Udi Ochie: New England alụkarị ọgụ

BOYINGTON aga isi na-isi na RAIO ụbọchị tupu agha: “M agbarapụ Laa E NA-ebibi ya”


Lewiston, Maine (June 10, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Mere na America,” a Saturday n'abalị, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Na nso nso, headliners Bruce “Mara Nwa” Boyington (10-8), na NEF Emmanuel Ọkachamara Kedu otu m ga onye mmeri, na John “Mbụ na klas” Ray(2-7) sonyeere NEF ngalaba-nwe na matchmaker Matt Peterson na a pụrụ iche “Isi na-Head” edition of the NEF Podcast. Boyington and Raio discussed the upcoming rematch and the controversy surrounding their first meeting in February 2014, ndị ọzọ isiokwu.


The interview quickly turned to the top of the first fight. Raio appeared to apply a rear-naked choke to Boyington on the mat late in the first round. Boyington began waving his hand in the air and referee Jimmy Bickford quickly stepped in to stop the fight. Much has been made of the infamous “aka-efegharị efegharị.” While Bickford saw it as a sign of Boyington’s submission, Boyington alụso na ọ bụ nanị egosi ya Fans na ìgwè mmadụ na jide e na-eme ihe ọ bụla mebiri.


“M nwere ike ịgwa gị otú ahụ n'abalị ahụ biri,” recalled Raio of the first bout. “Ọwọrọ, Bruce had given me his back. When I took his back, I had the hooks in and I had the rear-naked choke across his jaw line. I was trying to pressure it under his throat, na dị ka m jidere m ekpe bicep na m aka ekpe na-aga n'azụ ya isi, na Onye na-egbu egwuregwu kwụsịrị ndị agha… O juru m anya na o tapped n'ihi, n'eziokwu, Ama m na m nwere ọtụtụ nsogbu na ya n'agba… Ọ bụrụ na eziokwu ọ na-à, na eme nzuzu maka ya.”


“Na ọnọdụ, M kpọmkwem na-echeta Bickford na-achọ na m, M ihu, ọ na-aga n'ihi na m n'olu na m na-atụ,” kwuru Boyington. “Onye ọ bụla amalite ebigbọ n'ezie oké olu na-m na-echeta Bickford si, 'Ọ dịghị Bruce, i nwere ike na-ekwu na '… Ọ bụrụ na ị na-eche na m na-enyefe ma ọ bụ na m na nsogbu ma ọ bụ enweghị ike na-eku ume, you don’t tell the fighter, “Ị nwere ike na-ekwu na,” you just jump in and you stop the fight. I feel like he made a mistake. I feel like he realizes that… M na-ahụ a otutu dị iche iche ihe na Jọn kwuru online, na ọtụtụ ihe ndị ọzọ kwuru, and that’s when I really started to get bothered by what had happened. I felt like he could’ve handled it better.


Tupu Boyington inye ya azụ, many felt he had been winning that first round. N'ezie, Boyington’s striking seemed to be on point that evening. Peterson asked both competitors to speculate on what would have happened had the referee not stopped the bout at that point.


“-Apụghị izere ezere, M na-eche John ga na a na-kụrụ aka,” stated Boyington emphatically. “Echeghị m na m agbarapụ n'okpuru ya, because that would be his best chance with me. He’s strong enough to defend a submission.


“M na-eche na ọ bụrụ na Onye na-egbu egwuregwu akwụsịghị n'oge, mgbe m bụ ya bụ na agha na m aka m na-eru n'azụ ya n'olu,” Ray speculated, “I believe my arm would’ve slid under his throat and it would’ve ended sometime soon before the round. Ya mere, Echeghị m na ọ ga-na-na na ine a abụọ gbaa gburugburu.”


Na ụbọchị, izu na ọnwa na-esonụ agha, both Boyington’s and Raio’s massive fan-followings have been very vocal on social media regarding the outcome of the bout. The heated debate has raged between both sides for well over a year now. With so much at stake for each side at “NEF XVIII,” ma na-eme egwuregwu otụk na ihe rematch pụtara ha, na ihe ha mkpa iji gosi na a na-abịa izu ụka.


