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ՈՒՐԲԱԹ, FEBRUARY 19th Ուղիղ եթերում axs հեռուստատեսությամբ
Tickets are on sale NOW through CageTix.com
LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Հարության Մարտական ​​Alliance (RFA) president Ed Soares announced today that there has been a last-minute shuffle at the top of այս ուրբաթ night’s RFA 35 event set to take place in Utah. Zach Juusola has pulled out of his lightweight title fight in the main event of RFA 35 due to injury. This has elevated RFA 35 co-headliner Thiago Moisés (6-1) to the evening’s main event against David Castillo (19-7). Moisés and Castillo will compete for the vacant RFA lightweight title
RFA vet and BJJ black belt Thiago Alves (9-3) has also stepped up to take Moisésplace in the RFA 35 co-main event against David Putvin (7-1). This is the second time that Alves has stepped up on short notice after a Juusola withdrawal. Alves replaced Juusola last June in the co-main event of RFA 26 in Colorado. Alves and Putvin will meet at a catchweight of 160-pounds.
Thiago Moisés vs. David Castillo is the new lightweight title fight in the main event of RFA 35 Ուրբաթ օրը, Հայտարարել է Soares. “Moisés has been elevated from co-main event after Zach Juusola withdrew due to injury. Thiago Alves is also stepping up on short notice once again. He will fight David Putvin in the co-main event.
Տոմսերը սկիզբը 35 – Moisés vs. Castillo are available for purchase now on SmithsTix.com. Դուք կարող եք նաեւ աջակցել ձեր սիրած մարտիկ է ձեռք ձեր տոմսերը միջոցով CageTix.com/RFA.
RFA 35 – Moisés vs. Castillo takes place this Friday, February 19th at the UCCU Center in Orem, Utah. This will be the promotion’s first event to take place in the state of Utah and it will be the second RFA event of 2016. Ամբողջ Հիմնական քարտ սկիզբը 35 կհեռարձակվի ուղիղ եւ համազգային վրա AXS հեռուստատեսությամբ ժամը 10 կեսօրից. ՈՒ / 7 կեսօրից. PT այս ուրբաթ, February 19th.
Խնդրում ենք այցելել RFAfighting.com համար մենամարտից թարմացումներ եւ տեղեկատվության. RFA է նաեւ Facebook- ում Facebook.com/RFAfighting, Instagram ժամը RFAfighting, եւ Twitter ժամը RFAfighting.
Օգտվողի սկիզբը: RFA է պրոֆեսիոնալ խառը մարտարվեստի խթանում է, որ հնարավորություն է տալիս աճող աստղերը եւ հավակնորդներն հնարավորություն է ապացուցելու իրենց տաղանդը երկրպագուների եւ առաջնորդների արդյունաբերության ոլորտում. The RFA ներկայացնում կենդանի միջոցառումներ ամսական կտրվածքով շուրջ Միացյալ Նահանգների, այդ թվում Լաս Վեգասում, Los Angeles, Denver եւ Milwaukee. RFA կարելի է տեսնել կենդանի է ավելի քան 43 միլիոն տներ ազգային միջոցով իր հեռուստատեսային գործարքի AXS հեռուստատեսությամբ. Հիմնված է Լաս Վեգասում, Nevada, RFA մեկն է առավել ակտիվ եւ հարգված MMA կազմակերպությունների ամենաարագ աճող սպորտի աշխարհում. (Ութանկյուն, Ultimate Fighting Championship®, UFC®, եւ ութ միակողմանի մրցույթը mat եւ վանդակի դիզայն են գրանցված ապրանքանիշ պատկանում է բացառապես Zuffa, ՍՊԸ-. Բոլոր իրավունքները պաշտպանված են).
Օգտվողի AXS հեռուստատեսային Մղում: AXS TV Մարտեր հայտնի է իր համընդհանուր ճանաչում Ուրբաթ Գիշերային Խառը Մարտարվեստ եւ Քիք - բոքսինգի պատանի միջոցառումներ. Քանի որ ձեր տունը MMA, AXS TV օգտագործում է ընդլայնողական ցանց խթանումների է Միացյալ Նահանգների, Կանադա, եւ Եվրոպան. Եւ Ասիայի հեռարձակել ավելի շատ ՈՒՂԻՂ մարտեր, քան որեւէ այլ հեռուստատեսային ցանց. “The Voice” Մայքլ Schiavello եւ հինգ անգամ MMA աշխարհի չեմպիոն Pat Miletich ենք հեռուստադիտողների փորձագիտական ​​խաղալ առ խաղալ, խորը կործանիչ լուսաբանումը, եւ ծավալուն վերլուծություն յուրաքանչյուր պայքարի քարտի. AXS TV հեռարձակում համաշխարհային կարգի LIVE պայքարի միջոցառումներ են սկիզբը, Lion Fight, Legacy FC, եւ MFC ամեն Ուրբաթ գիշեր 7 կեսօրից. PT / 10 կեսօրից. ՈՒ.

