فئة المحفوظات: MMA

FNU القتال الرياضة مشاهدة: أول ظهور لـ CM Punk, UFC الكفاح ليلة خلاصة, Brrok مقابل. معاينة Golovkin

توم, يناقش توني وريتش الأسبوع في Combat Sports, مع التركيز على UFC Fight Night الأخير في هامبورغ, ألمانيا, لاول مرة UFC من فيل بروكس (الملقب ب. سي ام بانك) والمعركة القادمة بين كيل بروك وجينادي جولوفكين.

أمريكا القتالية تضرب نيويورك بأول شوط في العالم في التاريخ, بث مباشر على قناة beIN SPORTS EN ESPAÑOL و UFC FIGHT PASS® يوم الجمعة, أكتوبر. 14

(في الصورة أدناه): نجم صاعد يبلغ من العمر أربعة وعشرون عامًا جون “مثير Mexy” كاستانيدا (11-2) من مانكاتو, من. سيحاول أن يصبح الأول 135 بطل العالم للجنيه في تاريخ مكافحة الأمريكتينالجمعة, أكتوبر. 14, مباشر على beIN Sports en Español و UFC FIGHT PASS.

يواجه جون كاستانيدا "مثير ميكسي" غوستافو لوبيز
لبطولة العالم وزن البانتام
في تحول الحجر منتجع كازينو في فيرونا, N.Y..

تذاكر للبيع الآن

نيويورك - سبعة. 8, 2016 - أعلنت مكافحة الأمريكتين اليوم أن أحمر حار, وزن البنطال (135 جنيه) النجوم جون "جنسي" كاستانيدا (11-2) و جوستافو لوبيز (6-1) ستواجه أول مباراة في بطولة العالم في تاريخ الدوري في Turning Stone Resort Casino في فيرونا, N.Y.. في الجمعة, أكتوبر 14, مباشر على beIN SPORTS En Español و UFC FIGHT PASS®.

كاستانيدا من مانكاتو البالغ من العمر 24 عامًا, من. ولوبيز البالغ من العمر 27 عامًا من لاس فيغاس, نيفادا. عبر ياكيما, غسل. سيتصادم في الحدث الرئيسي من 10 نوبات “Combate Americas: صعود الإمبراطورية "فنون القتال المختلطة (MMA) إنتاج فني مذهل.

"يسعدنا أن ننتج أول معركة عالمية لنا في تاريخ Combate Americas في حدثنا الأول في Empire State,"وقال الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Combate الأمريكتين كامبل ماكلارين, الذي أنتج أيضًا آخر حدث MMA احترافي متلفز مباشر في ولاية نيويورك مع UFC® 7 في سبتمبر 8, 1995.

"قدم جون كاستانيدا وغوستافو لوبيز بعض العروض البطولية التي لا تُنسى خلال سلسلة قتالنا" الطريق إلى البطولة "هذا العام والعام الماضي,"وتابع ماكلارين, "لذلك نحن نتطلع إلى الحصول على هذين الناشئين, تتعادل النجوم الشباب وتتويج أول بطل لنا ".

شق كل مقاتل طريقه إلى معركة اللقب في "La Jaula,"أو قفص مكافحة الأمريكتين, من خلال الذهاب بدون هزيمة في ثلاث مباريات متتالية خلال سلسلة "Road To The Championship" التي انطلقت في سبتمبر 2015 واختتمت في مايو 9, 2016.

في الصورة أعلاه (بعيدا): نجم Bantamweight غوستافو لوبيز (6-1) لاس فيغاس, نيفادا. عبر ياكيما, غسل. سوف يتطلع لمواصلة مسيرته التي لم يهزم فيها “القفص,” القفص Combate الأمريكتين, عندما يناضل من أجل لقبه العالمي الأول.

كاستانيدا, الذي انتهى 8 من له 11 انتصارات المهنية, يركب خط فوز لستة قتال يعود تاريخه إلى مايو 16, 2015 عندما قدم بيدرو فيلاسكو مع خنق خلفي عاري في الجولة الأولى (2:42) المعركة.

بدأ تشغيل كاستانيدا في سلسلة "الطريق إلى البطولة" بقرار إجماعي للفوز جوستين Governale في سبتمبر 17, 2015, واستمر بشكل مذهل, ذراع مثلث خنق تقديم فيديريكو لوبيز في اللحظات الأخيرة من الجولة الثالثة (4:49) العمل.

عزز كاستانيدا ذو العقلية العدوانية مكانته في معركة اللقب العالمي من خلال تفوقه على قرار منقسم غابرييل سولوريو في أبريل 25.

في الماضي بدايته, صعدت كاستانيدا من أجل Combate Americas في غضون أسبوعين فقط, استبدال المصاب إريك سانشيز, في الأعلى, حد وزن الريشة 145 جنيه, ضد انجيل كروز آب 11, وسجل جولة ثانية (2:25) منظمة الصحة العالمية (اللكمات) على كروز.

قاتل من معسكر إكستريم كوتور الشهير في لاس فيغاس, لوبيز, ربيبة UFC السابق® بطل مييشا تيت و UFC bantamweightبريان كراواي, سيبحث عن فوزه السادس على التوالي في القفص, ورابعه تحت مظلة "مكافحة الأمريكتين" الترويجية.

على غرار خصمه, لوبيز هو لاعب نهائي حاز على خمسة من ستة انتصارات في مسيرته الاحترافية (تي)KO أو تقديم.

