Kategorija Arhīvs: Showtime Bokss


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LAS VEGAS – (Aprīlis 15, 2015) – Vairāk nekā 200 accredited press members from around the world descended upon Mayweather Boxing Club for Otrdienas Floyd Mayweather Media Day. It was the 11-time world champion Mayweather’s first and only open training session before his welterweight world championship unification mega-showdown against Menijs Pakjao par Sestdiena, Maijs 2, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas live on pay-per-view.


Superstars Mayweather (47-0, 26 Kos) un Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 Kos) is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Top Rank Inc., the live pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® sākas9:00 p.m. UN/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


Several dozen television camera crews, laikrakstu columnists, boksa rakstnieki, radio raidorganizācijas, web reporters, photographers and (video) bloggers watched as Mayweather went through the paces during a 90-plus minute workout that included working the heavy bag, smacking the speed bag, hitting the mitts, jumping rope, stretching and doing calisthenics.


Before a training session streamed in high definition across multiple platforms, tostarp caur satelītu barību, YouTube un sociālo mediju, Mayweather answered questions from the media inside a specially-constructed tent in a parking lot outside the gym.


What Mayweather, Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe, treneris Floyd Mayweather Sr. and unbeaten WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz, who will fight in the top pay-per-view undercard bout on Maijs 2, teica Otrdiena:


FLOYD Mayweather, 11-Time Pasaules čempions


My training camp is basically running the same way. I think it has been smoother than others. I feel very comfortable and happy with my performances. They push me hard at camp. They know what I need.


The timing for this fight is right. This fight is about legacy, fans and family. I surround myself with all of the right people.


I can’t say that this matchup is about hype. This is real life. This is two future Hall of Famers in a mega-fight.


I’ve done record breaking numbers before and it looks like we’re going to do it again.


Everything in life is about timing. I have no regrets that this fight didn’t take place five years ago. I didn’t think it was that big then, but it continued to get bigger and bigger. Not just in boxing, but outside of the sport. Pacquiao has continued to grow outside of the sport. We didn’t need to rush anything.


This is going to be an exciting fight. Our styles are totally different. He is very, very reckless. Every move I make is calculated. I’m always 5-10 steps ahead of my opponent.


We’ll see what happens when the fight starts. But when all is said and done I’m going to be the winner.


Pacquiao is strong and solid but I don’t know if he can make adjustments like I can. I feel tremendous.


This was a difficult fight to make happen, but we made it happen. This fight is one of the biggest ever in boxing.


I’m still going strong. The last time I looked, Es biju 47 un 0.


Anyone can get hit with a great shot, but I can make more adjustments and Manny can’t.


I don’t think Pacquiao expected me to look as strong or big when we faced off (at the L.A. preses konference).


I walk around at 150-152 pounds to weigh 147 mārciņas. Other boxers weigh around 160-170 before coming down.


I’ve got one more fight on my contract. I couldn’t be happier with SHOWTIME and CBS.


Las Vegas is the boxing capital. During a Floyd Mayweather fight weekend, you can shop, party, stay out late and do anything you want. The city of Las Vegas has everything.


There were offers to fight other places, but MGM Grand is my home.


Anything I’ve asked of MGM Grand, they’ve done for me in a heartbeat. They’re all about making entertainers and athletes happy.


LEO SANTA CRUZ, WBC Super bantamweight pasaules čempions


I’m very grateful for the opportunity to fight on such an unbelievably huge card. I really want to thank Floyd Mayweather.


Any boxer would like to be on this card where millions of people are watching. I’m happy to represent Mexico on this night and on this fight card.

I look at it as a key opportunity for me to make an even bigger name for myself, which is my goal because one day I want to become a superstar like Floyd. That’s why I train really hard all of the time.


There are no little fights for me. I consider every fighter dangerous. You lose when you think a fighter is not on your level and then he comes in hungrier than you. That will never happen to me.


I don’t know who I’m fighting yet, but I’m sparring different guys with different styles.


There’s always a lot at risk for me. People keep talking about all of these big fights, but if I don’t win now, there will be no big fights in the future.


I know who I want to fight, but I don’t pick my opponents; I leave it up to my team. They make those kinds of decisions. My job is to fight and win.


I have to stay concentrated. I have to maintain focus and concentration. I can’t get ahead of myself. ES dodu 100 percent in training and in the ring. I always want to put on a great fight for the fans.

LEONARD ELLERBE, Izpilddirektors Mayweather Promotions


Boxing is at an all time high at the moment. There are a lot of great things going on. Between this fight and getting boxing back on network television, it’s all great for the sport.


This fight will not only elevate the sport in general, but it will bring in the casual fan to the sport and that’s a great thing.


The impact that Floyd Mayweather has had on this sport is immeasurable. People won’t be able to appreciate that until he retires. He’s done so much for this sport. He’s given fighters a platform to say to other promoters that they deserve the lion’s share of the money. He’s brought more sponsorships to the sport.


Floyd Mayweather is the highest paid athlete in all of sports and he happens to be a boxer.


I think the demand thus far only indicates how big this event is. This is a fight that’s been talked about for five years now and everyone is going to get exactly what they’ve been asking for.


Manny Pacquiao is a great fighter. He’s been in a number of great fights and he’s had a terrific career thus far. These are the two best fighters of this generation and come Maijs 2 there will be one man standing and it will be Floyd Mayweather.


There’s no doubt it’s going to be a great fight. Es esmu patiesi satraukti. I can see firsthand the day-to-day preparation that Floyd puts in and he’s working just as hard as ever. The fans are going to get a great fight that night.


I don’t know what Manny Pacquiao has to do on Maijs 2, but I know what Floyd Mayweather has to do. He has to do what he normally does and go in there and execute his game plan and I really expect Floyd to knock him out.


Floids Meivezers SR., Mayweather’s Trainer & Father


Floyd is as well rounded a fighter as there has ever been, but he’s really still here because of his defense.


Other guys fight with their head and their mind and come up short. It’s his great defense that has kept him on top for so long.


I want you all to see it. It’s so plain and simple what he’s going to do. Even Ray Charles could see it.


I honestly never thought that this was going to happen. So many people were trying to say Floyd was scared. Lets see on Maijs 2 who is scared.


I can’t tell you why or how, but here’s an update, Floyd is going to kick his a** and knock Pacquiao out.


I didn’t watch one tape on Pacquiao. There is no reason to study him. He’s not at this level.


Floyd is the best, I must confess. Nothing is going to stop Floyd Mayweather.


Pacquiao’s trainer Coach Roach (Freddie Roach) is lying to you. Trying to trick you all. Floyd’s not getting knocked down in the gym. Floyd is the one knocking people down. Roach blows smoke with no hope.

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Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com,www.SHO.com/Sports,www.hbo.com / boksa un www.mgmgrand.com un sekot par čivināt piefloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing UnSwanson_Comm, un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebookatwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/TopRankMannyPacquiaowww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing,www.facebook.com/SHOsports andwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.




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Foto Credit: Esther Lin / Showtime

I am fighting [Andrzej] Fonfara now because I like big opponents. I like the challenge of fighting good, hungry fighters.

– Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

Julio wants credibility in this sport and that’s why he made the decision to take this fight, even though it’s a dangerous decision.

– Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.



Biļetes vēl ir pieejams!


VAN NUYS, Calif.(Aprīlis 13, 2015) – Bijušais pasaules čempions Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. notika mediju treniņu piektdien in front of a packed house at Ten Goose Boxing Gym in Van Nuys, Calif., as the Mexican superstar prepares to make his Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa® debija uz Sestdiena, Aprīlis 18, pie StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., dzīvot Showtime(10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT).


