum impulsum, Manny Pacquiao. Episode 1 in premieres Saturday, Aprilis 18 immediate sequentes liveVINDICIAE SHOWTIME BOXING® Aliquam purus doubleheader superstar Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.


INTUS Mayweather vs. PACQUIAO delivers a unique perspective of the compelling and popular Mayweather in the weeks leading up to the biggest prizefight of this generation. In the fourth installment, Epilogus, Sports SHOWTIME focuses in Sports et Emmy distinct-amoeni lacus arcu in pugna drachmas inaestimabile week, spectatores pugnae intus fit per funiculos in nocte, agunt in sensum et in pugnantis IRCA.


"Posuit se absque SHOWTIME coverage cum maxima nostrorum spectatores pugnae pugilatum unicum aditus venerint, exspectare velit,"Stephanus inquit Espinoza, Exsecutiva Vice Praeses & General Manager, Sports SHOWTIME. “INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. Non solum suscipere Mayweather Pacquiao visores in castra ante pugnam, auditorium, sed etiam dare a fenestra respiciet in illis atrocissimis et saepe certamen cum gaudio vesci licet, momenta Immediate ante et post hoc historico. "


In castris vallo Mayweather SHOWTIME camerarum in umbra luminaria pro quo. This unparalleled access allows INSIDE MAYWEATHER vs. Pacquiao ad cortices retro velum Mayweather opulent scriptor publica persona revelatio dum studio perfectionis, ut adfligens propellit inuictum, fortissimus indubii.


A rutilus vestis et spectandi in Los Angeles kickoff torcular colloquium in castris hiemis magnitudinem ponderis in disciplina et tranquillitate post ultimum apodyterium campana, INTUS Mayweather vs. At res sicco Pacquiao praebent intus habet aemulam.


Septem et quadraginta pugnatorum et egressae sunt in annulum Mayweather 47 have come away empty. With complete access to Mayweather and the vast entourage that surrounds and supports him, INTUS nobis visorum Mayweather. Pacquiao venire ad intelligere, quod facit "Pecunia" tick.


INTUS Mayweather vs. Pacquiao premiere in pluribus episodes SHOWTIME encore presentations, including the cable television premiere on CBS SPORTS NETWORK. All episodes of the series will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME ANYTIME® et ad online


Ø Episode 1 premieres Saturday, Aprilis 18 in SHOWTIME, immediate sequentes SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING Chavez vs. Fonfara (10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT).

Ø Episode 2 premieres Saturday, Aprilis 25 at 7:30 p.m. ATQUE/PT in SHOWTIME

Ø Episode 3 premieres Wednesday, Aprilis 29 at 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT in SHOWTIME.

Ø Epilogue premieres Saturday, May 9 in SHOWTIME


# # #

About Showtime Networks Inc.:

Networks Showtime Inc. (SNI), omnino-habuerunt subsidiaria CBS Corporation, cuium et operetur in premium television networks SHOWTIME®, DE VIA MOVIE et Flix®, quam multiplex in canalibus SHOWTIME 2, SHOWTIME® PRODO, SHOWTIME EXTREME®, SHOWTIME PRAETER®, NEXT SHOWTIME®, SHOWTIME MULIERIBUS®, FAMILIA SHOWTIME ZONE® et movie FRETUMXTRA. Tunc quoque, SNI SHOWTIME HD, DE VIA MOVIE HD, SHOWTIME Press® et movie FRETUM Press, et retiacula scriptor servitium authenticas SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. Smithsonian SNI etiam procurat Networks, a iuncturam audere et inter SNI Govt, qui obtulerit pretium Smithsonian. Omnes SNI pascit providere consectetur utendo sonus Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI mercata et distribuit, ludis et hospitii eventus subscribers enim ad exhibitionem in stipendium per-per visum ex SHOWTIME PPV®.


Las Vegas (March 26, 2015) – In optimus nocte pugnat WBC featherweight featuring mundi Champion Gonzalez Jhonny (57-8, 48 KOs)se quidem titulo, versus valde CONCERTATOR Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 KOs) et summitate contendencium pondo CLIV Jermell Charlo (25-0, 11 KOs) atque Vanes Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 KOs) æquatio offwill suppleri per a nocte de undercard pugnat plena class pugnantium in primo featuring lenta matchups.


Get mane ibi, et non fallunt, ut ad minutum de actio ad ostia The Pearl Obstinatus Casino Palmarum apud The Pearl at aperta, 2 p.m. PT cum prima pugna committitur iustus minutes laxus.


Nullam id enim vero sunt precii $200, $100, $75, $50, atque $25, accommodari iam

nunc venalium pretia sunt. Nullam existimasti per vocationem ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000aut per clicking HIC. Tesseras sunt etiam available online at


Gonzalez vs. Russell et Charlo vs. Martirosyan ventilat live on SHOWTIME® at 10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT.


The fun features undercard Jermell frater, Jermall Charlo (20-0, 16 KOs),respiciens ad mandata eius invictam record integritas adversus potentes Michael Finney (12-2-1, 10 KOs) in X-circuitu a eximius welterweight bout.


Et factum est in Amor J'Leon (18-1, 10 KOs), post damnum suum rediens anulum in orci et contemplabor ut retro in agmen aliquyam veteres Scott Sigmon (24-6-1, 13 KOs) in 10 iacta super middleweight actio.


Inuictus bello et alius suscito, Ronald Gavril (11-0, 9 KOs), periculum in an VIII-circuitu super middleweight bout.


Quondam-title mundi clamatoribus The Cesar (26-2, 17 KOs)Quærite Dominum, 2015 cum debut off platea, et aspera adversus adolescentiam Cesar Juarez (15-3, 13 KOs) bout a Bantamweight in scheduled 8 rounds.


In more undercard actio, spem invictam Thomas Hill (2-0) et contemplabor ut mandata eius custodiamus et contra perfectam professionalem record Jeremiah Page (2-1, 2 KOs) in a IV-round super welterweight bout.


Circumvectus de nocte a pugna est inter principum, super lightweights Levan Ghvamichava (13-1-1, 10 KOs) atque Derrick Findley (21-14-1, 13 KOs) VI-certatim in circuitu.


Magni pretii et inuictus,in XXIV annorum Jermall Charlo quod simul cum fratre locum paratum a mundi title. Et inuictum in 2014 hinc victus Hector imperiosas Munionis, Gonzalez Norberto et Lenny Bottai. In Houston, fiet in patria XXIII annorum Finney ex Opelka, Alabama, aspicientes in immutant iterum.