بدأ Lopez رحلته في Combate Americas في سلسلة "Road To The Championship", قهر ماوريسيو دياز عن طريق القرار بالإجماع في سبتمبر 17, 2015.

في ظهوره الثاني في Combate Americas, قدم لوبيز جوي روكيهمع خنق مثلث الذراع في الجولة الثانية (4:06) العمل, قبل أن يختم مصيره في لقب القتال مع Castaneda بتسجيله هدفا, الجولة الثانية (4:07) بالضربة القاضية الفنية على شاول اليزوندو مع وابل من اللكمات على الأرض.

مكان معترف به وطنيا للأسطورة, أحداث الملاكمة على مستوى العام, سيصبح كازينو Turning Stone Resort الآن أحد الأماكن الأولى في نيويورك لاستضافة معارك MMA الاحترافية. مع إرث استضافة بعض من أفضل الأحداث في البلاد, تنافس العديد من الأماكن في المدن الكبرى مثل لاس فيغاس, اتلانتيك سيتي ومدينة نيويورك, أنشأت Turning Stone Upstate New York كوجهة رئيسية للأحداث الرياضية الحية. Turning Stone هو منتجع وجهة حاصل على جوائز, تقدم وسائل الراحة ذات المستوى العالمي بما في ذلك أربعة فنادق, أكثر من 20 المطاعم وخيارات تناول الطعام, اثنين من المنتجعات الفاخرة, ل 125,000 قدم مربع الطابق لاس فيغاس على غرار الألعاب, صالة عرض على غرار ملهى, ل 5,000 الساحة مقعد, خمسة ملاعب جولف أصيلة, العديد من الحانات, صالات الكوكتيل وأماكن الحياة الليلية.

تذاكر “Combate Americas: Empire Rising "معروض للبيع ويمكن شراؤه من Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, أو عبر الإنترنت في Ticketmaster.com. ويتم تسعير التذاكر في $75, for cageside, $65, $50 و $35, وقد تخضع لرسوم إضافية. الأبواب سوف تفتح في 5:30 عصرا.لهذا الحدث, وسوف تبدأ أول نوبة الأولية في 6 عصرا.

وسيتم الإعلان عن نوبات إضافية قريبا.

UFC FIGHT PASS هي خدمة اشتراك رقمية تتيح للمشجعين الوصول إلى أحداث ومعارك UFC المباشرة الحصرية, الحصرية الحية الأحداث MMA ومكافحة الرياضية من جميع أنحاء العالم, الأصلي الحصري وراء الكواليس المحتوى وغير مسبوق 24-7 الوصول إلى أكبر مكتبة قتال في العالم.

UFC FIGHT PASS متاح في: حواسيب شخصية, اكس بوكس 360, أجهزة إكس بوكس ​​واحد, الأمازون TV النار, ايفون, اى باد, آبل, ذكري المظهر, جهاز Chromecast, تلفزيون سامسونج الذكي, تلفزيون ال جي الذكي, تلفزيونات Sony مع أجهزة Android TV و Roku.



بواسطة: Kalle Oakes

Humility is the undertone for any conversation with Jimmy Jackson about his mixed martial arts career. It was a humbling experience that twisted Rafael Velado’s arm into the world of combat sports in the first place.

One of the men will depart Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston wielding a source of pride – the New England Fights amateur lightweight championship belt – after their clash at “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” this السبت, سبتمبر 10.

Mention the idea of his earning a title shot in the hexagon and Jackson (3-2) almost can’t withhold a laugh.

“It’s a big opportunity for someone like me,” Jackson said. “I never thought I would be fighting for a title. I’ve had a ton of teammates come up to me and say, ‘You deserve this! Way to go!’ I just never thought of myself as that top-tier fighter. I’ve always been the guy kind of behind the scenes.”

Easy enough for the Bangor fighter to blend in, considering that he trains at Young’s MMA with the likes of Aaron “Relentless” Lacey, “The” Ryan Sanders, and Josh “Hook On” Harvey.

Fighting for the belt vacated by stablemate Harvey isn’t an endeavor that would have entered Jackson’s mind back in 2012, when he accepted a fight in Vermont on a relative lark. He won via submission, with a choke, في 96 ثواني.

“My training started out as me and a few other guys messing around in a basement,” Jackson said. “My first fight was spur of the moment. I won and it sort of got the adrenaline going, مثل, ‘I can do this. I did pretty good.’”

Through a co-worker, he connected up with Young’s MMA.

After a learning curve that included back-to-back losses in 2013, Jackson steadily improved and defeated two consecutive opponents to earn his title opportunity.

“It’s a blessing and a curse. It’s truly a family. These are guys who truly stand by each other, in hard times, bad times, in and out of the gym,” Jackson said of wearing Young’s colors. “But on the flip side, everybody’s watching you, expecting a certain amount of entertainment from you. I want to perform at such a level that people are excited to watch me fight.”

While most fighters go through the drudgery of training in order to bask in the glory of fight night, Jackson contends that it’s the training he loves most. And entering the cage, he claims, is not about him.

“Fighting, إلي, is just what I can do to show everybody what my coaches have accomplished,” Jackson said. “They sacrifice so much to give us fighters the recognition and they get very little recognition in return. The only reason I get in the cage is to represent them.”

Jackson gravitated to MMA with minimal experience in combat sports. Velado, of Norridgewock, brought a decade of jiu-jitsu and a black belt to the table.

