Kategorija Archives: MMA

HAPPY NEW YEAR! FNU Combat Sports Show Kicks off 2017

Tomas, Tony and Rich break down the biggest year-ending fights of 2016 and look forward to what should be a phenomenal 2017. We discuss Ronda Rousey, Floyd Mayweather, Andre Ward and other fighters in the news. We recap UFC 207 and look ahead to some Friday night fights on January 13th.


WMMAA švenčiama reklaminė juosta 2016

World MMA Championships team champion Russia on left, host team China on right
Monte Carlo, Monakas (Sausis 5, 2017)- In only its fifth year of existence, the World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) celebrated a banner year in 2016, as membership expansion approached 50 countries around the world.
The WMMAA sanctioned countries in five divisionsPan-Am, Afrika, Azija, Europe and Oceaniainclude Afghanistan, Argentina, Armėnija, Aruba, Australija, Azerbaidžanas, Baltarusija, Belgija, Brazilija, Kanada, Kinija, Chinese Taipei, Costa Rica, Kroatija, Kuba, Čekijos Respublika, Prancūzija, Gruzija, Vokietija, Graikija, Guatemala, Vengrija, Indija, Iranas, Italija, Kazachstanas, Kirgizija, Latvija, Meksika, Moldova, Monakas, Mongolia, Marokas, Nyderlandai, Nikaragva, Paraguay, Portugalija, Rumunija, Rusija, Serbija, Singapūras, Slovakija, Pietų Korėja, Ispanija, Tadžikistanas, Ukraina, Uzbekistan and Venezuela.
The highlight of the 2016 WMMAA season was the World MMA Championships, in which powerhouse, Team Russia completely dominated, as it also did in the European Championships, sweeping all seven weight classes in Studio City, Macau, Kinija.
Arti 100 fighters competed, atstovaujančių 23 šalys: Rusija, Kazachstanas, Ispanija, Australija, Belgian, Kinija, Kolumbija, Prancūzija, Čekijos Respublika, Hong Kong, Tadžikistanas, Vokietija, Vengrija, Macao, Nepal, Indija, Pietų Korėja, Ukraina, Kirgizija, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Chinese Taipei and Italy.
Rusijos vidutinio svorio Gamzat Hiramagomedov ir šviesos sunkiasvoris Magomed Ankalayev were repeat world champions.
Asian team champion Kazakhstan won two Silver and four Bronze medals in team scoring, followed in order by Ukraine with two Silver and two Bronze, Czech Republic captured one Silver and two Bronze, Chinas one Silver and two Bronze, Kyrgyzstan two Bronze, and one Bronze each for France, Indija, Spain and Moldova.
Below find results from each World MMA Championships weight classes:
Gaidys SKYRIUS: -61.2 kg (135 Svoris.)
1. Omar Nurmagomedov (Rusija)
2. Artur Mykytenko (Čekijos Respublika)
3. Mirat Bekishev (Kazachstanas)
3. Chun Bo Yuan (Kinija)
Lengvas SKYRIUS: -65.8 kg (145 Svoris.)
1. Kurban Taigibov (Rusija)
2. Elnur Valiev (Ukraina)
3. Uulu Mustafa Rakhmatilla (Kirgizija)
3. Roman Molodij (Prancūzija)
LENGVOJO SKYRIUS: -70.3 kg (154 Svoris.)
1. Murad Ramazanov (Rusija)
2. Sheng Liu (Kinija)
3. Altynbek Bakhtygeldinov (Kazachstanas)
3. Leos Brichta (Čekijos Respublika)
Papildsvars SKYRIUS: -77.1 kg (170 Svoris.)
1. Alibeg Rasulov (Rusija)
2. Goyta Dazaev (Kazachstanas)
3. Syed Abdul Nazzeur Ibrahim (Indija)
3. Uula Tologon Rakhmanberdi (Kirgizija)
Artimieji SKYRIUS: -84 kg (185 Svoris.)
1. Gamzat Khiramagomedov (Rusija)
2. Idris GHezalov (Ukraina)
3. Murad Abdurahmanov (Kazachstanas)
3. Rong Fan (Kinija)
ŠVIESOS sunkiasvorių divizijoje: -93 kg (205 Svoris.)
1. Magomed Ankalayev (Rusija)
2. Robert Lau (Vokietija)
3. Erkinbek Inzhel (Kazachstanas)
3. Darwing Rodriguez (Ispanija)
Sunkiasvorių divizijoje: +93 kg (+205 Svoris.)
1. Amirhan Isagadjiev (Rusija)
2. Alimanov Suleimanov (Kazachstanas)
3. Viktor Pavlichek (Čekijos Respublika)
3. Nicolae Scorohod (Moldova)
Go here to watch all the World MMA Championships final fights:
In other major WMMAA news from 2016, it was announced that the 2017 European Championships will be held September in Germany, 2017 Asian Championships will be October in Kazakhstan, exact dates and cities to be determined.
Taip pat, Viktor Frolov was elected president of the European Division at the last Congress, held last November.
"Twitter": @ theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

Sergejus Romanovas ruošiasi sugadinti Magomedo Sultanakhmedovo sugrįžimo vakarėlį

M-1 Iššūkis 75, Kovas 3 Maskvoje, Rusija
ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Sausis 5, 2017) – Karšto pusvidutinio svorio perspektyva Sergejus “Gatvės kovotojas” Romanovas sunkiai treniruojasi, kad sugadintų Rusijos veterano sugrįžimą Magomed “Baltas Vilkas” Sultanakhmedov įdomiame mače Kovas 3 ne M-1 Challenge 75 Rusijoje.

