קאַטעגאָריע אַרטשיוועס: רוסלאַנד

אין “די ראַגע” מיט….. Khamzat Dalgiev

ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 דעם שבת אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד
Khamzat Dalgiev (ר) connects against Ivan Buchinger

Saint Petersburg, רוסלאַנד (יולי 18) – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש פעאַטהערוועיגהט מייַסטער Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 7-1-0) defends his title this Saturday against his American challenger, NateThe TrainLandwehr (10-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-0-0), אין the M-1 Challenge 95: Battle in the Mountains הויפּט געשעעניש, this Saturday in Ingushetia, רוסלאַנד.




An all-around gifted MMA fighter, Dalgiev got into “די ראַגע” for a one-on-one interview:


When did you first start in MMA?




KD: “I started training in judo when I was a child and I really loved it. After one championship, where judges made a few very bad decisions that prevented me from becoming the national champion, I decided to move on. At that time there were no MMA gyms around, so I just watched fight videos and hoped to start fighting one day. After a while a friend of mine told me about an MMA gym opening and I understood this was my chance. I remember staying far away from The Rage at one of the first M-1 Global shows in Ingushetia, dreaming about entering the Rage one day by myself.


What did you have to work hardest at to become the fighter you are today?




KD: “In the beginning of my career, the most difficult thing for me was striking, because I only had a wrestling background. But I can say for sure that it is much easier for a wrestler to learn striking than for a striker to learn wrestling. After a few months of hard training, I had my first fight.




In my early fights, I preferred using my wrestling skills to defeat my opponents, but as my striking was getting better, I started using it more and more and really enjoyed it. In the upcoming fight I’d love to add the fourth knockout victory to my record.


Can you talk a little about your only pro loss that came in your debut?




KD: “In my debut fight, I fought a much more experienced fighter, Ali Bagov, who had more than 20 pro fights on his record. I did not care about his record because those are just numbers and I have never chosen my opponents. If you want to be the best you have to fight the best.




That loss in my debut fight changed me a lot as a fighter. I gained experience, started training harder and since then, with God’s help, I’ve won 10 fights in a row. Even if I could change it and declined taking that fight, I would never do it because that fight was one of the most important one in my career.


What’s the key to your success?




KD: “If you want to succeed, you have to work hard 24/7 and spare no efforts. You have to set a goal and do your best to reach it, clearing all obstacles on your way.


Can you look back at your title-winning performance and explain what happened?




In the title fight against Ivan Buchinger, I had great confidence that the title belt will be mine. I was extremely motivated and did not feel his punches. He could deliver one good shot to my head that caused a flash knockdown, but it did not shake me. I did not lose concentration and kept controlling the fight. I was listening to my corner and with their help knocked out the champ.




For that victory the president of Ingushetia Yunus-bek Yevkurov, gave me a generous giftToyota Camryand when I got home that night, I gave it to my mother because I believe that a mother is the most important person in life for any person. I am not always at home, we have no father and my baby brother is too young to help our mom, so mother could use a car to make her life a bit easier.


What do you feel about your opponent, Nate Landwehr?


KD: “Nate Landwehr is a very aggressive fighter and I love it. He keeps pushing his opponents all the time, no matter what, and even if he eats some punches, he does not stop, and this is exactly the way I fight. Nothing can stop me! אַזוי, I have no doubts our fight is going to be the best fight of the night!




The best victory is the fast victory, so I’d like to finish ‘The Trainearly. אויף די אנדערע האַנט, a tough five-round battle would give me much more experience and a boost to my career. Anyway, I’ll do my best and use any opportunity to finish my opponent. My goal to is to become a better fighter and leave a mark in MMA history!”




M-1 Challenge featherweight title-holder Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 9-0-0) makes his second title defense versus Rafael Dias (15-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-1-0) אין די גלויבנס-ארויסגעשטעלטע געשעעניש.







טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:

@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס


@ מ1גלאָבאַל






Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:

יולי 21 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד

ופק & M-1 Global announce partnership UFC RUSSIA


Saint Petersburg, רוסלאַנד (יולי 18) – The Russian-Chinese investment fund, Mubadala Investment Company, and Ultimate Fighting Championship (ופק) have jointly announced the foundation of UFC Russia. The new company will promote MMA and organize new shows in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). M-1 Global is going to be a partner, responsible for scouting and signing Russian athletes to prepare them to fight in the UFC. M-1 Challenge champions will have a unique opportunity to sign contracts with the UFC.




We are looking forward to further cooperation with the UFC and the Russian-Chinese investment fund working on developing young Russian talents,” ב-1 גלאבאלע פּרעזידענט Vadim Finkelchtein האט. “This partnership will benefit our sport very much. MMA is a very popular sport and cooperation of the UFC, investment fund and M-1 Global can take MMA in Russia to a new level. Competition in M-1 Global is going to be even tougher and that means we are going to see even more excellent and spectacular fights!”








טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:

@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס

@ מ1גלאָבאַל






Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:

יולי 21 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד

אין “די ראַגע” מיט….. Nate Landwehr

ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 דעם שבת אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד
Nate Landwehr (אויף שפּיץ) pounded Mikhail Korobkov in his M-1 Global debut last September

Saint Petersburg, רוסלאַנד (יולי 17) – American fighter NateThe TrainLandwehr(10-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-0-0) challenges M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 7-1-0) this Saturday in the M-1 Challenge 95: Battle in the Mountains הויפּט געשעעניש, this Saturday in Ingushetia, רוסלאַנד.




Fighting out of Clarksville, טעננעססעע, Landwehr got into “די ראַגע” for a one-on-one interview:


How did you get your nickname, ‘The Train”?




NL: “My friend started calling me Nate Train back in late middle school. I added ‘thein there so I could talk shit on the football field in high school, I just liked saying: ‘You just got ran over by the Train!’ When I started fighting is was a no-brainer. I was very good at football and that’s where I fell in love with contact and hard hits.


Where does your aggressive behavior, physically and verbally, come from?




NL: “I’ve always been loud and confident. מער, I loved to show off and talk shit, so I got myself in many, many fights. I was not a bull. I was too small for that, but I would get myself in a situation and have to fight my way out of it.


When did your MMA career turn around?




NL: “I was working a full-time job until I lost for the second time in my career. After that loss, איך פאַרלאָזן מיין אַרבעט, started training full time and haven’t lost since.


Who do you give the most credit to in terms of where you’re at right now in MMA?




NL: “My wife, Robyn, is the most important. Without her I would be nothing. She has supported me since day one. Most fighters start off with only themselves believing they could make it, I started with two.


How do you feel about fighting in Russia?




NL: I’ve been many places around the world traveling with my wife. אַזוי, I was very happy to be able to go to Russia and get paid for it. Russia is very beautiful and the architecture there is stunning. I’m looking forward to exploring and experiencing more of its land and culture in the future. I recommend going if you’ve never been there!”


As your title fight approaches, how do you feel about this title shot?




NL: “I’m looking forward to my title shot it and can’t wait. Reminds me of the movie ROCKY IV. Fans will get a show they will never forget. Many Russian fans do love me and message me personally on social networks saying, I put on the best fights they have seen and thank me for it. My main job is to make believers!”


How have you been treated by Russian fans?




NL: “After the last two fights, I have had the biggest lines of fans to take pictures and sign autographs. What makes me special is my passion and heart. You may not remember the whole fight, but you will remember the feeling you had when you see a Nate the Train show!”


What do you expect from the champion, Khamzat Dalgiev?



DL: “I expect a highly motivated man ready to do whatever it takes to keep that title, fighting in front of his fans and in his home country, but it won’t be enough to defeat me. This has Fight of the Year written all over it, followed by Knockout of the Night for me. I am willing to walk through hell to become a world champion and nothing can stop me right now. I’m a man on a mission that started with a boy and his dream.



אין די גלויבנס-ארויסגעשטעלטע געשעעניש, M-1 Challenge featherweight title-holder Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 9-0-0) makes his second title defense versus Rafael Dias (15-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-1-0).









טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:


@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס


@ מ1גלאָבאַל







Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:


יולי 21 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד




Salita Promotions Signs Undefeated Russian Super Middleweight Aslambek Idigov to a Promotional Contract

Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions proudly announces the signing of Russian super middleweight prospect Aslambek Idigov (pictured at left) צו אַ פּערמאָושאַנאַל אָפּמאַך.




Undefeated Idigov (13-0, 5 קאָס) hails from Grozny, רוסלאַנד, but is currently training in Detroit with Javan SugarHill Steward at Kronk Gym. The 22-year-old slugger made his debut under the Salita Promotional banner last June, with an impressive unanimous 10-round decision over then once-beaten James Ballard at the Masonic Temple in Detroit.




Idigov won the IBO Youth Super Middleweight Title in December 2016 with a unanimous decision over countryman Igor Selivanov.




“Training in Detroit at the Kronk Gym has helped me in many ways,” said Idigov. “I learned how to train like a pro and am learning different techniques and boxing tactics. It has taken my game to new levels.”




Promoter Salita, who is amassing a large stable of promising Eastern Bloc fighters, male and female, says his Russian prospect is developing quickly working out at Kronk.




“Aslambek is a strong, הונגעריק, אַגרעסיוו פייטער. Seeing him improve every day over the last several months, training in Detroit, and his impressive win over James Ballard showed me that he has real world-class potential. אין בלויז 22 years old with already several quality wins under his belt, Aslambek is on his way to becoming a force in the super middleweight division.”


