Категория Архив: New England Битки


Портланд, Maine (Февруари 8, 2019) – New England Битки (NEF) will present its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) събитие, “NEF 38: БУРЯНА,” април 27, 2019 в Aura в Портланд. По-рано днес, the fight promotion announced the second amateur title fight confirmed for the event. Zac “Скалист” Ричард (3-0-1) ще поеме Мъжко животно “The Phenom” Pagliarulo (2-1) for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Championship.

It will be Richard’s second attempt at capturing the title. Earlier this month, Richard fought Fred Lear (6-2-1) to a thrilling five-round draw for the strap in Bangor, Maine. The bout is considered by many to be a very early contender for “Fight на годината” in New England thus far. Lear’s decision to turn professional after that fight nixed any hope for an immediate rematch.

Ричард, на 2018 “NEF Rookie of the Yearas voted by the promotion’s fans, went on a tear last year with three first-round finishes. He has never been a stranger to the winner’s circle, having won a Maine state championship in wrestling for Massabesic High School in 2015. Richard hopes to replicate that success on April 27 and take the featherweight strap home in his second attempt.

Richard represents team Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire where he trains under current UFC fighter, and former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, Девин Powell (9-4).

Now that I’ve been in a war, I know what I need to work on,” said Richard. “I’ve came so far in just one year. I’m going to blow the roof off of AURA. No way around it, I want that title. I’m going to come back faster, stronger and smarter. Tom is a great fighter and I know this fight will bring out the best in me.

Tom Pagliarulo will be making his NEF debut on April 27. He has two finishes to his credit on MMA events in New Hampshire, including a first-round technical knockout last fall. Like Richard, Pagliarulo cut his teeth on the wrestling mats. Той е борец за учене през целия. He competed for Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, Massachusetts and later for Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Pagliarulo currently holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and trains at both Burgess MMA in Manchester, New Hampshire and Spero’s Martial Arts Academy in Plaistow, New Hampshire.

What better way to make my NEF debut than a title fight against a tough competitor,” exclaimed Pagliarulo when reached for comment. “Zac and myself are both elite wrestlers which should make for an exciting fight. The opportunity was presented to me, and I know it is a fight that will make us both better, so I jumped all over it. As far as the title goes, this is just another fight for me. I’m going to go in there and do what I love to do, битка.”

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, “NEF 38: БУРЯНА,” ще се проведе в събота, Април 27, 2019 в Aura в Портланд, Мейн с час на камбана от 7 следобед Билетите са в продажба сега наwww.AuraMaine.com.


Три предишни набези в клетката на New England Fights изискваха всичките пет минути и девет секунди от Зак Ричард.

Това беше общото време, необходимо за местния жител на Уотърборо, Maine, да натрупаш три победи с нокаут или събмишън и да спечелиш шанс за вакантната титла на NEF в полутежка категория на NEF 37 в петък, Февруари 1.

Ричард вероятно едва сега напълно оценява как шансовете са били подредени срещу него онази мразовита вечер. Той беше в двойка с Фред Лир, ветеран от осем предишни битки, който спечели пояса в леглата категория в предишния си излет. И домът на Лир, и центърът за обучение се намират на един хвърлей разстояние от Cross Insurance Center, сцена на разправата.

Докато равенствата са рядък обрат на събитията в смесените бойни изкуства, и връзките повсеместно се злословят като неудовлетворителен резултат от всяко спортно начинание, Ричард може да оцени съдиите’ нерешителност след първия истински донибрук в начинаещата му кариера.

„Преди битката, когато обявиха имената ни, Мислех, че мястото ще експлодира. Беше диво,“, каза Ричард. „И тогава битката беше доста равностойна през цялото време. Продължих да си мисля, не губиш, но не печелите много. Това е всичко, за което продължавах да мисля."

Ричард, шампион по борба в щата Мейн в гимназията, е работил върху по-фините точки на своята стендъп игра с ветерана на UFC Девин Пауъл и други инструктори в Nostos MMA в Somersworth, New Hampshire.

Гордостта и практичността убеждават Ричард да се захване с тактиката на луга с Лир, но старите навици умират трудно.

„Започна добре. Чувствах се в контрол от самото начало. Исках да остана на крака и наистина да покажа колко много ми е дошъл ударът,“, каза Ричард. „И знаех, че Фред е наистина игрален противник на земя и тренира много по-дълго от мен. Така че исках да го задържа на крака. Но да останеш борец е такъв навик. Първата комбинация, която хвърлих, Слязох да снимам.”

Нападението на Лир срещу тялото несъмнено се отрази физически на Ричард. Новодошлият очевидно никога не е преживявал такава тъпа травма в бойните си дни преди MMA и не е бил докоснат в поредицата си от победи в началото на кариерата срещу Габриел Диас, Клифърд Редман и Крис Лахчик.

„Наистина се обгазих и изморих, защото непрекъснато приземяваше колене и удряше тялото,“, каза Ричард, „Продължих да чакам да ми дойде второто полъхване и така и не се случи. От време на време се опитвах да вляза в комбинация или добър шлем.”

Дори седенето на табуретката в ъгъла му между кръговете беше сюрреалистично.