The M-1 Iššūkis 75 Pagrindinis įvykis, featuring mūšis nenugalėtas pusvidutinio svorio tarp titulą Aleksejus Kunchenko (15-0-0, M-1: 7-0-0), Rusijos, priima Kazachstano varžovą Shaukat Rakhmonov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0),buvo paskelbta anksčiau.
M-1 Iššūkis 75 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas iš Maskvos aukštos raiškos www.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali stebėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes.
Dėl daugybės sužalojimų, Sulktanakhmedovas (18-5-0, M-1: 10-1-0) pastaruosius penkerius metus buvo neaktyvus, nes jis antrame jų raunde nokautavo Tysoną Jeffriesą 2011 kovoti ne M-1 Challenge 24.
Buvęs M-1 atrankos čempionas, Sultanakhmedovas numeta vieną svorio kategoriją nuo vidutinio svorio iki kovos su Romanovu. Per savo MMA karjerą, bijojo puolėjas Sultanakhmedovas išmušė panašius Dmitrijus Samoilovas, Viktoras Nemkovas, Pavelas Kušas ir Pliinio Cruz, Tarp labiau Aristokratija.
Jo nepaprasta nuojauta ir stilius daro jį gerbėjų mėgstamiausiu, ypač jo “vienas suvis, vieno žudymo” ataka. 32 metų vyras kovojo už savo gimtosios Rusijos ribų, JAV ir Japonijoje, ir kovos pertraukos metu jis ėjo teisėjo pareigas.
Nors jis nežiūri pro Sultanakhmedovą, kolega rusų kovotojas Romanovas tikisi, kad įspūdinga pergalė prieš Sultanhmedovą jam suteiks pirmąjį „M-1 iššūkio“ titulo smūgį prieš „Kunchenkp-Rakhmonov“ nugalėtoją.
Romanovas iškovojo įspūdingas pergales „M-1 Challenge“ varžybose, įskaitant sprendimą prieš Brazilijos priešą Carlosas Pereira pernai spalio mėn M-1 Iššūkis 71, taip pat pirmojo rato sustojimas per smūgius iš Andreas Birgels praėjusį birželį, val M-1 Iššūkis 68.
“Aš dirbau su savo jėgomis,” Romanovas sakė iš savo treniruočių stovyklos, “nes mano svorio kategorijos čempionas, Aleksejus Kunchenko, yra fiziškai stiprus. Man reikia pasivyti. Ne todėl, kad laukiu kovos dėl titulo, bet aš visada turiu grandiozinių planų, taip, ziuresim kaip cia bus. Dabar, Aš sutelkiau dėmesį į Sultanakhmedovą, ir manau, kad mano kova su juo būtų ne sunkesnė nei galima kova su Kunčenko.
“Treniruočių stovyklą pradėjau nuo dviejų treniruočių per dieną, bet pasijutau blogai ir nusprendžiau sumažinti tik vieną treniruotę per dieną, kol netrukus grįšiu į pilną režimą. Aš treniravausi namuose (St. Peterburgas) bet netrukus vyks į Riazanę į imtynių treniruočių stovyklą. Tada, Grįšiu į šv. Sankt Peterburge pasiruošti stovyklai, ir eikite į Borovaja boksuotis. Mano priešininkas yra kairiarankis, todėl man reikia tinkamų partnerių, bet mano stovyklos vaikinai labai padeda.
“Aš gerai pažįstu savo priešininką, kuris stebėjo jo kovas kaip jaunas, kai jis buvo čempionas. Dabar, turime jį iš naujo įvertinti. Jis buvo geras kovotojas, kuris treniruojasi „Gorets“’ kur yra, iš esmės, vaikinai, kurie yra aukščiausio lygio. Sunku pasakyti, kokia jo forma dabar, nes jis taip ilgai nekovojo. Dabar, jis yra didžiausias kovotojo amžius, 32, taigi pamatysime. Nemanau, kad šioje kovoje būsiu palankus, bet aš eisiu į priekį, nepaisant to, kad esu nepakankamas.”
Romanovas (R) yra tvirtas universalus MMA kovotojas


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M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 74 – Vasaris. 18, 2017 – St. Peterburgas, Rusija
M-1 Iššūkis 75 – Kovas 3, 2017 – Maskva, Rusija




SANTA MONICA, Kalifas (Sausis 4, 2017) - Cheick Kongo (25-10-2) will challenge Oli Thompson (17-9) during the main card of "Bellator 172: Fiodoras vs. Mitrione” apie Vasaris 18, 2017 SAP centro San Chosė, Kalifas. Papildomai, undefeated lightweights Adomas Piccolot (9-0) ir "Brent" Primus(7-0) are also set to face off during the Spike-televised card.