Rampage Coming Back to Bellator MMA


Following an amicable agreement to settle the litigation between the two parties, the always entertaining and exciting Quinton “Rampage” Jackson is returning to Bellator.


Bellator MMA is thrilled to have “Rampage,” one of the most recognizable fighters in the history of the sport, joining a very competitive light heavyweight division featuring champion Liam McGeary, Phil Davis, Քինգ Mo, Tito Ortiz, Emanuel Newton, Linton Vassell among others.

M-1 Challenge 65 rescheduled from March 4 մինչեւ ապրիլի 8 ի St. Petersburg, Russia Due to scheduling conflict

ST. PETERSBURG, Ռուսաստան (Փետրվար 15, 2016) – M-1 Global has announced that M-1 Challenge 65 has been rescheduled from March 4 մինչեւ ապրիլի 8 at Ice Palace Sports Center in St. Petersburg, Ռուսաստան.
The Ice Hockey World Championships will be held this May in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Many sports venues in St. Petersburg are closed in March due to renovations, resulting in the switched date for M-1 Challenge 65.
Ի M-1 Challenge 65 գլխավոր իրադարձությունը, reigning M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Ռամադան Emeev(13-3-0, M-1: 7-1-0) will take on Brazilian challenger Maiquel “Big Rig” Falcao (35-8-0, M-1: 0-0-0) in the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight semifinals match.
The other M-1 Grand Prix middleweight semifinals match is set as three-time Bellator championԱլեքսանդր “Փոթորիկ” Shlemenko (51-9-0, M-1: 2-0-0) takes on former M-1 Challenge middleweight and light heavyweight titlist Վյաչեսլավ Vasilevsky (27-3-0, M-1: 10-1-0) at this Friday’s (Feb. 19) M-1 Challenge 64 օլիմպիական մարզադաշտում Մոսկվայում.
The winners of Shlemenko vs. Vasilevsky and Emeev vs. Falcao will advance to the M-1 Grand Prix middleweight championship later this year.
In other M-1 Global news, M-1 Challenge թեթեւ չեմպիոն Mansour “Tarzan” BarnaouiԻ (13-2-0, M-1: 2-2-0) title defense versus challenger Artium Damkovsky (20-9-0, M-1: 10-6-0), has been moved from M-1 Challenge 64 մինչեւ M-1 Challenge 65.
Replacing Barnaoui vs. Damkovsky on M-1 Challenge 64 is a classic striker-wrestler matchup between American Joe Ray (13-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0) and Nodar Kudukhashvili (10-2-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Վրաստանի.
M-1 Challenge 64 & 65 կլինի ուղիղ Ռուսաստանից բարձր սահմանման վերաբերյալ www.M1Global.TV. Հեռուստադիտողների կկարողանա դիտել նախնական կռիվներ ու հիմնական քարտ մուտք գրանցվելwww.M1Global.TV. Երկրպագուները կարող են դիտել բոլորը գործողության իրենց համակարգիչների, ինչպես նաեւ Android եւ Apple սմարթֆոնների եւ պլանշետների.