Road to M-1: USA” ויגוסט 11 in Nashville

Showcasing the American debut of “די ראַגע”
Worldwide Pay Per View from Music City
נאַשוויל, טען. (יוני 28, 2018) – “Road to M-1: USA”, presented by M-1 Global USA and Angel Fight Promotions, will be held August 11, airing on worldwide pay-per-view live from Global Mall in Nashville, טעננעססעע.




Russia-based M-1 Global has been promoting professional MMA events in Russia, טשיינאַ, Finland and other countries for the past 21 יאָרן, featuring many of the sport’s greatest fighters, אַרייַנגערעכנט פעדער עמעליאַנענקאָ, אַנדריי אַרלאָווסקי, געגאַרד מאָוסאַסי, אַליסטאַיר אָווערעעם און סערגעי כאַריטאָנאָוו, צווישן די מער נאָוטאַבאַלז.




אין דער פאַרגאַנגענהייַט, M-1 Global has promoted seven M-1 Challenges and four M-1 Selection events in the United States.




We are excited to come back to the USA,” ב-1 גלאבאלע פּרעזידענט Vadim Finkelchtein קאַמענטאַד. “It’s been almost seven years since M-1 Global held its last show in the United States and the upcoming Road to M-1 is going to be the first step on our way back into American MMA. We’ve been working hard together with our American representatives, Angel Natal און Mike Merriman, to make it happen and on August 11th we are going to have a show to remember!”




A hybrid ring-cage, “די ראַגע”, will make its American debut atRoad to M-1: USA”, which allows fans optimum viewing, while fighters have the safety associated with a cage.




Integrated Sports Media will distributeRoad to M-1: USA” in North America on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, DIRECTV and DISH in the United States, as well as SaskTel and other outlets to be announced in Canada, and live-streamed worldwide on the FITE.TV app and website (www.fite.tv), סטאַרטינג בייַ 9 פּ.ם. און / 6 פּ.ם. פּט, פֿאַר אַ סאַגדזשעסטיד לאַכאָדימ פּרייַז פון בלויז $19.95.




I can’t describe how good it feels to be this close to this show airing,” said Merriman, head of operations for M-1 Global USA & Angel Fight Promotions. “Everyone loves to see sweat and blood in the ring, myself included, but so few people see the blood, sweat, and tears spilt while setting something like this up. This show is going to open a lot of eyesand drop a few jaws!”




The main event pits Georgia middleweight DougYamatoUsher (9-3-0) קעגן ReggieThe Regulator” פעדער (14-6-0), of Florida, while Russian lightweight Vadim Ogar (6-3-0) takes on his Cuban opponent fighting out of North Carolina, Yoislandy “קובאַ” Izquierdo(11-4-0) in the co-featured event.




Undefeated Russian bantamweight prospect Saidyokub Kakharamonov (5-0-0), fighting out of Chicago, טראָוז אַראָפּ מיט Tony Gravely (12-5-0), פון ווירזשיניע; Georgia flyweight C.J. “The AutobotHamilton (12-6-0) faces Floridian fighter Abdiel “די נייטמער” Velazquez (8-5-0), Kentucky welterweight The JuggernautBrandon Bell (5-6-0) מיץ JacobTick-TockMcLintock (9-2-0), of Arizona; and Tennessee welterweight James Conway (3-0-0) סקווערז אַוועק מיט P.J. Cajigas (5-7-0), פון טשיקאַגאָ, to round out the main card.




Scheduled to fight on the undercard is California heavyweight CodyThe MooseGoodale (5-4-0) ווס. טבאַ, New Brunswick, Canada bantamweight Chris Johnson (5-6-0) ווס. JerrodThe Hillbilly Hammer” דזשעננינגס (2-1-0), of Kentucky, and local Nashville favorite Dwayne Herrelle (0-1-0) ווס. pro-debuting Kentucky lightweight Kegan Agnew.




כל פייץ און פייטערז זענען אונטערטעניק צו טוישן.


CLICK HERE FOR PROMO VIDEO:הטטפּס://drive.google.com/file/d/18ONIDbekTSAUUPhXXlhIpc_xCVqH5LGM/view?usp=sharing










טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:



@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס


@ מ1גלאָבאַל








Two M-1 Challenge title fights at M-1 Challenge 95 Kamzat Dalgiev vs. Nate Landwehr Movsar Evloev vs. Raphael Dias

יולי 21 אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד
Nate Landwehr (אויף שפּיץ) pounded Mikhail Korobkov in his M-1 Global debut last September

Saint Petersburg, רוסלאַנד (יוני 19, 2018) — M-1 Global has announced that ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95: Battle in the Mountains will feature a pair of title fights on July 21 אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד.


ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 will be live-streamed from Ingushetia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. וויוערז וועט קענען צו היטן די פּרילימאַנערי פייץ און הויפּט קאָרט דורך לאָגינג אויף צו פאַרשרייַבן אין www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, ווי געזונט ווי אויף אַנדרויד און עפּל קלוג phones און טאַבלאַץ. ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 will also be available on www.FITE.TV(preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card)




American fighter NateThe TrainLandwehr (10-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-0-0)), fighting out of Clarksville, טעננעססעע, challenges M-1 Challenge featherweight champion Khamzat Dalgiev (10-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 7-1-0), while M-1 Challenge featherweight title-holder Movsar Evloev (9-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 9-0-0) makes his second title defense versus Rafael Dias (15-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-1-0).




Landwehr broke into M-1 Global last year and from the beginning he has become one of the most popular fighters of the promotion. “The Trainfights a not-a-step-back style and starts trading punches with the opponents from the first seconds of the fight. All his fights are spectacular and no matter how the fight goes, he is always ready to find a moment to knock out opponent.




Landwehr stopped מיכאַיל קאָראָבקאָוו via punches in the second round at ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 83 at September. He followed up that impressive M-1 Global performance with a win by decision last November over Viktor Kolesnik בייַ ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 85.




Dalgiev (10-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 7-1-0), of Ingushetia, is champion for several good reasons. He is riding a 10-fight win streak, including six consecutive finishes. Last November, he took full advantage of his first title shot, shocking the MMA world with a sensational knock out of defending M-1 Challenge featherweight champion איוואן בוטשינגער in the opening round at ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 86. Dalgiev has five submissions and three knockouts on his pro record, including five first-round finishes.




Evloev (9-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 9-0-0), who will be fighting at home in Ingushetia, is one of the most dominant M-1 Global champions. A cardio machine who has been unstoppable, he is an extremely well-rounded fighter. Evloev is always ready for everything that may happen in The Rage, capable of finishing his opponent early, or torturing him for 25 מינוט.




Dias (15-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1 1-1-0) prefers to take his time to win by decision, but fans may also remember his stunning victory in his second fight in M-1 Global, locking in a great choke to submit Vadim Malygin בייַ ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 90.




נאָך פייץ וועט באַלד זיין מודיע. כל פייץ און פייטערז זענען אונטערטעניק צו טוישן.










טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:

@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס




@ מ1גלאָבאַל







Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:

יולי 21 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד


ב-1 אַרויסרופן 94 RESULTS & בילדער

Damir Ismagulov defeats Artem Damkovsky
to retain M-1 Challenge lightweight title
דאַמיר יסמאַגולאָוו (ל) retained his M-1 Challenge lightweight title
ORENBURG, רוסלאַנד (יוני 15, 2018) – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש לייטווייט מייַסטער דאַמיר יסמאַגולאָוו defeated the original title-holder in their weight class, Artem Damkowsky, to retain his title in this evening’s ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94: שלאַכט אין די הארץ פון די קאָנטינענטmain event in Orenburg, רוסלאַנד.
יסמאַגולאָוו (16-2-0), fighting out of Russian, won by way of a first-round technical knockout when the referee stopped the fight due to an injury suffered by Damkowsky (22-10-0), פון בעלארוס.
אין די גלויבנס-ארויסגעשטעלטע געשעעניש, Russian lightweight prospect Roman Bogatov kept his undefeated pro record intact (6-0), in addition to graduating to contender, when he upset former M-1 Challenge title challenger ראַול טוטאַראַולי (18-5-0), פון דזשאָרדזשאַ.
רוסיש מידדלעוועיגהט ValeryThe Russian HammerMyasnikov (13-1-1) won a majority decision over his countryman, מיכאַיל ראַגאָזין (11-4-0), רוסיש וועלטערווייטמאַקסים גראַבאָוויטש (8-5-0) took a unanimous decision from Finland’s Juho Valamaa(15-5-0), and Brazilian lightweight RubeniltonRubinho” באַרנע (20-5-0) took care of previously unbeaten Baktybek Uku Oktom (4-1-0), פון קירגיזיע, when the latter’s corner halted the action after one round.
אויף די פּרילימאַנערי קאָרט, בראַזיליאַן כעוויווייט מארקוס “MontanhaVinicius Lopes(13-6-0) און רוסיש Asioya Kluytiova (1-0-0) both used ground-and-pound attacks to win their matches, ריספּעקטיוולי, against Russian Maksin Yakobyuk (2-1-0) in the second found and ZejnaSeiKrantic (0-2-0) in the third round of a rare M-1 female fight.
Russian flyweight KirillFormaFomenkov (4-1-0) used a rear naked choke to submit Bulgarian Dimirar Kostov (9-6-0) אין די עפן קייַלעכיק, as did French featherweightSoiksavanhYodaKhampasath (11-9-1) קעגן Gegham Vardanyan (4-1-0), of Armenia.
רוסיש מידדלעוועיגהט Vladimir Trusov (2-0-0) won a unanimous decision overLeonardo “פּיטבולל” Sinis (8-3-1), of Greece.
Below complete results and a picture gallery:
הויפּט קאָרט
דאַמיר יסמאַגולאָוו (16-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 10-1-0), מייַסטער, רוסלאַנד
ווטקאָ1 (referee stoppage due to injury / 3:53)
Artem Damkovsky (22-11-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 13-8-0), Belarus
(Ismagulov retained M-1 Challenge lightweight title)
CO-FEATURE – ליגהטוועיגהץ
Roman Bogatov (6-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 5-0-0), רוסלאַנד
ווסוב2 (von flue choke / 3:05)
ראַול טוטאַראַולי (18-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 6–0), דזשאָרדזשאַ
וואַלערי מיאַסניקאָוו (13-1-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-1-2), רוסלאַנד
מיכאַיל ראַגאָזין (11-4-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 3-2-0), רוסלאַנד
RubeniltonRubinho” באַרנע (20-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-2-0), Brazil
ווטקאָ1 (corner stoppage / 5:00)
Baktybek Ulu Oktom (4-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), קירגיזיע
Juho Valamaa (15-4-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), Finland
מאַקסים גראַבאָוויטש (7-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-3-0), רוסלאַנד
פּרעלימינאַרי קאָרט
Marcus Vinicius Lopes (13-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 32-1-0), Brazil
WTKO2 (ground-and-pound stoppage / 4:54_
Maksim Yakobyuk (2-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-1-0-), רוסלאַנד
Vladimir Trusov (2-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-0-0), רוסלאַנד
Leonardo Sinis (8-3-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), גריכנלאנד
Souksavanh Khampasath (10-9-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), פֿראַנקרייַך
ווסוב1 (דערציען נאַקעט שטיקער / 3:08)
Gegham Vardanyan (4-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), אַרמעניאַ
Kirill Fomenkov (4-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), רוסלאַנד
ווסוב1 (דערציען נאַקעט שטיקער / 315)
Dimirar Kostov (9-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-2-0), בולגאַריאַ
Asiya Kluytova (1-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 12-0-0), רוסלאַנד
WTKO3 (ground-and-ground stoppage / 4:22)
ZeinaSeiKrantic (0-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), ספּאַין
Roman Bogatov (אויף שפּיץ) made a major statement in the lightweight division
Valery Mysasnikov (ר) got the better of Mikhail Ragozin
Rubenilton Pereira (ל) was too much for Baktybek Ulu Oktom
מאַקסים גראַבאָוויטש (ר) nailed Juho Valamaa on his way to a unanimous decision victory
טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:
@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס
@ מ1גלאָבאַל
Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:
יוני 15 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94, יסמאַגולאָוו ווס. Samkovsky
יולי 21 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 95 אין ינגושעטיאַ, רוסלאַנד

Damir Ismagulov to defend M-1 Challenge lightweight title vs. Artem Damkovsky

ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94, יוני 15, אין אָרענבורג, רוסלאַנד
דאַמיר יסמאַגולאָוו (אויף שפּיץ) puts his M-1 Challenge lightweight title on the line יוני 15

Saint Petersburg, רוסלאַנד (יוני 10, 2018) – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש לייטווייט מייַסטער דאַמיר יסמאַגולאָוו will defense his title versus Belarus challenger Artem Damkovsky, דעם פרייטיק (יוני 15) אין די ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94: שלאַכט אין די הארץ פון די קאָנטינענט” הויפּט געשעעניש, אין אָרענבורג, רוסלאַנד.


ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94 will be live-streamed from Russia in high definition on www.M1Global.TV. וויוערז וועט קענען צו היטן די פּרילימאַנערי פייץ און הויפּט קאָרט דורך לאָגינג אויף צו פאַרשרייַבן אין www.M1Global.TV. Fans may watch all the action on their computers, ווי געזונט ווי אויף אַנדרויד און עפּל קלוג phones און טאַבלאַץ. ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 93 will also be available on www.FITE.TV (preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card).




יסמאַגולאָוו (15-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 9-1-0), מלחמה אויס פון רוסלאַנד, captured his M-1 Challenge title belt 13 months ago at ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 78, ווען ער סטאַפּט מאַקסים דיווניטש on punches in the fifth round.




דאַמקאָווסקי (22-10-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 13-7-0), who was the original M-1 Challenge lightweight champion, earned his title shot by winning his last three fights, knocking out Divnich in the second round with a lethal kick at ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 70, registered the ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 72Knockout of the Night against אַלעקסיי מאַכנאָ, and unanimous decision over Erivan Pereira סילוואַ בייַ ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 74.