Pagrindiniame renginyje "Bellator 172: Fiodoras vs. Mitrione," Fiodoras Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC) will compete on American Soil for the first since 2011, kai jis atitinka Mattas Mitrione (11-5). The event will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. KT. Bilietus į renginį prasideda tik $30 and are available at SAP Center Box Office, Bellator.com and Ticketmaster.com. Additional fights will be announced in coming weeks.

Nuo įstojimo į Bellator MMA Fray į 2013, Kongo has strung together an impressive run that has seen him emerge victorious in seven of nine contests, including three consecutive victories. Su 37 career fights under his belt, the Frenchman has tallied 25 professional wins, įskirtinai 12 by way of knockout. The knockout artist hopes to build off his victory over Tony Johnson at "Bellator 161: Kongo vs. Johnsonas," when he welcomes British sensation Oli Thompson back into the Bellator cage.

Hailing from East Sussex, Anglija, Thompson enters the matchup in search of his first career win under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion. Dating back to 2015, “The Spartan” collected wins in five of his last six bouts, including a pair of brutal first round knockouts. Of his 17 karjera laimi, the 36-year-old powerhouse has finished 13 jų, including seven knockouts. A former title-holder of Britain’s Strongest Man competition, Thompson will now look to add to that total when he and Kongo faceoff at SAP Center in San Jose.

Fighting out of Half Moon Bay, Kalifornijoje., the undefeated Piccolotti is set to return to San Jose, where he has dominated competition over the past few years. Since signing with Bellator MMA, the 28-year-old lightweight has won all five of his bouts, including four consecutive victories in the “Capital of Silicon Valley.” Piccolotti dazzled in his most recent win over Brandonas Girtz, ending the veteran’s three-fight winning streak while once again displaying his lethal combination of flawless jiu-jitsu and striking. Piccolotti has finished his opponent in six of nine career wins and three of his past four, making him one of the most dangerous weapons in the 155-pound division.

Primus also carries with him an undefeated target on his chest, as the battle to remain an unbeaten lightweights goes through SAP Center in 2017. Similar to Piccolotti, Primus saw immediate success in the world of mixed martial arts, recording first round finishes in each of his first five fights to begin his professional career. The five-time Bellator MMA veteran hopes to keep the ball rolling, as a win over the fan-favorite Piccolotti would certainly open a lot of doors. Hailing from Portland, Oregon, the 31-years-old Primus hopes to build off of a 2016 campaign that was highlighted by a key win over Brazilian veteran “Toninho Furia.”

Atnaujinta "Bellator 172: Fiodoras vs. Mitrione” Main Card:

Heavyweight Main Event: Fiodoras Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC) vs. Mattas Mitrione (11-5)

Sunkiasvoris „Feature Bout“: Cheick Kongo (25-10-2) vs. Oli Thompson (17-9)

Lengvas bruožas: Adomas Piccolot (9-0) vs. "Brent" Primus (7-0)

Preliminary Bouts:

Welterweight Prelim Bout: James Terry (18-9) vs. David Douglas (9-6)

Lightweight Prelim Bout: Nikko Jackson (1-1) vs. Cesar Gonzalez (0-1)

Featherweight Prelim Bout: Juan Cardenas (1-0) vs. Luis Vargas (0-1)

Welterweight Prelim Bout: Danasabe Mohammed (5-1) vs. Carlos Rocha (9-4)

Flyweight Prelim Bout: Anthony Do (4-1) vs. Bobby Escalante (4-5)

Flyweight Prelim Bout: Mattas Ramirez (1-2) vs. Jeremy Murphy (3-3)

Lightweight Prelim Bout: J.J. Okanovičius (3-1) vs. Paradise Vaovasa (5-1)

Featherweight Prelim Bout: Justinas Forkas (Debiutas) vs. Roque Reyes (0-3)

Apie Bellator:

Bellator is a leading Mixed Martial Arts and Kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Pagal veteranas kova promotoriaus Scott Coker kryptimi, Bellator yra beveik 500 milijonų namų visame pasaulyje per 140 šalys. Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, Bellator galima matyti Spike, the combat sports television leader. „Bellator“ sudaro vykdomoji komanda, kurią sudaro geriausi televizijos gamybos pramonės profesionalai, gyva įvykis instrumentuotė, kovotojas plėtra / ryšiai, vieta pirkimai, rėmimas kūrimas / kūrimas, Tarptautinis licencijavimo, prekyba, reklaminis, viešinimo ir Komisijos santykių. Bellator yra įsikūrusi Santa Monica, Kalifornijoje ir priklauso pramogų milžinė "Viacom, gyvena pasaulio premjeras pramogų ženklų, kad susisiekti su publikai įtikinamų turinį visoje televiziją, Filmuotos, internete ir mobiliųjų platformų.