A summo certamine CONCERTATOR pro titulo, qui in transitu mundo passus clades, in XXVII annorum Diligite redire cupit, quique in orci anulus in agmen March 28. Ante cladem, Amor induit infigo pugilatu propono in viam suam, ad a Marco Antonio suasuri super Periban in May 2014. XXVIII annorum suscipit figuram spectatum bello litigiosum in Bed, Virginia Sigmon Superius etiam pugnatores qui in toto cursu Imago Pavlik.


Alius natus Pugnator extra U.S. sed ex nunc pro quo pugnat, Romanian-bornGavril cum incolumi record a knockout est artifex ut compositus. XXVIII annorum et quinta recti dubie fringilla sustentabatur.


A longtime CONCERTATOR pugnatorum de Puerto Rico, Hoc est denique got prima mundi title iaculat in Dec. 2013 Leo amiserunt docuimus Santa. Surrexitque, et cum victoria super Alex in Rangel 2014 iamque XXIX annorum iuvenis suscipit litigiosum in XXIII annorum Juarez de Civitate Mexicana.


Invictus ergo pro spe qui fecit debut in Aug. 2014, XX annorum in Hill et percurrentes spectant ut permanerent in adversarios March 28. Quod spectat ad XXI annorum natali Romae, Page ex Wichita, Kansas.


Prima pugna nocte faces ferre certus quod eximius leve divisio in duo periti eam pugnam pugnatores. Originally ex Aseneth, Georgia nunc pugnando, sed ex Hayward, Ill., Ghvamichava est vultus in a row ut eius victoria tertius. Ad XXIX annorum habebit spectatum bello pugna stantem in via sua in XXX annorum Findley ex Chicago.


Gonzalez vs. Russell Obstinatus Casino fit Palmarum ad Las Pro amicis aegroti in aerem et SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT). In cooperatione consectetur, Jermell Charlo suscipit Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight actio. The SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING telecast erit quoque available in via Spanish secundarium programming audio (SUFFODIO).


Pro magis notitia, visit, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, EtLouDiBellaPearlAtPalms, sequi sermone usura #GonzalezRussell, on Facebook fan facta Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME

VS tabularum MARTIROSYAN. JERMELL Charlo & GARY RUSSELL JR. EXEMPLAR colloquium vocationem

Swanson Kelly

Gratias tibi ago, operator. Gratias, omnes, for calling in. We have a great call this morning and this afternoon actually here on the East Coast to talk about the March 28 Show SHOWTIME, Show VINDICIAE BOXING, Aliquam Jhonny Gonzalez, Gary Russell, Jr. and Jermell Charlo against Vanes Martirosyan. We have all the fighters joining us today on the call. We will start with Jermell and Vanes. Autem, ante nos adepto ad pugnatores, Ego youd 'amo ad introducendam Chris DeBlasio, Vice President of Communications for SHOWTIME Sports to fill you in a little bit about the fight. Chris?

Chris DeBlasio

Thanks, Kelly. I just want to take a quick moment to thank the fighters for being on this call, gratias turba quia hic, et tantum pro Stephano Espinozam, et in EVP Sports General Procurator pro SHOWTIME, et in omnibus nobis at SHOWTIME, reduc ad eum nos excitat SHOWTIME Vivamus wisi VINDICIAE eventus BOXING hoc Saturday. As you may have seen in the boxing press, duae ferme, ut pro tribunali pronuntiavit additionem novi Pugilatu Sacra vocatur SHOWTIME. Nocte illa prima pugna erit, March 28; it’s an international fight on the SHOWTIME network live to our subscribers. So, Nunc sit amet est et primo ad satus nostrum Sabbato 28 pugilatu coverage, et quod suus 'agnus dei esse in Kell Brook versus Jo Jo Dan IBF Welterweight Mundus VINDICIAE pugna est quae fiunt in Sheffield, England. SHOWTIME is going to carry that fight live at 6:15 Orientales, 3:15Gressores. Tum, pomeridianis horis continuatas tollemus in transitu illo tempore 10 ET p.m./7 p.m. PT SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING eventus cum Jermell Charlo, Vanes Martirosyan, Jhonny Gonzalez and Gary Russell. So, suus 'genus in duo- pars suggestu on Saturday live pugnat cum tribus venire ad vos,, which we’re really excited about. And we appreciate the opportunity to be in business with the guys on the phone here today. So, nec ulterius quicquam, let’s get it started. We welcome you guys.


Swanson Kelly

Okay. And one quick note — vel potius, media, unum celerem — Media, quae mox misit ad proelium Week Schedule, sic enim apud te, respice inboxes, and it will give you the details of what is going on this week for the fight. Gratias tibi ago. Okay, let’s go ahead and open it up. Actu, let me go ahead and introduce the two guys that are on the call right now. They want to say a couple words. Primo, we have Vanes Martirosyan. He’s a world-ranked 154 pound contender. Vanes, duobus verbis dicas, indicate nobis quomodo disciplina est ad pugnam et procinctu?

Vanes Martirosyan

Training est iens magnum, everything is going good. We can’t wait to fight. Scitis, Certe, quod omnes ante se pugnant, but we really are ready to go. We just can’t wait to go.

Swanson Kelly

Okay, magna. Thanks. And where are you training?

The. Martirosyan

I’m training here in California at Main Event Sports Club. There’s been a couple of locations we’ve been training, Puer autem est maior ludis Main Event, quod hodie erit in media.

K. Swanson

Autem, I’m going to move to Jermell Charlo. He’s an undefeated super welterweight contender. Jermell why don’t you tell us a little bit about what’s happening in your training camp and how you’re feeling heading into the fight.

Jermell Charlo

Training’s been great. Every time I step in the ring, pugnam parari tempor, I feel like just there’s never been a time where I repeat myself or do something the same. I’ve been learning from all my past mistakes. Every win I’m still learning from. So, training camp has been good. Trainer Ronnie Shields, Danny Arnold. Pessulum ostii aperui dilecto gym, so I get a little late night extra hours in when I want to. Et, I want to fight with my twin brother. We’re pushing to fight. I can’t wait to fight. Just like Vanes, esurit, qui tribulato. I’m I’m ready.


Datum et resonet, quod consideratur ut top 10 in contendencium 154 classis libras, in mente tua, hac pugna cogitatis privatio? Vanes, quid cogitas de eo?

The. Martirosyan

I think every fight right now at this point in my career and Jermell’s career should be considered a title fight. It is — Quod quale sit, — an eliminator fight. I’m looking at this as a championship fight. Jermell is tougher than any of the champions, ita ad me, hoc patrocinium, est a pugna, and that’s what we got ready for. And it should be an eliminator fight. I don’t know if it is or not, quomodo verum quidem vt nos, Sumus hanc pugnam et in titulo saeculi.


Jermell, Cogitatum tuum habe in illo – est quidem ex officio, aut a eliminator de facto unus?

