Kategórie Archív: MMA




TLAČOVÁ SPRÁVA: Lewiston, Maine (December 6, 2016) -nové Anglicko Boje (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Február 11, 2017 with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE.” Dneska, the fight promotion announced the first amateur fight confirmed for the card. Henry Clark (3-2) je naplánované na tvár Alex Clark (3-2) pri catchweight 140-libier.


Henry Clark fights out of the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine. With wins over the likes of Sheldon Bang (2-2) and Fred Lear (4-2), Henry earned a shot at the NEF Amateur Bantamweight Title earlier this year. The finish of the bout was mired in controversy as Henry contended that the referee stoppage resulting in a technical knockout victory for Johnny Crafts (4-1) was actually the result of an illegal eye poke suffered by Clark.


I’m coming into to this fight with an iron will and a desire for violence,” declared Henry Clark. “After my last loss, I can guarantee it will not go that way for me again. I’m the best 135-pounder in Maine, and I’m here to prove that. After I take what I want from Alex, there’s only one place for me to go and that’s a championship fight. I look forward to facing the challenges Alex will bring.


Alex Clark is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Maine. He recently returned to the NEF cage after an extended leave of nearly three years from active competition. Na “NEF 26” minulý mesiac, Alex lost a hard-fought battle against Florida’s Shawn Lunghi (2-0). He will be looking to bounce back from that loss atNEF 27,and he promises an exciting contest for fight fans.


I’m super excited about this fight,” said Alex Clark. “Henry is a tough guy with absolutely no quit in him. He’s not afraid to stand and exchange and has good BJJ to back it up. This is an awesome matchup between a couple of strong willed warriors, but I think my strength and athleticism is going to be the difference. Styles make fights and there’s no doubt that this one will be a crowd pleaser.


NEF’s next event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE” sa koná na Sobota, Február 11, 2017 na 7 p.m. Vstupenky začiatok $25 a sú už v predaji v www.TheColisee.com alebo zavolaním na pokladňu Colisée na 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Ďalšie informácie o aktualizáciách kariet udalostí a boja, nájdete na internetových stránkach na podporu na adrese www.NewEnglandFights.com. Okrem toho, môžete sledovať video vo formáte NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England Boje."





SANTA MONICA, KALIFORNIA (December 5, 2016) - Zranenia oboch Paul Redmond a Brown Ellen viedli k novým súperom pre Daniel Weichel (37-9) a Helen Harper (4-1) na December 16. Weichel bude teraz čeliť rodákovi z Írska brian Moore (9-4) v mušia záchvate, zatiaľ čo Harper bude vyzvaný Bruna Vargas (2-1) v boji proti mušej váhe v 3Arena v Dubline, Írsko. Konečne, pitting zápasu bantamovej váhy Shay Walsh (14-4) proti Luiz Tosta (9-2) vloží pečiatku na hlavnú kartu používateľa "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii. “

Hlavná karta vysielaná televíziou Spike bude zvýraznená jamkami v hlavnej súťaži ťažkých váh “King Mo” (19-5, 1 NC) proti zlatému medailistovi z olympijského džuda Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1). Okrem toho, Anthony Taylor (1-1) sa bude snažiť utíšiť dav, keď vstupuje na nepriateľské územie, aby vyzval Severné Írsko James Gallagher (4-0) v strete muší.

Vstupenky na "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii “ sú teraz v predaji a začínajú na 35 € na Bellator.com, Ticketmaster.ie a pokladňa 3Arena. Akciu je možné vidieť zadarmo na SPIKE o 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT.

Okrem plnej karty akcie Bellatoru, držitelia vstupeniek budú mať tiež jedinečnú príležitosť zažiť ďalšiu bojovú kartu z poprednej propagácie zmiešaných bojových umení v Európe, BAMMA. Pás bantamovej váhy bude na linke „BAMMA 27“, as Tom Duquesnoy (13-1, 1 NC) a Alan Philpott(16-8) pripravte sa na víťazstvo za divízne zlato.