Galvenajā gadījumā Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksadoubleheader, Meksikas Superstar Chavez, Jr. (48-1-1, 32 Kos) meets dangerous brawler Andrzej Fonfara (26-3, 15 Kos) ar 12 kārtu gaismas smagiem cīkstēšanās.


In 10 apaļā sadarbības funkciju, tops 10 ranked junior welterweight contender Amir I (16-0, 14 Kos) will aim to move one step closer to a world title opportunity when he makes his second start of 2015 against fellow power-puncher Walter Castillo (25-2, 18 Kos).


Julio Cesar Chavez, apstrīdami lielākais Meksikas cīnītājs visu laiku, nospēlēja izskatu dēla treniņu laikā, lai parādītu savu atbalstu un piedāvā vārdus iedrošinājumu.


Lūk, ko Chavez Jr., Julio Cesar Chavez and Joe Goossen (treneris) bija teikt Piektdiena pie Los Angeles zonas sporta zāli:


JULIO CESAR CHAVEZ JR., Bijušais Pasaules čempions

I am very focused going into this fight. I have changed a lot mentally this past year.


I am fighting [Andrzej] Fonfara now because I like big opponents. I like the challenge of fighting good, hungry fighters. Just because Fonfara doesn’t have the name recognition of other fighters, it doesn’t make him an easy fighter. Viņš ir grūts.


I feel comfortable at light heavyweight. Any time that you can add a couple pounds, you feel better. Although I will be fighting at 175, I feel most comfortable at 168 kā bokseris. Since I have had one year off, it was a better choice to fight at this weight so that I could see how my body feels.


Since I have added a few pounds, I have become a more physical and stronger boxer. The light heavyweight division has very big and physical contenders.


“Joe [Goossen] is a great trainer. He is a great motivator to his fighters and makes them better. I have worked very hard with him for the 35 days we spent together in Lake Tahoe.


When I was training with Freddie Roach, it was very different. I think Freddie is a great trainer, but Joe also has a lot of experience and we have made a connection together.


I really liked training in Lake Tahoe. The altitude, gredzens, everything I needed was there. I felt very comfortable up there and I would like to come back there to train for a fight again.


I promise a great fight, this is a very exciting fight. Fonfara isn’t an easy opponent, but he has never seen an opponent like me.




I am here to support and be with my son. I try to give him good advice. I tell him to train and prepare hard, and fortunately he is doing that well.


I think Joe [Goossen] is doing a great job, we are on the same page. We are all focused on him [Chavez Jr.] getting to the fight well prepared. This fight requires great preparation because he is going into the fight at a weight that’s higher than his normal weight and he is facing a very tough opponent.


He must go in 100 percent to win this fight.


I think there has been a 180 degree turn in his career. I see this as a positive because he can really develop his ability and looks very well prepared.


I would’ve liked to have seen him take a tune up fight instead because of his long layoff; I particularly didn’t want this fight.


“Jūlijs [Chavez Jr.] wants credibility in this sport and that’s why he made the decision to take this fight, even though it’s a dangerous decision. He must be very prepared for this fight.


JOE GOOSSEN, Chavez Jr.s’ Treneris

I’ve been asked over the years who the one fighter was that I would like to work and my answer was always Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.


I’ve always really admired his style. I had known him as a kid, his father is a legend. It had always seemed like a dream job for me, and out of nowhere I got it.


Lake Tahoe was tremendous for training camp. You are isolated and it’s not an easy thing. When you aren’t training you are sitting in a hotel room. You are deprived the comforts of home, but it really gives you that concentration and dedication factor and I think that will interpret into some positive results.


I matured over my years, once I had a kid and a family and I think the same has happened with Julio. Life becomes clearer when you put away the immaturity. You realize that you have a future and if you really want to access what’s available to you, then you are going to have to work hard and dedicate yourself to it.


Going to Lake Tahoe and really working hard is a sign of maturity and I think that’s what Julio is going through right now. He really showed it by leaving his home and spending an extended period of time up there. To me that is a great indicator that he is mature, dedicated and taking this fight very seriously.


Of course I believe Julio is ready to fight Fonfara. The fight was made before I even came on board, but that’s the challenge that I am presented with. You must figure out a good game plan and figure out what you’re up against.


Just because Julio has been out a year doesn’t mean that it’s going to be a cake walk for Fonfara. We went up to Lake Tahoe with one thing in mind, and that’s winning this fight and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.



# # #

“Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara”, a 12-round light heavyweight bout co-promoted by Goossen Promotions un Chavez Promotions that takes place at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif. un būs gaisa Showtime (10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT). Jo vienlaikus galveno notikumu, Amir Imam faces Walter Castillo in a 10-round jr. welterweight showdown. Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boksa raidījums būs pieejams arī spāņu, izmantojot sekundāro audio programmēšanas (SAP).


Biļetes uz pasākuma cena ir $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, are available for purchase online at AXS.com.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.sports.sho.com, sekojiet par čivināt pieSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter UnSwanson_Comm, sekot sarunu izmantojot #ChavezFonfara, Kļūsti ventilatoru par Facebook at www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing vai apmeklējiet Showtime Boksa blogā http://theboxingblog.sho.com.




LAS VEGAS (Aprīlis 10, 2015) – As Floyd Mayweather vs. Menijs Pakjao fight night approaches, Mayweather Promotions announced today that undefeated Mexican superstar and current WBC Super Bantamweight World Champion Lauva “Zemestrīce” Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 Kos) will be featured on the three-fight pay-per-view televised undercard against an opponent to be determined.


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao takes place Sestdiena, Maijs 2 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena and will be co-produced and co-distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® and SHOWTIME PPV® sākas 9:00 p.m. UN/6:00 p.m. PT.

I’m extremely excited to put one of the most popular and exciting Mexican fighters in the world on the pay-per-view undercard of this historic event on Cinco De Mayo weekend,” Said Mayweather, president of Mayweather Promotions. “I’m all about giving my loyal fans what they want. All the fans watching on fight night will be in for a great show when Leo Santa Cruz enters the ring.


I’m so honored to be the lead-in for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to do so on Cinco De Mayo weekend,” teica Santa Cruz. “This will be a huge night for boxing and I plan on showing everybody that I’m all about action-packed fights. I’m grateful to Floyd Mayweather and Mayweather Promotions for giving me this opportunity and giving the Mexican fight fans another reason to cheer on Maijs 2.”


Mayweather vs. Pacquiao marks the second-consecutive Mayweather pay-per-view event featuring Santa Cruz. In September he wiped out Manuel Roman with a second-round technical knockout as the co-main event ofMAYHEM: Mayweather vs. Maidana 2.Previously he had fought on the non-televised undercard of MAY DAY: Mayweather vs. Robert Guerrero, with a technical knockout over Alexander Munoz. Papildus, this is the fourth consecutive fight for Santa Cruz at the MGM Grand Garden Arena and his ninth overall in the state of Nevada of his 30 profesionālās cīņas.


In non-pay-per-view undercard action, a pair of Mayweather Promotionsfighters will look to keep their undefeated records intact. Super welterweight prospect Chris “Sweet” Pearson (11-0, 9 Kos) will square off against tough brawler Teica El Harrak (12-2-2, 7 Kos) in 10 apaļu bout.


“Es esmu jauns, hungry fighter who has big aspirations in this sport,” said Pearson. “Maijs 2 is a great opportunity to show the world why I will be a future world champion.


Vairāk, cruiserweight knockout artist Andrew “Beast” Tabiti (9-0, 9 Kos) takes on an opponent to be determined in eight rounds of action.


I can’t wait for this opportunity to get in the ring and show off my power on Maijs 2,” said Tabiti. “I’m always ready to put on a show for the fans and I hope they’re ready to see a big knockout.


