Ангилал Архив: ММА


Lewiston, Maine (Есдүгээр 27, 2016) – ДээрБаасан, Арваннэгдүгээр 4, 2016 at the historic Androscoggin Bank Colisee, Шинэ Английн тулаан (NEF) and Classic Entertainment & Спорт (СБС-ийн) will team up for a joint super-show featuring the stars of New England’s two most prestigious mixed-martial-arts promotions.


The televised portion of the fight card, “CES 39,will air live on AXS TV. Өмнө нь өнөөдөр, NEF executives announced the first fight scheduled for the non-televised portion of the card, “NEF 26.Maine heavyweights Ras Hylton (2-0) болон Kevin Smith (3-2) will collide in a battle of two of the region’s largest mixed-martial-artists.


Standing in at a towering 6’6,and holding a black belt in Taekwondo, undefeated Ras Hylton, has become a quick fan-favorite during his short time in NEF. “Ras-squath,” as he has become known amongst his many fans, made his NEF cage debut in February of this year, downing Zak Bergeron (0-1) just over a minute into the first round of their “NEF 21” эцсийн. Hylton would follow up that performance with a highlight-reel head-kick knockout of Matt Glover (1-1) which will undoubtedly be in the running for “Оны шилдэг К.О” honors. He is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Maine.


I am looking forward to fighting Kevin Smith November 4th,” said Hylton when reached for comment. “Young’s puts out great fighters and I’m sure he will live up to their reputation. The more wins you get, the tougher your opponents are. He will be my strongest challenge in the cage so far.


It has been over two years since Kevin Smith stepped into an MMA cage to compete. Тэр үед өмнө, Smith had been undefeated on NEF events. All three of his victories with the promotion were finishestwo by way of submission and one knockout. Like Hylton, Smith has never had to rely on the judges’ үзүүлэлтүүд. He is a member of Young’s MMA of Bangor, Maine. During his time off from active cage competition, Smith took stock of his life goals and decided to make a career of mixed-martial-arts.


I knew deep down that fighting is what I was made to do, and I won’t be happy doing a regular job,” shared Smith, “so I put everything aside to focus on this full time and my ultimate goal is to make it to the big show and fight in Bellator or the UFC.


Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар “CES vs. NEF: Supremacy” эхлэх $25 and are available now atwww.TheColisee.com эсвэл Colisee хайрцаг газар дуудлага тус 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Үйл явдал болон тэмцэл карт шинэчлэлтүүдийн талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, авна ууwww.CESMMA.com болон www.NewEnglandFights.com.

M-1 Challenge 71 Pavel Vitruk vs. Vitali Branchuk for Inaugural M-1 Challenge Bantamweight Championship

Аравдугаар сар 21 in Saint Petersburg, ОХУ-
ST. Петербург, ОХУ- (Есдүгээр 26, 2016) – The inaugural M-1 Challenge bantamweight championship will be at stake Баасан, Аравдугаар сар 21, үед M-1 Challenge 71 зэрэг Павел Vitruk тулаан Vitali Branchuk in Saint Petersburg, ОХУ-.
M-1 Challenge 71 өндөр тодорхойлолт ОХУ-аас амьд урсаж байнаwww.M1Global.TV. Үзүүлэгчид нь бүртгүүлэх тухай нэвтэрч урьдчилсан тулаан, гол карт үзэх боломжтой болно www.M1Global.TV. Фенүүд нь үйл ажиллагааны бүхий л өөрийнхөө компьютер дээр харах болно, мөн Android болон Apple-ийн ухаалаг гар утас болон таблет дээр гэх мэт.
Vitruk (13-2-0, M-1: 7-2-0), fighting out of Saint Petersburgh by way of Ukraine, was riding a 12-fight undefeated streak to start his professional career. He suffered back-to-back losses in 2015 o then undefeated Макс Coga (12-0-0) Гурав дахь дугуй ирүүлэх (багалзуурдаж алах) дахь M-1 Challenge 55 Fight of the Night and to Ли Моррисон by majority decision.
After his loss to Morrison, Vitruk (pictured below) moved from the featherweight division to bantamweight, ялж Сергей Морозов this past February in the M-1 Challenge 64 Шөнийн тэмцэх.

