Kategorie Archiv: MMA

2016 Listopadové mistrovství světa MMA 26-27 v Macau


Monte Carlo, Monaco (Listopad 22, 2016)- Soutěžit budou nejlepší amatérští bojovníci smíšených bojových umění na světě Listopad. 26-27 na mistrovství světa MMA ve Studio City, Macao, Čína.
Blízko k 100 bojovníci se zaregistrovali do soutěže. The 2016 Evropský (Rusko) a asijské (Kazachstán) mistři týmů vedou seznam, který zahrnuje Španělsko, Austrálie, belgický, Čína, Kolumbie, Francie, Česká republika, Hongkong, Tádžikistán, Německo, Maďarsko, Macao, Nepál, Indie, Jižní Korea, Ukrajina, Kyrgyzstán, Moldova, Tchaj-wan a Uzbekistán.
Těšíme se na mistrovství světa MMA v Macau Listopad 26-27,” Prezident WMMAA Vadim Finkelchtein řekl. “Očekáváme velkolepé, konkurenční boje.”
Kongres WMMAA se bude rovněž konat za účelem projednání otázek MMA týkajících se dětí a žen, stejně jako země, které se rozhodly hostit 2017 Evropský, Asijské a světové mistrovství MMA. Rovněž bude vytvořen soudní výbor a budou pořádány semináře pro trenéry, soudci a lékaři v každé zemi.”
Cvrlikání: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @svetmmaa
O WMMAA: Cílem Světové asociace MMA je poskytnout nestrannou strukturu a omezit růst MMA jako oficiálního světového řídícího orgánu pro smíšená bojová umění. Nezisková organizace založená v roce 2012, WMMAA je na misi, aby vytvořila standardizovaný a regulované organizace, včetně hospodářské soutěže, výcvik, celebrovat, Testování a růst v případě potřeby. Víc než 50 země byly uděleny členství WMMAA.




TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: Lewiston, Maine (Listopad 19, 2016) - New England utkání (NEF) uspořádalo své nejnovější smíšené bojové umění (MMA) událost, “NEF 26: SVRCHOVANOST” v sobotu večer v Androscoggin Bank Colisée ve městě Lewiston, Maine. Propagace představila celkem 14 MMA bojuje před mohutným davem fanoušků boje.


Krev tekla brzy a dál tekla hojně celou noc.


V hlavní událost večera, Ryan Sanders (12-8) poražený Jon Lemke (5-7) jednomyslným technickým rozhodnutím. Boj byl zastaven ve třetím kole, když Lemke utrpěl hluboký řez na hlavě. S bojem ve třetím kole, podle Jednotných pravidel MMA soudci’ byly vyneseny verdikty. Sanders vyhrál 20-18 Na všech tří soudců’ scorecards, skóroval jen první dvě kola.


Hlavní událost viděla Josh Parker (5-8) Předložit Derek Shorey (4-8) v prvním kole velmi očekávaného “trenér vs.. trenér” bitva.


Zaokrouhlení profesionální části karty, Aaron Lacey (4-0) zůstal neporažený vítězstvím slovního podání nad veteránem Taylor Trahan (6-7).


Nick Gulliver (4-0) Farmington, Maine zvítězil nad amatérským titulem těžké váhy v těžké váze NEF Přikrývka DeCastro (2-3) jako headliner amatérské karty.


Výsledky z Lewiston, Maine:



Ryan Sanders def. Jon Lemke jednomyslným technickým rozhodnutím

Josh Parker def. Derek Shorey prostřednictvím gilotiny, kolo 1

Aaron Lacey def. Taylor Trahan prostřednictvím slovního podání, kolo 1




Nick Gulliver def. Yorgan DeCastro přes TKO, kolo 3

Chris Smith def. Nash Roy prostřednictvím gilotiny, kolo 1

Angelo Rizzitello def. Ken Dunn přes TKO, kolo 1

Fred Lear def. Robby Fraser prostřednictvím stojící gilotiny, kolo 2

Mike Williams def. Mike Swan přes TKO, kolo 2

Ras Hylton def. Kevin Smith přes TKO, kolo 2

Tom Burgess def. Darren Ducharme přes TKO, kolo 1

Fernanda Araujo def. Hannah Sparrell přes armbar, kolo 2

Shawn Lunghi def. Alex Clark pomocí sytiče na zadní straně, kolo 2

Jessica Borga def. Brianne Genschel jednomyslným rozhodnutím

Chad Pierce def. Lyman Curtis jednomyslným rozhodnutím


Další událost NEF, “NEF 27: OBNOVA” se koná na Sobota, Únor 11, 2017 na 7 p.m. Vstupenky začátek $25 a jsou již v prodeji v www.TheColisee.com nebo zavoláním na pokladnu Colisée na 207.783.2009, rozšíření 525.


