Categoriae Archives: New England Pugnat

HARVEIO Predicts pugnaret isthaec DIBARTOLOMEO

PRIMUS DE LIBERO: Lewiston, Maine (August 21, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Headlining the amateur portion of the fight card will be Josh Harvey (4-1) defendere NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight contra Title Ryan Dibartolomeo(4-3). Nuper, Harvey erat hospes est NEF co-possessorem et conciliantis Matth Peterson on the NEF Podcast.


Harvey was introduced to the mats early in life. He started wrestling in junior high school and continued through his high school years. He began boxing at the age of 15 and trained in the ring for the next seven years. It was not until he attended “VIII NEF: Gentes Collide” quod in Bangor Harvey sensit simulare atque habitura futurum est ludibrio MMA.


“Cum NEF ad Bangorensem praesulem aspiciebam Ray Wood capere title, palaestra et a turpis recordati, ut in hac cue felicis olim uiridisque,” Heruicum. “I knew it was a true possibility to go somewhere in MMA. Post collegium, there’s nowhere for wrestlers to go. MMA, that’s the outlet. That’s why you see wrestlers dominating in MMA all the way to the top.


Mox namque post, then Young’s MMA wrestling coach Mark Heathcote reached out to Harvey through Facebook to invite him to train with the team. Harvey quickly found a home at the Bangor gym founded by Chris Young. He joined in on the massive success the team had already found in the MMA cages of New England.


“Ego salutatus erat cum maximas agit at Latin,” Harvey recalled. “Everyone was very kind over there. Bruce (Boyington, Professional current NEF MMA Lightweight Champion) Erat primus conprehendere me, non dicere sub penna, but to get together outside of the gym and we became friends. As far as the success Young’s has had as a team, Im 'non agnus dicere potes cretâ omnes ut superior coaching, sed circum inpertiendam optimus, saltem in hoc statu, possibly in New England.”


Itinere suo in usurpator NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Championship hanc quoque olim acceptam June, Harvey finished all three of his NEF opponents in a total of just over three minutes. Harvey, tamen, videt eius futurum est ludo in tenui labor divisio.


“Non omnes in primo circuitu muros train,” Heruicum. “That’s just how it wound up. Maybe you’ll see me go the distance as the competition gets thicker. That’s why I love this fight with Ryan (Dibartolomeo). Ipse est, Credo, praeferebantur numerus duo, so this is a good way to find out where I lay in that level. I’m not a 55er. As far as I’m concerned, I’m a 45er that’s fighting at 55. Best 45er? Amateur in New England? Yes. The game’s gonna change when I go professional. We’ll see where I stack up there.


Cum Harvey conloquebantur potential pro adversariis “XIX NEF” cum NEF lanistis, he was very clear that he wanted the toughest opponent they could find for him. If he wanted tough, he will get just that in Ryan Dibartolomeo. Dibartolomeo is out of John Fain’s Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire. After dropping his first three, Dibartolomeo has won his last four certat in row, quod coepit at an infigo verrat “X NEF” in September 2013.


“Omnibus his fights quod hes 'won talia sunt per decision,” Heruicum. “In animo meo, he let the judges win those fights for him. Fights aren’t won by judges. Fights are won by fighters. My prediction is it’s gonna be a finish. I’m gonna go out there, kill or be killed. He’s either gonna finish me or I’m gonna finish him. That’s how it’s gonna happen.


Potes listen to the entire NEF Podcast interview


Jos Harvey on Facebook page sectari potes officialem “hookonharvey.” For more information on Young’s MMA, placere visitabo their Facebook page “Latin MMA.”


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” fitSaturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF: Delaturos” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée 207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.


Lewiston, Maine (August 19, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Noctem illam, Irish quadrigis scriptor Dexter Ricky (3-1) venturus est obviam CJ Ewer (3-2) in an NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Title eliminator. Nuper, Dexter autem hic hospes in NEF Podcast NEF co-hosted a conciliantis ago, proprietarium et Matth Peterson.


A Civitatum Foederatarum Navy veterani, Dexter Marco Davis scriptor quadrigis Irish gym post movens ad Bangor, Maine at the conclusion of his military service. Eventually, Accipiunt Dexter in gym idoneitatem progressio, iam notus ut “207 Athletarum.” Dexter touched on his progression from joining the gym to becoming a trainer.


