Archivo de la categoría: Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra


Portland, Maine (Febrero 8, 2019) – Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra (NEF) presentará sus próximos mixtos de artes marciales (MMA) evento, “NEF 38: TORMENTA DE NACIMIENTO,” de abril 27, 2019 en el Aura en Portland. El día de hoy, the fight promotion announced the second amateur title fight confirmed for the event. Zac “Rocoso” Ricardo (3-0-1) se enfrentará a Tom “El Fenómeno” Pagliarulo (2-1) for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Championship.

It will be Richard’s second attempt at capturing the title. A principios de este mes, Richard fought Fred Lear (6-2-1) to a thrilling five-round draw for the strap in Bangor, Maine. The bout is considered by many to be a very early contender for “Pelea del Año” in New England thus far. Lear’s decision to turn professional after that fight nixed any hope for an immediate rematch.

Ricardo, la 2018 “Novato del año NEF” as voted by the promotion’s fans, went on a tear last year with three first-round finishes. He has never been a stranger to the winner’s circle, having won a Maine state championship in wrestling for Massabesic High School in 2015. Richard hopes to replicate that success on April 27 and take the featherweight strap home in his second attempt.

Richard represents team Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire where he trains under current UFC fighter, y ex campeón profesional de peso ligero de NEF, Devin Powell (9-4).

Now that I’ve been in a war, I know what I need to work on,” dijo Richard. “I’ve came so far in just one year. I’m going to blow the roof off of AURA. No way around it, I want that title. I’m going to come back faster, stronger and smarter. Tom is a great fighter and I know this fight will bring out the best in me.

Tom Pagliarulo will be making his NEF debut on April 27. He has two finishes to his credit on MMA events in New Hampshire, including a first-round technical knockout last fall. Like Richard, Pagliarulo cut his teeth on the wrestling mats. Él es un luchador de toda la vida. He competed for Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, Massachusetts and later for Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Pagliarulo currently holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and trains at both Burgess MMA in Manchester, New Hampshire and Spero’s Martial Arts Academy in Plaistow, New Hampshire.

What better way to make my NEF debut than a title fight against a tough competitor,” exclaimed Pagliarulo when reached for comment. “Zac and myself are both elite wrestlers which should make for an exciting fight. The opportunity was presented to me, and I know it is a fight that will make us both better, so I jumped all over it. As far as the title goes, this is just another fight for me. I’m going to go in there and do what I love to do, lucha.”

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, “NEF 38: TORMENTA DE NACIMIENTO,” se llevará a cabo el sábado, Abril 27, 2019 en el Aura en Portland, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 7 pm. Las entradas están a la venta


Tres incursiones previas en la jaula de New England Fights exigieron cinco minutos y nueve segundos de Zac Richard..

Ese fue el tiempo total que le tomó al nativo de Waterboro, Maine, acumular tres victorias por nocaut o sumisión y ganar una oportunidad por el título vacante de peso pluma amateur NEF en NEF 37 el viernes, Febrero 1.

Richard probablemente solo ahora aprecia completamente cómo las probabilidades estaban en su contra esa noche helada.. Estaba emparejado con Fred Lear, un veterano de ocho peleas anteriores que ganó el cinturón de peso gallo en su salida anterior. Tanto la casa de Lear como el centro de formación se encuentran a tiro de piedra del Cross Insurance Center, escena del enfrentamiento.

Si bien los empates son un giro poco común en las artes marciales mixtas, y las corbatas son calumniadas universalmente como un resultado insatisfactorio de cualquier esfuerzo deportivo, Richard puede apreciar a los jueces’ indecisión después del primer donnybrook verdadero de su incipiente carrera.

"Antes de la pelea cuando anunciaron nuestros nombres, Pensé que el lugar iba a explotar. Fue salvaje,"Richard dijo. "Y luego la pelea fue bastante pareja todo el tiempo. Seguí pensando para mí mismo, no estas perdiendo, pero no estás ganando por mucho. Eso es todo en lo que seguía pensando ".

Ricardo, un campeón de lucha libre del estado de Maine en la escuela secundaria, ha trabajado en los puntos más finos de su juego de pie con el veterano de UFC Devin Powell y otros instructores en Nostos MMA en Somersworth, New Hampshire.

El orgullo y la practicidad persuadieron a Richard a participar en tácticas de pelea con Lear, pero los viejos hábitos tardan en morir.

"Todo empezó bien. Me sentí en control desde el principio. Quería estar de pie y realmente mostrar cuánto ha venido mi golpe,"Richard dijo. “Y sabía que Fred era un verdadero oponente en el campo y ha estado entrenando mucho más tiempo que yo. Así que quería mantenerlo en mis pies. Pero seguir siendo un luchador es un hábito. La primera combinación que tiré, Bajé por un trago ".

El asalto de Lear al cuerpo sin duda afectó físicamente a Richard. El recién llegado obviamente nunca experimentó un trauma tan contundente en sus días de combate previos a las MMA y no había sido tocado en la racha de victorias que abrió su carrera contra Gabriel Díaz., Clifford Redman y Chris Lachcik.

"Me quedé realmente gaseado y sin aliento, porque seguía aterrizando rodillas y puñetazos al cuerpo,"Richard dijo, “Seguí esperando que llegara mi segundo aire y nunca lo hizo. Intenté hacer una combinación o un buen golpe de vez en cuando ".

Incluso sentarse en el taburete en su rincón entre rondas era surrealista.

Por supuesto que había pensamientos sobre la hermana de Richard., De encaje, quien perdió su batalla contra el cáncer en 2012 pero sigue inspirando a Zac con su espíritu de lucha. Tener tiempo para estar en contacto con los pensamientos de uno y examinar el paisaje no es la norma cuando estás acabando con tus oponentes antes de que el eco de la campana de apertura se desvanezca..