Разбира се, имаше мисли за сестрата на Ричард, Lacy, която загуби битката си с рака в 2012 но продължава да вдъхновява Зак със своя борбен дух. Да имаш време да се свържеш с мислите си и да огледаш пейзажа не е норма, когато завършваш опонентите, преди ехото от началната камбана да избледнее.

„Повечето от моите битки бяха доста бързи. Определено беше странно преживяване,“, каза Ричард. „Никога не съм имал това между рундовете. Гледах в тълпата и всеки път виждах един определен приятел или член на семейството или партньор в обучението. Това беше много по-голяма сделка от това, с което съм свикнал."

Когато стана очевидно, че Лиър не е узрял да бъде нокаутиран, Ричард се опита да балансира самозащитата, като същевременно има предвид картите с резултати.

„Влизане в четвъртия и петия рунд, Знаех, че съм уморен, и знаех, че Фред може да удря и рита също толкова добре,"Той каза. „Мислех си за себе си, „Трябва да вдигнете ръцете си. Това е опасно, когато сте уморени.’ Единственото, за което си мислех, беше да не ме ударят. Удари го.

„Всеки път, когато клакерите угасваха, когато имаше 10 остават секунди, Опитах се да стана от дъното или да нанеса един последен добър удар. Това беше различно, защото никога не съм имал това - дори не съм чувал 10-секундните клакери. Определено можех да го чуя повече от зумера, защото последните няколко секунди щеше да стане толкова хаотично и всички ще станат толкова силни. Реферът просто ще ни грабне, аз съм като, 'Свърши се?’ Никога не съм изпитвал нещо подобно в борбата.”

Тези битки напред-назад в регионалните и държавните въпроси наистина послужиха на Ричард добре. Той чувстваше, че е психически подготвен за кръговете от шампионата, дори когато физическата такса се увеличи.

Ричард призна, че има лош навик да тренира без да използва предпазителя за уста и че това може да е повлияло на дишането му в двубоя.

„Участвал съм в доста дълги мачове по борба, толкова различни видове, колкото можете да влезете,“, каза Ричард. „Винаги съм бил наистина добър борец в продължението. Не мисля, че някога съм губил в продълженията. Ако го направих, беше като едно време. Но нещото при борбата е, че не получаваш удари и колене в корема и други неща, които ти носят вятъра. Просто бях толкова уморен. През цялото време знаех, че не се гордея с представянето си, но трябва да направиш това, което трябва да направиш. Непрекъснато си повтарях, че трябва да стана и да направя нещо.

Докато недоволен от тегленето, Ричард се насърчи от много подробности, които излязоха наяве след битката.

Смесеният резултат със сигурност даде право на Ричард на незабавен реванш. Това няма да стане изрично, тъй като Лир го информира, че възнамерява да стане професионалист.

„Спомням си февруари 14 от миналата година беше първата NEF битка, на която някога съм ходил. Тренирах само един месец и (NEF съсобственик и сватовник) Мат Питърсън ме помоли да отида,“, каза Ричард. „Така че отидох, и ето година по-късно се боря за колан срещу хлапе, което се бори за колана преди година и половина. След битката разбира, че става професионалист, това наистина ме направи много по-горд от това как се справих. Ако може да професионалист след този двубой, и се боря само от година, тогава имам доста добра надежда за бъдещето си."

Това бъдеще ще включва още една пукнатина в колана, април 27тата.

„Аз съм Числото 1 претендент, и той става професионалист, така че е следващият,“, каза Ричард. „Не знам дали ще доведат някой от някъде другаде или какво. Мат каза, че работи върху съперника. Ще бъда готов. "

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, “NEF 38: БУРЯНА,” ще се проведе в събота, Април 27, 2019 в Aura в Портланд, Мейн с час на камбана от 7 следобед Билетите са в продажба сега наwww.AuraMaine.com.


Бангор, Maine (Февруари 2, 2019) – Докато полярният вихър замръзваше близката река Пенобскот, New England Битки (NEF) накара живака да се издигне с някои диви смесени бойни изкуства (MMA) акция в Центъра за кръстосано застраховане в петък вечер. Популярната промоция за борба донесе последното си събитие в Бангор с още една разпродадена публика от повече от 1200 на ръка. Това беше четвъртото събитие, и четвърта разпродажба, в Бангор за NEF оттогава 2016. Събитието беше с подходящо заглавие “ПОД НУЛАТА” в очакване на смразяващо до костите време, бушуващо навън.

Основното събитие видя Джош Харви (6-0-1) претендира за каишка NEF Professional в полутежка категория, когато победи Бил Джоунс (13-11) в първия кръг чрез техническо подаване. По този начин, Харви влезе в историята като първият състезател, спечелил титли в две различни тегловни категории в NEF. Преди това той притежаваше титлата на NEF за аматьори в лека категория.

Марк Гарднър (1-0) победи CJ Ewer (3-3) в професионалния дебют на Гарднър. Ewer не успя да продължи след първия рунд поради порязване над окото.

В аматьорския хедлайнер, Fred Lear (6-2-1) и Зак Ричард (3-0-1) се бори до равенство от пет рунда при съдиите’ карти с резултати в двубой за вакантната титла на NEF в полутежка категория за аматьори. Лир получи точка, отнета в първия рунд от рефера Джон Инглиш за грабване на клетката. Аматьорският шампионат в полутежка категория остава вакантен.