Ukraine native Branchuk (21-5-0, M-1: 1-1-0) has won his last eight fights, including a split-decision over Antun “Killer” Racic үед M-1 Challenge 64. Branchuk pictured below) is known as a well-rounded fighter and a strong striker.
In a previously announced fight, former two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Виктор Nemkov (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0) takes on ex-Bellator titlist AttilaPumukliVegh (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0).
Additional M-1 Challenge 71 fights will soon be announced.


Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

"Bellator 162" -д Мемфис ТУХАЙ сарын ТУХАЙ "BABY зүсмэл" тохируулахын тулд ANCHOR УРЬДЧИЛСАН хэсэгтэй мэргэжлийн дебют. 21


хөөх GORMLEY, Julia BUDD, Чарльз, & ALSO Virgil ZWICKER БУЦАХ арга хэмжээ

-Аас доош COMPLETE "Bellator 162" КАРТ

Санта-Моника, Калифорни мужийн. (Есдүгээр 26, 2016) - урьдчилсан хэсэг “Bellator 162: Shlemenko сүсэг. Grove” Memphis-д FedExForum үед, Теннесигийн., Oct тухай. 21 албан ёсны болон дунд байна 12 шинэ нэмэлтүүд, -Урсаж Bellator.com карт арга нь олон үед хэрэглэж болох юм.

ялангуяа, мэргэжлийн холимог тулааны урлагийн дебют "Baby зүсмэл гэж яригдах" Эцэст нь явагдана, үед гэмтэл авч уулзаж, 24 настай өгөөж Рик Bing, хэн нь дэмжсэн хувьд анх удаа бээлий хүртэл lacing болно. Үүнээс гадна, Стив Гарсиа (6-1) тулгарах болно Ронни Lawrence (1-0), Julia Budd (8-2) Мөн гэмтэл авсан нүүрэн буцаана Arlene Blencowe (7-5), heavyweights Chase Gormley (13-5) болон Бобби Brents (17-5) мөргөлдөж, болон 2009 Алабама Crimson Tide улсын аварга Eryk Андерс (4-0) дээр авдаг Brian White (5-4).

дууссан урьдчилсан хэмжээ асан middleweight аварга pitting нь middleweight гол үйл явдал онцлон тэмдэглэсэн нь овоолсон гол карт нэгдэв Александр Shlemenko (53-9) эсрэг Kendall Grove (23-15). Үүнээс гадна, Хуучин WWE өрсөлдөгч Бобби Lashley (14-2) болон Жош Appelt (12-5) нь хүнд жингийн хамтран гол тохиолдолд унтраах хавтгай дөрвөлжин бэлтгэх, хооронд middleweight налалтын байхад Hisaki Като (6-2) болон A.J. Matthews (8-5) Мөн Spike-телевизээр гол картын тогтоосон байна. Эцэст нь, Yamauchi хүртэл (19-3) болон Райан Couture (10-4) нь хөнгөн онцлог тэмцэлд тулгарч унтраах болно.

үйл явдал тасалбар Bellator.com одоо худалдаанд байгаа, Ticketmaster эсвэл FedExForum Box Office. Баяжуулалтын дээр амьдарч, чөлөөт бартаат Үндсэн карт үйл ажиллагааны цохилтын үед 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. СТ, prelims гол горхи дээр амьдарч байхдаа Bellator.com болон Bellator Mobile App.

бүрэн жагсаалтыг доор үзнэ үү “Bellator 162: Shlemenko сүсэг. Grove” tilts, аль нь хэмжээ 16 үйл явдлаар дүүрэн bouts.