Další informace o aktualizacích karet událostí a boje, naleznete na internetových stránkách na podporu na adrese www.NewEnglandFights.com. Kromě toho, můžete sledovat video ve formátu NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, sledujte je na Twitteru @nefights a připojte se k oficiální skupině na Facebooku “New England Boje."


Neporažený M-1 Challenge Welterweight Champion Alexey Kuchenko rozhodl Murad Abdulaev v zápase

M-1 Challenge 72 VÝSLEDEK
MOSKVA (Listopad 19, 2016) – Ve svém prvním titulu obhajoby, M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Alexey Kuchenko(15-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0) vyhrál pětikolové rozhodnutí nad vyzývatelem Murad “Lovec” Abdulaev (15-5-0, M-1: 3-3-0) včera v noci na titulku M-1 Challenge 72 v Mowcow.
Kunchenko, bojuje z Ťumeň, Rusko, porazil obhájce šampiona Abdulaeva, Ruska, loni v dubnu u M-1 Challenge 65 když nemohl pokračovat ve čtvrtém kole.
Rostoucí ruská hvězda střední hmotnosti Artem Frolov (8-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0) také zůstal neporažený, zastavení veteránského amerického bojovníka Luigi “Italská Tank” Fioravanti (26-15-0, M-1: 4-4-0), bývalý vyzyvatel titulů střední třídy M-1 Challenge, na údery v úvodním kole.
Former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Artiom Damkovsky (22-10-0, M-1: 12-7-0), Běloruska, se možná umístil na další titul, který porazil Rusa Alexey “Ataman” Machno (13-5-0, 3-2-0), jehož roh zastavil boj ve třetím kole.
Kazak lehký Damir Ismagulov (9-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0), bojuje z Ruska, vyhrál tříkolové jednomyslné rozhodnutí o Brazílii Rubenilton “rubinho” Hruška (16-4-0, M-1: 0-2-0), zatímco chorvatská střední váha Kristijan “Pacman” Stříbro (9-3-2 (M-1: 0-2-2) a Talekh “Ázerbajdžánská Terminator” Nadzhafzade (4-1-1, M-1: 2-0-1) bojoval na tři kruhové remízu.
V předběžném akci karty, Ruská muší Timor Nagibin (8-2-0, M-1: 3-2-0) vyrazil Rus Rbanali Abdusalamov (6-3-0), M-1: 4-1-1) ve třetím kole, Francouzská bantamová váha Mrtvý “Kabyle” Benkaci (12-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0) vyrazil ukrajinsky Alexey Naumov (13-4-0, M-1: 1-3-0) ve třech kolech, Ruská welterweight Danila Prikaza (5-1-1, M-1: 3-1-0) vyhrál tvrdě bojované tříkolové rozhodnutí nad chorvatským veteránem Ivica “Teror” Truscek (31-28-0, M-1: 0-4-0), Ukrajinská bantamová váha Alexsandr Lunga (9-8-0, M-1: 1-0-0) přijal ruské rozhodnutí o tříkolovém rozdělení Bair domů (3-2-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Ruská light heavyweight Artur tyulparov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0) vyhrál svůj debut v úvodním kole podání pomocí gilotinové škrticí klapky nad češtinou Michal Kotalík (2-1-1, M-1: 0-1-0), a ruský welterweight Adam Bakaev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-0–0) předložen Maxim “Šílený Max” Melnik (2-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0).
Výsledky a fotogalerie níže:
MAIN EVENT — M-1 Challenge Welterweight CHAMPIONSHIP
Alexey Kuchenko (15-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), Rusko
Murad Abdulaev (15-5-0, M-1: 3-3-0), Rusko
(Kuchenko si zachoval titul M-1 Challenge)
Střední váhy
Artem Frolov (8-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0), Rusko
WTKO1 (Děrovačky – 2:11)
Luigi Fioravanti (26-15-0, M-1: 4-4-0) Spojené státy americké
Kristijan Perak (9-3-2, M-1: 0-2-2, Chorvatsko
Talekh nadzhafzade (4-1-1, M-1: 2-0-1), Ázerbajdžán
Artiom Damkovsky (22-10-0, M-1: 12-7-0), Bělorusko
WTKO3 (Corner Zastavení – 1:01)
Alexey Makhno (13-5-0, M-1: 3-2-0), Rusko
Damir Ismagulov (9-2-0, M-1: 5-1-0), Rusko prostřednictvím Kazachstánu
Rubenilton Pereira (16-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Brazílie
LIGHT těžké váhy
Artur tyulparov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusko
WSUB1 (Gilotina sytiče – 0:47)
Michal Kotalík (2-1-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Česká republika
Danila Prikaza (5-1-1, M-1: 3-1-0), Rusko
Ivica Trusček (31-28-0, M-1: 0-4-0), Chorvatsko
Adam Bakaev (1-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Rusko
WSUB (Choke)
Maxim Melnik (2-3-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Selhání
Timor Nagibin (8-2-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusko
WTKO3 (Děrovačky – 4:03)
Rbanali Abdusalamov (6-3-0, M-1: 4-1-0), Rusko
Alexey Naumov (13-4-0, M-1: 2-2-0), Ukrajina
WTKO3 (Děrovačky – 4:08)
Moktar Benkaci (11-7-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Francie
Alexsandr Lunga (9-8-0, M-1: 1-0-0) Ukrajina
Bair domů (3-2-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Rusko