That journey had less glamorous beginnings, لكن.

“In July 2005, I was playing basketball and a guy on my own team, if you can believe it, punched me in the face. He took exception to something and he messed me up pretty good,” Velado said. “From watching UFC, I thought I knew what to do to defend myself, and I pulled him down with an arm bar. Pathetically, but I pulled him down.”

Velado called it a reality check, one that led him to enroll in jiu-jitsu classes taught by Aaron Blake in Boothbay Harbor.

“I think all guys think they will be able to defend themselves in a situation, and most of those guys are wrong,” Velado said.

In more than three years of tournament competition, Velado said he fought more than 50 times and lost only three matches.

He grew restless and sought a new challenge. It led him to John Raio’s First Class MMA in Topsham. Velado was primed for his debut, but a sparring session with heavyweight teammate Nick Gulliver led to a torn MCL in his knee.

“That took about six to eight months before I fully recovered,” Velado said. “I dropped in on John again in April 2015, and we got a plan together. He got me in there with a lot of good wrestler types, including himself. He let me train with Marcus Davis and some other guys to expand my skill set.”

Velado has won three times in NEF, capped by a split decision over Mike Peitersen of Young’s.

“You’re in for a war. Young’s guys, they’re great. They’re all respectful. They train like savages,” Velado said. “Look who he’s training against…Those guys could fight anywhere in the United States and do well. You can’t not get better training against guys like that. You can’t not be a stud.”

جاكسون, who said that MMA has lowered his stress level while reminding him that there is nothing else in life he can’t handle, hinted that he is the underdog on paper.

“He went three rounds with Mike Pietersen, and Mike is a tough dude. I know he’s a black belt in jits,” Jackson said. “I’m taking a realistic approach. I’m more focused on what I need to do and can’t worry about what he’s going to do. I don’t think he’s going to show me anything that I can’t handle.”

The question, Velado said, is whether or not Jackson’s modesty suggests any level of uncertainty.

“The difference between us is that I know I have jiu-jitsu in my tool box. He doesn’t have anything like that in his tool box that I know of,” Velado said. “He’s going to see what level he’s at in this fight. He’s going to find a way to get past me, or he’s going to take a step back and say is this something I really want to be doing? He definitely has to have confidence if he wants to beat me.”

The opening bell on this السبت, سبتمبر 10 تم تعيين ل 7 عصرا. The current docket for “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” includes three professional boxing matches, five pro mixed martial arts bouts and five amateur MMA scraps. تذاكر تبدأ من $25 وتتوفر في www.TheColisee.com أو عن طريق استدعاء شباك التذاكر في COLISEE 207.783.2009, امتداد 525.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول التحديثات بطاقة الحدث والكفاح, يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للترويج لفي www.NewEnglandFights.com. بالإضافة, يمكنك مشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو NEF في www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, متابعتها على تويترnefights والانضمام إلى مجموعة الفيسبوك الرسمية "نيو انغلاند يحارب".




سانتا مونيكا, CALIF (سبعة. 7, 2016) – Bellator MMA Welterweight Champion أندري Koreshkov (19-1) will make the second defense of his belt against the man he took it from more than a year ago, دوغلاس ليما (27-6), in the main event of the promotion’s historic debut at Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv on تشرين الثاني 10.


بالإضافة, the card will feature one of Israel’s own in the co-headliner, when newly signed Bellator MMA featherweight Noad جميع (9-2) تجتمع سكوت كليف (15-5). Additional main card and preliminary fights will be announced in coming weeks.


The Viacom-owned fight promotion’s historic event will air in America on SPIKE الجمعة, تشرين الثاني 11 في 9 عصرا. و / 8 عصرا. CT. في شراكة مع Bellator Ananey الاتصالات, والتفاخر التلفزيون تكتل الإسرائيلي 14 قنوات, several of which showcase Viacom content including the EGO and EGO TOTAL channels which have broadcast Bellator in Israel since 2012.


Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at Bellator.com أو Eventim.co.il/mma.


Currently sitting atop Bellator MMA’s welterweight division, the 26-year-old champion Koreshkov most recently dismantled former world champion بنسون هندرسون إلى 25 minutes in his first-ever title defense. 19-1 قدر كبير من الكفاءة, “Spartan” hasn’t tasted defeat since 2013 and has finished 13 of his opponents by either knockout or submission. It’s worth noting that Koreshkov trains under the leadership of former middleweight championالكسندر Shlemenko.


Coming off of a dominant victory over top contender بول دالي, “The PhenomLima has earned the right to challenge for the promotion’s 170-pound title, which he once held. The American Top Team standout has a knack for winning fights in spectacular fashion before reaching the judges’ بطاقات الأداء, which he has accomplished in 23 من له 27 فاز كلاعب محترف. Born in Brazil, the 28-year-old has secured victories over top competition since starting his career in 2006, tallying wins against Ben Saunders (2س), Ryan Ford, Steve Carl and Olympic competitor Rick Hawn. Now fully healthy, Lima looks to fight twice in a calendar year for the first time since 2013.


A black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, Lahat made his professional debut in 2008, where he began an impressive streak of seven consecutive victories. The 32-year-old “Neo” then decided to take his talents to the UFC, where he tacked on two more wins, rounding out his current professional record of 9-2. Hailing from Alfei Menashe, Samaria Israel, Lahat was also a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces before transitioning to his now promising MMA career. He will look to compete in a strong Bellator MMA Featherweight class that includes current titleholder دانييل شتراوس, بات كوران, Patricio “Pitbull," دانيال Weichel, و جورجي Karakhanyan.