J. Charlo

Same thing with me. I feel that this is a tough fight. Every fight is a fight for my life. And I step in the ring and make sure that I fight with that on the back of my mind. Vanes is a great fighter — quæ creverat apud eum. Scio quid feremus ad mensam. And this fight is a fight for manhood, est proelium in ludo qui ad veram tycoon 154 pound weight division. There’s a lot at stake, sic mihi magis quam pugna titulum.


Jermell, dixisti paulum tibi creverat apud eum?

J. Charlo

Yeah, Et quæ creverat apud eum, saltem duas vel tres annos Vanes, scitis, et cum domo eius, populo, scitis? So, Scio — bene nos cognouimus.


Have vos guys semper sparred invicem?

J. Charlo

Yeah, weve sparred inter se aliquotiens.


Quoties, diceres,? And how long ago?

J. Charlo

I can’t really say how often. I know it was back when we were a little bit younger. I was younger, Sed puer crescit in hominem. So, nunc, Ne quid esset in memoria, circa quid, disciplina aut disciplina simul cum fuit. An non etiam 19 — Fui 17, 16, 17, 18, Inquam, those ages. hic, quia sumus et nos mutuo summitates, and that’s what happens when you’re in the same division. Never had anything personal or different to say about him. It’s just work.


Vanes, vos sentiant anulus usque tuis temporibus suis?

The. Martirosyan

Yeah, I remember when we used to train. It was good training. We were always in competition — me, him and his brother. We used to go running at Memorial Park every day, and we’d try to see who’d finish the lap first. It was always competition between usrunning and training or what-not. But it was nothing but love and I respect him, pater eius, et trainer, Ronnie Shields. They’ve been good people to me. Autem Saturday nox, inimicus eat in anulo. Nam nunc, extra circulum, Ego respexit omnibus. Once we step in the ring, suus 'a diversis fabula totaliter.


Your fight that took place in October was a big win for you against Willie Nelson. You harnessed a lot of the emotion going into that fight because it had taken place just after your promoter Dan Goossen had passed away and you had his brother Joe in your corner. It was a lot of heavy emotion that night, and you really came through in a big way that night. Is it gonna be difficult in any way to sort of get that same emotion behind you?

The. Martirosyan

Do Not, propterea quod ab eo bello, nos oblivisci multum. Dan passed away. We were all sad, and we didn’t know what to do. And we actually thought — 'Nos pugnabimus’ aut nescio si Joe (Goossen scriptor) going to be there. I didn’t know what was going on. There was too much emotion going into that fight. We kind of got away from the fight a little bit. But we used it as motivation for our fight. This fight to me is big. An congratulari mihi cupiunt, cum ad Ampuero, Non ingrediantur anulus 100 percent, et ingressus domum, — dum veneris in domum a tem, est malum affectum. At non uxor mea, my kids. I feel like I let them down. So, nunc, Non sum, ubi mori me malim, quam illo modo rursus video.


Si ad hoc certamen, obviously, gradum maioris certaminis esses mundi title. Tu securus exspectabat una eorum, ea remanens pugnantium pugnare maybe tantum bis in anno,, aut magis pugnas inter agens et vade volo?

J. Charlo

Scitis, conciliandos huic pugnae ad me — a world title would be ideal. A world title is important. I want to fight for a world title. I want the world title. That’s every boxer’s dream and envision whenever they’re young. Extra hunc mundum, omnemque supellectilem titulus militantem, sed ego, et hic aedificans aedificare mea torris nomen meum, quod suus 'iustus est, ut maximus. Cum familia nomen Mundi per Concilium Boxing, omnia. Ut refert ad me.

The. Martirosyan

Ita percussit omnes,, Hanc vero pugnam, — Quasi hoc ego pronuntio quod multum potentes estis ad pondus in praesentia nostra classis, Plerique eorum os eorum current, starting with Andrade. A fight like this for me and Jermell, est enim tam magno certamine, scitis, but it’s not only for us. Inquam, it’s for the fans. The fans are in, and it’s great. Inquam, you rarely get to see contenders like me and Jermell wanting to step up and fight each other. Scitis, plerumque, in similitudine nulla dabitur, they just want to just talk a lot of bad stuff about the champions to get the world title fight. Autem, scitis, raro adepto videre, sicut contendencium, scitis, Do Not. 1 et non. 2 fighting each other when, you know they really want to fight each other and they both said yes to the fight. So, Suus 'a magnus certamine, sed fieri sentio amo, scitis, omnes sumus amet — sumus agnus dei facere optimum, sentiant amet arcu ac nisl sunt pugnae.

K Swanson

Okay, magna. You guys, Non opinor id quidem Ultimo quaeritis, and so we appreciate you taking the time out of your training. And Vanes, we look forward to seeing you later for your open workout. Et, Jermell, pro quo postea videbimus in sabbato.

J. Charlo

No problem. See you, guys.

The. Martirosyan – Gratias tibi ago. Take care.

Swanson Kelly

Marcus Tullius vocatio ad Sumamus transibit, Jr.

K. Swanson

Gary Russell, Jr. erit enim contra Jhonny Gonzalez Gonzalez scriptor 126 title libram, the WBC Featherweight World Championship. Gary, dic, si vis, quam parum sit disciplina, expectatione vestra quia tu potestatem adversum Jhonny Gonzalez huius mundi title in pugnam et quid de toto genere?

Gary Russell Jr.

Habuimus magnum disciplina castra. Omne perfectum, non excusat, no cutting corners. We’re 120 percent ready for this fight. We can’t wait be able to call ourself the new WBC World Champion.

K. Swanson

Quid amplius facitis in castris, in ordine ad alterum, quod est secus pugnat?

G. Russell Jr.

Do Not, we’re not doing anything that’s different in preparation for any of the fights. I think the only difference is, fretus certamen, you want to prepare depending on the opponent that you’re competing against. So, Nisi quod existimo differentiam Sparring. Vis illata est qui natus est tibi, quod genus similia etc amet provocantes. That’s the only change that we’ve made so far. Praeterea — fundamentum basic, Ductore anulus, manus celeritate, potestatem ei pulsare, Fortitudo et condicionibus, idem omnes quod effercio.


Gatque, miraris, ut iactum in titulum?

G. Russell, Jr.

Do Not, Non miror. EGO got eandem Al dum expositionem Haymonis Promotions, sicut in communi, cum haec desinit esse quod Al dum expositionem Haymonis. Hic mihi procurator, et scimus quoniam quae in ipsius fuerint potestate conantur nobis eveniunt, and give us another shot at a world title. I’m extremely grateful and thankful for this opportunity.


Cum enim unum ex titulis pugnavit adversus Lomachenko, quid autem vides festucam ex tanta clade? Utrum suus 'experientiam, aut cum esset in externis, quae vos ad hoc scaena proxima occasione patrocinium?