Ծլվլոց & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global

WMMAA: The future of MMA

Mexican Consulate in Albuquerque, Efren Leyba, իսկ
WMMAA Pan-American president Tomas Yu (կենտրոն)
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Փետրվար 15, 2016) – The second annual World MMA Association (WMMAA) Pan-American Congress, recently held at The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was a major success by all standards.
(L-R) — WMMAA Pan-American president Tomas Yu, MMA superstar
Jon Jones and legendary coach Chris Luttrell
The Pan-American Movement”, as it was named, brought together sports, զբոսաշրջության, and education for a common goal with more than 12 participating countries.
The Congress provided a rare opportunity for the entire WMMAA Pan-American family to collaborate with special partnerships like The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce իսկ The Mexico Consulate in Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Global Education Department. PANAM Members, representatives of National Federations, Commissions, Association and the Organizing Committee of the WMMAA Pan-American Championship (OCPC), as well as athletes, մարզիչները, ԶԼՄ-ները, sponsors and other stakeholders to meet and discuss issues of importance to the entire MMA movement.
In his closing speech to the Congress, Pan-American Division President Tomas Yu paid tribute to the excellent collaboration between Pan-American members.
If you asked me to sprawl a couple of times, I would most definitely need some nitro coffee from Villa Myriam before I run out of breath, followed by the guaranteed use of Sore No More,” Yu ասել է. “But when it comes to fighting for our youth, for our MMA global goalsfor cleaner competition, for a healthier, more peaceful and more flourishing SPORTI will sprawl-jab-cross-kick like a champion. I will sprint the steepest trail in the Sandia Mountains. I will never stop until we raise our hands by victory. I am counting and exhorting all involved in the MMA industry to join us. We must go for the KO.
Over the course of the three-day Congress and 13-day PANAM Camp, there were special guest such as Legacy Champion Damacio Page, former UFC champion JonBones” Jones իսկ Carlos Condit. Participants heard from many respected speakers such as Health Committee Director Curt Chavez from eVOLV Strong, Hector Molina, Director of PANAM Regulatory Committee and Director of PANAM Medical Committee, Dr. Justo Pavia. The congress had interesting discussions on the following themes: մարզիկները, 2016 Expo MMA, structure of theWMMAA Pan-American Movement”, global officialslicense and database, new era of Digital Sports Marketing Revolution, եւ 2016 Pan-American Championships.

Each day was divided in two general sessions with a half-day devoted to Rules and Regulations discussions for PANAM. The plenary sessions were followed by three simultaneous breakout sessions on respective sub-themes.

All sessions were live-cast over the internet to allow the general public to hear discussions as it happened.
Two sessions began with presentations from a panel of speakers. The moderators of each panel were then responsible for the ensuing discussion period, which gave participants an opportunity to voice their opinions on issues. The main points from each session were carefully recorded byENLACEthe new exclusive WMMAA correspondent programto inform the Editorial Committee of the discussions at the end of each day. The final document reflected the main ideas to come out of the proceedings in Albuquerque, as well as information collected through the virtual WMMAA Pan-American Congress, allowing the WMMAA Pan-American family and public to submit written contributions.
The mission of the 2016 WMMAA Pan-American Congress was to bring together sports, tourism and education for a united front and review the status of the WMMAA PANAM Movement in today’s evolving global society. Information was gathered and opinions sought regarding its future, in addition to providing structure, guidance, proposals and recommendations to all constituents and other stakeholders of the WMMAA PANAM Movement for its structured showcase and harmonious development within the global youth community.
The 2016 WMMAA Pan-American Congress was a great success and has left the WMMAA Pan-American Movement with a blueprint for the future. It is now time, եւս մեկ անգամ, for the PANAM family to translate words into action: We are the Future of MMA!


Click for fight highlights: Michael Chandler vs. Eddie Alvarez

SANTA MONICA, Կրոնապետ. (Փետրվար 12, 2015) – When sifting through a list of Bellator MMA’s greatest fights, few names appear as often as «Iron" Michael Chandler (14-3).


Այսօր, Bellator MMA is proud to announce that Chandler will be continuing to compete for the promotion for the foreseeable future, with the news that the former 155-pound champion has signed an exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extension to remain with the Scott Coker-led promotion.