Bojujeme z Lancasteru, Anglicko, Walsh bude mať debut v Bellatore MMA a bude to proti dôvtipnému veteránovi Tostovi. Počnúc rokom 2014, Walsh počas svojich posledných piatich súťaží nazbieral štyri víťazstvá, vrátane brutálneho knockoutu pilota Gazy o „BAMMA 21: DeVent vs.. Stroj. “ Jeho 14 kariéra vyhráva, deviati prišli knockoutom alebo podrobením, takže je ľahké predstaviť si ďalší výbušný útok z brán Walsha. Potom, čo súťažil v divízii 145 libier o prvý 15 bojuje o svoju profesionálnu kariéru, Walsh prešiel do divízie bantamovej váhy, kde sa spolu navliekol, vyhral v dvoch zo svojich prvých troch vystúpení.

Tridsaťšesťročný Tosta vstupuje do zápasu s nedávnym úspechom, ktorý zahŕňa víťazstvá v siedmich z jeho posledných ôsmich súťaží s jednou remízou.. Zdraví zo Sao Paula, Brazília, Tosta bude mať svoje druhé vystúpenie pod dáždnikom Bellator MMA, po zaznamenaní vyššie spomínaného žrebovania v jeho propagačnom debute začiatkom tohto roka o „Bellator 158.“ S každým z jeho deviatich víťazstiev v kariére prichádzal ako podanie, sedem z nich sa vyskytlo v prvom kole, je jasné, že Tosta bude opäť hľadať predčasné zastavenie šírenia a svojho súpera dokončiť.

Za zraneného Redmonda vyplňuje Brian Moore, keď vstupuje do klietky a má na konte aktuálnu víťaznú sériu dvoch bojov a rozkvitnutú kariéru, ktorá je pripravená vzlietnuť. Dvadsaťdeväťročný Moore zvíťazil v piatich zo svojich posledných siedmich súťaží, vrátane trojice víťazstiev prvého kola, zvýraznené brutálnym knokautom, ktorý práve nastal 2:30 začiatkom roka. Z jeho deviatich víťazstiev v kariére, Moore dokončil sedem svojich obetí, čo z neho robí veľkú úlohu pre úskočného veterána Weichela. Rodák z Wexfordu, Írsko, “The Pikeman” nebude musieť cestovať ďaleko pre svoje blížiace sa zúčtovanie s jedným z najosvedčenejších veteránov Bellator MMA, ako „Weasel“ vstúpi na nepriateľské územie kvôli tomuto vhadzovaniu.

Výmena Ellen je vždy nebezpečná Bruna Vargas, ktorá sa s Harperom postaví pri hľadaní svojho prvého víťazstva pod vedením Bellator MMA. Dvadsaťsedemročný Vargas zaznamenal tri víťazstvá v troch súťažiach, od jej profesionálneho debutu v 2013. Zdraví z Porto Alegre, Brazília, vyhliadka tímu Nogueira dúfa, že sa vykúpi sľubným výkonom proti ďalšiemu tvrdému súperovi v Harper.

Complete "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii ”Hlavná karta:

Hlavná udalosť v ťažkej váhe: Muhammed "Kráľ Mo" Lawal (19-5, 1 NC) proti. Satoshi Ishii (14-6-1)

Mušia Co-Main Event: James Gallagher (4-0) proti. Anthony Taylor (1-1)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Daniel Weichel (37-9) proti. brian Moore (9-4)

Funkčný zápas so mušou váhou: Bruna Vargas (2-1) proti. Helen Harper (4-1)

Celovečerný zápas o Bantamovej váhe: Shay Walsh (14-4) proti. Luiz Tosta (9-2)


Aktualizovaná karta „BAMMA 27“:

Zápas o svetový titul v Bantamovej váhe: Tom Duquesnoy (13-1, 1 NC) proti. Alan Philpott (16-8)

Ľahká ťažká váha Bout: Chris Fields (11-7-1) proti. Andy Clamp (8-1)

Mušia Bout: Ronnie Mann (25-8-1) proti. Niklas Backstrom (10-2)

Mušia Bout: Dylan Tuke (3-0) proti. Sean Tobin (4-2)

Ľahké Bout: Rhys McKee (4-0) proti. Jai Hebert (4-0)

Welterweight Bout: Kiefer Crosbie (1-0) proti. Conor Riordan (Debut)