"La mayoría de mis peleas han sido bastante rápidas. Definitivamente fue una experiencia extraña,"Richard dijo. "Nunca he tenido eso entre rondas. Estaba mirando a la multitud y siempre veía a un amigo, familiar o compañero de entrenamiento.. Fue mucho más importante de lo que estoy acostumbrado ".

Cuando se hizo obvio, Lear no estaba maduro para ser eliminado, Richard trató de equilibrar la autodefensa teniendo en cuenta las tarjetas de puntuación..

"Pasando a la cuarta y quinta ronda, Sabía que estaba cansado, y sabía que Fred podía golpear y patear igual de bien,"Él dijo. "Estaba pensando para mí mismo, "Tienes que mantener las manos en alto. Esto es peligroso cuando estás cansado.’ Todo lo que seguía pensando era que no me golpearan. Golpealo.

"Cada vez que los clackers sonaban, cuando hubo 10 segundos restantes, Intenté levantarme desde abajo o dar una patada o dar un último buen golpe. Eso fue diferente, porque nunca tuve eso, nunca escuché los clackers de 10 segundos. Definitivamente pude escucharlo más que el timbre, porque los últimos segundos se volvería tan caótico y todos se pondrían tan ruidosos. El árbitro simplemente nos agarraría, soy como, 'Se terminó?’ Nunca experimenté algo así en la lucha libre ".

Esas batallas de ida y vuelta en asuntos regionales y estatales le sirvieron a Richard.. Sintió que estaba mentalmente preparado para las rondas del campeonato., incluso cuando el costo físico aumentó.

Richard reconoció que tiene la mala costumbre de entrenar sin usar su protector bucal y que puede haber afectado su respiración en el combate..

"He estado en algunos combates de lucha bastante largos, tantos tipos diferentes como puedas entrar,"Richard dijo. “Siempre fui un buen luchador en las horas extraordinarias. No creo que haya perdido nunca en horas extras. Si lo hice, fue como una vez. Pero lo que pasa con la lucha libre es que no te golpean ni te dan un rodillazo en el estómago y otras cosas que te quitan el aliento.. Estaba tan cansado. Sabía todo el tiempo que no estaba orgulloso de mi desempeño, pero tienes que hacer lo que tienes que hacer. Seguí diciéndome a mí mismo que tenía que levantarme y hacer algo ".

Aunque descontento con el sorteo, Richard se anima por muchos detalles que han salido a la luz después de la pelea..

El resultado mixto seguramente dio derecho a Richard a una revancha inmediata.. Eso no sucederá explícitamente, como Lear le informó que tiene la intención de convertirse en profesional.

"Recuerdo febrero 14 del año pasado fue la primera pelea de NEF a la que fui. Solo había estado entrenando durante un mes y (NEF copropietario y casamentera) Matt Peterson me pidió que fuera,"Richard dijo. "Así que fui, y aquí está un año después estoy peleando por un cinturón contra un niño que luchó por el cinturón hace un año y medio. Descubrir después de la pelea que se está volviendo profesional, Realmente me hizo sentir mucho más orgulloso de cómo lo hice. Si puede ser profesional después de esa pelea, y solo he estado peleando por un año, entonces tengo muchas esperanzas para mi futuro ".

Ese futuro incluirá otra grieta en el cinturón, de abril 27º.

"Yo soy el número 1 contendiente, y se está volviendo profesional, entonces es quien sea el siguiente,"Richard dijo. "No sé si van a traer a alguien de otro lugar o qué. Matt dijo que está trabajando en el oponente. Voy a estar listo ".

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, “NEF 38: TORMENTA DE NACIMIENTO,” se llevará a cabo el sábado, Abril 27, 2019 en el Aura en Portland, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 7 pm. Las entradas están a la venta


Bangor, Maine (Febrero 2, 2019) - Mientras que el vórtice polar se congeló en el cercano río Penobscot, Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra (NEF) tenía el mercurio subiendo con algunas artes marciales mixtas salvajes (MMA) acción dentro del Cross Insurance Center el viernes por la noche. La popular promoción de la pelea trajo su último evento a Bangor con otra multitud agotada de más de 1200 en mano. Fue el cuarto evento, y cuarto vendido, en Bangor para NEF desde 2016. El evento fue apropiadamente titulado “BAJO CERO” en previsión del clima escalofriante que arrecia afuera.

El evento principal vio a Josh Harvey (6-0-1) reclamar la correa NEF Professional Featherweight cuando derrotó a Bill Jones (13-11) en la primera ronda mediante presentación técnica. Al hacerlo, Harvey hizo historia como el primer competidor en ganar títulos en dos divisiones de peso diferentes en NEF. Anteriormente ostentaba el título NEF Amateur Lightweight..

Mark Gardner (1-0) fue victorioso sobre CJ Ewer (3-3) en el debut profesional de Gardner. Ewer no pudo continuar después de la primera ronda debido a un corte sobre su ojo.

En el cabeza de cartel amateur, Fred Lear (6-2-1) y Zac Richard (3-0-1) luchó por un empate de cinco asaltos con los jueces’ tarjetas de puntuación en una pelea por el título vacante de peso pluma amateur NEF. Lear tuvo un punto quitado en la primera ronda por el árbitro John English por agarrar la jaula. El campeonato amateur de peso pluma sigue vacante.