DALŠÍ VÝSTAVA: Prosince. 17, M-1 Challenge 73, Gushetia, Rusko


Cvrlikání & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global



SANTA MONICA, KALIFORNIE (Listopad 15, 2016) – Before the cage door closes tuto sobotu v SAP Center v San Jose, the main and co-main event fighters from "Bellator 165: Chandler vs. Henderson "participated in a media conference call. If you weren’t on the line, you can listen to it zde, or read a couple of the quotes below.


"Bellator 165: Chandler vs. Henderson " features current champion Michael Chandler (15-3) proti Benson Henderson (24-6) v obložení roli, while co-main event action will have undefeated British phenom Michael "Venom" Page (11-0) and California’s own Fernando Gonzalez (25-13) duke it out in a welterweight thriller. Bay Area’s own Keri Melendez makes her professional MMA debut, as does Kevin Ferguson Jr. better known as Kimbo Slice Jr.


The event airs LIVE and FREE at 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT on Spike and completes three consecutive weeks of championship fights on the Viacom-owned network. Tickets for the event remain on sale and can be purchased at Bellator.com, as well as SAP Center Box Office and Ticketmaster.


Q: For Benson…Is there any extra motivation to prove yourself in this fight after the way the last fight ended?

Benson Henderson: I would say that there’s not a whole lot of extra motivation this fight. I’m a pretty highly self-motivated individual. I want to win all of my fights. I don’t need any extra incentives. I want to have my hand raised in every single fight.

Q: This is your second title fight in Bellator. Is there anything you learned from the first go-around that you’re bringing into this fight?

Benson Henderson: I don’t know if there’s anything that I learned from the last title fight, just being more comfortable inside the Bellator cage and getting used to the walkout and finding my rhythm.

Q: You’re fighting for the title now. Do you think of yourself as a lightweight? Is this where you intend to stay or is another trip to welterweight a possibility in the future?

Benson Henderson: I wouldn’t say that I think of myself as a lightweight necessarily. Pro mě, to je 155 lbs. nebo 170 lbs., just wherever the more interesting and fun matchups are. Ale, first things first, Musím se starat o podnikání v sobotu noc.

Q: You mentioned fun and interesting fights. Is the title something you think about as well? The story line of the week is a two-division champion in the other promotion. Is that a dream that you have for yourself in your career or do you just want to stay and be the most dominate lightweight champion that you can be?

Benson Henderson: I’m going to go get this belt at 155 lbs., but after that I wouldn’t say that belts offer a whole lot of extra incentive. Obviously belts are great and the meaning behind the belt is that you are the best in the planet and that means a lot to say that you are the best at that weight class, but I don’t fight necessarily just for the belt. You do want the belt, but right now all I’m concentrating on is four days from now and a man named Michael Chandler.

Q: For Michael…Have you ever thought about trying for another belt? I know it’s early in your title reign, but has that ever crossed your mind? A, if you did go for another belt, would it be for welterweight or featherweight?

Michael Chandler: I haven’t put a lot of thought into it. Pro mě, I’m just looking for the biggest fight I can get. I know there’s no way I could make 145 lbs., since I walk around at about 190 lbs., between fights. Tak, I’m not interested in losing the muscle mass that I’ve worked so hard to build. Pokud něco, I would jump up to 170 lbs., but right now I’m focused on my fight tuto sobotu night and I’m excited to get out there and perform.

Q: Why is Henderson an important opponent for your career?

Michael Chandler: Every opponent is important. Every single time we fight, we’re putting ourselves, our livelihood, our records, and our reputation on the line. It just so happens for me, I get an opportunity to fight a guy who’s been a champion and has done some great things in the sport. But luckily, it’s the right time for me and the wrong time for him. I’m extremely excited to go out there and make a statement with this fight v sobotu noc. He’s definitely a great, willing opponent, but I’m excited to go out there and get the finish.