Welterweight Bout: Nathan Jones (9-5) proti. Walter Gahadza (16-0)

Bantamweight Bout: Ian Cleary (Debut) proti. Andrew Lofthouse (Debut)

Welterweight Bout: Terry Brazier (6-1) proti. Niklas Stolze (7-1)

Bantamweight Bout: Sinead Kavanagh (3-0) proti. Eeva Siiskonen (5-4-2)

Bantamweight Bout: Richie Smullen (2-0) proti. Conor Dillon (5-8)

Bantamweight Bout: Blaine O’Driscoll (2-1) proti. Neil Ward (2-2)

Welterweight Bout: Keith McCabe (1-1) proti. Richard Kiely (Debut)

Welterweight Bout:Will Fleury (1-0) proti. Kyle Mclurkin (Debut)

Emeev vs. Tokov main event preview video for This Friday’s M-1 Challenge 73: Bitka Narts

ST. PETERSBURG, Rusko (December 5, 2016) – A super showdown between M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ramadan Emeev (14-3-0, M-1: 8-1-0) a knockout umelec Anatoly Tokov (24-2-0, M-1: 9-1-0) headlines tento piatkovej (Dec.9 ) M-1 Challenge 73: Bitka Narts v Ingušsku, Rusko.
M-1 Challenge 73 bude vysielané naživo z Ingušska vo vysokom rozlíšení dňa www.M1Global.TV. Diváci budú mať možnosť sledovať predbežné bojuje a hlavné kartu prihlásenie k registrácii na www.M1Global.TV. Fanúšikovia môžu sledovať všetky akcie na svojich počítačoch, rovnako ako na Android a Apple chytré telefóny a tablety.


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Lewiston, Maine (December 5, 2016) -nové Anglicko Boje (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Február 11, 2017 with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE.” Dneska, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Robiť si srandu z “Hook OnHarvey (2-0) sa stretne Richie Collingham (3-3) na boj hmotnosti 145 libier.


Harvey is a former NEF MMA Amateur Lightweight Champion. Obrátil sa na v 2016 after a stellar amateur career that saw him amass a record of 5-1 while facing some of the best the region has to offer. In his pro debut, Harvey submitted Matt Denning (3-4) in Lewiston last spring. He would follow up that victory with a win over Zenon Herrera (0-5) v auguste. Harvey is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


I’m training for the fight I want, and this opponent is just one more step closer to where I am going,” said Harvey of the upcoming bout with Collingham. “Wishing him a healthy training camp and that he shows up.


When Richie Collingham steps foot in the NEF cage on Február 11 it will have been nearly a decade since his last fight. Now training out of Lakes Region Vale Tudo in New Hampshire, Collingham has not actively competed since 2007. He was very active on the California MMA circuit at that time and put together a string of submission victories.


I’m very excited about stepping into the cage with a tough fighter like Josh Harvey and fighting for NEF and putting on a good show for everyone,” said Collingham. “I’m putting in hard work and February 11th can’t come soon enough.


NEF’s next event, “NEF 27: RESURGENCE” sa koná na Sobota, Február 11, 2017 na 7 p.m. Vstupenky začiatok $25 a sú už v predaji v www.TheColisee.com alebo zavolaním na pokladňu Colisée na 207.783.2009, extension 525.


Ďalšie informácie o aktualizáciách kariet udalostí a boja, nájdete na internetových stránkach na podporu na adrese www.NewEnglandFights.com. Okrem toho, môžete sledovať video vo formáte NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, follow them on Twitter @nefights and join the official Facebook group “New England Boje."



Complete Event Photos Here

Thackerville, OK. (Decembra. 3, 2016) – In the evening’s bantamweight main event, Darrion Caldwell (10-1) redeemed himself with a decisive unanimous decision (30-27 x3) nakloniť si Joe Taimanglo (23-7-1). The three-round battle capped off Bellator MMA’s massive doubleheader at WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, OK.

Vďaka víťazstvu, Caldwell improves his record in the Bellator MMA cage to 7-1 and opens the door for a bantamweight world title clash with current division champion Eduardo Dantas. “Dudu,” samozrejme, protected his belt just last night with a one-sided affair against Joe Warren in the first night of the promotion’s epic doubleheader.