“Volentes bonum figura I custodias elaborandis,” said Dexter of his return home to Maine from military service. “I figured I’d go work out with the guys at Team Irish. I started doing their workout regimen. I dabbled a little bit with MMA training. Slowly I got more into it over time. It was a good workout. As time went on, I got better at it. I got more addicted with the more I learned, cum Murco scientia, I got addicted to it. He hired me to run his fitness class. Postquam, I figured I’d take a fight. I was in pretty good shape.


Superius hoc anno, Dexter occupans grueling slugfest cum Cory Trial (1-1) at “NEF XVI.” It was just Dexter’s second fight in the MMA cage. The bout ended in a knockout victory for Dexter. The highlight-reel knockout will, dubium, Nam cursus enim in nominatione “KO Anni” at the “NEF 2015 Anno-finem arbitria.”


“Circa primum meminisse satis propinque,” recalled Dexter. “The second round I kind of went into a trance. I don’t really remember much of it, just from watching the video. When you get to that point your training takes over. You kind of black out and, Uos scitis antequam, erexit es questus vestri.”


In omnibus, Dexter finished Primis tribus amateur inspectante itinere suo in questus a petebant NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Championship at “XVIII NEF” hanc quoque olim June contra Josh Harvey (4-1). Dexter would lose the bout by first-round submission. At “XIX NEF” on September 12, Dexter erit a casu posse ultionemque eam damnum cum diuersa Havey iuvenum s MMA teammate in CJ Lewer IRCA illa erit title extinctor pro NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Championship.


“Suus 'a vere bonum inspesserit, a magnus guy,” Dexter said of Ewer. “He looks like he’s pretty skilled. He comes from a respected school in Young’s. We all know what he’s gonna do, ut sciam quid facere omnia.”


Potes listen to the entire NEF Podcast interview


Pro magis notitia in Team Irish Opportunitas Academy, placere visitabo eorum website You can also follow “207 Athletarum” Dexter cognoscere plenius disciplina progressio Ricky on Facebook.


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” fitSaturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF: Delaturos” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée 207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.

CROWSNECK Boutin: “Hic semper fun SUCCUMBO populum”

Lewiston, Maine (August 17, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Featured on the professional portion of the card will be a light-heavyweight matchup between Crowsneck Boutin (1-0) atque Mike “Granones” Hansen (2-2). Both men are competing under NEF developmental deals.


Nuper, Boutin was NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson’s guest on the NEF Podcast. Boutin discussed, et alia quaedam, ascendent Lubec, Maine, exspectando bout with Hansen, and his recent signing to a multi-fight NEF development deal. Boutin and Peterson touched on their first meeting some three-and-a-half years ago, paulo ante Boutin fecit debut at amateur “NEF III.”


“Ego pendebat egrederetur cum a paucis buddies quis praevenerat tesseras to your (NEF) Primum eventus, et abii ad maximum habere,” recalled Boutin. “I remember talking with people and then contacting you. I really wasn’t doing anything at that time. I was feeling kind of lost. I was kind of clinging to the feeling of want. I just wanted to do something. More, I liked to fight and scrap. I always watched the sport. I guess it just all came together at that time.


Nullo formalis disciplina, Boutin would lose his first bout. Nec multo post, Peterson Boutin put in contactum cum raeda Jon Pinette de Choi Instituto in Portland, Maine. It is there that Boutin found his footing in the martial arts while, simul, sultorum fortis amicitiae necessitudines cum teammates.


“Suus 'a pulchellus terribilis atmosphaera,” said Boutin of the Choi Institute. “Uno loco diu manserunt numquam tota, except for this place. I don’t see myself leaving. It’s a great atmosphere over here. I called Jon. I remember being really nervous to call Jon, Dum cogitarem maturius, sed illum natum putavit invitans… Quisque hic has been vere invitans, really supporting. There’s a really good mix of people here. We have young to old. We have everything in between. It’s a very accepting place to be. It’s a great place to train. Everyone gets along inside and outside the gym.