“M nnọọ ike na-aga n'ebe ahụ ma na-eti John,” kwuru Boyington. “Ọbụna ya onwe ya Fans na-atụ anya na… Apụghị m nnọọ na-aga n'ebe ahụ na June 13and beat John Raio. I gotta go in there and destroy him. Or I still lose out on this fight. Amaara m nke ahụ, and I’m gonna go in there and make that statement. And I’m gonna do it with one arm, n'ihi na ndị ọzọ ogwe-aka-adịghị ọbụna na-arụ ọrụ ugbu a… I haven’t worried about this date from day one. It’s nothing to do with John Raio. I don’t disrespect the guy. I don’t not like the guy. He’s a good man. I’m just at another level. I need to show up and prove that. That’s what it is to me. It’s not about me beating John. It’s about me showing everybody where I belong.


“N'ihe banyere Bruce gụchara m ngwa ngwa, na-eme ka ọ dị mfe, na n'ezie echegbu onwe anyị banyere ndị agha ukwuu, M nnọọ na-achọta ya enweghị nkwanye ùgwù dị ka a ọtụtụ ihe ọ na-sị m, ezinụlọ m na ndị enyi m,” replied Raio. “E nwere oge mgbe ikpeazụ agha mgbe ndị mmadụ na-congratulating m (na Facebook) and he’d go on like a one or two paragraph rant on every single comment everyone had put on my page for like three days straight. Ya mere, mgbe m kwuru 'Bruce na m bụ n'ezie enyi ọzọ,’ so I deleted him. I liked him before that fight… Ma mgbe ndị mmadụ akparị m dị ka o nwere ọ bụ ike ka Ihọd.”


Na-ege ntị NEF Podcast ke entirety, biko gaa nawww.NewEnglandFights.com/Podcasts/.


Iji mụtakwuo banyere John Raio si mgbatị, biko gaa na “Mbụ Klas mma na Emmanuel” na Facebook. Likewise, ịmụtakwu banyere Boyington si Taekwondo Academy, biko gaa na ha websitewww.BoyingtonsTKDA.com.


Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII: Mere na America” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na 207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.


Lewiston, Maine (June 8, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Mere na America,” a Saturday n'abalị, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. Carl Langston (4-8) a na ndokwa izute Alex Johnson (2-1) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


A fixture of NEF MMA amateur cards, Langston, nke Young si Emmanuel ke Bangor, Maine, replaces Johnson’s original opponent, and Langston teammate, Aaron Lacey (5-1), who was injured last week. The Lacey-Johnson fight was scheduled to determine the first-ever NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. The bout between Langston and Johnson, Otú ọ dị, will be a non-title affair.


Langston is riding high off a victory over Sheldon Bang (2-2) last February. It was Langston’s first victory in the NEF MMA cage. Likewise, Johnson is looking to extend his own streak of two wins in a row to three in NEF action. A member of Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Benton, Maine, Johnson submitted Dustin Shorey (0-1) na “NEF XVII” this past April.


NEF officials further announced today that the Langston-Johnson contest is currently scheduled to open the show at “NEF XVIII” a Saturday.


Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII: Mere na America” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na 207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.


Lewiston, Maine (Ka 29, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Mere na America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of a professional light-heavyweight bout to the fight card. Mike “The afụ ọnụ” Hansen (2-1) a na ndokwa izute Cody Anderson (1-2) na a agha arọ nke 205-pound.


A native of Rumford, Maine, Hansen won a state championship in 2004 wrestling for Mountain Valley High School. After graduation, Hansen began training in MMA and made a successful debut in 2005. He would put his MMA career on hold to serve his country in the United States Army as a combat engineer. Tupu afọ a, Hansen returned to the sport and founded Berserkers MMA in his hometown of Rumford. His first fight in the cage in nearly a decade saw him triumph over Artie Mullen (0-11) this past February at “NEF XVI.”


I’m pumped to be have an opponent like Cody,” said Hansen of the upcoming fight with Anderson. “He is a real tough guy and this should be a great battle.


Cody Anderson is a member of Team Triumph/Boston Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) in Nashua, New Hampshire. Formerly a top-ranked amateur, Anderson put together a perfect 5-0 record over the course of his amateur career. He turned pro in the fall of 2012, winning his debut over Hector Sanchez (3-12). Anderson’s last appearance in NEF saw him submitted in the final moments of his bout with Jarod “Ikpeazụ nkeji” Lawton (4-2) na “NEF VII” afọ abụọ gara aga. Anderson had been winning the bout to that point, turning in a “agha nke abalị” performance along with his opponent.


I’ve been away too long,” said Anderson. “Even with no fight camp and only two weeks notice, I will put my hands on this guy and put him to sleep.


Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII: Mere na America” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na 207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.