في 34 سنوات من العمر, Scott Cleve is set for his fifth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, the Colorado native has a knack for ending fights early, stopping his opponent in 11 من له 15 انتصارات. Notable victories on thePariah MMAstandouts resume include wins over UFC veteran Abel Trujillo, along with Bellator competitors ديريك الحقول و مات بيسيت.


“Bellator MMA in Tel Aviv” Main Card:

وزن الوسط عالم عنوان بوت: أندري Koreshkov (19-1) مقابل. دوغلاس ليما (27-6)

نوبة ميزة وزن الريشة: Noad جميع (9-2) مقابل. سكوت كليف (15-5)



بواسطة: Kalle Oakes

It is hard to believe that Caleb Hall and Johnny Crafts’ paths have not crossed in the New England Fights mixed martial arts hexagon before now.

Separated by only two years in age and only a handful of pounds on the scale, the two former high school athletes made the transition to the cage from other combat pursuits at around the same time. Hall was a champion wrestler, while Crafts was a decorated grappler in the jiu-jitsu realm.

They are even considering a jump to the professional ranks at the same time … after one final stop to stand toe-to-toe with one another in a clash of amateur champions at “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains.”

NEF amateur featherweight champion Hall (7-3) of Portland by way of Dixfield will collide with NEF amateur bantamweight titleholder Crafts (4-0) of Lisbon this السبت, سبتمبر 10.

“I’d say my days in the amateur ranks are numbered,” Hall said. “I feel at this point, as tough as the fights are getting, I might as well be a pro. I just didn’t want to do it too early. I wanted to be a legitimate pro athlete.”

Hall took a measured approach to his ascent through the ranks. Not many fighters stick around for a double-digit number of amateur bouts before either taking prize money or returning to the safety of spectator-hood.

ثم مرة أخرى, not many debut in the sport as early as Hall. He remembers getting his first recruiting call from NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson while helping a friend, Josh Thornton, train for an NEF appearance.

“He called me out of nowhere and tried to get me a fight on short notice. Then he saw me filling out the information sheet and noticed that I was still only 17,” Hall said, noting that the rules prohibit minors from entering the fray. “So I ended up fighting in September, a month after my 18عشر عيد ميلاد. I was hooked from the first time I watched it. I knew it was something I wanted to do.”

Hall won his first three fights, largely on the strength of his wrestling acumen, while bouncing between his hometown in the Western mountains of Maine and Plymouth State University in New Hampshire.

While sparring at First Class MMA in Topsham, Hall heard NEF mainstay John Raio rave about the merits of the Choi Institute in Portland. Hall took the advice and quickly discovered a place where his boxing and striking skills improved exponentially.

“Most of my training has been stand-up. I’ve tried to improve on it,” Hall said. “I figure that I’ve wrestled so long that I can kind of put it down when it comes to training and put more effort in the areas where I need to improve my skills.”

Hall carries a two-fight winning streak. The latter victory was a second-round submission over Erik Nelson for the vacant 145-pound strap in April.

He has stayed busy, rarely skipping back-to-back NEF cards during his time with the organization. By contrast, Crafts had been out of the cage for a year prior to his third-round TKO of Henry Clark for the 135-pound title in February.

“Injuries are what have screwed me over. I should have a lot more fights for as long as I’ve been at it,” Crafts said. “If I’m healthy, الفوز أو الخسارة, I think this is probably my last fight as an amateur. أنا 24. I don’t want to drag it on too long.”

Crafts agreed with Hall’s assessment that whichever of the two fighters is able to step out of his comfort zone on the mat will gain the upper hand.

“Caleb is a really good wrestler. I never wrestled in high school, just jiu-jitsu. But with jiu-jitsu, you learn how to wrestle,” Crafts said. “I think people are going to be surprised by my wrestling, and I think everybody’s going to be impressed with my boxing. I feel more confident. I think he’s going to be surprised when I punch him in the face.”

Hall has fought all but two of his fights at 145 pounds and said that he considers that weight class “home.” Crafts dismissed any disadvantage in having to step up, noting that his walking-around weight is in the 160s.

“This is my first time fighting at 145. I’m really excited about it. Getting down to 135 is a really big cut for me. I felt it in the last fight. I could just tell. I really shouldn’t have been as tired as I was,” Crafts said. “And Henry was a good opponent. I was working on things, using more of my stand-up. That kind of prolonged it.

“He’s definitely the best at 145 في رأيي,” Crafts added in reference to Hall. “He’s one of the most experienced amateurs out there. He’s definitely the best guy for me to fight.”

The opening bell this السبت, سبتمبر 10 تم تعيين ل 7 عصرا. The current docket for “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” includes three professional boxing matches, five pro mixed martial arts bouts and six amateur MMA scraps. تذاكر تبدأ من $25 وتتوفر في www.TheColisee.com أو عن طريق استدعاء شباك التذاكر في COLISEE 207.783.2009, امتداد 525.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول التحديثات بطاقة الحدث والكفاح, يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للترويج لفي www.NewEnglandFights.com. بالإضافة, يمكنك مشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو NEF في www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, متابعتها على تويترnefights والانضمام إلى مجموعة الفيسبوك الرسمية "نيو انغلاند يحارب".