Superius hoc anno fecit decisionem Boutin certavisset turn in summam amet 13 amateur pugnat. He would defeat MMA Athletix head coach Ryan Cowette (2-3) in his debut. Nihil in ea, Boutin adsciverit poenae modus, ut fuerat Cowette s cliens Brent Dillingham (1-1) qui regi tradiderant Boutin primo jactura in amateur Boutin scriptor debut at “NEF III.” Boutin says that there really was no animosity between himself and Cowette, sed post proelium navale et commutatio sive Boutin at Dillingham “III NEF” in 2012 is still in the back of his mind. He admits that he would love a rematch with Dillingham in the near future.


“Usque Brent Dillingham goes, at ille statim aliquid vellem vere pugnare 205 formam in occursum mihi, si possum,” Boutin declared. “Curabitur interdum dilexit bellantium cito.”


Boutin habiturum opus exciso in eum Hansen September 12 in Lewiston. Hansen is an accomplished wrestler, capto Damno statu patrocinium pro Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine in 2004. Boutin, tamen, et stans super confidit mat virtutum suarum.


“Sentio pugnam parati quia ubicumque vadit,” dixit Boutin. “Sin autem steterit in pedibus, tres rounds super eventually, I’m gonna try to knock him out. It’s always fun to knock people out. If it goes to the ground, Ego praevalebunt ibi.”


Potes listen to the entire NEF Podcast interview


Pro magis notitia in Choi Institute, placere visitabo eorum


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” fitSaturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF: Delaturos” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée 207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.


Lewiston, Maine (August 14, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Superius hodie, promotionem nuntiavit pugna card pro eventus featuring plenam slate professionales et amateur MMA matchups.


Eventus aptly titled “Delaturos” as it will feature the returns of several athletes who have either been recently inactive or competing outside the NEF umbrella. One such return will feature Darrius Heyliger (5-2) ab Ithaca, New York,. Maine and the NEF cage became a home-away-from-home for Heyliger and several of his Bombsquad teammates during the early days of the promotion. Heyliger competed regularly for NEF in 2012 and early 2013. His last appearance in the cage was in May 2013 Marcique “Hiberni Hand Grenade” Davis (22-11) in casu main “NEF VII.” Heyliger will make his return on September 12 adversum Brandon Chagnon (5-4) of Sityodtong.


Etiam elit pluma card reditu ex parte Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (1-0) after a 10-month extended layoff from action. Denning made his professional debut last November with a win over Derek Shorey (2-2). He will return in front of his hometown crowd against Rochi “Ka-Bar” Herrera(0-1).


Loquens de patria pugnatores, Jesse “Vikinga” Erickson (5-4), indigena finitimarum Auburn, Maine, extendendam LINEA ad tres non caligabunt oculi videntium, quando spectat win- Ricky “Savage” Sylvester (2-1). Sylvester’s previous appearance in NEF ended in controversy when many felt he held an armbar a little too long on Tollison Lewis (0-4).


Ex parte Card amateur, Josh Harvey (4-1) is scheduled to headline in the first defense of his NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Title. Harvey will meet the stiff challenge of Ryan Dibartolomeo (4-2) eum velle ab scriptor quadrigis Triumph / Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire. Harvey won the vacant title this past June with a first-round submission of Ricky Dexter (3-1).


Pluma etiam partem non amateur card, but two women’s contests. Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine will be represented in both bouts with Angela Young (0-0) atque Kira Innocenti (0-0) making their respective debuts. Angela is the wife of Young’s MMA founder and head coach Chris Young. She will meet Rachel Reinheimer (1-0) dum ab Sityodtong Innocenti will square, adversum Hannah Sparrell Classis of MMA.


The full fight card (Certamina ludis auctoritate et assensu mutatur Maine):