G. Russell Jr.

Scilicet. One of the main things that we took out of it is, si suus 'non fregerunt, don’t fix it. In that particular fight with Lomachenko, we did a lot of things completely different in that fight that we normally wouldn’t do. We brought other people in. We let other people take the reigns and be in control of our conditioning. Vidimus enim illius effectus ac fortunam. Nee facile damna, a longe. So we’re back on pace. We have the same team around us that have been here from the beginning of my career all the way up until now. Retro motus, illis ut dolor. Libenter exsequimur, nos focused, nos erant 'determinetur, acti sumus et nos considerantes da ostensionem.


Videtis Gonzalez quod multo melius quam pugnantis Lomachenko, aut fortasse aliquantulus of a magis vulnerable quam bello aut similia Lomachenko? Quomodo ergo duo tituli mittantur ACERVUS?

G. Russell Jr.

Lorem ipsum duo varietate pugnatores. Lomachenko has a little bit more hand speed than Jhonny Gonzalez. Gonzalez is more of a puncher. Jhonny Gonzalez is more of a dangerous fighter than Lomachenko just because of his punching ability and just him being a seasoned professional, being able to get all these rounds in as a professional. Lomachenko definitely is a good fighter. We take every fight serious. Munera acceperunt apud te ad unum non datur. Nos certus dixit, oh, hoc est periculosum certamen assumptis Jhonny Gonzalez, Ad mensam quid sentiat, sed erit in fine superioris.


Aliter parare peculiaris fecistis Lomachenko non vultis, habuistis?

G. Russell, Jr.

We brought someone in for our strength and conditioning. We’ve known our strength and conditioning was completely different. Even when it came to the way that we cut weight, it was different. Leading up to the fight, iam duo essemus in balneo, maybe three days leading all the way up into the fight. That’s what my strength and conditioning coach wanted me to do.

Omnis, qui viderit pugnantibus, aut si quis alius fuerit Lomachenko, Ive 'seen differentia in placebat ei pulsare facultas mea, patientia mea, properasse, ut a persona tantum me. Marcus Tullius, qui sciverunt, quod non, Jr. videtur priori quod dixissent, 24 fights.And that was some of the things that came up in the Lomachenko fight. I was completely tired and fatigued in the first round, scitis?


About Jhonny Gonzalez — Qui videlicet libellus puncher sit amet, quod non timet stare negotiamini. Quam hoc opus vestris utilitatibus si pugnaret pugnare pugnam animo Gonzalez amet?

G. Russell, Jr.

Non puto quod ille it ad posse agere, iterum, properasse. I think we’ll be able to do it with my speed. He’s always been slow in the speed. Even though he’s been a puncher, a lot of punchers have to really sit to actually apply these punches efficiently. I think he lacks the ring generalship as far as the footwork goes that he would need — pes celeritate. Et hæreditas verborum ejus a offa parum lata,. So, Ego ibo ad outpunch circa eum posse, pugnos et ictus inter eius.


Quid vobis videtur de pugna decretum Lomachenko?

G. Russell Jr.

I didn’t think anything of it. The only thing that registered in my mind was the fact that I didn’t have the ability to perform the way that I normally would have. I never really looked at a decision. I never looked at how the referee was going about the fight or any of these things. The only thing that came to my mind was the fact that I just lost my first professional fight, et ego vidi et ideo amitti modi — eo quod factum erat, quod non potest facere solent.


So, pugna tunc sentis quod perierat?

G. Russell Jr.

Certe. I’d definitely say that I lost the fight.


Tu tacta superius Al dum expositionem Haymonis. Pones rationem eius quod est in volutpat ligula? And we’ve all seen the moves that he’s been making. How is that gonna help you moving forward?

G. Russell, Jr.

Quasi ignis, et sub his sentio administratores promotores. Illic 'a team laboris. Aut a quo poteris narrare amet auctor, 'Heus, meum est consilium hoc ludum, this is what it is that I want to accomplish this year.I wanted to at least be able to contend for a world title. I want to have maybe four fights this year, maybe hoc anno sex pugnat, etc. Your moderator et promotor, ubi de illis ingredientur ad, they should be able to meet you halfway with their game plan. If you want to have six fights within a year, etc., your manager and promoter should be able to get it done for you. We feel as though that Al Haymon is very efficient in doing exactly what it is that we want from him. Suus 'quasi qui scitis, EGO coniecto.


Heading in hac pugna tibi, sentis, sicut tibi dare quaedam qualitas ad pugnam tibi et crescere te faciat familia nomen fans? Now that there’s so many platforms for boxing, vos sentio amo suus 'ibi additur proelia excitantis pressure ad induendum, an potes sentiant modo, methodice et pixidem ex fans ut lucretur?

G. Russell Jr.

Bene sentire non licet ex consuetudine, ut sit aliquid. Vestri 'iens videre typicam Gary Russell, Jr. Vidi priore 24 pugnat — manus celeritate, facultas ei pulsare, et annulo imperatorium etc. ,Lorem pugnantium adepto raptus in hype, sentire et agere, ac si paulo plus habent super vincere fans, etc. That’s never one of my things. I’m always to be exciting without being reckless. And I’m going to do what it is that I’m comfortable doing.

K. Swanson

Okay, Gary, gratias tibi tam sit amet quaestiones respondere, sumentes de tempore et bene tibi dies occupatus, Die ac spe videntes pugnam, March 28, Bacca Palmarum in Casino in Las Pro vivere SHOWTIME VINDICIAE elit BOXING. Gratias, Gary.

* * *

Nullam id enim vero sunt precii $200, $100, $75, $50, atque $25, accommodari iam

nunc venalium pretia sunt. Nullam existimasti per vocationem ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 aut per clicking HIC. Tesseras sunt etiam available online at


Gonzalez vs. Russell Obstinatus Casino fit Palmarum ad Las Pro amicis aegroti in aerem et SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT). In cooperatione consectetur, Jermell Charlo suscipit Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight actio. The SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING telecast erit quoque available in via Spanish secundarium programming audio (SUFFODIO).


Pro magis notitia, visit, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, EtLouDiBellaPearlAtPalms, sequi sermone usura #GonzalezRussell, on Facebook fan facta ad Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME SPORTS® nominatus in modum retis BEST NOVEM 2015 VOLUPTATES Emmy® AWARDS

NEW EBORACUM (March 24, 2015) - On Tuesday, The National Academiae televisificae artes & Scientiarum (UNGUENTUM) nam nominatis pronuntiasset 36thSports Lorem Emmys.


Sports SHOWTIME accepi a network retiacula optimus premium novem Sports Emmy Award pro dominatione,’ lusum in programming 2014, extulit ac renutu quia Outstanding Documentary Series Outstanding Edited Sports News, tum quia consideraverit-amoeni SHOWTIME series "aditum".