Mayweather Promotions is dedicated to putting on the biggest events for fans and with the inclusion of these great young fighters we are ensuring that once again,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Izpilddirektors Mayweather Promotions. “Chris Pearson and Andrew Tabiti are future world champions who will have a chance to perform on the biggest stage in all of boxing on Maijs 2, and I can’t say enough bout how excited we are to have Leo Santa Cruz on the card as the lead in for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.”


The fan-friendly two-division world champion Santa Cruz has defended his super bantamweight title numerous times in impressive fashion on his way to earning a reputation as one of the most exciting fighters in the world. The 26-year-old won his first world title in 2012. Uz 2013 he won his super bantamweight title, which he now holds. Born in Huetamo, Michoaca de Ocampo, Mexico but fighting out of Los Angeles, Santa Cruz looks to entertain the fans at MGM Grand on Maijs 2 when he fights on the highly anticipated Mayweather vs. Pacquiao pay-per-view.


An undefeated prospect out of Dayton, Ohaio, Pearson is coming off of an impressive unanimous decision in Dececmber 2014 over the hard-hitting Steve Martinez and he looks to keep his momentum going when he fights on Maijs 2. Nedaudz 24,, Pearson had recorded eight straight victories inside the distance before his most recent bout. He takes on the 27-year-old El Harrak who fights out of Henderson, Nev. by way of London.


A 25-year-old with extreme knockout power, Tabiti last fought in December 2014 and delivered with a first-round knockout of Ernest Reyna. It was his ninth knockout in a row to start his career. Dzimis Čikāgā, bet cīnās no Las Vegas, “Beast” hopes to make it 10 knockouts in 10 tries when he enters the ring onMaijs 2.


* * *


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.SHO.com/Sporta,www.hbo.com/boxing un www.mgmgrand.com un sekot par čivināt piefloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing UnSwanson_Comm, un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook atwww.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing, www.facebook.com/SHOsports unwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Younger Brother of Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.
Will Also Be In Action from StubHub Center in Carson, Calif.




Dzīvot Showtime® AT 10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT

Full Undercard Featuring Mix Of Exciting Veterans & Rising Prospects

Tickets Are On Sale!

CARSON, Calif. (Aprīlis 10, 2015) — Interim WBA Super Bantamweight World Champion Oscar Escandon (24-1, 16 Kos), of Tolima, Kolumbija, will make the first defense of his 122-pound title when he faces undefeated Moises “El Chucky” Ziedi (22-0, 1 NC, 16 Kos), no Guadalajara, Meksika, in the 12-round main event live on SHOWTIME BOKSA uz Showtime EXTREME (8 p.m. UN/PT) par Sestdiena, Aprīlis 18 at StubHub centrā Carson, Calif.


Headlining the card, popular Mexican superstar and former middleweight world champion Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. (48-1-1, 32 Kos) dos viņa Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksadebut when he meets dangerous brawler Andrzej Fonfara (26-3, 15 Kos) dzīvot Showtime (10 p.m. UN/ 7 p.m. PT).


In the 10-round co-feature of Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa, Tops 10 ranked junior welterweight contender Amir I (16-0, 14 Kos) will aim to move one step closer to a world title opportunity when he makes his second start of 2015 against fellow power-puncher Walter Castillo(25-2, 18 Kos).


Opening the SHOWTIME EXTREME telecast, Omar “El Businessman” Chavez (32-3-1, 22 Kos), younger brother of Chavez, Jr. and son of legendary Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., saskarsies Richard Gutierrez (28-15-1, 17 Kos) in an eight-round super welterweight fight. Time permitting, unbeaten Argentine welterweight Fabiānis “TNT” Maidana (5-0, 4 Kos), brother of former world champion Marcos Maidana will also be featured in the featured in the telecast against an opponent to be named.


The action continues featuring a clash of middleweight contenders when Fernando Guerrero (26-3, 19 Kos) atbilst Abraham Han (23-2, 14 Kos) in a 10-round middleweight match. Vairāk, young undefeated prospects face tough challenges when Wes Nofire (16-0, 12 Kos) uzņemas Joell Godfrey (17-13-1, 6 Kos) in six-round heavyweight action, Jordan Shimmell (18-0, 15 Kos) sejas Carlos Reyes (7-6-1, 5 Kos) in an eight-round cruiserweight bout and Anthony Flores (6-0, 5 Kos) cīņas William Hughes (4-2, 3 Kos) in a six-round welterweight contest.


Arī Featured, Jessie Roman (17-2, 9 Kos) un 2012 Olympic Silver medalist from MongoliaTugstogt Nyambayar (1-0, 1 KO) atsevišķos bouts.


Tickets for the event co-promoted by Goossen Promotions and Chavez Promotions are priced at $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, and are on sale online at AXS.com.


Agresīvais domājošiem, 30-gadus vecs Escandon captured the crown in his last start via a 12-round split decision over Canadian southpaw Tyson Cave last Decembris. 11. Escandon was making his United States debut and triumphed in a tight fight by the scores of 117-111, 115-113 un 113-115.


Escandon was a top amateur -he represented Colombia in the 2004 Olimpiskās spēles- before turning professional in June 2006. Twenty of his initial 21 fights took place in his native Colombia while he’s also fought in Argentina and Panama. His lone defeat came in his first attempt at the interim WBA title on a split 12-round decision to Nehomar Cermenoon Aug. 10, 2013, Panama. .


Ziedi, 28, padara viņa 2015 debut and third start in a row in the United States. Pro kopš augusta 2008, Ziedi’ pirmais 20 fights took place in Mexico. He’s never gone more than seven full rounds although three of his fights have been scheduled for 10.


Known in Mexico for his show stopping-knockouts, the heavy-handed Flores registered three devastating knockouts in 2013, the biggest of which was a brutal second-round stoppage of longtime Mexican contender Rodolfo Hernandez in February of that year.

Flores recorded a seventh-round TKO in his last start over Mario Macias last Novembris. 21 Tulsa.


Omar Chavez, 25, the youngest son of Julio Sr. and three years younger than Julio Jr., will be making his U.S. un 2015 debija. All his fights have been in Mexico, where he turned pro at the tender age of 16 decembrī 2006. He was victorious in his first 28 bouts before losing a 10-round split decision to Jorge Paez Jr., the son of popular former world champion, Jorge “MaromeroPaez, decembrī 2011. Paez also outpointed Chavez across 10 rounds in July 2012, this time unanimously.


After the rematch with Paez, the 5-foot-8 Chavez won four consecutive times, including a 10-round decision over Daniel Sandoval Maijā 2014 to win the NABO 154-pound crown. But Chavez lost his last fight on a shocking 10-round decision to Ramon Alvarez, brother of Saul “Canelo” Alvarez, gada septembris. 27, 2014.


The 36-year-old Gutierrez is hoping to bounce back after suffering consecutive defeats. Fighting out of Miami by way of Colombia, Gutierrez has been battle-tested over the years having faced the likes ofJoshua Clottey, Vānes Martirosyan un Luis Carlos Abregu.


Maidana, 22, is nine years younger than Marcos. A pro since June 21, 2014, he has won his last four fights by knockout, all within two rounds.


An exciting, come-forward crowd-pleaser (like his big brother), Maidana will be making his third start at StubHub. He won a decision his first time out and by a first-round knockout over Phillip Sorianothe second time around.


A terrific amateur, Maidana was the Pan American Youth Championships Bronze Medalist and World Youth Championships Silver Medalist in 2010.