Catie Denning (2-1) y Glory Watson (3-0) ambos obtuvieron victorias para Young’s MMA en sus respectivos combates femeninos. Denning derrotó a Amanda Bennett (0-1) por decisión dividida, mientras que Watson presentó a Rachael Lippert de Wisconsin (4-3) en la tercera ronda.

Los resultados de Bangor, Maine:


Josh Harvey def. Bill Jones vía presentación técnica, ronda 1

Mark Gardner def. CJ Ewer por nocaut técnico, ronda 2


Fred Lear luchó contra Zac Richard en un empate de cinco asaltos

Devin Corson def. Taylor Bartlett por decisión unánime

Catie Denning def. Amanda Bennett por decisión dividida

Jake Bagley def. Brady MacDonald por decisión unánime

Bryce Bamford def. Roger Ewer vía KO, ronda 1

Glory Watson def. Rachael Lippert vía guillotina, ronda 3

Nate Boucher def. Dillon Henry a través de la sumisión por el culo, ronda 1

Jordan Young def. Clifford Redman a través de la sumisión trasero desnudo, ronda 1

Rob Kiah def. Joe Howard a través de la sumisión de estrangulamiento trasero desnudo, ronda 2

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, “NEF 38: TORMENTA DE NACIMIENTO,” se llevará a cabo el sábado, Abril 27, 2019 en el Aura en Portland, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 7 pm. Los boletos están a la venta en


Bangor, Maine (Enero 28, 2019) – Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra (NEF) undefeated prospect Josh “Hook-On” Harvey is not intimated by the tough talk of his opponent, longtime mixed martial arts (MMA) veteran Bill “Jonesi” Jones. The two are scheduled for a five-round 25-minute Featherweight Championship bout this Friday, Febrero 1st en el Centro de Seguros Cruz en Bangor, Maine.

“I heard a lot about his interview,” Harvey recently stated to Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on theEntre rondas de radio podcast during a remote recording of the show that was heard at the Sea Dog Brewing Company. “I didn’t hear it because I don’t really bother with that… I get enough trash floating around—I don’t need to listen to it.”

Harvey was referring to some strong words that Jones had for him recently during multiple podcast interviews he’s delivered, including one toEntre rondas de radio where Jones predicted a first round knockout victory over Harvey. In the same interview, Jones also criticized Harvey’s ability to make weight, the caliber of opponents that he’s faced, y, specifically, Harvey’s most recent fight—a three-round draw withThe Ultimate Fighter finalist Joe Giannetti.

“The truth is, I’ve had struggles making weight as of recently,” Harvey stated.

“Against Giannetti, on three-week’s notice, sí, I missed weight and I think what I did is I shut down that quote-unquote godly jiu-jitsu game that he has,” Harvey explained. “I don’t think there was one successful (expletivo) sub attempt.”

Harvey admitted that making weight is always a challenge. He admitted that he walks around at 175-pounds and has even swelled to as big as 190-pounds during an 18-month stretch when he was inactive due to an injury. Harvey also noted that he has made the weight before and anticipates no issues reaching the contracted 145-pound championship scratch weight limit for his showdown with Jones.

“I’ve made championship weight for featherweight before,dijo harvey. “Against [Derek] Shorey, I was ’44.”

During the interview, Harvey acknowledged that Jones has faced an impressive list of opponents during his storied fight career that stretches back almost 12-years.

“I’m a rookie compared to my opponent, he would say,” Harvey stated. “He’s fought a lot of big names, a lot of big guys.”

“I know that he’s fought a lot of big guys, but I think most of them got to the big show after they fought him,” Harvey continued. “I haven’t fought a lot of those names, but I also haven’t lost to a lot of those names.”

Jones has criticized Harvey by suggesting that he “doesn’t like to get, hit” to which Harvey replied simply: “No one likes to get hit.”

“If I can see a fight being finished with me victorious without taking a whole lot of damage—I mean, that’s a no-brainer,” Harvey explained.

Harvey also recognized the similarity in attitudes and fight styles that the two scheduled opponents share. “I typically am the same way,dijo harvey. “I’m going out there to fight to kill, or be killed.”

“I’m prepared for five rounds, but if it goes five rounds it means someone’s not doing their job—me,” Harvey explained. “I’m not doing my job if it goes five rounds because I’m sure within the first few rounds an opportunity will present itself and a missed opportunity is something we can’t have.”

Although reluctant to offer a prediction on how he might finish the fight, Harvey is confident that he will execute another efficient in-cage conclusion on Friday, the kind of performance that has become his calling card since finishing five of his six professional opponents in the first round.

“I can’t tell you when it’s going to happen or whether I’m going to go out there and sub him or I’m going to go out there and knock him out or if it’s going to be first round or if it’s going to be last round,dijo harvey.

“I just want to get out there, poner en un espectáculo, get the finish, and remain ready to fight again.”

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, "NEF 37: BAJO CERO,” will take place on Friday, Febrero 1, 2019 en Cross Insurance Center en Bangor, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 8 pm. Las entradas ya están a la venta


Bangor, Maine (Enero 27, 2019) – Similar to his scheduled opponent in the February 1st main event of New England Fights’ “NEF 37: BAJO CERO,” card at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine, Bill “Jonesi” Jones is known as a hardworking entrepreneur that is focused on getting ahead in life.

As Jones himself recently stated bluntly: “I’m on a mission to get rich.”

Jones’ opponent for Friday night, undefeated hammer Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, is also known within the Penobscot County region where he resides as a sun-up to sun-down grinder that doesn’t stop until he crams 25-hours worth of work into a 24-hour day.

That is where their similarities end, sin embargo.

In the lead-in to their fight, Jones has been vocal in his predictions that he will finish Harvey quickly by knocking him out in the first round if the fight stays standing.