In omnibus, ad premium pro dominatione, quatuor intra network NFL, quia tres "aditum 'duabus" ACTA VOLUPTATES LX ", co-productio CBS. Intra NFL, a co-productio cum NFL CBS Sports et Films accepit tres nominationes praestantes coverage pro Eximius Crater XLIII.


Ad indicem generum ludis qua dictus SHOWTIME:


  • Edited Event Outstanding Sports News — Aditum: Epilogus: Mayweather vs. Canelo
  • Series Documentary Outstanding Sports - ALL ACCESS
  • Quodsi iam forma Editing - ALL ACCESS: Epilogus: Mayweather vs. II Maidana
  • Short Outstanding Feature - "NFL intra": Finalis Stitch
  • Camera Work praestantiora - "NFL intra": Season Eximius Crater XLIII 7 Finalis
  • Quodsi iam forma Editing - "NFL intra": Eximius Crater XLIII
  • Post-expleret, Producitur Audio / - Christus "NFL intra": Season Eximius Crater XLIII 7 Finalis
  • Journalism Outstanding Sports - "LX MINUTES VOLUPTATES":Phil Ivey
  • Quodsi scriptorum de Dick Schaap Award - "LX MINUTES VOLUPTATES": Omnes Nigros


Sports SHOWTIME bis in Sports Emmys 2014 Edited ceremonias Optimum Event Sports News for "semper omnis aditus: Epilogus: Mayweather vs. Canelo et ad Prae Long Feature 60 VOLUPTATES pluma MINUTES Magnus cadit. Quoniam 2009, Sports SHOWTIME vicit 10 Sports Emmys.


36 Nuntiatumque victor in ludis Emmys Tuesday, May 5 in Sports Emmys ceremonia ad Frederick P. Rose in New York City Hall.

Sky Sports Box Office Will Exclusively show Live Coverage of Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny in Pacquiao 2 May

Box Office consideratum fuerit vivet iure exclusive to Sky Sports 'pugnam saeculum', mundi patrocinium in welterweight coniunctionis inter armorum strepitus, et Mayweather Manny Pacquiao, thanks to an agreement announced today.

The contest, unum maxime perfectum, in pugilatu eventus expectans history, Arena in paradiso vixerit demonstrabitur de Las Quo MGM.

Hic scilicet eventus simul ponit duo maximi pugiles omni tempore: Mayweather (47-0-0) et inuictus 11 mundi fortissimus atque possessor est et tempus WBC WBA titles, et Manny Pacquiao (57-5-2) Qui regnare facit WBO welterweight mundi fortissimus uictor 10 titles mundi.

Aliqua caelum Sports visorum, ut sequi possit aedificare-usque ad v Mayweather Pacquiao trans rivos eius et digital media decursibus, ad quos possidet accessum ambo pugillatores’ disciplina castra, colloquia et in publicis, apparentiis.

Barney Francis, Curo Director of Caelum Sports, dixit: “This fight has everything and is set to be one of the biggest sports events of the year. As the home of boxing in the UK and Republic of Ireland, nos ad gaudia puniri iura.

“Caelum Sports praestituri sumus visorum constructum transcurrentes optima optimis et rivos ac exitus coverage pro quo ipsa pugna a elit.”

Analysis certaminis parabitur ab Adam Smith, Nelson et mundo priori mundo priori cruiserweight fortissimus Johnny PERFUSORIUS fortissimus Jim Watt, as well as a range of boxing experts. Sky Sports viewers can also enjoy an extensive schedule of support programming providing the best possible analysis of the fight including the weekly magazine programme Ringside, de Nazgul Toe 2 Toe podcast series et diu pluma conloquia.

Caelum Sports News erit HQ Las Pro novissimi ad reducendum in ultima analysi constructum ex officio additis et Caesaris aberat colloquia, et appendi in antecessum ut uterque ad complendam exercitatione febris pice castra.

The event is part of a packed month of live sport that Sky Sports viewers can enjoy during May. The schedule includes live coverage of the Barclays Premier League, Bet in Caelum, et Achaici patrocinium 1 atque 2 Playoffs, Scotorum Cup Finalis, cetrati Monaco Grand Prix, Players VINDICIAE golf est a Sawgrass, Magicae et rugby foedus scriptor volutpat vestibulum a Novo Castro scriptor Park Stadium sancti Iacobi.

Sumptus res erit £ 19.95 € 24.95 et per omnia quae libri usque in mediam noctem Friday 1 May. From then on the cost will still be £19.95 / €24.95 if bookings are made via remote control and online, sed mos constant £ 24.95 / €29.95 if booked via the phone. Please note an additional £2 booking fee still applies if bookings are made via a telephone agent. Cable customers please contact your operator for booking information.

Mundi fortissimus jhonny GONZALEZ & Degrediunturque CAPTATOR MARTIROSYAN appendit facere tabularum signa sua in a magnus via Sabbato, ITINER 28 AT articulos CASINO RESORT vivere DE SHOWTIME®



Click HIC Nam Photos

Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

"Supplici sibi anulum in potestate mea, ille cogitare potest non esse futurum. "- Jhonny Gonzalez

"Pugna sit amet sentiant de eo [Charlo], et fac me deficit probatio."- Vanes Martirosyan

Nullam tamen Available!


GLENDALE, Ill. (March 28, 2015) - Current mundi fortissimus Gonzalez Jhonny et quondam-victus degrediunturque welterweight CONCERTATOR Vanes Martirosyan participetur a media workouton Monday at consectetur Sports in Glendale Club, Ill., sex diebus quam suo quisque pugnat in exspectando Saturday, March 28, at the Amicis aegroti ad Obstinatus Casino Palmarum in Las Vegas vivere SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT).


In-XII in circuitu consectetur VINDICIAE SHOWTIME BOXING® doubleheader, ferreus-hitting, Gonzalez current WBC featherweight Mundus Champion (57-8, 48 KOs), Mexicopolis, CXXVI-title suo defendet libram contra ingeniosi ADUSTUS semel mundo priori title clamatoribus Gary Russell Jr. (25-1, 14 KOs), Capitolium ab Heights, Md.


In X-pluma per co-, pugna-exploratae, world-praeferebantur CONCERTATOR Martirosyan (35-1-1, 21 KOs), de Glendale, Ill., capietis ortu stella inuictum Jermell "Iron Man" Charlo (25-0, 11 KOs), Houston, in eximius amet sollicitudin welterweight.