Иж бүрэн "Bellator 162: Shlemenko сүсэг. Grove "Үндсэн карт:

Middleweight Үндсэн үйл явдал: Александр Shlemenko (53-9) сүсэг. Kendall Grove (23-15)

Хүнд жингийн Хамтран гол үйл явдал: Бобби Lashley (14-2) сүсэг. Жош Appelt (12-5)

Middleweight Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Hisaki Като (6-2) сүсэг. A.J. Matthews (8-5)

Хөнгөн Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Yamauchi хүртэл (19-3) сүсэг. Райан Couture (10-4)


Иж бүрэн Bellator.com-урсаж урьдчилсан карт:

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Baby Зүсмэлийн (Дебют) сүсэг. Рик Bing (Дебют)

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Рики Rainey (11-4) сүсэг. Гилберт Смит (12-5)

Bantamweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Стив Гарсиа (6-1) сүсэг. Ронни Lawrence (1-0)

Хүнд жингийн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Chase Gormley (13-5, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт) сүсэг. Бобби Brents (17-5)

Өд урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Julia Budd (8-2) сүсэг. Arlene Blencowe (7-5)

Хүнд жингийн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Дан Чарльз (10-3-1) сүсэг. Virgil Zwicker (14-5-1)

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Тайлер Хилл (6-0) сүсэг. Уэйд Жонсон (10-1)

Хөнгөн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Жонатан Burdine (4-4) сүсэг. Жеймс Wallace (1-0)

Middleweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Eryk Андерс (4-0) сүсэг. Brian White (5-4)

Catchweight (160 lb.) урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Jaleel Уиллис (6-0) сүсэг. Омар Жонсон (4-0)

Хөнгөн хүнд жингийн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Чад Күүк (10-10) сүсэг. Grady Херли (9-1)

Хүнд жингийн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Майк Wessell (14-8) сүсэг. Фрэнк Tate (4-1)



Санта-Моника, Калифорни мужийн (Есдүгээр 23, 2016) – A light heavyweight title fight pitting current belt-holder Лиам McGeary (11-0) эсрэг Phil “Mr. Wonderful” Davis (16-3) will serve as the main event at "Bellator 163: McGeary vs. Дэвис" тухай Арваннэгдүгээр 4 Uncasville дахь Mohegan Sun цэнгэлдэх, Коннектикут.


The SPIKE-televised main card will also feature a welterweight battle between Та Awad (19-8) and Connecticut’s own Бреннан нар Тойргийн (13-4), as well as a female featherweight contest pitting Marloes Coenen (23-7) against undefeated Brazilian Talita Nogueira (6-0).


Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар "Bellator 163: McGeary vs. Дэвис " are on sale now at Bellator.com, as well as the Mohegan Sun Box Office and Ticketmaster. The event can be seen live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. СТ, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App.


Undefeated light heavyweight champion Liam McGeary returns to the same venue where he was crowned king in 2015. Одоо, the 33-year-old British striker will look to defend his title for the second time since winning the belt in a hard-fought victory over Emanuel Ньютон үед “Bellator 134.” An eight-time veteran of Bellator MMA, McGeary has finished his opponent in 10 нь түүний 11 career bouts, including eight first round wins – one coming against MMA legend Тито Ортиз. Standing at 6’6”, McGeary will have a noticeable height advantage over his opponent Davis when the two take center stage on Арваннэгдүгээр 4 inside Mohegan Sun Arena.


"Ноён. Wonderful” returns to the Bellator MMA cage having won three consecutive contests and seven of his last nine. Hailing from Harrisburg, Пенн., Davis has finished his opponent in eight of his 16 career wins, including five submission victories. A 13-fight veteran of the UFC, the 31-year-old Davis will likely not be fazed by the bright lights of what is quite possibly the biggest challenge of his illustrious career. The former NCAA National Champion wrestler will try to take this contest to the ground and display his impeccable grappling skillset against the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt.