Harvey, Por otra parte, has been relatively quiet before their five-round Featherweight Championship bout.

Jones was at it again recently when he joined Craig Allen onFight Night Picks to talk about his upcoming showdown with Harvey.

“I think Harvey likes to look good,” Jones stated. “I think he likes to protect his face and look pretty. Así, I think when I start smashing on him, he’s going to cover up and bail out really quick.”

The lone blemish on Harvey’s record-to-date came back in November when he fought to a draw withThe Ultimate Fighter finalist Joe Giannetti at a show in Massachusetts. Many in attendance felt that Harvey won the bout.

Jones, mientras tanto, saw the fight and wasn’t impressed with Harvey’s performance.

"[Harvey’s fight with] Giannetti was more of a hugging match,” Jones told Allen. “Two guys just kind-of hanging on to each other for 15-minutes, no damage done. I’m going to throw down and fire until there’s no more bullets to come out. It’s going to be exciting, No puedo esperar ".

At 40-years old, Jones knows that age eventually gets the better of every combat sports athlete and that, de modo realista, he’s looking at his final few fights. Fully aware of this, Jones is pleased to be finishing out his career back home with New England Fights.

“It’s good to bring it back home toward the end of my career,” Jones stated. “It will be nice to bang out Harvey here and maybe get that fight with Lacey, like they were talking about, and close it out with him. We’ll see where it goes.”

“It’s not about the money for me anymore—it’s not about the sponsors. It’s about the competition,” Jones concluded. “I want to go out there and kick some more ass. I make plenty of money doing my day job, so it is what it is—let’s go beat people up.”

To listen to the full interview with Bill Jones visit:

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, "NEF 37: BAJO CERO,” will take place on Friday, Febrero 1, 2019 en Cross Insurance Center en Bangor, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 8 pm. Las entradas ya están a la venta

Acerca de Peleas de Nueva Inglaterra

Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra ("NEF") es una empresa de eventos promociones lucha. La misión de la NEF es crear los eventos de más alta calidad para los combatientes y aficionados por igual. El equipo ejecutivo de NEF tiene una amplia experiencia en la gestión de los deportes de combate, producción de eventos, relaciones con los medios, mercadeo, legal y publicidad.


There are always burning questions as New England Fights flips the calendar into a new year.

Based on the fan voting at the end of a wild 2018 campaña, one occupies everyone’s mind: What can Kam Arnold possibly do for an encore?

Arnold, a relative newcomer from Casco, Maine, posted the second and third opening-round knockouts of his young career, including an 11-second demolition of David Thompson.

He followed that by fighting Killian Murphy on short notice and earning an unforgettable fourth-round stoppage to win the organization’s amateur bantamweight title at NEF 34 en junio. That decision locked up fighter of the year honors, a distinction that immediately puts the outspoken Arnold (4-0) in some serious company, as he explained in a recent interview on “This Week in MMA” with Craig and Matt Allen of Fight Night Picks.

"Es una locura, because you know what? I never expected it. The way the polls go, its kind of like a popularity contest. I never thought I was going to get past Ryan Sanders, let alone the fan base that he carries and some of the other guys,"Arnold dijo. “I know I have a great fan base as well. When it comes down to earning it, in my mind without a doubt I was the most deserving, but I was just happy to be in the ballpark with Ryan. He’s a big name. He’s sculpted his career. He’s been battling to get into the UFC for a while now.”

Arnold already harbors similar expectations for himself. He hinted at a major fight announcement in the near future and sees it as a springboard to his continued meteoric rise.

His scrap with Murphy – a substitute after Arnold spent much of his fight camp preparing for the more wiry Mike Crespo – was a testament to the champion’s focus and single-minded determination.

“They said, ‘You want to fight this?’ Y yo soy como, ‘Yeah, that title’s mine, No me importa quién es, I’m fighting him.I had two weeks to prepare for Killian, who is a state champ wrestler, so that changed up my game plan, pero (Yo estaba confiado) as long as I imposed my will,"Arnold dijo.

“That fight with Killian was a very poor performance for me. I feel like that was a really bad showing in my eyes. Did I show a lot of heart? Sí. And I have a good chin. That’s stuff I feel like I already know about myself. I was very disappointed in myself. Not disappointed in the outcome. So don’t get me wrong, (Era un) great outcome. I’m just a pretty tough critic, Supongo."

When it was over, Arnold was relieved to find an opponent who finally pushed him. He worried that the series of quick wins over Glenn Kasabian, Kyle Kenney and Thompson weren’t conducive to his pursuit of long-term glory.

“It was kind of worrisome honestly, and I’m not trying to make that into a cocky statement at all,"Arnold dijo. “It was more like, 'OK, when is my test coming, and what is that test going to be like?’ The eyes never left the prize. My goal is to be a world champion.”

Other athletes and teams make the most of so-called bulletin board fodder. Some would say the New England Patriots used it to their advantage in the run to their latest AFC championship. When rivals, journalists or even fans utter words that may be veiled insults, they become motivational medicine.

Arnold is no exception. He heard the whispers that he hadn’t been tested, or that Murphy was a superior wrestler, or that someone able to take away Arnold’s stand-up acumen would enjoy better results.

“I felt in some cases slapped in the face since I first started,"Arnold dijo. “I think that’s what carries the chip on my shoulder. That’s why I keep on going, keep on going, keep on going.

“Every camp I find that little something to put the fuel to my fire. A lot of people seem to forget, Soy un luchador, demasiado, and I’ve shown that in the very few fights I’ve had. You look at the blast double that I had on Kyle Kenney. I have very good wrestling (habilidades). Ask my training partners. So I think a lot of people take my ground game for granted. They’re going to see what my jiu-jitsu is like. Don’t sleep on it.”