حول معارك نيو انغلاند

معارك نيو انغلاند ("NEF") هي معركة الترقيات الأحداث للشركات. مهمة NEF هو خلق أعلى جودة الأحداث لمقاتلي مين والجماهير على حد سواء. الفريق التنفيذي NEF لديه خبرة واسعة في مجال إدارة الرياضات القتالية, إنتاج الأحداث, العلاقات الإعلامية, تسويق, القانونية والإعلان.

Event Details: ووريورز القفص 78, صدى الساحة, ليفربول, انجلترا. سبعة 10, 2016

للنشر الفوري
الثلاثاء, سبتمبر 6, 2016

أبواب Open to the public – 5:00رئيس الوزراء
FIRST BOUT Amateur – 6:20رئيس الوزراء (قابلة للتغيير)
TELEVISED Main card – 9:00pm* (الوقت في المملكة المتحدة)
هذا السبت, سبتمبر 10, Cage Warriors Fighting Championship returns to Liverpool’s Echo Arena for the first time in two years, with a show packed with the cream of European MMA performing in front of a global TV audience.

مرة أخرى في 2014, CWFC 68’s main card produced 10 stoppages and the promotion is hoping for the same fireworks on Saturday. At CWFC 78, two world titles are on the line for the lightweight and featherweight belts – both being contested by home crowd favourites, Chris Fishgold and Paddy Pimblett.

Headlining the show is highly ranked Englishman Chris Fishgold, who makes the first defence of his lightweight title against Frenchman, Jason Ponet. His teammate Paddy Pimblett challenges Frenchman Johnny Frachey for the featherweight title.

عمل البطاقة الرئيسي, from the Echo Arena Liverpool will feature five televised professional bouts starting at 9pm* (الوقت في المملكة المتحدة).


Vaughan Lee has withdrawn due to injury. His opponent Arnold Quero is now matched on CWFC 79, due to take place next month in Newport, ويلز.

Doors at the Echo Arena, Liverpool will open at 5:00pm – tickets are available to purchase here.

Please check your local region’s listings for local broadcast times.

The main card is live on:
UFC FIGHT PASS® | في جميع أنحاء العالم
بي تي سبورت | المملكة المتحدة وايرلندا
فياسات | الدول الاسكندنافية

يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية 78

يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية 9:00PM* (يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية)
*The main card will start on BT Sport via the red button at 9pm and revert to the main channel at 9.15pm.

الحدث الرئيسي: CWFC Lightweight World Title (5×5 minute rounds)
(بطل) كريس Fishgold (15-1-1) مقابل. Jason Ponet (16-10-1-1nc)

Vacant CWFC Featherweight World Title (5×5 minute rounds)
PaddyThe BaddyPimblett (11-1-0) مقابل. Johnny Frachey (18-10-0)

وزن خفيف (3×5 minute rounds)
تيم “The ExperimentWilde (8-2-0) مقابل. ميكائيل “راجنار” ليبوت (14-6-1-1nc)

وزن الوسط (3×5 minute rounds)
Ali Arish (21-5) مقابل. Mohsen Bahari (8-3)

المتوسط (3×5 minute rounds)
Leeroy Barnes (15-15-0-1nc) مقابل. Victor Cheng (10-2-0)

يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية
160 lbs catchweight
Jordan Miller (16-15) مقابل. إليس هامبسون (5-3-1)

وزن الوسط
James Lewis (5-2) مقابل. ديز باركر (7-5)

وزن الوسط
Alexandre Roumette (4-6) مقابل. Dylan Mcloughlin (2-0)

130 lbs Catchweight
Sam Halliday (4-3) مقابل. Sam Creasey (6-0)

يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية, يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية الفيسبوك, تغريد و إينستاجرام. يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية, يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية, يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية يرجى التحقق من قوائم بلدك لمعرفة أوقات البث المحلية.

صور: Cage Warriors/Dolly Clew


بطولة القتال في قفص المحاربين هو الترويج لفنون القتال المختلطة الرائد والأطول في أوروبا. علامة تجارية مملوكة لأيرلندا ولها مكاتب في المملكة المتحدة & أيرلندا, CWFC هي المنظمة الأسرع نموًا في الرياضة, بعد أن نظموا 80 الأحداث في 12 دول عبر ثلاث قارات مختلفة منذ إنشائها في 2002. موطن لبعض أكبر نجوم الفنون القتالية المختلطة في الماضي, الحاضر والمستقبل.

Meet MMA Superstar FrankieThe AnswerEdgar at Autism Radio Casino Night Saturday, سبتمبر 24 in Totowa, NJ

(سبتمبر 5, 2016) — Autism Radio is hosting their 2nd annual Casino Night Fundraiser for Autism and welcome special meet-and-greet charity guest, Mixed Martial Arts Superstar, فرانكي “The AnswerEdgar في السبت, سبتمبر 24, من 7:00 رئيس الوزراء – 11:00 عصرا. و at The Bethwood in Totowa, نيو جيرسي. أقل من 60 tickets remain, reserve yours today at: HTTP://AutismRadio.org/تذاكر
Autism Radio is a non-profit organization that assists families whose children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Casino Night on September 24th will be a full night of entertainment, Meet-And-Greet with Franke Edgar, a cocktail hour, a complete dinner buffet, and an open premium bar all night long. An initial set of Autism Fundraiser Casino chips is also given to guests so they can start gambling to make more money to donate to our charity. The Mixed Martial Arts, Grappling and Jiu Jitsu community can help us by purchasing tickets, sponsoring our event, donating gift baskets or raffles and of course by buying tickets and coming with friends and family. For sponsorship and donation information, البريد الإلكتروني: Paul@AutismRadio.org or make a donation directly at:HTTP://AutismRadio.org/Donate
Autism Radio Casino Night Frankie Edgar UFC Fighter