A former world title contender, Kareivis is looking to bounce back from losing to David Lemieux in 2014. With victories over Ishe Smith, Gabriel Rosado and Derrick Findley, the 28-year-old from the Dominican Republic but fighting out of Salisbury, Md. is eager to redeem himself and get back into the hunt for another world title opportunity.


A 30-year-old former kickboxing champion, Han, of El Paso, Teksasa, pagriezās Pro 2007 and quickly adapted his skills to the boxing ring. Viņš uzvarēja viņa pirmā 19 pro fights before losing a hard-fought bout with Glen Tapia in 2013. He rebounded to win four straight bouts before suffering a split-decision defeat to Sergio Mora his last time out.


An undefeated heavyweight prospect fighting out of Miami by way of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Nofiremakes his debut in California when he looks for win number 17. The 28-year-old will battle the 34-year-old Godfrey out of East Saint Louis, Slims.


A former amateur standout who became the first heavyweight to win four Michigan Golden Gloves titles, Shimmell will attempt to remain undefeated and entertain the crowd with his seventh straight knockout against Reyes, 37, Phoenix, Ariz. Pavisam nesen, the 26-year-old stopped Phil Williams in the fifth round in Dec. 2014.


A young prospect fighting out of Santa Ana, Calif., Romiešu will look to bounce back from losses in two of his last three fights after starting his career with 16 pēc kārtas uzvaras. The 23-year-old will be fighting at StubHub for the first time.


A hot welterweight prospect, the 24-year-old Ziedi will look to represent his hometown of Los Angeles when he takes on the 37-year-old Hughes out of Tacoma, Mazgāšana. Opening the card is the 22-year-old 2012 Olympic Silver medalist out of Mongolia, Nyambayar who battles an opponent to be determined.


Brian Custer will call the SHOWTIME EXTREME action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood serving as expert analyst.


Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara ir 12 kārta cīkstēšanās, kas notiek StubHub centrā Carson, Calif. un būs gaisa Showtime (10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT). Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boksa raidījums būs pieejams arī spāņu, izmantojot sekundāro audio programmēšanas (SAP).


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.sports.sho.com, sekojiet par čivināt pieSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter UnSwanson_Comm, sekot sarunu izmantojot #ChavezFonfara, Kļūsti ventilatoru par Facebook at www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing vai apmeklējiet Showtime Boksa blogā http://theboxingblog.sho.com.



ShoBox: The New Generation Tripleheader LIVE TONIGHT on SHOWTIME®

From Aviator Sports and Events Center in Brooklyn, N.Y..


Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Lai lejupielādētu fotogrāfijas

Kredīts: Rosie Cohe / Showtime


ALL ACCESS: Chavez, With Unparalleled Access To Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Sr.

Premieres Immediately Following Friday’s ShoBox


NEW YORK (Aprīlis 9, 2015) - Brooklyn-dzimtā, nepārspēts Frank "Notorious" Galarza nosver-in at 154 pounds and Belgium’s Sheldon "Closer" Moore izmērīt 153 ¼ pounds during Thursday’s official weigh-in for the main event of this Friday’s ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes, dzīvot Showtime (10 p.m. ET / PT, aizkavēta par West Coast).


Galarza (16-0-2, 10 Kos), daudzi uzskata "Brooklyn Rocky," and Moore (13-2-1, 9 Kos) will square off in the eight-round super welterweight headliner of the televised tripleheader from theAviator Sports un Pasākumu centrs Brooklyn, N.Y..


Zaudējusi power-štancēšanas middleweight Ievgen "Ukrainas Lion" Khytrov (9-0, 9 Kos) izgāž svari 161 ½ pounds and fellow unbeaten Aaron "Heavy Metal" Coley (9-0-1, 6 Kos), of Hayward, Calif., izmērīt 160 ½ pounds for their eight-round middleweight bout.


Atklāšanas cīņā par raidījums, blue-chip super middleweight izredzes Sergiy "tehniķis" Derevyanchenko (4-0, 3 Kos / World Series of Boxing: 23-1, 7 Kos) will take on once-beatenAlan “Amenaza/Threat” Campa (13-1, 1 NC, 9 Kos) in an eight-round super middleweight match. Derevyanchenko, of Ukraine and now training in Brooklyn with Khytrov, izmērīt 163 ¼ pounds while Mexico’s Campa weighed-in at 165 mārciņas.


Biļetes uz notikuma, veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Cīņa Promotions Inc. and New Legend Boxing are on sale and priced at $100, $70 un $35. Biļetes var iegādāties zvanot DiBella Izklaide at (212) 947-2577. Durvis atvērtas 6:15 p.m. UN, ar pirmo cīkstēšanās plānota 6:45 p.m. UN.


Lūk, ko kaujinieki bija sakāms pirms ceturtdienas svēršanās:



“We had some great sparring with guys like Daniel Jacobs, Sadam Ali, Khytrov. They always give me top tough work. That’s top competition right there. Fighting guys like that builds my confidence. If I can hang in there with them then I can hang with anyone. They’re going to help to bring me to another level. I feed off their energy.


“Moore is an aggressive fighter, but I’m a come-forward guy, pārāk. Es varu būt agresīvs, but smart aggressive. Not just aggressive to punch and throw punches wildly. It’s more being smart, using my defense, my offense and countering when he makes mistakes.


“I try not to think about fighting in the main event in Brooklyn, but it helps and it definitely motivates me. Es domāju, it doesn’t get any better than that – fighting in my home in the main event.


“It’s my backyard, so I have to put on a show. It doesn’t give me jitters because I’ve fought in my home before, but the main event is different. I just need to do my job.


"Man, it’s will and skill. I bring my skill level to the next level. How bad do I want it? Am I going to perform well enough to move to the next level and face those top contenders?


“I want to face the top prospects so I can earn a spot as a contender. But I need to get through this guy first.”



“The main reason why I came all the way to the United States is because here is where boxing is at its best. I’m really excited about this opportunity. Being on SHOWTIME as a main event is huge for me.


“It’s not going to be easy, I’m fighting a guy from Brooklyn in Brooklyn in his back yard. But I’ve been in this situation before, I’ve fought abroad many times before and I’m not intimidated. It’s another day at the office for me.


“This is it for me, there’s no turning back. Man ir, lai uzvarētu. I just don’t see myself losing tomorrow.


“I’ve seen a couple Galarza videos on YouTube. He was more of a brawler at the beginning of his career. Tagad, he’s a more disciplined boxer. That can backfire sometimes, something to watch out.


“You’ll see fireworks and excitement. I’m not going to look for the knockout. I think it’s a bad strategy to do that. If it comes, it comes. I’ll be looking to win, no matter what. This is a very big fight for me, so it’ll be all about winning, impressing and being at my best.”



“The atmosphere training in Big Bear was amazing. It was one of the best training camps I’ve had. I’ve never been through a camp in the amateurs like that.


“I had a chance to meet Genādijs (Golovkin) in Big Bear and we spoke and actually became pretty close. We talked about training regime, stuff athletes talk about. I loved it there.


“The adjustment from amateurs to pros has been fine. The only difference is handling the different rounds and realizing that you have to pace yourself for these eight, 10, 12 apaļas cīņas.


“The best time to knock a guy out is in the first two rounds when they aren’t warmed up yet. I tried against (Jorge) Melendez but I couldn’t get him out. I just realized I needed to pace myself for the other six rounds and work the body. It was nice to get those rounds and experience against a tough fighter.


“I know he (Coley) is a pretty hard-hitting southpaw. I assume that he won’t come forward, but maybe he’ll surprise me. He has a few knockouts, but I’m going to watch him, learn and adapt.


“I faced southpaws in the amateurs. His style won’t give me any issues. I could even switch to a southpaw stance if I need to.