Кейти Денинг (2-1) и Глори Уотсън (3-0) и двете спечелиха за ММА на Йънг в съответните си женски двубои. Денинг победи Аманда Бенет (0-1) чрез разделно решение, докато Уотсън представи Рейчъл Липърт от Уисконсин (4-3) в третия кръг.

Резултатите от Бангор, Maine:


Джош Харви Def. Бил Джоунс чрез техническо подаване, кръг 1

Марк Гарднър деф. CJ Ewer чрез технически нокаут, кръг 2


Фред Лир се бие със Зак Ричард до равенство в пет рунда

Девин Корсън деф. Тейлър Бартлет с единодушно решение

Кейти Денинг деф. Аманда Бенет чрез разделно решение

Джейк Багли деф. Брейди Макдоналд с единодушно решение

Брайс Бамфорд деф. Роджър Юър чрез нокаут, кръг 1

Глори Уотсън деф. Рейчъл Липърт чрез подаване на гилотина, кръг 3

Нейт Баучер деф. Дилън Хенри чрез събмишън отзад, кръг 1

Джордан Йънг деф. Клифърд Редман чрез събмишън отзад, кръг 1

Rob Kiah Def. Джо Хауърд чрез задушаване отзад, кръг 2

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, “NEF 38: БУРЯНА,” ще се проведе в събота, Април 27, 2019 в Aura в Портланд, Мейн с час на камбана от 7 ч. Билетите са в продажба сега в www.AuraMaine.com.


Бангор, Maine (Януари 28, 2019) – New England Битки (NEF) undefeated prospect Josh “Hook-On” Harvey is not intimated by the tough talk of his opponent, longtime mixed martial arts (MMA) veteran Bill “Jonesi” Jones. The two are scheduled for a five-round 25-minute Featherweight Championship bout this Friday, Февруари 1во в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Maine.

“I heard a lot about his interview,” Harvey recently stated to Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on theBetween Rounds Radio podcast during a remote recording of the show that was heard at the Sea Dog Brewing Company. “I didn’t hear it because I don’t really bother with that… I get enough trash floating around—I don’t need to listen to it.”

Harvey was referring to some strong words that Jones had for him recently during multiple podcast interviews he’s delivered, including one toBetween Rounds Radio where Jones predicted a first round knockout victory over Harvey. In the same interview, Jones also criticized Harvey’s ability to make weight, the caliber of opponents that he’s faced, и, specifically, Harvey’s most recent fight—a three-round draw withThe Ultimate Fighter finalist Joe Giannetti.

"Истината е, че, I’ve had struggles making weight as of recently,” Harvey stated.

“Against Giannetti, on three-week’s notice, да, I missed weight and I think what I did is I shut down that quote-unquote godly jiu-jitsu game that he has,” Harvey explained. “I don’t think there was one successful (ругатня) sub attempt.”

Harvey admitted that making weight is always a challenge. He admitted that he walks around at 175-pounds and has even swelled to as big as 190-pounds during an 18-month stretch when he was inactive due to an injury. Harvey also noted that he has made the weight before and anticipates no issues reaching the contracted 145-pound championship scratch weight limit for his showdown with Jones.

“I’ve made championship weight for featherweight before,” Harvey said. “Against [Derek] Shorey, I was ’44.”

During the interview, Harvey acknowledged that Jones has faced an impressive list of opponents during his storied fight career that stretches back almost 12-years.

“I’m a rookie compared to my opponent, he would say,” Harvey stated. “He’s fought a lot of big names, a lot of big guys.”

“I know that he’s fought a lot of big guys, but I think most of them got to the big show after they fought him,” Harvey continued. “I haven’t fought a lot of those names, but I also haven’t lost to a lot of those names.”

Jones has criticized Harvey by suggesting that he “doesn’t like to get, hit” to which Harvey replied simply: “No one likes to get hit.”

“If I can see a fight being finished with me victorious without taking a whole lot of damage—I mean, that’s a no-brainer,” Harvey explained.

Harvey also recognized the similarity in attitudes and fight styles that the two scheduled opponents share. “I typically am the same way,” Harvey said. “I’m going out there to fight to kill, or be killed.”

“I’m prepared for five rounds, but if it goes five rounds it means someone’s not doing their job—me,” Harvey explained. “I’m not doing my job if it goes five rounds because I’m sure within the first few rounds an opportunity will present itself and a missed opportunity is something we can’t have.”

Although reluctant to offer a prediction on how he might finish the fight, Harvey is confident that he will execute another efficient in-cage conclusion on Friday, the kind of performance that has become his calling card since finishing five of his six professional opponents in the first round.

“I can’t tell you when it’s going to happen or whether I’m going to go out there and sub him or I’m going to go out there and knock him out or if it’s going to be first round or if it’s going to be last round,” Harvey said.

“I just want to get out there, се инсценира, get the finish, and remain ready to fight again.”

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, "NEF 37: ПОД НУЛАТА,” will take place on Friday, Февруари 1, 2019 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Мейн с час на камбана от 8 следобед Билетите са в продажба в момента наwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.