SANTA MONICA, Kalifas. — (Sausis 3, 2017) – Before the cage door closes at the Forum in Los Angeles, the main and co-main event fighters from "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” participated in a media conference call. If you weren’t on the line, you can listen to it čia, or read a couple of the quotes below.


Pagrindiniame renginio vakare, Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) įgauna Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). Papildomai, Ralek Gracie (3-0) ir Hisaki Kato (7-2) will meet in a middleweight feature fight, o Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) ir Emmanuelis Sanchez (13-3) mūšis. Galų gale, a fantastic welterweight co-main event pitting Paulius Daley (38-14-2) prieš Brennanas Ward (14-4) is also set for the Spike-televised main card.


Limited tickets for the mega-event start at $36 and are on sale at Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. Renginį tiesiogiai ir nemokamai transliuos SPIKE 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. KT. The “Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” undercard, streams live on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App beginning at 6:50 p.m. IR / 3:50 p.m. PT.


Klausimas: For Paul Daley…We had a chance to talk before you were schedule to fight Derek Anderson at ‘Bellator 163.’ He made the weight, but the fight didn’t happen. Taip, what’s going to change this time? Are you going to do anything different in your preparation and what do you expect from Brennan Ward?

Paulius Daley: Things didn’t go according to plan at the last event that I was scheduled to compete in. I made the weight, but it was what happened after that was the problem. Those problems have been ironed out and we should have everything back on track and I’m ready to compete in what is going to be the most exciting fight on the card.

Klausimas: For Brennan Ward…Both of you have definitely delivered exciting knockouts in recent performances, so I want to know what your expectation of the fight is and if you think it will be a quick showcase.

Brennanas Ward: They don’t just line two guys up like Paul and I for no reasonon a card like this, that is probably the biggest card of the year and one of the biggest Bellator cards of all-time == They’re putting our matchup on there for a reason. They know fireworks are going to go off and they know this fight isn’t going the distance. Paul and I end fights, it’s what we do. Like he said, we’re going to put on the most exciting fight of the night for sure.

Klausimas: I know that clip of you and Tito wrestling in college has been going around, so what do you expect from Tito this time around compared to the Tito you saw back then?

Chael Sonnen: Žiūrėk, Tito’s a great fighter. He was a hell of a wrestler…I caught him in one position in that match, I’m not hanging my hat on that. I’m pumped to be in there and compete against a Hall of Famer like Tito. I’m going to do everything I can to beat him, but I don’t dismiss how good this guy is.

Klausimas: It’s been a while since we saw you in there with Liam McGeary in that title fight. Taip, from then to now, what’s changed and what are you going to show us?

Tito Ortiz: I’ve been at work now for three years. I came from the UFC and Bellator gave me a chance to reinvigorate my career and I want to leave on my own terms. I want to leave respectfully. Scott Coker has done an amazing job with the company already and I sat back, thinking about what would be my last fight. All of a sudden, I’m watching Bellator on Spike TV and Chael Sonnen comes screaming out, calling me a coward and saying that he wants to fight me and I swear there has never been a bigger smile on my face. I was already getting ready to fight in November. I wasn’t sure who my opponent was going to be, but I was getting in shape. I’ve been training now for almost four months and this is probably one of the longest camps I’ve had and it’s time to showcase my skills. Chael says he’s fighting because he’s jealous and that’s the wrong way to come into a fight. I’m going in to get redemption and to me Chael is my enemy. This is no game, this is nothing fun, this is what I do for a living. I train and I go out to try and hurt my opponent. I know what I need to do. I need to defend the takedown, I need to watch out for the punches, I need to watch out for the guillotine. I know all of the moves that Chael has done and my job is to go in and destroy him. Apie Sausis 21, two days before my birthday, I want to get the ‘Fight of the Night.’ I hope Chael’s in great shape because when I’m on top of him, he’s going to shit himself. I’m going to throw my elbows through his face and like I said, this is no joke. This is serious to me because my family’s watching, my kids are watching, and all of my fans are watching. I’ve given so much for this and I’ve sacrificed everything. I sacrificed my Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my New Year’s for this.

Klausimas: Of all the guys you’ve verbally dueled with in your career, how would you size up where Tito stands? How does he compare to other guys that you’ve gone back and forth with verbally?

Chael Sonnen: Vyras, it’s painful. It was painful just listening to him read through that list of notes. He just rattled off all of his bullets right there in one answer and I think he asked to go to the bathroom during it, which was a little weird. I don’t care, I never thought about Tito Ortiz. I didn’t come to this organization to fight Tito Ortiz. I’ve been chasing Wanderlei Silva around, but Wanderlei is busy until the summer. They called me and asked if I’d fight Tito on Sausis 21 and I didn’t have anything else going on, so I said yes.

Klausimas: Beyond this fight, what are your goals in Bellator?