“Personally, health allowing, I think I should be a contender by the end of 2015. But I put all my trust into my team. They know best. My job is just to train and prepare for everything they put in front of me.


“Yes, 100 percent I’d like to face Gennady. To be the best you have to fight the best. And right now I consider him to be the best 160 pound fighter in the world.”



“Fighting on TV for me is a big deal. When I was little, my father used to throw fight parties to watch big fights and tomorrow he’s throwing one for me. That alone makes me so proud. I’ll have my own viewing party. I’m fighting on national television, Showtime. That’s such of big deal for me. This is my breakout. This is the sign I’m made it.


“I stay in shape all year round, but for the past two months I’ve been taking it to the extreme. Training hard, sparring even harder.


“I’ve been working very hard. I’ve sparred with world champions and I’ve been doing well. I think this is my time to step up and show everybody how good I am.


“I’m predicting there will be a stoppage in the later rounds.”


“The competition I faced in the WSB was, for the most part, the best fighters in the world. Tik tālu, the guys I’ve faced in the pros don’t have that resume, that skill level. So I think I’ve fought in more than just four pro fights.


“I’m working hard in the gym to make the transition from amateur to pro. I’m taking it step-by-step. I don’t want to jump the gun or make a mistake too fast. I’m looking forward to increasing my level of opposition gradually.


“I’ve seen some of his (Campa) cīņas. In some fights he boxes different than in other fights. We’ll see what he does in the ring and adjust accordingly. But I don’t think he can bring anything that I haven’t seen before. But he’s a Mexican fighter so we know he won’t give up.


“I’m going to show what I’m worth. I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. Now is my chance to build my fan base and show what I can do in the ring.”


“This is my first fight in the U.S., and I’m planning to take full advantage of this opportunity.


“My training was intense, a lot of running, especially in the mountains. I worked on my conditioning and my speed. I’m at the best shape I’ve ever been.


“When I found out about my opponent, I watched video on him and I know I’m better than him. I think my main advantages are age and speed. My opponent is 29, Es esmu 23. I’m younger and quicker and I’m not about to make it easy for him.


“I’m going to read him in the early rounds and, if I feel he’s not hurting me, I’ll go the distance.


“This fight is a huge step-up for me. I see it as key fight. I feel it might be a make or break for me. We’ll see, I might get a chance to deliver a knockout and that might spark some attention in the boxing world.”


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Barry Tompkins sauksim ShoBox rīcība no ringside ar Farhood un bijušais pasaules čempions Raul Marquez kalpo kā ekspertu analītiķi. Izpildvaras ražotājs ir Gordon Hall ar Richard Gaughanražošanas un Rick Phillips vadīšana.


Par ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes
Kopš tās pirmsākumiem jūlijā 2001, kritiski acclaimed Showtime boksa sērija, ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes ir parādījies jaunais talants saskaņota grūts. The ShoBox filozofija ir pārraidīt aizraujoša, pūļa-patīkami un konkurētspējīgām sacensībām tajā pašā laikā nodrošinot, kas apliecina pamatu vēlas izredzes apņēmusies cīnīties par pasaules titulu. Daži no pieaugošo saraksts 59 cīnītāji, kuri ir parādījušies ShoBox un uzlabotas uzkrāt pasaules nosaukumus ietver: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čada Dawson, Pauls Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams un vairāk.


Sestdiena, Aprīlis 18, LIVE Showtime® (10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT)

From StubHub Center In Carson, Calif.

NEW YORK (Aprīlis 8, 2015) – Tops 10 ranked super lightweight contender Amir I (16-0, 14 Kos) will aim to move one step closer to a world title opportunity when he makes his second start of 2015 against fellow power-puncher Walter Castillo (25-2, 18 Kos) in the 10-round co-feature of Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa par Sestdiena, Aprīlis 18, LIVE on Showtime (10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT)


In the main event from StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., Meksikas Superstar Julio Cesar Chavez(48-1-1, 32 Kos) faces exciting brawler Andrzej Fonfara (26-3, 15 Kos), of Chicago by way of Poland, ar 12 kārtu gaismas smagiem cīkstēšanās.


Viens no Boksa visstraujāk augošo perspektīvām, 24 gadus vecais Imam ir izsisti 14 no viņa 16 profesionālie pretinieki kopš pagrieziena Pro 2011. Albany, N.Y., native is coming off a fifth-round TKO of Fidel Maldonado Jr., in a brawl on Jan. 17 on SHOWTIME that featured five total knockdowns. Man ir, currently ranked No. 4 in the WBA and No. 7 ar WBC, touched the canvas for the first time in his career but bounced back and relied on his power to floor Maldonado a total of four times.


I know Walter is a tough fighter, he comes forward and throws a lot of punches,” Imam teica. “But I will figure him out quickly once I get inside the ring. I’m working on a lot of different things for this training camp, lots of tricky moves that are going to excite the fans. It’s great to fight outdoors at StubHub Center and to showcase my talents on SHOWTIME. I’m here to entertain and prove I’m ready for that title shot.


Pils (25-2, 18 Kos), no Managva, Nikaragva, has won nine straight and KO’d six of his last seven opponents. The 26-year-old has fought mostly in Nicaragua and the only blemishes on his record are a split-decision loss in his pro debut and a controversial 2008 split decision on the road against former world champ Vicente Mosquera Panama. Pils, who has knocked out his last four opponents inside of four rounds, will make his second start in the U.S. after winning his American debut via first round TKO last October.


“Es esmu ļoti satraukti par šo cīņu. I’ve been training hard for months now and can’t wait for the bell to ring,” Castillo said. “Where I’m from we have a history of great warriors like Alexis Arguello and Rosendo Alvarez and on Aprīlis 18 I’m looking to moving one step closer to adding my name to that list. Imam may be undefeated but I’m ready for a war.


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Biļetes uz notikuma, kas vienlaikus veicina Goossen Promotions un Čavesa Promotions, cena ir $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, ir pārdošanā tagad, un ir pieejams iegādei tiešsaistē AXS.com.


Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara, ir 12 kārta cīkstēšanās, kas notiek StubHub centrā Carson, Calif. un būs gaisa Showtime (10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT). Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boksa raidījums būs pieejams arī spāņu, izmantojot sekundāro audio programmēšanas (SAP).


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.sports.sho.com, sekojiet par čivināt pieSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter UnSwanson_Comm, sekot sarunu izmantojot #ChavezFonfara, Kļūsti ventilatoru par Facebook at www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing vai apmeklējiet Showtime Boksa blogā http://theboxingblog.sho.com.


Viņa ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes debija janvārī 2014, Frank "Notorious" Galarza reģistrēja vienu no neaizmirstamākajām izslēgšanas spēlēm gadā pret labvēlīgajiem John Thompson. Galarza, daudzi uzskata par “Bruklinas klinšu,”Saskaras ar Beļģijas Sheldon Moore šisPiektdiena, Aprīlis 10, pie 10 p.m. UN/PT Showtime®


Dalīties šo video: http://s.sho.com/1IkSEPs

Par ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes

Kopš tās pirmsākumiem jūlijā 2001, kritiski acclaimed Showtime boksa sērija, ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes ir parādījies jaunais talants saskaņota grūts. The ShoBox filozofija ir pārraidīt aizraujoša, pūļa-patīkami un konkurētspējīgām sacensībām tajā pašā laikā nodrošinot, kas apliecina pamatu vēlas izredzes apņēmusies cīnīties par pasaules titulu. Daži no pieaugošo saraksts 59 cīnītāji, kuri ir parādījušies ShoBox un uzlabotas uzkrāt pasaules nosaukumus ietver: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čada Dawson, Pauls Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams un vairāk.