Бангор, Maine (Януари 27, 2019) – Similar to his scheduled opponent in the February 1st main event of New England Fights’ “NEF 37: ПОД НУЛАТА,” card at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine, Bill “Jonesi” Jones is known as a hardworking entrepreneur that is focused on getting ahead in life.

As Jones himself recently stated bluntly: “I’m on a mission to get rich.”

Jones’ opponent for Friday night, undefeated hammer Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, is also known within the Penobscot County region where he resides as a sun-up to sun-down grinder that doesn’t stop until he crams 25-hours worth of work into a 24-hour day.

That is where their similarities end, обаче.

In the lead-in to their fight, Jones has been vocal in his predictions that he will finish Harvey quickly by knocking him out in the first round if the fight stays standing.

Харви, от друга страна, has been relatively quiet before their five-round Featherweight Championship bout.

Jones was at it again recently when he joined Craig Allen onFight Night Picks to talk about his upcoming showdown with Harvey.

“I think Harvey likes to look good,” Jones stated. “I think he likes to protect his face and look pretty. Така, I think when I start smashing on him, he’s going to cover up and bail out really quick.”

The lone blemish on Harvey’s record-to-date came back in November when he fought to a draw withThe Ultimate Fighter finalist Joe Giannetti at a show in Massachusetts. Many in attendance felt that Harvey won the bout.

Jones, междувременно, saw the fight and wasn’t impressed with Harvey’s performance.

"[Harvey’s fight with] Giannetti was more of a hugging match,” Jones told Allen. “Two guys just kind-of hanging on to each other for 15-minutes, no damage done. I’m going to throw down and fire until there’s no more bullets to come out. It’s going to be exciting, Не мога да чакам. "

At 40-years old, Jones knows that age eventually gets the better of every combat sports athlete and that, реалистично, he’s looking at his final few fights. Fully aware of this, Jones is pleased to be finishing out his career back home with New England Fights.

“It’s good to bring it back home toward the end of my career,” Jones stated. “It will be nice to bang out Harvey here and maybe get that fight with Lacey, like they were talking about, and close it out with him. We’ll see where it goes.”

“It’s not about the money for me anymore—it’s not about the sponsors. It’s about the competition,” Jones concluded. “I want to go out there and kick some more ass. I make plenty of money doing my day job, so it is what it is—let’s go beat people up.”

To listen to the full interview with Bill Jones visit:

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, "NEF 37: ПОД НУЛАТА,” will take place on Friday, Февруари 1, 2019 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Мейн с час на камбана от 8 следобед Билетите са в продажба в момента наwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. мисия NEF е да създаде най-високо качество събития за бойци и фенове, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.


There are always burning questions as New England Fights flips the calendar into a new year.

Based on the fan voting at the end of a wild 2018 кампания, one occupies everyone’s mind: What can Kam Arnold possibly do for an encore?

Арнолд, a relative newcomer from Casco, Maine, posted the second and third opening-round knockouts of his young career, including an 11-second demolition of David Thompson.

He followed that by fighting Killian Murphy on short notice and earning an unforgettable fourth-round stoppage to win the organization’s amateur bantamweight title at NEF 34 през юни. That decision locked up fighter of the year honors, a distinction that immediately puts the outspoken Arnold (4-0) in some serious company, as he explained in a recent interview on “This Week in MMA” with Craig and Matt Allen of Fight Night Picks.

“It’s crazy, because you know what? I never expected it. The way the polls go, its kind of like a popularity contest. I never thought I was going to get past Ryan Sanders, let alone the fan base that he carries and some of the other guys,” Arnold said. “I know I have a great fan base as well. When it comes down to earning it, in my mind without a doubt I was the most deserving, but I was just happy to be in the ballpark with Ryan. He’s a big name. He’s sculpted his career. He’s been battling to get into the UFC for a while now.”

Arnold already harbors similar expectations for himself. He hinted at a major fight announcement in the near future and sees it as a springboard to his continued meteoric rise.

His scrap with Murphy – a substitute after Arnold spent much of his fight camp preparing for the more wiry Mike Crespo – was a testament to the champion’s focus and single-minded determination.

“They said, ‘You want to fight this?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, that title’s mine, Не ме интересува кой е, I’m fighting him.I had two weeks to prepare for Killian, who is a state champ wrestler, so that changed up my game plan, но (I was confident) as long as I imposed my will,” Arnold said.

“That fight with Killian was a very poor performance for me. I feel like that was a really bad showing in my eyes. Did I show a lot of heart? Да. And I have a good chin. That’s stuff I feel like I already know about myself. I was very disappointed in myself. Not disappointed in the outcome. So don’t get me wrong, (it was a) great outcome. I’m just a pretty tough critic, I guess.”

When it was over, Arnold was relieved to find an opponent who finally pushed him. He worried that the series of quick wins over Glenn Kasabian, Kyle Kenney and Thompson weren’t conducive to his pursuit of long-term glory.

“It was kind of worrisome honestly, and I’m not trying to make that into a cocky statement at all,” Arnold said. “It was more like, 'ОК, when is my test coming, and what is that test going to be like?’ The eyes never left the prize. My goal is to be a world champion.”