With a dozen fights under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion, the Bellator MMA veteran Awad will enter the cage for the 28 time in his career and third of the calendar year. A native of San Bernardino, Калифорни мужийн., Awad’s 2016 campaign is highlighted by a spectacular first round finish of Brazilian standout “Cyborg” Santos үед "Bellator 154: Дэвис сүсэг. Хаан Mo," as well as a “Fight of the Year” candidate against Дерек Андерсон үед "Bellator 160: Хендерсоны сүсэг. Pitbull.” With eight first round knockout victories under his belt, five of which came in the opening minute of action, the 33-year-old “Assassin” will undoubtedly come out guns blazing at 170-pounds on Арваннэгдүгээр 4 in search of his 16 career finish.


It wouldn’t feel like a complete Bellator MMA card in Connecticut without New London’s own, “Irish” Ward. The 28-year-old former NCAA All-American lives just 10 miles from Mohegan Sun Arena, where he has emerged victorious four times, including three knockouts and one submission. A 12-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Ward has recorded wins in four of his last five bouts dating back to 2015, highlighted by a pair of first round KO’s at Mohegan Sun Arena. Нь 12 of the welterweight’s 13 career victories coming by way of knockout and submission, look for Ward to attack early and often when he enters the cage in front of friends and family onАрваннэгдүгээр 4.


Dutch submission specialist Coenen will be making her fourth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner after making her promotional debut in 2014. The 35-year-old former Strikeforce competitor enters the cage having won four of her last six contests, including her first two bouts with the Scott Coker-led promotion. The 30-fight veteran nicknamed “Rumina” has finished her opponents in 20 of her 23 career wins, including a remarkable 17 submission victories.


The undefeated 30-year-old Nogueira will be making her Bellator MMA debut inside Mohegan Sun Arena onАрваннэгдүгээр 4. The fight will be her first since 2013, when the Brazilian grappler collected her sixth career win, fourth of the submission variety. Nogueira was originally slated to make her promotional debut in 2015, before a knee injury forced her to withdraw from of a scheduled bout with fellow featherweight Julia Budd үед “Bellator 133.” Одоо, “Treta” will look to maintain her unblemished mark and put her name in title contention when she enters the cage in what will surely be the stiffest test of her flourishing career.


"Bellator 163: McGeary vs. Davis” Main Card:

Light Heavyweight World Title Bout: Лиам McGeary (11-0) сүсэг. Фил Дэвис (16-3)

Welterweight Feature Bout: Та Awad (19-8) сүсэг. Бреннан нар Тойргийн (13-4)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Marloes Coenen (23-7) сүсэг. Talita Nogueira (6-0)


Урьдчилсан карт:

Хүнд жингийн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Жош Diekmann (15-7, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт) сүсэг. Тайлер хаан (11-4)

Өд урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Блэйр Tugman (8-6) сүсэг. Уолтер Смит-Cotito (4-4, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт)

Middleweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Michael Zichelle (8-4) сүсэг. Тим Caron (5-0)

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Илья Kotau (1-1) сүсэг. Carlos Corriea (1-0)

Flyweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Сара төлөх (1-3) сүсэг. Hannah Regina (Дебют)

FNU тэмцэх Спорт харуулах: Weekly Wrap Up

Tony Penecale, Tom Padgett and Rich Bergeron break down the week that was in combat sports and look forward to upcoming events in this September 22 цацах. We discuss Liam Smith’s brutal knockout loss to Canelo Alvarez, preview Kovalev vs. Тойргийн, and outline the upcoming weekend’s boxing schedule. We also discuss Don King’sN-wordslip and a couple examples of fighters being upset with the rigors of fighting professionally. Эхлээд, we examine why Joe Warren had no sponsors going into his bout last Friday that served as the co-main event of Bellator 161. Then we delve into the Al Iaquinta contract dispute with the UFC that took him off UFC 205 recently. We also look back on UFC Fight Night 94 and preview UFC Fight Night 95.