Autism Radio Casino Night Frankie Edgar UFC Fighter

Autism Radio, 501c3 is made up of a full volunteer staff and a Board of Directors. Every $.90 cents of $1.00 generated at this event is used towards programs that we support including many different family assistance, التواصل مع المجتمع, development and signature programs throughout New Jersey.
AutismRadio.org features a half-hour syndicated radio show called, “Hope Saves the Daywhich is dedicated towards educating and assisting the Autistic community. We also offer additional programs to those that cannot get assistance through their school districts or insurance plans; Team Hope Swim Program partnered with the Special Olympics, Horses for Hope partnered with horse ranches nationwide and iPads and Tablets for Autism, which focus on assisting non-verbal children with autism the training and tools to assist in the communication development.
CN1i8aOIAutism Radio also offer discounts on tools for the ASD population by selling Snap-Laces and Autism Parenting Magazine at AutismRadio.org, plus offer volunteer based Life Coaching to families challenged with Autism every month plus our MY ID Medical Bracelets that are help changing the world and protecting our children and the Autism Community alike. Get more information on Autism at: HTTP://AutismRadio.org


ويستون, مين (سبتمبر 5, 2016) – Taylor Trahan is a statistical oddity.

A native of Littleton, نيو هامبشاير, now living in East Concord, فيرمونت, the 25-year-old pursued mixed martial arts seven years ago, soon as he was legally old enough to do so. He has entered the cage a total of 20 times in professional and amateur competition.

All that experience in this neck of the woods, yet his featherweight bout against Matt Denning at “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” on السبت, سبعة. 10 at Androscoggin Bank Colisee will be his debut with New England Fights.

Trahan (5-6) is not buying the underdog or bad-guy label, even though he will walk into the historic arena in a city that Denning (3-3) calls home.

“This is only a two-hour trip (each way) for most of my fans,” Trahan said. “Most of them are used to traveling four hours or more to watch me fight. They’re like, 'يا, sweet.’”

Both fighters hope the matchup will reverse their recent career fortunes. Trahan has lost five consecutive fights since a red-hot start to his pro docket, while Denning has dropped three of his last four contests.

Denning is quick to point out that the results are deceiving on both sides.

“He fought a guy named Joe Pingitore. Beat him the first time with a rear naked choke and then lost to him in the rematch,” Denning said. “That’s a guy who is one of the best 145-pounders in New England.”

If anyone has the right to consider himself an expert in ranking those middle weight classes, it’s Denning.

The local favorite known as “Ken Doll” has never shied away from fighting the best that NEF has to offer fighters in the neighborhood of 145. Denning twice defeated Derek Shorey. He inched upward in weight, unsuccessfully, against Jon Lemke at 150 and Josh Harvey at 155. وفي الآونة الأخيرة, Brandon Bushaw beat him by submission at “NEF 24: Promised Land” in June.

“You think about Lemke and Harvey, and I train with Jesse Erickson (at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu),” Denning said. “The only one really missing is Devin Powell. I feel like I’ve fought and trained with the best group of guys around.”

Jiu-jitsu is the go-to for both fighters. Trahan is a brown belt, while Denning is a purple belt.

In other areas, their styles clash. Three of Trahan’s pro wins have come by decision. دينينغ, meanwhile, has never gone the distance as a pro. He only went to the cards once as an amateur – a loss to Dom Cofone in his cage debut.

Trahan stopped short of a prediction but said that he expects to prevail by submission.

“I see it being a slow first round for at least the first couple minutes,"هو قال. “Then once I get my timing down and start doing the things I want to do, I don’t see it going into the third round.”

Denning has prepared for a lengthy encounter. He confessed that he smoked through most of his career but has quit.

Couple that with a renewed commitment to road work and Denning forecasts that his fans will be pleased with his readiness for the relatively unknown foe.

“I believe the longest fight I’ve had was two minutes left in the third round,” Denning said. “I feel good conditioning-wise. I’m a shorter guy, so I’ve got to stay at 145.”

He said that sparring against Erickson has prepared him for the taller Trahan.

Denning believes that his striking and wrestling are superior to Trahan’s repertoire, but he complemented his rival by adding that he considers him another in a line of rugged opponents.

“I wanted to pick someone hard to fight. This is my fourth fight في ستة أشهر,” Denning said. “Before that I took a year off. The last time I won in Lewiston was September of last year. I’m hoping the hometown advantage will help a little bit this time.”

Given the unpredictable nature of MMA, pro fighters must have short memories while applying the hard lessons they learn from losses. Trahan, like Denning, thinks he has achieved that.

“I’ve learned that I have to stick to what I know, and don’t do what’s not me,” Trahan said. “I think that in order for me to win, I have to take it to the ground. I favor the ground style. He’s excellent on the ground, لا تفهمني غلط, but I’ve seen some things I think I can exploit.”