Biļetes uz DiBella izklaides pasākumu tiek pārdotas un to cena ir $100, $70 un $35. Biļetes var iegādāties zvanot DiBella Izklaide at (212) 947-2577. Durvis atvērtas 6:15 p.m. UN, ar pirmo cīkstēšanās plānota 6:45 p.m. UN.

SHOWTIME Sports® godalgotās sērijas atgriežas ar “VISU PIEEJU: Čavess ”; Vienas sērijas īpašās pirmizrādes šo piektdien, Aprīlis 10 vietnē SHOWTIME®

Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. & Viņa leģendārais tēvs treniņnometnē, Gatavošanās sestdienas debijai SHOWTIME ČEMPIONĀTU BOKSAM, Aprīlis 18, dzīvot Showtime




"Man bija grūta dzīve, tāpēc jā, Es esmu dusmīga uz viņu. ” – Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr.

“Tajā laikā man pie kājām bija visa Meksika un pasaule. Bet tas joprojām neaizpildīja tukšumu ... Tātad, ko es meklēju? Vieglākās un stulbākās lietas ... narkotikas un alkohols. ” – Julio Cesar Chavez, Sr.


NEW YORK (Aprīlis 7, 2015) –Sporta Emmy® Godalgotās series ALL ACCESS atgriežas, lai pārbaudītu meksikāņu superzvaigznes dzīvi Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr., kad viņš gatavojas padarīt savu Showtime ČEMPIONĀTS boksa® debija pret bīstamo ķildnieku Andrzej Fonfara par Sestdiena, Aprīlis 18, dzīvot Showtime (10 p.m. UN/ 7 p.m. PT) no StubHub Center in Carson, Calif.


ALL ACCESS: Chavez pirmatskaņojumi Piektdiena, Aprīlis 10, tūlīt pēc dzīvot ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes tripleheader plkst 10 p.m. UN/PT.


ALL ACCESS: Chavez raksta un ziņo SHOWTIME Sports līdzautors Marks Krīgels. Autore atzītām biogrāfijām “Labais dēls: Reja ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini dzīve ’un’ Pistole: Pita Maraviča dzīve,”Krīgels jau ilgu laiku ir koncentrējies uz konfliktiem un sarežģītību, kas sportā aizrauj tēvus un dēlus.


Ar bezprecedenta piekļuvi jaunajai zvaigznei - Meksikas pirmajam un vienīgajam pasaules čempionam vidējā svara kategorijā - un viņa slavenajam tēvam, ALL ACCESSatklāj vētrainās, tomēr mīlošās attiecības starp Junioru un viņa leģendāro tēvu.


Interviju sērijā Juniora augstkalnu nometnē Taho ezerā neviens jautājums paliek neatbildēts, kur savulaik trenējās tēvs. Kā bija izaugt par Meksikas lielākā cīnītāja dēlu? Kādu cenu cīnītājs maksā par narkotikām un alkoholu? Un ko tas dara ar viņa ģimeni?


Tikai beigas paliek šaubīgas: Is Junior being punished for the sins of his father, or is he doomed to repeat them?


“Fame can be a disease, like addiction,” says Kriegel. “And this family has battled both. Junior and Senior weren’t merely candid. They were confessional. Un, Es domāju, ka, courageous, too.”


Ar ALL ACCESS cameras entrenched in camp, viewers will meet three generations of Mexico’s most famous fighting family as the 29-year-old Junior navigates a crossroads of his career.


ALL ACCESS: CHAVEZ premieres on SHOWTIME with multiple encore presentations. ALL ACCESS will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Showtime Anytime® un tiešsaistēSHO.com/Sports.


# # #


“Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara”, is a 12-round bout to takes place at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., un būs gaisa dzīvot uz Showtime (10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT). Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP boksa raidījums būs pieejams arī spāņu, izmantojot sekundāro audio programmēšanas (SAP).

Biļetes uz notikuma, kas vienlaikus veicina Goossen Promotions un Čavesa Promotions, cena ir $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, iet uz pārdošanu šodien 12 p.m. PT and are available for purchase online at AXS.com.


Spied šeit, lai oficiāli Komerclikuma Link

Short Link: http://s.sho.com/1bU4liB

Kredīts: Esther Lin / Mayweather vs. Pacquiao

Ar mazāk nekā mēnesi, lai iet līdz vēsturiskajā čempionāta kāršu atklāšana starp 11-laika, Piecu nodaļa pasaules čempions Floyd “Nauda” Mayweather un astoņu nodaļa pasaules čempions Manny “Pac-Man” Pacquiao, kolektīvā mārketinga komanda par Mayweather vs. Pacquiao veicināšana atbrīvo komerciālo vietu šodien touting notikumu pay-per-view.


Šis tirdzniecības — filmēja ar abām prizefighters kādā Losandželosas studijā vakarā marta 11 — ir radoša sadarbība starp Mayweather Promotions, Top Rank, Showtime PPV® un HBO Pay-Per-View®. 30 sekunžu vietas uzsver cerības un lielo lielumu šoreiz-in-a-kalpošanas notikumu. Tas kalpo kā pamatu uz agresīvu vairāku mediju mārketinga kampaņu, kas notiks nākamo četru nedēļu laikā. Kopējais Mayweather vs. Paredzams, Pacquiao mārketinga kampaņu, lai saņemtu vēl nepieredzētu atbalstu no pay-per-view sniedzējiem.


Episkā kāršu atklāšana notiek Sestdiena, Maijs 2 no MGM Grand Garden Arena, un tiks kopražojuma un kopīgi izplata tiešraidē HBO Pay-Per-View un Showtime PPV. Live raidījums pay-per-view sākas 9:00 p.m. UN / 6:00 p.m. PT.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.mayweatherpromotions.com, www.toprank.com, www.hbo.com/bokss,www.SHO.com/Sports, un www.mgmgrand.com un sekot par čivināt piefloydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, HBOboxing, SHOSports UnSwanson_Comm, un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com / TopRankMannyPacquiao www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/TRBoxing,

www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing un facebook.com/ShoBoxing.




Piektdiena, Aprīlis 10 Pie 10 p.m. UN/PT; Dzīvot Showtime®

NEW YORK (Aprīlis 2, 2015) - Brooklyn-dzimtā, nepārspēts Frank "Notorious" Galarza (16-0-2, 10 Kos) atgriežas gredzenu kaujas Beļģija s Sheldon "Closer" Moore (13-2-1, 9 Kos) astoņu apaļu super papildsvars bout headlining ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes tripleheader par Piektdiena, Aprīlis 10 no Aviator Sports un Pasākumu centrs Brooklyn, N.Y., dzīvot Showtime (10 p.m. UN/PT, aizkavēta par West Coast).


Galarza, daudzi uzskata "Brooklyn Rocky," turpina, lai kompensētu zaudēto laiku. Viņa šokējoši otrās kārtas nokauts uzvara pār privileģēts John Thompson par viņa ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzesdebija, bija viens no visvairāk neaizmirstamu knockouts par gadu. Kopš Galarza ir bijis uz asaru.


"Galarza bija nejauša Atrast pēc ShoBox,'' Atzina boksa vēsturnieks un ShoBox eksperts analītiķis Steve Farhood. "Tā kā viņš sajukums Thompson, viņš ieguva vēl četras reizes, un izskatījās labāk katru reizi. Viņa iebildumiem līmenis neļauj viņam saukt sāncensis vēl, bet viņš ir spērusi lielus soļus. Es domāju, ka gadu vecumā 29 viņš mēģinās, lai padarītu šo atklājumu gadā par viņu. "


Galarza-Moore joslas ir viena no trim plānoto astoņu un daudzpusīgi uz raidījums, kas ir atšķirīgs Bruklinas aromāts uz to. Zaudējusi power-štancēšanas middleweight Ievgen "Ukrainas Lion" Khytrov (9-0, 9 Kos) un stablemate, blue-chip super middleweight izredzes Sergiy "tehniķis" Derevyanchenko (4-0, 3 Kos / World Series of Boxing: 23-1, 7 Kos) arī dzīvo Brooklyn.