“Michael Chandler is synonymous with our brand and doubles as an incredibly talented and exciting mixed martial artist,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “Not every fighter or free agent aligns with our future plans, but when looking at Chandler’s resume, inking him to a long-term extension was a no-brainer. I look forward to getting him back in action as soon as possible.”


Chandler was also pleased with his extension, նշելով,: “I’m ecstatic to continue my career with Scott Coker and Bellator MMA. It’s obvious that good things are continuing to happen for this promotion and it’s correlating to big opportunities for myself as well,«Chandler ասել է. “I can’t wait to get back in action and test myself against some of these new guys coming in and move back up through the ranks. Ինչպես միշտ, my eyes are on that belt, and it will be back around my waist soon.”


A 14-fight Bellator MMA veteran, Chandler has been a member of the Viacom-owned promotion since 2010. Prior to joining the Bellator ranks, the Missouri native competed for Strikeforce. Amongst his notable victories, Chandler bested Eddie Alvarez via submission at “Bellator 58” in what many fans and pundits alike considered the fight of 2011.


Further along the way, Chandler defeated the likes of Patricky «Pitbull» Freire, Marcin Տեղի, Rick Hawn, իսկ David Rickels (2x). Of his 14 հաղթում որպես պրոֆեսիոնալ, Chandler has amassed 12 victories before reaching the judges’ scorecards.


Chandler remains in Bellator’s lightweight division, which includes kingpin Will Brooks, հետ միասին Josh Thomson, Brandon Girtz, Melvin Guillard, Benson Henderson, Brent Primus, Derek Anderson, իսկԴուք Awad.



Lewiston, Maine (Փետրվար 12, 2016) - New England Մարտեր (NEF), Ամերիկայի թիվ մեկ տարածաշրջանային պայքարը խթանում, կանցկացնի իր հաջորդ միջոցառումը, “NEF 22: ԲՈԼՈՐ ՃԱՆԱՊԱՐՀՆԵՐԸ ՏԱՆՈՒՄ ԵՆ ԱՅՍՏԵՂ” վրա Շաբաթ, Ապրիլ 22, 2016ժամը Androscoggin բանկի Colisée ի Lewiston, Maine. The fight card will feature a mix of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing bouts. Այսօր, NEF announced the addition of a featherweight contest to the amateur portion of the “NEF 22” պայքարը քարտի. Bantamweight Champion Johnny Արհեստ (4-0) will move up in weight to face Taylor Costantino (2-1) 145 ֆունտ ստեռլինգով.


Crafts was successful last Saturday in his attempt to capture the inaugural NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Title. He took out Henry Clark (3-2) in the third round of their bout in Lewiston. Crafts is a decorated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) brown belt out of Team New England United (ՆՈՐ). He also cross-trains with Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) է Lewiston.


I’m excited to step up to 145 to fight Taylor,” said Crafts of the upcoming matchup with Costantino. “I will be very strong at that weight seeing as I cut pretty extensively to make 135. It will allow me to focus on different areas this camp instead of putting a lot of my energy into cutting weight.


Costantino is himself coming off a big win last Saturday at “NEF 21.” It took him a mere 25-seconds to down Frank Johanson (0-1), a training partner of Crafts at CMBJJ, առաջին փուլում. Costantino is clear that he is coming to fight on Ապրիլ 23, and he does not plan on engaging in a grappling contest with Crafts.


Respect to him for coming up in weight,” said Costantino of Crafts. “He’s a glorified pajama warrior that has never been punched in the face with any type of authority. He will clinch quickly and look for the takedown. He’ll realize real quick that he has never fought or trained with anybody like me.


Crafts and Costantino are not strangers to one another. Several years ago, the two met in a jiu-jitsu tournament with Crafts coming out on top.