Chael Sonnen: I want to compete at Bellator. I want to be a champion, get to the top, and compete with all the guys. I want to find a weight class. I’d like to do it at 205-pounds, but I think there’s an opportunity at 185 and now we have some big signings at heavyweight and catchweight too. I just think there’s a lot of opportunity over here. I can tell you as far as training, working hard and being prepared, that’s what I do. I do it every day. I will bring my skills to the fight and if they’re enough I’ll win; If they’re not, I won’t. That’s just the way that this sport is played and I’m just looking forward to competing with these guys.

Klausimas: Coming back to compete in California, with your history with that athletic commission, you’ve already taken an out-of-competition test. How do you look at that process? Were you surprised by the test? Was there an understanding that it was going to be a part of the deal to get you back in California?

Chael Sonnen: I was surprised by it. That’s why the test works. I was not ready to be tested and I didn’t know that I was going to be tested and I haven’t thought about it a whole lot. You have to understand that when you’re a guy with my background that’s just coming off of a suspension, that’s the way it goes. You’re going to have more tests than other guys and that’s just fair.

Klausimas: Pagaliau, can you just size up the marketplace since you left UFC and since they’ve been purchased?

Chael Sonnen: Žiūrėk, I’m brand new. I only know a few guys at Bellator. I know three people, that’s how new I am. I’ve been to two Bellator shows; one at Mohegan Sun Arena and one in San Jose. Both events were sold out! When I was in San Jose, I was sitting there and down the ramp comes the greatest heavyweight of all time, Fiodoras Emelianenko. Coker signed him and didn’t even say anything to anybody. The place was packed and the ratings were going higher. I wanted to come to Bellator when I saw Ken Shamrock walk the ramp and I thought this is awesome. Connecticut and then California, both sides of the country and both sold out. The household name that Bellator has become is amazing. I used to have to explain to people what UFC and what MMA was. When I tell people I’m with Bellator, they know exactly what it is. When Tito and I met in that college wrestling match, there was 80 people there tops, nobody cared. It was a big sacrifice just to show off in front of 80 žmonės. To show off in front of a sold out arena, a record-breaking show, is fun. We get Paul Daley and Brennan Ward to entertain us before we have to go out and take care of business.

Klausimas: Tito, do you have any comment to Chael’s comments earlier about you reading from a script and all?

Tito Ortiz: This guy knows that he bit off a little more than he can chew. I’ve been through 20 years of competition, won world titles, and stepped into that cage over and over again. Įrodymas yra pudingo. I’m sitting here listening to the tone that Chael has and it sounds like he’s drowning and on Sausis 21, he’s going to be drowning in his own blood.

Chael Sonnen: I told you he was out of bullets! I warned you ahead of time!

Klausimas: Chael, congratulations on Celebrity Apprentice last night…great to see you on the debut there. How difficult is it for you to balance the Celebrity Apprentice, ESPN, your podcast, and training all together?

Chael Sonnen: I hate days off. I hate it more than anything. When I look at my calendar before I go to bed, I hate seeing gaps in there. So as far as training goes, I’m in the gym three hours a day. It’s an hour in the morning, maybe even less, two hours in the afternoon, I’m out the door in three in a half hours tops. Taip, that leaves me with another 20 hours in the day and I like to fill it. I don’t like to sleep a lot and that’s just the way it goes. I like to stay busy, but nothing interferes with preparation for the competition. I haven’t missed a practice, a run, a workout, a sparring session; I go every day. I go to practice every day no matter what, du kartus per dieną. There are parts when I’ll pick up the intensity and work a little harder and then there are parts when I’ll take a break to get a drink of water, but it doesn’t change for me. Aš pasiruošęs eiti, Viskas.

Klausimas: Chael, I know you said that you had a little more of a looser camp, where you’ve trained with a lot of different fighters, especially due to all of the traveling. How has it been, having access to some elite fighters in other parts of the country?

Chael Sonnen: I love working out in other parts of the country and I love going to different gyms. And that’s something new to me, because I didn’t used to travel. I was just locked at home in Portland, Oregon, but we had a hotbed out there, with guys like Randy Couture and Evan Tanner, I could name drop for you and it would really impress. We had a really great system out there, but it dried up and some of those guys retired. Some of them moved away and some of the gyms closed down, so all of these new traveling has been great. I’ve got a lot of rounds in and worked out with Georges St-Pierre and a bunch of hammers out there that you’ve never heard of yet, but you will. I’m getting good work in and I’m learning from these guys. The one thing that I try to do, and I copied Randy Couture on this, is always train with the kids. He would be in high school workout rooms doing some wrestling practice and it was very hard for the next generation to ever get ahead of him because he always trained with that younger generation. Taip, I spend a lot of time with those kids and I have my own practices on top of that. I’m not positive that I can take Tito down, I’m not positive that I can out-box him; everything has to get better. I have to get stronger, greičiau, better with more technique and better strategy and it all takes time.