Other athletes and teams make the most of so-called bulletin board fodder. Some would say the New England Patriots used it to their advantage in the run to their latest AFC championship. When rivals, journalists or even fans utter words that may be veiled insults, they become motivational medicine.

Arnold is no exception. He heard the whispers that he hadn’t been tested, or that Murphy was a superior wrestler, or that someone able to take away Arnold’s stand-up acumen would enjoy better results.

“I felt in some cases slapped in the face since I first started,” Arnold said. “I think that’s what carries the chip on my shoulder. That’s why I keep on going, keep on going, keep on going.

“Every camp I find that little something to put the fuel to my fire. A lot of people seem to forget, Аз съм борец, твърде, and I’ve shown that in the very few fights I’ve had. You look at the blast double that I had on Kyle Kenney. I have very good wrestling (skills). Ask my training partners. So I think a lot of people take my ground game for granted. They’re going to see what my jiu-jitsu is like. Don’t sleep on it.”

Although he has settled into a comfort zone at 135 паунда, Arnold said he isn’t against moving up a weight class or even two if it will help expand his options for opponents.

Being the smaller, underestimated guy doesn’t bother him much: Arnold grew up as the youngest child in a family of all boys. He described it to the Allen’s as a rough upbringing in which the last child in life had no choice but to fight for what he wanted.

“We didn’t get a lot of opportunity to get out and pursue what I thought back then were never-been dreams. Then I hit what I would call rock bottom and I had no choice,"Той каза. “I’m a hungry, гладен боец. A lot of guys are in there to compete. I’m not in there to compete. I’m there to put your lights out. Искам да спечеля. I think that really sets me apart from everybody else.”

While Arnold still is making his mark in the amateur ranks, he considers mixed martial arts his profession and career path.

Beginning with the fight he’s eyeing on the immediate horizon, every camp this year is a likely building block toward those aspirations.

“I’ve been dying for 2019 to come along. It’s nothing but success this year. I can’t wait to turn it up a notch,” Arnold said. “Look for me on the big stage at the end of 2019. It’s coming.”

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, “NEF 37: ПОД НУЛАТА,” ще се състои в петък, Февруари 1, 2019 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Мейн с час на камбана от 8 pm. A very limited number of tickets are still on-sale by contacting NEF directly through its Facebook pageNew England Fights.

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. мисия NEF е да създаде най-високо качество събития за бойци и фенове, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.


Bill “Jonesi” Jones has seen and done it all during a decorated mixed martial arts (MMA) career that spans back more than a decade. През февруари 1во, he’ll look to add another noteworthy accomplishment to his deep fight resume when he faces highly touted, undefeated prospect Josh “Hook-On” Harvey for the New England Fights (NEF) professional Featherweight Championship in the main event at “NEF 37: SUB ZERO” in Bangor, Maine. Jones recently discussed his storied record and his upcoming championship bout with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on the Between Rounds Radio подкаст.

Jones made his MMA debut in September 2007. Over the course of more than 20-bouts, he fought and defeated a who’s-who of New England’s top-tier combat sports athletes, including multiple opponents that went on to compete in the world’s largest promotions such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Професионална лига на бойците (formally known as WSOF), и Bellator. Jones holds wins over UFC veterans Matt Bessette and Tateki Matsuda. It’s this experience against high-level competition that Jones believes will give him an edge over Harvey on February 1во.

“I’ve won fights and I’ve lost fights in the Northeast, but a good portion of my fights were top contenders at 155 or 145,” Jones told Jarrell and Stackpole. “Harvey’s never really fought—other than his last fight that he fought to a decision and he didn’t really show anything in—he’s never fought anybody to the caliber of the guys that I’ve fought. Така, I feel really good about that going into this fight.”

“I’m going to bust ass and smash through this guy,” Jones added.

Bill made his highly anticipated debut with NEF in April 2018, finishing Matt Denning in the second round via technical knockout.

“Beating Denning pretty decisively the way I did—it felt good to get back in the win column, but it still doesn’t show me,” Jones said. “I feel like I should have beat him in the first round, not the second round.”

The win set-up Jones for a title match showdown with Aaron Lacey for the vacant professional featherweight championship in November 2018, but the bout was scrapped when Lacey sustained an injury that forced him to withdraw.

“When he backed out, I was super, extremely disappointed,” Jones explained. “I was extremely disappointed… Lacey’s more of a 145-pound fighter. Харви, if he makes weight at 145, he is going to have a really rough night because it’s just going to be a lot of weight for him to cut. After the first round, if he makes it out of it, it’s going to wear on him.”

“In my brain, I knew he [Lacey] wasn’t going to make it out of the first round with me—it was a win,” Jones continued. “It was just one of those fights where you knew, you walked in there, and you walked out victorious. I know it’s a tougher fight with Harvey, but in my mind, it’s the same fight.”

With Lacey currently on the sidelines, Lacey’s teammate, fast rising Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, agreed to step in and put his 5-0-1 record on the line against Jones in the feature fight for NEF’s 2019 return to Bangor.