Po boji, Caldwell and Dantas exchanged words inside the cage, as “The Wolf” announced his desire for the belt: “I look forward to fighting you. It’s been a long time coming.”

Featherweight Co-Main Event Lives up to Hype as Teixeira Outlasts Lawrence

Vzalo to 15 minutes to determine a winner, ale nakoniec John Teixeira (21-1-2) notched a unanimous decision victory (29-28, 30-27 x2) cez Justin Lawrence (9-4) v sobotu noc. The Brazilian veteran peppered away with a combination of jabs and kicks that severely damaged Lawrence’s lead leg throughout the bout. “Macapa” continues to dominate the featherweight division, earning victories in nine of his last 10 súťaže, including one draw. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2014, Teixeira has won each of his four fights, maintaining his position among the 145-pound elite.

Flyweight Marathon Ends in Unanimous Decision Victory for Undefeated MacFarlane


Following three hard-fought rounds inside WinStar World Casino, Ilima-Lei MacFarlane (5-0) emerged victorious with a (30-27, 29-28 x2) nakloniť si Emily Ducote (4-2). McFarlane was able to withstand an early barrage of strikes from Ducote, preserving her unblemished professional mark. “The Ilimanator” relied heavily on her accurate striking, as the 26-year-old Californian landed a remarkable 68% of her punches thrown. For the budding star Ducote, the loss is just her first of the year, following four consecutive victories to begin her campaign.

Njokuani Upsets Fialho With a Bang, Hands Portuguese Superstar First Loss of Career


In the first Spike-televised bout of the evening, Chidi Njokuani (16-4, 1 NC) delivered a brutal first round knockout against Andre Fialho(7-1) that came just 21 seconds into the contest. A flurry of Njokuani punches sent Fialho to the canvas and the 27-year-old took care of the rest. Počnúc rokom 2012, “Chidi Bang Bang” has recorded wins in 11of his last 12 bouts and extends his current winning streak to seven. Of Njokuani’s 16 kariéra víťazstvo, 10 have come by way of knockout, making him one of the most feared strikers in the stacked welterweight division. The young Portuguese star Fialho tastes defeat for the first time in his career and will look to redeem himself at the start of the new year.

Predbežné výsledky karty:

Jarod Trice (1-0) porazený Tommie Britton (0-1) väčšinovo rozhodnutí (28-28, 30-25, 30-26)

Jonathan Gary (12-7-2) porazený Aaron Roberson (5-5) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Justin Patterson (8-1) porazený Codale Ford (11-9) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Fernando Gonzalez (1-0) porazený Chris Hicks (3-9) via knockout at :15 okrúhleho jedného

Bronson St. Romaine (1-0) porazený Joey Soto (0-2) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (28-27, 29-28, 29-28)


Complete Event Photos Here

Thackerville, OK. (Decembra. 2, 2016) — Despite receiving a point-deduction for a low kick in the fifth and final round, Eduardo Dantas (19-4) was impeccable on the feet during his rematch with Joe Warren (14-6) na Bellator 166 v piatok, peppering Warren with jabs for 25-minutes and earning a majority decision (47-47, 49-44, 48-46) in front of a packed house at WinStar Resort and Casino.

With the loss, Warren’s bid for a third Bellator MMA title reign ended, as he was unable to secure a takedown throughout the main event bout. “The World’s Baddest Manhad never lost a fight that went to the judgesscorecards until Piatok, zatiaľ čo “Dudu” rectified the defeat he took against Warren at Bellator 128.

Po boji, Dantas dedicated his victory to the families of those affected by the deadly plane crash suffered by the Chapecoense Soccer Team in Brazil last week. The victory now sets the stage for zajtra noc je Bellator 167udalosť, which pits Joe Taimanglo proti Darrion Caldwell.

McKee Overcomes Adversity, Remains Undefeated with Impressive Ground-and-Pound Victory

In the evening’s featherweight co-main event, A.J. McKee (6-0) came from behind to defeat Ray Wood (7-3) with a unanimous decision triumph (29-27, 30-25, 30-27). McKee was tested early in the opening round, as Wood landed multiple blows that sent McKee flying to the canvas. Avšak, McKee was able to stay the course and answered the bell, convincingly dominating Wood during the final two frames. Wood becomes just the first of McKee’s six victims to make it out of the first round, forcing the 21-year-old “Mercenary” into his first-ever decision. Fighting out of Long Beach, Calif., McKee proclaimed his desire to compete on the upcoming "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” super-card after the win, calling out his previously scheduled opponentEmmanuel Sanchez.