Lewiston, Maine (Ka 21, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Mere na America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced a free ticket giveaway for all past and present United States military personnel to coincide with Memorial Day weekend.


This is something we’ve done in conjunction with Memorial Day and Veterans Day in the past, and we’ve given away hundreds of tickets,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “It is the most important promotion we do all year. It’s our small way of saying ‘thank youto those who serve and sacrifice so much for our nation. Come down to the Colisee box office today or Fridayụtụtụ, present your military ID and get your free ticket. It’s as simple as that.


The ticket giveaway will take place at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee box office from the hours of noon to 5:00 pm today, Thursday, Ka 21, 2015, and the hours of 9:00 am to noonechi, Friday, Ka 22, 2015. The Colisee is located at 190 Birch Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240. The giveaway is open to all branches of the military. Personnel must present a valid military identification card at the box office window. There will be a limit of one ticket per identification card.


Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII: Mere na America” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na 207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.



Lewiston, Maine (Ka 21, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Mere na America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. The matchup will feature Jeremy Tyler (4-3) ihu Johnny Crafts (3-0) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


Jeremy Tyler will be making his return to the NEF cage after an extended absence of nine months. A member of Marcus Davis’s famed Team Irish gym in Brewer, Maine, Tyler will look to rebound from the first back-to-back losses of his career. Both of those losses came to Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) competitors. It is a gym affiliated with Johnny Craftsteam New England United (NEW), so the June 13 fight will be an opportunity for Jeremy to gain a measure of revenge as well. Like his opponent at “NEF XVIII,” Tyler has proven himself a submission specialist with all four of his victories coming by way of capitulation.


I’m very excited to be stepping into the NEF cage for the first time in 2015,said Tyler. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to fight John Crafts who is a highly ranked MMA fighter with a very good Jiu Jitsu game. I believe the NEF fans will be very happy with the match-up and feel this will make for an entertaining fight. Expect to see an improved performance from me. I took some time off after my last fight to focus, build upon my technique and add to my overall skill sets. I am ready to unleash the game I’ve been developing in the cage so June 13 can’t get here fast enough.


Originally scheduled to challenge for the NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship at “NEF XVIII,” Johnny Crafts was left without a fight after his original opponent pulled out due to injury. That was until Jeremy Tyler stepped up to the challenge this week. This fight will mark the first time Johnny Crafts, who holds a brown belt in BJJ, has competed above the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds. Crafts was voted the “2014 Rookie nke Afọ” by NEF fans.


I’m very excited to be fighting Jeremy Tyler,” said Crafts. “He’s a well-rounded fighter with good experience. I’m looking to test the waters at 145 for my first time and see how I feel fighting up. I was pretty disappointed in the title fight falling through, but I assure everyone that this fight will be just as exciting to watch.


Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII: Mere na America” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na 207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.


Displaying NEF_FNVXIII_Boyington_Raio_viral2.jpg

Lewiston, Maine (Ka 19, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Mere na America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, nkwalite mara ọkwa zuru agha kaadị maka omume.


In a highly-anticipated rematch, NEF Emmanuel Professional Kedu otu m ga Champion Bruce “Mara Nwa” Boyington (10-8) takes on rivalJohn “Mbụ na klas” Ray (2-7) in a non-title catchweight contest. Raio scored a victory over Boyington by rear-naked choke in their initial meeting in February 2014. That win, Otú ọ dị, was marred in controversy as Boyington contends the referee mistook his wave to his fans in the crowd as a sign of submission. N'agbanyeghị, Boyington and Raio will look to settle the score on June 13 na Lewiston.


NEF homegrown talent, na 2014 “Agha nke Year,” Crowsneck Boutin (0-0) will debut in the professional ranks against “The ere Dog” Ryan Cowette (2-2) na a middleweight n'obi. Boutin has developed over the course of three years from a street brawler to a well-disciplined martial artist. Cowette is the head coach of MMA Athletix and the preacher of Victory Church in Bath, Maine.


In other professional bouts: Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (4-4) looks to follow up his commanding performance last month at “NEF XVII” with another victory when he takes on Zenon Herrera(0-0); “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (2-1) will also try to make it two-in-a-row when he meets Canada’s Jeremy DiChiara (1-0) in a bantamweight battle; na Elias “Danger Adila” Leland (2-1) hopes to rebound from a loss last month when he fights Chad “Machine Gun” Kelly (3-2) in what many are predicting to steal the show on the professional side of the card.