The opening bell this السبت, سبتمبر 10 تم تعيين ل 7 عصرا. The current docket for “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” includes three professional boxing matches, five pro mixed martial arts bouts and five amateur MMA scraps. تذاكر تبدأ من $25 وتتوفر فيwww.TheColisee.com أو عن طريق استدعاء شباك التذاكر في COLISEE 207.783.2009, امتداد 525.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول التحديثات بطاقة الحدث والكفاح, يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للترويج لفي www.NewEnglandFights.com. بالإضافة, يمكنك مشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو NEF في www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, متابعتها على تويترnefights والانضمام إلى مجموعة الفيسبوك الرسمية "نيو انغلاند يحارب".



للنشر الفوري: ويستون, مين (سبتمبر 4, 2016) – Rachael Joyce has her civil engineering degree from the University of Maine. Jessica Borga is a veterinary technician from Lakeland, فلوريدا.

Read those one-line biographies of the two women and they probably do not fit whatever is your personal profile of a mixed-martial-artist. And perhaps that presumption, and maybe a lingering societal bias against female fighters, is the reason Joyce and Borga have struggled mightily to find opponents in their corners of the country.

Each woman will end what is almost a one-year hiatus from the cage when Joyce (1-0) welcomes Borga (2-1) to Maine in a bantamweight bout at “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains.” New England Fights returns to its hub venue, البنك Androscoggin COLISEE, في السبت, سبتمبر 10.

“I’ve had one fight, في أكتوبر الماضي. I’ve found it really hard to find fights. It’s just tough. Maine doesn’t have the population density for it. It’s just hard to find that pool of fighters,” Joyce said. “Early in your career you want to build that experience close to home. It’s the best thing for your whole team, given the commitment that is involved.”

Joyce, who lives in the Penobscot County village of Veazie, splits her training time between Bangor, Portland and Boston.

The competitive grass is no greener for Borga, who is known to her fans as “The Black Widow” and is coached by Ross Kellin.

“My coach has scheduled fights for me that have fallen through. I was supposed to fight eight times this year, and this will be my first one.

Borga was beaten badly in her previous bout, a November 2015 clash against Caitlin Sammons for which she weighed in at 126.5 جنيه, just above the flyweight limit.

She said that women feel added pressure to make drastic weight cuts due to the lack of available fight opportunities, and in her case it was especially dangerous.

“I learned that I will never fight at 125 ثانية,” Borga said “It was my own fault. I lost 25 جنيه in two weeks. I was sick in camp, and I fought sick.”

Before the episode was over, Borga was hospitalized twice with strep throat, a kidney infection and a bladder infection.

“I do believe (the weight cut) was part of it,” she said. “You’re putting that strain on your body and your mind. My mental game struggled with what I had to put myself through. I think it’s harder for women, also. I won’t ever do that again. I learned that it’s better to withdraw than to take a loss.”

Borga has experienced no such issues in this camp. She said her energy level is way up and that she can train harder for longer periods of time.

She also is eager to visit from the Sunshine State, an eagerness that isn’t lost on her opponent.

“When an opponent is flying up from Florida, that’s exciting,” Joyce said. “It shows that she’s really committed to it. It is hard to find opponents who are as committed as you are.”

Both women are BJJ blue belts. Joyce has trained in the discipline for more than two years.

It is an extension of her childhood, when she played three varsity sports in each year of high school. She joked that she strongly considered a fourth.

“I was always the girl who tried to convince my parents to let me play football,” Joyce said. “They would not hear any of it. I’m sure they’re thrilled that their 20-something-year-old daughter is now a fighter. لا, they’re supportive, but now it’s my decision.”

Joyce never tried individual sports before the combat realm, but she quickly developed into a fan of women’s MMA as it exploded in popularity at the UFC level.

“Miesha Tate and Ronda Rousey were coming up, وثم (UFC president) Dana White had his famous line that ‘there will never be women in UFC,” Joyce said. “I saw what they were doing and I said, ‘I can do that. I’m going to do that.’”

Now the women wait for a spike in female participation that has not appeared to follow the success of those international role models.

Joyce said she received invitations to fight in New Jersey earlier this year but that those, also, would have required an uncomfortable cut to a same-day weigh-in of 125 or even 115 جنيه.

So she retreated into a game of train-and-wait. Thanks to the like-minded, equally fight-challenged Borga, the wait is almost over.

“I’ve always loved MMA, always loved fighting. I guess I was known for that as a kid. Everybody who knows me always pushed me to get into this,” Borga said. “I tried eight years ago and found out right away that I was pregnant, so that put a stop to it. When my son turned five, قلت, ‘It’s now or never.’ I started training and developed really fast. My coaches said I had a knack for it.”

قرع جرس الإفتتاح في سبتمبر 10 تم تعيين ل 7 عصرا. The current docket for “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” includes four professional boxing matches, six pro mixed martial arts bouts and five amateur MMA scraps. تذاكر تبدأ من $25 وتتوفر في www.TheColisee.com أو عن طريق استدعاء شباك التذاكر في COLISEE 207.783.2009, امتداد 525.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول التحديثات بطاقة الحدث والكفاح, يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للترويج لفي www.NewEnglandFights.com. بالإضافة, يمكنك مشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو NEF في www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, متابعتها على تويترnefights والانضمام إلى مجموعة الفيسبوك الرسمية "نيو انغلاند يحارب".