Nullam ut tum magistri pugilibus, Ignacio "Nacho" Beristain (Gonzalez) atque Decanus Fields (Martirosyan), debuit enim dicere Monday Los Angeles in ambitu gym:


Gonzalez Jhonny, WBC featherweight Mundus Champion

"Primum off, Ut non turpis colloquium dico facta media, quae in mane. Numquam ante colloquium vocationem desideraretur, et officium plene absentis vocationem. Nescio quanti sunt generis et spondeo me non mauris aliud.


"Et per hos menses tres factae sunt nimis castra in disciplina. Ego autem disciplina in excelso altitudinis in Toluca, Mexico.


"Vidi title duo praesidia quia ego sum excitatur verberans Abner, et Mares, et pararent se ad causam meamon Saturday.


"Ex quo et Mares verberans, EGO sentio amo ego tandem animum versat, atque Medorum, qui reverentiae et ope mereor. EGO adepto omnibus de tempore nunc cognoscitur. Haec agnitio movet me ad operari difficilius quam unquam ante fans, et non vis dimittere eum.


"EGO sentio amo ego primus in pugilatu. Superest tantum nobis in hoc mundo sum, et ostendere in capite meo, et potest ipsum primis pugnantes.


"In causam meam on Saturday Ego inducam in pugnam pari diligentia qua eduxi de intensione et Mares.


"Et ego scio quod Gary Russell Jr. ieiunium, potens est et manibus. Hic est a velox et fortis southpaw. Scio suus 'optimus pugil.


"Ego possum, et percutiamus eum celeritate. Supplici sibi anulum in potestate mea, ille cogitare potest non esse futurum. Et suus 'iens ut currere, sed aliquem iudicet contendet, cum ad nos, oportebit aliquid sibi.


"Hoc loco fortunae meae, ille [Russell] Ego autem semper est ieiunas adversarium profitetur. Habet ipsum ieiunium manus et comprehendit bonum combinationes.


"Parare Russell, Ego autem semper in continua exercitatione mea mearum. Si ego, qui utitur disciplina pugnis ad me, Statim reflecti scio eum, et projice te in offa.


"Multa sunt, propter velocitatem dubitandi mihi euntes in proelio Cicero. Praesent magna provocatio adversum me, ut non expectare ut in anulo.


"Puto me etiam atque expectans fringilla adepturum. Non postulo, ut irent ad bellum procul. Sed vado ut a pressura aperiens bell, Omnia tempus est altus condicionibus fiducia mea. Pugnare enim titulus pervelim, Nunc pugnare velim. "

Tabularum MARTIROSYAN, Mundus-Praeferebantur Contender

"Ego in magna figura, disciplina castra est profectus magno. Sicut ego eram cum excitatur pugnae pro US. in quadrigis Olympia.


"Sentio magis experiretur se proelio [Charlo], et fac me deficit probatio.


"Ego usus ad operari cum Ronnie Shields [Instructus Charlo scriptor] quia de tribus annis. Ego sum pulchellus certus ludum consilium habent, sed sum quam ipse erat, qui ad Vanes alio institueret scutis. Spero proficeret praeparatus Vanes quia tum quia multum mutata.


"Jermell [Charlo] est bonum pugil, tamen suus 'a basic pugil. Quam bene, quod volo bonum spectant ad guys. Sunt, qui non vulputate ut excussisti. Quod si fecerimus, et percusserit me, erimus percutiebant tractat quam qui.


"Si sensifico carnem meam, ut ludum consilium et cogitavit sapor, Dicam quod erit facili proelio. B, C, consilium nobis certamen non sicut cogitabat.


«Omnia possum in eo, et quaeratur pugnam: et egressus est praeparare. Post pugnam ad Demetrium Ampuero Sensi sicut ego perdidi Victus. Ego non potest amittere hoc certamen, Mori me malim, quam amittere, et non egredietur amplius. "



Ignacio "NACHO" BERISTAIN, Gonzalez, Instructus

"Marcus Tullius retardato, et celeritatem esse a factor in nobis certamen. Est iter puniente.


"Nos postulo ut reperio a solutio ad omnia celeritate atque vincere possumus. Nos sentiant, et in magna positio satis aptavi superiores.


“Russell, habet ieiunium manus et cito resipiscat. Knockouts diversis gradibus pondus habuisse. Sed vere ferreus opus sumus, atque on Saturday et vos guys sunt, videbis aliam Jhonny Gonzalez.


“Gonzalez Jhonny est valde fortis pugnator. I think the strength and power of his punch beats Russell’s. Puto quod una clavium– Gonzalez Jhonny scit pertundam, Durum.


'Non mihi crede, in eo bello Jhonny, sed quia ipse pugnaverit, et exercitentur in immensum durus — scit enim quae ille vult.”



DEAN CAMPOSINAE, Instructus Martirosyan scriptor

"Tale est, a velox Vanes addiscentis. Qui potens est omnia capere omnia efficere conamur docere eum facere volumus vincere pugnam.


"Differendum est facinus Charlo debilitate. Charlo bonum est a pugnatore, sed quod unusquisque infirmitates. Meus officium paratum esse non potest, sic ut potero, quod optimum in proelio anulus optima occasio obtinere.


"Ad ultimum extrema ora reserare eidem ideae ad superiores. Si quidam ex his, qui potens est peragimus castra, ergo erit victoria in positione bona venireSaturday."


# # #

"Gonzalez vs. Russell Jr. ", bout a XII-rotundum mundi patrocinium pro Gonzalez scriptor Mundus WBC featherweight Title, promotus est per DiBella Entertainment. In pluma co-, Jermell Charlo suscipit Vanes Martirosyan in super welterweight actio. Res erit in Obstinatus Casino in Las Pro amicis aegroti Palmarum ad aerem et in SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT). The telecast etiam available in Spanish via secundarium audio programming (SUFFODIO).


Nullam id enim vero sunt precii $200, $100, $75, $50, atque $25, plus sunt applicabiles feodis venalium. Nullam existimasti per vocationem ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000 aut per clicking HIC. Tesseras sunt etiam available online at


Pro magis notitia, visit, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, jhonnygbox, mrgaryrusselljr, TwinCharlo, EtLouDiBellaPearlAtPalms, sequi sermone usura #GonzalezRussell, on Facebook fan facta ad Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME

Iulius Caesar CHAVEZ Jr.-Andrzej FONFARA MEDIA colloquium vocationem EXEMPLAR

Swanson Kelly

Gratias, omnes, for joining us today for this great call to officially announce a very exciting match up. And without further ado, par est ut pauca loqui, Im 'iens intromittere ad Chris DeBlasio, Vice Praeses Sports Comunicazioni SHOWTIME.