Q: For MVP…Obviously, it’s been a fantastic year for you in Bellator, especially your performance in London. Have you got your finger on the pulse of pop culture right now and is there something out there that you’re drawing inspiration from that you’re looking to utilize in some entertainment factor on fight night?

MVP: Jo, I’m always socially aware, but I have to get the job done first and that’s the most important thing.

Q: At the moment, fighting at multiple weight classes and fighting in multiple divisions seems to be the rage right now and I know in the past you’ve mentioned the possibility of dropping down to 155 lbs., is that something that you’re still interested in?

MVP: At the moment, ne. Právě teď, I’m just focused on fighting in the welterweight division.

Q: If you can record a win over Fernando Gonzalez, how many more fights and how many more wins do you think before you are in that title picture and fighting for a title shot?

MVP: That’s not really my main concern. I just go out there and entertain and I’ll keep doing that until I end up in the position I’m supposed to be in.

Q: For Michael Chandler…With you watching Benson from a far for a long time, what did you think of him as his career progressed?

Michael Chandler: Benson’s had a phenomenal career. Zpět v den, he was the UFC champion and I was the Bellator champion. He was ranked number one and I was ranked number three in the world and it was always that “what if” matchup. What if these two guys could fight…and now we finally get to see. He’s continued to impress. He’s continued to win. Great careers and great legacies can’t be had without great opponents. I look at Benson Henderson as exactly that, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to step into that cage v sobotu night and lose this belt. I’ve trained my tail off, I’ve gone through some of the toughest hardships that anyone can go through in this sport…losing three fights in a row, coming back, and believing that no matter what, my next big breakthrough is right around the corner. I never once thought about quitting, where I think a lot of people in that situation would. Where I’ve been and where I am now, I’m confident and I’m excited to just go out there and put it all on the line against one of the best in the world and one of the biggest names in the sport. This is a great opportunity on Spike TV, živě a zdarma.

Q: For Fernando…question regarding the video packages that Michael Page has produced and released this year, most recently during Halloween. Did you watch them and what was your reaction to the video packages?

Fernando Gonzalez: I watched both of the videos and thought it was kind of funny, especially the last one. Bad choice of food products I guess. He’s basically eating balls and drinking milk, while cupping and savoring the taste. Tak, I don’t know if I should take that as a call out, but I think the victory alone will be enough for me.

Q: With Michael (Strana) on the line right now, does Fernando have any sort of message for him leading up to the fight?

Fernando Gonzalez: It’s the same message that I gave before. Just show up. I respect the fighter, but after this he’ll congratulate me and thank me for making him a better fighter. Je to těžké, but he hasn’t been tested and I’m going to give him his first loss.

Q: Michael do you have a response to that?

MVP: I’m allergic to bullshit, so there’s no point in responding.

Q: For Benson Henderson…In the title eliminator fight in Anaheim, you had a calm and deliberate demeanor throughout that fight and before we could really see you explode, Pitbull was taken away with an injury. Are you going to look to set a faster pace with Chandler, or are we going to see a more measured response?

Benson Henderson: We’ll see how it plays out. It’s hard to dictate and say exactly what I’m going to do. If I was an NFL coach, I would not be one of those coaches that has the first 15 plays of the game scripted out and no matter what happens, we’re sticking to these 15 plays. Pro mě, I have to feel it out and go with the flow. Ale, for me I don’t think this is going to be a slow pace fight. I’m expecting this to be one of the most high paced, action-packed fights you’ve seen in the Bellator cage.


Complete "Bellator 165: Chandler vs. Henderson” Main Card:

Lightweight World Title Main Event: Michael Chandler (15-3) proti. Benson Henderson (24-6)

Hlavní událost welterové váhy: Michael Page (11-0) proti. Fernando Gonzalez (25-13)

Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: Linton Vassell (16-5) proti. Francis Carmont (25-11)

Lehký celovečerní zápas: Adam Piccolot (8-0) proti. Brandon Girtz (14-4)

Zápas s muší váhou: Keri-Anne Taylor-Melendez (Debut) proti. Sheila Padilla (2-0)


Complete Preliminary Card:

Welterweight Předběžný zápas: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Debut) proti. Aaron Hamilton (0-2)

Lehký předběžný zápas: Carrington Banks (5-0) proti. Jake Roberts (7-0)

Střední váha předběžného zápasu: Diego Herzog (3-2) proti. Nick Pica (5-0)

Bantamweight Předběžný zápas: Jeremiah Monaghan (9-5) proti. Vince Murdock (8-2)