265 Matth Andrikut 0-0 (Persuasio Martial Arts) vs Artie Mullen 1-14 (Meridianum, et Cenomannicam MMA)

205 Michael Hansen 2-2 (Nani MMA) vs Crowsneck Boutin 1-0 (Choi Institute)


170 Darrius Heyliger 5-2 (Bombsquad) vs Brandon Chagnon 5-4 (Sityodtong)


155 Jesse Erickson 5-4 (CMBJJ) vs Ricky Sylvester 2-1 (Quadrigis Flo)


155 Matt Denning 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Rochi Herrera 0-1 (Independens)


150 Suspendisse Shorey 2-2 (Certamina Shatterproof Club) vs Tollison Lewis 0-4 (CMBJJ)


135 Zechariah Lange 2-1 (Bombsquad) Jay vs Perrin 2-0 (Boston BJJ NH)




205 Ryan Glover 1-1 (Nani MMA) vs Zak Bergeron 0-0 (CMBJJ)


200 Gray chaz 0-1 (Young scriptor MMA) vs Dominique Bailey 0-0 (Independens)


200 Ian Milligan 0-0 (Team Kaze) vs Anthony Spires 0-0 (Independens)

185 Ruben Redman 1-2 (Independens) Nick vs Shea 1-0 (Prima classis MMA)


185 Caleb Farrington 2-0 (Team NEW) vs Jon McNeil 1-0 (Boston BJJ NH)

170 Dexter Ricky 3-1 (Team Irish) vs C.J. Ewer 3-2 (Young scriptor MMA)


170 Scott Godbois 0-0 (Nani MMA) vs Phil Pearson 0-0 (MMA Athletix)


155*Title Josh Harvey 4-1 (Young scriptor MMA) vs Ryan Dibartolomeo 4-3 (Boston BJJ NH)


155 Trial Cory 1-1 (Et crudelissimi nationum MMA & Boxing) vs Rafael Velado 0-0 (Prima classis MMA)


150 David Thompson (Certamina Shatterproof Club) vs Lachance 1-2 (MMA Athletix)


150 Kira Innocenti 0-0 (Young scriptor MMA) vs Anna Sparrell 0-0 (Prima classis MMA)

145 Mike Pietersen 2-0 (Young scriptor MMA) vs Alex Johnson 2-2 (Et crudelissimi nationum MMA & Boxing)

140 Fred Lear 3-1 (Young scriptor MMA) vs Henry Clark 2-1 (Choi Institute)

135 Clifford Redman 0-2 (Independens) vs Wil Carrero 0-1 (MMA Athletix)


130 Angela Young 0-0 (Young scriptor MMA) vs Rachel Reinheimer 1-0 (Sityodtong)


125 Ryan Burgess 1-0 (Independens) vs Michael Crespo 3-2 (MMA Athletix)


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” fitSaturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF: Delaturos” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée 207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.


Lewiston, Maine (August 13, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Superius hodie, the promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the fight card. Jay Perrin (2-0) accipere reuertetur ad promotionem Zechariah Lange (2-1) Et pugna ad pondus librarum CXXXV-.


Jay Perrin is undefeated in two previous NEF appearances. Ut amateur, percussit Nick Spencer (5-4) via sententia omnium February 2013 on his way to becoming the top-ranked amateur bantamweight in New England. Perrin returned to Maine this past spring as a professional and scored a second-round TKO victory over a very tough Elias Leland (2-1). He is a member of John Fain’s Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire, liberare a iugales aeuum terminis famam caveam memorabile momenta NEF.


“Maine excitatur ad me rediens NEF militatum,” dicta Perrin. “Et bene mihi semper, et ego possum exspectare dum pugnare Sach Lange, he’s a tough opponent for anyone and people sleep on him a little. Autem, Credo ego hanc triplicem optimo, so come fight night I intend to prove just that. The fans in Maine are always so amazing, Induit aliam exspecto valde effectus non sunt.”


Based ex Ithaca, New York,, Zechariah Lange is a member of Team Bombsquad, another out-of-town team known for bringing their best to the cages of Central Maine. Lange had a stellar amateur career, cumulaverunt 5-1 record. Ex officio, tenet wins over Thane Stimson (2-3) et veteranus Dan: Philo (11-10). Lange has been inactive from MMA competition for the past three years. He is eager to get back in the cage and move forward in his career.


“Im gratum erat NEF mihi per occasionem certamine contra quern dignum Perrin,” dicta Lange. “I look forward to the challenge, and have never been so excited to be back.


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF: Delaturos,” fitSaturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée 207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.


Lewiston, Maine (July 23, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Superius hodie, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the fight card. Trial Cory (1-1) est scheduled ad faciem debuting Rafael Velado (0-0) at pugna pondus-CLV libras.


