Category Archives: MMA



Lewiston, Meyn (May 18, 2016) - On Iyun 18, 2016 New England sur (NEF) will return to Lewiston with the fight promotion’s latest fight card, “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.A full slate of professional and amateur mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing is planned for the event. Avvalroq bugun, NEF announced the addition of an amateur MMA welterweight bout to the fight card. Shawn Bang (1-1) will return to take on Mike Bezanson (1-0) 170-funt bir jang og'irligi.


Shawn Bang is a member of the famous Bang family of fighters from nearby Auburn, Meyn. Along with his father and brothers, Bang Markaziy Meyn braziliyalik Jiu-jitsu a'zosi hisoblanadi (CMBJJ). It has been nearly three years since he last competed in the NEF MMA cage. Bang has spent the last two years serving as a missionary in accordance with his Mormon faith. Finally back home and reunited with both his natural family and gym family, Bang is ready for his return to the cage.


After two years of amazing missionary service, I cannot begin to express how excited I am to reunite with my CMBJJ brothers,” Said Bang. “I have only spoken with my own family on Christmas and Mother’s Day, and to have the opportunity to rejoin the ‘Bang Clanin battle on June 18th is a fitting reunion. Since childhood our father has always told us, ‘The first rule of brothers is to stick together.’ Oxir oqibatda, it will be me alone in the cage to battle my opponent but it is family, both immediate and extended, that gets me there and beyond.


Lankaster, New Hampshire’s Mike Bezanson debuted in the NEF MMA cage one year ago atNEF 18.Early in the fight, it became evident that his opponent that evening, Jeff Dustin (0-1), was outmatched against the Team Kaze product. Although Dustin hung in there for almost two full rounds before the referee stopped the fight, Bezanson put on a striking clinic that left his opponent bloodied. Bezanson took his time and looked like a cat toying with its prey. Some in attendance saw his performance as showboating, while others were impressed by his pinpoint striking. Like it or not, no one could deny that Bezanson provided the entertainment that night.


I received a lot of mixed reviews from my debut fight at NEF,” recalled Bezanson. “Staying true to myself, Men kim emasman – in and out of the cage. I love to entertain, keep people on their toes. Some might say my style of fighting is cocky and unorthodox, but it’s who I am, what I doand I’m comfortable fighting that way. It is in no way meant to belittle or disrespect my opponent, it’s merely a technique. I have a great deal of respect for all fighters, trainers and fans. One of the reasons I train to fight is the self discipline. I push myself to be the best I can be and I love to compete! Win yoki yo'qotish, I take away whatever I can from the experience to better myself and grow. You know what they say, ‘There’s no losing, you either win or learn.I’m excited to get in the cage in June, and put all my hard work to the test! It’s going to be an entertaining show!”


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Meyn bo'yicha Iyun 18, 2016 bilan “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 va endi sotuvga bor yoki Tigzirt box vakolatxonasi chaqirib207.783.2009 x 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."


New England Mushtlashish haqida


New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.






LONDON (May 17, 2016) - Og'ir vazn toifasidagi o'yin "Godberning qo'li" ni belgilang (11-2) va Jeyms Mulheron (8-1) juda kutilgan "Bellator" ning televideniyedagi qismini boshlaydi: London” kartasi aksiya Londondagi O2 Arenaga kelganida Iyul 16. Ikki katta odamning to'qnashuv kursi britaniyalik muxlislarni ikkiga bo'lib yuboradi, chunki uch raundlik attraksion Shimoliy Buyuk Britaniya janubi bilan to'qnash keladi., ikkala erkaklar katta KO izlayotgan bilan.


Yangi e'lon qilingan parcha yulduzlar bilan to'ldirilgan tadbirga qo'shiladi Kimbo Slice (6-2) olib James Thompson (20-16) va Josh Koscheck (17-10) qarshi Pavlus «Semtex" Daley (38-13-2). Qo'shimcha matchups o'rtasida engil og'ir vaznli juftlik o'z ichiga oladi Linton "To'da" Vassel (16-5) va Frensis "Cheksiz" Karmont (24-11) va Britaniya yarim o'rta vazn ta'kidlash g'altakning Maykl "Venom" Page (9-0) ga qarshi Fernando Gonsales (25-13).