ويستون, مين (سبتمبر 2, 2016) – The 3,800-square foot warehouse in Woburn, ماساتشوستس, is known simply as “The Way.”

No coincidence, since the proprietor who lives out his passion as a personal trainer under its roof, براندون مونتيلا, has found a way, in his own unique way.

From a turbulent childhood in North Anson, مين, to four years of meritorious service in the United States Marine Corps, to the mixed emotions of staying ahead in the professional rat race, to intense personal tragedy, مونتيلا, 36, has endured what most would consider a lifetime’s worth of challenges.

Yet he perseveres, finding strength and clarity in a life devoted to helping others. And he stays sharp, counter-intuitive as it may seem to the uninitiated, by letting other people punch him in the face.

“On a personal level it helped me so much. I had a lot of fear, maybe a little lack of confidence, due to some of the abuse in my past,” Montella said. “Boxing helped me so much with that. It made me a more complete person. I’m a better husband, a better businessman, a better man since I started fighting.”

A late bloomer who didn’t fully immerse himself in the fight game until his 30s, مونتيلا (4-0, 3 كوس) will put his undefeated credentials on the line against Tollison Lewis (2-1, 1 KO) at “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” on السبت, سبتمبر 10 في COLISEE البنك Androscoggin في ويستون, مين, the venerable boxing venue that in 1965, when it was known as “سانت. Domenic’s Hall,” played host to the infamous Muhammad Ali-Sonny Liston II world heavyweight title rematch. (نعم, the same boxing bout that spawned rumors of thephantom punch,” and produced the most iconic image in the history of sports photography.)

Montella was born in Massachusetts but spent much of his childhood in the Western foothills of Maine, where he graduated from Carrabec High School. He describes those formative years as “a tough time, a little bit of a struggle,” and says fighting was both a means of both self-defense and a way of compensating for that lack of self-esteem.

“I wouldn’t change it for the world now,” Montella said. “It helped shape who I am. I tell everybody the Marine Corps started the process of my becoming a man, and boxing helped finish it.”

He spent four years in the service before receiving an honorable discharge. Along the way he met his wife, Tonya, and settled into the comfortable habit of seeking significance through work.

Fatefully, and admittedly on a lark, he accepted a military buddy’s challenge to enter a Toughman contest. It was the amateur, brawling, distant cousin of boxing that Eric “Butterbean” Esch made famous.

“I was a 240-pound meathead. Three one-minute rounds; that seemed like it was right up my alley,” Montella said.

In the process, Montella discovered that getting back in shape, setting goals and chasing intangible successes that were larger than wins and losses suited him, أيضا.

“That was a turning point for me. Corporate America, I just wasn’t into it,” Montella said. “I couldn’t lie to people and take advantage of them. I couldn’t deal with it morally. I had to turn my back on that. The Marine Corps taught me a different code. I cashed in my 401(ك), moved to Massachusetts, became a personal trainer.”

جيد, it wasn’t quite that easy. He had to sell Tonya, whom he describes as “the major breadwinner in the house,” on the merits of such a change. She already had politely proclaimed Maine a great vacation spot but not a place she cared to settle down, for professional reasons.

في 2008, work took Tonya to Boston.

“It was when the Celtics were getting ready to win the championship. She got caught up in the atmosphere and came home and told me, ‘I would move to Boston.’ I said OK,” Montella recalled with a laugh. “I didn’t let her take that back.”

Montella started his gym in a 10-feet-by-10-feet basement of a townhouse. He took up amateur boxing, في جزء, to set an example for his clients.

“I decided I couldn’t train athletes if I’m not doing the (stuff). I want to wear the boots before the suits, أنت تعلم?” Montella said. "بعد ستة شهور كنت لا. 1 ranked heavyweight in New England. It blew my mind. I found a place that was home.”

He won 14 من له 21 معارك الهواة, including a novice heavyweight championship in Golden Gloves.

Montella’s trainees have watched him conquer adversity in the prize ring and fight through tragedy in his personal life. Tonya and Brandon’s first child was stillborn on Christmas 2015.

الملاكمة, and the wilderness in the shadow of Sugarloaf Mountain that holds so many contradictory memories for Montella, are part of his healing process.

“I’m here in Maine now getting ready, diving off 40-foot cliffs, doing hill sprints up 100-foot sand dunes, training like a savage,” Montella said. “We used to go up there to drink. All the crazy stuff I did as a kid, now I use it to make myself the best I can be.

“I preach it all the time at my gym: See the world as your training facility. What someone else sees as a cliff, I see as place to work on my focus and mental control. Where they see nothing but trees and open space, I see as a place to go and meditate. In my 30s, I don’t need drugs or alcohol now to be open with my emotions. Boxing has given me the strength to be who I always wanted to be.”

قرع جرس الإفتتاح في سبتمبر 10 تم تعيين ل 7 عصرا. The current docket for “NEF 25: Heroes and Villains” includes three professional boxing matches, five pro mixed martial arts bouts and six amateur MMA scraps. تذاكر تبدأ من $25 وتتوفر في www.TheColisee.com أو عن طريق استدعاء شباك التذاكر في COLISEE207.783.2009, امتداد 525.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول التحديثات بطاقة الحدث والكفاح, يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للترويج لفي www.NewEnglandFights.com. بالإضافة, يمكنك مشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو NEF في www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, متابعتها على تويترnefights والانضمام إلى مجموعة الفيسبوك الرسمية "نيو انغلاند يحارب".