“NEF XVIII” will mark the first time NEF has crowned a set of amateur champions. The amateur card will feature five championship title bouts. Among those bouts will be a heavyweight title fight between the popular Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (2-1) naRyan Glover (1-0). Glover won a 2011 state championship wrestling for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine.


In another amateur title fight, Ricky Dexter (3-0) n'ámá anya megide Josh Harvey (3-1) for the lightweight championship. Dexter will represent Team Irish while Harvey will represent Irish’s Bangor-area rival Young’s MMA.


A women’s fight will also be featured on the amateur card withAlex Walker (0-1) ihu Kendra Streeter (0-0). Walker thrilled the Lewiston crowd of more than 2,000 na “NEF XVII” last month with her “Ọgụ nke Night” performance against Randi Knowles (1-0).


Zuru agha kaadị (isiokwu ịgbanwe):



150 Bruce Boyington 10-8 (Young’s MMA/Boyington’s TKD) vs John Raio 2-7 (First Class/Choi)

185 Ryan Cowette 2-2 (Emmanuel Athletix) vs Crowsneck Boutin 0-0 (Baba Institute)

155 Jesse Erickson 4-4 (CMBJJ – Team NEU) vs Zenon Herrera 0-0 (Independent)

135 Derek Shorey 2-1 (Shatterproof ọgụ Club) vs Jeremy DiChiara 1-0 (Wulfrun MMA)

135 Elias Leland 2-1 (The Academy) vs Chad Kelly 3-2 (Fighting Arts Academy)

265 Michael Hansen 2-1 (Berserkers Emmanuel) vs TBD


Na-amu amu

265*Mbụ Billy Leahy 2-1 (CMBJJ/Young’s MMA) vs Ryan Glover 1-0 (Berserkers Emmanuel)

155*Mbụ Ricky Dexter 3-0 (Team Irish) vs Josh Harvey 3-1 (Na-eto eto si Emmanuel)

145*Mbụ Aaron Lacey 5-1 (Na-eto eto si Emmanuel) vs Alex Johnson 2-1 (Obi tara mmiri Emmanuel & Boxing)

125*Mbụ Norman Fox 4-1 (Emmanuel Athletix) vs Dustin Veinott 3-3 (CMBJJ – Team NEU)

135 *Mbụ Johnny Crafts 3-0 (Team NEW) vs TBD

S.HWT Countess Guillen 2-2 (Independent) vs Dave Smith 1-0 (Berserkers Emmanuel)

265 “Sonny” Ora Spratt IV 0-1 (Shatterproof ọgụ Club) vs Nick Gulliver 0-0 (Mbụ na klas Emmanuel)

185 Heath Hanson 1-2 (3Ronin egwuregwu) vs Ruben Redman 0-2 (Independent)

170 Mike Bazanson 0-0 (Team Kaze) vs Jeff Dustin 0-0 (Independent)

170 Alex Bronish 0-0 (Berserkers Emmanuel) vs Alex Payson 0-0 (Emmanuel Athletix)

160 Pat Kelly 2-0 (Na-eto eto si Emmanuel) vs Dr. Steve Bang 1-0 (CMBJJ – Team NEU)

155 Corey Hinkley 2-3 (CMBJJ) vs Cory Trial 0-1 (Obi tara mmiri Emmanuel & Boxing)

155 Dom Cofone 5-5 vs Jason Lachance 2-1 (Emmanuel Athletix)

145 Dustin Shorey 0-1 (Shatterproof ọgụ Club) vs Rob Robinson 0-0 (Mbụ na klas Emmanuel)

135 Mike Crespo 2-2 (Emmanuel Athletix) vs Caleb Costello 2-3 (Team Irish)

125 Justin Witham 0-2 (Shatterproof ọgụ Club) vs Ryan Burgess 0-0 (Berserkers Emmanuel)

125 David Brown 1-3 (Plymouth Fight Cluib) vs Steve Desjardins 4-3 (Team Irish)

125 Alex Walker 0-1 (Team Kaze) vs Kendra Streeter 0-0 (Independent)

145 Jimmy Jackson 2-2(Na-eto eto si Emmanuel) vs TBD

145 Mike Pietersen 2-0 (Na-eto eto si Emmanuel) vs TBD


Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII: Mere na America” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na 207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.



Lewiston, Maine (Ka 8, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (4-4) a na ndokwa izute Zenon Herrera (0-0) in what will be Herrera’s professional debut.