“Every fight that I’ve watched him [Харви] борба, it seems like he comes out and tries to stand with them, but then as soon as they start throwing back, I feel like he gets nervous and shoots,” Jones said. “So, he flashes off like he’s a standup fighter, but then as soon as they start to attack, he instantly shoots. So that, в съзнанието ми, makes me feel like he’s a pretty boy that doesn’t want to get hurt. He doesn’t want to get hit.”

“I feel like he’s going to crumble under the pace that I put on him. I’m a more of an attack, in-your-face fighter and I feel like he’s going to fold under that.”

When “Jonesi” and Hook-On” face-off on February 1во, it will be in the heart of winter in Maine, hence the title of the aptly named event, “Sub Zero.” Unlike many combat athletes that try to avoid cutting weight over the long holiday season, Jones, who works full-time during the day as a roofing foreman supervising a crew of 12 laborers, prefers competing during the winter months.

“Wintertime is always a good time for me to train,” Jones explained to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I get out of work fairly early in the wintertime. We work dark-to-dark in the summer, so I don’t get home until 6, 7, 8 o’clock—so it’s hard to make it to the gym. So winter time is a real good training schedule for me.”

Jones, who normally walks around at 155-pounds despite the admission that he normally “eats out of gas stations” when he’s not in fight camp, predicts no problems whatsoever in terms of making the championship scratch weight limit of 145-pounds. When asked, обаче, on whether he thinks his opponent will make the weight, he couldn’t express the same confidence.

“I have trouble seeing Harvey making weight for the fight,” Jones said. “I’m going to fight him either way, whatever weight he walks in at. Но, I believe that Lacey is really the one that is in line for it. Искам да кажа,, Harvey hasn’t made weight for a fight at 45 от време на време. The fight he just had with Joe-Joe [Gianetti] that he just kind-of held on to the whole time, he missed weight by four or five pounds…. He’s going to have a tough time making that weight.”

Regardless of the weight, Jones is unwavering in his belief that he has the tools to put the first loss on Harvey’s record. Харви, not known for losing frequently in any combat sport, was also a multiple-time state champion wrestler.

“I think he’s going to try to wrestle me,” Jones said. “I think he’s going to try to take me down and win by wearing me out… If he lets it stay standing, I’ll probably knock him out in the first round.”

Having kicked a 25-year smoking habit a few years ago, Jones feels revitalized and better than ever and ready for the challenge in front of him on February 1во.

“I really want to win that belt,"Той каза. “I’m 40-years old. Life moves on and I don’t know how many more years I got to push into the sport, but it’s a good time for me.

“I don’t look at it as a job like everybody else, or something that I dream to do,” Jones explained. “I love to fight. I love the atmosphere of it, I love the competition of it.

“I want to end my career on a high note.”

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, "NEF 37: ПОД НУЛАТА,” will take place on Friday, Февруари 1, 2019 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Мейн с час на камбана от 8 следобед Билетите са в продажба в момента наwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. мисия NEF е да създаде най-високо качество събития за бойци и фенове, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.


За незабавно освобождаване: Бангор, Maine (Януари 23, 2019) – Nate Boucher’s journey inside the New England Fights’ (NEF) смесени бойни изкуства (MMA) cage has not been a course without its challenges and heartbreak along the way.

After winning his first two outings at the start of his amateur fight career, Буше, a lifelong wrestler, earned a chance to compete for the NEF Flyweight Championship. His title shot came in November 2017 in front of a sold-out crowd when NEF made its highly anticipated Portland, Maine debut. Тази нощ, Boucher was outscored on the judge’s cards and dropped a close, controversial split-decision to NEF veteran Justin Witham. It’s a loss that continues to confound Boucher almost a year and a half later.

“As far as I’m concerned, I won the flyweight title that night,” Boucher stated recently in an interview with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on theBetween Rounds Radioподкаст. “I try to watch that fight and be optimistic the best that I can. I try to watch that fight and be respectful of what the judge’s could have seen. There’s not an absolute bone in my body that sees the fight going the way the judge’s said it went. Това се каза, they decided that Justin Witham won that night. He knows I’m coming after him. I’m going to do what it takes to get back into that title conversation and I’m going to get that win back. "

The Witham loss would be followed by two more defeats for Boucher.

In Boucher’s first fight back after losing to Witham, he dropped another split-decision against his hometown wrestling rival, multiple-time state champion, and former NEF Flyweight Champion, Райън "Gordo" Burgess.

Jumping right back into the cage two months after his loss to Burgess, Boucher sustained the only stoppage defeat on his record when he lost via third-round technical knockout to former bantamweight title contender, Walt Shea, who fights out of John Raio’s First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine.

През ноември миналата година, down but not out, Boucher rebounded from three-losses-in-a-row by finishing 2018 off with a first-round submission victory over Jordan Young, a state champion wrestler from Belfast, Maine. The contest took place in the 135-pound weight class.

“Jordan was coming off of a win against my teammate—a tough teammate of mine,", Каза Баучър. “Not many guys on a three-fight skid would take a fight with a guy coming off of a win and then beat him in the first round. Така, I hope that opened some eyes for people so they know exactly what I’m about and they know that I’m strong mentally.

“I’m very happy with myself that I was able to fight like I train,” Boucher recounted regarding his win over Young. “The cut to 135 isn’t as much as it is to flyweight and I think that played a big part in my cardio. I was in great shape for that fight. Умствено, I knew I was going to win months before the fight happened.”