Galvao Edges Davis for Split Decision win in Bantamweight Thriller


In a night highlighted by a pair of phenomenal bantamweight matchups, Marcos Galvao (18-7-1) was able to squeak out a tightly fought contest with Č.R.. Davis (23-8), emerging victorious with a split decision win (29-28 x2, 28-29). A 12-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Galvao earned his eighth victory under the promotion’s direction and first of his 2016 kampaň. “Loro” seems to be finding his groove, tallying victories in five of his past six contests. For Davis, the loss is just his second since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2014.

Chris Honeycutt Delivers Flawless PerformanceRewarded With Unanimous Decision Victory


V úvodnom záchvatu “Bellator 166, Chris Honeycutt (9-1, 1 NC) brought a rowdy Thackerville crowd to their feet throughout the course of a one-sided middleweight affair, porážať Ben Reiter (17-2-1) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-26, 30-25 x2). An early knee, coupled with a ruthless combination of blows opened a sizeable gash on the side of Reiter’s head, forcing the 29-year-old New Yorker to take some chances. The win is Honeycutt’s second consecutive victory at 185-pounds, opening the door in what is currently a wide open division. For Reiter, the loss is just the second of his career, the first of which also came at WinStar Resort and Casino.

Predbežné výsledky karty:

Gregory Babene (18-11) porazený Emiliano Sordi (14-6) via predloženia (Gilotína sýtiča) na 3:11 okrúhleho jedného

Treston Thomison (10-4) porazený Dawond Pickney (10-6) via predloženia (Rameno) na :51 okrúhleho jedného

Derrick Adkins (9-3) porazený Chris Jones (10-5) via predloženia (Brabo sýtiča) na 4:09 z bicykla dvoch

Kinny Spotwood (3-2) porazený John King (4-4) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

FNU Bojové športy Show: Miesha’s FU to Dana White, GSP and the Giant Fighters Union, Conor Being Conor and Ward vs. Kovalev recap

This week on the FNU Combat Sports Show we discuss a fantastic month of November as far as fighting goes. We only had two shows last month, so we kick off this week in catch up mode. We discuss Ward vs. Kovalev at length, go off on a few tangents and then get to Tony’s review ofBleed For This.We then go back to MMA for Rich’s commentary on Miesha Tate telling Dana White, “FU, you’re not my boss..after his request that she go to the hospital after her fight with Raquel Pennington. Tate retired earlier in the evening after a stellar career. Rich also gets going about the fighter union front and some new developments with Georges St. Pierre, Ex-Bellator CEO Bjorn Rebney, Cain Velasquez, T.J. Dillashaw and other UFC notables breaking new ground in the niche with the founding of the Mixed Martial Arts Athletes Association. We also manage to preview the upcoming weekend’s boxing schedule before the end of the broadcast tonight.

Part One:


Part Two:




SANTA MONICA, KALIFORNIA. (November 30, 2016) - Ľahký zápas jamkami Yamauchi up (20-3) proti Mircea Valeriu (12-3) completes the MMA portion of "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2,” on a night which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands inside the Mandela Forum in Florence.

Okrem toho, due to an injury suffered by Pietro Cappelli, Philipe Lins (10-1) will now meet Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7) in light heavyweight action on Decembra. 10.

The mixed martial arts portion of action on Decembra. 10 is headlined by a middleweight world title fight featuring a rematch between Rafael Carvalho (13-1) a Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC), while Italy’s own Alessio Sakar (18-11, 2 NC) bude mať na Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC) at 205-pounds, a John Salter (12-3) spĺňa Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4) v middleweight záchvate. "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2” will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 4pm ET/PT.