ראַול טוטאַראַולי takes on undefeated Russian lightweight Roman Bogatov (5-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-0-0) in the co-featured event. Also scheduled to fight on the main card is ValeryThe Russian HammerMyasnikov (12-1-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 3-1-2) קעגן מיכאַיל ראַגאָזין (11-3-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 3-1-0) in a battle of Russian middleweights to determine the No. 1 M-1 Challenge middleweight contender.




אויך, Brazilian lightweight RubeniltonRubinho” באַרנע (19-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 3-2-0) faces unbeaten Baktybek Uulu Oktom (4-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), and Finnish welterweight Juho Valamaa (15-4-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0) מיץ מאַקסים גראַבאָוויטש (7-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-3-0), פון רוסלאַנד.




A rare M-1 female fight will be showcased on the preliminary card as ZejnaSeiKrantic(0-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), fighting out of Spain, squares off against pro-debuting Asiya Kluytova, פון רוסלאַנד.




בראַזיליאַן כעוויווייט מארקוס “MontanhaVinicius (12-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-1-0) will throw-down with his unbeaten Russian prospect, Maksim Yakobyuk (2-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-0-0).




All fighters and fights are subject to change.







טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:

@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס


@ מ1גלאָבאַל



Upcoming M-1 Challenge Events:

יוני 15 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94, יסמאַגולאָוו ווס. Samkovsky

Bruno Silva shocks Alexander Shlemenko in 1st round

Undefeated Artiom Frolov defeats
Joe Riggs to remain M-1 Challenge middleweight champ
ב-1 אַרויסרופן 93 RESULTS & בילדער

CHELYABINSK, רוסלאַנד (יוני 1, 2018) – Brazilian middleweight Bruno Silva shocked אלכסנדר שלעמענקאָ with an opening round stoppage to set-up a potential showdown with M-1 Challenge champion Artiom Frolov, who defeated American challenger דזשאָו “DieselRiggs earlier this evening (פרייטיק) בייַ ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 93 אין טשעליאַבינסק, רוסלאַנד.
To say the least, סילוואַ (18-6-0) was impressive in his M-1 Global debut, knocking out the former Bellator champion Shlemenko (56-11-1), בייַ די 2:54 פון דער ערשטער קייַלעכיק. Russian star Shlemenko, who was the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight champion, had been 6-0-0 in M-1 Global competition going into The Rage to take on Silva in the main event.

Silva pounded Shlemenko and finished him off here
Silva trapped Shlemenko on the ropes and unloaded a powerful barrage of punches to the head and body, as well as one well-executed knee to the face, leaving the Russian star out cold on his feet and the stunned crowed silent.
אין די גלויבנס-ארויסגעשטעלטע געשעעניש, Frolov improved his perfect MMA pro record to 11-0-0, 8-0-0 in M-1 fights, when the doctor stopped the fight in the second round due to a knee injury suffered by Riggs, the former UFC fighter.