Although he has settled into a comfort zone at 135 libra, Arnold said he isn’t against moving up a weight class or even two if it will help expand his options for opponents.

Being the smaller, underestimated guy doesn’t bother him much: Arnold grew up as the youngest child in a family of all boys. He described it to the Allen’s as a rough upbringing in which the last child in life had no choice but to fight for what he wanted.

“We didn’t get a lot of opportunity to get out and pursue what I thought back then were never-been dreams. Then I hit what I would call rock bottom and I had no choice,"Él dijo. “I’m a hungry, luchador hambriento. A lot of guys are in there to compete. I’m not in there to compete. I’m there to put your lights out. Quiero ganar. I think that really sets me apart from everybody else.”

While Arnold still is making his mark in the amateur ranks, he considers mixed martial arts his profession and career path.

Beginning with the fight he’s eyeing on the immediate horizon, every camp this year is a likely building block toward those aspirations.

“I’ve been dying for 2019 to come along. It’s nothing but success this year. I can’t wait to turn it up a notch,"Arnold dijo. “Look for me on the big stage at the end of 2019. It’s coming.”

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, “NEF 37: BAJO CERO,” se llevará a cabo el viernes, Febrero 1, 2019 en Cross Insurance Center en Bangor, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 8 pm. A very limited number of tickets are still on-sale by contacting NEF directly through its Facebook page “Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra.”

Acerca de Peleas de Nueva Inglaterra

Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra ("NEF") es una empresa de eventos promociones lucha. La misión de la NEF es crear los eventos de más alta calidad para los combatientes y aficionados por igual. El equipo ejecutivo de NEF tiene una amplia experiencia en la gestión de los deportes de combate, producción de eventos, relaciones con los medios, mercadeo, legal y publicidad.


Bill “Jonesi” Jones has seen and done it all during a decorated mixed martial arts (MMA) career that spans back more than a decade. En febrero 1st, he’ll look to add another noteworthy accomplishment to his deep fight resume when he faces highly touted, undefeated prospect Josh “Hook-On” Harvey for the New England Fights (NEF) professional Featherweight Championship in the main event at “NEF 37: SUB ZERO” in Bangor, Maine. Jones recently discussed his storied record and his upcoming championship bout with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on the Entre rondas de radio podcast.

Jones made his MMA debut in September 2007. Over the course of more than 20-bouts, he fought and defeated a who’s-who of New England’s top-tier combat sports athletes, including multiple opponents that went on to compete in the world’s largest promotions such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Liga de luchadores profesionales (formally known as WSOF), y Bellator. Jones holds wins over UFC veterans Matt Bessette and Tateki Matsuda. It’s this experience against high-level competition that Jones believes will give him an edge over Harvey on February 1st.

“I’ve won fights and I’ve lost fights in the Northeast, but a good portion of my fights were top contenders at 155 or 145,” Jones told Jarrell and Stackpole. “Harvey’s never really fought—other than his last fight that he fought to a decision and he didn’t really show anything in—he’s never fought anybody to the caliber of the guys that I’ve fought. Así, I feel really good about that going into this fight.”

“I’m going to bust ass and smash through this guy,” Jones added.

Bill made his highly anticipated debut with NEF in April 2018, finishing Matt Denning in the second round via technical knockout.

“Beating Denning pretty decisively the way I did—it felt good to get back in the win column, but it still doesn’t show me,” Jones said. “I feel like I should have beat him in the first round, not the second round.”

The win set-up Jones for a title match showdown with Aaron Lacey for the vacant professional featherweight championship in November 2018, but the bout was scrapped when Lacey sustained an injury that forced him to withdraw.

“When he backed out, I was super, extremely disappointed,” Jones explained. “I was extremely disappointed… Lacey’s more of a 145-pound fighter. Harvey, if he makes weight at 145, he is going to have a really rough night because it’s just going to be a lot of weight for him to cut. After the first round, if he makes it out of it, it’s going to wear on him.”

“In my brain, I knew he [Lacey] wasn’t going to make it out of the first round with me—it was a win,” Jones continued. “It was just one of those fights where you knew, you walked in there, and you walked out victorious. I know it’s a tougher fight with Harvey, but in my mind, it’s the same fight.”

With Lacey currently on the sidelines, Lacey’s teammate, fast rising Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, agreed to step in and put his 5-0-1 record on the line against Jones in the feature fight for NEF’s 2019 return to Bangor.

“Every fight that I’ve watched him [Harvey] lucha, it seems like he comes out and tries to stand with them, but then as soon as they start throwing back, I feel like he gets nervous and shoots,” Jones said. "Entonces, he flashes off like he’s a standup fighter, but then as soon as they start to attack, he instantly shoots. So that, en mi mente, makes me feel like he’s a pretty boy that doesn’t want to get hurt. He doesn’t want to get hit.”

“I feel like he’s going to crumble under the pace that I put on him. I’m a more of an attack, in-your-face fighter and I feel like he’s going to fold under that.”

When “Jonesi” and Hook-On” face-off on February 1st, it will be in the heart of winter in Maine, hence the title of the aptly named event, “Sub Zero.” Unlike many combat athletes that try to avoid cutting weight over the long holiday season, Jones, who works full-time during the day as a roofing foreman supervising a crew of 12 laborers, prefers competing during the winter months.

“Wintertime is always a good time for me to train,” Jones explained to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I get out of work fairly early in the wintertime. We work dark-to-dark in the summer, so I don’t get home until 6, 7, 8 o’clock—so it’s hard to make it to the gym. So winter time is a real good training schedule for me.”