Welterweight Předběžný zápas: James Terry (17-9) proti. Justin Baesman (19-10-1)

Bantamweight Předběžný zápas: Alvin Cacdac (16-12) proti. Steve Ramirez (5-1)

Lehký předběžný zápas: NENÍ SLOVO. Okanovich (2-1) proti. Luis Vargas (Debut)

Featherweight Předběžný zápas: Victor Jones (0-2) proti. Beau Hamilton (1-7)

Lehký předběžný zápas: Hugo Lujan (0-1) proti. Cesar Gonzalez (Debut)

Welterweight “VOW” Preliminary Bout: Dominic Sumner (Debut) proti. Justin Roswell (1-0)

Welterweight Předběžný zápas: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) proti. Dwight Grant (6-1)

Flyweight předběžný zápas: Sarah D’Alelio (10-6) proti. Jaimelene Nievera (4-1)

FNU Bojové sporty Show: UFC 205 & Bellator 164 náhledy, Trump’s Win, Jones Suspended and Stripped of Title, Pacquiao vs. Mayweather Rematch Talks

Tomáš, Rich and Tony break down the week’s combat sports news, recap last week’s fight cards and look forward to the huge events happening this weekend. UFC 205 features three world title fights while Bellator makes a historic debut in Israel on Friday. Danny Garcia will also take on Samuel Vargas to headline one of Premier Boxing Championshipsfinal blockbuster cards of 2016. We start off the broadcast with some political discourse about the election of Donald Trump as the 45th United States President.



Boj Network představuje jeden: Defending Honor, Legacy FC 62 & UFC 205 Před & Post-Fight Coverage Live

For Immediate Release – November 10, 2016




Toronto, Kanada - Boj Síť, světová premiéra 24/7 multi-platform channel dedicated tocomplete coverage of combat sports, presents a pair of action-packed live mixed martial arts events this Friday, Listopad. 11, s ONE Championship: Defending Honor from Singapore at 7:30 a.m. A a Legacy FC 62: Lovato vs. Coleman from Oklahoma at 10 p.m. A.

Fight Network will also deliver comprehensive live news coverage for the historic UFC 205: Alvarez vs. McGregor from New York, including the live UFC 205 Weigh-ins v pátek, Listopad. 11 na 6 p.m. A, a special live two-hour UFC 205 Pro-Show v sobotu, Listopad. 12 na 6 p.m. A, plus a live UFC 205 Post-Show na přibližně 1 a.m. A, including the live post-fight press conference from Madison Square Garden.

Fight Network’s live presentation of ONE Championship: Defending Honor na 7:30 a.m. ET features two world title fights as ONE lightweight champion Shinya Aoki (39-6) hájí svůj titul proti Eduard Folayang (16-5) Filipín, while ONE featherweight champion Marat Gafurov (14-0) battles former titleholder Narantungalag Jadambaa (12-4) of Mongolia in a highly anticipated rematch. V ostatních uváděných záchvaty, featherweights Timofey Nastyukhin (10-2) a Kotetsu Boku (24-11-2) will collide, popular Brazilian prospect Michelle Nicolini (2-1) meets Egypt’s Mona Samir (1-1) V ženské strawweight zápas, Singaporean Tiffany Teo (3-0) makes her ONE Championship debut against Egyptian Walaa Abas (2-3) in a flyweight matchup, plus former UFC star Roger Huerta (22-9-1, 1NC) attempts to right his ship opposite promotional veteran Adrian Pang (22-9-2).

Později, na 10 p.m. A, Legacy FC 62: Lovato vs. Coleman will be headlined by a clash for the Legacy middleweight championship, as undefeated Brazilian jiu-jitsu guru Rafael Lovato Jr. (3-0) faces his toughest career test against big show veteran Cortez Coleman (13-6). Herecké kartu, Mike Maldonado (5-0) bere na Justin Rader (4-2) v muší záchvatu, Derrick Adkins(8-2) tváře Manny Muro (5-2) in a lightweight encounter, Teagan Dooley (4-0) tries to stay perfect against fellow welterweight Braden Smith (5-1), plus undefeated prospects will cross paths when Chris Mullins (3-0) a Emmanuel Rivera (4-0) square off in a featherweight tilt.

Fight Network’s live UFC 205 coverage includes:

– Pátek, Listopad. 11 na 6 p.m. ET – UFC 205 Naváží-in

– Sobota, Listopad. 12 na 6 p.m. ET – UFC 205 Pro-Show
– Neděle, Listopad. 13 na 1 a.m. ET – UFC 205 Post-Show

Kromě všech živých událostí, Boj Network je místo pro UFC obsah knihovny, speciality a řady, počítaje v to The Ultimate Fighter, UFC Unleashed, UFC teď, UFC Konečný Insidera classic UFC PPV dění.