With six bouts already under his belt, Буше, at only 22-years of age, knows that he still has limitless room to grow within the sport.

“I’m an amateur,” he noted to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I’m a student of the game and I’m learning and developing my skills. I haven’t even come close to what my full potential is. I knew what I can achieve—I know what is possible if I stay on the path.”

Boucher’s 2019 fight season officially begins on Friday, Февруари 1во when he’s scheduled to face newcomer Dillon Henry from First Class MMA. Henry is also a wrestler, having competed for Windham High School. Henry now trains with one of Boucher’s previous opponents, Walt Shea. Regardless of being pitted against the teammate of the only fighter that’s ever stopped him in MMA competition, Boucher stated that he’s confident in the matchup.

“I know he’s going to be training with Walt Shea, очевидно,", Каза Баучър. “I know that Walt Shea is going to pass down information he feels is going to help him. It won’t… He seems to look like a strong guy. All I am going to do is I’m going to prepare myself and I’m going to become a better fighter in this fight camp and I’m going to go out there and fight him. I think it will go my way, for sure.”

Squaring off in the cage against other talented wrestlers is nothing new for Boucher. He defeated four-time Maine state wrestling champion Jeremiah Barkac by first-round submission the last time he competed in Bangor. Ryan Burgess was a three-time state champion for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine.

“I probably perform at my best against wrestlers,” Boucher stated. “They have really bad habits that a lot of wrestlers don’t seem to be able to shake off their first couple of fights, including myself. Fortunate for me, I have a coach like Jesse Erickson who’s a top-level guy when it comes to the jiu jitsu game around these parts, and he’s shown me the difference between what wrestling the sport is and what wrestling in a fight is. They’re different types of wrestling. I think he’s [Хенри] going to expose himself and leave himself open. He’s going to make some rookie mistakes and I’m going to capitalize.”

While the prospect of defeating another wrestler in the NEF cage is an inspiring proposition to Boucher, he’s also excited by the opportunity to once again compete in Maine’s Queen City.

“I’ve never lost in Bangor,” Nate said. “I love that venue. I love the city of Bangor. I’m excited to be there and I’m excited to be sharing a card with some of the monsters that are on it. There’s a lot of great fights on this card and I’m very much looking forward to seeing some of them myself. It’s going to be a great show—I can’t wait.”

“I’m starting to earn my stripes a little bit in the cage,” Boucher added. “I’m starting to get more comfortable. I’m starting to feel more and more like a recognized name in the NEF—and I think all of that is going to play a factor. I think he’s [Хенри] bit off a little more than he can chew for his first fight and, за съжаление, he’s going to figure that out very hard on February 1.”

Като 2018 came to a close, Буше, like many forward-thinking individuals, clearly defined his goals for the year ahead.

“I will be the flyweight champ in the NEF at the end of this year [2019],” Boucher stated confidently. “No doubt about it. That’s what my mind is set on right now.

“My teammate, Кам Арнолд, he’s going to carry that belt straight through at 135. Мъж, the two of us together are some bad dudes. I’m fortunate to have him to push me through this mentally and be able to get me on the right mindset of what a champion is supposed to be—and I’m going to be there, right there with him at flyweight. Мъж, it’s going to be one hell of a one-two punch, това е сигурно."

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, "NEF 37: ПОД НУЛАТА,” will take place on Friday, Февруари 1, 2019 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Мейн с час на камбана от 8 следобед Билетите са в продажба в момента наwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. мисия NEF е да създаде най-високо качество събития за бойци и фенове, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.


Бангор, Maine (Януари 18, 2019) - New England Битки (NEF) ще проведе следващото си събитие за смесени бойни изкуства, “NEF 37: Под нулата,” в петък, Февруари 1, 2019 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Maine. По-рано днес, насърчаването обяви пълната борбата картата за събитието.

В основното събитие на вечерта, Закачка “Закачете” Харви(5-0-1) ще се изправятBillJonesi” Jones(13-10) for the vacant NEF MMA Professional Featherweight Title. Harvey is coming off a very controversial majority draw in Massachusetts last fall against UFC veteran Joe Giannetti (6-1-1).  Many observers felt that Harvey had dominated Giannetti for three rounds and Giannetti was only saved by a hometown decision. Prior to that time, Harvey had a perfect professional record with five straight wins in the NEF cage. Bill Jones is a pioneer of the New England MMA scene. Jones, a member of Nostos MMA, vanquished Matt Denning (5-8) last spring atNEF 33” в Портланд, Maine via second-round technical knockout.

Harvey’s Young’s MMA teammateCJ Ewer (3-2) will be in action in the co-main event against The Academy’sМарка “Pockets” Гарднър (0-0) at a catchweight of 180-pounds. Ewer is the reigning NEF MMA Professional Middleweight Champion. Gardner makes his pro debut after a stellar amateur career that saw him finish all three of his opponents.

Ricky Dexter (1-0), also of Young’s MMA, rounds out the professional portion of the card against Ruben Redman (0-2) in a welterweight contest. Both fighters have not competed in the cage in two years. Dexter is the former NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Champion.