Jones, who normally walks around at 155-pounds despite the admission that he normally “eats out of gas stations” when he’s not in fight camp, predicts no problems whatsoever in terms of making the championship scratch weight limit of 145-pounds. When asked, sin embargo, on whether he thinks his opponent will make the weight, he couldn’t express the same confidence.

“I have trouble seeing Harvey making weight for the fight,” Jones said. “I’m going to fight him either way, whatever weight he walks in at. Pero, I believe that Lacey is really the one that is in line for it. Quiero decir, Harvey hasn’t made weight for a fight at 45 en un momento. The fight he just had with Joe-Joe [Gianetti] that he just kind-of held on to the whole time, he missed weight by four or five pounds…. He’s going to have a tough time making that weight.”

Regardless of the weight, Jones is unwavering in his belief that he has the tools to put the first loss on Harvey’s record. Harvey, not known for losing frequently in any combat sport, was also a multiple-time state champion wrestler.

“I think he’s going to try to wrestle me,” Jones said. “I think he’s going to try to take me down and win by wearing me out… If he lets it stay standing, I’ll probably knock him out in the first round.”

Having kicked a 25-year smoking habit a few years ago, Jones feels revitalized and better than ever and ready for the challenge in front of him on February 1st.

“I really want to win that belt,"Él dijo. “I’m 40-years old. Life moves on and I don’t know how many more years I got to push into the sport, but it’s a good time for me.

“I don’t look at it as a job like everybody else, or something that I dream to do,” Jones explained. “Me encanta luchar. I love the atmosphere of it, I love the competition of it.

“I want to end my career on a high note.”

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, "NEF 37: BAJO CERO,” will take place on Friday, Febrero 1, 2019 en Cross Insurance Center en Bangor, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 8 pm. Las entradas ya están a la venta

Acerca de Peleas de Nueva Inglaterra

Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra ("NEF") es una empresa de eventos promociones lucha. La misión de la NEF es crear los eventos de más alta calidad para los combatientes y aficionados por igual. El equipo ejecutivo de NEF tiene una amplia experiencia en la gestión de los deportes de combate, producción de eventos, relaciones con los medios, mercadeo, legal y publicidad.


PARA PUBLICACION INMEDIATA: Bangor, Maine (Enero 23, 2019) – Nate Boucher’s journey inside the New England Fights’ (NEF) las artes marciales mixtas (MMA) cage has not been a course without its challenges and heartbreak along the way.

After winning his first two outings at the start of his amateur fight career, Boucher, a lifelong wrestler, earned a chance to compete for the NEF Flyweight Championship. His title shot came in November 2017 in front of a sold-out crowd when NEF made its highly anticipated Portland, Maine debut. Esa noche, Boucher was outscored on the judge’s cards and dropped a close, controversial split-decision to NEF veteran Justin Witham. It’s a loss that continues to confound Boucher almost a year and a half later.

“As far as I’m concerned, I won the flyweight title that night,” Boucher stated recently in an interview with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on theEntre rondas de radiopodcast. “I try to watch that fight and be optimistic the best that I can. I try to watch that fight and be respectful of what the judge’s could have seen. There’s not an absolute bone in my body that sees the fight going the way the judge’s said it went. Habiendo dicho eso, they decided that Justin Witham won that night. He knows I’m coming after him. I’m going to do what it takes to get back into that title conversation and I’m going to get that win back. "

The Witham loss would be followed by two more defeats for Boucher.

In Boucher’s first fight back after losing to Witham, he dropped another split-decision against his hometown wrestling rival, multiple-time state champion, and former NEF Flyweight Champion, Ryan "Gordo" Burgess.

Jumping right back into the cage two months after his loss to Burgess, Boucher sustained the only stoppage defeat on his record when he lost via third-round technical knockout to former bantamweight title contender, Walt Shea, who fights out of John Raio’s First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine.

Pasado noviembre, down but not out, Boucher rebounded from three-losses-in-a-row by finishing 2018 off with a first-round submission victory over Jordan Young, a state champion wrestler from Belfast, Maine. The contest took place in the 135-pound weight class.

“Jordan was coming off of a win against my teammate—a tough teammate of mine,”Dijo Boucher. “Not many guys on a three-fight skid would take a fight with a guy coming off of a win and then beat him in the first round. Así, I hope that opened some eyes for people so they know exactly what I’m about and they know that I’m strong mentally.

“I’m very happy with myself that I was able to fight like I train,” Boucher recounted regarding his win over Young. “The cut to 135 isn’t as much as it is to flyweight and I think that played a big part in my cardio. I was in great shape for that fight. Mentalmente, I knew I was going to win months before the fight happened.”

With six bouts already under his belt, Boucher, at only 22-years of age, knows that he still has limitless room to grow within the sport.

“I’m an amateur,” he noted to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I’m a student of the game and I’m learning and developing my skills. I haven’t even come close to what my full potential is. I knew what I can achieve—I know what is possible if I stay on the path.”

Boucher’s 2019 fight season officially begins on Friday, Febrero 1st when he’s scheduled to face newcomer Dillon Henry from First Class MMA. Henry is also a wrestler, having competed for Windham High School. Henry now trains with one of Boucher’s previous opponents, Walt Shea. Regardless of being pitted against the teammate of the only fighter that’s ever stopped him in MMA competition, Boucher stated that he’s confident in the matchup.

“I know he’s going to be training with Walt Shea, obviamente,”Dijo Boucher. “I know that Walt Shea is going to pass down information he feels is going to help him. It won’t… He seems to look like a strong guy. All I am going to do is I’m going to prepare myself and I’m going to become a better fighter in this fight camp and I’m going to go out there and fight him. I think it will go my way, for sure.”