Khytrov uzņemas kolēģiem neuzvarēts Aaron "Heavy Metal" Coley (9-0-1, 6 Kos), of Hayward, Calif., bet pasaules ranga Derevyanchenko būs kaste reizi uzvarēts Platība "Draudi / Draudi" Campa (13-1, 1 NC, 9 Kos), no Sonora, Meksika.

Biļetes uz notikuma, veicina DiBella Entertainment sadarbībā ar Cīņa Promotions Inc. un New Legend Bokss ir pārdošanā un cena ir $100, $70 un $35. Biļetes var iegādāties zvanot DiBella Izklaide at (212) 947-2577. Durvis atvērtas 6:15 p.m. UN, ar pirmo cīkstēšanās plānota 6:45 p.m. UN.


Par GALARZA, kurš ir Ložņu atbalstīts pasaules klasifikāciju, neseno nevarēja ierasties pie labāku laiku. Fiziski spēcīgs, agresīvs boxer-kovbojs, Galarza ieguva vēlu sākumu boksa un bija tikai 11 amatieru cīņas.


"Laiks man noteikti tagad,'' Viņš teica. "Mana pirmā ShoBox cīņa uzstādītu platformu par mani. Es neesmu tikai uzvarēt cīņā, kas pilnīgi neviens domāju, es varētu, Es uzvarēju to grand stilu. Es sniedza paziņojumu. Esmu turpināja augt un justies es esmu gotten labāk, jo šīs cīņas. Bet es esmu šeit, lai parādītu cilvēkiem, ko es esmu visu par, turpināt apmācīt ļoti grūti, un vienkārši ņemt to pamazām, viens cīņai laikā.


"Tas ir aizraujoši, lai cīnītos ar televīzijas galvenais notikums manā pagalmā. Es nekad neesmu bijis vairāk motivēts spēles. Es gribu pateikties Showtime devāt man vēl vienu iespēju cīnīties par ShoBox.''


Stila gudrs, Galarza uzskata, ka tas ir liels matchup viņam. "Moore izskatās fiziski liels un spēcīgs, grūts un izsalcis, un nāk, lai cīnītos,'' Viņš teica. "Viņš ir agresīvs un tas ir labākais daļa par to - tas būtu par lielisku cīņu. Es varu būt agresīvs, pārāk. Es zinu, ka viņš nāk, lai cīnītos, un visi zina, ka es neesmu virzīties atpakaļ, tāpēc es ceru, ka uguņošana.


"Es nāku, lai cīnītos katru reizi, jo īpaši attiecībā uz Showtime, par ShoBox kur viņi jums pretiniekiem labas kalibru, kuriem paredzama likts uz šovu, un paredzēts gūt labu cīņu.


"Tas ir Brooklyn, mana dzimtā pilsēta, un es gribu, lai izklaidētu cilvēkus. Šis ir mans izrāde, mans homecoming, un es aizstāvēt savu mājas kūdra. Man ir darbs, kas jādara aprīlī 10, bet pēc tam, lielie vārdi dalīšanas gatavojas spiesti nodarboties ar mani. Es esmu 29 un ar ko to visu uz līnijas. ''


Jo viņa jaunākais ShoBox izskats, Galarza uzvarēja vienprātīga astoņu apaļa lēmumu nekā iepriekš neuzvarēts Sebastien Bouchard (8-0 iet) gada maijā 16, 2014, ar rādītājiem 78-73 un 77-74 divreiz neskatoties punktu atskaita par zemu trieciens pēdējā kārtā.


GALARZA s pretinieks, 27-gadus vecs Moore, padara viņa ShoBox debija un ceturtais starts ASV, kur viņš ir 1-1-1. Viņš pēdējo reizi parādījās neatrodas ASV. jūnijā 2012.

"Tā ir milzīga iespēja par mani un manu karjeru, novēl šis ir lielākais cīņa manā dzīvē,"Moore teica. "Tas ir must win cīņa par mani. Es esmu redzējis dažas no GALARZA s cīņām, un es esmu pilnīgi pārliecināts, ka man ir, ko tā veic, lai sajukums viņam viņa pagalmā. Tas ir sapņa piepildījums par mani, cīnās par valsts televīzijā, un es plānoju uz parāda boksa pasaulei, ka es piederu pie elites līmenī šo divīziju.

"Mans stils noteikti ir agresīvs. Man patīk staigāt pa manu spēli. Galarza ir laba kustība un labu sasniedzamību. Bet šī cīņa būs pirmā cīņa, kurā man nav jāstrādā uz pusi sagatavošanas laikā. Es esmu 100 procenti veltīta sportā un kas iet uz 10. aprīlim "


5-foot-10 Moore ieguva viņa pēdējās divas cīņas, jaunākais par pirmās kārtas nokauts pār Janos Varga pēdējais Decembris. 20 Beļģijā. Tāpat kā GALARZA, viņš dabūja vēlu sākumu boksa un bija ierobežota amatieru karjeru ar (27 gali). Viņš kikboksa, kad viņš bija 15, bet nebija viņa pirmā amatieru cīņu līdz vecumam 19.


Khytrov (izrunā He-izmaksas) bija fenomenāla amatieru ar ziņots 500 amatieru bouts. Viņš bija 2011 amatieru pasaules čempions un pārstāvis Ukrainā 2012 Olimpiskās spēles.


Šī būs viņa otrā parādīšanās ShoBox. Savā debijas par Jan. 9, Viņš iznīcināja iepriekš undefeated Maurice Louishomme, uzvarot ar trešo kārtas PTK. Viņš izgaismots Louishomme ar labo roku un uppercuts struktūrai, satriecoša viņam vairākas reizes ar vienpusīgs lieta, kas tika pārtraukta pēc 0:24 trešajā kārtā.


Agresīvs, aizskarošs domājošiem Khytrov ir cīnījies kopā 27 raundi deviņās startus, vidēji trīs kārtās cīņa - un kas ietver viņa karjeras labākais astotās kārtas TKO gaitā vienmēr-grūts puertorikāņu Jorge Melendez gada martā 6.


“Ievgen [izrunā yev džins, ar cietu G] ir ventilators draudzīgu cīnītājs, kā jūs atradīsiet, nekad notiek uz aizmuguri soli, izskatās ievainot savu pretinieku ar katru perforators,'' Farhood teica. "Pēc deviņi cīņas, viņš parāda visas pazīmes, ka viņš būs virsraksts sāncensis pēc gada uz 18 mēnešiem. Viņa jaunākā, apturēšana vairāk Jorge Melendez, bija drosmīgs solis uzņemties bīstamu un pieredzējušu pretinieku, un viņš ņēma viņu ārā, sabojājusies viņu uz leju. Ko tas man pateikt?"


Viens no top izredzēm boksa, 5-foot-11, 26-gadus vecais Khytrov ir pārvietota pie daudz straujāk nekā vairumā citu izredzēm šajā posmā savu karjeru. Viņš sniedza savu profesionālo debija vecumā 25 decembrī 2013 un cīnījās sešas reizes 2014. Šī ir viņa trešā cīņa 2015. Visi viņa cīņas ir Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs.