Fred Lear(6-2) will headline the amateur card withЗак Ричард(3-0) in a bout for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Title. Lear has previously held the amateur bantamweight strap and will look to make NEF history as the first athlete to win titles in different weight divisions within the promotion. Zac Richard was voted the “2018 Новобранец на годината” by NEF fans after cutting down all three of his previous opponents in the first round last year.

It will be a family affair asRoger Ewer(1-0), brother and Young’s MMA teammate of co-main-event competitor CJ Ewer, отговаряБрайс Бамфорд (2-0) of First Class MMA in an amateur heavyweight fight. This will be the second time the Ewer brothers have fought together on a card in Bangor, the first being in August 2017 при “NEF 30.

Also featured on the amateur portion of the fight card will be two women’s fights. “2018 Rookie of the Year” подгласникСлава Уотсън (2-0) will face her toughest challenge to date in the form of Wisconsin’s Рейчъл Липърт(4-2), докатоКейти Денинг (1-1) takes on the debutingAmanda Bennett (0-0) of First Class MMA. Watson and Denning are two members of the group known affectionately among teammates and fans asChris’s Angelsas they train under Chris Young at Young’s MMA in Bangor.

Tickets are sold-out at the box office and Ticketmaster, but fans can still contact NEF through its Facebook page, “New England Битки,” as the promotion still has a very limited number of tickets available for direct sale. Tickets will be sold on a first-come/first-served basis until they run out.

Пълната “NEF 37” борбата карта (подлежи на промяна и одобрение на Combat Sports орган на щата Мейн):


145*ДЯЛ Джош Харви 5-0-1 (MMA Йънг) vs Bill Jones 13-11 (Nostos)

180 CJ кана 3-2 (Young’s MMA) vs Mark Gardner 0-0 (Академията)

170 Ricky Dexter 1-0 (MMA Йънг) срещу Рубен Redman 0-2 (Независим)


145*TITLE Fred Lear 6-2 (Young’s MMA) vs Zac Richard 3-0 (Nostos)

155 Тейлър Бартлет 1-1-1 (CMBJJ) vs Devin Corson 1-1 (на изхода)

145 Кейти Денинг 1-1 (MMA Йънг) vs Amanda Bennett 0-0 (First Class MMA)

130 Brady Macdonald 1-1 (Pictou County Jiu-Jitsu) vs Jake Bagley 0-0 (Nostos)

265 Роджър Юър 1-0 (MMA Йънг) vs Bryce Bamford 2-0 (First Class MMA)

135 Джордан Йънг 1-2 (MMA Йънг) срещу Clifford Redman 0-7 (Независим)

135 Нейт Баучер 3-3 (CMBJJ) vs Dillon Henry 0-0 (First Class MMA)

125 Слава Уотсън 2-0 (MMA Йънг) vs Rachael Lippert 4-2 (Fearless MMA)

145 Rob Kiah 1-0 (Young’s MMA) vs Joe Howard 1-1 (CMBJJ)

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, “NEF 37: ПОД НУЛАТА,” ще се състои в петък, Февруари 1, 2019 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Мейн с час на камбана от 8 pm. A very limited number of tickets are still on-sale by contacting NEF directly through its Facebook pageNew England Fights.

About New England Fights

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. NEF’s executive team has extensive experience in combat sports management, производство събития, media relations, маркетинг, правна и реклама. ��


Бангор, Maine (Януари 10, 2019) - New England Битки (NEF) ще проведе следващото си събитие за смесени бойни изкуства, “NEF 37: Под нулата,” в петък, Февруари 1, 2019 в Cross Insurance Center в Бангор, Maine. По-рано днес, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s flyweight fight to the card. Слава Уотсън (2-0) ще поеме Рейчъл Липърт (4-2) в бой тегло от 125 килограма.

Glory Watson made her mark in the NEF cage in 2018 with wins over Chelsea Tucker and Megan Rosado. It earned her a nomination in the “Новобранец на годината” category. She was the runner-up to fellow undefeated amateur rookie Zac Richard (3-0) in fan voting last month. Watson trains with Young’s MMA in Bangor. The fight with Lippert will be her first in her hometown.

“I’ve continued to train and challenge myself since my victory in Portland this past November,” said Watson.I’m really excited to finally make my debut in my hometown to kickstart 2019 with a three-fight run streak over the next three months! I’m looking forward to my return to the cage and to show my supporters the hard work that I’ve been putting in to maintain my career with zero losses!"

Rachael Lippert is also riding a two-fight win-streak into this bout. Last month, she was victorious on a card in Minnesota put on by national promotion Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA).  She is a 25-year-old with a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu representing Fearless MMA of Janesville, Wisconsin.

I am happy to have the opportunity to travel and fight,” said Lippert. “At this point, we decided we weren’t going to accept higher weight or lower record fights. This fight is both of those things, but I looked up Glory and she looked like a banger of an opponent. I know how it is to work hard and not get to fight, so I am happy to fill the spot. I am looking forward to a great fight.”         

следващо събитие смесени бойни изкуства NEF си, “NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” ще се състои в петък, Февруари 1, 2019 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Мейн с час на камбана от 8 pm. Tickets are on-sale now atwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.