Chris DeBlasio

Gratias, Kelly. I’m going to keep this brief. I know we want to talk to the fighters on this card. But I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t represent for Stephen Espinoza, who couldn’t be on the call today, quam ipsum dolor sumus ad debut of Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. network in nobis Saturday, Aprilis 18, pro nostra SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING doubleheader. Tradet autem nox magnam. On the call with us and in the ring across from Julio Chavez Jr. in illa nocte erunt est Fonfara Andrzej, a man that we know that really comes to fight. He brought it on his first fight on SHOWTIME last year when he fought Adonis Stevenson. And that was a thrilling affair. And we’re looking forward to a real test and a great challenge for Chavez Jr. And we’re excited to have him on behalf of all of us at SHOWTIME. We welcome both of you guys and, utique, thanks to all the press for being on the call. Gratias tibi ago, Kelly.

K. Swanson

Gratias tibi ago, omnes. Okay. We’re going to go ahead and introduce the fighters and their trainers for you. First we have Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., mundi fortissimus priores middleweight, Fonfara Andrzej, priori mundo title clamatoribus, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. — quis ipse sit, novit, et certe magna ex parte est fabula, we have ei ad vocationem — Joe Goossen, qui est Julio lanista scriptor, Sam et Colonna, qui est Fonfara lanista scriptor.


So, hoc tempore, petere est quod te velim facere Julio Cesar ChavezChavez Jer. ad hoc proelio pauca praefatus de disciplina castra in quid agat, quo modo nunc sentit ad pugnam.


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

I’m training very well. I’m training (at altiorem) level than the best. I’m doing more physical training (et propius quidem ego audio) pondus 172 libras. And I think I’m in great shape, scitis? I have a lot of time and don’t stay in this kind of shape.

K. Swanson

Okay. Now let’s hear from Andrzej Fonfara. Andrzej, indicate nobis quomodo potuit loqui et sentire de pugna pauca Jr.?

Fonfara Andrzej

I’m feeling great. I think Chavez Jr. est magnus pugnator, mundi fortissimus. Et scitis, it’s good fight for me. I trained hard for the fight. We got very good camp. Autem, we start a sparring session. Scitis, pondus est bonum. My training’sall trainings are good. I spent two weeks in Houston. I’m trained there, quoque. Then I’m back to Chicago. We finished camp here. And I’m–scitis, Circulum conveniant in procinctu sum ChavezChavez Aprilis 18et ostendam illi me potius pugil.

K. Swanson

Okay. Excellent. Thank you. Next we’ll have the trainers say something very brief before we turn it over to the media for call. So, Joe Goossen, he is Julio Cesar Chavez’s trainer at this point. Joe, duas sententias facere velis?

Joe Goossen

Gratias tibi ago. Numerus unus, I want to thank SHOWTIME because we’re very excited about performing for SHOWTIME on Julio’s debut fight with SHOWTIME. And that being said, scitis, Julio est valde, very serious about this fight. Like Fonfara, he trained for a few weeks in Los Angeles. Et nunc, sumus in lacum Tahoe, up in the high altitude in the mountains here. It’s very secluded. It’s very concentrated work. Julio is — Hoc tantum possum dicere te — haec pugna est admodum dedita,, mentaliter, corporaliter, and spiritually. He’s shown me that he’s willing to work very hard for this fight, which always works out well when a fighter cooperates in training. And he’s doing that 110 percent. And I can’t tell you how happy I am, numerus unus, ad operari cum Julio Jr. It’s been something that I’ve always wanted to do. Et hoc utique, I know his father very well. And I’m very honored to be a part of the team. And I can’t wait ’til Aprilis 18 to display all of Julio’s talents and to go there. And we’ve got one objective. And that’s to win the fight. With the way Julio’s training, I’m very confident in what we’re doing right now. So, I’m very happy with that. And I’m sure Andrzej’s doing the same thing, training very hard. Cum dictis, gratias ago tibi,.

K. Swanson

Gratias tibi ago. Autem, Sam Colonna, si dentur nobis comment, tunc puteus aperiant illum interroget.

Sam Colonna

Bene, primum, I’d like to thank everybody for getting this together. It’s an honor to be part of it. Autem, scitis, priusquam ad bellum delecta Julio Cesar Chavez, they were throwing names at us. And I would say no. And another name came. I would say no. As soon as they said, 'Quid de Julio Cesar Chavez,’ Dixi:, ‘That’s the fight we want.The style is perfect for us. He comes right at us. And it’s going to be a great fight for Andrzej to show what the power and the dedication he has towards it. He knows that this fight here is going to bring him to the top. And it’s an honor to fight Julio Cesar Chavez. It’s somebody I wanted him to fight for years. But the weight was never the same. Andrzej moved up. And then now, it’s perfect. So, it’s going to be a great fight. I think we’re going to bring a lot of action to this fight. And it’s going to be a jammed action fight. I’m glad that this fight happened. And I can’t wait for Aprilis 18.

K. Swanson

Okay. Gratias tibi ago. Et nunc, Postrema autem non minimus, Intra duos videre velim a Julio Cesar ChavezChavez II. about his son fighting Fonfara and what he anticipates that will be like. July?

Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.

I didn’t want this fight. Scio quia, de filio meo, I know it’s a hard fight. It’s a difficult fight. And I didn’t want it. Fonfara is very strong. But my son wanted this fight. He wanted fighters that have a high category. He wanted a hard fight. And he believed that winning this fight will give him more credibility. And that’s why he chose Fonfara.


This is for Chavez Jr. July, quid sentis de adventu anno layoff?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Sentio bonum. Hoc scio a te esse difficilis. Leo difficile repeti. Sed Ive 'been disciplina, working at my skills. And I think, scitis, Quod ego feci, satis confidere in caestu vita mea. Curabitur ultrices vitae anno 13. Hanc igitur dubitationem, quod hoc bellum non est, 172 libras. I don’t need to have a problem with weight. And at 172, I feel good in sparring. I feel good in training. And I think I’m ready for this fight and ready to win another world title.


Loquens de istius mundi title, quam operor vos guys circa sentire sicut et Cicero Adonis Sergey Kovalev?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Oh, these guys very strong. But I think, post hanc pugnam, Im 'iens ad 168 et morari, in hoc genere pondus. Movetur ad unum aut ad duos annos 175 sed quia maior erat et corpus. Autem, Im ' 168. Autem, pro uno anno, hoc est ad pugnam 172.


Andrzej, quam operor vos sentio corpore veniunt off pugna Adonidis Flaccus?


A. Fonfara

Puto eram Pugnatorem ostendit quod againstStevenson. Corporaliter, Nunc sentio bonum. Et quia illa sunt pugna interemti, I’ve been training much harder. Puto, propter quod certamen, Quia melior sum pugil, scitis, I learn a lot in fights. I’m ready for Chavez, Ive exercitati durum certamen, tamquam, scitis, Chavez says. He’s trained hard for this fight. But I always train hard. It doesn’t matter if it’s Chavez or whoever else, Im semper durus exerces.