Bir nechta dastlabki o'yinlar aniqlandi, shu jumladan sobiq Big Brother g'olibi Aleks Reid (10-9-1-1), kim raqibga qarshi jang o'tkazishi rejalashtirilgan, keyinroq e'lon qilinadi.


Bu o'tgan texnik nokaut g'alabadan keyin Shanba, Godber bu jangga uchta jangda g'alaba qozongan holda keladi. Ma'lumki, hayajonli og'ir vazn toifasida hamma narsani qoldiradi, bunga dalolat beradiki, u hech qachon jangni hakamlar jadvaliga qo'ymagan. Godbeer uchun bu Bellator aksiyasi bilan ikkinchi imkoniyat. “Shaxsan menimcha, Bellator bugungi kundagi yetakchi tashkilotlardan biri; ular uchun yana bir bor kurashish katta sharafdir. Oxirgi marta men orqa tomondan jang qildim 18 katta jarohat tufayli oy ishdan bo'shatish va men o'zim emasligini his qilaman, shuning uchun ularga haqiqiy o'zimni ko'rsatish uchun yana bir imkoniyatga ega bo'lganimdan xursandman."


Godbeer ham, Mulheron ham ajoyib kardio va atletizmga ega og'ir vazn toifalari va umumiy kurash strategiyasiga ega.: boshqa yigitni quvib chiqaring. Mulheron M4TC reklamasi bilan mintaqaviy unvonni qo'lga kiritdi, va birinchi marta Bellatorda ishtirok etadi. “Men aslida o'yin rejasi bilan janjalga tushmayman,- dedi Mulheron. “Men ochiq fikr bilan kiraman. Menimcha, har bir jangchi janglarga moslasha olishi kerak, lekin meni kuzatib turgan har bir kishi mening jangga kelganimni biladi va bu jang bundan farq qilmaydi”.


Buyuk Britaniyada, tadbir SPIKE UK va Channel kanallarida bepul translyatsiya qilinadi 5, Amerikada esa karta SPIKE da BEPUL efirga uzatiladi. uchun aniq translyatsiya tafsilotlari "Bellator 158: London” yaqin kunlarda ma'lum bo'ladi. Tadbir uchun chiptalar hozirda sotilmoqda va atigi £40,00 dan boshlanadi. Ular manzilda mavjud yoki O2 kassasi.


Yangilangan "Bellator 158: London” jangovar kartasi

Bellator MMA og'ir Asosiy Tantanalarni: Kimbo Slice (6-2) va boshqalar. James Thompson (20-16)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Co-Main Event: Josh Koscheck (17-10) va boshqalar. Paul Daley (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA yarim o'rta vazn toifasidagi jang: Maykl Page (9-0) va boshqalar. Fernando Gonsales (25-13)

Bellator MMA engil og'ir vazn toifasidagi jang: Linton Vassell (16-5) va boshqalar. Francis Carmont (24-11)

Bellator MMA og'ir vazn toifasidagi jang: Mark Godbeer (11-2) va boshqalar. Jeyms Mulheron (8-1)

Dastlabki Card:


Bellator MMA Prelim o'rta vazn toifasidagi jang: Maykl Shipman (8-1) va boshqalar. Kris Vidmer (5-1)

Bellator MMA Prelim Flyweight jangi: Pietro Menga (12-0) va boshqalar. Spenser Xyuitt (12-10)

Bellator MMA Prelim og'ir vazn toifasidagi jang: Luiz Tosta (9-2) va boshqalar. Din Garnett (7-0)

Bellator MMA Prelim o'rta vazn toifasidagi jang: Jeyson Radkliff (8-2) va boshqalar. Jek Meyson (29-15)

Bellator MMA Prelim engil vazn toifasidagi jang: Chase Morton (6-2) va boshqalar. Nataniel Vud (8-3)