Blagoy Ivanov makes his third heavyweight title defense

Jared Rosholt faces Caio Alencar in a featured heavyweight scrap

Tickets for WSOF35 go on sale Маргааш

Las Vegas (Есдүгээр 22, 2016) - Тэмцэх Дэлхийн Каталогийн код (www.WSOF.com) announced today that it will return to Everett, Угаах. with a heavyweight championship blockbuster Mixed Martial Arts (ММА) event at XFINITY Arena at Everett, тухай Бямба гариг, Нийтэлсэн. 3, нь NBCSN дээр амьдрах 10 p.m. БОЛОН/7 p.m. PT.

In the main-event, reigning world champion Blagoy Иванов (14-1) will put his title on the line for the third time against the victor of the WSOF33 bout between knockout artists and contenders Shawn Jordan (18-7) болон Ashley Gooch (10-4) тухай Баасан, Oct. 7.

Үүнээс гадна, former UFC standout Жаред Rosholt (14-3) will make his much-anticipated promotional debut against fellow World Series of Fighting newcomer and finisher Caio Alencar (9-1) in a featured heavyweight contest.

Tickets for WSOF35 go on sale Маргааш, Баасан, Долоон. 23 үед 10 a.m. PT at the XFINITY Arena Box Office, утсаар төлбөр 866.332.8499, эсвэл онлайн дээрwww.WSOF.com болон www.xfinityarenaeverett.com.

“We are looking forward to bringing another action-packed night of world-class MMA action to the city of Everett, on the heels of what was one of our greatest fight cards to date, дээрээсээ доош хүртэл, and an arena packed with incredibly passionate fight fans,"Тэмцэх Ерөнхийлөгчийн Дэлхийн Каталогийн код гэж хэлсэн Эцэг ахлагч.

The 5-foot-11, 29-year-old Ivanov of Sofia, Bulgaria fended off a valiant and tenacious Josh “Cuddly Bear” Copeland for five straight, electrifying rounds of battle in the main event of WSOF31 on Оны зургадугаар сар 17 to retain the coveted heavyweight title.

Ivanov is a Judo black belt and was a semi-finalist at the 2008 world Sambo championships where he famously defeated all-time MMA great Fedor “The Last Emperor” Emelianenko.

The stocky, heavy-handed Ivanov went on to emerge the runner-up in the 2014 Bellator MMA season-long, heavyweight tournament. During his seven-fight stint with the league that began in 2013, he notched six consecutive victories, all by way of (T)К.О, эсвэл хүлээн авах.

6-хөл-2, 30-year-old Rosholt of Sandpoint, Idaho is coming off a solid run with the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) where he amassed a record of 6-2, defeating the likes of Walt Harris and seven-foot giant Стефан Struve, замдаа.

Rosholt was a 2010 NCAA Division I national wrestling championship runner-up and three-time All-American for Oklahoma State University.

Alencar of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil is a 6-foot-4, 37-year-old import who will make his debut in the U.S. as well as his first start in the World Series of Fighting decagon cage.

After beginning his professional career just five years ago, Alencar ran to six consecutive wins and, болзох, has earned all but one of his nine career victories by way of (T)К.О.

Additional WSOF35 bouts will be announced soon.

Doors at XFINITY Arena at Everett will open for WSOF35 at 3:30 p.m. PT, анхны урьдчилсан карт дайралт хийвэл дээр эхэлнэ 4 p.m.