The Bellator Kickboxing card features a female flyweight rematch between Denise Kielholtz (45-3) a Gloria Peritore (11-1-1), but this time, a world title will be on the line. "Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” will also feature a lightweight clash between Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 NC) and British kickboxing champion Jordan Watson (48-11-2), a middleweight matchup pitting Joe Schilling (19-9) proti Victorio Lermano(30-7), a welterweight contest pairing Luca Novello (22-4-2) s Karim Ghajji (96-13-1), a Kevin Ross(31-9) sa stretne Alessio Arduini (26-14-2) v ľahkom boji. "Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” airs Piatok, Decembra. 16 na 11:15 pm ET, immediately following "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii. “

An 8-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Yamauchi enters the cage in search of his 21st career win and seventh under the Scott Coker-led promotion. You would be hard-pressed to find a fighter with more promise than the 23-year-old top prospect, who has already taken down proven veterans the likes of Martin Stapleton, Isao Kobayashi, a naposledy Ryan Couture. The former featherweight returned to the lightweight division to face the aforementioned Couture earlier in the year at "Bellator 162: Shlemenko vs. Háj," a fight in which Yamauchi dominated from the get-go, earning yet another first round submission victory. Yamauchi has finished his opponent in 17 z jeho 20 kariéra vyhráva, počítajúc v to 14 in the opening round of action. The Japanese-Brazilian submission specialist continues to make great strides in the sport, consistently displaying the flawless Brazilian jiu-jitsu technique that has given opponents many nightmares year after year.

Challenging Yamauchi will be Valeriu Mircea, a Moldova-born competitor that has also seen a great deal of success early on in his MMA career. The 23-year-old knockout artist will be making his Bellator MMA debut following three consecutive victories, including a pair of first round knockouts. Počnúc rokom 2015, Mircea has collected wins in nine of his last 10 bouts and has already tallied six victories over his 2016 kampaň. With three of his last four wins coming by way of first round knockout, you can expect an early array of attack in this pairing of two top prospects.

Taking on Lins will now be Raimundo Silva, a 28-year-old striker who will be making both his 2016 and Bellator MMA debut. Počnúc rokom 2011, “Orgulho” has won seven of his last 11 súťaže, highlighted by his most recent knockout victory over Claudio Rocha, which came just 3:25 do prvého kola.


Complete "Bellator 168: Carvalho vs. Manhoef 2” Card:

Middleweight World Title Bout: Rafael Carvalho (13-1) proti. Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature Fight: Alessio Sakar (18-11, 2 NC) proti. Joey Beltran (17-13, 1 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature Fight: Philipe Lins (10-1) proti. Kleber Raimundo Silva (12-7)

Middleweight Feature Fight: John Salter (12-3) proti. Claudio Annicchiarico (1-4)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Yamauchi up (31-9) proti. Mircea Valeriu (12-3)

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: Florence” Card:

Lightweight Feature Fight: Giorgio Petrosyan (82-2-2, 1 NC) proti. Jordan Watson (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Denise Kielholtz (45-3) proti. Gloria Peritore (11-1-1)

Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (19-9) proti. Victorio Lermano (30-7)

Welterweight Feature Fight: Luca Novello (22-4-2) proti. Karim Ghajji (96-13-1)

Lightweight Feature Fight: Kevin Ross (31-9) proti. Alessio Arduini (26-14-2)




SANTA MONICA, KALIFORNIA. (November 28, 2016) – A lightweight bout pitting Kansas’ most popular MMA fighter David Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) proti Aaron Derrow (14-8) and a middleweight bout featuring undefeated phenom Chris Harris (7-0) versus Jordan Young (5-0) are the first two fights announced for “Bellator 171” which will take place inside Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas, januára 27.

“Bellator 171,” ktorý vysiela naživo na Spika v 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, is expected to have a main event announced in the coming weeks.

Tickets for the event starting at just $24, v predaji Sobota, Decembra. 3 with an exclusive two-day Bellator Nation pre-sale beginning November 30, and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or KansasStarEventCenter.com. The event takes place one week after the extremely anticipated "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” in Inglewood, Kalif.