Bellator MMA Prelim o'rta vazn toifasidagi jang: Aleks Reid (11-9-1) va boshqalar. TBD

Bellator MMA Prelim o'rta vazn toifasidagi jang: Omoyele to'pi (8-4) va boshqalar. Li Chadvik (21-12-1)

Bellator MMA Prelim o'rta vazn toifasidagi jang: C.J. Yumshoqlar (4-1) va boshqalar. Denni Mitchell (17-7-1)


.First two veteran recruits to face off at WSOF35, NBCSN yashash
bo'yicha Shanba, Nov. 12

Las Vegas, (May 17, 2016) - Kurash Jahon Series ( announced today that it is launching a groundbreaking program designed to support and further the athletic careers of military veterans who actively compete, or are seeking to compete, in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).

"WSOF: Who’s The Toughest?” will include a dedicated recruitment program that will see World Series of Fighting President and six-time world champion Ota Chiefs and his staff visit MMA gyms, beginning with a location in San Diego, Calif. next month, in order to evaluate the pool of competitors with veteran status.

The first two recruits from the program will square off with each other live on NBCSN at WSOF35, which will take place at a location to be announced, bo'yichaShanba, Nov. 12, one day after Veterans Day.

“We are looking forward to embarking on this venture that will allow us to give back to our armed forces that serve our country and protect our freedom,"Said Chiefs.

“As one of the major leagues in the sport of MMA with a national television platform in NBC and NBCSN, we have the ability to offer a potentially life-changing opportunity to fighters who are ready to make the jump, and we intend to leverage our position in the industry to benefit any veterans that show promise,"Jang bosh direktori World Series dedi Karlos Silva.

Yanvar oyida, World Series of Fighting placed its first military veteranCaros "kelajak" Fodor – in action. Fodor, who joined the U.S. Marine Corps just six days after his high school graduation, was sent to Kuwait for the Iraq invasion after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and eventually earned the rank of sergeant before completing his military stint in 2007.

Fodor will be back in action on Shanba, Iyul 30, when he faces his adopted brother Feniks Jones, aka Ben Fodor, at WSOF32, live on NBCSN from XFINITY Arena in Everett, Yuvish., da boshlanadigan 10:30 p.m. VA/7:30 p.m. PT.

Kurash jahon uz haqimizda (WSOF)
“Kurash Jahon Series” (WSOF) butun dunyo bo'ylab bir bosh professional Mixed Martial Arts emas (MMA) dunyo bo'ylab elita jangchilar orasida eng yaxshi o'yin-ups ishlab chiqarish bilan jang muxlislari uchun eng yaxshi harakat-qadoqlangan janglarini yetkazib bag'ishlangan reklama jang. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun tashrif buyuring va rioya “Kurash Jahon Series” Twitter MMAWorldSeries. WSOF va kurash bo'yicha jahon Series MMAWC ro'yxatga olingan savdo belgilaridir, MChJ.


Lewiston, Meyn (May 17, 2016) – Just days removed from hosting a “Yilning Fight” candidate in Hyannis, Massachusetts between Kylie O’Hearn (1-0) va Angela Young (1-2), New England sur (NEF) announced that the fight promotion’s cage would host another women’s amateur bout in Lewiston on June 18, 2016. At “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND,” NEF veteran Alex Walker (0-1) returns to the cage to meet newcomer Nicole Burgess (0-0) in an amateur strawweight bout.


Walker arrived in NEF in the spring of 2015 to face Randi Beth Boyington (1-3) in what was the cage debut for both women. Just like O’Hearn and Young did this past weekend in Hyannis, Walker and Boyington stole the show at “NEF 17.” They battled tooth-and-nail for three rounds before Boyington took a unanimous decision on the judges’ qorni.


Walker is expected to give another “Night of Fight” performance atNEF 24after an injury forced her out of competition for the past year. Those who know her, including her coach and teammates at Team Kaze in Lancaster, Nyu-Xempshir, say that Walker lives to fight. Being unable to climb into the cage for so long has made Walker more determined than ever.