Taylor and I have competed before in a sport jiu-jitsu tournament,” recalled Crafts. “Taylor says I am a glorified pajama warrior who has never been punched in the face, but if I recall correctly, I submitted him without my ‘pajamasno-gi in that tournament pretty quickly. I train with a lot of very talented and tough fighters daily who punch me in the face very hard. People say the same thing about me not getting punched – լավ, I have had four fights and they just haven’t had the chance to. Anyone who has trained with high-level fighters will tell you that gi jiu-jitsu only makes you more of a technical fighter. If he doesn’t believe that, that is finehe will feel it on April 23rd.”


Johnny did submit me when I first moved to Maine,” Costantino admitted. “Legit submission, and his pure grappling is definitely high level. My grappling is MMA based, not slow jitsu. It’s grimy, grueling and punishing. Pure grappling, I would worry about his game. But it’s a fight, sport jiu-jitsu means next to nothing to me.


I wish I could say people will get to see my whole game, but I can’t guarantee that. Johnny will feel my power and look to go to his comfort zone. I will break him, you will see quit in his eyes.


After Taylor won in impressive fashion at NEF 21, he immediately screamed at me while still inside the cage that he wanted a black belt for his next challenge,” ասել է Մերձավոր Արեւելքի համասեփականատեր եւ Խնամու Matt Peterson. “Լավ, he’s getting a brown belt in Johnny Crafts who, by all accounts, is due to receive his black belt any day, is a perfect 4-0 in the cage and is the current NEF amateur bantamweight champion. This fight is dripping with drama and will define a future top contender for the featherweight title in NEF’s stacked 145-pound division.


New England մարտեր հերթական միջոցառումը, «NEF 22: ԲՈԼՈՐ ՃԱՆԱՊԱՐՀՆԵՐԸ ՏԱՆՈՒՄ ԵՆ ԱՅՍՏԵՂ," տեղի է ունենում Շաբաթ, Ապրիլ 23, 2016 ժամը Androscoggin բանկի Colisée ի Lewiston, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 են եւ վաճառվում է այժմ www.TheColisee.com կամ զանգահարելով Colisée տոմսարկղ 207.783.2009 x 525. Լրացուցիչ տեղեկությունների համար մասին միջոցառման եւ պայքարի քարտի թարմացումները, խնդրում ենք այցելել խրախուսման կայքը www.NewEnglandFights.com. Ի լրումն, Դուք կարող եք դիտել NEF տեսանյութերը www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, հետեւել նրանց Twitternefights եւ միանալու պաշտոնական Facebook խումբը «New England մարտեր»


SANTA MONICA, Կրոնապետ. (Փետրվար 11, 2015) – A fifth and final main card fight has been added to “Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2” at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Kansas on Փետրվար 26, with the news that Kendall Grove (22-15) has agreed to fight Francisco “Kiko” France (13-3-1).


Ի լրումն, Bellator MMA’s Bantamweight Championship will be on the line in a rematch pitting Marcos «Loro» Galvao (17-6-1) նախկին չեմպիոն Eduardo «Dudu» Dantas (17-4) and hometown favorite, David Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) will return to action against Bobby Cooper (12-5). «Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " also features the Bellator MMA debut of newly signed women’s flyweight Lena Ovchynnikova (10-3), when she meets Rebecca Ruth (5-1) and a heavyweight co-main event of Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) դեմ Vinicius Queiroz (8-3)


The contests make up the televised portion ofBellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2,” որն airs ապրում է հասկ է 9 կեսօրից. ՈՒ/8 կեսօրից. CT, իսկ նախնական մենամարտերը պիտի հոսքի ուղիղ եթերում Bellator.com իսկ The Bellator Mobile App.


Տոմսերը «Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " որն սկսել է ընդամենը $27, are on sale now at KansasStarEventCenter.com or Ticketmaster.com, ինչպես նաեւ Կանզասի Star Արենա տոմսարկղ.

Grove capped off 2015 with an emphatic knockout of Joey Beltran ի «Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,« ի սեպտեմբերին. The winner of “The Ultimate Fighter: 3,« ի վեր պրոֆեսիոնալ պայքար է մղել 2003 for promotions all around the world, notably ProElite and UFC. This will be “Da Spyder’s” sixth appearance under the Bellator MMA banner as he hopes to climb back towards a 185-pound title shot – he competed for the gold last year against Brandon Halsey.