Iudicio veniunt off ingens win at “XVIII NEF” ultimum mensis. He knocked out Corey Hinkley (2-4) in just seven seconds of the first round. Nihil in ea, Trial became the new holder of the NEF fastest knockout record. The finish was so brutal that Hinkley was taken from the cage on a stretcher by paramedics. Trial trains under coach Josh Parker at Ruthless MMA & Pugilatu in Benton, Maine. He is confident that he will repeat his knockout performance on Velado at “NEF XIX.”


“Sum dolor redire in cavea,” dixit Trial. “Having a seven second knockout and breaking the NEF record was nice, sed non satis erat. I’ve been busting my ass in the gym with the best coach and I’m ready for anything – sed necessaria. Haec illic est pugnata ultimum finem fecit similiter.”


Dum Rafael Velado potest pertulit legem faciens debut in MMA “XIX NEF,” he is no stranger to combat sports. Velado is an accomplished practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Training in the sport since 2005, Velado meruit in nigrum cingulum 2012 de mundi clarus BJJ legend, et UFC veteran, Joe Moreira. He was raised in Skowhegan, Maine and now resides in neighboring Norridgewock. Velado represents John Raio’s First Class Fitness & MMA Brunsvigii, Maine.


“Suus 'difficile est ad pugnam, quae futura sunt inventa amateur BJJ nigra cingulum, so I decided to call out the guy who is riding high from an impressive victory,” dicta Velado. “Im 'certus sentit ius nunc unstoppable, et qui interponeret hac pugna valde interesting. I don’t know if I would call it a classic striker versus grappler match-up, sin autem, quam suus Pyrrhocorax, Non sum eodem insaniunt.”


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF,” fit Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.


Lewiston, Maine (July 17, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Superius hodie, the promotion announced the addition of a professional welterweight bout to the fight card. Darrius Heyliger (4-2) est signati ad faciem Brandon Chagnon (5-4) at pugna-pondus CLXX libras.


Darrius Heyliger was a regular on the main card of NEF events during the promotion’s infancy. Making the long trip from his home in Ithaca, Novi Eboraci pluries, Heyliger built quite the fan following for himself in Maine and became one of the most popular out-of-state fighters competing in NEF. Heyliger impressed many with his victories over Jarod Lawton (4-2) et Josh Follibus (1-2). He would go on to headline “VII NEF” contra fabulosus Marcus Davis (22-11) in one of the biggest fights in NEF history. Quod bout, in May 2013, fuit ultimum tempus Heyliger would certare NEF, vel promoveberis, ut perspicio, donec “NEF XIX.”


“EGO sentio amo a ludo tempus opus, suscipere et dominari iam Im,” said Heyliger. “Et, ut fans et Maine comeback NEF ante pugnam, ubi firmamentum est adeo fortis, facit quod eo melius.”


“Nos erant 'have excitat Darrius regredi,” ait dominus, et co-NEF matchmaker Matt Peterson. “He’s one of those fighters the fans are always asking us to bring back. His fight with Jarod Lawton was one of the most brutal to ever take place in the NEF cage. He’ll have his work cut out for him with Brandon Chagnon though.


Brandon Chagnon began competing in MMA over seven years ago. He is a member of Mark DellaGrotte’s world-renown Sityodtong located in Somerville, Massachusetts. Chagnon is also a trainer at TITLE Boxing Club in North Andover, Massachusetts. He has won his last two fights in a row, both by submission. Like his opponent, Chagnon non opi admodum aliquod tempus, his last bout taking place in the spring of 2014. He is confident that he can defeat Heyliger on September 12 in Lewiston.


“Ego sum excitatur in statu non licebit antea gessisset elit, et non poterat prae turba licuit novum certamen contra me,” said Chagnon. “Hoc est decimo MMA certamen, so it is important to me to go out make a statement. I train with what is highly regarded as the best team in the northeast and they are like family to me. With them standing behind me, Nunc intellego, si plena potentia mea pugno, I am trouble for any 170-pound fighter. From what I know, Darrius seems like a tough opponent and we have similar records on paper. Autem, Quod ego non dubito quin animo ibat cum altero vincere.”


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF,” fit Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée 207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.