Frolov (אויף שפּיץ) retained his M-1 Challenge middleweight title
Ukrainian flyweight Alexander Pletenko (14-4-0), also fighting for the first time in an M-1 Global event, won a third-round unanimous decision over Chris Kelades (12-4-0), the native of Greece who lives in Canada.
רוסיש לייטווייט אַלעקסיי מאַכנאָ (18-6-0) took a three-round unanimous decision fromRogerio Karranza (13-4-0), פון בראזיל, while Finnish flyweight Mikael Silander (18-6-0) choked Nureles Aidarov (3-1-0), פון קירגיזיע, אין אַ ערשטער-קייַלעכיק סאַבמישאַן.
אויף די פּרילימאַנערי קאָרט, Russian heavyweights Yuriy Fedorov (1-0-0) in his pro debut andNikolay Savilov (12-3-0) both used ground-and-pound attacks to defeat, ריספּעקטיוולי, French heavyweight Charles-Henri Lucien (0-2-0) in round one and Nikolay Rachek (7-6-0), פון רוסלאַנד, in the third frame.
In a battle of Russian middleweights, Vladimir Migovich (1-2-0) וואַן אַ דרייַ-קייַלעכיק יונאַנאַמאַס באַשלוס איבער Nikita Novikoov (5-3-0), South African middleweight Mark Hulme (6-2-0) submitted his Russian opponent, Vadim Shabadash (7-3-0), via a rear naked choke in the opening round.
רוסיש לייטווייט Magomed Magomedov (9-2-0) won a three-round split decision over his countryman, Nikita Podkovalnikov (2-1-0), רוסיש באַנטאַמוועיגהט Sergey Klyuev'ס (6-1-0) kimura forced previously undefeated Ilya Karetnikov (4-1-0), פון רוסלאַנד, into first-round submission, און Pierre Ludet (4-0-0), פון France, locked a rear naked choke on Russian flyweight Egor Filidov (0-1-0) פֿאַר אַ ערשטער-קייַלעכיק נצחון דורך סאַבמישאַן.
Complete Results and a picture gallery below:
הויפּט קאָרט
הויפּט געשעעניש – מידדלעוועיגהץ
Bruno Silva (18-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), Brazil
קאָ1 (פּאַנטשיז – 2:54)
אלכסנדר שלעמענקאָ (56-11-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 6-1-0), רוסלאַנד
CO-FEATURE – ב-1 CHALLENGE מידדלעוועיגהט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ
Artiom Frolov (11-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 8-0-0), רוסלאַנד
WKO2 (doctor stoppage /knee injury0:46)
Joe Riggs (47-18-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-1-1), USA
Alexander Pletenko (14-4-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0-), אוקריינא
Chris Kelades (12-4-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-1-0), קאַנאַדע
אַלעקסיי מאַכנאָ (18-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 5-3-0), רוסלאַנד
Rogerio Karranca (13-4-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-2-0), Brazil
Mikael Silander (18-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-1-0), Finland
ווסוב1 (d'אַרסע שטיקער – 4:26)
Nureles Aidarov (3-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-1-0), קירגיזיע
פּרעלימינאַרי קאָרט
Yuriy Fedorov (1-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), רוסלאַנד
ווטקאָ1 (ground and pound stoppage1:31)
Charles-Henri Lucien (0-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), פֿראַנקרייַך
Nikolay Savilov (12-3-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-1-0), רוסלאַנד
WTKO3 (ground and pound stoppage4:26)
Nikolay Rachek (7-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), רוסלאַנד
Vladimir Migovich (1-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), רוסלאַנד
Nikita Novikov (5-3-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), רוסלאַנד
Mark Hulme (6-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), דרום אפריקע
ווסוב1 (דערציען נאַקעט שטיקער – 2:20)
Vadim Shabadash (7-3-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-1-0), רוסלאַנד
Magomed Magomedov (9-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), רוסלאַנד
Nikita Podkovalnikov (1-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), רוסלאַנד
Sergey Klyuev (6-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-1-0), רוסלאַנד
ווסוב1 (קימוראַ – 2:25)
Ilya Karetnikov (4-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), רוסלאַנד
Pierre Ludet (4-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), פֿראַנקרייַך
ווסוב1 (דערציען נאַקעט שטיקער – 3:36)
Egor Filidov (0-0-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-1) , רוסלאַנד


Silva celebrated after his shocking vicrory over Shlemenko


STILL THE CHAMP: Artiom Frolov has his hand raised in victory


(ל) Alexander Pletenko won his M-1 Global debut


אַלעקסיי מאַכנאָ (אויף שפּיץ) won a hard fought decision over Rogerio Karranca

Mikael Silander (ר) submitted Nureles Aidarovn en route to a first-round victory

טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:
@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס
@ מ1גלאָבאַל
אַפּקאַמינג עווענץ:
יוני 1 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, רוסלאַנד
יוני 15 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94: יסמאַגולאָוו ווס. Damkovsky in Orenburg, רוסלאַנד

ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 93 Weights & Pictures

Saint Petersburg, רוסלאַנד (מייַ 31, 2018) – The official weight in was held today forמאָרגן ס ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 93 at Chelyabinsk, רוסלאַנד.
American fighter JoeDieselRiggs experienced a long, costly trip from the U.S. to Chelyabinsk to challenge undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artiom Frolov in the co-featured event.
On my way to Russia,” Riggs explained his journey, “we took an Uber to get to the airport. We had an accident. I wanted to take another Uber, but the cops would not let me leave, because they wanted to send me to the hospital to get checked. One of my cornermen had to go to the hospital because he was seated in the part of the car that has been damaged.
I called the guys in M-1 Global and told them I was not going to make the flight to California. They were freaking out and said there is no way I could miss the flight and come the next day because it would mess everything up. I bought tickets for another flight to California, which would give me around 40 minutes to get in on time for the connection flight to Moscow. I had a choice of either taking my bags and staying overnight in California or leaving my bags and flying right away to Russia. I chose the second option, left my bags, and made it to Moscow. איצט, I kind of regret that decision because it cost me around $20,000, which I will lose in sponsorship, but it’s all good, everything happens for a reason.
Winning the belt would be a great end for my career. M-1 Global is a fantastic organization! This will be my fourth world title and it really means a lot for me. The guy I’m fighting, אַרטעם פראָלאָוו, is not well-known, but he will probably be one of the best fighters I’ve ever fought! Anytime you fight for the title, you feel pressure. I was supposed to be the UFC champion when I was 22, but I would not show up for certain fights. I would not fight up to my potential and now I want to enter The Rage, show my best, and get that belt.
Below find fightersweights and main-event pictures:
הויפּט קאָרט
הויפּט געשעעניש – MIDDELWEIGHTS — 3 רענטגענ 5
(ר) אלכסנדר “שטורעם” שלעמענקאָ