A veteran of Strikeforce, “Kiko” has strung together a five-fight winning streak as of late, most recently handing the formerly undefeated Ben Reiter the first loss of his young career at «Bellator 146: Kato vs. Manhoef » It’s safe to classify the 33-year-old Arizona native as a “submission specialist,»Հետ 12 իր 13 wins as a professional coming by way of making his opponent tap.

Complete »Bellator 150: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Title Main Event: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Էդուարդո Dantas (17-4)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Cheick Kongo (23-10-2) vs. Vinicius Queiroz (8-3)

Bellator MMA Թեթեւ Խաղարկային Բուտը: Dave Rickels (16-4, 1 NC) vs. Bobby Cooper (12-5)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Kendall Grove (22-15) vs. Francisco France (13-3-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Լենա Օվչիննիկովա (10-3) vs. Rebecca Ruth (5-1)


Նախնական Card:

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Gregory Babene (16-11) vs. Brandon Farran (12-10)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Խաղարկային Bout: Gaston Reyno (5-0) vs. Chuka Willis (6-2)

Bellator MMA ծանրքաշային Խաղարկային Բուտը: David Hammons (1-1) vs. Kyle Noblitt (1-0)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Feature Bout: Chris Harris (4-0) vs. Julian Marquez (2-0)

Bellator MMA Թեթեւ Խաղարկային Բուտը: Marcio Navarro (14-11) vs. Henry Lindsay (4-5)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Խաղարկային Bout: Thai Clark (5-0) vs. Deron Carlis (4-1)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Խաղարկային Բուտը: Manny Meraz (7-1) vs. Andre Fialho (5-0)

Bellator MMA Թեթեւ Խաղարկային Բուտը: Jason Witt (7-2) vs. Jonathan Gary (11-6)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (Փետրվար 10, 2015) – The main card of «Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” վրաԵրթ 4 is complete with today’s announcement that Gilbert Smith (12-4) կփոխարինի Michael Page and now face Fernando Gonzalez (24-13) in the evening’s co-main event.


Ի լրումն, Sirwan Kakai (12-3) կկազմի իր քարոզչական նորամուտը դէմ Joe Taimanglo (21-6) in the fourth and final main card contest. Seven preliminary scraps have also been confirmed and can be found below.

Տոմսերը «Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” are on sale now and start at just $45. You can purchase tickets at the WinStar World Casino and Resort Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster.com and Bellator.com. Դռներ Միջոցառման բաց է 5:00 կեսօրից. CT տեղական ժամանակով, with the first contest taking place one hour later.

«Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” airs ապրում եւ ազատ Spike-ին 9 կեսօրից. ՈՒ/8 կեսօրից. CT, while preliminary boutswill stream live on Bellator.com իսկ The Bellator Mobile App.


Smith will be making his Bellator MMA debut against a fighter who is currently in the midst of a four-fight winning streak. «Կեսգիշեր Magic” is on a bit of a roll of his own, coming into the promotion riding a two-bout winning streak. A veteran of UFC and most recently RFA, Smith won the regional promotion’s welterweight belt in June, defending the title one time before signing with Bellator.


Gonzalez took a brief hiatus from MMA to compete in the kickboxing portion of the groundbreaking «Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " event in September, losing a tightly contest decision to world-renowned striker Paul «Semtex» Daley. Gonzalez now returns to his comfort zone of MMA, where he has strung together an impressive four-fight winning streak. A veteran of the Scott Coker-founded Strikeforce promotion, as well as World Extreme Cagefighting, Gonzalez has been competing professionally since 2003.


Kakai is one of Bellator MMA’s latest signings, joining the fray after a two-fight stint in the UFC. “Zohan,« 26, hails from Sweden and owns 10 finishes in his 12 victories as a professional fighter. With a bantamweight title fight one-week prior and another marquee 135-pound pairing in the main event, it will be interesting to see what a win does for Kakai in the grand scheme of things.