M-1 Challenge 71 Viktor Nemkov vs. Attila Vegh

Аравдугаар сар 21 in Saint Petersburg, ОХУ-

Two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion Viktor Nemkov (L) өгөөж Oct. 21 in M-1 Challenge 71 against former Bellator champion Attila Vegh
ST. Петербург, ОХУ- (Есдүгээр 21, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced M-1 Challenge 71, featuring world-class light heavyweights Виктор Nemkov болон AttilaPumukliVegh гэрэл хүнд жингийн Showdown нь, will be held Баасан, Аравдугаар сар 21, at Saint Petersburg, ОХУ-.
M-1 Challenge 71 өндөр тодорхойлолт ОХУ-аас амьд урсаж байна www.M1Global.TV. Үзүүлэгчид нь бүртгүүлэх тухай нэвтэрч урьдчилсан тулаан, гол карт үзэх боломжтой болно www.M1Global.TV. Фенүүд нь үйл ажиллагааны бүхий л өөрийнхөө компьютер дээр харах болно, мөн Android болон Apple-ийн ухаалаг гар утас болон таблет дээр гэх мэт.
A native of Kazakhstan fighting out of famed Stary Oskol, ОХУ-, Nevkov (23-6-0, M-1: 16-5-0) is a former two-time M-1 Challenge light heavyweight champion. He first captured the coveted belt nearly three years ago, when he defeated Василий Babich хоёр дахь дугуй ирүүлэх замаар (гар цоож) for the vacant title.
Өнгөрсөн оны арванхоёрдугаар сарын, Nevkov became a two-time M-1 Challenge champion, defeating German Стефан Puetz by majority decision in the M-1 Challenge 63 Шөнийн тэмцэх. In his first defense this past May at M-1 Challenge 66, Nemkov lost a split decision to reigning champion Рашид Yusupov.
Vegh, Словак гарч тэмцэх, is a former Bellator champion. In his M-1 Global debut last June at M-1 Challenge 68, Vegh was stopped in the opening round of his title challenge on punches to M-1 Challenge heavyweight champion Александр Волков.
Attila Vegh (R) is out to make his mark in M-1 Challenge competition
Additional M-1 Challenge 71 fights will soon be announced.


Twitter & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global




Санта-Моника, Калифорни мужийн. (Есдүгээр 16, 2016) – A middleweight pairing pitting Hisaki Като (6-2) эсрэг A.J. Matthews (8-5) has been added to the main card of “Bellator 162: Shlemenko сүсэг. Grove” Memphis-д FedExForum үед, Теннесигийн., Аравдугаар сарын тухай 21.

Үүнээс гадна, a lightweight faceoff pitting Yamauchi хүртэл (19-3) эсрэг Райан Couture (10-4) completes the SPIKE-televised main card. The first of what will be a stacked preliminary card is also official, with the news that Ricky “The Sniper” Rainey (11-4) тулалдах болно Gilbert “Chocolate Thunder” Smith (12-5). Additional undercard bouts will be announced shortly.

үйл явдал тасалбар Bellator.com одоо худалдаанд байгаа, Ticketmaster эсвэл FedExForum Box Office. Баяжуулалтын дээр амьдарч, чөлөөт бартаат Үндсэн карт үйл ажиллагааны цохилтын үед 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. СТ, prelims гол горхи дээр амьдарч байхдаа Bellator.com болон Bellator Mobile App.

Since signing with Bellator MMA, the calm and subdued Kato has been in nothing but absolute barn burners once the cage door shuts. The exciting fights have even transcended combat sport iterations, when at "Bellator ММА: Dynamite 2” Kato delivered a spinning back fist that stopped Жо Шиллинг in his tracks, the second finish in as many tries for “The Japanese Musketeer” against “Stitch Em’ Up.” Currently situated in France, the 33-year-old has had one MMA contest thus far in 2016, stopping Yuta Watanabe in April.

When he’s not traveling the world in an effort to learn everything there is to know about the different martial arts disciplines, Matthews is putting his skills to the test under the Bellator MMA umbrella. A veteran of Strikeforce, “The Mercenary” has laced up the gloves seven times previously for the Viacom-owned promotion, stopping his opponent in all but one of his victories. Primarily training at Alliance MMA throughout his career, Matthews has spent much of his time as of late in Thailand, even taking a Muay Thai bout before meeting Бен Reiter үед "Bellator 156: Galvao ба. Dantas 2.”

Зүгээр л үед 23 жилийн настай, Yamauchi is one of the premiere young talents in the sport of MMA today. Prior to joining Bellator MMA, the Japanese submission specialist amassed an unfathomable 14-1 нь бичлэг 11 submissions and one knockout. Since merging with the Scott Coker-led promotion, Yamauchi has strung together a promising mark of 5-2 with three rear-naked choke submissions. Түүний 19 career wins, 15 хүлээн замаар ирсэн, while no opponent has yet been able to finish the elusive fighter. Yamauchi will now jump up in weight class and join the lightweight division for a clash with one of the most legendary last names in MMA, Couture.