Pro úplný seznam vysílání plánu boj Network, navštivte www.fightnetwork.com, followus on Twitter @fightnet, Stát se fanouškem na Facebooku a navštivte nás na Instagramfightnet.



TEL AVIV, ISRAEL. (Listopad. 10, 2016) – All fighters successfully made weight for Israel’s first major mixed martial arts event "Bellator 164: Koreshkov vs.. Lima” which takes place inside of Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv, Izrael. The historic event airs FREE on SPIKE Pátek, Listopad 11 na 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT.


The stacked main card is headlined by a must-see welterweight world title main event pitting current champion Andrey Koreshkov (19-1) proti Douglas Lima (27-6). Kromě toho, a pair of featherweight matchups pitting hometown favorite Noad Vše (9-2) proti Scott Cleve (15-5) a Georgi Karakhanyan (25-6-1) proti Kirill Medvedovsky (6-1) will also be featured on the Spike-televised main card. Nakonec, Ukrainian sensation Lena Ovchynniková (10-4) returns in a female flyweight contest with Karla Benitez (13-9-1).


Scott Coker on the groundbreaking Bellator event in Israel: “This event started about 18 months ago when we came over here to say hello to our international partners Annaney Communications and EGO TOTAL. We sat down with them and they said ‘Hey, there are a lot of great martial artists here. Why don’t we go meet with some of the gyms?’ So, we went to some of the gyms across Tel Aviv where they hosted a nice tryout. We had about 60-70 athletes participate and Royce (Gracie) would say ‘I think this guy could be good. I think this girl could be good. I think that these are some of the talented fighters that you could bring into Bellator.’ From there we started talking about the venues, and talking about the infrastructure of how we could pull of an event of this magnitude here in this city. We have put together an amazing team of people out here that have done a great job helping make this possible. I’ve been in the fight business for 31 let, promoting fights all over the world, but this is one that is really a big feather in our cap. Jsem opravdu, really excited to be here in Israel promoting our inaugural event, and we already have a date set for next year. We will be back, and we’d like to make this an annual stop for the company.


Hlavní Card: (Free on SPIKE – 9 p.m. A/8:00 p.m. CT)

Welterweight World Title Fight: Andrey Koreshkov (169.8 lbs.) proti. Douglas Lima (170 lbs.)


Featherweight Co-Main Event: Noad Vše (145.8 lbs.) proti. Scott Cleve (145.8 lbs.)


150 lb, catchweight Feature Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan (149.5 lbs.) proti. Kirill Medvedovsky (151 lbs.)


Zápas s muší váhou: Lena Ovchynniková (123.5 lbs.) proti. Karla Benitez (124.5 lbs.)


Předběžné Card

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Joaquin Buckley (170.5 lbs.) proti. Jackie Bože (170.8 lbs.)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Fight: Chen Shhori (205 lbs.) proti. Kfir Eittan (205 lbs.)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Haitham Kiuof (170.3 lbs.) proti. Moshe Rand (173 lbs.)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Rob Becker (155.5 lbs.) proti. Ejargew Tariku (155.2 lbs.)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Sol Renato (170.5 lbs.) proti. Alex Trofimov (170.3 lbs.)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Almog Shay (136 lbs.) proti. Vitaly Khmeinytsky (136 lbs.)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Olga Rubin (145.8 lbs.) proti. Laurita Cibirite (140.5 lbs.)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Jednou Přineste (134.8 lbs.) proti. Maor Kazalkopy (135.5 lbs.)

Předběžný boj střední váhy: Alexandr Nikulin (183.8 lbs.) proti. Avi Baron (182.8 lbs.)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Onor Keles (137.5 lbs.) proti. Omri Barel (135 lbs.)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Zane Clerk (170.8 lbs.) proti. Haim Gozali (170 lbs.)

Featherweight Preliminary Fight: Igor Postnikov (144.5 lbs.) proti. Itai Gayer (143 lbs.)