Taimanglo will be making his seventh appearance under the Bellator MMA umbrella, and is riding a two-fight winning streak. A Guam-native, “The Juggernaut” has stopped his opponent in 21 of his victories and has only lost twice in his last 14 մարտեր. Look for the 31-year-old to make an impression against the bantamweight division’s newest commodity.


Թարմացվել է `« Bellator 151: Warren vs. Caldwell” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Main Event: Joe Warren (13-4) vs. Darrion Caldwell (8-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Gilbert Smith (12-4) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Խաղարկային Bout: Yamauchi մինչեւ (19-2) vs. Bubba Jenkins (10-2)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Feature Bout: Sirwan Kakai (12-3) vs. Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1)


Նախնական Card:

Bellator MMA Featherweight նախնական Բուտը: Chris Jones (10-3) vs. Ray Wood (5-1)

Bellator MMA վարկածով նախնական Բուտը: Steve Garcia (6-0) vs. Ricky Turcios (5-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight նախնական Բուտը: Justin Patterson (6-1) vs. Chance Rencountre (8-1)

Bellator MMA Featherweight նախնական Բուտը: Treston Thomison (8-4) vs. Aaron Roberson (5-3)

Bellator MMA Welterweight նախնական Բուտը: Roger Carroll (16-13) vs. Neiman Gracie (3-0)

Bellator MMA Միջին նախնական Բուտը: Derek Palmer (Դեբյուտ) vs. Jermayne Barnes (0-1)

Bellator MMA Featherweight նախնական Բուտը: Shane Peterson (13-4) vs. Stephen Banaszak (5-5)


Lewiston, Maine (Փետրվար 7, 2016) - New England Մարտեր (NEF), Ամերիկայի թիվ մեկ տարածաշրջանային պայքարը խթանում, held its most recent event, “NEF 21: Անմահները” Շաբաթ գիշերը Androscoggin բանկի Colisée ի Lewiston, Maine. The Colisée was a packed house for the promotion’s second hybrid mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing event. Fight fans were treated to a marathon evening of nonstop action featuring 26 bouts in total.


In the MMA main event of the evening, in what can only be described as athriller,” Bruce “Pretty Boy” Boyington (13-8) defeated Jon Lemke (5-4) via split decision to retain the NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Title. Boyington and Lemke battled back-and-forth for five brutal rounds in what many in attendance were calling one of the best fights in NEF history.


In the boxing headliner, Northeast Junior Welterweight Champion Brandon “The Cannon” Հատապտուղ (11-1) handed Tollison Lewis the first loss of his professional boxing career (2-1) with a second-round stoppage via technical knockout (ԱՀԿ-).


On the amateur MMA portion of the card, three inaugural champions were crowned. Ryan Glover (3-1) took home the light heavyweight title after defeating Mike Williams (1-1), while Johnny Crafts (4-0) captured the bantamweight strap and Ricky Dexter (5-2) won the welterweight championship.


NEF also announced that its next event would take place on Ապրիլ 23, 2016, once again at the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston.


Այն արդյունքները Lewiston, Maine:



Brandon Berry def. Tollison Lewis via TKO, կլոր 2

Evincii Dixon def. Antonio Chaves Fernandez via unanimous decision

Crowsneck Boutin fought Joel Bishop to a unanimous draw



Bruce Boyington def. Jon Lemke via split decision (Boyington retains lightweight title)

Josh Lange def. Derek Shorey via rear-naked choke, կլոր 1

Zach Elkins def. Mike Hansen via guillotine, կլոր 1

CJ լայնաբերան սափոր def. Zenon Herrera via ankle lock submission, կլոր 1

Alex Henry def. Andrew Tripp via KO, կլոր 1

Brandon Warne def. Norman Fox via guillotine, կլոր 1




Ryan Glover հաղթ. Mike Williams via armbar, կլոր 2 (Glover wins light heavyweight title)

Ricky Dexter հաղթ. Caleb Farrington via TKO, կլոր 1 (Dexter wins welterweight title)

Johnny Արհեստ հաղթ. Henry Clark via TKO, կլոր 3 (Crafts wins bantamweight title)