I can’t wait to fight in Maine again,” exclaimed Walker when reached for comment. “I had an injury last year, a month after my fight with Randi Beth. I am recovered and ready to go. It killed me to be on the sidelines. I feel like I earned some respect and some fans in Maine and I don’t want to lose that. I am sure this girl will be ready, but she won’t be ready for me! Between life’s hardships, surgery, zararlar, and whatever else, I will not quit until I am successful! It would mean a lot to me to get my first W in front of the Maine fans on June 18th!”


Standing opposite Walker on Iyun 18 will be Nicole Burgess. If the name sounds familiar to NEF fans, it should. She is the sister of NEF MMA fighter Ryan Burgess (2-0). Ryan is the reigning NEF MMA Amateur Flyweight Champion. The undefeated streak of the Burgess family in the NEF cage will be on her shoulders atNEF 24.


Burgess, Meksikada bir ona, Meyn, wrestled and played field hockey for Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine prior to attending Plymouth State University in Plymouth, Nyu-Xempshir. While at Mountain Valley, she placed three times at states in wrestling. She currently trains with Berserkers MMA.


I’m excited about this opportunity to finally get in the cage,” Said Burgess. “After seeing my brother win the title at 125, it really amped me up to take this on since I’ve been wrestling with him for years. This will be an opportunity to show people what I’m made of. I’m ready for a fight.


Women’s fights have stolen the show at three different NEF events in the past year,” stated NEF matchmaker and co-owner Matt Peterson. “This one will be no different. Women’s fights in MMA are not a novelty. From the regional level right up to the UFC, female athletes are excelling to heights unseen in other sports. The sky is the limit for Nicole and Alex. I can’t wait for this one!”


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Meyn bo'yicha Iyun 18, 2016 bilan “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 va endi sotuvga bor yoki Tigzirt box vakolatxonasi chaqirib207.783.2009 x 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."


New England Mushtlashish haqida


New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


Santa Monika, Calif. (May 16, 2016) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the contract extension of undefeated bantamweight superstar Darrion "Wolf" Caldwell (9-0) eksklyuziv ko'p yil uchun, multi-jang shartnoma.


“Darrion is a fighter who I really think has that x-factor,” said President Scott Coker. “After his last fight, I looked at our matchmaker and I just said, ‘Wow, this is kid is exploding with talent.’ I’m very happy we were able to get this deal done and I look forward to seeing this star rise for years to come.”


Growing up in New Jersey, Caldwell was a talented, multi-sport athlete who shined the brightest on the wrestling mats. After becoming a three-time high school state champion in New Jersey, “The Wolf” naturally joined “The Wolfpack,” earning a spot on the North Carolina State University wrestling squad. With the Wolfpack, he continued dominate his opponents, winning the NCAA national wrestling championship in 2009.


Making his professional MMA debut in 2012, the 28-year-old has looked seemingly unstoppable at times throughout his first nine fights. Uning oxirgi qol, the six-fight Bellator MMA veteran Caldwell convincingly defeated former two-division Bellator champion, and Greco-Roman world champion wrestler Joe Warren. You can watch the video by clicking on the photo’s below.


“Bellator has been nothing but good to me,” Caldwell shared with the MMA Hour this morning. “They saw my talent early on in my career and they came after me… I’m here to let everyone know I’m going to continue my talents at Bellator MMA… With Bellator Jumping on board, it’s time to get married. I’m in it for the long run.”


Caldwell is nothing if not confident in himself, continuing with host Ariel Helwani: “I’ve always been a star, but it’s just been about getting on that platform and Bellator is giving me that opportunity… I don’t think any 135-pounder can see me, ya feel me? Whether its UFC, Bellator, anywhere in the world there isn’t a 135-pounder that can beat me.”



Lewiston, Meyn (May 16, 2016) - New England sur (NEF) returns to Lewiston, Maine on June 18, 2016 with the fight promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and professional boxing extravaganza, “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.NEF executives have announced the signing of a professional featherweight MMA bout to the card featuring Matt “Ken Doll” Denning (3-2) va Brandon Bushaw (1-2).