NEF STARS LOOKING TO REDIPISCOR vicisses track ad lewiston

Lewiston, Maine (July 15, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Superius hodie, promotionem card pugnae nuntiata additionem bout amet. Tollison Lewis (0-4) est signati ad faciem “2.0 Shatterproof” Suspendisse Shorey (2-2) Et pugna ad pondus librarum CL-. NEF ulterius nuntiatum Ludovicus signed porro term, multi-pugna contractum cum comitatu.


Following prolixam amateur curriculo quod vidit certet in cavea terdecies, Lewis Tollison initium artis ad lentum cursum fugit. Durior fuerit notum pugnae curriculo potest accipere, et Ludovicus eam scriptor quattuor damna venerant manus bellatorum in hoc currently have conciliandos records, coniuncta cum win-damnum talea 16-6. Last fall, at primum NEF boxing event, Lewis percussit veterani boxer John Webster (8-7-1) Notitiamque bout duntaxat accepto diem. With a brand new NEF contractus stuppa, puer in via, et post eum est, commeatum a ludo, Inspicienda ferre se success from the will lewis NEF boxing ring ad caveam MMA. The-CL libram catchweight erit emergit Lewis s transition a PERFUSORIUS ad divisionem Featherweight.


“Primo off essem ego similis gratias NEF pro occasionem quaesituros,” idem Lodewicus. “Fui in via longa questus elit paratus lactans cum paternitate, sed nunc revertar. Super me in via mea, tum excitatur pondere certamen. Shorey guy est a lentus, et ipsum persona genuina. Hes periculosam aliquis homo quae progreditur in caveam. Ego scio quia parati venire post omnia consilia mala et difficiles et periculosae clausis foribus cum cavea, hes amícus – suus 'omnes negotium. Parati Derek, quia ego ero. Lets haec daret, fans ostendique et probabo nos ad terminum.”


Conditorem et caput Shatterproof Certamina Club, Suspendisse considerat SHOREY pessimum est vultus ex amissione remittet career. Etenim, Jeremy dichiara (2-0) Sasonem ffensum molimenti on at Shorey “XVIII NEF” per quod homines in ultimum mensis primi sistendum. Like Lewis, Shorey est etiam an NEF-signed athleta. Etiam sicut Lewis, Shorey est vultus dare NEF fans spectaculum memini “NEF XIX.”


“Proelium est hoc profectio et ego vidi enim cupiens ex multo tempore,” dicta Shorey. “Tollison non RECUMBO, et non timet hit impetro. Uenio off pessima meae: et praesta career, et familiam meam servaverunt, fans melius merita amicorum. Non sum commotus et misce cum Ludovicus ut in fans et dabit optimum NEF dimanavit peragendum.”


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF,” fit Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.


Lewiston, Maine (July 14, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Superius hodie, pronuntiat promotionem amet additionem bout certamen levis card heavyweight. Crowsneck Boutin (1-0) subibit Mike “Granones” Hansen (2-2) at pugna pondus-CCV libras. Promotionem ulterius nuntiatum Boutin had signed a longa terminus, multi-pugna pacisci cum eodem comitatu.


Crowsneck Boutin debuted ut amateur Pugnator cum NEF in June 2012. Post pressuram 3-0 in 2014, Boutin decreta est “Pugnatore Anni” per NEF fans. Felicibus run continuatis 2015 cum Boutin downed veterani Ryan Cowette (2-3) in his professional debut. He currently derigenda de Choi Instituto in Portland, Maine sub coach Jon Pinette.


"Ante annos aliquot,, post amittendæ prima pugna, Matth Peterson dedit mihi Jon Pinette s (Choi raeda) phone number,"Recalled Boutin. "Ego nesciebam tempore, sed quod ego dico scelerisque in maximis unquam fore. Ups et pertulerat, imo? Occurramus omnes ab eis. Nos reperiamus lucem. Hac occasione ego peream caveam NEF vocare itll 'exsisto larem colere verum privilegium suscepisti me absolute ac per hoc qui diligebant me, ex quo profugus coepi, nunc, ut a professio. "


"Hopefully suus 'belli necnon res adepto sanguinum,"Stated Boutin interrogatus de upcoming pugnarent cum on Hansen September 12th. "Suus 'valde intellego radit et frigus habet, discerpens eum mihi perficere autem bonum non sit aperta distendit. "


Mike Hansen, sibi NEF-signed athleta, won a state championship luctamina pro Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine in 2004. Hansen coepit competing in MMA mox post gradibus alto schola, ludicrum deinde vero quo tempore fere a decade stipendia engineer ut monomachia Exercitus Civitatum Foederatarum. Maturius hoc anno reversus ad caveam, Nani hansen fundata in MMA Rumford ubi cum aliis derigenda Mountain Valley colluctatio alum.