Ռաֆայել Velado def. Mike Peitersen via split decision

Erin Lamonte def. Randi Beth Boyington via rear-naked choke, կլոր 1

Erik Nelson def. Julio Martinez via unanimous decision

Matt Glover def. Gravin Guillen via TKO, կլոր 1

Taylor Costantino def. Frank Johanson via TKO, կլոր 1

Brendan Battles def. Dave Smith via TKO, կլոր 1

Ras Hylton def. Zak Bergeron via TKO, կլոր 1

Adam Nielsen def. Ruben Redman via TKO, կլոր 1

Dustin Shorey def. Juan Meneses via TKO, կլոր 1

Tom Burgess def. Caleb Swoveland via unanimous decision

Chad Murillo def. Tony Agust via split decision

Jake Denham def. Justin Witham via verbal submission, կլոր 2

Richmond Pierce Wiegman def. Clifford Redman միջոցով TKO, կլոր 2

Caleb Costello def. David Thompson via KO, կլոր 1



New England մարտեր հերթական միջոցառումը, «NEF 22: ԲՈԼՈՐ ՃԱՆԱՊԱՐՀՆԵՐԸ ՏԱՆՈՒՄ ԵՆ ԱՅՍՏԵՂ,” takes place Saturday, Ապրիլ 23, 2016 ժամը Androscoggin բանկի Colisée ի Lewiston, Maine. Tickets for “NEF 22” start at just $25 են եւ վաճառվում է այժմ www.TheColisee.com կամ զանգահարելով Colisée տոմսարկղ207.783.2009 x 525. Լրացուցիչ տեղեկությունների համար մասին միջոցառման եւ պայքարի քարտի թարմացումները, խնդրում ենք այցելել խրախուսման կայքը www.NewEnglandFights.com. Ի լրումն, Դուք կարող եք դիտել NEF տեսանյութերը www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, հետեւել նրանց Twitternefights եւ միանալու պաշտոնական Facebook խումբը «New England մարտեր»





SANTA MONICA (Փետրվար 6, 2015) - Bellator MMA հպարտ հայտարարում ստորագրումը Chris “The Crippler” Leben (22-11) բացառիկ բազմաբնակարան տարվա, բազմաբնակարան պայքարը պայմանագիրը. The former World Extreme Cagefighting Middleweight World Champion has fought professionally since 2002, and holds the record for most fights in the UFC at 185-pounds (22).


Since taking a break from the sport in 2014, Leben has resided in San Diego, Կրոնապետ. and served as a coach at Victory MMA & Համապատասխանություն. Known for his tendency to put on an exciting show each and every time he enters the cage, Leben was a member of the inaugural cast of “The Ultimate Fighter” alongside fellow Bellator MMA competitors Stephan Bonnar իսկ Josh Koscheck. The 35-year-old has fought elite talent throughout his mixed martial arts tenure, against names the likes of: Wanderlei Սիլվա, Anderson Silva, Brian Stann, Michael Bisping, Patrick Cote, Mark Munoz, and Bellator MMA’s own Alessio sakara.


“If I were to draw up the prototypical Bellator MMA competitor, there would be parts of Chris [Leben] in there,«Bellator MMA նախագահ Scott Coker ասել է. “The guy has never had a boring fight and as I’ve said from day one, we’re going to continue to grow from the ground up and buy from the top down. I know that Chris still has a lot of fight left in him and I’m excited to see him fight We are hoping to see his Bellator debut this Spring.”


“Focusing on just coaching at Victory MMA has been amazing, but recently, I started to get the itch to compete again,” Leben said. “So I extended an olive branch to the people at Bellator and here I am. Ես մեծ չափի, I love the possible matchups this roster has to offer and I’m ready to show the world why they call me ‘The Crippler.’”


Leben joins a budding roster of Bellator MMA talent, with recent signings that include: Benson Henderson, Anastasia Yankova, Լենա Օվչիննիկովա, իսկ Սերգեյ Kharitonov.


It has yet to be determined what weight class Leben will compete at, but when asked what division he hopes to settle in, Leben made it clear: “I’ll go wherever the big fights are.”