Užbaigti "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Pagrindinis sunkiasvorio svorio turnyras: Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Pagrindinis pusvidutinio svorio turnyras: Paulius Daley (38-14-2) vs. Brennanas Ward (14-4)

Vidutinio svorio pagrindinės kortos kovos: Ralek Gracie (3-0) vs. Hisaki Kato (7-2)

Plunksnų svorio pagrindinės kortos: Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vs. Emmanuelis Sanchez (13-3)

Lengva pagrindinė kortų serija: Derek laukai (17-6) vs. Derekas Andersonas (14-2, 1 NC)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Chinzo Machida (4-2) vs. Jamar Ocampo (2-0)

Pasirengimo sunkiojo svorio varžyboms: Jack May (8-3) vs. Dave Cryer (11-2)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Henris Corrales (12-3) vs. Cody Bollinger (19-6)

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) vs. Keith Berry (15-13)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (8-3) vs. Jonas Mercurio (8-7)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Gabriel Green (3-0) vs. Jalin Turner (2-2)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Gonzalez (2-0) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (2-0)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Jacob Rosales (4-2) vs. Ianas Butleris (3-2)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Džonis Cisneros (9-5) vs. Curtis Millender (9-3)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Mike Segura (4-4) vs. Tommy Aaronas (2-1)

„Bantamweight“ preliminari kova: Rob Gooch (4-3) vs. Jamesas "Barnes (6-2)

Preliminarioji lengvaatlečių kova: Rebecca Ruth (6-2) vs. Colleen Schneider (10-7)



APIE Ketvirtadienis, Sausis 19

Atomweight Co-Main Event:
Nicdali Rivera-Calanoc vs. Lisbeth Lopez Silva

Lengvas: Rodrigo “Kazula” Vargas vs. Marco Antonio “La Rocka” Elipidio

Gaidys: Jose Ceja vs. Joey Ruquet

NIUJORKAS - Sausis 3, 2017 – Combate Americas today announced four spectacular Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) galai, including a bantamweight (135) main event between rising stars Steve Swanson (14-2) ir Gustavo Lopezas (6-2) – for the league’s much-anticipated, historic debut in Mexico on Ketvirtadienis, Sau. 19, live on Azteca America (10 p.m. IR/PT) and UFC FIGHT PASS® (8 p.m. IR/5 p.m. PT).

Renginys, which will take place at El Plaza Condesa in Mexico City, will also air via tape delay in Mexico the following night, Penktadienis, Sau. 20 į 11 p.m. KT., on TV Azteca, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: AZTECA; Latibex: XTZA), one of the two largest producers of Spanish-language television programming in the world.

In the atomweight (105 svarų) bendro pagrindinis renginys, former world championship challenger Nicdali "Naktis karalienė" Rivera-Calanoc (9-9) will make her long-awaited return to La Jaula, Combate Amerikos narvas, and face red-hot Lisbeth Lopez Silva (3-3).

“We are excited to be assembling a phenomenal fight card, and to have the opportunity to be at the forefront of MMA’s growth in Mexico with our unique and fast-growing sports franchise,Sakė Combate Amerika Vadovas Campbell "McLaren".

In other main card action, two hard-hitting, Mexico City rivals, Rodrigo “Kazula” Vargas (9-5) ir Marco Antonio “La Rocka” Elpidio (4-1-1) will collide at lightweight (155 svarų).

Fellow upstarts Jose “The Ghost” Ceja (4-3) ir Joey “El Cazador” Ruquet (3-1) will square off at bantamweight.

Additional bouts for the Combate Americas event will be announced soon.

The 5-foot-5, 36-year-old younger brother of UFC star Cub Swanson, Steve of Indio, Kalifas. is a 36-year-old prolific knockout artist whose family originally hails from Chihuahua, Meksika.

Swanson is a winner of his last four fights, all by way of (T)KO. He is coming off an explosive, 38-second stoppage of Christian Rios apie Spalis 22.

Fighting out MMA legend Randy “The Natural” Couture’s Xtreme Couture camp in Las Vegas, Nev. Lopez is a 5-foot-5, 27-year-old finisher originally from Yakima, Skalbimas.

Lopez emerged unbeaten, su įrašo 3-0, during the Combate Americas “Road To The Championship” fight series that spanned from September 2015 to May 2016. He has notched five of his six professional career victories via (T)KO arba pateikimas.

Rivera-Calanoc is a 5-foot-3, 31-year-old resident of Las Vegas, Nev. and native of Tulsa, Okla., as well as a battle-tested veteran of the sport who has faced a handful of top rivals in the women’s field, įskirtinai Jessica Penne.

Rivera-Calanoc, whose ancestral roots are in Chihuahua, took a split decision in her last start on Kovas 12, nuo Ronni Nanney.

Lopez Silva of Mexico City is aiming for her fourth straight win on the heels of a unanimous decision over Marcel Yineris Nieto apie Gruodis 2 in Panama City, Panama.

A former welterweight (170 svarų), Vargas of Mexico City is a 5-foot-8, 31-year-old powerhouse who will put a three-fight win streak on the line.

Iki šiol, the Mexican Pride team member has claimed all of his wins by way of (T)KO arba pateikimas.

Elpidio, whose nickname translates to “The Rock,” is also a former welterweight standout who will look to secure his third consecutive win.