"De Crowsneck scholam et laboriosus sit accommodatus,"Stated Hansen cum pervenit ad comment. "Im 'iens ut mittat in pedes multum volume, recalcitratio et pulsandi, sed suus 'iens ut me non. So, CREPITUS similis illum stantes pergimus. Exspecto enim illum acie pugnantes paratioris volumus pervenire. "


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF,” fit Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.




PRIMUS DE LIBERO: Lewiston, Maine (July 10, 2015) - Pugnat New England (NEF), Americae scriptor numerus-unus Regionis promotionem certamen, mixta-militaris-artes tenebit its nineteenth (MMA) event, “XIX NEF,” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Superius hodie, the promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight championship bout to the fight card. Antonius “Cheesesteak” Morrison (17-9) defendam NEF MMA Professional Featherweight contra Title Vovk “KGB” Lutum (3-0). The bout is scheduled for five five-minute rounds at a weight of 145-pounds.


Morrison sopitum NEF universi hoc praeteritum February cum adueniente in patria Nobis iudicia Lewiston heros Ray Wood (5-1) in the fifth round to win the championship title. It was as if he had sucked all the air out of the Colisée with a vacuum. Morrison played the role of spoiler that cold, niveo nocte in Lewiston.


“Nunquam vidi aliquid simile,” ait dominus, et co-promotor NEF Nick DiSalvo. “The entire place just dropped into a dead silence. I don’t think anyone in Maine saw that coming, and I certainly don’t think anyone who’s followed NEF expected a fighter to come in and do that to Ray Wood. Everyone was shocked. It was a surreal moment.


Morrison is a seasoned veteran with more than a decade’s experience in the sport. He has competed against the best MMA has to offer on the national stage, Mundus extremam stint in Cagefighting includens (WEC) and Bellator. Morrison trains out of Daddis MMA in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


“Gratus sum statum redire pulchrum Maine, mihi prima title defense,” said Morrison. “It will be a very entertaining fight and another victory for the five time! Five time! Five time! Five time! Five time! Mixed martial arts champion, Anthony Morrison.”


Vovka Clay is undefeated as a professional. He competed as an amateur twice in NEF and won both fights by submission in an impressive fashion. Clay is considered one of the true rising stars of the New England fight scene. A win over an accomplished veteran like Morrison could potentially propel Clay onto the national stage. He is a product of Team Triumph/Boston BJJ of Nashua, New Hampshire.


“Ad omne faciendi habet somnium ufc pugnator,” said Clay. “Quidam ire post meaningless titles et caudex suas pugnae nobodies. I choose to fight the highest level of competition possible. I am thrilled to be fighting Anthony Morrison for the NEF Featherweight title. He is a very durable and crafty veteran. It won’t be easy, but if I fight my fight, Et ero Featherweight Cicero NEF explebo Champion.”


New England Pugnat’ next event, “XIX NEF,” fit Saturday, September 12, 2015 Androscoggin Bank in ad Colisée Lewiston, Maine. Nullam enim “XIX NEF” satus procul iustus $25 et nunc in venditionem ad aut revocatis ad officium arca archa et Colisée207.783.2009 x 525. Vestibulum consequat velit eventum pugnae updates, placere visitabo scriptor website ad promotionem In addition, vos can vigilo videos ad NEF, on Facebook Twitternefights eos sequi, et se aggregant eunuchorum coetus "New England pugnat."


About New England Pugnat


New England Pugnat ("NEF") haec pugna est turba promotiones. Maxima est enim res habet, ut missionem NEF Maine pugnantium scriptor fans pariter. Team, exsecutiva NEF scriptor sports procuratio habet rotensus experientia certaminis, rerum productionem, necessitudinum, venalicium, vendo et legal.