Američtí bojovníci Lee Morrison & Josh Rettinghouse k posílení již načtené M-1 Challenge 73: Bitva Narts

Díky 2 boj o titul
Ramadan Emeev vs.. Anatoly Tokov
Ivan Buchinger vs. Magomed Idrisov
Prosinec 9 v Ingušsku
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusko (Listopad 9, 2016) – Již načtené M-1 Challenge 73: Bitva Narts karta byla posílena globálním oznámením M-1, že dva američtí bojovníci, Závětří “Americký buldok” Morrison a “finišer” Josh Oprava domu, byly přidány do 2016 událost končící sezónou 9. prosince v Ingušsku, Rusko.
Super zúčtování mezi šampionem střední váhy M-1 Challenge Ramadan Emeev(14-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0) a specialista KO umělce Anatoly Tokov (24-2-0, M-1: 9-1-0) vůle titulek M-1 Challenge 73: Bitva Narts v bitvě elitních ruských bojovníků.
Ve spolupráci funkce, M-1 Challenge muší mistr John “To je” Buchinger (31-4-0, M-1: 6-0-0), bojuje ze Slovenska, hájí opasek proti neporaženému ruskému vyzyvateli Magomed Idrisov (5-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0).
M-1 Challenge 73 bude streamováno živě z Ingušska ve vysokém rozlišení dne www.M1Global.TV. Diváci budou mít možnost sledovat předběžné bojuje a hlavní kartu přihlášení k registraci na www.M1Global.TV. Fanoušci mohou sledovat veškeré dění na svých počítačích, stejně jako na Android a Apple chytré telefony a tablety.
Morrison (15-7-0, M-1: 2-4-0) a Rettinghouse (13-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) oba bojují ze státu Washington.
Morrison čelí neporažené ruské vyhlídce Moysar Evoloev (5-0-0, M-1: 5-0-0) v boji zpochybňovaném na 140 liber (63.5 kilogramů) váha. Morrison je grappler (viz foto níže s ním v horní poloze) který porazil současného držitele titulu M-1 Challenge v bantamové váze Pavel Vitruk rozhodnutím na M-1 Challenge 58.
Bojujeme doma v Ingušsku, Evloev je také grappler, který přichází z prvního kola knockout Alexander Krupenkin letos v květnu v M-1 Challenge 66 (na obrázku níže).
Rettinghouse, the Král klece mistr, bere na Sergey Morozov (6-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0) v bantamové váze s budoucími důsledky pro vítěze.
Mistr podání, který má silné brazilské zázemí Ju-Jitsu, Rettinghouse završí svůj úspěšný globální debut M-1 letos v květnu v M-1 Challenge 66, ve kterém se Rettinghouse zastavil Vadim Zhloboch v úvodním kole kvůli zranění.
Morozov, bojuje z Kazachstánu, je vynikající útočník a dobře zaoblený bojovník MMA. Byl na špatném konci M-1 Challenge 68 Fight of the Night loni v červenci ve ztrátě rozhodnutím Rafael Dias.
Na M-1 Challenge 59, Morozov (na obrázku níže) získal cenu Knockout of the Night za demolici Andyho Younga před rokem v červenci.
Působivé vítězství umístí vítěze Rettinghouse-Morozov na potenciální boj o titul M-1 Challenge v bantamové váze s obhájcem titulu Vitrukem.
Nadcházející události:
Listopad. 18 – M-1 Challenge 72: Kunchenko vs. Abdulaev v Moskvě, Rusko
Prosince. 9 – M-1 Challenge 73: Emeev vs. Tokov v Ingušsku, Rusko


Cvrlikání & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global



TEL AVIV, ISRAEL. (Listopad 8, 2016) – Bellator MMA has invaded the “Holy Land” for the first time in the history of the promotion and is ready to deliver a plethora of great matchups, including a welterweight world title fight pitting Andrey Koreshkov (19-1) proti Douglas Lima(27-6).


S "Bellator 164: Koreshkov vs.. Lima” only a few days away, Bellator’s digital team has put together a collection of exclusive new content to preview the stacked event at Menora Mivtachim Arena. Join us as we dive into a behind-the-scenes look at the competitors’ journey to Páteknight’s big show. For more in-depth footage of our enticing contests coming your way, look no further than Bellator’s amazing Stránka YouTube.


Over a year ago, current division champ Andrey Koreshkov defeated Douglas Lima for the welterweight world title. Nyní, the two meet again and it’s Lima who will be seeking revenge. Don’t miss this incredible Bellator MMA title fight in Tel Aviv, Izrael, tento pátek noc!


Na co se dívat: Lima vs. Koreshkov

Let’s take a look at some of Jimmy Smith’s keys to victory in a welterweight world title rematch between Lima and Koreshkov.

Champions: Andrey Koreshkov

Koreshkov is about as dominating of an opponent as you can find in the world of MMA today. Join us as we take a closer look at what makes this welterweight supreme.

Sitdown with Georgi Karakhanyan

Georgi Karakhanyan’s specialty in the cage? Guillotine. What about outside of the cage? We sit down with the featherweight superstar and discuss the mental preparation behind mixed martial arts competition.

5 Rounds: Lena Ovchynniková

Ukrainian powerhouse Lena Ovchynnikova gives us an inside look on her life outside of the cage as she prepares to make her promotional debut.