Erickson is a mainstay of the NEF promotion. The native of Auburn, Maine made his amateur debut at NEF I in February 2012. All fourteen of his bouts have been hosted in the NEF cage except one which was part of an NEF co-promotion with Bellator.


Currently a coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) – a New England United (NEW) Mgbakwunye – Erickson challenged unsuccessfully twice last fall for the NEF MMA Lightweight Title, dropping back-to-back losses to Bruce Boyington (10-8). Ikpeazụ nke ọnwa, Erickson returned to the cage against Florida’s Mark DeFord (0-4). The Viking came out aggressive, not letting up with a barrage of lefts, rights and knees. It was a departure from Erickson’s trusted ground game, but it took less than two minutes for him to knock DeFord out cold. If Erickson was looking to make a statement, then that statement was received loud and clear by the raucous crowd of over 2,000.


After back to back losses, I’ve really focused in on some of my weak points,” said Erickson. “Na ikpeazụ m agha, I felt much more confident and relaxed, and I think it showed in my performance. I will continue to get better and show everyone the fighter I’ve always known I could be. I’ll never fight safe, try to eke out a decision, or have a boring fight. Come watch me fight and see something special. The Viking is back and he’s swinging Thor’s hammer now.


Zenon Herrera, an independent fighter based out of Skowhegan, Maine, began his MMA amateur career in the fall of 2012. Having fought predominantly in Florida previously, he made his NEF debut last month at “NEF XVII” in a losing effort to a very tough Ricky Dexter (3-0). Herrera is a military veteran, having served four years in the United States Army and five years in the United States Marine Corps. He looks forward to making the transition from the amateur to professional ranks and the new challenges it will bring.


I’m very much looking forward to this chance of taking myself to the next level of MMA,” kwuru Herrera. “Jesse Erickson is a tough dude and that will make this match all the better. I’m also looking forward to representing the NEF, Macho Fighter, Combatives Gear, and the USMC with all of the pride and honor that they deserve with everything I do in MMA from this point forward.


NEF ọzọ Emmanuel omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in Americawill originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.


Ozugbo tọhapụ: Lewiston, Maine (Ka 6, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the fight card. “Shatterproof 2.0” Derek Shorey (2-1) will make his debut in the 135-pound division against Canadian Jeremy DiChiara (1-0).


Shorey is a fitting choice to face the native Ontarian on the patriotic-themed event. A 2000 graduate of Foxcroft Academy in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, where he won a Class-C state wrestling title in 1998, Shorey is a veteran of the United States Navy. He served four years of active duty in the branch, and did a tour of Iraq as a member of SEABEE Battalion NMCB 27.


Currently the head coach of the Shatterproof Combat Club, Shorey is coming off a victory over John Raio (2-7) ikpeazụ nke ọnwa na “NEF XVII.” The win gave Shorey the upper hand in the three-fight rivalry between the two athletes dating back to their amateur days. While he has gotten off to a good start to his professional career, Shorey will be the first to admit he has more work to do, and the upcoming battle with DiChiara will be a real test of his skills, especially on the mat.


It is truly an honor to fight in front of the NEF fans and represent this rapidly growing brand against a very dangerous opponent,” Kwurula Shorey. “I feel that I still have a lot to prove to the fans, as well as myself in regards to the fighter I’m becoming, and distancing myself from my amateur days. Jeremy is an undefeated purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu, which everyone knows has been my biggest weakness. I see this as an opportunity to show everyone that I’m fixing the problem, and hand a very game opponent his first loss.


Holding a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), DiChiara will undoubtedly test Shorey should the fight go to the ground. DiChiara is undefeated in MMA competition, having gone 2-0 as an amateur and now 1-0 dị ka a ọkachamara. He is accustomed to fighting in hostile territory with previous bouts in Michigan and half a world away in Thailand. While in Thailand, DiChiara trained with Phuket Top Team. He is presently a member of Canadian team Wulfrun MMA.


NEF ọzọ Emmanuel omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in Americawill originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.


Lewiston, Maine (Ka 4, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur bantamweight bout to the fight card. It will be the fifth amateur title awarded on the June 13 kaadị. The bout will feature Johnny Crafts (3-0) going one-on-one with Jeff Watts (5-2) at the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds.


Voted the “Rookie nke Afọ” maka 2014 by NEF fans, Johnny Crafts has dominated in all three of his prior bouts. For those familiar with his background in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), it comes as no surprise that the brown belt has submitted each of his opponents. Last February, Crafts handed the previously-undefeated Mike Crespo (2-2) his first loss in the NEF cage. He is currently a member of Team New England United (NEW) – the largest BJJ team in the northeast.