Khytrov, kurš pārcēlies uz Bruklinas neilgi pēc tam, kad 2012 Olimpiskās spēles, ir gatavas Aprīlis 10 ierasties. "Es esmu ļoti satraukti atgriezties ringā par Aprīlis 10, jo īpaši ir tas, ka cīņa ir manā pieņemtajā mājās Brooklyn,'' Viņš teica. "Es vēlos pateikties saviem virzītājiem DiBella Izklaide un cīņa Promotions Inc. un mans menedžeris Al Haymon par šo iespēju, lai vēlreiz parādītu savas prasmes par ShoBox.

"Es ceru, ka smagās cīņas out of Coley, kurš, tāpat kā es, nekad nav uzvarēta kā profesionāls. Mēs zinājām, ka 2015 bija būs liels gads sevi un savu karjeru, un es apsolu vēl vienu iespaidīgu veiktspēju Aprīlis 10 jo mēs turpinām virzīties uz augšu rindās mana sadalīšanas. "

Khytrov salīdzina savu stilu ar vienu no boksa ir visu laiku greats. “Man Roberto Duran stilu. Es esmu all-out ķildnieks,'' Viņš teica. "Es uzbrukums ķermeni. Es mīlu TV uzmanību. ''


Coley ir kreisā hander un divu gadu pro kurš ir ņemot milzīgu soli uz augšu šajā cīņā, viņa ShoBox un astoņas kārtas debija. Izredzes at 160 mārciņas - viņš pārcēlās uz augšu no junioru middleweight sadalījumu savā pēdējā cīņā - viņš iscoming off sesto nokauts savu karjeru, piektā kārta KO vairāk Loren Myers Okt. 11, 2014.


"Es esmu ļoti satraukti par demonstrēs savas prasmes uz platformas, piemēram, Showtime,'' Sacīja vienmēr labi kondicionieri Coley, kurš nekad nav nojaukti kā pro vai amatieru. "Es esmu redzējis Khytrov cīņu. No kā tas izskatās, viņš ir pienācīgas cīnītājs. Es tiešām nedomāju, ka tur ir kaut kas īpašs par viņu. Viņš ir diezgan vienkāršs, Austrumeiropas čalītis, kurš vienkārši nāk un izmanto maz leņķi. Viņš ir grūti kovbojs ar labu jaudu, bet es nezinu, puiši, viņš ir kaujas.


"Daži More, Jūs varat nesāpēs, ko jūs nevarat hit. "


Veikls bokseris, kurš tagad strādā no Virgil Hunter'S trenažieru zāle ziemeļu Kalifornijā, Coley padara viņa otro posmu jauna trenera Eddie Croft.Viņš bija dzīvs un apmācība Las Vegas. Viņš aizgāja 8-0 sākumā pro karjeru, kas sākās aprīlī 2012.


Attiecībā uz savu iesauku, Coley teica, "Mans tētis pieder metāllūžņiem biznesu."


Derevyanchenko (izrunā der-you-van-CHENK-oh), kurš padara viņaShoBox debija, ir izskatu "cant-miss" sāncensis. Vienu soli tālāk, daudzi sagaida viņa kāpienu pasaulē klasifikāciju būt nekas cits kā meteorisks. Viņš šobrīd ieņem Nr. 12 in IBF, Do Not. 25 ar WBC.


"Es esmu ļoti satraukti par savu pirmo cīņu par amerikāņu televīzijas,'' Viņš teica. "Šī būs mana pirmā reize parādās ShoBox un es esmu pilnīgi saviļņots. Šis ir mans nāk partija. Es esmu sagatavojot dienu un nakti, un es esmu gatava parādīt savas prasmes uz pasauli. Es esmu gatavs, lai parādītu viņiem "The tehniķis".


"Mans stils ir ļoti tehnisks, bet tad, kad es skaitlis mans pretinieks out, Es uzbrukuma viciously. Ar smagu darbu un lielu komandu aiz manis, Es kļūšu par pasaules čempionu manā sadalīšanas. Nav šaubu, manā prātā. "


Ārkārtējs amatieru, 5-foot-7 Derevyanchenko apkopoti pārsteidzošs ierakstu 390-20 , pārstāvot savu dzimto Ukrainu 2008 Olimpiskās spēles. Vienu gadu pirms, viņš izcīnīja bronzas medaļu 2007 Amatieru Pasaules čempionāts.


Tas būs Derevyanchenko piektais starta rindā ārpus World Series boksa, kur viņš gāja 23-1. Viņš bija 2012 WSB Team Champion un 2011 un 2012 WSB Individuālais Champion. Viņš cīnījās WSB no novembra 2010 līdz aprīlim 2014.


Derevyanchenko izcīnīja savu pirmo cīņu ārpus WSB par otrās kārtas PTK vairāk Cromwell Gordon jūlijā 23, 2014. Savā pēdējā sākuma šis pagātnesFebruāris. 20, viņš guva vienpusēju otrā apaļa TKO vairāk Valdības Biosse.


Attiecībā uz viņa pretinieks, Derevyanchenko teica, "Campa ir labs cīnītājs - garš, stiprs. Viņš izskatās izturīgs, ciets pretinieks. ''


Campa padara viņa ShoBox debija uz Aprīlis 10 un tā būs viņa pirmā cīņa ārpus Meksikas. Viņš ir uzvarējis četras kārtas, Trīs ar nokauts. Viņš pieklauvējām Christian Chavez otrajā kārtā viņa pēdējā izbrauciens pēdējāDecembris. 6.

6-foot-1, 23-gadus vecs sper gigantisks lēciens klasē, un izredzes ir pret viņu, bet neviens no ka jautājumi viņam reiz atvēršanas bell skaņas.

"Es esmu ļoti satraukti, lai beidzot darītu mans sapnis par realitāti un cīņa ASV,'' Viņš teica. "Tas ir tikai iespēja, ka man ir apmācīti un cīnījās par pēdējo piecu gadu laikā. Esmu daudzpusīgs; Es varu cīnīties agresīvi vai kārbas un pārvietot.

"Daudzi daudzsološi jaunie izredzes got to sākuma par ShoBox un turpināja uzvarēt pasaules nosaukumus. Par Aprīlis 10, Alan Campa sāks bruģējot ceļu pievienoties sarakstu ShoBox pasaules čempioni.

"Man ir apmācīti ļoti grūti. Es zinu, ka varu uzvarēt šo cīņu. "

Campa bija arī spēcīga amatieru fona (182-6). Pirms pagrieziena pro septembrī 2010, viņš bija piecu laika Sonoran valsts čempionu, piecu laika reģionālā čempions, un četru laiks valsts čempions. Viņš bija arī zelta medaļu 2010 Pan American Jaunatnes čempionāts at 165 mārciņas.

Barry Tompkins sauksim ShoBox rīcība no ringside ar Farhood un bijušais pasaules čempions Raul Marquez kalpo kā ekspertu analītiķi. Izpildvaras ražotājs ir Gordon Hall ar Richard Gaughanražošanas un Rick Phillips vadīšana.


Par ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes
Kopš tās pirmsākumiem jūlijā 2001, kritiski acclaimed Showtime boksa sērija, ShoBox: Jaunās paaudzes ir parādījies jaunais talants saskaņota grūts. The ShoBox filozofija ir pārraidīt aizraujoša, pūļa-patīkami un konkurētspējīgām sacensībām tajā pašā laikā nodrošinot, kas apliecina pamatu vēlas izredzes apņēmusies cīnīties par pasaules titulu. Daži no pieaugošo saraksts 59 cīnītāji, kuri ir parādījušies ShoBox un uzlabotas uzkrāt pasaules nosaukumus ietver: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čada Dawson, Pauls Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams un vairāk.