(56-10-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 6-0-0), רוסלאַנד 184.4 לבס. (83.65 קג)

(ל) Bruno Silva (17-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), Brazil 186.07 לבס. (84.4 קג)
CO-FEATURE – ב-1 CHALLENGE מידדלעוועיגהט טשאַמפּיאָנשיפּ – 5 רענטגענ 5
(ר) Artiom Frolov (10-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 7-0-0), מייַסטער, רוסלאַנד 185.18 לבס. (84 קג)
(ל) דזשאָו “DieselRiggs (47-17-1, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-0-1), טשאַללענגער, USA 185.18 לבס. (84 קג)
FLYWEIGHTS — 3 רענטגענ 5
(ל) קריס “The Greek AssassinKelades (12-3-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), קאַנאַדע 124.56 לבס. (56.5 קג)
(ר) Alexander Pletenko (13-4-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0-), אוקריינא 125 לבס. (56.7 קג)
ליגהטוועיגהץ – 3 רענטגענ 5
(ל) Rogerio Karranca (13-3-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-1-0), Brazil 154.32 לבס. (70 קג)
(ר) אַלעקסיי “אַסיינמאַנט” מאַכנאָ (17-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 4-3-0), רוסלאַנד לבס. 161.82 לבס. (73.4 קג)
(yellow card) –
FLYWEIGHTS – 3 רענטגענ 5
(ל) MikaelHulkSilander (17-6-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-1-0), Finland 124.78 לבס. (56.6 קג)
(ר) Nureles Aidarov (3-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 1-0-0), קירגיזיע 124.56 לבס. (56.5 קג)
פּרעלימינאַרי קאָרט
כעוויווייץ – 3 רענטגענ 5
Charles-Henri Lucien (0-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), France228.62 lbs. (103.7 קג)
Yuriy Fedorov (פֿאַר דעבוט), רוסלאַנד 260.15 לבס. (118 קג)
Nikolay Rachek (7-5-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), רוסלאַנד 249.12 לבס. (113 קג)
Nikolay Savilov (11-3-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 3-1-0), רוסלאַנד 231.82 לבס. (105.15 קג)
מידדלעוועיגהץ – 3 רענטגענ 5
Nikita Novikov (5-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), רוסלאַנד 184.42 לבס. (83.65 קג)
Vladimir Migovich (0-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), רוסלאַנד 182.87 לבס. (82.95 קג)
Mark Hulme (5-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), דרום אפריקע 183.76 לבס. (83.35 קג)
Vadim Shabadash (7-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 2-0-0), רוסלאַנד 184.64 לבס. (83.75 קג)
ליגהטוועיגהץ – 3 רענטגענ 5
Magomed Magomedov (8-2-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), רוסלאַנד 154.98 לבס. (70.3 קג)
Nikita Podkovalnikov (1-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), רוסלאַנד 154.54 לבס. (70.1 קג)
באַנטאַמוועיגהץ – 3 רענטגענ 5
Sergey Klyuev (5-1-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 3-1-0), רוסלאַנד 135.14 לבס. (61.3 קג)
Ilya Karetnikov (4-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), רוסלאַנד 128.97 לבס. (58.5 קג)
FLYWEIGHTS – 3 רענטגענ 5
Egor Filidov (פּראָ דעבוט), רוסלאַנד 122.8 לבס. (55.7 קג)
Pierre Ludet (3-0-0, <אַ href="http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=tr&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=iw&u=http://fightnewsunlimited.com/category/m-1/?lang=yi&usg=ALkJrhj46WvEnsOMiIaqDIFKQ9-j03dE1A">M-1: 0-0-0), פֿראַנקרייַך, 125 לבס. (56.7 קג)
(all fights & fighters subject to change)


ווען: פרייַטיק, יוני 1, 2018
ווו: Chelyabinsk, רוסלאַנד
פאַרשפּרייטער: ב-1 גלאבאלע
לעבן טייַך: www.m1global.tv (9.00 אַ.ם. און / 6:00 אַ.ם. פּט in USA). Also available onFITE.TV (preliminary card is free, $7.99 for the main card)

טוויטטער & ינסטאַגראַם:
@ מ1גלאָבאַלנעווס
@ מ1גלאָבאַל
אַפּקאַמינג עווענץ:
יוני 1 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 93: Shelemnko vs. Silva in Chelyabinsk, רוסלאַנד
יוני 15 – ב-1 טשאַלאַנדזש 94: יסמאַגולאָוו ווס. Damkovsky in Orenburg, רוסלאַנד