Event Info

A welterweight world title main event will headline the first ever Bellator MMA event in Israel, as current division champion Andrey Koreshkov(19-1) will attempt to protect his belt against the man who he took it from over a year ago, Douglas Lima (27-6). Kromě toho, Noad Vše (9-2) will challenge Scott Cleve (15-5) in the evening’s featherweight co-main event and Georgi Karakhanyan (25-6-1) nahradí James Gallagher to face Israel’s own Kirill Medvedovsky (6-1) in a featherweight feature fight. Konečně, a female flyweight bout pitting Ukrainian star Lena Ovchynniková (10-4) proti Karla Benitez (13-9-1) rounds out the SPIKE-televised main card action.


The preliminary portion of the event features a welterweight clash between Joaquin Buckley (6-0) a oblíbené rodné město Jackie Bože (6-0). Kromě toho, over a dozen local competitors will be making their professional debut on the preliminary card of the Scott Coker-led promotion’s first event in the Middle East.


"Bellator 164: Koreshkov vs.. LIma” takes place at Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv, Izrael, and will air in America on SPIKE Pátek, Listopad 11 na 9 p.m. A / 8 p.m. CT. Bellator uzavřel partnerství s Ananey Communications, chlubí se izraelský televizní konglomerát 14 kanály, several of which showcase Viacom content including the EGO and EGO TOTAL channels which have broadcast Bellator in Israel since 2012.


Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at Bellator.com or Eventim.co.il/mma.


"Bellator 164: Koreshkov vs.. Lima” Bojová karta

Zápas o světový titul ve welterové váze: Andrey Koreshkov (19-1) proti. Douglas Lima (27-6)

Souboj o lehkou váhu: Noad Vše (9-2) proti. Scott Cleve (15-5)

Souboj o lehkou váhu: Georgi Karakhanyan (25-6-1) proti. Kirill Medvedovsky (6-1)

Zápas s muší váhou: Lena Ovchynniková (10-4) proti. Karla Benitez (13-9-1)


Předběžná karta streamovaná na Bellator.com

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Joaquin Buckley (6-0) proti. Jackie Bože (6-0)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Fight: Chen Shhori (Debut) proti. Kfir Eittan (2-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Haitham Kiuof (Debut) proti. Moshe Rand (3-2)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Rob Becker (Debut) proti. Ejargew Tariku (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Sol Renato (Debut) proti. Alex Trofimov (Debut)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Almog Shay (Debut) proti. Vitaly Khmeinytsky (Debut)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Olga Rubin (Debut) proti. Laurita Cibirite (Debut)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Jednou Přineste (Debut) proti. Maor Kazalkopy (Debut)

Předběžný boj střední váhy: Alexandr Nikulin (Debut) proti. Avi Baron (Debut)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Onor Keles (Debut) proti. Omri Barel (Debut)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Zane Clerk (Debut) proti. Haim Gozali (6-3)

Welterweight Kickboxing Fight: Igor Postnikov (Debut) proti. Itai Gayer (Debut)


SANTA MONICA, Kalif. (Listopad 7, 2016) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the signing of highly sought after wrestling prospect Romero Cotton na exkluzivní, multi-boj smlouva.

The 26-year-old’s focus is currently set on finishing up his psychology degree at Nebraska Kearny University, but look for Cotton to make his professional MMA debut in 2017, where he will compete at 185-pounds.

“Having an opportunity to be part of a promotion like Bellator so early in my MMA career is one that I am thankful for. Being that I’m just starting out in the sport I thought it would be two or three years of grinding and working my way up the ladder before reaching a company of this magnitude,” Cotton said. “Having seen how Bellator’s recent string of wrestlers have been treated and performed, I’m honored to be the latest and there’s nothing I’m looking forward to more than showing the world my skills that I’ve acquired throughout my life not only as a wrestler, but as an athlete. Nyní, I move onto the next phase of my career and will continue to develop into a well-rounded fighter.

A three-time NCAA Division II national champion at 197 lbs., Cotton is also a four-time All-American and is the first-ever three-time champion in the 111-year history of Nebraska Kearny University. He finished his collegiate career with a fantastic record of 66-10. Originally enrolled at Nebraska, Cotton also played football in college, redshirting his freshman year for the Cornhuskers, before tranferrring to UNK, where he played football for three years.

Cotton joins blue-chip amateur wrestling prospects: Aaron Pico, Joey Davis, Jarod Trice, Tyrell Fortunea A Ruth on the roster and will compete in the middleweight division, which is currently championed byRafael Carvalho.

For more information on Romero Cotton, take a look at this article on FloWrestling.com.