Denning is coming off a huge submission victory over Derek Shorey (3-7) this past weekend atNEF 23” in Hyannis, Massachusetts. The first time the pair met in 2014, it took Denning a merdeb 2:28 to submit Shorey. Denning topped that performance in the rematch by finishing Shorey in just 37-seconds. The win was a rebound for Denning after back-to-back losses in the NEF MMA cage. Just last month in Lewiston, he was stopped in the first round by Josh Harvey (1-0). Hozir, he will look to make it two wins in a row when he takes on Bushaw on June18.
I’d like to thank New England fights for giving me another opportunity to show my skills and how hard I have been working,” Denning dedi. “This is my third fight in eight weeks. After fighting someone as tough as Josh Harvey, I’m prepared to battle with anyone. I’m going to keep the fight in my hands and dominate on the feet, kurash, or if it hits the ground. Bushaw is an experienced fighter and is going to bring it fast. I’m looking forward to it and extremely confident with staying in the win column.


Brandon Bushaw won state championships in wrestling for Westbrook High School in 1998 va 1999 bir birlashgan rekord bilan 73-3 for those two seasons. He went on to wrestle at Michigan State with former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Light Heavyweight Title Holder Rashad Evans (24-5-1) as a teammate.


Recent years have seen Bushaw relocate from Maine to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina where he trains at Fitness Edge MMA. He has made the trip back home to the Pine Tree State to compete for NEF on four separate occasions. Bushaw’s last appearance on an NEF card was in the fall of 2014 against Elias Leland (2-1). It was Bushaw’s only loss to date in his home state of Maine. The upcoming fight with Denning will see Bushaw move up in weight from the 135-pound bantamweight division to the 145-pound featherweight division.


I am beyond excited to return to my home state of Maine and fight under the NEF banner for the fifth time,” exclaimed Bushaw. “I am making the move up to 145, where I intend to stay for the rest of my career. That is, albatta, if my sole loss in Maine will accept a rematchI would gladly make the cut to fight Eli Leland again at 135! I am making this trip with ‘The Fearless One,’ ‘The Titanium Warrior,’ Amos Collins! I look up to Amos as a mentor, a friend, and one ballsy motherf$%ker! I can’t wait to put my fist on ‘Ken Doll’s’ yuz, and blow him a kiss when he wakes up!”


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Maine on June 18, 2016 bilan “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 va endi sotuvga bor yoki Tigzirt box vakolatxonasi chaqirib207.783.2009 x 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."


New England Mushtlashish haqida


New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.



Hyannis, Massachusetts (May 15, 2016) - New England sur (NEF), Amerikaning soni-bir mintaqaviy kurash yordam, held its most recent event, “NEF 23: CAGE THE CAPE” on Saturday night at the Hyannis Youth & Community Center (HYCC) in Hyannis, Massachusetts. The HYCC was at capacity for the first sanctioned mixed-martial-arts (MMA) show ever held on Cape Cod. The venue opened the upstairs walking track to give standing-room-only fans more elbow room. The crowd was electric all night for the eight-fight card presented by NEF.


Team Juniko, based out of Hyannis and Hanover, Massachusetts, was a perfect 5-0 on the night. Fabian Miranda (3-0), Thomas Lee Davis, Jr. (2-0), Ed Forlenza (1-0), va Kylie O’Hearn (1-0) all picked up wins for the team on the amateur portion of the card.


It was O’Hearn’s bout with Angela Young (1-2) Bangor yosh qizlar MMA, Maine that will be remembered for years to come by all in attendance. The two women battled back and forth for three grueling rounds before O’Hearn was declared the winner by unanimous decision on the judges’ qorni. The fight will be a serious contender for “Yilning Fight” in the northeast by the time 2016 comes to an end.