Squaring off in the cage against other talented wrestlers is nothing new for Boucher. He defeated four-time Maine state wrestling champion Jeremiah Barkac by first-round submission the last time he competed in Bangor. Ryan Burgess was a three-time state champion for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine.

“I probably perform at my best against wrestlers,” Boucher stated. “They have really bad habits that a lot of wrestlers don’t seem to be able to shake off their first couple of fights, including myself. Fortunate for me, I have a coach like Jesse Erickson who’s a top-level guy when it comes to the jiu jitsu game around these parts, and he’s shown me the difference between what wrestling the sport is and what wrestling in a fight is. They’re different types of wrestling. I think he’s [Enrique] going to expose himself and leave himself open. He’s going to make some rookie mistakes and I’m going to capitalize.”

While the prospect of defeating another wrestler in the NEF cage is an inspiring proposition to Boucher, he’s also excited by the opportunity to once again compete in Maine’s Queen City.

“I’ve never lost in Bangor,” Nate said. “I love that venue. I love the city of Bangor. I’m excited to be there and I’m excited to be sharing a card with some of the monsters that are on it. There’s a lot of great fights on this card and I’m very much looking forward to seeing some of them myself. It’s going to be a great show—I can’t wait.”

“I’m starting to earn my stripes a little bit in the cage,” Boucher added. “I’m starting to get more comfortable. I’m starting to feel more and more like a recognized name in the NEF—and I think all of that is going to play a factor. I think he’s [Enrique] bit off a little more than he can chew for his first fight and, desafortunadamente, he’s going to figure that out very hard on February 1.”

Como 2018 came to a close, Boucher, like many forward-thinking individuals, clearly defined his goals for the year ahead.

“I will be the flyweight champ in the NEF at the end of this year [2019],” Boucher stated confidently. "No hay duda de eso. That’s what my mind is set on right now.

“My teammate, Kam Arnold, he’s going to carry that belt straight through at 135. Hombre, the two of us together are some bad dudes. I’m fortunate to have him to push me through this mentally and be able to get me on the right mindset of what a champion is supposed to be—and I’m going to be there, right there with him at flyweight. Hombre, it’s going to be one hell of a one-two punch, eso es seguro."

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, "NEF 37: BAJO CERO,” will take place on Friday, Febrero 1, 2019 en Cross Insurance Center en Bangor, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 8 pm. Las entradas ya están a la venta

Acerca de Peleas de Nueva Inglaterra

Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra ("NEF") es una empresa de eventos promociones lucha. La misión de la NEF es crear los eventos de más alta calidad para los combatientes y aficionados por igual. El equipo ejecutivo de NEF tiene una amplia experiencia en la gestión de los deportes de combate, producción de eventos, relaciones con los medios, mercadeo, legal y publicidad.


Bangor, Maine (Enero 18, 2019) - Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra (NEF) llevará a cabo su siguiente evento de artes marciales mixtas, “NEF 37: Bajo cero,” el viernes, Febrero 1, 2019 en el Centro de Seguros Cruz en Bangor, Maine. El día de hoy, la promoción anunció la cartelera completa para el evento.

En el evento principal de la noche, Josh “Enganchar” Harvey(5-0-1) se enfrentará aCuenta “Jonesi” Jones(13-10) para el profesional vacante de NEF MMA Título de peso pluma. Harvey viene de una mayoría muy controvertida empate en Massachusetts el otoño pasado contra el veterano de UFC Joe Giannetti (6-1-1).  Muchos observadores sintieron que Harvey había dominado a Giannetti durante tres rondas y Giannetti solo se salvó por una decisión local. Anterior a ese tiempo, Harvey tenía un récord profesional perfecto con cinco victorias consecutivas en la jaula NEF. Bill Jones es un pionero del New England MMA escena. Jones, un miembro de Nostos MMA, vencido Matt Denning (5-8) último primavera en “NEF 33” en Portland, Maine vía técnica de segunda ronda knockear.

Compañero de equipo de MMA de Harvey's YoungCJ Aguamanil (3-2) estará en acción en el evento co-estelar contra The AcademiaMarcos “Bolsillos” Gardner (0-0) en un peso capturado de 180 libras. Ewer es el NEF MMA Professional reinante Campeón de peso medio. Gardner hace su debut profesional después de un estelar carrera amateur que lo vio terminar con sus tres oponentes.

Ricky Dexter (1-0), también de MMA de Young, Redondea la parte profesional de la tarjeta contra Ruben Hombre rojo (0-2) en un concurso de peso welter. Ambos luchadores no han compitió en la jaula en dos años. Dexter es el ex NEF MMA Amateur Campeón de peso welter.

Fred Lear(6-2) encabezará la tarjeta amateur conzac Richard(3-0) en una pelea por el vacante NEF MMA Amateur Pluma Título. Lear ha tenido anteriormente el correa de peso gallo aficionado y buscará hacer historia NEF como la primera atleta para ganar títulos en diferentes divisiones de peso dentro de la promoción. Zac Richard fue votado como el “2018 Novato del Año” por los fans de NEF después derribando a sus tres oponentes anteriores en la primera ronda el año pasado.

Será un asunto de familia comoRoger Aguamanil(1-0), hermano y compañero de equipo de MMA de Young en el evento principal competidor CJ Ewer, se reúneBryce Bamford (2-0) de Primera Clase MMA en una pelea amateur de peso pesado. Esta será la segunda vez que Los hermanos Ewer han luchado juntos en una tarjeta en Bangor, el primero en agosto 2017 en “NEF 30.”