In his last effort on Kovas 19, Elpidio, a member of the Renzo Gracie affiliate team in Mexico City, įmetė antrą turą (3:16) TKO nuo Francisco Vargas with an onslaught of punches.

5 pėdų 7, 31-year-old Ceja of Port Arthur, Texas will make his second start under the promotion of Combate Americas.

In his debut for the league on Spalis 14, Ceja avenged a previous loss in dynamic fashion, balais pirmojo turo (4:22) knockout on Irwin “The Beast” Rivera in the first live televised, professional MMA event since UFC 7 rugsėjo 1995.

Ruquet of Las Vegas, Nev. via Venice, Fla. is a 5-foot-8, 24-year-old upstart and seasoned striker who will make his second appearance in La Jaula after submitting Luke Faultersack with an anaconda choke in the second round (4:28) of action on Balandis 25.

„UFC FIGHT PASS“ yra skaitmeninė prenumeratos paslauga, suteikianti gerbėjams prieigą prie išskirtinių tiesioginių UFC renginių ir kovų, išskirtiniai tiesioginiai MMA ir koviniai sporto renginiai iš viso pasaulio, išskirtinis originalus ir užkulisinis turinys bei beprecedentis 24-7 prieiga prie didžiausios pasaulyje kovų bibliotekos.

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M-1 Challenge Champion Alexey Kunchenko vs. Shavkat Rakhmonov To headline M-1 Challenge 75 in Battle of Undefeated Welterweights

Kovas 3 Maskvoje, Rusija

ST. PETERSBURG, Rusija (Sausis 2, 2017) – M-1 Global has announced a battle of undefeated fighters to headline M-1 Iššūkis 75 as M-1 Challenge welterweight champion Aleksejus Kunchenko takes on top challenger Shaukat Rakhmonov, Kovas 3, Maskvoje, Rusija.
M-1 Iššūkis 75 bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas iš Maskvos aukštos raiškos www.M1Global.TV. Stebėtojai galės žiūrėti preliminarius kovoja ir pagrindinę plokštę prisijungdami prie užsiregistruoti www.M1Global.TV. Ventiliatoriai gali žiūrėti visus veiksmus savo kompiuteriuose, taip pat "Android" ir "Apple" išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes.
Kunchenko (15-0-0, M-1: 7-0), kovos iš Tiumenės, Rusija, used his tremendous Muay Thai skills to capture the coveted M-1 Challenge welterweight title belt last April at M-1 Iššūkis 65, kai gina titulą Murad Abdulaev ketvirto turo metu pasitraukė.
Kovoje be titulo, Kunchenko won a 3-round unanimous decision over Eduardo Ramonas „M-1 Challenge“ kl M-1 Iššūkis 70 Praėjusių metų rugsėjo mėnesį. His first title defense was December 5 į M-1 Iššūkis 72, in which Kunchenko (pavaizduota žemiau) won a 5-round unanimous decision over Abdulaev in a rematch.
Fighting out of Karaganda, Kazachstanas, Rakhmonov (7-0-0, M-1: 4-0-0) is a former MMA amateur star who captured gold medals at the World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) world and Asia Championships. The prodigy has continued his dominance as a professional, consistently displaying his world-class Combat Sambo talent.
Rakhmonov (pavaizduota žemiau) received the M-1 Iššūkis 59 Submission of the Night on July 3, 2015, as he choked out Michalas Wiencek only 49-seconds into the opening round. In his most recent M-1 Challenge fight, Rakhmonov knocked out Marcelo Brito in the first-round last June at M-1 Iššūkis 67.


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M-1 IŠŠŪKIO RENGINIŲ kalendorius:
M-1 Iššūkis 74 – Vasaris. 18, 2017 – St. Peterburgas, Rusija
M-1 Iššūkis 75 – Kovas 3, 2017 – Maskva, Rusija

‘Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. SonnenFight Card Complete With Two New Matchups


SANTA MONICA, Kalifas. — (Gruodis 28, 2016) – The stacked main card of "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” has added even more ammo to its arsenal with the news that Derek laukai (17-6) ir Derekas Andersonas (14-2, 1 NC) will compete in a lightweight feature fight on Sausis 21, 2017 inside The Forum in Los Angeles, Kalifas. Papildomai, a female flyweight bout pitting Rebecca Ruth (6-2) prieš Colleen Schneider (10-7) has been added to the preliminary portion of the event.


The lightweight clash joins a main card that is highlighted by a legendary faceoff between superstars Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) ir Chael Sonnen (28-14-1). Papildomai, Ralek Gracie (3-0) ir Hisaki Kato (7-2) will meet in a middleweight feature fight, o Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) ir Emmanuelis Sanchez (13-3) mūšis. Galų gale, a fantastic welterweight co-main event pitting Paulius Daley (38-14-2) prieš Brennanas Ward (14-4) is also set for the Spike-televised main card.