Team Juniko member Brendan Battles (1-0) was victorious in the main event of the evening via technical knockout over Mike Hansen (4-4). The bout was the pro debut for the native of Eastham, Massachusetts and standout wrestler from Nauset Regional High School. Battles rebounded from an early flurry by Hansen to get the referee stoppage at 1:46 birinchi bosqichi.


to'liq natijalari “NEF 23”:



Brendan Battles def. Mike Hansen via TKO, dumaloq 1
Matt Denning daf. Derek Shorey via heel hook, dumaloq 1

Crowsneck Butning daf. Ruben Redman via TKO, dumaloq 1


Kylie O’Hearn def. Ovozdan qaror orqali Angela Young

Ed Forlenza def. Frank Johanson via doctor stoppage, dumaloq 3
Viktor Irwin daf. Tracey Schryba via KO, dumaloq 1

Thomas Lee Davis, Jr. Daf. Anthony Spires via KO, dumaloq 1
Fabian Miranda def. Steve Bang via armbar, dumaloq 2


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Maine on June 18, 2016 bilan “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 va endi sotuvga bor yoki Tigzirt box vakolatxonasi chaqirib207.783.2009 x 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, da yordam veb-saytiga tashrif buyuring Bunga qo'chimcha, Siz NEF video tomosha qilishingiz mumkin, Twitternefights ularni ta'qib va ​​rasmiy Facebook guruhga ishtirok "New England asqotadi."


New England Mushtlashish haqida


New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEF vazifasi o'xshash Meyn janggarilari va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli voqealarni yaratish uchun. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.



Full Event Photos Here

San-Xose, Calif. (May 14, 2016) — In the main event of Bellator MMA’s return home to San Jose, Phil Davis va King Mo showcased why their widely regarded as two of the top light heavyweights on the planet. Oxirida, it was Davis who emerged victorious, taking home a unanimous decision with scores of 29-28, 30-27, 30-27.

The first ten minutes of action were razor thin, with both men using their strengths to gain the upper hand. For Lawal, the American Top Team standout relied heavily upon his power punching, throwing overhand rights with frequency. Davis used his lower limbs, keeping Mo at distance with leg kicks and short jabs. The tides really began to shift in the final frame though, as Davis clipped his opponent with a shot that he parlayed into a single-leg takedown, nearly finishing the bout with a kimura.

After his hand was raised, Davis was joined inside the cage by current Bellator 205-pound kingpin Liam McGeary who will likely face Davis in “Janob. Wonderful’snext action. The two traded words and passed the eye test when it comes to a future Bellator MMA main event matchup.

Welterweight Bloodbath Ends in TKO Victory for Saad Awad

In the co-main event of “Bellator 154: Davis va boshqalar. King Mo,” Siz Avad (19-7) provided one of the most entertaining performances of the night with a first round TKO win over “Cyborg” Santos (21-17). The knockout came just 4:31 into the bout, when Awad unleashed a flurry of hammer fists that left forced referee Jason Herzog to call a stop to the action. “Assassin” fought off a brutal toe hold earlier in the round and countered with relentless blows to the sides of Santos’ head, eventually opening a large cut that spilled blood onto the canvas. With victories in four of his last five bouts and now a victory at 170-pounds to boot, the options for Awad’s future with the promotion remain endless.

San Diego-Labiano Give it All in Swing Bout on SPIKE

With two quick stoppages to start the card, Bellator aired a swing bout between Josh San Diego (7-1) va Yeremiyo Monaghan (9-5). A native of San Jose, “JSDtook full advantage of his opportunity on the big stage, and capped off the fight with a rapid flurry of attacks to end the final frame, earning himself a unanimous decision (29-28) victory over Labiano in front of a loud, hometown crowd. The win isJSD’ssecond with the promotion, both of which ended via unanimous decision.