También aparece en la parte amateur de la cartelera serán dos peleas de mujeres. “2018 Novato de la Año” subcampeóngloria Watson (2-0) se enfrentará a ella más dura desafío hasta la fecha en forma de Wisconsin Rachael Lippert(4-2), mientrasCatie Denning (1-1) asume el debutAmanda Bennett (0-0) de First Class MMA. Watson y Denning son dos miembros del grupo conocido cariñosamente entre compañeros y aficionados como “Ángeles de Chris” mientras entrenan con Chris Young en Young's MMA en Bangor.

Las entradas están agotadas en taquilla y Ticketmaster, pero los fanáticos aún pueden contactar a NEF a través de su página de Facebook, “Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra,” ya que la promoción todavía tiene un alcance muy limitado número de entradas disponibles para la venta directa. Los boletos se venderán en un por orden de llegada hasta que se acaben.

El lleno “NEF 37” cartelera (sujeta a cambios y aprobación del Combate Deportes Autoridad de Maine):


145*TÍTULO Josh Harvey 5-0-1 (MMA de Young) contra Bill Jones 13-11 (nostos)

180 CJ Ewer 3-2 (Joven MMA) contra Mark Gardner 0-0 (La Academia)

170 Ricky Dexter 1-0 (MMA de Young) vs Ruben Redman 0-2 (Independiente)


145*TÍTULO Fred Lear 6-2 (Joven MMA) contra Zac Richard 3-0 (nostos)

155 Taylor Bartlett 1-1-1 (CMBJJ) contra Devin Corson 1-1 (El outlet)

145 Catie Denning 1-1 (MMA de Young) contra Amanda Bennett 0-0 (Primera Clase MMA)

130 Brady Macdonald 1-1 (Jiu-Jitsu del condado de Pictou) contra Jake Bagley 0-0 (nostos)

265 Roger Ewer 1-0 (MMA de Young) vs Bryce Bamford 2-0 (Primera Clase MMA)

135 Jordan Young 1-2 (MMA de Young) vs Clifford Redman 0-7 (Independiente)

135 Nate Boucher 3-3 (CMBJJ) contra Dillon Henry 0-0 (Primera Clase MMA)

125 gloria Watson 2-0 (MMA de Young) contra Rachael Lippert 4-2 (MMA intrépido)

145 Rob Kiah 1-0 (Joven MMA) contra Joe Howard 1-1 (CMBJJ)

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, “NEF 37: BAJO CERO,” se llevará a cabo el viernes, Febrero 1, 2019 a Centro de seguros cruzados en Bangor, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 8 pm. Muy un número limitado de entradas todavía están a la venta poniéndose en contacto con NEF directamente a través de su página de Facebook “Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra.”

Sobre Nueva Inglaterra Peleas

Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra ("NEF") es una empresa de eventos promociones lucha. La misión de NEF es crear el eventos de la más alta calidad para luchadores y fanáticos por igual. El equipo ejecutivo de NEF ha amplia experiencia en gestión de deportes de combate, producción de eventos, medios de comunicación relaciones, mercadeo, legal y publicidad. ?

Prospectos AMATEUR se reunirán en MUJERES pelea en NEF 37

Bangor, Maine (Enero 10, 2019) - Luchas de Nueva Inglaterra (NEF) llevará a cabo su siguiente evento de artes marciales mixtas, “NEF 37: Bajo cero,” el viernes, Febrero 1, 2019 en el Centro de Seguros Cruz en Bangor, Maine. El día de hoy, la promoción anunció la incorporación de pelea de peso mosca de mujeres pro aficionados a la tarjeta. gloria Watson (2-0) se enfrentará a Rachael Lippert (4-2) con un peso de pelea de 125 libras-.

Gloria Watson hizo su marca en la NEF jaula en 2018 con victorias sobre Chelsea Tucker y Megan Rosado. se ganó una nominación en el “Novato del Año” categoría. Ella estaba el segundo por detrás de su compañero invicto novato aficionado Zac Richard (3-0) en el ventilador votación el mes pasado. Watson entrena con MMA de Young en Bangor. los pelea con Lippert será su primera vez en su ciudad natal.

“He seguido de tren y el desafío yo desde mi victoria en Portland el pasado noviembre,” dijo Watson.“Estoy muy emocionado para finalmente hacer mi debut en mi ciudad natal de arranque rápido 2019 con un plazo de tres victorias consecutivas en los próximos tres meses! Estoy con ganas de mi regreso a la jaula y para mostrar mis seguidores el trabajo duro que he estado poniendo en mantener mi carrera con cero pérdidas!"

Rachael Lippert también está montando una De dos peleas ganar-racha en este combate. El mes pasado, se obtuvo la victoria en una tarjeta en Minnesota organizado por la herencia nacional de promoción de lucha contra la Alianza (LFA).  Ella es una de 25 años de edad, con un cinturón azul en Jiu-Jitsu representando audaz MMA de Janesville, Wisconsin.

“Estoy feliz de tener la oportunidad a los viajes y lucha,” Said Lippert. “En este punto, decidimos que no iban a aceptar un mayor peso o inferiores peleas récord. Esta lucha es ambas cosas, pero miré hacia arriba Gloria y se veía como un cacharro de una adversario. Sé lo que es trabajar duro y no llegar a luchar, así que estoy feliz de llenar el punto. Estoy mirando adelante a un gran lucha.”         

próximo evento mixto de artes marciales de NEF, “NEF 37: SUB CERO,” se llevará a cabo el viernes, Febrero 1, 2019 Cross de Seguros Centro en Bangor, Maine, con un tiempo de campana 8 pm. Las entradas están a la venta ahora