Limited tickets for the mega-event start at $36 and are on sale at Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com. Renginį tiesiogiai ir nemokamai transliuos SPIKE 9 p.m. IR/8 p.m. KT. The "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” undercard, streams live on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App beginning at 6:50 p.m. IR / 3:50 p.m. PT.


Campos enters the bout riding a recent string of success, as the 28-year-old lightweight put together a flawless 2016 campaign that included a pair of noteworthy victories over Djamil Kubilas ir Melvinas Guillard. “The Stallion” continues to provide entertaining fights, as the Lubbock, Texas native has finished opponents in 10 nuo jo 17 pergalės, including five knockouts and three of the first-round variety. Campos will be searching for his first three-fight winning streak under the Bellator MMA umbrella since 2013.


Following an explosive start to his professional career, collecting victories in 11 jo pirmosios 12 galai, including one no-contest, Anderson has continued his success under the direction of Bellator MMA. Since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2013, “The Barbaric” has tallied five impressive wins, highlighted by two knockouts and a pair of victories over Patricky Freire. Hailing from San Diego, Kalifornijoje., Anderson has finished 11 nuo jo 14 victims, and will not have to travel far as he prepares for number 12. With back-to-back victories over the aforementioned Freire and most recently Jūs Awad į “Bellator 160,” Anderson has quickly entered the mix as one of the division’s top contenders. The 26-year-old lightweight will now look to take down the Bellator MMA veteran Campos and add yet another big name to his admirable resume.


The 37-year-old Ruth will be making her third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner and first of her 2017 kampanija, following a year in which she earned her first promotional victory over Ukrainian submission specialist Lena Ovchynnikova. Prior to joining the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2016, “Ruthless” strung together an impressive 5-1 record to begin her career, including five knockout victories and three first round finishes. With wins in four of her last five contests, Ruth will look to start the year off on the right foot and add to her already impressive MMA resume.


The recently signed Schneider will be making her Bellator MMA debut on Sau. 21, as she also enters the contest having won four of her last five bouts. With six of her 10 Karjera laimi ateina būdu nokautas ar pateikimo, look for Schneider to attack early and often in a flyweight clash that features two of the more dangerous opponents in the division. Standing at 5’9”, the 34-year-old Schneider will hold a significant height advantage over the veteran Ruth, who stands about five inches shy of the former Invicta FC product. Hailing from Los Angeles, Kalifornijoje., Schneider will also not have to travel far for this incredible event, as the hometown crowd will surely be pulling for “Thoroughbred” at Inglewood’s famous Forum.



Ruth and Schneider will join a preliminary card that features the promotional debuts of Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) ir Jack May(8-3), as well as the return of Chinzo Machida (4-2), Henris Corrales (12-3), Guilherme “Bomba” (8-3), ir Cody Bollinger (19-6).


Užbaigti "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Pagrindinis sunkiasvorio svorio turnyras: Tito Ortiz (18-12-1) vs. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Pagrindinis pusvidutinio svorio turnyras: Paulius Daley (38-14-2) vs. Brennanas Ward (14-4)

Vidutinio svorio pagrindinės kortos kovos: Ralek Gracie (3-0) vs. Hisaki Kato (7-2)

Plunksnų svorio pagrindinės kortos: Georgi Karakhanyan (26-6-1) vs. Emmanuelis Sanchez (13-3)

Lengva pagrindinė kortų serija: Derek laukai (17-6) vs. Derekas Andersonas (14-2, 1 NC)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card:

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Chinzo Machida (4-2) vs. Jamar Ocampo (2-0)

Pasirengimo sunkiojo svorio varžyboms: Jack May (8-3) vs. Dave Cryer (11-2)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: Henris Corrales (12-3) vs. Cody Bollinger (19-6)

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Kevin Casey (9-5-1, 2 NC) vs. Keith Berry (15-13)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (8-3) vs. Jonas Mercurio (8-7)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Gabriel Green (3-0) vs. Jalin Turner (2-2)

Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Christian Gonzalez (2-0) vs. Daniel Rodriguez (2-0)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Jacob Rosales (4-2) vs. Ianas Butleris (3-2)

Vidutinio svorio parengiamosios varžybos: Džonis Cisneros (9-5) vs. Curtis Millender (9-3)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Mike Segura (4-4) vs. Tommy Aaronas (2-1)

„Bantamweight“ preliminari kova: Rob Gooch (4-3) vs. Jamesas "Barnes (6-2)

Preliminarioji lengvaatlečių kova: Rebecca Ruth (6-2) vs. Colleen Schneider (10-7)

FNU Kovinis sportas Rodyti: Povetkin Steroid Issues, Hopkins Knocked out of Ring, Paige and Sage endure UFC Growing Pains

Turtingas, Tom and Tony cover the past week’s news and events and look forward to the few fight cards happening over the next few weeks. We spend a good amount of time discussing the final fight of Bernard Hopkins, the drug testing debacle with Alexander Povetkin, and the UFC fight night co-main events where highly hyped prospects Paige VanZant and Sage Northcutt bombed hard. Check out the show below. This one closes out the year for us, so fans can tune in next year for our next broadcast on January 5, 2017.