Piccolotti Continues to Submit Opponents, Finishes Wood on Short Notice

In a highly emotional bout, Adam Piccolot (8-0) thoroughly dominated Ray Wood (7-2) over the course of their lightweight bout, sealing the deal after 3:17 with a standing rear-naked choke submission. The win was AdamBomb’ssecond first-round finish and the quickest of his budding career. G'alaba bilan, the Half Moon Bay, Calif. native remains undefeated and has solidified himself as one of the company’s brightest young prospects. Piccolotti was originally slated to fight Jordan Parsons before his death, qaysi Bellator instated a memorial scholarship fund in his honor earlier on in the day.

Fialho Remains Unbeaten With Monstrous Hammer Fist Knockout

In the opening bout of the main card on SPIKE, Andre Fialho (7-0) tayyor Rick Reger (7-2) with a vicious hammer fist knockout 2:11 into the first frame. Fialho was the aggressor from the get-go, setting the tone early and often with heavy fists and quick combinations. The 22-year-old Portuguese star continues to climb the ranks in a stacked Bellator welterweight division, as he remains undefeated with six consecutive knockouts and back-to-back first round finishes since joining the Bellator fray. At the conclusion of the fight, Fialho took a moment to acknowledge the significance of his win, dedicating the victory to his friend who had recently passed away.

Dastlabki natijalari:

James Chapman (1-0) mag'lub Sean Tucker (0-1) oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali (zımbalar) at 4:41 turda ikki

Entoni Teylor (1-1) mag'lub Viktor Jones (0-2) via KO at 0:27 dumaloq biri

Danasabe Mohammed (4-0) mag'lub Martin Sano (4-2) Ko orqali (zımbalar) at 1:18 dumaloq biri

Josh Paiva (8-1) mag'lub Steven Gruber (5-2) taqdim orqali (orqa-yalang'och bo'g'ish) at 2:14 turda ikki

Sam Spengler (9-5) mag'lub Doyle Childs (2-2) ovozdan qaror orqali (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Joshua Hardwick (1-0) mag'lub Jorge Acosta (1-2) taqdim orqali (Gyote bo'g'ish) at 1:21 dumaloq biri

Jamielene Nievara (4-1) mag'lub Stephanie Frausto (5-6) via TKO at 2:43 turda uch

Mark Dickman (11-2) mag'lub Thomas Diagne (5-6-1) oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali (zımbalar) at 3:05 turda uch



Santa Monika, CALIF. (May 14, 2016) – The Bellator MMA Lightweight Championship will be up for grabs “Iron” Maykl Chandler (14-3) uchrashmoq Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (16-7) ning asosiy voqeasida "Bellator: Dinamit 2" inside the Scottrade Center in St. Louis on June 24.


The title fight joins a main event that features a 215-pound heavyweight matchup between“Rampage” Jackson (36-11) va Satoshi Ishii (14-5-1), as well as a heavyweight showdown pitting Matt Mitrione (9-5) qarshi Carl “Badwater” Seumanutafa (10-6). Much like the first iteration of Scott Coker’s “Dinamit” series, both a mixed martial arts cage and kickboxing ring will be featured on the arena floor.


The contests make up part of the televised portion of “Bellator: Dynamite 2,” da mix yashash fiyaka qaysi 9 p.m. VA/8 p.m. CT, Dastlabki xuruji jonli xar esa va Bellator mobil ilovasi. Qo'shimcha tanlovlar tez e'lon qilinadi.


Chiptalar "Bellator: Dynamite 2” faqat boshlanadi $30 and are on sale now at and the Ford Box Office at Scottrade Center. Ochiq voqea uchun Doors 5 p.m. CT mahalliy vaqt, and the first bout is scheduled to take place one hour after.


Chandler will look to replicate the success that he had during his first meeting with Freire at“Bellator 44” ichida 2011, when he went toe-to-toe with “Pitbull” before walking away with the unanimous decision victory. A 14-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, the 30-year-old lightweight has put together an impressive resume within the promotion, posting an 11-3 record and earning key wins over the likes of: Eddi Alvarez, Dave Rickels (2x), Derek Fields, va Marc o'tkazildi. The Missouri native will be making his 2016 debut with the hopes of adding to his current two-fight winning streak.