Known to many as the son of former world champion Randy Couture, Ryan has made 14 professional appearances over his career, all of which took place under the bright lights of a national promotion like Strikeforce or Bellator MMA. Residing in Las Vegas, the 34-year-old submission specialist enters the cage having won four of his past five contests, with each of his victories coming by way of rear-naked choke submission. Although there is a noticeable age difference between his opponent, Yamauchi made his professional debut a mere two months after Couture, in October of 2010. Tune in to SPIKE on Аравдугаар сар 21 to see which Bellator MMA lightweight powerhouse will emerge victorious.


Иж бүрэн "Bellator 162: Shlemenko сүсэг. Grove "Үндсэн карт:

Middleweight Үндсэн үйл явдал: Александр Shlemenko (53-9) сүсэг. Kendall Grove (23-15)

Хүнд жингийн Хамтран гол үйл явдал: Бобби Lashley (14-2) сүсэг. Жош Appelt (12-5)

Middleweight Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Hisaki Като (6-2) сүсэг. A.J. Matthews (8-5)

Хөнгөн Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Yamauchi хүртэл (19-3) сүсэг. Райан Couture (10-4)


Урьдчилсан карт:

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Рики Rainey (11-4) сүсэг. Гилберт Смит (12-5)




Остин, АНУ-ын Техасын - (Есдүгээр 16, 2016) — It took 15 minutes of heavyweight action during the main event of “Bellator 161: Kongo сүсэг. Johnson” to decide a winner between Cheick Конго (25-10-2) болон Тони Жонсон (10-3), Харин эцэст нь, Энэ нь байсан юм “The Darknesswho emerged victorious via majority decision Баасан гаригт Шөнийн.

The action between the two sluggers varied between heavy punches and elite wrestling, but the grappling of Kongo won out, as the 41-year-old got the better part of the action in the final ten minutes and began his newly signed extension with Bellator MMA on a high note.

The heavyweight title picture remains unclear, but if one thing’s certain, it’s that Kongo will have a claim to the strap when the promotion decides to put the title back on the line.


Guillotine Choke Fuels Joe Warren to Victory in Co-Main Event

Жо Уоррен (14-5) болон Sirwan Kakai (12-5) traded blows for over ten minutes of heart pounding action in the evening’s co-main event, but it was Warren who finished on top after delivering a neck crank submission just 1:04 Гурав дахь шатанд руу. Хожсон дараа, the self-proclaimed “Baddest Man on the Planet” is now tied for second all-time in Bellator MMA victories with 12. The former two-division champion Warren has now won seven of his last nine contests and has once again proven why he belongs among the division’s elite. The loss marks the first time over Kakai’s eight-year career that he has been finished by an opponent.

Anastasia Yankova Outlasts Veta Arteaga in Flyweight Marathon

In a highly-anticipated women’s flyweight battle, undefeated Russian Анастасия Янкова (4-0) came out on top against Veta Arteaga (2-1) хуваах шийдвэр дамжуулан. With the win the 25-year-old Yankova continued along her brisk path to stardom with a comeback performance that two out of three cage side judges saw in her favor. Yankova impressed in her first ever fight in the US, recording her fourth career victory and second with the Scott Coker-led promotion. The win is the first to go the distance for Yankova, with each of her initial three coming by way of submission. For Arteaga, the difficult judges’ decision leaves her with the first loss of her professional career.