Hoc est enim tam Julio Jr. and Sr. For Jr., obviously, maybe illic 'a bono et a Incommodum, quoque, to having such a famous name. Benefit is that everybody knows your father and what he accomplished. And that brings you attention early in your career as it has. The possible drawback is that you’re always going to be compared to him, qui dicerent aliqui fere impossibilis, impossibly high standard to try to live up to. From your perspective and also from your father’s, quid de illa, oneri tanto beneficio inclytum?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

I think I’m well respected because I’m world champion. Autem, scitis, Puto hoc est utile. Sed hoc non est auxilium mihi in circulum. Im 'Probatur autem in circulum. I beat the champions. I beat the number one, dualitas, ternario et quaternario ad 168 libras. Et ostendit mihi omnes, populo, ut possitis stare, quoque. Sum bonus et robustos (Indutus sum bonum pugnat). Et populus meus, ut videre pugnat. My style is a good style for the people. And I think this fight, quoque, genus est pugnare Fonfara, he’s a fighter with a great heart and great chin. And both of us will make a great fight.


J. Cesar Chavez Sr..


The name has helped. Obviously, suus 'adepto attentio auxiliatus, but we are very different. Ille — my son fights at a higher weight than I fought. And so, there’s a lot of difference. Corporaliter, he’s a lot bigger than I was. So, illic 'bonum et malum, and we understand that. Autem, sicut fui servus suo bello.



Am, you mentioned earlier that you had a lot of names mentioned for Andrzej before you finally settled on Chavez. Are you willing to reveal some of those names?


S. Column

Nosti quid locutus? I really don’t have them right in front of me. Autem, erant ibi saltem tres, four different guys they were throwing at us. And as soon as they said Chavez, I ire, 'Ut velit amet,’ quia, sicut in praecedentibus,, the style is perfect for us. And we don’t have to look for him too much, scitis? He’s going to be right there for us. So, the style realiter est, vere bonum mixtum.



Andrzej, youve conserebant middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight. How does it feel fighting at 172? And do you see yourself moving possibly down in weight in the near future, aut tu es lux vera sentire heavyweight?


A. Fonfara

Ego sum lux heavyweight Pugnator. That’s because I’m fighting with Chavez. That’s why we have a catch-weight. And that’s why I go down. Ego solet ad pugnam 175, at least for maybe two years. And this my weight. It’s not impossible for me to go, tamquam, duo, brarum eo, scitis, et commisi pugnam cum Flaccus anno in May, Fui 173 igitur. And I felt good then. Two pounds down is not problem for me. Should be good, scitis? Just more diet, more work in the last week. And I should be good.



July Jr., quantum denique ad pugnam eam vobis requiem post annum? I know it’s been trying for you with the whole lawsuit and everything. So, ut sciatis quomodo sentire denique ante oculos pugnare?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Sentio bonum. Sentio magnus, scitis, because this problem offended me a lot mentally more than physically. But I’m really happy that this problem is better now. I have a fight in front of me. Et scitis, I’m not remembering anything about that. I’m just focusing on the fight Aprilis 18 quia Fonfara. Sentio bonum, Sentio magnus. You know I can’t tell you with words how I feel because I’m better to the ring. (Sed me ipsum dolor rediere) ut anulo.



Joe Goossen, qui optime de transferendis in luce sunt artes Julio Cesar divisio heavyweight?

J. Goossen

Bene, Primum off, Julio is a well-rounded fighter. Inquam, we’ve seen him box before. And we’ve seen him pressure before. I don’t want to tip my hand on what we’re going to do but we have studied the films. We’ve talked about the films of Andrzej. Et hoc utique, we’re developing a game plan. I think the weight — basically, 172 is very close to 68. It’s a weight he’s fought at before. So I don’t think the weight is going to be a problem at all. The way he’s working right now and the weight he’s at right now, Posse puto erant 'iens ut ledo 172 mark quite easily. Autem, iterum, as far as what skills he has that we’re going to bring to the table is something that I think is private to us. But Julio Jr. is a multi-talented fighter. Just watching him spar yesterday, a buxum, cum indigeremus,, he did it beautifully. And when we needed pressure in a few rounds, he pulled it off exactly how I like it. So I’m very confident that whatever style we bring and game plan we bring, adipiscing sit amet secum.


Numquid potestis pondus?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Yes. Sure. I’ll make 172 quia ego reddam $100,000 per libram (si ego non,). Redderet pecuniam nec rationem. Ive 'nunquam plus quam appendi 172 in pugna. Certamen tantum feci 172 Vera est cum Brian, the first fight. But in all the rest of my career of boxing, in omnibus patrocinium daret (Numquam tamen non fecit pondus). Nescio cur me rogas. Okay. Maybe, Maior ego sum a pugnatore, scitis? I know I am a bigger fighter. Autem, Non habeo problems. Et (si hoc facit,) pondus non faciunt, fortasse vinces, $100,000 more.


So, July, vestri 'sperans $100,000 ex Fonfara Andrzej, nisi dicas quod non sperant $100,000 ex te?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Do Not, facere non. I think that the fight’s in the right way. And he’s not going to take advantage of anybody, scitis, quia (Ego venire in levioribus). Scitis, utrumque grave est satis puto pugnatores.



Joe Goossen habere circa placeat facere potes tua exquisivi, vos sentire, ut a praecessi de Vera certamen, perfecta nisl debeas?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Bene, I’ve known Joe Goossen for a long time. He’s a great trainer. He’s a great person. He’s somebody that motivates fighters. And we have a true connection. We’ve connected again. And I like him a lot. I like that he’s a hard worker, just like me. And I think, simul, we’re going to do really well. With regards to the performance, Et possum dicere, quod, this show is for the people. Sed magnum certamen futurum. It’s going to be a better fight. Et nunc, cum adversario meo, qui in cognoscendo promotionem comitatu et futurum prospicit, Ad magnam puto nox.


K. Swanson

That was our last question. So, iterum, we really appreciate the fighters taking time to join us. We look forward to this fantastic matchup between Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. et in Fonfara Andrzej Saturday, Aprilis 18, ex StubHub Center in Carson, Ill., at vivere SHOWTIME 10:00 p.m. ATQUE, 7:00 p.m. PT. Thank you so much for joining us.


* * *


Nullam enim eventus, quod co-promoveri a Goossen Promotions et Chavez Promotions, at sunt precii $200, $150, $100, $50 atque $25, plus valet taxes, ministerium feodis et sumptus,, nunc autem venalium et prompta ad online.


Jr Chavez. vs. Fonfara, a-XII est quod fit in circuitu StubHub Center in Carson, Ill. et air on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/7 p.m. PT). The SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING telecast erit quoque available in via Spanish secundarium programming audio (SUFFODIO).


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