“Pitbull” has quickly strung together an impressive start to his 2016 kampaniya, with back-to-back wins over Ryan Couture va Kevin Souza. “Pitbull” most recently headlined the mixed martial arts portion of Bellator MMA’s inaugural event overseas, "Bellator 152: Pitbull vs. Souza” in Torino, Italiya, defeating Souza via unanimous decision. The elder “Pitbull” brother will be making his 16th appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, a promotion that he has been loyal to since 2011. The Brazilian slugger eyes a third straight victory when he enters the cage with the hometown boy at Scottrade Center in St. Louis on Iyun 24.

Yangilangan "Bellator: Dynamite 2” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Main Event: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (36-11) va boshqalar. Satoshi Ishii (14-5-1)

Bellator MMA Lightweight World Title Bout: Maykl Chandler (14-3) va boshqalar. Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (16-7)

Bellator MMA Og'ir vazn toifasidagi jang: Matt Mitrione (9-5) va boshqalar. Carl Seumanutafa (10-6)


Dastlabki Card:

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kevin Engel (5-0) va boshqalar. Chel Erwin-Davis (3-1)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Jordan Howard (9-3) vs Justin Robbins (14-17-1)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joaquin Buckley (5-0) vs Chris Heatherly (9-3-1)

Bellator MMA 130-pound Preliminary Bout: Michelle Royer (1-0) vs Katy Collins (3-1)

Bellator MMA 180-pound Preliminary Bout: Brad Jones (5-4) vs Tyler Claussen (2-0)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Jason Christeson (1-0) vs Jarrod Thomas (0-0)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Lee Burns (2-0) va boshqalar. Byron Stevens (0-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Steven Mann (11-4) va boshqalar. Mike Estus (7-4)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Rashard Lovelace (3-0) va boshqalar. Garret Mueller (2-1)

Bellator MMA Strawweight Preliminary Bout: Nikki Smith (1-0) va boshqalar. Ashley Cummins (3-3)

Bellator Kickboxing Preliminary Bout: Elmir Kulosman (3-0) va boshqalar. Darryl Cobb (2-1)

Bellator Kickboxing Preliminary Bout: Tara Walker (4-3-1) va boshqalar. Mimi Kutzin (3-2)



May kuni 4, the world lost an incredibly talented mixed martial artist and an even better human being with the passing of Jordan Parsons. Bugun, Bellator MMA has committed to ensuring that his legacy lives on in the form of a yearly scholarship toPretty Boy’sfavorite wrestling camp. With the newly-announced Jordan Parsons Scholarship Fund, Bellator will annually send a young wrestler toThe J Robinson Intensive Wrestling Campwhere Parsons honed his skills.

“Jordan Parsons was an integral part of the Bellator family and his devastating loss is one that we are all continuing to mourn,"Bellator Prezident Scott cho'kadi dedi. “In collaborating with Jordan’s family, we are very proud to announce this scholarship program in his name. We are hopeful that the future recipients of this scholarship will be afforded a wrestling education and honor Parson’s name by embodying the passion and intensity that he had for this sport and life in general.”

Yilda 2007, a 16-year-old Jordan Parsons spent two weeks at the J Robinson Intensive Wrestling Camp, which offers several locations across the country taught by University of Minnesota Head Coach J Robinson.

“We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jordan Parsons,” said Robinson. “We are humbled and honored that the Parsons family and Bellator have committed to send a deserving wrestler to one of our Camps. We will work as hard as we can at helping that wrestler reach their goals and create a positive change in their life, while honoring Jordan’s memory.”

“I couldn’t be more grateful for all of the support that Scott Coker and Bellator are providing with this scholarship fund,” said Parson’s mother Anna Morsaw. “This camp really helped Jordan develop into a better wrestler, and more importantly a better young man. He came home with J Robinsons ‘Never Quit, Never Give up’ mentality engrained in him. he learned to set goals, reach his goals and then set new goals. Bellator is doing their part to make Jordan a legend, and that’s what he always wanted.”

Details on how to apply for the scholarship will be announced in the near future.