I’m very excited to be fighting for the first ever NEF ammy bantamweight title,” said Crafts. “This is definitely my hardest fight to date and I am ready to show everyone my progression. Jeff seems like a very well-rounded, experienced fighter and this should be a battle for the NEF fans to enjoy.


Jeff Watts is a product of western New York state where he developed a reputation at a young age as a tough street fighter. With a background in Karate and wrestling, Watts began training in MMA in 2009. A familiar face to New England MMA fans having competed twice in Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 13 will be his debut in the NEF cage. Watts is known internationally as writerKarmaatemycaton major MMA website Cagepotato.com. Currently residing in Wausau, Wisconsin, he trains out of Rising Son MMA.


I’m incredibly excited to be fighting the caliber of Jiu Jitsu that John brings to the cage,” said Watts. “I’m even more excited to see how he handles being punched in the face. First ever Bantamweight title for NEF. What an honor! Mmeri, lose, or drawit’s going to be a crazy night. I’m excited to show some skills I’ve never shown before. Let’s put a show on John. Bang with me.


NEF ọzọ Emmanuel omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in Americawill originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.




Ozugbo tọhapụ: Lewiston, Maine (Ka 1, 2015) - New England alụkarị ọgụ (NEF), America nọmba-otu mpaghara agha nkwalite, ga jide ya iri na asatọ mbuaha-mara-nkà (Emmanuel) omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” na Saturday, June 13, 2015 na Androscoggin Bank Colisee na Lewiston, Maine. Earlier today, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the fight card. The bout will feature Corey Hinkley (2-3) megide Cory Ikpe (0-1) at the lightweight limit of 155-pounds.


Cory Trial made his NEF MMA debut this past February at “NEF XVI.” While Trial came out on the losing end of the fight, he showed powerful striking skills in a wild slugfest with Ricky Dexter (3-0). It is a fighting style that Trial and his teammates at Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Benton, Maine have become known for. It is a style that has also produced some of the most memorable fights on the last several NEF events. Ruthless head coach Josh Parker (4-8) is confident in Trial’s ability to finish the bout coming up on June 13.


When Cory walked into my gym, I knew I had something special,” kwuru Parker. “The guy is an animal, and in June he will be looking to show everyone that in his last fight the lights killed him. This fight won’t be going out of the first round.


“M obi ụtọ maka nke a ọgụ,” exclaimed Trial. “Excited to get another chance to show people who I am as a fighter. Oge ikpeazụ, I was overwhelmed with the lights and the crowd. Oge nke a, the real Cory will be in the cage, and I’ll be looking for the finish.


When they meet at “NEF XVIII,” it will have been nine months since the last time Trial’s opponent, Corey Hinkley, stepped in the cage to compete. After starting his amateur career at 2-1, Hinkley has dropped his last two in a row. He and his coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ), Jesse Erickson (3-3), say that Hinkley has been training harder than ever for his return and has put personal issues behind him since his last appearance for NEF.


I’ve had a lot of personal things going on in my life in the past, but I’m now able to train the way I’ve been needing to and I’m coming back stronger than ever,” said Hinkley.


I have never seen Corey so focused,” stated Erickson. “He’s training harder than he has for any of his previous fights, and I can’t wait to watch him do his thing in June!”


NEF ọzọ Emmanuel omume, “NEF XVIII: Made in Americawill originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. Tiketi maka “NEF XVIII” na-amalite mgbe dị nnọọ $25 na ndị na ere ugbu a na www.TheColisee.com ma ọ bụ site akpọ Colisee igbe ọrụ na207.783.2009 x 525. Maka ozi ọzọ na ihe omume na-alụ ọgụ kaadị mmelite, biko gaa na nkwalite si website na www.NewEnglandFights.com. Na mgbakwunye, i nwere ike na-ele NEF vidiyo na www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, na-eso ha na Twitternefights ma sonyere ukara Facebook otu "New England ọgụ."


Banyere New England alụkarị ọgụ


New England alụkarị ọgụ ("NEF") bụ a ọgụ ihe n'ọkwá ụlọ ọrụ. NEF ozi bụ ike ndị kasị mma ihe n'ihi Maine si agha na Fans myiri. NEF Executive otu nwere ọtụtụ ahụmahụ na ọgụ egwuregwu management, ihe mmepụta, media mmekọahụ, ahịa, na iwu na mgbasa ozi.