“The King of Kansas” will once again compete on the Spike-televised main card of Bellator MMA’s return to Kansas Star Arena. A 17-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Rickels will return to action for the first time since competing against Melvin Guillard this past summer. “The Caveman” has strung together an impressive career, totaling 11 wins over his seven years with the promotion, including four of his five career knockouts. A native of Derby, Kansas, Rickles recently delivered a brutal first round knockout in his co-main clash with Bobby Cooper at "Bellator 150: Kongo vs. Spartan.” The 27-year-old Rickels now prepares for Aaron Derrow, who enters the bout undefeated since joining Bellator MMA in 2014.

A native of Blue Springs, Missouri, Derrow has made an immediate impact on the promotion, collecting victories in each of his first two fights under the Bellator MMA umbrella. Following his hot start, “Daddy Long Legs” will now be tasked with one of the lightweight divisions most proven veterans in David Rickels. Jeho 14 kariéra vyhráva, Derrow has finished his opponent in 12 z nich, počítajúc v to 10 of the submission variety. The 29-year-old Derrow has scored two knockouts, each of which came in the first twenty seconds of action. Derrow will have his hands full with Rickels and the raucous hometown crowd that follows him when the two enter the cage on Január 27.

With an unblemished mark of 7-0, Harris enters the cage riding an impressive string of success to begin his professional career. Fighting out of Wichita, Kansas, Harris will have the luxury of competing in front of his home crowd as he prepares to make his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner. Harris has a knack for finishing his opponents early and often, recording six wins by way of knockout or submission, including four in the first round. The 26-year-old knockout artist will look to build off of a commendable 2016 campaign that saw him emerge victorious in each of his three contests, including a pair of wins with the Scott Coker-led promotion.

Also boasting an undefeated record through five career bouts, the 22-year-old Young will make his promotional debut against the equally impressive Harris. Of his five career wins, four have come by way of submission, with each of the four finishes occurring in the opening round of action. Prior to making his professional debut in 2014, the submission specialist had similar success on the amateur circuit, where he collected four submission victories over a five-fight span. Fighting out of Urbandale, Iowa, the 6’4’’ Young will also hold a significant height advantage over the 5’11’’ Harris as he prepares to challenge one of the most aggressive opponents of his career.

Updated “Bellator 171” Main Card:

Lightweight Feature Bout: Dave Rickels (17-4, 2 NC) proti. Aaron Derrow (14-8)

Funkčný zápas strednej váhy: Chris Harris (7-0) proti. Jordan Young (5-0)




SANTA MONICA, KALIFORNIA (November 22, 2016) – The second main card fight announced for "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” at The Forum on Január 21, 2017 features the Bellator MMA debut of Los Angeleno Ralek Gracie (3-0), who will meet Hisako Kato (7-2) v middleweight záchvate.


The fight joins a card that already features a contest that many mixed martial arts fans thought they’d never see, kedy Títo Ortiz (18-12-1) a Chael Sonnen (28-14-1) return to action. The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App.


Tickets for this massive event start at $36 a sú už v predaji v Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announcing in the coming weeks.


At iba 22, Ralek made his MMA debut in Japan, where he defeated his opponent, Kastuyori Shibata with a devastating armbar. Nearly a year later, Ralek returned to Japan for his second MMA fight and again was victorious, this time defeating Gahdzhiev Alavutdin with an armbar from the mount. These two bouts led to a highly anticipated matchup with Kazushi Sakuraba, where again the Los Angeles native left “The Land of the Rising Sun” with the victory. That was the last time Ralek would fight under MMA rules, until now. Ralek is the third son of Rorion, the nephew of Royce, Rickson, and Royler Gracie and received his black belt from Grand Master Helio Gracie. The Gracie Family is famous for putting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on the map around the globe.


Since joining the Bellator MMA roster, you would be hard-pressed to find a fighter who has been involved in more exciting matchups than Hisaki Kato. Nicknamed “The Japanese Mouseketeer,” the 34-year-old French-Japanese competitor has finished Joe Schilling on two separate occasions, and was involved in what many called a “Round of the Year” candidate during his lone Bellator MMA loss against Melvin Manhoef v 2015. Teraz, Kato sets his sights on Gracie, looking to nullify the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu of his Jan. 21 nepriateľ.


Aktualizované "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Títo Ortiz (18-12-1) proti. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Zápas hlavnej karty strednej váhy: Ralek Gracie (3-0) proti. Hisako Kato (7-2)