Compelling Lightweight Opener Ends in Unanimous Decision win for Lubbuck’s Campos

During the opening contest at "Bellator 161: Kongo сүсэг. Johnson," Texas’ own Дерек талбарууд (17-6) scored a come-from-behind unanimous decision (29-28 x3) win over Dutch knockout artist Djamil Чан (12-3). After absorbing a devastating blow that sent him to the canvas early in the opening round of action, “The Stallion” quickly recovered and responded in a big way in rounds two and three. The 28-year-old Campos scored his second straight win and sixth since joining the Bellator MMA fray. For Chan, the loss ends an impressive run of seven consecutive victories over a dominant four-year stretch.

Урьдчилсан карт үр дүн:

Armando Villareal (1-0) ялагдсан Tommy Burghardt (0-1) хүлээн дамжуулан (Арын-нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах) үед 2:08 дугуй нэг

Sean Clements (1-0) ялагдсан David Ramirez (0-1) санал нэгтэй шийдвэр дамжуулан (30-26, 30-27 2х)

Matt Mazurek (4-4) ялагдсан Jose Guerra (0-3) хуваах шийдвэр дамжуулан (29-28, 30-27, 28-29)

Даниел Pineda (22-12) ялагдсан Марк Dickman (11-3) хүлээн дамжуулан (Арын-нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах) үед 2:07 дугуй гурван

Emily Ducote (4-1) ялагдсан Kenya Miranda (2-3) хүлээн дамжуулан (armbar) үед 4:37 шатанд хоёр

Rey Trujillo (21-15) ялагдсан Deuce King (15-18) хүлээн дамжуулан (reverse arm triangle) үед 1:20 дугуй нэг

Garrett Scott (2-0) ялагдсан Waylon Bronstrup (0-1) хүлээн дамжуулан (Арын-нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах) үед 0:50 дугуй нэг

Ник Гонзалес (19-13) ялагдсан Warren Stewart (11-23) хуваах шийдвэр дамжуулан (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)




Санта-Моника, Калифорни мужийн. (Есдүгээр 16, 2016) – Bellator MMA will return to WinStar World Casino & Thackerville-д Resort, БОЛЖ БАЙНА УУ., тухай Арванхоёрдугаар сар 2with a night of must-see mixed martial arts action, and the first confirmed bout on the Spike-televised portion of the card will feature undefeated prospect A.J. МкКий (5-0) дээр авч Эммануэль "Эль Matador" Санчес (13-3).

Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар “Bellator MMA in Thackerville” зүгээр л эхлэх $45 and go on sale this coming Даваа гариг, Есдүгээр 19 үед 10 a.m. СТ. You can purchase tickets at the WinStar World Casino & Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

үйл явдал амьд, наад баяжуулалтын үнэгүй дугаарыг цацсан 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. СТ, урьдчилсан bouts амьд дээр урсгал юм бол Bellator.com болон Bellator Mobile App.Additional bouts will be announced in the coming weeks.

Fighting out of Long Beach, Калифорни мужийн., McKee enters this fight following the quickest finish of his budding career, a 32-second guillotine choke submission at"Bellator 160: Хендерсоны сүсэг. Pitbull.” A 5-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, McKee has a knack for finishing fights early and often, spending a grand total of10:25 inside the cage over the course of his five scraps. Түүний эцэг нь бэлтгэгдсэн, Antonio McKee, the Team Bodyshop product will try to protect his unblemished mark and fufill his goal of becoming the youngest champion in MMA history when he enters the cage on Арванхоёрдугаар сар 9.

“El Matador” will be making his eighth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, a promotion with which the 26-year-old has had much success to date. Милуоки нь уугуул, Wisconsin, where he trains at Roufusport, Sanchez is riding a recent string of success, having won nine of his last 11 уралдаан, including three of the past four. Six of Sanchez’s 13 career victories have come by way of knockout or submission, with five of the finishes ending in the opening frame. Since signing with Bellator MMA, “El Matador” has competed against a who’s who of talent, facing names the likes of Пэт Curran &, Жастин Лоуренс, Хенри Corrales, болон Даниел Weichel.

Updated “Bellator MMA in Thackerville” Main Card:

Featherweight Feature Bout: A.J. МкКий (5-0) сүсэг. Эммануэль Санчес (13-3)